• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 5,510 Views, 147 Comments

Son of Sombra - BubblePuff

Princess Cadences and Shining Armor adopt a foal who turns out to be the lost son of King Sombra

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Part 16

The weeks went by, and Cadence’s belly became bigger and bigger. Shining would joke that Cadence looked like she ate a whole pumpkin, which would earn him a nasty look from his wife. Cadence’s cravings became odd, such as eating onion and jelly sandwiches.

One day North Star could not help but ask “Mom, why are you eating so much?”

Cadence giggled at her son’s curiosity. “That’s because I have to eat for myself and your brother or sister.” Cadence then felt the foal kick inside her, which made her jump.

“Mom, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing sweetheart. Your sibling is just kicking. Would like to feel?”

North Star got up on the couch and felt his mother’s tummy. He then felt a kick that caught him by surprise and made him jump back.

“It looks like your sibling is very eager to meet you.” Cadence said with a smile.

“It doesn’t feel like it.” North Star frowned. “Mom, I’m still your favourite, right?”

Cadence was caught by surprise. She held North Star close and stroked his mane. “Sweetie, you are my son, and I will always love you. But I will also have the same amount of love for your brother or sister. The two of you will be equal in my eyes. And besides, you’re going to need to be there for your sibling and vice versa. The two of you are family, and family always look out for one another.”

Cadence’s words brought a smile to North Star’s face. She always knew what to say to make him feel better.

The next when North Star came home from school, he was filled excitement. “Dad, dad! Guess what!”

Shining looked up from some royal report papers he was reading. “What is it bud?”

“Tomorrow is parents day! You and mom get to come and talk to the whole class!”

“I don’t know. I’m very busy, and with the condition your mother is in I don’t think she can make it either.”

North Star’s lower lip quivered, and his eyes went wide. “Please?”

Shining knew that face. North Star used it whenever he needed something, and Shining could never say no. “Alright, I’ll speak with your mother.”

North Star ran up to Shining and hugged his leg. “Thanks dad!”

Shining walked into the nursery where Cadence was putting up the final touches. “Honey, we need to talk.”

Cadence hung a mobile over the crib and turned to face Shining. “Sure, what is it?”

“North Star just informed me tomorrow is parents day at his school, and he wants us to come.”

“That sounds wonderful! I would to speak in front of North Star’s class!” Cadence said with glee.

“But what about your condition? And my busy schedule?”

Cadence walked over and placed a hoof on Shining’s shoulder. “Shining, you’re being too overprotective. I’ll be fine. And you can make room in schedule, I’m sure the the rest of the royal guard will understand. Besides, we need to do this for our son. Ever since I became pregnant we really haven’t made enough time for him. I bet he could really use this.”

Shining smiled. “You’re right, as always. I just hope we don’t outshine the other parents.”

Cadence rolled her eyes. “We’re only the rulers of the Crystal Empire. I doubt that we are that important.” She said sarcastically.

Shining and Cadence went and found North Star wrestling with Butch in living room. “North Star, we have good news.” Cadence said. “We can both make it to parents day tomorrow.”

North Star released Butch from a headlock and jumped with joy. He ran up and hugged both of his parents. “Tomorrow will be the best day ever!”

The next day, Shining and Cadence went with North Star to school. All the fillies and colts had brought their parents for parents day. Summer Haze even arrived with her father Jetstream.

Shining and Cadence met with Jetstream. “So you’re Summer’s father. We have heard a lot about you and your career.” Cadence said.

Jetstream could not help but kneel. “Thank you your highness.”

“Please, call us Cadence and Shining.” Cadence said.

“Sure thing. My daughter speaks very highly of your son.”

“Yeah, the two of them have been friends since they were foals.” Said Shining. “They’re practically inseparable.”

“Yes, they are cute together.” Jetstream looked over at North Star and Summer playing together. He then turned back to Shining and Cadence. “I don’t mean to seem rude for asking, but I notice that North Star does not look the two of you. Why is that?”

Worried looks came across the faces of Shining and Cadence. They were about to answer, but the bell rang signaling the start of class. The adults and children all filed into the school.

Parents day started off without a hitch. Each filly and colt took turns going to the front of the class with their parents, introducing them, and explaining what they did. There were bakers, police ponies, fire ponies, plumbers, electricians, and doctors. Summer Haze introduced her father Jetstream, a member of the Wonderbolts. North Star’s turn was last.

North Star, Shining, and Cadence all made their way to the front of the class. “My name is North Star, and these are my parents Shining Armour and Princess Cadence. My dad is the head of the royal guard, and my mom is the princess of love. They are also the leaders of the Crystal Empire. When I grow up, I want to be just like them and lead the Crystal Empire from the crystal throne!” North Star said proudly.

