• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 5,510 Views, 147 Comments

Son of Sombra - BubblePuff

Princess Cadences and Shining Armor adopt a foal who turns out to be the lost son of King Sombra

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Part 21

Sombra had Shining Armor brought to his throne room. As he was entering, one of the darkness guards approached. “My lord, we have also captured one of the Wonderbolts.”

Sombra looked down at the chained up Wonderbolt that was being dragged behind the darkness guard. It was Summer Haze’s father, Jetstream. Sombra made a sinister smile. He leaned down and looked Jetstream right in the eye.

“Today is your lucky day. I’m going to let you live, but only because I want you to deliver a message to the princesses. Tell them everything that happened here today, and to rest lightly. Because I am coming, and next time I want a fight that is worthy of my time.”

The darkness guard dragged Jetstream out of the throne room. Sombra ordered the other guards to leave him with Shining Armor. They left, and Shining remained tied up in chains. Shining looked up, and could see Flurry Heart locked up in a cage.

“What are you doing with my daughter?!” Shining yelled.

Sombra chuckled. “ I am keeping this little brat as my personal pet. She amuses me.” Flurry Heart saw Shining and reached out for him, babbling happily. Upon seeing this, Sombra grew angry. He opened the cage and slapped Flurry Heart across the face. “You are NOT allowed to speak!”

Flurry Heart was about to start crying, but then Sombra raised his hoof again. Flurry Heart immediately went silent. “Very good, you’re learning.” Sombra said with grin.

“How dare you strike her!” Shining tried to free himself, but to no avail.

Sombra got right in Shining’s face. “ That little abomination should consider herself lucky! She deserves much worse.”

“So what do you plan to do with me?”

Sombra sat back in his throne. “Nothing. I simply want you to watch as I conquer Equestria, and destroy every pony that you know and love.”

Back in Canterlot, The four princesses waited for any news from royal guard. The guards in one of the watchtowers spotted an object heading towards the castle. They immediately reported to Princess Celestia. Celestia looked at the object through her spyglass. “It’s a wonderbolt!” She cried out.

Everypony gathered in the courtyard as the lone wonderbolt arrived at the castle. It was Jetstream. He collapsed as soon as he landed. Jetstream’s uniform was torn, and he was battered and bruised. The guards rushed to his side to help him up.

“Jetstream, what happened?” Luna asked.

“It...was a trap.” Jetstream said in between deep breaths. “Sombra’s darkness it...it consumed them all!”

Cadance charged forwards. “What about Shining?!” She asked in a panicked voice.

“Sombra took him him as a prisoner. He let me go to warn you all that next time he wants a real challenge.”

“Sombra must be planning an attack.” Said Celestia.

Cadance fell to the ground, weeping. First her children had been taken captive, and now her husband. It was all too much for the princess of love to take.

Twilight went to Cadance’s side, putting a leg around her sister-in-law. “Don’t worry Cadance, we’ll free Shining and stop Sombra. There is still hope.”

Cadance still cried. Luna escorted her back inside the castle. All Twilight could do was frown. “It’s as if she’s already given up.” Twilight thought to herself.

Jetstream was taken to medical tent to have his wounds treated. After he was patched up, Daisy Haze and Summer entered the tent. “Daddy!” Summer ran up to her father and hugged him tight. “I was so scared!”

“Omph! Not so tight baby girl.” Jetstream set Summer down on the ground. “Daddy's ribs are a bit sore.”

“Sorry.” Summer said as she lowered her head.

“That’s alright.” Jetstream smiled and ruffled her mane.

“Any good news to report?” Daisy asked.

Jetstream shook his head. “I can’t tell you much due to security, but let’s just say things have gotten worse.”

Summer looked up at her father. “What about North Star?”

Jetstream let out a sigh. “Summer, I’m afraid...I’m afraid that he might be gone forever.”

Summer could not believe her ears. “What!? But he can’t be gone forever!”

“I’m sorry sweetie, I know he was your friend but-”

Summer burst out crying. Daisy held her close and patted her back. “Summer, everything will be alright.” Daisy said in a reassuring tone.

Thoughts of North Star rushed through Summer’s mind. The first time that they met, all of the play dates, birthdays, Nightmare Nights, Hearths Warmings, and of course their kiss.

“North Star is more than a friend.” Summer said in between sobs. “He’s...he’s…”

“He’s what Summer?” Jetstream asked.

Summer was quiet for a minute. She then looked at her parents with a serious face. “Mom, Dad, I know how to save North Star.”

Celestia was with Luna and Twilight in the throne room. The three princesses were planning for an invasion from Sombra’s forces when they were approached by a guard.

“Your majesties, Jetstream and his family wish to speak with you. They claim they know how to defeat Sombra.”

The three princesses were perplexed, but allowed them in. “So, you have an idea on how to defeat Sombra?” Celestia asked Jetstream.

Jetstream looked at the three. “Not me, my daughter Summer.” Summer Haze then stepped forward.

Twilight was shocked. “Her?!”

“Let us hear the filly out.” Luna said.

Summer spoke up. “Your majesties, I know how to defeat Sombra. Not with weapons, but with love.”

The filly’s words got their attention.

“I propose sending me to the Crystal Empire.” Summer continued. “I Know that North Star is still alive within Sombra, and I can reach him and remind him of who he is.”

Celestia looked worried. “I don’t know, this seems way to dangerous for a filly to undertake.”

“But North Star and I have a special connection! I know I can reach him!” Summer pleaded.

“I agree.” Everypony looked towards the entrance of the throne room to see Cadance entering. “Summer does have a special relationship with my son. The two of them have been close ever since they were foals. If there is any pony that can save him, it’s her.”

Luna looked towards Jetstream and Daisy. “The two of you do not object to this?”

“We believe in our daughter. We know she can save Equestria.” Daisy replied.

“Then it is settled.” Said Celestia. A small band of the royal guard will sneak you into the Crystal Empire. But once inside, you will be on your own.”

“You will also need this.” Cadance approached Summer and gave her Mr. Smartypants. “It will be a big help for you in your endeavour.”

Summer grabbed Mr. Smartypants and placed the plushie on her back. “Thank you princess, I will not fail”

The princesses then planned out the mission. Summer hugged her mom and dad, and then left with the small squad of guards for the Crystal Empire.

“Be safe my child.” Daisy thought as a tear rolled down her face. Jetstream held her tightly.

Author's Note:

The final showdown is coming.