• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 5,510 Views, 147 Comments

Son of Sombra - BubblePuff

Princess Cadences and Shining Armor adopt a foal who turns out to be the lost son of King Sombra

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Part 4

Twilight entered the royal hall in Canterlot. Princess Celestia and Luna were both waiting for her. “Any news to report on the investigation of North Star’s birth mother?” Celestia asked.

“I have unfortunate news” Twilight replied with a worried look. “The mother bore no cutie mark, so identification was impossibles. I discovered traces of dark magic, but when I tried to perform the autopsy, the body was destroyed by a mysterious dark flame.”

Princess Luna spoke up. “This is indeed troubling. Sombra might not have been completely destroyed as we previously thought. He could still be hiding in the shadows, biding his time.”

Celestia stood up from her throne. “I will order the guards at the Crystal Empire to keep watch for anything suspicious. It is best to not let the public know, as this could cause panic.”

“What of my brother and Cadence?” Twilight inquired.

“So far they have done a good job of raising North Star.” Luna said. “The little one has not proven to be a threat. With the right guidance, Princess Cadence and Shining armour can keep North Star away from the path of darkness.”

“You need not worry. I have full confidence in my brother and Cadence.” Twilight said reassuringly.

“We shall see.” Celestia muttered.

Cadence sat on the couch, feeding North Star his bottle. Shining was busy putting on his uniform. He looked in the mirror to do some last second touch ups before heading out. He stopped and nuzzled Cadence.

“Can you believe that it’s been one month today since North Star entered our lives?” Cadence removed the empty bottle from North Star and patted his back.

Shining smiled at the two of them. “And what a month it has been. It actually feels more like a year has passed.”

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. “Princess Cadence, Prince Shining, a package has been dropped off for you.” A guard announced.

Shining turned to Cadence. “Honey, were you expecting a package?” Cadence simply shook her no. “Bring it in.” The guard opened the door and pushed in a large crate.

Shining looked over the crate. “I wonder what this could be?” He then used his magic to pry open the top. As soon as he did, confetti and streamers shot out of the crate, followed by a pink pony with a poofy mane blowing on a party whistle.

Cadence and Shining looked on in shock. “Pinkie Pie?!” They both said in unison.

“SURPRISE!” Pinkie shouted.

“Pinkie, what are you doing here?” Cadence asked.

“To celebrate North Star’s 1 month birthday, of course!” Pinkie placed a party hat on North Star’s head, who looked up and giggled at the silly pink pony.

“But, how did you even find out about North Star? The only ponies outside of the Crystal Empire that we’ve told are Luna, Celestia, and Twilight.” Shining said with a confused look.

“Simple, my Pinkie sense alerted me a month ago! At first I couldn’t pinpoint it because I keep records of every newborn foal in Equestria, so I had to do some digging which led me to Canterlot. After that I joined a traveling circus, stopping at each town and asking if there had been any undocumented newborn foals. Then after mixing candy and cider, there was an explosion that transported me to another dimension where I met this really interesting, I think he said he was human? I think his name was Wade, but he kept calling himself something pool and he told me all about North Star because the story needed to be moved forwards. After that a wormhole opened up, I stepped through and arrived in the Crystal Empire just in time!”

Shining and Cadence just stood there in silence for a moment. What they had just heard made no sense at all, but they decided to let it slide because it was Pinkie Pie after all.

“A party sounds like a wonderful idea!” Cadence said. “We can even invite North Star’s new friend Summer Haze and her mother Daisy.”

“We can hold the party in the royal ballroom.” Shining chimed in. “We hardly use it anyways.”

Pinkie bounced on her tail with excitement. “Great! I’ll have everything ready in just a few hours!”

“That will give time to do my briefing with the royal guard. Cadence, how about you take North Star out on stroll?”

“That sounds wonderful. I just got a stroller for North Star that I’ve been to try out. He gained a bit of weight over the past month, and carrying him has become somewhat of a hassle.”

“You can say that again” Shining said as he tickled North Star’s tummy.

A little time later, Cadence walked through the streets of the Crystal Empire, pushing North Star along in his stroller. A pony also with a stroller walking by stopped and talked to the princess.

“Excuse me, princess? I don’t believe we’ve met. My name is Daisy Haze. I met your husband at the foal gym.”

“Oh yes, Shining told me about you.” Cadence looked down at Daisy’s stroller. “And this must be your daughter Summer. She is adorable!”

North Star and Summer instantly recognized each other. They smiled and reached over to touch each others hooves.

“It looks like our kids really like each other.” Daisy said with a smile. “Would you like to get a cup tea Princess?”

