• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 5,511 Views, 147 Comments

Son of Sombra - BubblePuff

Princess Cadences and Shining Armor adopt a foal who turns out to be the lost son of King Sombra

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Part 8

Shining and Cadence sat in the royal parlor room while North Star played with his toys on the floor. A few weeks had passed since the Nightmare Night incident, and things had remained quite. But something still bothered Cadence and Shining.

“I received a letter from Twily today.” Shining said.

Cadence looked up from the book that she was reading. “Oh? What about?”

“She would like us to bring North Star to Ponyville, to run some test.”

A worried look came over Cadence. “Shining, we’ve talked about this.”

“It’s just a precaution. There have been two encounters with Sombra already, and you heard what he said about North Star.”

“Our son is not a threat.” Cadence replied with a defensive tone in her voice. “Besides, I don’t like the idea of him being poked and prodded. He’s still just a foal.”

Shining moved closer to Cadence. “I’m not saying he is. I love him with all my heart. All I want to do is prove once and for all that North Star is not dangerous, and Twily tests are the best way to prove that.”

“But what about what Sombra said?”

“Sombra is just playing mind games.” Shining put his foreleg around Cadence. “North Star is good boy. And none of Sombra’s sick games are going to change my mind.”

North Star crawled over to his parents, a foul odor coming from his diaper. “Momma, I made poopy.”

Cadence simply snickered. “We will never change our minds. But you can change his diaper.”

Shining smiled and picked up North Star. “Come on bud, let’s get you cleaned up.”

Later that day, Cadence took North Star to the foal gym. She met up with Daisy and the two talked while North Star and Summer played together.

“So Cadence, what’s new with you?” Daisy asked.

“Well, Shining wants to take North Star to Ponyville to visit Twilight. She wants to run some test to see if what Sombra said was true, but I don’t want my son to be experimented on.”

“Do you think what Sombra said is true?”

Cadence shook her head. “Of course I don’t. But the rest of the Crystal Empire, and the other princesses, won’t be convinced until Twilight performs her tests.”

Daisy put her her hoof to her chin and thought for a moment. She then had a wonderful idea. “Why don’t Summer and I come with you to Ponyville? We can be there to support you and Shining,and North Star will have friend so he won’t be alone.”

Cadence lit up with joy. “Daisy, that’s a brilliant idea!”

“Thanks. Now if I could only find a way to get time off from work.”

Cadence put her hoof on Daisy’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’ll tell your boss that you are needed for official royal business.”

“You can do that?”

“Well, being a princess does have it’s perks.” Cadence said with a wink.

North Star and Summer had never been on a train before. The two foals looked out the window as the world whizzed by them. Summer was so excited that she happily flapped her wings.

Shining, Cadence, and Daisy looked at the two with smiles. “Ah, to be young again. The whole world full of adventure and wonder.” Daisy said.

Shining turned to Daisy. “So Daisy, have you ever been to Ponyville before?”

Daisy shook her head. “No. In fact, this is my first time leaving the Crystal Empire ever.”

“You’ll love Ponyville.” Cadence said. “The Ponies are very friendly, there are lots of great shops, and the town is very peaceful.”

“Aside from the occasional monster attack.” Shining muttered.

The train arrived at Ponyville station. The group got out, and were greeted by Twilight and Spike.

Twilight hugged her brother. “Shining, I’m glad you came.” She then looked down at North Star. “And how is my little nephew?”

North Star looked over at Spike. His face lit up with a smile. “Hewro!”

Spike could not help but beam with pride. “Well, it looks like I have another fan.”

“Oh yes, we’ve told North Star all about how you saved the Crystal Empire and the Equestria Games.” Cadence said.

“Aw shucks, I was just doing my job.” Spike waved it off like it was nothing. He then felt a tugging on his tail, and looked down to see North Star sucking on it.

Shining giggled. “He does that all the time. It just means he likes you.”

“So are we going to be staying in a hotel?” Daisy asked.

“Don’t be silly. You’ll all be staying in my castle. Trust me, it’s more than enough room.” Twilight led the way as everypony grabbed their bags.

Upon arriving at the castle, Daisy looked around in amazement. “Wow, this whole castle is yours?”

“Yep. It’s just me and Spike. He’ll show you to your rooms while I take North Star to my lab for the test.”

