• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 5,512 Views, 147 Comments

Son of Sombra - BubblePuff

Princess Cadences and Shining Armor adopt a foal who turns out to be the lost son of King Sombra

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Part 13

Shining sat at the dining room table, calmly eating his breakfast. He felt a nudge at his leg and looked down to see Butch looking up at him.

“Can I help you?” Shining asked, his voice a bit shaky. Butch began to paw at his leg. He wanted attention. Normally he would play with North Star, but it was Saturday and he was sleeping in.

Shining tried to bribe Butch with some hay bacon. Butch just smacked it away. He only ate real meat. Feeling to afraid to run, Shining looked around and found a tennis ball that the family had just bought for Butch to play with. Shining picked up the ball and tossed it. “Fetch!”

Butch went after the ball. As soon as he grabbed it with his mouth, he bit it right in half. Shining looked on in shock. “The owner of the pet store told us that ball was puncture proof.”

To Shining’s relief, North Star eventually woke up. “Good morning!” Butch saw North Star and up to him, licking his face. North Star then began rubbing Butch’s belly.

“Why he chose that thing as a pet, I’ll never know.” Shining thought to himself.

Cadence entered the room after getting herself ready for the day. “Good morning everypony!”

Shining got up and kissed her on the cheek. “Morning honey.”

North Star ran over and hugged her leg. “Morning mom!”

The three sat at the table and had breakfast together. “So North Star, are you excited about your play date with Summer?” Cadence asked.

“You bet!” North Star said with excitement. “I can’t wait for her to play with me and Butch!”

A little later, Daisy arrived with Summer. Summer went up to Butch and rubbed his cheeks. “He is such a cutie!” After North Star and Summer went off to play, Daisy approached Shining and Cadence.

“Cadence, Shining, something has come up and I need your advice.” A bit of a worried look was upon Daisy’s face.

Shining and Cadence were both surprised. “Usually it's us coming to you for advice. So what seems to be the trouble?” Shining asked.

Daisy let out a sigh. “The Wonderbolts are coming to town tomorrow for a big show, and I want Summer to meet her father. But I don’t know how he will react.”

Cadence placed her hoof on Daisy’s shoulder. “Daisy, I’m sure he would be excited to meet his daughter.”

“But the thing is, he didn’t want to put his career on hold to raise a kid that he didn’t even plan on having, much less after a one night stand. It was my idea that he should continue on with his life, but I also want him to apart of Summer’s life.”

Shining interjected. “And you’re worried that he’ll want nothing to do with Summer?”

“Exactly. I just don’t know what to do.” Daisy sat on the couch, her head hung low with sadness and worry.

“Daisy, I’m sure that Summer’s father will be elated to meet her. You don’t have to pressure him into doing anything, just let him know that there is a beautiful little filly that wants to meet her dad.” Cadence said with a reassuring voice. “By the way, what is this stallion’s name?”

“Jetstream. His name is Jetstream.”

Shining’s eyes went as big as dinner plates. “Jetstream! As in the fastest rising member ever in the history of the Wonderbolts Jetstream?!”

“The one and only.” Daisy said.

Meanwhile, North Star and Summer were in North Star’s room playing. “Let’s play knights! I can be the brave knight who rescues you from the fierce dragon!” North Star said.

Summer rolled her eyes. “I am not going to be some damsel in distress. Let’s team up to defeat the evil wizard and his dragon!”

North Star set up Mr. Smartypants as the evil wizard, with Butch by his side as the dragon. “Prepare to be vanquished dark one!” North Star said as he raised his toy sword in the air.

“I’ll cover you!” Summer threw balled up pieces of paper at Butch, which she pretended were arrows. Butch mostly ignored this and fell asleep.

North Star navigated the labyrinth of toy blocks. After reaching the dark wizard, he held his sword at the wizard’s throat. “Do you surrender?” Mr. Smartypants fell over. “Victory!” North Star shouted as he raised his sword in the air.

“What mission should we go on next?” Summer asked.

“We shall acquire the treasure of cookies from the kitchen fortress!” North Star then got on Butch’s back. “Away my mighty steed!” Butch looked up at North Star, then crawled out from under him. “Looks like we’re going to have to hoof it.” North Star said embarrassingly.

North Star and Summer crept quietly towards the kitchen, being careful not to alert their parents who were busy talking. They rounded a corner and saw into the kitchen. That’s when they spotted their treasure, sitting atop the counter and glowing like the sun, the legendary cookie jar.

“What kind are in there?” Summer asked.