It was then time for questions. The fillies and colts in North Star’s class asked the usual questions, like how did they meet, how was the Crystal Empire saved, when was cadence’s foal due, and so on. But then the teacher called on North Star’s longtime nemesis Read Sea, who asked a couple of questions that would change North Star’s life forever.

“I have a question. How come North Star doesn’t look like the two of you?” Red Sea asked.

Shining and Cadence’s eyes went wide. Shining tried to answer first. “Well, uh, you see North Star is a very special pony. He’s different.”

Red Sea asked another question. “My dad says that North Star bares the horn of King Sombra, who imprisoned the Crystal Empire. Are you related to Sombra?”

“No, we are not related to Sombra.” Cadence said firmly.

“Then why does he have the horn?” another pony asked.

Cadence swallowed hard. She looked down at North Star, who had a worried look on his face. “What’s wrong mom?” He asked.

Cadence let out a deep sigh. She knew this day would come, and she couldn’t hide the truth from North Star or the citizens of the Crystal Empire forever.

“North Star is...adopted. He is not our natural child.” Those words were the most painful thing Cadence had ever said in her life.

Murmurs broke out amongst the other ponies in the classroom. North Star stood there in shock, tears welling up in his eyes. He then took off running out of the school.

“North Star wait!” Shining called out. He and Cadence instantly gave chase. North Star kept running, ignoring the pleas for him to stop. North Star all the way back to the palace, where he entered his room and slammed the door shut.

Both Shining and Cadence soon arrived back at the palace. They knocked on the door to North Star’s room. “North Star, please open the door. We need to talk with.” Cadence pleaded. North Star gave no answer.

“Please bud? We’re sorry that we never told you the truth. We were just waiting until you were older.” Shining said. North Star Still did not answer.

Butch walked up and clawed at the door. North Star unlocked it and opened it a tiny bit to let in Butch in. He then shut the door and locked it again.

Shining and Cadence waited outside of North Star’s room for hours. No matter how much they pleaded, he still would not unlock the door. Cadence then had an idea. She started singing North Star’s favorite lullaby, the one she always sang to him when he was sad.

After a moment of silence, the door opened. North Star sat on his bed, petting Butch.

Shining and Cadence entered his room. “Are you alright Bud?” Shining asked.

North Star lowered his head. “Is it true?”

Shining and Cadence looked at each other. They did not know how to properly address the question.

“Is it true? Am I adopted?”

Cadence stepped forward. “It’s true North Star.”

North Star looked up at her. Tears were streaming down his face. “Why did you never tell before?”

Cadence embraced North Star in a hug. “We were planning on telling you sweetie, but we wanted to wait until you were older and more mature.”

“Then where did I come from?” North Star asked.

“You found us.” Cadence replied. “Your father and I wanted a foal of our own for so long. Then one night our wish was granted and you came into our lives. You are truly a blessing.”

“One of the ponies at school said I looked like Sombra. Who’s that?”

Shining rubbed the back of his head. “He’s no one. A pony you should not concern yourself with. All that matters is that we’re your parents, and we love more than anything.”

North Star didn’t know how to feel. His entire life had been turned upside down. His parents were not his real parents. And who was this Sombra? Was he the reason that he was treated like an outcast by so many ponies?

“I...I would like to be alone for a bit.”

“We understand.” Cadence kissed North Star on the cheek. “We love you North Star, always remember that.” Cadence and Shining then left the room.

North Star tucked himself into bed. Butch curled up at his hind hooves. North Star held onto his Mr. Smarty Pants doll tightly as he fell into a deep slumber.

North Star dreamed that a pair of eyes with green flames stared at him. North Star then heard a voice. “Hello North Star.”

North Star was intimidated by the voice, yet it seemed familiar. “How do you know my name?”

“I know everything about you. I have been with you since day one. My voice was the first lullaby that you ever heard.”

North Star became more curious. “Who are you?”

“You will find out, in time. Just know that I will be there for you, even when your parents no longer care.”

“You’re wrong! My parents love me!”

“Do they now?”

North Star woke up in cold sweat. His heart was beating a mile a minute. Suddenly, there was a knock at his door. “Yes?”

Shining opened the door and came into the room. “Hey bud, I hate to wake you but we need to go the hospital.”

“What, why?” North Star asked with a confused look.

“Your mom just went into labor. Your sibling is about to be born!”

Author's Note:

I went with Derpy's lullaby instead of Cadence's because Cadence's is aimed directly at Flurry Heart. I felt that Derpy's was more universal.