• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 24,011 Views, 1,842 Comments

The Slumber of Gaia - Khenlos

Gaia, an alicorn from another world, is convinced to take a break and go to Equestria so she can relax in that peacful land. But what can she do after seeing an entire planet grow from the very beginning?

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Alien Diplomacy: Global Edition

I think this is going to be an interesting dinner.

As I went to sit at my now usual spot I observed the rest of the people at the table. I was surprised to see so many different sapient species at once. Truly it was a remarkable sight! I always thought that a world was only capable of sustain one sapient race at once at least for what I knew then. I mean the amphibians were getting pretty smart back home just before the Exodus, but they never acquired full sapience while the trichordates were there. I had a feeling that I was going to be a mommy again soon though! Maybe in the next million years!

But I was getting myself ahead of things. Now with the species!

First I noticed a sub-type of mammal very similar to the ponies, but with stripes. I thought that they were just a subspecies of pony, but thanks to my special sense of sight I saw that they had enough differences to be just that. They were a couple of them, both male and female and watched me with intrigue but not being unpolite about it. Now that I think about it, the one that gifted me those plants at the forest was the same species...

Then there were the big and fluffy mammals with brown coats and horns.

The older one was almost as big as me, even if he had the head lower than any of the alicorns. They had bulky bodies and had so much fur that they looked like big plushies. I took a good look at them to check their biology and noticed that their fur changed with the seasons, a truly fascinating survival mechanism!
Anyways, they looked at me with curiosity and respect, but I think the curiosity of the young one was more out of surprise than anything. Maybe it was the first time he saw a creature bigger than him?

And talking about big creatures, this one was bigger than me.

It was a reptile with wings. Talking about the good old days and they will appear! It looked like a dinosaur but with the wrong number of limbs, with six instead of four. The scales were dull red and had lots and lots of spikes along his spine. I think... yeah, they call them dragons here, but truly it just looks like a small mutant theropod with extra limbs. I need to ask someone about that.

Next to him was a couple of big ponies that had elaborate clothes on them. Wait... Saddles! Curious thing, with many different meanings for a strange piece of clothing. Oh! I almost forgot about them!
These creatures looked like bigger and overall more slender ponies and they lacked both wings and horns. They were perplexed and intrigued by me and their inquisitive eyes were analyzing every part of me, being natural or just my usual jewelry. I have to see if they can make one of their pretty clothes for me!

Oh! And then it was this... Well...
He was an avian... but he also had mammalian parts, so I was pretty confused by that. It was a product of some genetic experiment? It was a small possibility, but that's the only thing I knew that it can create a creature so strange and fascinating. Maybe it was magic? Of course not! That would be silly! As silly as the number of sapient on this world... Just how many more sapients exist here?

There were also some kind of bipedal bovines next to their quadruped counterparts, and just in front of them were some kind of cloven creatures... Deers, that's it! Huh, I thought they looked different from that name... And other ones that looked like predators stood near the door... Diamond Dogs? Where's my son when I need him? This dress is pretty and I do look a bit nicer but this is just tedious!

Smile Gaia, smile. I'll be on my way soon enough... Oh gosh, they were talking to me?

"I'm sorry, what were you saying, dear?" I asked to the reptile, who looked at me with a very inquisitive and serious look. He just huffed in annoyance.

"I was saying that I doubt that you hold as much power as the princesses say. I trust Celestia and Luna but that kind of power doesn't exist!" he said as he crossed his arms. I just smiled a bit but decided to not say anything. I didn't have any idea what they were talking about after all.

"Yeah! It's all bark and no bite! I propose a test of strength to show the true might of this mare!" yelled the bipedal bovine as the rest of the diplomats just groaned.

"No one is going to hoof-wrestle. You just make an excuse to do that at any moment!" the bird-lion said.

"What? Are you chicken?" the bovine asked with a smirk. The bird creature puffed out his chest and walked to me before bowing.

"Excuse me madam, but while I don't want to do such a barbaric thing, I must ask you to..." he said before I interrupted him.

"Sure, let's play a bit. I'm down for a bit fun right now" I told him with a small smile. He blinked slowly and nodded.

"Very well. Boys, bring the mighty table of wrestling!" the bovine said to his guards. Celestia just chuckled and shook her head.

The whole hall was filled with murmurs as a simple but sturdy table was brought to us. We put ourselves in position and Celestia approached me to explain the rules of this game. She pressed a button that was at the side of the table and a strange buzzing was heard around us.

"Remember that you are not using magic anymore, so be careful with those muscles" Celestia told us. I just raised an eyebrow and nodded. The... Griffon! That's better... well, the griffon just smiled politely and readied himself.

"You look strong, but you should know that griffons are better prepared for this. Talons and all that, nothing more" he told me in a joking tone. I just giggled.

"Good luck, and careful with your talon" I said with a small smile.

"Pardon?" he asked, confused.

