• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 5,510 Views, 147 Comments

Son of Sombra - BubblePuff

Princess Cadences and Shining Armor adopt a foal who turns out to be the lost son of King Sombra

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Part 6

North Star was medically cleared by Dr. Heartbeat, so Shining and Cadence took him home to the castle. As their chariot pulled up to the main gate, Cadence and Shining could see two crying mares arguing with the guards. Shining got out of the chariot to see what was the matter.

“I demand to see Prince Shining this instant!” One of the mares shouted at the castle guards. The guards tried to get the two the leave, but then Shining Armor appeared before them.

“Guards, it’s ok.” Shining turned to the two mares. “How may I help you?”

One of the mares stepped forward. “We are the wives of the two guards that were reported missing. All day long we have been trying to get answers about what has happened to them, but none of the guards will tell us anything!”

Shining let out a sad sigh. “I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but your husbands went missing while out on patrol. The only thing the search party and I could find were their armor and helmets. I fear they may be dead.”

Both mares broke down, crying even harder. Cadence emerged from the chariot, holding North Star. “Shining, what’s going on?”

Upon seeing North Star, the second mare went off into a rage. “You! This is all your fault!” She screamed as she pointed a hoof at North Star. “You’re the one responsible for this, you horrible little monster! Burn in tartarus where you belong!”

North Star turned and cried into Cadence’s shoulder. “How dare you speak to my son like that!” Cadence shouted back. “He’s just a foal for Celestia’s sake!”

“A foal that bares the horn of Sombra! He will be the end of us all!” The mare tried to get closer to Cadence and North Star, but the guards held her back.

“Enough!” Shining shouted. “I am truly sorry for your loss, but my son is not to blame. Guards, please escort these two away from the castle grounds.” The Guards escorted the two mares away from the castle, and Shining comforted Cadence and North Star.

Later that evening, after North Star had been tucked away in his crib, Shining and Cadence sat and talked.

“Shining, what happened when you went searching for the missing guards?”

Shining looked down at floor. “We came across a cave surrounded by dark crystals. I and the other unicorns used our magic to destroy them. Inside the cave we found the armor of the missing guards.”

Cadence thought for a moment. “Do you think those crystals and what happened with North Star might be connected?”

Shining looked over at Cadence. “I don’t know what to think.”

Cadence put her hoof to Shining’s face. “You can’t keep blaming yourself for what happened today. Those lost guards will be found. And if Sombra is coming back, we will be ready for him.”

“And what about North Star?”

“North Star is our son. He should be judged by who is, not what he looks like. There is good in him, and no force in the world will take him away from us.”

Shining smiled at Cadence. “It’s times like these that I remember that you’re the brains of this family.”

Cadence kissed him on the cheek. “You’ve got that right.”

As the weekend arrived, Shining and Cadence decided to have their date night. The royal chariot pulled up in front of Caretaker’s house. Cadence and Shining got out and knocked on the front door.

Caretaker answered with the door with a big smile. “Hello! It’s good to see you!” She patted North Star on the head. “And how is little Northy?” North Star smiled and giggled.

“We want to thank you again for foalsitting North Star tonight.” Cadence said. She then gave Caretaker a saddle bag. “All of North Star’s diapers and formula are in here, as well as his Mr. Smartypants plushie and sparkle ball. He simply refuses to be without them.”

“North Star will have a great time tonight. I’m also looking after Summer Haze, and we know how well they get along.”

Shining gave North Star to Caretaker. “You shouldn’t expect any problems. I’ve assigned one of royal guards to monitor your house.”

Flash Sentry stepped forward and saluted. “Private Sentry, reporting for duty!”

North Star pointed at Flash and smiled. “Butt head!”

Shining stood there with a confused look on his face. “I...I have no idea where he’s learning that.”

Cadence gave him a stern glare. “Sure you don’t.”

Cadence and Shining waved bye-bye to North Star and Caregiver before re-entering the chariot. Caregiver took North Star inside. Summer Haze was already playing with some toys on the floor.

“Look who’s here Summer!” Caregiver placed North Star down next to Summer.

“Northy!” Summer said with a big smile.

“Sum-Sum!” North Star replied. The two foals then playfully hugged.

Shining and Cadence arrived at their destination for their date night. The golden truffle, the most elegant restaurant in the entire Crystal Empire. Shining and Cadence had been offered the private V.I.P. table, but opted for a regular table instead. They wanted no special treatment, and wanted to be among their fellow citizens.

