• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 5,512 Views, 147 Comments

Son of Sombra - BubblePuff

Princess Cadences and Shining Armor adopt a foal who turns out to be the lost son of King Sombra

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Part 10

Shining and Cadence were both awoken in the early morning by the sound of crying coming from North Star’s room. Cadence yawned and kissed Shining awake.

“Time to wake up dear.”

“That kid sure is effective as an alarm clock.” Shining said with a laugh.

Cadence entered North Star’s room and peeked into his crib. “Good morning my little bundle of joy. Is something wrong?”

North Star reached up to Cadence. “I’m hwungry mommy.”

“Then let’s get you some breakfast.” Cadence picked up North Star and carried him to the kitchen. She set him down in his high chair then brought him a bowl of applesauce. Cadence held the spoon up with her magic. “Here comes the Wonderbolt, flying into Cloudsdale.” She flew the spoon into North Star’s mouth and he gulped the down the food.

Shining walked into the kitchen soon after. “Good morning bud.” He said as he rubbed North Star’s head.

“Worning daddy!” North Star said in between mouthfuls of food.

“So what’s on your agenda today?” Cadence asked.

“I have a meeting with Celestia regarding new airships and armor for the royal guard. How about you?”

“I’m dedicating a new playground, as well as meeting with the mayor of Trottingham.”

“Sounds like both of our days are full. What should we do with North Star?” Shining asked.

Cadence thought for a moment. “Well, Daisy is busy with her job. I don’t want to bother her while she’s working.”

Shining then had an idea. “We can drop him off at the Foal Gym. Caregiver won’t mind looking after him all day. Plus, Summer will be there.”

“That’s a great idea.” Cadence walked over to North Star. “Here that sweetie? You get to spend the whole day with your little friend.”

“Yay!” North Star shouted as he raised his hooves in the air. A foul odor then filled Cadence and Shining’s nostrils.

Cadence turned to Shining. “I fed him. You change him.”

Shining knew better than to argue with Cadence. “I’m on it.” He lifted North star out of his high chair and took him to his room. He placed North Star on the changing table and opened the diaper. The look on Shining’s face was that of complete horror.

“By Celestia’s mane! How can one little foal make THAT big of a mess?!” North Star simply giggled.

Later that morning, Shining and Cadence dropped North Star off at the Foal Gym. Cadence gave him a goodbye kiss on the cheek. “Ok sweetie, behave for miss Caregiver.” Cadence handed North Star over to Caregiver.

“Don’t worry, he’s in good hooves.” Caregiver said with a smile. Shining and Cadence waved goodbye. Caregiver took North Star over to Summer. “Summer, there’s somepony here to see you!” She set North Star next to her her. The two foals smiled and began playing make believe together.

After a little while, Caregiver announced that it was nap time. All of the foals were placed on padded mats to sleep on. North Star was about snuggle up with his Mr. Smartypants doll when he Summer crawled over to his mat and wrapped her hooves around him. Caregiver was going to separate them, but seeing the two foals together was just too cute of a sight.

One hour later, the foals woke up from their nap. North Star noticed that Summer had been clinging to him the whole time, and this made him smile.

“Alright my little foals, snack time!” Caregiver announced. Sippy cups filled with juice and animal crackers were given out.

North Star ate his snack. Before Summer could eat hers, a loud fart and foul odor came from her diaper. “Aw, did somepony make a stinky?” Caregiver said. She picked up Summer and took her over to the changing table.

While Summer was being changed, a red Earth pony foal with a blue mane crawled over and began eating her snack. North Star did not like this.

“Dat not yours!” he said angrily to the other foal, but the foal ignored him.

“You meanie!” North Star cried out. The other foal looked at North Star and just shoved him over.

North Star then lost it. He began screaming and smacking the foal. The foal smacked North Star back. Caregiver and Summer both heard the commotion and looked to see what was going on. Seeing that North Star needed her help, Summer flew off of the changing table and grabbed the bully foal. Summer then flew him over to the dirty diaper bin and dropped him in.

Summer landed next to North Star and two of them began laughing. The bully foal emerged from the bin with a dirty diaper on his head and broke crying.

“North Star! Summer!” Caregiver cried out. “Shame on you two! You should know better!” Caregiver placed both North Star and Summer in the time out pen. She then picked up the bully foal and washed him off.

When Shining, Cadence, and Daisy arrived to pick up North Star and Summer, Caregiver informed them of what had happened. All three of them were in shock.

“North Star! How could you do something like that?” Cadence said. “Your father and I are very disappointed in you. You will apologize this instant!”

“But he’s a meanie!” North Star protested.

Cadence then gave North Star a look that could cut through steel. North Star turned to the bully foal. “I’m sowrry.”

“Summer, I want you to apologize as well.” Daisy said.

“And you’re grounded for a month. That means no sweets or going to the playground. Understood?” said Shining.

“Yes daddy.”

Daisy looked at Summer. “The same punishment goes for you too.”

Cadence picked up North Star and Daisy picked up Summer. As they were being carried out, North Star looked back to see the bully foal sticking his tongue out at him. North Star stuck his out back.

Author's Note:

And with that, we done with the foal stage of North Star's life. I wanted this chapter to show North Star just having some fun as a baby. And the bully will return, I just need to think of a name.