• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 24,012 Views, 1,842 Comments

The Slumber of Gaia - Khenlos

Gaia, an alicorn from another world, is convinced to take a break and go to Equestria so she can relax in that peacful land. But what can she do after seeing an entire planet grow from the very beginning?

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That sure was an enjoyable meal! The young ones laughed at last... even though I'm not sure why. Something hilarious for sure... I think the blue one got even more blue...

I waited for them to catch some breath before getting up from the table. I wanted to explore some of the gardens outside, they looked just so comfy right now...

But my wishes were not to be satisfied again. The white one approached me and said something, pointing towards the halls and made some strange gesture. More walking... The blue one didn't have that frown on her face anymore, at least for what I was able to see. She leaved quickly and didn't have the time to even say goodbye to her. Rude!

And so we kept walking and walking, this time the trip even had stairs! At least I could steal glances of the outside when we passed near a window. I had to admit that it was a pretty sight... but I wanted to see the place from being there, not from afar. Oh well... the young ones are always busy, trying to order things the way they like. I can't fault them for that, they just don't see what I see.

It was pretty funny when some of the younger guards just looked surprised at me, and we had to stop frequently so the white one explained to them something. Probably about me. I patted them on their little heads every time. They were just precious, working so hard to look serious. How can they look so cute wearing armor? Ah... I miss the times when my son was just a child, trying to make things with sticks and stones.

The white one continued to guide me around the castle, apparently looking for something. No, that's not right, she probably knew the place... She was looking for someone. I wonder who?

My thoughts were cut short when we were approached by some guards. They talked to the white one and pointed towards the corridor they came from. She nodded and made me to follow her. My they sure liked to order others around. I've been ordered to follow them since I arrived! Still it was pretty amusing, all of them so centered about their little things.

After what could've been hours we arrived at our apparent destination. It was a bedroom of sorts, decorated in the tackiest way I have even seen... and that's saying a lot! There were piles of strange and colorful objects everywhere in the room, thrown away without any care. There was also a strong scent inside the room, but I couldn't put my hoof on what it was. It smelled like those treats the pink one gave me earlier today, so it was probably some kind of food. I turned to look what was making that sweet smell when I found myself face to face with the strangest of creatures.

It was... unique. I could feel it was a he at least, and I already saw a male creature with those funny hairs, just like the ones this creature had on his chin. It was definitely a he... Oh? What's this? His limbs were all different? But evolution doesn't work that way... This didn't make any sense. He kept looking at me with his red eyes, so I just smirked.

"You are the strangest thing I ever seen. Do you know how much that title means coming from me, my dear creature?" I said while laughing. He laughed as well while the white one looked a bit angry... at him? He was just a funny guy, I could tell!

When he managed to control his laugh decided to... float? Ok... This is getting weird pretty fast. Fascinating, but weird. How could he float with those tiny wings? He didn't look that light too. I picked up his tail to check its weight, and sure enough it was all muscle. At least he didn't seem to mind... much. He looked to me with a confused expression, and I just smiled and left his tail free. He looked even more confused and I couldn't help but laugh. They are pretty silly these creatures. How can you explore if you don't touch and see?

I walked around the room inspecting the trinkets he had with curiosity while they talked. Most of them looked like toys and figurines of different things and creatures... What's this? Oh? Figurines of the young ones? Not even outside their package. Why would anyone leave toys inside their package? Aren't they made to play with them? I didn't get it.

The odd creature pulled me away from the figurines with urgency, saying something and looking pretty embarrassed.

"Aw, don't worry. I'll not judge you. All creatures are really big children" I said to him with a laugh. He coughed and said something to the white one. She nodded and then he approached me and grabbed my head. He looked from side to side and everything between, looking for something. He even tapped my skull and put his ear to hear how it sounded! Was he some kind of doctor? He didn't look very sure of himself...

He went to talk with the white one again, talking quickly and making some kind of gestures with his front limbs. He looked pretty enthusiastic about something that saw on me it seems. I chuckled at that, remembering about the first time my son's people had the courage to ask me something. They looked so frightened! They thought that I would smite them just for asking anything! Luckily they managed to work out their fears... and then the tests started. I swear that it was the most boring time of my long life.

My thoughts were cut off by some prodding from the odd creature. He pointed to his neck and then to his head. Then he made some kind of gesture and pointed to my head and neck... I didn't get it.

"I can't understand a word of what you are trying to say dear. I'm sorry" I said to him. He sighed and stepped away a bit. He then made a gesture with his limbs... His claws? One was a claw I think... I need to probably take a better loo-ouch!

Did... did I get hit on my forehead? Why am I on the floor?

"Discord! Have you lost your mind!?" Celestia yelled, absolutely livid.

