• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 24,010 Views, 1,842 Comments

The Slumber of Gaia - Khenlos

Gaia, an alicorn from another world, is convinced to take a break and go to Equestria so she can relax in that peacful land. But what can she do after seeing an entire planet grow from the very beginning?

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Mare of the Wilds

My these creatures were pushy! At least the yellow and the pink one were kinder and just walked with me making these funny noises with their little mouths. I giggled a bit and shook my head, "Sorry little ones, I still can't understand you. I'm happy that you try to talk to me at least" I said while petting the pink one. She just smiled and started yapping at high speed, at which I laughed again. I liked the pink one.

At my backside the lavender one was trying to be gentle while pushing me through some kind of path and failing to do so. It was obvious that they wanted me to follow them but they must learn a bit of how to guide someone when they don't know what they are saying! By the sun and stars my rump was achy after all that continuous pushing. I was just enjoying the forest...

Still I wasn't mad. No, I was ecstatic! They were so much like me and my son! The same number of limbs... more or less, the same body type and even the same two eyes! Well... the lavender one was the only one that was like me but the other were pretty close too.

They were talking among themselves and stealing quick glances towards me from time to time. I just smiled at them, and tried to look around for more plants and animals to look at. I saw a patch of pretty plants with strange blue leaves making a bulbous form at the top, but all of them stopped me with worried sounds and looks so I sighed and continued to walk with them. Now that I think about it... there were many of those strange plants with leaves of many colors and smells. I had never seen such a thing back home... the same with the ever-present plants with little but pointy leaves that sprouted from the ground. It was all so alien and fascinating...

We found another quadruped creature, this time with a striped pattern that sounded quite melodic while talking in their funny language. She looked at me surpried and bowed, murmuring something to the ground and offering me some kind of plant. I smiled and ate it, saying a polite "Thank you" to her, which looked to be pleased with it even if she didn't seem to understand the words but the meaning behind them. Maybe the small hug I gave her also helped to translate the words. The plant tasted as delicious as it looked.

The striped one talked a bit with the others while I was just petting one of the little feathery creatures that were at the top of my head, traveling with me. It chirped something at which its parter on my head replied, making a melodic conversation between them. Not a day here and I'm already marveled by these new creatures. I'm liking this 'vacation' thing!

But the time to depart arrived too soon and we bid our farewells to the stripped one, and again she looked quite pleased to see me and bowed. She probably thought I was family to the warden of this planet and wanted to pay me respects. I just smiled and waved at her, a gesture that transcended space and time since she seemed to understand it and waved back at me. Another mile, another friend.

The lavender one was quiet during the rest of our trip, looking at me with a thoughtful expression on her face. "You are going to get all wrinkly if you keep that face" I said to her while laughing a bit, at which she just looked confused and embarrased, choosing to look forward and talk to her friends. The Pink one said something and giggled with me. Maybe she understood the meaning of my words? Definitely I liked the pink one.

Twilight was a bit stressed because of the recent developments with Zecora and the strange alicorn. For what her zebra friend said, the alicorn transmitted a pretty strong aura of calmness and she was probably 'bonded' with all the natural world... which made her the main cause of the Everfree being so 'tame' today. Zecora also said that her tribe traditionaly gives gifts back to the nature in the form of foods so they can appease the spirits of the land. The alicorn didn't seemed to know the context but ate the offering anyways with a smile and hugged Zecora so she knew some manners at least.

When managed to exit the forest the birds on the alicorn's mane flew away while she looked surprised, making a small gasp. Twilight looked the scene with a smile. The prairies around Ponyville were quite impressive.

What she didn't expect was the alicorn to run like a small filly and laugh while sniffing the plants and some bushes.

"Do you think that she isn't right in the head?" asked Rainbow

"Rainbow Dash! How can you say such a thing!?" exclaimed Rarity, horrified by the claims of the brash pegasus.

"But just look at her! She is like a overgrown filly!" Rainbow pointed out while the alicorn was rolling on the grass and basking in the sun. Pinkie was just rolling beside her and talking to her about different rolling techniques.

"Still that was an awful thing to say darling. Would you call our dear Pinkie mentally challenged as well?" Rarity asked with a inquisitive tone.

"What!? No, of course not!" Rainbow replied

"Then why you say that about her? It might not be very proper of a princess but..." Rarity pressed on, only to be interrupted by Rainbow.

"Okay! Okay! Geez... I'm sorry, alright? I didn't mean to say something so mean..." Rainbow said, landing slowly and looking to the ground.

"We know Rainbow, that's why we are telling you that. We are your friends and we don't want to see you getting into problems because of a mistake" said Twilight with a smile "Now we should gather Pinkie and her and be on our way to the castle. I need to send a letter to the princesses"

They managed after some coaxing to get both ponies to act like the mares they were and carry on to Ponyville's castle.

It was pretty awkward and some ponies asked who was she and what she was doing in Ponyville, but for the most part they just stared at her. She didn't look like phased and just waved at them, sometimes even getting a wave back. Once they were at the castle Twilight turned to look at her friends.

"Seeing that she enjoys the outdoors I'll enter the castle and send the letter. Meanwhile I need you girls to keep our guest out of problems and near the castle. It's that okay?" she said to ther friends.

"Of course, sugarcube! Ya can count on us!" said Applejack

"Thank you girls. I'll back in a moment!" Twilight replied while trotting to the castle. The strange alicorn was eating the grass near the castle and munching it while looking around curiously.

"Oh goodness, no! Why are you eating that filthy grass, darling? If you were hungry we could..." Rarity spoke while the alicorn looked at her, rumiating the grass slowly "...of course you don't understand a word of what I am saying." Rarity sighed. "Rainbow, be a dear and fetch something for her to eat. We can't allow a princess to eat from the ground." Rarity said while Rainbow saluted.

"On it!" Rainbow replied while flying at top speed. The alicorn looked impressed and made some of her clicking noises.

"Indeed, she's quite the speedster. Now why don't we work a bit on your mane while we wait?" Rarity asked with a smile

"Hay Rares, already trying to fancy her up?" Asked Applejack with a smirk.

"But of course, dear Applejack! We can let her look like she has been living in the Everfree all her life!" Rarity said aghast "It's a crime against fashion!"

"I think she looks nice" said Fluttershy with a small smile.

"Nice doesn't cut for royalty, dear" replied Rarity "But I must be sincere and say that these accesories look simply divine. This armband looks positively ancient and stylish! Where do you think she got it?" Rarity murmured, analizing the looks of the alicorn while she made small clicking noises from time to time, apparently every time Rarity stopped to see some of her accesories.

"I think she's fun! Do you think she would like a party?" asked Pinkie bouncing in place.

"Everypony loves your parties Pinkie, but we need to sort things out right now" said Applejack to placate the urges of the party pony.

A small whistling sound could be heard and sooner than they could think about it Rainbow appeared with a paper bag

"One double giant hayburger menu with hayfries and soda for the big pony!" she said proudly, displaying the food towards the alicorn, who smelled the food with curiosity.

"By Celestia... Rainbow! Some fruit would have been enough!" scolded Rarity

"What? I love hayburgers, and so does Twilight! So she will love them too!" replied Rainbow with a proud smirk

"That is not how it works, Rainbow! Dear Twilight is a new princess so she needs to develop her palate a bit. I'm pretty sure that this grown princess on the other hoof has..." Rarity said only to be interrupted by one peculiar sound.

The alicorn was devouring the menu with glee, dirtying herself with ketchup and grease while eating like a starved pony.

"Well girls! The princesses are already informed and..." Twilight said while walking outside, Spike sitting on her back. She was left speechless because of the bizarre scene.

"Geez Twilight, she's even worse than you" said Spike with a smile

"Shush now, Spike. Well girls... mind to tell me what's happening?" asked Twilight with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, you see darling. She looked hungry and started to eat from the ground so I asked Rainbow to bring her some food and..." explained Rarity

"And she attacked it like mah brother after applebuck season! Whoo whee girl... It's been some time since Ah saw somepony eat that fast" said Applejack, amused by the situation. Twilight sighed and went towards the alicorn, who was still eating with a big smile on her face.

"At least she's here and not wandering around town" said Twilight. "That could have been a disaster"

"Aw don't be so grumpy-pants, Twilight! She just enjoys the food. Can't you see her smile? Because I do!" said Pinkie while circling around the alicorn. "I'm happy that other ponies are happy!"

"Yes I saw, and we know Pinkie" replied Twilight with a small smile.

"She's huge! Do you think that she eats that much because she is so big?" asked Spike with childlike curiosity

"That's indeed food for thought, Spike" said Twilight.

"Don't you dare to steal my thunder, Twilight! I'm the one who cames with the puns after all" replied Spike while displaying a mocking frown.

"Don't worry, I don't plan to do that" Twilight replied with a smirk "I can't steal one of the hobbies of my number one assistant"

"That's right!" he said while nodding.

"I am the only one who is horrified by the way she is eating?" asked Rarity with incredulity in her voice.

"That's the most natural way to do it, Rares. Don't know what did ya expect" said Applejack. "Ain't nothing wrong with that"

"But it's she is so filthy right now..." said Rarity

"She can always clean herself, so worry none about that" replied Applejack with a smile "We don't need to make a fuss about it"

"Goodness gracious... Imagine what would the princesses think about her if they see her like this!" exclaimed Rarity

"See who like what, my little pony?" said a calm voice behind her.

Both Celestia and Luna were at the gates of the castle and apparently walked quietly towards the group, both wearing their usual regalia and calm smiles.

Rarity fainted on the spot, while the strange alicorn kept eating loudly and ignoring everything around her. Only the sound of the alicorn munching could be heard around the now surprised group of ponies.