Cadence walked up to Twilight. “Actually Twilight, I would like to be there while you perform these tests. I am North Star’s mother, and if I see something that I don’t approve of then this whole thing is over.”

“I agree Twily.” Shining said. “I want to be there too.”

Twilight nodded. “Of course. I understand.” Twilight looked towards Spike. “Spike, how about you take Daisy and Summer down to Sugarcube Corner to get something to eat?”

“I’m on it!” Spike led Daisy out as she pushed Summer in her stroller. Twilight then escorted Shining and Cadence to her lab. North Star was placed in a high chair, and a monitoring device covered with wires and lights was put on his head.

“This device will do a deep scan of North Star.” Twilight said. “It will be able to detect anything that I and and the other princesses could not find with our magic alone.”

“Is it safe?” Cadence asked, a worried look on her face.

“Of course it is. I would never do anything that would bring harm to my own nephew.” Twilight activated the device. North Star looked on with wonder at all the bright, flashing lights.

After a few minutes, a long sheet of paper came of a printer. Twilight picked it up and looked at it.

“Well, what does it say?” Shining asked.

“Interesting. Apparently North Star’s cells have the ability to absorb and store magic.”

“You mean like a sponge?” asked Cadence.

“Exactly. But the cells are not fully developed. They probably won’t be able to absorb magic until North Star hits puberty.”

“What does this have to do with Sombra?” Shining inquired.

“I’m not sure. For now, we can only wait and see.”

Spike returned with Daisy and Summer. “I hope you’re all hungry, because we brought cupcakes!” Daisy announced.

North Star smiled and reached out for a cupcake. “Cupicake!”

Cadence gave North Star a red velvet cupcake. “Here you go, for being such a good little colt for aunt Twilight.” North Star gobbled down the cupcake, getting frosting all over his face.

Summer was the same way, getting chocolate frosting all over herself. Daisy could not help but snicker. “You two are just a couple of sloppy little piggies!”

Cadence picked up North Star. “And piggies need a bath. Twilight, where is your bathroom?”

“Down the hall and to the left. Follow me.”

Shining and Cadence washed North Star in the bathtub alongside Daisy who washed Summer. While Summer was playing with the bubbles, North Star gave her a curious look.

“Where peepee?” North Star asked as he pointed at Summer.

Shining, Cadence, and Daisy sat there in silence. Shining began to rub the back of his head while Cadence and Daisy both tried to speak.

Shining spoke first. “Well, you see bud, Summer is a filly. Fillies do not have peepees, only colts.”

“That’s right.” Daisy said. “Colts have peepees, and fillies have, uh.” Daisy could not think of a proper word.

Cadence spoke up. “A triangle! Fillies have a triangle!”

“Why?” North Star asked.

Shining rubbed North Star’s head. “You are way too young to learn about that.”

Shining, Cadence, and Daisy dried off North Star and Summer. Twilight read them a bedtime story before they fell asleep in the same crib.

Daisy and Cadence watched the two foals as they slept. “They are so cute together.” She said with a smile.

“Yes, they’ve really grown attached to one another.” Cadence replied. “It’s like Summer can only see the good in North Star. I just wish the rest of the Crystal Empire felt the same.”

Daisy turned to face Cadence. “Just give them time. They’ll eventually come around.”

The next day, Cadence and Daisy took North Star and Summer for a day out around Ponyville while Shining and Twilight did some catching up.

Shining walked in on Twilight as she was working in her lab. “Twily, can we talk for a moment?”

Twilight looked up from her paperwork. “Sure, what is it?”

“Twily, I understand that you want to run these test to find out more about North Star. But I don’t want you to jump to any conclusions.”

Twilight approached her brother. “I’m only running these test because princess Celestia has ordered me to. I love North Star. I’m his aunt, he’s my family. But the reemergence of king Sombra has Celestia concerned.”

Shining let out a sigh. “I just want my son to live a normal life. I don’t want him to be constantly watched because there are those who see him as an ill omen.”

Twilight placed her hoof on Shining’s shoulder. “North Star will turn out just fine. You and Cadence are doing a wonderful job as parents. I know that you will raise him right, and he’ll grow up to be a great pony.”

Shining smiled and hugged Twilight. “Thanks Twily.”

“Hey, you are my BBBF after all.” Twilight said smiling back.

Author's Note:

I wanted this chapter to focus a little more on the slice of life aspect of the story. The next couple of chapters will be a breather before returning to the drama.