“I would love to.” Cadence replied. “And please, call me Cadence.”

Cadence and Daisy went to a local tea shop. They sat at an outside table and ordered their drinks. “So Cadence, how has motherhood been so far?” Daisy asked.

“Well, it hasn’t been easy. North Star does have his little tantrums from time to time, but for the most part he’s been a good little foal. It took a while for Shining to warm up to him, but now he truly has accepted him as a son. North Star has become a real blessing in our lives.”

“I know the feeling” Daisy said. “Summer is what motivates me to get through the day.”

Cadence and Daisy’s drinks arrived. “And what about your husband?” Cadence asked.

An uneasy look appeared on Daisy’s face. “I don’t have have a husband.” She she said as she stared down into her cup of tea.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Daisy took a sip of her tea. “It happened a year ago. I was bartending and a few of the Wonderbolts came into the tavern. They were in the Crystal Empire as part of their tour of Equestria. I started up a conversation with one of them. He was a very sweet colt, a real gentlemare. At least I thought he was. When my shift was over, he invited me back to his hotel room. A week later I started feeling sick, so I went to the doctor. That’s when I found out I was pregnant. I approached the stallion and told him the baby was his. He didn’t believe me and wanted proof. A blood test confirmed that he was the father. He became so furious. He said that he didn’t want a child because it would only slow down his career. I begged him to stay but he left anyway. I haven’t seen him since.”

A tear streamed down Cadence’s face. “That is so sad! What is this Wonderbolts name?”

Daisy took another sip of her tea. “I cannot tell you. I hold no ill will towards him. I can’t just force somepony to be a father. I can only hope that one day he will come around and be with his daughter.”

Cadence reached over and held Daisy’s hoof. “You truly have been through a lot. I may not know what it’s like to be a single mother, but just know that you will always support from me and Shining.”

Daisy smiled. “Thank you. It’s good to know that I have the help of friends.”

“By the way, this afternoon we’ll be throwing a party to celebrate North Star’s one month birthday. Shining and I would love it if you could come. And I know North Star would want Summer to be there.”

“Thank you. Summer and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Cadence arrived back at castle with Daisy and Summer to celebrate North Star’s party. They all arrived at the royal ballroom were Shining was standing in awe. It didn’t take long to see why. In the center of the ballroom there was a two story tall cake. Streamers of every color hung from ceiling. Pinkie fired confetti balloons from her party cannon.

“Great, you’re all here! Now we can party!” Pinkie cranked up the record player and party music began playing.

“I must say, Pinkie really outdid herself.” Shining said to Cadence.

“She always does.” Shining, Cadence, and Daisy began celebrating with North Star and Summer. A few minutes later, Caregiver arrived with a present.

“Hi! I hope I’m not too late. Happy birthday North Star!” Caregiver handed the gift to North Star. Shining and Cadence helped him to unwrap it to reveal a sparkly ball. North Star giggled with joy and rolled ball between himself and Summer.

Soon after there was a flash of light. Twilight had teleported to the part, and she brought Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity with her.

“Twily, you came!” Shining said with a big smile as he hugged his sister.

“Well of course I did. You didn’t think I’d miss my nephew’s one month birthday did you?” Twilight gave North Star a gift and nuzzled him. “Happy one month birthday, North Star!”

Twilight helped her nephew to open the gift. It was a pony plushie with blue hair, a green mane, button eyes, and black pants with yellow polka-dots. “Rarity helped me to make it. Say hello to Mr. Smarty Pants!”

North Star smiled and hugged the plushie tightly. Everypony we'd at the adorable sight.

After receiving gifts from the others, it was time to blow out the candle on the cake. Shining picked up North Star, and Cadence lifted them both with her magic to the top of the cake. “Ok buddy, make a wish!” Shining assisted North Star in blowing out the candle.

After blowing out the candle, North Star looked up at Shining. “Dad-dad.”

Shining shook his head. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. “North Star, did you just talk?”

“Dad-dad.” North Star said again.

Shining smiled brightly and called down to Cadence. “Honey, North Star just spoke his first word! He called me dad!”

Cadence brought the two down. “He did? His first word?”

North Star looked at Cadence. “Mom-mom.”

“His first words!” Shining shouted with celebration. He and Cadence both hugged North Star.

“That’s right. We’re your mommy and daddy.” Saying that she was a mommy made Cadence cry tears of joy.

“It’s a one month birthday miracle!” Pinkie Pie shouted. She then set off a 21 party cannon salute.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter felt a bit rushed.