• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 5,510 Views, 147 Comments

Son of Sombra - BubblePuff

Princess Cadences and Shining Armor adopt a foal who turns out to be the lost son of King Sombra

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Part 15

North Star sat in a chair watching Shining pace back and forth. They were in the waiting room of the Crystal Empire maternity wing. Cadence had gone into labor a few hours earlier. While waiting, North Star thought back to the moment he first heard the news that he would be a brother, and everything else that unfolded.

It was nine months earlier. North Star was playing tug of war with Butch, who was winning and dragging North Star across the floor. Shining and Cadence both approached North Star with smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes.

North Star looked at them, feeling a bit worried. “Mommy, daddy what’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong bud.” Shining said with joy in his voice. “Your mom and I have big news.”

“I’m pregnant!” Cadence said with glee.

North Star was confused. “What does pregnant mean?”

“Well honey, it means that in a few months you’re going to have a baby brother or sister.” Cadence said.

North Star didn’t know how to feel. On the one hoof, it would be fun to have little brother or sister to play with. But on the other hoof, he had always been a single child. Would his parents still love him once the baby came, or would he be replaced?

“Will you still love me?”

Cadence walked over and gave North Star a big hug. “We will always love you! You are our special little colt, and nothing will ever change that.” North Star hugged Cadence back, but he he still had a bad feeling deep inside.

Over the next several days, Cadence’s pregnancy became more apparent. Every morning she would rush to the bathroom and throw up. This made North Star worried.

“Daddy, is mommy sick?”

Shining smiled and rubbed North Star’s head. “Don’t worry Bud. What’s happening with mommy is perfectly natural for a pregnancy.”

The whole pregnancy thing seemed weird to North Star. During recess at school he told Summer about it. She was actually kind of thrilled.

“Your mom is pregnant? That is so cool! Is the foal a colt or a filly?”

“We don’t know yet. My parents are going to going to visit my aunt Twilight tomorrow to tell her the news.”

“Well. I can’t say I’m not jealous. I’ve always dreamed of having a brother or sister. Somepony to play with at home, to share secrets with, to celebrate special events with.”

“But you already do that stuff with me.” North Star pointed out.

“But a sibling is different.” Summer said. “They’re family, so the relationship is extra special.”

“So, you don’t think our friendship is special?”

Summer giggled. “That’s not what I meant. You’re special to me as friend. But there is also a family relationship. Like between a foal and parents.”

North Star was beginning to understand. It was important to have loved ones as part of your family as much as it was to have them as friends.

“So, I guess I’ll be staying with you and your mom while my parents are out of town.”

“Umm, about that.” Summer rubbed her front hooves together. “I’m going to visit my daddy in Cloudsdale.”

North Star was obviously disappointed. “Oh. Well, I hope you have a great time.” The bell rang and everypony went back to class.

Right before Shining and Cadence left, North Star was expecting them to tell him that Caretaker would be foalsitting him. However, she was out sick. This left only one option.

“Are you ready for a fun weekend North Star?” Flash Sentry asked.

North Star rolled his eyes. “You bet I am.” He said sarcastically.

Shining and Cadence gave Flash Sentry a list of what to do, then hugged and kissed North Star goodbye. North Star sat and stared at Flash.

Flash looked over the list he was given. “Ok North Star, it says here that dinner is first. What would you like?”

“Can we have pizza?” North Star asked.

“Well, alright. What topping would you like?”

“Black olives!”

Flash placed the order. When the pizza came he placed it on the table. North Star took his seat, and Butch sat next to him.

“I’m sorry North Star, but pets are not allowed at the table.”

North Star just shrugged his shoulders. “Ok, but good luck getting him to move.”

“How hard can it be?” Flash walked over to Butch. “Alright, down you go.” Flash tried to grab Butch, but the honey badger snarled and bit Flash’s tail.

“Ah! Get him off!” Flash ran around the room, Butch still hanging on to his tail. Butch then used his strength to bring Flash to a complete stop, and proceeded to drag him into the living room.

“No, please show mercy!” A loud commotion could be heard coming from the living room. North Star just sat quietly and ate his pizza. When he was finished, North Star walked into the living room where Butch had buried Flash under a pile of pillows to save him for later.

North Star dug up Flash, whose armor had been torn to shreds. “Yeah, Butch only likes it when I touch him.”

“You don’t say?” Flash said before collapsing, visions of birds flying around his head.

Once Flash had recovered, he looked over the list again. “Ok, now it’s your bath time.”

North Star Frowned. “But I’m not even dirty!”

“I’m sorry, but your parents left me with a list of instructions and it says that you need a bath.” Flash then scooped up North Star with one of his front legs and carried him to the bathroom. North Star tried to wiggle himself free, but Flash’s grip was just too strong. Flash dumped North Star into the bathtub with a splash and began scrubbing him down.

North Star just sat in the tub, his front legs crossed and a grumpy look on his face.

“Come on North Star, a bath isn’t that bad.”

“I just don’t like being wet.”

“But you’ve been having baths since you were a foal.”

“Well, lately they feel different. The water feels like it’s trying to hurt me.”

A concerned look came over Flash’s face. “Are you saying that water feels painful to you?”

“Yeah, a little bit.”

Flash took North Star out of the tub and dried him off. He decided to tell Shining and Cadence about the water problem when they got back.

Bedtime came around, and Flash tucked in North Star. North Star didn’t put up a fuss as he was too tired. North Star let out a big yawn and fell asleep. Shining and Cadence returned later that night.

“So how was your trip?” Flash asked.

“Let’s just say that Twilight is very excited about becoming an aunt again.” Cadence said.

“And she even made up a replica of my old room! It had all my old comics, action figures, posters-” Shining Armor would have continued, but Cadence cut him off to find out how everything with North Star went.

“Things went great. Aside from Butch using me as a chew toy.”

Shining could not help but chuckle a little bit.

“Also, North Star brought up something strange. As I was giving him his bath, he said that water feels a little painful to him.”

Shining and Cadence looked at Flash with shock. “Is he alright?” Cadence asked in a worried voice.

“Yes he’s fine. I put him to bed a few hours ago.”

Shining and Cadence both thanked Flash and sent him home. Cadence turned to face Shining. “How is water hurting North Star?”

Shining thought for a moment. A frown came over his face. “Well, from what I’ve learned from Twilight, Celestia and Luna, darkness can turned away by the elements of nature. Earth, Water, Air, Fire, they are all that can do harm to the power of darkness.”

Cadence shook her head. “No. North Star does not have any darkness in him. I refuse to believe that our son has the power of darkness.”

“Honey, I don’t like it either. But he does have Sombra’s horn. Maybe-”

“Shut up!” Cadence shouted. “There must be a mistake. Our son is not evil!”

“Mommy?” Shining and Cadence both looked over to see North Star standing in the hallway. He was holding his Mr. Smartypants doll and rubbing his eye. “Mommy, are you and daddy fighting?”

Cadence walked over and nuzzled North Star. “No, we’re just tired from our trip. There is nothing to worry about. Now let’s get you back to bed.” Cadence took North Star back to his room and tucked him in. She then kissed him goodnight.

“Goodnight Mommy.”

“Good night, my bright shining star.” Cadence closed the door and walked past Shining, an angry look on her face. “We’ll finish this tomorrow.”

Shining took a deep breath. “It’s her hormones. Only 8 more months to go.” He thought to himself.

Author's Note:

As some might have noticed, I've added the alternate universe tag to this story. When Flurry Heart is born things will be a bit different than the season premier.