Upon being seated, several ponies stared at the royal couple. Some even spoke in hushed tones. Cadence knew they were talking about North Star, but she paid them no mind.

“Ah, a nice adult night out. Seems like forever ago that we did this.” Shining said.

“Yes, this is very nice. But I can’t stop thinking about North Star.” Cadence said with a slightly worried look.

Shining reached over and held her hoof. “Honey, North Star will be fine. He is in capable hooves.” Shining could not help but smile. “You are such a mom.”

Cadence blushed when she heard the statement. “You’re right, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

The waiter came over and took their orders. Afterwards, Shining looked over at the bar and saw a familiar face. “Hey it’s Daisy! I didn’t know she worked here.”

Shining and Cadence walked over to the bar to say hello.

“Shining! Cadence! Fancy seeing you two here!” Daisy said as she noticed the royal couple. “Are you out on an adults only night?”

“Yes we are.” Cadence replied. “I didn’t know you worked here.”

“Yep, I’m a master mixologist. You name it, I can make it.”

“Alright, two Manehattens please.” Shining ordered.

“Coming right up.” With lightning quick reflexes, Daisy whipped up two Manehattens. “So, where is little North Star.”

Shining and Cadence took a sip of their drinks. “He’s actually with your daughter at Caregiver’s place.” Said Shining.

“That’s great! Those two are so cute together!” Daisy gushed.

“I know. I wonder what they’re up to now?” Cadence pondered.

Back at Caregiver’s house, Caregiver watched as North Star and Summer rolled North Star’s sparkle ball back and forth to one another. She then heard a rumbling noise coming from their tummies.

“Aw, are you two hungry?” Caregiver reached into North Star’s saddle bag and retrieved his bottle of formula. She did the same for Summer. Both foals clung tightly to their bottles as the suckled away. After they were done feeding, Caregiver burped them both. North Star and Summer then began to cry. A foul stench filled Caregiver’s nostrils, and she quickly figured the reason why the little foals were upset.

Caregiver peeked outside and spoke to Flash. “Private Sentry? Will you lend me a hoof for a minute?”

Flash was more than eager to help. “Sure! What do you need me to-” Flash stopped dead in his tracks as soon as he entered the house. “By Celestia! What is that stench?!”

“I need your help to change North Star and Summer. I can’t both of them at the same time.” Caregiver gave North Star to Flash. “Just follow me to the changing table.”

“But I don’t know how to change a diaper!” Flash protested.

Caregiver could not help but giggle. “Don’t worry, I’ll show you. Just watch me.” Caregiver led Flash over to the changing table. She had him lay North Star next to Summer.

“First, we must remove the dirty diaper.” Caregiver procceded to remove Summer’s diaper and put in in the trash.

Flash removed North Star’s diaper and almost barfed. “How can something so small make something so big and disgusting?!” Flash carefully picked up the diaper and put it in the trash.

“Next, we wipe their bottoms to make them fully clean.” Caregiver grabbed a wet wipe and cleaned Summer’s bottom.

Flash lifted North Star’s bottom and wiped it clean. North Star then farted in his face. “Gross!” Flash shouted. North Star giggled and Caregiver almost passed out laughing.

After a few minutes, Caregiver caught her breath and continued. “Finally, we powder the bottom and put on a fresh diaper.” Caregiver powdered Summer’s bottom, then put on a clean diaper.

Flash powdered North Star’s bottom. As he went to put on a clean diaper, North Star clung to his foreleg. “Very funny, now get off.” North Star instead climbed up to Flash’s head and covered his eyes. “Hey I can’t see!” Flash panicked and ran around the the room. Summer then took off flying in circles over Flash.
Back at the golden truffle, Shining and Cadence finished up their meal. They called the waiter over for the check, and gave him a big tip. Shining and Cadence also gave a big tip to Daisy.

Shining and Cadence both waited until Daisy’s shift was over so that they could pick up North Star and Summer together. After arriving at Caregiver’s house and knocking on the door, Flash answered. Cadence, Shining, and Daisy looked on in shock.

Flash was a complete mess. He was covered in baby powder, his mane was tangled with baby formula, and his armor was falling apart.

“What happened?!” Cadence asked. as North Star and Summer came crawling out to their mothers.

“Let’s just say that I have more respect for you as parents.” Flash said. He then passed out on the ground.

Caregiver stood over Flash, shaking her head. “Tsk tsk. There are just some ponies who can’t handle foals.”

Author's Note:

After the last chapter, I decided to lighten things up a little. And Flash is just too easy a target. :rainbowlaugh: