• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 23,977 Views, 1,842 Comments

The Slumber of Gaia - Khenlos

Gaia, an alicorn from another world, is convinced to take a break and go to Equestria so she can relax in that peacful land. But what can she do after seeing an entire planet grow from the very beginning?

  • ...

The Arrival

"What's that?" I asked my son, annoyance clear in my voice.

"It's an injection of nanites mom, it helps your healing and..."

"I don't need that nani-thing! I can heal just fine!" I huffed, interrupting him while pushing the syringe away with a hoof, making him drop it towards the floor, smashing it into pieces. There where several other items and bionic implants scattered on the floor, earlier ‘suggestions’ and ‘improvements’ that my son tried to put in me, "This is all useless! You are stressing me out and it's supposed to be a vacation!" I yelled at him.

"But mom! I just want you to be safe!" he insisted.

"You told me that this was a relaxing planet with lots of green places with animals, and that's all I need. Don't treat me like a little girl, I'm still your mother and still bigger and older than you," I told him, patting him rather forcefully on the back to make my point across.

"Mom you're making the others feel kinda useless and making fun of me in front of my people. Please, tone it a bit down..." He pleaded while giving me those puppy eyes.

"Well I'm their mother too, they should know to respect my wishes," I said to him, turning my head and facing the spectators.

They were creatures that stood over three legs and had only one eye, kinda like a jellyfish or a squid "...and you! You should be ashamed of yourselves, disrespecting your mother this way. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, is that clear?" I said to them.

"The all-mother has spoken!" yelled one, and the others looked between him and me with horror plastered on their strange faces.

"What did I say about that!?" I said to him in a force tone, making the poor thing shrinking in his place

"That you... don't like those... names from... ancient times and I'm gonna shut up and go to work okay bye!" He said in a hurry.

I sighed and slumped a bit on the floor. "We are not so different from them. We sleep, we eat and we live like them... so why they keep pestering me with titles?" I said to myself.

"Well, in their defense I must say that we are quadruped animals with wings and horn and they don't look anything like us. There is no animal back on our home planet that shares our physical attributes. We just share bodily functions... to an extent..." he said, looking to me with a meaningful look.

I may need to describe myself at this point. I'm a quadruped creature with wings, horn and tail. I have two eyes with bright orange irises, a light blue mane and green fur. Oddly enough I have a picture of my planet on both of my flanks. I'm also the tallest creature on my planet, even my son is shorter than me. Also as my son had said, there is no creature like us, with hair or mammary glands. We are both the only ones of our species and animal family on our world.

Not that it was enough to be an item of adoration mind you.

"That time they saw me swimming in lava was because I was creating a small island to perform some kind of experiments, to see if..."

"Mom, you were throwing lava everywhere and laughing like a maniac. I had to fly to nearby settlements to calm down the poor fellas because they thought it was the end of the world."

I huffed a bit at that "Well it's not like there were any deaths or anything. Besides it was just one time," I said with finality.

"How about the time when you just uprooted an entire forest and moved it to the Arctic?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"I was just making the area greener. Seriously, did you see how white everything was? It was depressing."

"How about the time when you scattered an entire nation around the globe?" He asked with amusement on his voice.

"I was populating the land with them. They were already traveling, I just did them a favor. Also they were barely a nation, just small settlements stuck in what you call 'the stone age'..."

"How about when you flooded..."

"Alright, alright! I get it! I MIGHT have been doing kinda impressive feats, but that's not enough to..."

"Mom, you created us. If what you have told me is true you created my people from nothing..." He said.

"I was bored and the land was filled with enough plants already," I pouted.

"That's what I'm talking about mom! You were BORED and decided to create life FROM NOTHING!" he said with exasperation "When my people are bored they sing, they dance or play games. Hell I even do those! But you just..." he tried to continue but he was hyperventilating. I picked him up with my forelegs and hugged him, cooing and petting him. He managed to relax after a while.

"I'm not a baby, mom..." he replied with a pout.

"You will be always my baby," I said to him, kissing him on the cheek.

"Aaaawwww..." we heard from the door. There were several of my son's people looking at us, their expressions melting with our show of affection.

"Mom, let me go please, you are embarrassing me..." He said, fidgeting in place. I just kept him in place.

"Why no one should be ashamed of being with their mothers and sharing a moment with them. Should I tell them about when you were just an infant? My, you were the cutest thing..."

"No mom! Stop!" he yelled, panicked.

"Yes! Tell us!" the crewmen at the door said, rallying inside the room. I just kissed my son again, this time on the other cheek.

"Oh yes, he was. I remember this one time when he was..."


"Mom, you are impossible," my son said while we were walking towards some other part of the ship.

"Oh shush, you loved it," I said to him.

"Well... I like your hugs..." he relented.

"There you go. Nothing better than a mothers love to cure grumpiness," I happily said. "So, why are we going to the fungus?"

"Hangars mom. There you can board the dropship to the surface," he said, his tone a bit more serious.

"Why? It's not like I can't fly there myself," I said indignantly.

"Well we are in space mom. There is no air and it's kind of cold."

"I don't need air in the first place. It's nice to have something to breath but how do you think that I launched ice asteroids towards our home to obtain water?" I said to him, raising an eyebrow.

"Well that explains some of the geological findings at least..." he coughed a bit, "Anyways, we should give you some bits of equipment, given that you didn't want any augmentations..."

"I told you a hundred times before son, they will melt or malfunction in the areas I tend to be while exploring. Can some of your things sustain the heat of a volcano?" I asked him

"... No, they can't," he sighed "Alright mom, but you need to be careful with the devices we are going to provide. They are invaluable and unique, at least now" he said.

We walked into the big room, the "hangars" as my son called it, and some of the squid-people were already here. My son said that calling them that it was despective, but frankly, the name they call themselves is just stupid...

"Ah, welcome your lordship. We have gathered the instruments for Mother, so she can board the shuttle whenever she's ready," one of them said.

"Good, but there is a small change of plans. Bring her bags here, she'll enter the planet by herself," he said to them, earning a gasp from them.

"R-right away, your lordship."

I just looked at my son with a bit of annoyance "You are not filling my bags with crap again, right?" I said, forgetting my manners

"MOM!" he said, horrified

"But it's true! You and your people begged me to carry a lot of useless stuff when I told you that I was making a visit to the deepest basin on the ocean floor!" I replied

"But we gathered invaluable scientific data! We need that data mom!" he said with conviction

I sighed and shook my head "Alright, bring your toys and tell me what I need to do. I thought this was a vacation..."

"I'm not telling you to check on them everyday mom, just carry them inside your bags, they'll do the rest," he explained to me "You don't even have to do anything at all, just that they are safe and working. See? It's not like I put between them monitoring systems to see if you are doing OK or anything, he he..." he forced a smile and his left eye twitched a little. I sighed.

"Alright. Just remember about old me and write, OK? I'll be fine," I told him. He teared up a bit and suddenly he launched himself at me, crushing me in a hug.

"This will be first time I'm truly away from you mom. I'll write you every week I promise. Just please check your datapad, you know that..."

"I know son, don't worry. Your mom will be old but knows how some of these work," I said with a smirk. I fluttered my wings and took a deep breath. "Well, I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Just remember to have fun with your spaceship."

"I'll do mom. Take some pictures for the album, but not too many! We already have like twenty!" he said with a laugh. I shook my head.

"I'll try to remember that son, but no promises," I said with a smile.

Suddenly a mechanical sound could be heard inside the hangar and one of the walls opened slowly, showing the planet below. It was a beautiful ball of green and blue covered by white clouds under the light of a yellow sun not so different from the one at home. A faint electric glow around the frame was the only thing that hinted the existence of a force field protecting the beings in the room from space. I walked slowly towards it, anticipation and giddiness fighting inside me. I turned towards my son and his people one last time, smiling motherly to them.

"I love you, and I'm very proud of all of you. Take care," I said before jumping towards the planet, the harsh coldness of space hitting me like a splash of cold water. 'Just like old times' I thought as I impulsed myself towards a somewhat big landmass filled with green and life. I could sense even from here thriving with many kinds of creatures and plants. 'This looks promising already.'

Unbeknownst to me, something was happening inside the starship I just left.

"Sir... is that the universal translator that you were supposed to give to Mother in your pocket?" said one of the scientists still at the hangar. The face of the young alicorn lost all of its color in seconds.

"Oh sh-"

It was a calm day in Equestria. The sun shone kindly over the land giving its inhabitants a pleasant warmth and light, the birds were singing and mostly everypony was enjoying what could be called a perfect Spring day. Yet Celestia, one of the princesses of this land and caretaker of the sun was looking over the horizon intrigued.

Her younger sister sensed a gentle but powerful magical signature in the skies during the night and just a moment ago she managed to feel it going downwards, and if her senses were right this entity was making a beeline towards the Everfree forest. 'What could it possibly be?' she asked to herself, looking towards the forest with curiosity and a small smile growing on her face 'It seems that our youngest princess is going to have an interesting day. I will be waiting eagerly to see what she finds.'

Author's Note:

27/01/2017 - Edit. Thanks to PlatinumPony for the proofreading! (This was done months ago but I forgot to put the updates here. Sorry about that!