• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 5,510 Views, 147 Comments

Son of Sombra - BubblePuff

Princess Cadences and Shining Armor adopt a foal who turns out to be the lost son of King Sombra

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Part 11

North Star stood out in the open. The little colt looked on in shock at the remains of the Crystal Empire. “What happened here?” North Star thought to himself. He took a step forward, only to feel something crunch under his hooves. North Star looked down in horror to see the ground completely covered with the charred bones of fallen ponies.

North Star then heard a loud rumble. He looked up and saw dark clouds filling the sky. It began to rain. North Star felt a few drops hit his face, and after wiping them off he looked at his hoof to see that the drops were blood.

A large pair of eyes sprouting green flames suddenly appeared before him. North Star then heard eerie voice call out to him. "Your destiny awaits."

North Star screamed and sat up in his bed. A cold sweat ran down his face. North Star held his Mr. Smartypants doll tightly as he called out for his parents. “Mommy! Daddy!”

Shining and Cadence both came rushing into North Star’s room. “What’s wrong? Are you alright?” Cadence asked.

North Star sniffed his nose. “I had a nightmare.”

Shining sat on North Star’s bed. “It was just a bad dream bud. Bad dreams can’t hurt you.”

“But it was so real.”

Cadence gave North Star a gentle hug. “It’s ok, the dream is over now. We’re here and you’re safe and sound.”

North Star felt better being in the warm embrace of his mother. “Can I have a glass of water?”

“Of course.” Shining left and returned moments later with a glass of water. North Star drank it slowly, then made a satisfying sigh. “All better?” Shining asked.

“Better.” North Star responded with a smile.

“Ok. Now try and get some sleep.” Cadence kissed North Star on the cheek.

“Good night bud.” Shining said as he smiled and hugged North Star.

“Night mommy, night daddy.” North Star laid back down on his bed and fell asleep.

Shining and Cadence returned to their room. As they got into bed, Cadence turned to Shining. “This is the third time this month that he has had a nightmare.”

“I know, but what can we do?” Shining said. “I suppose we could contact Luna and have her investigate, but she already has so many nightly duties.”

“North Star is her nephew. I’m sure Luna will understand.”

Shining looked at Cadence. “We can’t shield him forever you know. He’s already four years old and in kindergarten.”

Cadence lowered her head. “I know. But he’s been through so much in his little life. And there are still ponies in the Crystal Empire that think North Star is evil.”

Shining held Cadence’s hooves. “Honey, we both knew life wasn’t going to be easy for North Star from the start. Even I had my doubts. But we have stuck by him and we know that he is a good pony. We won’t be able to convince everypony, but what matters are the ones who already know how kind and loving North Star really is.”

Cadence smiled and nuzzled Shining. “You’re right. We can’t worry about the future. All that matters is the here now.”

The following day, North Star was dropped off at kindergarten. “Have a good day North Star!” Cadence said with a smile as she waved him goodbye.

“Thanks mommy, I will!” North Star then noticed Summer Haze Flying down beside him. “Hi Summer!”

Summer landed next to North Star. “Hey North Star! Wow, you look tired. Are you alright?”

“I’ve just been having weird dreams.” North Star said with a sigh.

“What about?” Summer asked.

North Star thought for a moment. “I can’t really remember. All I know is that they make me feel scared.”

Summer placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Well, you’re awake now. And that’s all that matters.”

North Star smiled. Summer always knew the right thing to say. The two of them both hurried into the schoolhouse. North Star’s smile turned into a frown when he saw a certain colt sitting in the center of the room.

“Hello Dork Star!” The colt said as he pointed and laughed.

“Red Sea.” North Star gritted the bully’s name through his teeth. Red Sea had been harassing him and Summer since they were foals. Red Sea’s parents let him get away with it because every time somepony tried to tell on him, he would claim that he was the victim.

“Red, you’re a meanie!” Summer said right to Red Sea’s face.

“At least I’m a normal pony. Unlike this freak you hang out with.”

