• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 5,511 Views, 147 Comments

Son of Sombra - BubblePuff

Princess Cadences and Shining Armor adopt a foal who turns out to be the lost son of King Sombra

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Part 1

Author's Note:

This will be a multi-part story. It will probably be my longest yet. I know that it is not perfect, but please be kind.

Special thanks to Iron Will for helping to edit this story.




The arctic landscape outside of the Crystal Empire was engulfed in a harsh blizzard. The guards standing watch at the entrance were lucky that they were just behind the magical barrier that kept the kingdom warm and protected. It was another uneventful day, and the the two guards could not wait for their shift to be over. Guarding the entrance was the most boring assignment in the Crystal Empire.

The horn signaling the changing of the guard was blown. The guards were about to leave their post when one of them spotted something in the distance. The other guard picked up his binoculars and looked out into the blizzard. He immediately spotted a pony marching through the snow, wrapped up in a heavy cloak. The guard alerted the others. The magic gate was opened, and a rescue party was sent out to retrieve the wandering pony.

After being brought in from the blizzard, the pony instantly collapsed. The guards removed the cloak to check on the mysterious pony. It was a mare, and she was sick with pneumonia. The guards felt her forehead, and she was burning up. The guards also noticed one more thing about the mare. She was pregnant. The guards immediately rushed her to the hospital.

At the hospital, the doctors tried everything to stabilize the mare’s condition but she only got worse. The mare then went into labor. The mare remained conscious long enough to give birth, but after giving birth to the foal she died. The doctors examined the newborn foal. It was a colt, with charcoal-grey hair and a red mane and tail with black stripes. The foal was also a Unicorn. However, it was the foal’s horn that caused alarm for the doctors. They told the guards to notify Princess Cadence at once.

“Please be positive, please be positive” Princess Cadence thought to herself as she looked at the pregnancy test, waiting for the results. For months she and her husband Shining Armor had been trying to have a foal, but with no with luck thus far. Cadence was the princess of love, and she wanted to feel the greatest love of all, the love of mother for her child.

There was a knock at the door. Cadence turned her head and opened it. On the other side was her husband, Shining Armor.

“So, what did the test say? Are you pregnant?” He asked anxiously.

“The test hasn’t given an answer yet. It takes ten minutes to read, and it’s only been five”

Shining rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry. It’s just that I’m nervous, you know? I want to be a dad, but I don’t know if I’ll be good at it”

Cadence smiled and put her hoof to to Shining’s face. “How do you think I feel? But don’t worry Shining, I know you’ll be a great father”

“I hope you’re right” Shining said with a smile. He nuzzled Cadence on the nose. Another five minutes passed and Cadence checked the pregnancy test. “Is it positive?” Shining asked.

Cadence turned around, a sad look was on her face. “Negative” Tears began to roll down her cheeks. Shining walked over and wrapped his front legs around her.

“Don’t worry Cadence, we will try again” Shining said, trying to reassure his wife.

“What’s the point?” Cadence gently nudged Shining away. “We keep trying and trying, but the result is always the same. We just aren’t meant to have any foals of our own”

There was a loud knock at the door to Shining and Cadence’s bedroom. Shining answered the door and was greeted by a guard. “Your highness, something has happened at the hospital. You and Princess Cadence are required at once”

Shining looked back over at Cadence. “Now is not a good time” But Cadence just walked over to Shining, covering up her sadness.

“Royal duties come first, no matter what they are. Now what seems to be the problem?” The guard told them both about the mare that had been found in the blizzard, and how she had died during birth. However, it was the foal that had everypony concerned. “What is wrong with this foal?” Cadence asked.

The guard spoke with a slightly frightened tone. “The foal bears the horn of Sombra”

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor rode in their carriage straight to the hospital from their palace. The entrance was heavily guarded, and the corridors of the hospital had guards stationed at every entrance and exit. A doctor greeted Cadence and Shining at the entrance.

“Princess Cadence, Prince Shining, I am grateful that you arrived” Dr. Heartbeat said as he bowed before the the royal couple. “Come, follow me” Dr. Heartbeat led the two inside the hospital.

“Any identification on the mother?” Cadence asked.

“None, unfortunately” Dr. Heartbeat replied. “She didn’t even have a cutie mark. Poor thing never spoke a word” Dr. Heartbeat led Cadence and Shining Armor to a private room on the maternity ward. The two guards standing in front of the door stepped aside. Dr. Heartbeat opened the door and the three stepped inside.

In the center of the room, there was a single foal bed. Cadence and Shining Armor looked in to see the the sleeping foal, swaddled up in a blanket. Atop the young colt’s head was indeed King Sombra’s horn, albeit a bit smaller.

Dr. Heartbeat picked up the foal’s medical chart. “The child is perfectly healthy. We have found no complications whatsoever. The only problem, obviously, is his horn. Tell me Princess, is this the return of Sombra?”

Shining Armor put his hoof to his chin. “It is possible that Sombra could possibly regenerate from his dark magic infused horn. But that was not found after he was defeated. Also, this foal has differences in appearance from Sombra, though they are minor. It could all be a coincidence. Still, I think the other Princesses should be notified just in case”

Cadence continued to look down at the foal. He woke up and yawned, staring back at Cadence with bright green eyes. The foal smiled and let out a coo. Cadence smiled back and tickled the newborn foal on the nose, causing him to laugh. While Shining Armor and Dr. Heartbeat were busy talking, Cadence picked up the foal and sat in a nearby chair, cradling him in her front legs.

Shining Armor finally looked over at Cadence after speaking with Dr. Heartbeat. His eyes went wide as he saw her cradling the foal. “Cadence, what are you doing?!”

“I’m just giving him some love and attention” Cadence said with an innocent smile. “He is so adorable! And the poor thing just lost his mother”

Shining marched over to Cadence. “Honey, this foal may be Sombra in disguise! What if this is some scheme to sneak into the Crystal Empire and restart his dark reign?”

“And what if he’s just an innocent foal?” Cadence said in the little colt’s defense. “It’s not his fault that he looks the way he does. We have no right to pass judgement on him”

Shining closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. He let out a deep sigh. “You just have baby fever on the brain. You want a child of your own, so you’re latching onto this one”

Cadence gave Shining a stare that all husbands dread. The kind that means You’re sleeping on the couch tonight. “Perhaps I am, but it’s with good reason. This foal has no family, and is already being judged for how he looks. He is all alone in the world, and needs love and attention. Doctor, we’ll be taking this foal back to the palace until the other princesses show up”

Shining Armor wanted to object, but he knew that he was in a no win situation. “Ok, the foal can stay with us for now. But can we at least give him a name? Simply calling him foal just sounds weird”

Cadence looked out the window at the night sky. The Stars were shining bright above the frozen north outside of the Crystal Empire, especially one in particular. “How about North Star? It’s only fitting, seeing as he shines so bright”

Shining thought for a moment. “It is a good name” He then leaned down towards North Star. “You may won over my wife, but I’m watching you” North Star Smiled, then reached out with his little hoof to boop Shining on the nose. “I’m in trouble” Shining thought to himself.