• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 5,502 Views, 147 Comments

Son of Sombra - BubblePuff

Princess Cadences and Shining Armor adopt a foal who turns out to be the lost son of King Sombra

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Part 14

Summer jumped up and hugged Jetstream by the neck. “Daddy!”

Jetstream looked over at the announcer. “Can I have a few minutes, please?” Daisy pulled Summer off of Jetstream, and the three of them went to a back room to talk while the announcer told the crowd that Jetstream was taking a quick break.

Jetstream closed the door then turned to faced Daisy. He let a slight breath. “It’s been quite a while Daisy. How have you’ve been?”

Daisy shuffled her hooves. “I have been well. I’m sorry if I caused a scene out there. I only wanted you to meet our daughter.”

Jetstream looked down at Summer. She smiled and hugged his front leg. “I’m so happy to finally meet you daddy!”

Jetstream looked at Summer. He didn’t have to ask if she was really his. Summer had his eyes.

“Daddy, when are you coming home?” Summer asked.

Jetstream could feel a lump in his throat. A cold sweat began to build up on his forehead. Jetstream gently released Summer from his leg. He looked up at Daisy.

“There is something that I need to tell the two of you that is very important.”

Daisy walked over and stood by Summer. “What is it?”

Jetstream took a deep breath. “I’m engaged to be married.”

The room became so quiet a pin drop could be heard. Daisy could not believe her ears. “Y-you’re engaged?”

Jetstream nodded his head. “The wedding is next month.”

“Does she know about me and Summer?”

“No, she does not.”

Tears started to build up in Summer’s eyes. “You don’t love me and mommy?”

“That’s not true. It’s just that-”

Jetstream was cut off by Summer bursting into tears. Daisy wrapped a wing around her daughter. She glared at Jetstream. “And what about us? Why do you think you can just move on and start a new Family?”

Jetstream’s face became bright red with anger. He slammed down his hoof. “Because you gave me an out! I wasn’t ready to be a father, and you said it was ok for me to continue on with my career. And don’t you dare deny it!”

Daisy knew that Jetstream was right. At the time they were both young, and she didn’t want to feel guilty about having Jetstream give up on his promising career because of her. Daisy lowered her ears. “I’m sorry. It’s just, I don’t know.”

“No, I’m sorry.” Jetstream said with a much calmer tone. “I shouldn’t have lost my temper like that. But I love my fiance and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.”

“But what about me daddy?” Summer said as she poked her head out from under Daisy’s wing.

Jetstream smiled. He walked over and nuzzled the top of her head. “Of course I love you, you’re my daughter. And nothing will ever change that.”

“So who are you getting married too?” Daisy asked.

“Her name is Halestorm. She’s an instructor at the Wonderbolts academy.” Jetstream turned his head away. “I didn’t tell her about you because I figured you’d moved on with your life years ago.”

“I tried Jetstream, but caring for Summer has taken up all of my time.” Daisy held her daughter close. “So what do we do now?”

Jetstream looked at both Daisy and Summer. “I don’t know. This is all very complicated.”

“Can Summer spend the rest of the day with you at least?”

Jetstream smiled. “Of course.” He knelt down and looked at Summer. “How would you like to spend the day with daddy?”

“Yay!” Summer shouted with joy. Jetstream then walked out of the room with Summer, who joined him at the autograph table. Afterwards the two went out for ice cream, and they even played at the local playground.

At the end of the day Jetstream returned Summer to Daisy. “So how was your day with daddy?”

Summer beamed with excitement. “It was great! We got ice cream, played games at the playground, and daddy even let me sit with him at the autograph table!”

Daisy smiled. “Well, it sounds like you two had a big day.” Daisy then looked at Jetstream. “So, where do we go from here?”

“There are a lot of things that I need to sort out.” Jetstream said. “Informing Halestorm about Summer will be hard, but she is a kind and understanding mare. And hopefully I can find time in my schedule to come back to the Crystal Empire every now and then.”

“That sounds alright to me. I’m just glad that you’re becoming a part of Summer’s life.” Daisy hugged Jetstream goodbye, and Jetstream did the same with Summer, adding a kiss on the forehead.

Daisy and Summer found Shining, Cadence, and North Star hanging out with the other Wonderbolts. “So, how did things go with Jetstream?” Cadence asked.

“I think everything is going to be alright.” Daisy said with confidence.

That night at the palace, Cadence was in the bathroom. She hadn’t been feeling good, but she thought it just a smile stomach virus. Still, she was curious. Cadence had one of the guards go out and buy a pregnancy test. After ten minutes, Cadence let out a loud scream.

Shining ran up and knocked on the door. “Cadence, what’s wrong?” Cadence opened the door, tears in her eyes and a big smile on her face. She gave Shining the pregnancy test, which read positive.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter is a bit short, but I wanted to wrap up this little side story and get back to North Star. For those who have seen the season premier, just know that this story is going to handle things a bit differently.