North Star felt himself filling up with rage. He wanted to charge at Red Sea, but Summer held him back.

The teacher, Miss Buttercup, finally called the class to attention. “Alright children, gather around.”

Red Sea walk away with a grin. “Don’t let him get to you North Star. He’s not worth it.” Summer whispered in North Star’s ear.

North Star calmed down. Summer always had that effect on him. North Star and Summer sat next to each other as class began.

“Ok everypony, today we’re going to focus on our ABC’s.” Miss Buttercup said. She put up a flip book and turned to the first letter. “This is the letter A. Can you say A?”

“A!” The class responded.

“Very good!” Miss Buttercup turned the page to the letter B. After going through all the letters, Miss Buttercup pulled out a record player and turned it on.

“Alright class, now we’re going to sing a special song to help us remember the alphabet.” Miss Buttercup put a record on the record player, and began playing the alphabet song.

Around the P section of the song, Red Sea reached over and pulled on North Star’s tail. North Star yelped out in pain, then tackled Red Sea. The two colts wrestled on the floor until Miss Buttercup broke them up.

“North Star! Red Sea! You stop this right now!” Miss Buttercup gave the two a stern look. “Now why are you two fighting?”

“North Star attacked me for no reason!” Red Sea faked crying.

“That’s a lie! He pulled my tail!” North Star was steaming mad.

“It doesn’t matter who started it, I will not tolerate fighting! The two of you are in time out for the rest of the day, and I will be telling your parents.” Miss Buttercup sent North Star and Red Sea to sit facing opposite corners of the room.

After school, Miss Buttercup informed Cadence and Red Sea’s mom, Blue Sea, about the fight.

“North Star, apologize.” Cadence didn’t even need to raise her voice. The look on her face was enough to inform North Star that he was in trouble.

“I’m sorry.”

Cadence and and Miss Buttercup expected Blue Sea to tell Red to apologize, but she did not.

“Well, I certainly hope your son does not attack my Red for reason ever again.”

“It wasn’t for no reason! He pulled my tail!” North Star shouted.

Blue looked down at her son. “Is this true?”

“It’s a lie! I was singing with everypony else when he attacked me!” Red said with a fake look of helplessness on his face.

Cadence’s motherly instincts kicked in. “Are you calling my son a liar?”

“Well I’m surprised.” Blue said. “That son of yours does have a history, what with those two missing guards and the Nightmare Night incident.”

Cadence was struggling to hold back her anger. “You know, this isn’t the first time our kids have gotten in trouble with each other. I’m beginning to wonder if it’s your son who is the liar.”

Blue’s eyes widened with shock. “How dare you accuse my sweet Red of being a liar! He would never start trouble, unlike your cursed foster child.”

Cadence was the princess of love, and one of the sweetest ponies in all the land. But at that moment, for the first time in her entire life, she so wanted to smack the living daylights out of another pony. Cadence simply took a deep breath, grabbed North Star by the hoof, and began to walk home.”

“Mom, what does foster mean?” North Star asked.

“It’s not important Sweetie. I’ll tell you later.”

That night, Luna arrived to visit Shining and Cadence to talk about North Star’s nightmares.

“Thank you so much for coming.” Shining said.

“I arrived as soon as I got your letter.” Luna sat and had a cup of tea. “I have been investigating these nightmares that North Star has been having, but I’ve come across a problem.”

“What sort of problem?” Cadence asked.

“Everytime I enter the dream realm, I can’t find North Star’s dreams. It’s almost as if he isn’t dreaming at all.”

Shining and Cadence were in shock. “But, how is that even possible?” said Shining.

Luna let out a sigh. “I do not know. I will continue to search the dream realm. In the meantime, be sure to report any more nightmares. I sense a darkness approaching.”

Shining and Cadence saw Luna off. They then went into North Star’s room. He was fast asleep, clinging tightly to his Mr. Smartypants plush.

Author's Note:

So as you have read, North Star does not know that he is adopted. Perhaps Shining and Cadence will tell him the truth, in time.