• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 5,510 Views, 147 Comments

Son of Sombra - BubblePuff

Princess Cadences and Shining Armor adopt a foal who turns out to be the lost son of King Sombra

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Part 12

North Star had been very busy. For days he had been working on his presentation, and it was finally ready. He ushered Shining and Cadence into the living room and began his pitch. North stood in front of an easel with poster boards on it. Written in crayon where the words WHY I NEED A PET.

“Thank you for coming.” North Star began. “I have gathered you all here today to discuss why it is time that I finally had a pet of my own.”

“Sweetie, we’ve talked about this.” Cadence said.

“Now, now. Before you say no, let me show you some research I’ve done.” North Star pulled down the poster board to reveal another one with a pie chart.

“As you can see, fillies and colts who have pets are more responsible than ones that don’t.” North Star said as he pointed to the chart. He pulled down the poster board to reveal a graph. “Also, pets provide joy and friendship. A pony with a pet is happier than a pony without a pet.”

North Star revealed a final poster board with a drawing of himself, Shining, and Cadence all hugging a dog. “Finally, a pet can help keep a family together. Keeping us all happy and strong. And that is why I need a pet.”

Shining and Cadence sat silently for a moment. “Well bud, that was a very impressive and thought out presentation. But I think your mom and I should discuss this for a minute.” Shining and Cadence walked to their room and closed the door for privacy.

“Well, what do you think?” Shining asked.

“North Star does make a lot of good points. But is responsible enough for a pet? This is a huge step for him, and I want to know that he’s ready for it.” Cadence said with a look of concern.

“I think it will be good for him.” said Shining. “Having a pet might help him make more friends. North Star has only had Summer as a friend for most of his life. Having a pet may help him socialize and get out of his shell.”

Cadence thought for a moment. “Alright then. Let’s go tell him.” Cadence opened the bedroom door to find North Star trying to listen in. Fortunately, Cadence and Shining had put up a sound proof spell.

“North Star, your father and I have been talking, and we have decided that you are ready to have a pet.”

North Star’s face lit up. He made a huge smile and hugged both Shining and Cadence. “Oh THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!”

The next day the family traveled to Ponyville to visit Fluttershy’s cottage. Shining and Cadence both thought it would be better if North Star got his pet from a shelter than a pet store, and Fluttershy had the best animal shelter in all of Equestria.

Shining and Cadence walked up to the front door of Fluttershy’s cottage. Cadence knocked and Fluttershy answered.

“Shining Armor! Princess Cadence! What you brings you here?” Fluttershy said, a bit surprised.

“Well” Cadence started, “We’re here because-”

“I’m getting a pet!” North Star interrupted.

“Really? That’s great news!” Fluttershy said with glee. “Follow me and I’ll show you all of the animals that are waiting to be adopted!”

Fluttershy led Cadence, Shining, and North Star to the back of her cottage. “Go ahead and take your pick! I have animals big and small, furry and scaley, and young and old!”

North Star looked around at all the animals. He didn’t want a typical pet like a cat or a dog, he wanted one that was special. After looking at practically every animal that Fluttershy had, North Star was about to give up when he spotted an animal sleeping all by itself.

The animal was covered in black fur, except for it’s back which was covered in white/gray fur. It had a tail and snout. North Star had never seen anything like it before. “What kind of animal is this?” He asked.

A worried look came over Fluttershy. “Um, that’s a Honey Badger. It’s a type of weasel. I’ve been having trouble finding him a home because he has a bit of an attitude problem.”

“What kind of attitude problem?” Shining asked.

Fluttershy’s voice became weaker than usual. “He’s kind of mean. He scares off all of the larger animals, such as the bears, and steals their food. Even Angel Bunny is afraid of him.” Sure enough, Angel Bunny was cowering behind Fluttershy, shaking with fear.

Cadence had a bad feeling. But before she could tell North Star to stop, he was already petting the Honey Badger and waking it up.

The Honey Badger opened one eye, and then the other. It looked up at the small colt that had just awoken him from a deep slumber. North Star smiled. “Hi!”

The Honey Badger got up on all fours and walked over to North Star. Cadence’s motherly instincts kicked in. She was about to rush over and pull North Star away when suddenly, the unexpected happened. The Honey Badger began nuzzling North Star, and North Star hugged him in return.

Shining, Cadence, and Fluttershy were all in shock. “I’ve never seen Honey Badger let anypony get near him, let alone hug him.” Fluttershy said in a state of shock.

North Star turned and looked at Shining and Cadence. “I love him! Can we take him home? Please?”

Shining and Cadence looked at one another. On the one hoof, they had promised North Star that he could have a pet. On the other hoof however, the one he had chosen was one of the most dangerous in the world.

Shining and Cadence both looked into North Star’s eyes. They could tell that this animal made him happy, despite its reputation. “Ok North Star, you can keep him.” Cadence said.

North Star’s eyes went wide. “THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU! I promise to play with him, and feed him, and bathe him, and walk him everyday!”

As North Star walked away with the Honey Badger, Fluttershy waved goodbye. Angel Bunny wiped his forehead and let out a sigh of relief.

On the train ride home, North Star cuddled up with the Honey Badger. Cadence and Shining sat across from them. Shining still had a worried look on his face. “So bud, have you thought of name for your pet?”

North Star rubbed his chin for a second. “I’m going to name him Butch!”

Shining made a nervous smile. “Butch sounds like a great name.” “Oh Celestia, don’t let this thing chew my face off while I sleep.” Shining thought to himself.

That night, Butch slept at the foot of North Star’s bed. Shining walked up to Cadence in their bedroom.

“Honey, I’m not really comfortable with North Star having that Honey Badger as a pet. You heard what Fluttershy said, it’s way too dangerous.”

Cadence looked lovingly at Shining. “I’ll admit, Butch is intimidating. But North Star loves him so much. And North Star was the only pony that Butch showed any affection towards. I dare say that the two of them were meant for each other.”

“I don’t know.” Shining said with a worried face.

Cadence nuzzled Shining. “Trust me, everything will be alright.” This put Shining at ease. Cadence always knew how to calm his nerves.

North Star was so excited to have a pet that the next day he convinced Shining and Cadence to let him Butch off at school.

“Alright class, settle down.” Miss Buttercup announced. “North Star would like you all to meet his new, um, pet.” North Star walked to the front of the class, with Butch walking alongside.

“This is my pet, and his name is Butch.” North Star said proudly. “He is a Honey Badger, and one of the toughest animals in Equestria.”

“He looks like a stupid skunk!” Red called out.

“He is not stupid! Butch can scare off bears, and fight off swarms of bees!”

“Yeah, right!” Red burst out laughing.

An angry looked came over Butch. He walked over to Red, then peed all over him.

“EWWW!” Red cried out. The rest of the class pointed at Red and burst into laughter. North Star and Summer secretly Bro-hoofed one another. Even Miss Buttercup covered her mouth so she could snicker.

After school, Miss Buttercup informed Cadence of what happened. “Am I in trouble?” North Star asked.

Cadence smiled and wrapped her wing around him. “Butch just needs to be house trained. Accidents do happen.”

Author's Note:

It took me so long to decide on a pet for North Star. As you can tell, even Miss Buttercup thinks Red is a pain.