"But I thought you wanted her to speak like us, right? I just did that!" Discord replied while pointing to the almost fainted alicorn.

"You just threw her a ball of magic at her! You could have harmed her!" Celestia replied, approaching the green mare "By my sun, I just hope she is okay..."

"She IS okay, Celestia. I am reformed! I would not dare to harm another living being in any way" Discord said while making a halo appear on his head.

"Ugh... Did I got hit by a maglev again?" Celestia heard from the green mare. "By the sun and stars... I think I'm sick..." the green mare said while Celestia and Discord looked at her perplexed.

"It worked!" Celestia exclaimed, excited about finally being able to communicate with the new alicorn.

"It worked?" Discord said "It doesn't make se-Ah... Ha ha... Very funny..." Discord said to his... claw?

"What worked? Oh my... I think my head hurts" the mare said while holding her head

"Do not worry, it was just a necessary procedure. You can understand us right now after all" Celestia said with a calm voice.

"Understand who?" she replied before looking to Celestia "Oh... it's you, young one. Wait..." she opened her eyes fully "Say something"

"Young one?" Celestia replied, confused. The green alicorn gasped.

"What... What did you do? This shouldn't be possible!" she exclaimed, trying to get up. Celestia put a hoof on her shoulder in a calming manner.

"We can explain later. For now I want to welcome you to Equestria. My name is Celestia, and I am princess of this realm. Can you tell us your name, please?" Celestia asked politely while Discord floated near them with curiosity. The green mare looked at her in awe and she closed her eyes for a second, moving them at high speed like reading something with eagerness. She then coughed a bit and opened her eyes, looking at them with a calm smile.

"I am Gaia. Nice to meet you" She simply said. Her voice now sounded more natural but oddly... normal. She sounded like your average mature mare, but something in her voice made them think about a mother that spoke with great wisdom and experience.

"Bah! I expected the booming sound of a powerful being! Not... this! You sound just so... so...!" Discord said, a bit upset "Oh well. At least she isn't talking 'clickity' anymore"

"I still can talk 'in clickity' as you say, but somehow I know now how to speak your language. Strange, but fascinating at the same time" Gaia replied with a small smile.

"I don't want to impose Gaia, but I really need to ask you some questions." Celestia said, with a small tone of concern.

"Of course, young one. Ask away" Gaia replied, sitting on the floor.

"Well..." Celestia said, suddenly at a loss of words. So many questions and now...

"Go on..." Gaia pushed with a serene smile "Dino got your tongue?"

"Why do you call me 'young one'? Do you know how old I am?" Celestia asked. Gaia chuckled.

"Why no, I don't know how old you are, but I'm pretty sure that I'm way older, dear" Gaia replied, still smiling.

"...How old are you, Gaia?" Celestia asked. Gaia laughed loudly.

"Oh goodness... Do you always ask a lady about her age?" Gaia replied with mock surprise. Celestia winced a bit at that. "Ah, don't worry you little head about it. Let me just... count on..." Gaia replied, closing her eyes and murmuring to herself.

"Oh come on! She can't be so old that she need to count!" Discord said.

"Ah! I am 4,281,006,482 years old, give or take a couple of years. My birthday is the tenth day of the rain season" Gaia replied with a wink. Both Discord and Celestia were speechless.

"You... what?" Celestia replied eloquently.

"That's a lie! You can't be that old! That's not even a number!" Discord exclaimed.

"Sure I am, dear. I am proud to say that I look two hundred million years younger than I am. Hardly anything to brag about, really, but you asked about my age after all" Gaia replied with a wide smile.

"I don't believe you. If I snap my fingers and see your aura surely it will tell me..." Discord said, snapping his fingers and staring at Gaia. His mouth suddenly dropped and his eyes almost grew out of their sockets.

"You are not from this world, aren't you" Celestia asked, her tone careful and worried

"Ah, that question..." Gaia said with a small smile. She raised a hoof and waved "I come in peace! Take me to your leader! Give me all your women!" she said while giggling like a schoolfilly. Celestia looked at Discord for answers but she found that he was also confused about the situation. "Sorry, is that I read that those were famous quotes for first contact that I fo-"

"It's impossible that you are an alien! It doesn't make sense... And that's my job! Are you trying to-" Discord said, cutting off Gaia and floating near her, when a big wing just smacked him out of the air and pulled his head towards the the green mare, muffling his voice.

"Shush, don't interrupt me when I'm talking" Gaia said before looking back at Celestia "So yes. I'm from another planet" she said. Discord tried to free himself snapping his fingers... but after a small glow between Gaia's feathers Discord still was with his head imprisoned under her wing. Gaia giggled.

"That tickles!" Gaia said while Celestia looked at her with newfound respect.

"You... need to tell me how to do that" Celestia said, looking at Gaia in amazement.