"Begin!" yelled a smiling Celestia . I just made a little push but his arm was slammed against the table. He hissed a bit and shook his talon and laughed.

"Well lady, you have quite the arm there!" he said with a joyful tone. I just giggled.

"You are a charmer, dear. I know I'm a bit out of shape, but thank you" I told him "Are you alright? That hit was a bit hard"

"Don't worry, I had worse. Good luck with your next contestant" he said as the bipedal bovine quickly sat in front of me and put his arm on the table.

"You will now feel the strength of Bull Fury! Come on, show me what you are made of!" he almost yelled as one of the quadruped bovines sighed.

"You are not in the ring anymore, Argus. Just... do your thing and let's move onto more pleasant things" the... hm... cow! The cow said. I just readied myself and smiled.

"You look so sure of yourself" I politely said. He huffed and smirked.

"I'm an ambassador but also I was a champion of my people in my younger days. I'm still in my prime but one must let the young shine on their own light. I'm now in the world league!" he laughed as the other groaned.

"Begin" Celestia said with a monotone voice, clearly not amused by the bull's antics. The minotaur, curious name I must say, suddenly pushed with all of his might, even using part of his body to put more power into the push. Sadly he had worse luck than the griffon emissary. With a sickeningly crack he managed to unset his shoulder. He cried silently as he bowed at me and walked away to the infirmary. Celestia put a wing on me as she smiled,

"Don't worry, he's fine. Argus is just a prideful bull. He'll be back in a bit." she said in a calming tone. I was a little perturbed, but it wasn't the first time I saw a creature using more strength than they should. Suddenly the dragon took the seat in front of me and smiled kindly to me.

"Impressive show of force Gaia, but would you like to test it forward and allow me to compete against you?" he asked as he put his elbow on the ground and the table changed to allow me to get in a comfortable position. Magic, how does it work?

"Gaia, I'll not tell you what to do, but be careful. Dragons are known for their physical strength and can best us without our magic with little effort" Luna said as she approached me. I just chuckled and readied myself.

"Don't worry young Luna, I had to put my hoof down with dinosaurs that doubled his size. I'm sure this will be fun and nothing more" I told her as I looked at the dragon "I suppose we are going to play to win, right dear? No kid gloves this time" I said as I smirked. He laughed loudly and grasped my hoof.

"I'm going to enjoy this" he said as he also put a smirk on his face.


The floor cracked with our first push as we started with a stalemate.

He grunted as he tried to force my hoof against the table. I had to really use strength to hold him and it was truly invigorating. It's been so long since I really used my strength! But I was really out of shape and he started to push me down. He smirked at me as he saw that it was getting difficult to hold him. I used a good deal of strength to push him off and even making his arm a bit down. He tensed his body as he pushed again towards a stalemate. We were too focused to notice that the floor cracked more and more as the time went on.

And suddenly both the table and the ground just gave up and we fell in the sudden hole on the floor.

All the emissaries and princesses quickly went down and check on us. We were sprawled, my dress totally ruined and both the dragon and myself were covered in dust and splinters. We looked at each other and laughed loudly, we were even crying out of our intense laughter.

"You, my big reptilian friend, are funny. I like you" I told him between laughs. He just laughed more, even rolling on the rubble around him.

"You are some crazy alicorn mare. We should do this again sometime." He said as he got up and helped me get up, even dusting off my ruined dress and mane.

"Of course. I'm always up to a friendly game" I replied with a smile.

'It can't get any worse' Celestia thought as she tried to patch up the floor as Derel and Gaia just talked about something, the other ambassadors just talking about the unfortunate end of the hoof-wrestling match. 'At least they look friendlier towards her. If she can be friends with someone as grumpy as Derel... Magic of friendship indeed' she thought as she smiled a bit before the main door opened up showing somepony she wasn't expecting.

"A meeting of all the species and you don't invite me? Shame on you, Celestia. I thought we were friends..." said Queen Chrysalis as she sauntered to the center of the hall. Everypony was silent, just observing her with wariness. Everypony except Gaia, who looked at her with unbridled curiosity. "Is this a party or a funeral? You are all so well dressed and serious that I can't tell!"

'Of course she had to appear' Celestia thought with bitterness "What do you want, Chrysalis?"

"Well to meet our otherworldly visitor of course! This is a meeting of all the species of the world to show her, right? Too bad that the mailpony didn't arrive with the invitation... but the past is in the past, right?" she said with mirth as she got close to Gaia. Everyone tensed up as she observed the green mare. "Huh, you looked bigger from the distance" she said to Gaia.

"You look pretty thin, do you eat well? Tell me, please. It's bugging me out" Gaia said without thinking. Everypony chuckled at the comment, making Chrysalis frown at her. "Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry dear" Gaia apologized. Chrysalis huffed.

