• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 24,010 Views, 1,842 Comments

The Slumber of Gaia - Khenlos

Gaia, an alicorn from another world, is convinced to take a break and go to Equestria so she can relax in that peacful land. But what can she do after seeing an entire planet grow from the very beginning?

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Eventful Morning

I awoke bathed in the first sunrays of the morning, fluttering my eyes open and stretching a bit as I tried to brush off sleepiness for good.

I had a strange version of a recurrent dream, but other than that I really had a wonderful sleep. I felt energized again and ready for the day! I was going to eat just a bit before exploring a bit this country and its secrets. I told them that I would be around for a few days... but I didn't say that I was going to be inside a stuffy castle all the time!

I got up and was ready to take off but suddenly I felt something... odd. I looked around me and sure enough something felt out of place, and familiar at the same time. Interesting... I wonder what caused this?

I shook my head and cleared my mind. Whatever it was, it left long ago. I decided to graze some grass for breakfast as I thought for my travel plan for today. If I was quick I could be able to see one of the forests I saw south from here... but the mountains were pretty interesting too. There was something shimmering beyond them and I wanted to see what it was. Maybe some kind of mineral formation? Meteor impacts and time can create some of the most impressive natural landscapes I know. With my connection to all life in my planet, I had to hear many times from my son and his people questions as of why I cared for lifeless things like rocks and crystals, and many times I asked back this. Why shouldn't I? After all, minerals are also part of the natural kingdom.

I was pulled out of my reverie when I heard a loud gasp and the sound of hooves approaching me.

"Oh no, no! I will not tolerate this!" said a masculine voice as it got closer to me. I turned my head as I munched on the grass to see who it was, and surprisingly it was the unicorn with the veggie problem from the other day.

"Good morning, small one" I told him as I ate, making him stop in place, surprised.

"You talk?" He asked before shaking his head and frowning at me "You cannot talk with your mouth full of food, that's improper for a lady! And eating grass from the ground!"

"Why not? It's good, you need to taste it some time" I told him as I took another bite.

"Because I say so! And as a prince of Equestria I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in this castle! Go, go to the dining hall and ask for a proper meal. Move I say!" He told me as he pushed me towards the castle. I didn't put any resistance to his efforts. It was cute, really, trying so hard to move me.

"You are a prince? Are you Celestia's son then?" I asked with curiosity. He just kept pushing me with all of his might.

"No... she is... my auntie... and you will not... insult us with... your uncouth... manners..." He said, getting tired of pushing me. Aw, poor dear... I moved on my own a bit to not hurt his pride as we went towards the hall. Thankfully he knew the way because I was already lost in the labyrinth of corridors as soon as we put our hooves inside the building.

"So... what's your name, little one?" I asked him with a polite smile. He just huffed and blushed a bit.

"I am Prince Blueblood... and I am... not little..." he replied in a childish way. Oh my, I can see why he was yelling at me the other day... or at least I imagine it was because I ate with a little bit of enthusiasm.

"Oh, that's a nice name, dear. I'm Gaia" I told him as I watched how the guards looked a bit incredulous about what was happening in front of them. Truly these ponies are the strangest creatures I've ever seen.

"I've been... told..." He replied, still determined to reach the dining hall. It was just his bad luck that we were intercepted by Cadance at the doors of the room.

"Oh! There you are! We've been looking for you, Gaia. Did you sleep well?" She asked.

"I slept wonderfully, thanks for asking. Young Blueblood here was just showing me the way to the dining hall" I told her, making her a bit confused.

"Cousin Blueblood?" She asked, looking as the young prince tried to look as proper as a pony can look while sweating a bit.

"O-of course, cousin Cadance. Auntie Celestia told me at dinner that she was royalty from a far away land and that she has to be treated as one of our own. I don't even know why she was in the gardens at this hour but what I know is that breakfast is served at nine and it our duty as royals to assist to any social event in time. Tardiness is not acceptable!" He said making himself bigger by puffing out his chest.

"But you told me that I could not graze in the gardens because it was improper for a lady, dear." I told him as I patted him on his head. He just moved away and looked at me with that furious expression that he had the other night.

"Blueblood, you didn't!" Cadance said, a bit upset with the prince.

"I-it was the right thing to do, Cadence! What will the diplomats think if we let foreign visitors eat from the ground like mere animals?" He asked, leaving Cadance confused.

"What diplomats, Blue?" She asked, her face losing a bit of her color.

"You know, the usual ones Cady. They will be here for dinner and to present their respects to Princess Gaia... You look a bit pale, cousin. Are you alright?" Blueblood said, ending his exposition with concern. Cadence just stomped her way towards the dining hall while shaking her head, leaving us confused.

"Did I do something wrong? I just followed protocol." Blueblood said as we entered the room. I patted him with my wing on his head.

"You did fine dear. She is just stressed." I told him with a kind smile. He just averted my gaze and went ahead. The poor dear just acts all tough, but it's a softie inside. I just know it.

At the head of the table, all the princesses were talking very quickly and looked agitated. Oh my, so early in the day and already with some problem. They were too stressed for their own good. I just decided to sit a bit away and eat a daffodil sandwich.

It was probably nothing concerning me anyways.

These days it was just about Gaia time and time again.

"I just can't believe that Blueblood tried to do something right just to make it worse..." Cadance said to her fellow princesses.

"I already told you sister that you need him to find a proper job. This is what happens when he has so much free time between his hooves" Luna said with a frown.

"We need to work something out! Think about the political consequences!" Twilight said as she tried to calm herself with quick and short breaths.

"Calm down, Twilight. It's just a small setback. We just have to readjust our plan to a shorter timeframe..." Celestia said with her calm voice. Luna shook her head.

"We shouldn't be working out the fallout that your nephew just made with his incompetence." She said sternly. Celestia frowned at her sister's words.

"So when he makes a mistake it's only my nephew now?" Celestia asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"As long as we keep Gaia from doing something... not very appropriate for a room filled with diplomats..." Cadance said, trying to focus on the subject. All the princesses smacked their heads against the table.

"It's going to be one of those days, isn't it?" Twilight said with resignation.

"Good morning, princesses." Blueblood said as he sat on his usual spot.

"You! Why did you call for a diplomatic meeting without our consent?" Luna yelled at Blueblood, scaring him.

"W-what? It's just the usual procedure to welcome foreign dignitaries in our lands!" He retorted, looking lost towards the other princesses for support.

"While that is true you should have asked us first. You already knew that Gaia was a special case" Twilight said while nodding.

"But I did nothing wrong!" He said, looking worriedly towards Celestia "Right, auntie?"

"I'm afraid that you just made our work a bit harder without knowing, nephew" Celestia said with a sad smile as shook her head.

"I... I see..." He replied, looking down at his hooves.

"Nay, clearly you don not see the implications of your actions." Luna said sternly.

"Don't you think you are all being too hard on the poor dear?" A voice behind Luna said, making all of them jump in place.

Gaia was behind Luna's seat with a big smile on her face.

"How...? But you were..." Luna said as she looked at the now empty seat and back at Gaia "How did you do that?"

"Oh, you were being so loud that you didn't notice me, that's all." She said. "Now, what's this about young Blueblood and you all being so rude to him. For what I know he just tried to help."

"But when one tries to help usually it does not end in making it worse." Luna said, frowning at Blueblood and making him walk... behind Gaia? She just covered Blueblood with one of her wings as he hid from Luna by pure instinct.

"Now now... everyone makes mistakes. Don't you think that you are just overreacting?" Gaia asked with her motherly smile.

"No, I think not. We are going to be busy all day because of his actions" Luna retorted, making Gaia think about something.

"Well, did you have other plans, young Luna?" She asked.

"I was going to observe my planet but I think the princesses wanted to show you more of Canterlot." Twilight said helpfully.

"I still don't see the problem" Gaia replied, still smiling.

"Obviously if we are busy we will not be able to show you the city." Luna said as she nodded.

"Then Little Blue here should be the one showing me the city." Gaia said with a wide smile.

A chorus of "What!?" was heard in the room.

"It's obvious. You all are going to be busy, but you also said that he had too much free time. I don't see the problem" Gaia said as she got Blueblood between her wing and her barrel, getting a firm grip on him.

"W-what?" Asked Blueblood as he dangled his legs helplessly as he was carried by Gaia. The other princesses suddenly had a dark look on their faces.

"Sure... that is a wonderful idea Gaia." Luna said with a sinister smile.

"B-but..." Blueblood tried to say, only to be cut off by Celestia.

"It would be beneficial for both parties. I'm sure that the prince knows a lot of interesting places in the city." She said with a smirk.

"I..." The prince tried to say only to be again be interrupted.

"It will let Gaia and Blueblood time to bond and know each other. It would make an excellent friendship report." Twilight said as she rubbed her hooves.

"M-my schedule..." Blueblood said.

"Don't worry cousin. You will soon find that Gaia is a wonderful and funny pony to spend the day with." Cadance said with a sincere smile... which made Blueblood more scared from her than from the other princesses.

"We are going to have a wonderful day you and I. You will see." Gaia said as she nuzzled Blueblood, making the other princesses giggle like schoolfillies. "See you later, dears!" Gaia said before walking out of the dining hall, still carrying Blueblood in her firm grip.

"W-wait! No! Unhoof me! I can walk for myself! Blueblood said, his face red as a tomato as he tried to free himself.

"Silly little Blue, you are not between my hooves! You are between me and my wing!" Gaia happily said as he nuzzled him again.

A cry of agony could be heard in all the castle as the princesses laughed loudly in the dining hall.