“My mom’s specialty. Chocolate chunk. She makes extra soft and chewy.” North Star began drooling just thinking about those cookies. The two snuck into the kitchen and stood under the counter.

“Alright Summer, just fly up and grab the jar.”

“Can’t you just use your magic?”

North Star lowered his head in embarrassment. “I don’t know how to use magic yet.”

Summer gave him sympathetic smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll fly up and get those cookies.” Summer flapped her wings and flew up to the counter. She opened the lid of the jar and saw the cookies. They were even more tastier looking than North Star had described.

Just as Summer picked up the Jar, she and North Star heard Cadence call out for them. “North Star, Summer, are you two in the kitchen?” Summer was so startled that she dropped the cookie jar, which landed on North Star’s head and became stuck.

“What’s going on in here?” Cadence walked into the kitchen and could not believe the sight in front of her. Summer was sitting on the counter while North Star ran around wildly with a cookie jar stuck on his head.

Cadence tried to get a word out, but she just couldn’t. Instead she burst out laughing.

“What’s going on in here?” Shining asked as he walked into the kitchen. He paused, speechless at the sight before him. Shining used his magic to get the cookie jar off of North Star’s head.

North Star sat on the floor, dizzy from around in circles. He looked over at Shining and Cadence. “Am I in trouble?”

Cadence finally stopped laughing. “You’re not in trouble. I’d say what just happened was punishment enough. But please, clean up this mess.”

Summer flew down and helped North Star to clean up all of the broken cookies on the floor. North Star was disappointed when he threw them away. He never even got to taste one. Summer tapped him on the shoulder. North Star looked over to see that Summer had snatched two cookies and gave him one.

North Star bit into the cookie and smiled. He chewed it slowly, savoring every second of the sweet delight.

Cadence and Shining went back into the living room with Daisy. “What was all that commotion?” Daisy asked.

“Oh, just North Star and Summer being silly.” Cadence said. “Anyway, would you like it if Shining and I came with you tomorrow for support?”

Daisy nodded her head and smiled. “Yes. I would appreciate that very much.”

North Star and Summer came running into the room. “Hey mom, can Summer sleepover tonight?”

“Only if it’s ok with Daisy.” Cadence turned to Daisy.

Daisy smiled. “I don’t see why not.”

“Yay!” North Star and Summer shouted in unison. Daisy arranged to bring over Summer’s things later in the day.

That night, North Star and Summer slept on the floor of North Star’s bedroom. Summer slept in her Wonderbolts sleeping bag, while North Star slept in his Power Ponies sleeping bag with Butch curled up at his hind hooves.

North Star looked over at Summer. “Hey, are you still awake?”

“Yeah.” Summer replied.

“Summer, how come I never see you with your dad?”

Summer turned to face North Star. “Well, my mom says he’s very busy. She says he’s one of the Wonderbolts.”

North Star nearly jumped out of his sleeping bag with excitement. “Your dad is a member of the Wonderbolts! That’s so cool!”

Summer let out a sigh. “Yeah, but I’ve never even met him. My mom has only shown me pictures of him.”

“The Wonderbolts are having a show tomorrow. My parents have had tickets for weeks. Maybe you can come with us and meet him.”

Summer smiled. “That sounds terrific! I can’t wait to see what he’s like.”

The next morning, Summer was overjoyed when Daisy told her that they were going to the Wonderbolts show with Shining and Cadence. They all arrived at the stadium and watched the show from special box seats. When the the show was over, it was announced that the Wonderbolts would be signing autographs.

Daisy asked Cadence if she could arrange it so that she and Summer were at the front of the line. Cadence easily made that happen.

Daisy and Summer both stood at the front of the line as a spokespony came out to introduce Jetstream. “Fillies and gentlecolts, the high flying sensation of the Wonderbolts, Jetstream!” Jetstream emerged and made his way to the autograph table. His hair was orange, as was his mane and tail. His cutie mark was a pair of golden wings, with streams of frost coming from the tips.

Daisy and Summer walked up to the autograph table. Jetstream looked down at Summer and smiled. “Hello there little filly. What’s your name?”

“My name is Summer!” Summer said excitedly.

Jetstream signed the autograph. “Summer, that’s a pretty name. What’s your last name?”


Jetstream tapped his chin. “Haze. Now why does that name sound familiar?”

Daisy then stepped forward. “Hello Jetstream.”

Jetstream looked at Daisy, and his eyes became as wide as dinner plates. “Oh boy.”

Author's Note:

Sorry to end on a cliffhanger, but I want to get this moment between Jetstream and Daisy just right. That, and I felt the chapter was starting to drag on.