"We changelings eat positive emotions like love, and we are not exactly pleasing to the eye, so no I don't eat well" Chrysalis said, trying to look miserable. Celestia and Luna looked at her warily at her strange behavior.

"Aw don't be sad. I love you!" Gaia said as pulled Chrysalis into a unexpected hug... or so they thought. Celestia saw that Chrysalis was wearing a smirk on her face as she got pulled in the hug. They were going to rush towards them when Chrysalis looked perplexed and pulled out of the hug.

"You love me, but I don't feel full. I feel your love but... What gives? Where is your love energy?" Chrysalis said, dropping all the good appearances. Gaia smiled motherly.

"But I really love you. I love every creature that exist, big or small" she said as she pulled one of the zebras in a hug with one arm and the griffon ambassador with the other, nuzzling both of them. Chrysalis observed as she stomped out of the hall.

"Of course! She divides all her love with so many creatures that they only receive a tiny piece of it! Why!? Why do I keep finding the freaks!? This is bullsh-" she raged on as she slammed the main doors shut, leaving everypony inside perplexed.

"That was... something?" the minotaur emissary said as he scratched his head as the other diplomats just shrugged their respective shoulders and looked around in confusion.

"Aw, she looked like she was in a hurry. I have so many question about how she eats something non physical like love..." Gaia said as she tapped her chin with a hoof. "That reminds me!" she suddenly said as she pulled out a small device out of her mane "I should present you my son! He's the one that deals with politics so..." she said as she pushed a button on the device and brought it to her ear. Everyone was silent as she waited something to happen.

"Gaia... Why...?" Celestia tried to say but Gaia shushed her.

"One moment dear... Hello? Springy is that you?" she talked to the device as if someone was in front of her. "Yes it's been wonderful... Yes... Yes?... Oh and what about you? Last time you were on helm duty... Aha..." she went on and giggled "I see, well good luck with that. Say, can you call for Prometheus? I need to talk to him" she asked. Nothing happened in a bit as her expression changed slowly into a small frown, making the princesses worry. They never saw Gaia with any other expression than joy. "I see. I don't care, I want to talk to him now... No... No?... I don't care?... Is that so?" she said as she frowned. "No no! I get it! I... No?... Just... shut up. Tell my son that we are going to talk later." She said as she pushed the button again and huffed. "Boys these days!"

Everyone was silent until Derel spoke "Who were you talking to?" he asked.

"One of my son's crewmen. 'He is not available' he said, 'He told us to not bother him' he said. Well maybe-" Gaia was saying as a spark of light appeared near her, taking the form of a smaller alicorn that launched himself to Gaia's side, getting effectively attached in a strong hug.

"Sorrysorrysorry! I keep telling them to not be so literal!" the chestnut alicorn said as he tried to get Gaia's attention, making everypony in the room a bit uncomfortable. She just closed her eyes and looked away.

"So you say! He made pretty clear that you were not to be disturbed" she said as she looked sadly at him "Don't you love me anymore?" she asked him as she pouted, making some of the royal guards give a murderous look at Prometheus.

"Of course I love you mom. I'm so sorry, I was just checking the main reactor to make some improvements and I just... I'm sorry" He said as he nuzzled his mother. Gaia smiled a bit and nuzzled him back. Everypony had their heartstrings pulled with the family moment, but it was cut short when Prometheus noticed that they were in presence of aliens.

"Well... er... Greetings, people of this fair planet! I come in peace in the name of science and the Trichordians, my people! I am Prometheus, Firstborn of Gaia and I would love to join this multispecies symposium! Er... meeting?" he said trying to show some grandeur, his smooth armor and unkempt mane dulling the effect.

The diplomats were left speechless, not knowing what to do. Celestia tried to analyze the new arrival but she caught her sister stealing glances of the newcomer instead. 'What are you up to, Lulu?' Celestia thought.

"Aw! Look at him, just being a big boy to make is mom proud!" Gaia said as she pulled her son in a tight hug.

"Mother, please! not in front of dignitaries of other countries!" Prometheus said as he tried to escape from his mother's grasp.

Luna couldn't help but laugh at the situation, soon followed by everypony in the room.

Prometheus resigned to his fate and decided to apply both front hooves to his face.

Author's Note:

Hello everypony! I'm sorry for the very long wait but RL just demands attention from time to time, and I just had to answer the call.

I have my drivers license at last and I opened a café with my mother two weeks ago (In fact, I'm writing this at work during low hours... which are many now in Summer) so now I am a somewhat productive member of society. I'm hardly a barista but at least I know how to use the coffee machine! :derpytongue2:

These past months were doing and looking for the paperwork necessary to open the café, so there's why I've been inactive around here.

This is 'as it is', as in no editor or proofreader looked at this, so I apologize for the probable and abundant errors in it :ajsleepy: .

I hope you like this chapter, and expect another soon-ish!

PD: Microsoft Edge is a troll. It keeps making corrections to spanish as I write :facehoof: