• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 24,010 Views, 1,842 Comments

The Slumber of Gaia - Khenlos

Gaia, an alicorn from another world, is convinced to take a break and go to Equestria so she can relax in that peacful land. But what can she do after seeing an entire planet grow from the very beginning?

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Dusk of the First Day

It seemed that Luna was worried about something... We didn't have the chance to talk more as suddenly one of the guards knocked on the door and entered the room.

"Your highness, your sister summons you to her chambers" the guard said while bowing towards Luna. "Also, Princess Gaia has been invited to a small dinner this evening, and your highness wants to express that she would be most grateful if she can assist" the guard said politely.

"It will be my pleasure, dear... but I need a guide. I'm afraid I don't know the way to the dining hall" I said to the guard, who just bowed at me. "Also, I'm not a princess. I'm just Gaia, and I would like you all to call me by my name"

"But that would be very improper, your highness" he said, a bit nervous.. I scoffed a bit.

"Proper or whatever... I don't care. I want to be called by my name. Is that clear?" I asked him while raising an eyebrow. He looked pretty conflicted but finally nodded.

"Of course, your... I mean, Gaia. Please, follow me. I'll be your guide" he said while turning around and walking out the room. I noticed that Luna left during my little chat with the little one. She was sneaky, I'll give her that! I still don't like her, she needs to work on her anger issues.

The trip towards the dining hall was pretty uneventful, saving for a small stop at the restroom. After all that food I ate my system had to release some of it back to the earth... on in this case, to the... porcelain thing. I hope it's the correct one at least.

As I got in the dining hall I noticed that there were more ponies present this time... Wait a minute... They were the ones that I found at the forest! Celestia rose from her seat and smiled at me.

"Hello there, Celestia. I see you brought some friends for dinner" I said to her.

"You are right, Gaia. And I think you already know them" she replied with a sly smile. "They were eager to meet you properly"

"That's right! It is an honor to meet a princess that has been unknown since... well... forever!" The purple one said with excitement.

"Sorry dear, but I am not-" I tried to say, but i was cut off by her.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle, the princess of Magic, and these are my best friends. Applejack, the element of Honesty..." She said while pointing to the orange mare.

"Nice to meet ya" She said while tipping her hat.

"Fluttershy, the element of Kindness..." Twilight showed me a yellow mare with wings... a pegasus!

"Um... it's nice to see you again" she said with a tiny voice.

"Pinkie Pie, the element of Laughter..."Twilight said while the pink mare bounced in place.

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie, but you already know that since Twilight just told you! So I really should-"

"Rainbow Dash, the element of Loyalty..."Twilight interrupted Pinkie with an annoyed tone.

"The one and only!" the rainbow pegasus said with pride. So many names, I hope to remember them...

"And finally Rarity, the element of Generosity!" the lavender alicorn pointed to the last unnamed pony in the room.

"Charmed" she simply said, looking at me from head to tail. Another curious being like me, at long last!

"It's nice to see you all again, dears" I said to them with a serene smile. It was really nice to see them again and be able to talk to them.

"I wish to ask you so many questions! Why you have been hidden all this time? Why appear now? Why are you so big? How-" Twilight ranted before being cut off by young Luna. By the stars... I've seen many curious creatures but she is one of the most eager ones!

"Tomorrow we can exchange more information, Twilight Sparkle, but let us dine for now before our food gets cold" said Luna with a polite tone.

I already tasted all the menu so I just asked for a light meal. I didn't want to get fat after all! At least this time I wasn't alone in table manners.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash ate almost exactly as I did. Well, that's not the truth... Pinkie ate in a very unique and loud way. I must admit that it was a pretty amusing sight. Rarity still looked absolutely horrified by me for some reason.

"Darling, your table manners are just simply dreadful. How can you eat like that?" Rarity asked me.

"Why, is there any other way to eat? You bite the food, you eat the food. It's not warp theory, dear" I replied her with a small smile.

"That is not what I meant. Do you need to be so loud and... improper? A lady must be on her best behavior at all times, and know the best of table manners. Yours are... a bit lacking, darling" Rarity explained while grimacing a bit. I think it's because I get a bit dirty while eating.

"Never bothered to learn them anyways. You don't need them to live, dear. They are a thing made by societies, it's just not natural" I told her with a smile. She looked like she have been slapped by someone.

"But you must have them, that's what makes ponies different from mere savages!" Rarity said.

"I agree with dame Rarity. Customs and norms are natural for any society" Luna said while nodding her head. I just shook mine with a smile.

"Maybe you are right, dears. But in the end, we are nothing but animals" I replied to them. I feel so good when I make people speechless!

"You cannot possibly be serious! We are way more than simple animals!" Rarity exclaimed. The others also looked miffed at my words. Oh my, they were THAT kind of people, weren't they?

"Honey, I've seen the rise and fall of many civilizations, and I can say that I'm more amazed by the birth of a child than by the many different ways on how to scratch your plot in a proper way" I said with a small smile.

I need to count how many times they looks so surprised. They sure looked amazed by the smallest things.

Gaia was a mysterious pony, that was clear for anypony present in the dining hall. A walking enigma for the equestrian princesses.

By the way she talked she was ancient... probably predating any known civilization. Celestia already told Twilight and Luna about her findings, and their reactions were mixed.

Luna thought that, while truly older than them, Gaia was... senile in some way. She was oblivious to any kind of social norm and didn't care enough to learn about them. Luna also believed that some of the things she said were product of her apparently active imagination.

Twilight on the other hoof thought that she truly was from another planet, as she talked in another language when she arrived. That also explained her odd behavior and complete obliviousness of equestrian customs. She conceded that they needed to perform some tests before making more assumptions.

They all agreed that she was a very dangerous wild card that needed to be under observation. She wasn't evil, that was a fact, but her disregard of etiquette and other social norms would be a problem when contacting with another species. The dragons and griffons weren't as kind as the ponies after all.

The raging storm of questions assaulted the princesses, and even when they were sure of Gaia's pure intentions, they needed the assistance of Cadence to really gauge what truly was in her heart.

Even the laughter of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie was unable to break the suspicions and worry of the alicorn trio in the room. They decided to watch in silence the exchange of words between the new alicorn and the rest of the Elements of Harmony. Even with the need for answers calling them to ask questions, they had to wait.

Twilight used this situation to observe Gaia's personality. She acted like a mother surrounded by kids, and while polite she just acted as she saw fit. She had an eating contest with Rainbow and Pinkie, and after that she softly discussed with Fluttershy about what kind of animals existed in Equestria, all the time with a smile on her face. Even when Rarity came back for more and tried to drill her some kind of 'decent manners' she just took it in stride, not even offended to be called 'vulgar' several times... or implied by the way Rarity tried to explain Gaia about it at least.

And even with the questions and the suspicion, with the unknowns and Gaia's overwhelming personality... Twilight couldn't help but smile at her. Gaia was like some kind of silly grandmother that lived too much and just tried to enjoy life day by day. She also reminded her of Pinkie Pie, always trying to get a smile out of everypony... but mixed with Applejack's blunt honesty and Fluttershy's kind smile... That was truly something to think about.

Celestia told her that, according to Gaia's words, she was the warden of her own world, and her cutie mark confirmed that in some way. Maybe she embodied her world in more than one way... She was trying to be polite so she didn't stare at her flank, but managed to steal some glances and as Celestia said, Gaia's cutie mark was moving! Not in place but the mark itself. The clouds on the planet where being carried by some kind of winds they couldn't perceive... and sure enough the mark didn't feel like a magical illusion either.

After the uneventful dinner, Gaia was escorted to her room, and Twilight's friends departed to rest as well, leaving the princesses alone in the dining hall.

"I hope Cadence arrives soon in the morn. With her help we can shed some light over this" Luna said, sighing and slumping on her throne.

"I hope so, little sister. If Gaia is as powerful as she looks we will need great amounts of power to even scan her" Celestia said, carefully sipping her tea "We will need to inform her of the procedures as well. I think that if she doesn't allow it they will be unsuccessful"

"I still can't believe she doesn't know a bit of magic, Prin- I mean, Celestia " Twilight said with a small blush on her face "Even being the gentle soul she seems to be, any accidental outburst from her magic can be catastrophic.. I don't believe that she can lift an entire city though"

"She spoke the truth, or at least she believes it to be true, Twilight. We will need to think about how to test her strength" Celestia replied while nodding.

"I don't believe she is that strong either, sister. You can't hold that much energy inside without consequences" Luna reasoned with a thoughtful expression.

"But you remember the Tirek incident, right Luna? We can't be sure of that" Twilight countered.

"That is true, Twilight. We need to find a place where we can test this safely" Celestia replied with a smile.

"I already thought about some barren areas that barely hold any kind of life. I think we can travel via teleportation and perform some of the field tests there. We wouldn't be putting anypony in danger that way, and we could just ask her for some demonstration of her powers as well. It's the perfect plan!" Twilight said while applauding with her front hooves.

"We need to consult with our niece first, but I think that it is a good plan" Celestia responded.

"Agreed. We shall warn our stewards of our brief business outside Canterlot. For now I have duties to perform this night. I hope you enjoy a peaceful rest" Luna said while getting up and walking out of the dining hall. Her fellow princesses also retired to their chambers for a much needed sleep.

Tomorrow was going to be a big day.