• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 24,010 Views, 1,842 Comments

The Slumber of Gaia - Khenlos

Gaia, an alicorn from another world, is convinced to take a break and go to Equestria so she can relax in that peacful land. But what can she do after seeing an entire planet grow from the very beginning?

  • ...

Born Ever Green

Many creatures can’t say that they enjoy the work they do.

It’s just how societies work for what I’ve seen in my long life. As the culture and technology develop and improve the works are more specialized and varied than before, with new societal norms to follow and new “basics” to learn as centuries pass… and many of the creatures just don’t feel like follow them all.

A person with artistic education thanks to their parents may try to pursue a scientific career ‘just because they feel like it’ or that it was their call. They will sometimes choose something they despise due to its perceived economic or societal value, living forever in want and even not knowing why.

In this I’ve been truly blessed, as my only reason to exist brings me the most joy. Life is a goal on its own but when presented with loneliness -since bacteria are hardly pettable creatures- what can you do? Well, wish for it to be more complex of course! Maybe pushing them in the right direction but who counts that stuff, right?

That said, this new forest packed with dense vegetation is one of my best works as of yet, at least in small scale.

Deciduous trees and bushes were everywhere, hiding the clear skies as the sun broke through their leaves where the breeze moved them, creating an extremely relaxing atmosphere. Little avians… Hm, what’s the word… birds! Little birds were quickly exploring their new home as the not so little avian-mammals were as awestruck as the little ponies.

“My word, this is some luxurious grass… Ah, smells wonderful too… And I can sense the scent of some delicious fruit around…” I said out loud, inhaling the aromas of the forest with a content expression, “Hm… yes… even the ground was begging for some plant action. It was laughable easy! Usually I have to battle loads of minerals and bad temper but now it was all there, wanting to do something with its existence!” I laughed as the small chick flew quickly through the trees, followed soon by the other younglings.

“B-buh… WHAT!?” I heard from some adult griffon. They are sturdy creatures for sure! They managed to say something after that. Usually it’s just like Luna, looking like a fish out of the water. Still surprised enough to leave them unable to speak coherent phrases though… Improvement!

“Whoa! Where is the ground? It’s all grassy!” One of the little ones asked, making me giggle a bit. Aw, there were so cute!

“It’s still there, but now it’s been put to work. It will also benefit from the new winds carrying more rainclouds from the ocean. You can harvest all you want and with your actual population it will give enough to let fruit rot by the tons,” I said, to their astonishment, “It will help fertilize the ground again, and if you want you can cut trees for houses and buildings. I’ve gave it a little ‘oomph’ that will last for a little bit,” I said, proud of my own work.

“New winds? What did you do, Gaia?” Luna managed to ask, finally out of her stupor.

“Well there was a nasty gorge that was making an air tunnel for some suspiciously bad luck, so I just did some work to make the air go to where it needs to be. I mean, really? What is the purpose of having hurricane-level winds on a tiny gorge?” I asked, not expecting a response, “So with a couple of tunnels down, blocking some small parts here and there… and you have a nice breeze that will help Griffonstone and its surrounding area…” I continued, pausing for a moment, “…although I think I overdid it a bit, but I don’t think a new dense forest will be an issue.”

“…We need to check something real quick! Hurry!” one of the adult griffons said and they took flight quicker than a stampeding dino. Well that’s just rude!

“Ah, I didn’t expect a thank you but just running away? Oh dear… I think I’ll not be welcomed anytime soon… but this things happen all the time. Better get on our merry way then… what’s with that face, little Luna?”

“You just did something incredible for them and you don’t even care if they appreciate your work?” she asked me with an incredulous tone.

“And why should I, dear? Sure, it will be nice to receive some appreciation for a job well done, but I don’t do what I do because I want gratification, but because it’s my job and pleasure to help life whenever and wherever I can. I’m not one to give crutches since they will doom the creatures to extinction once they are off, but on the other hoof I also don’t like when change is especially nasty to some species or biome,” I explain while walking at a sedate pace, just enjoying this new piece of wild nature, “I’m a bringer of life, my dear and young Luna. I strive to push creatures for their own betterment. Sometimes it’s just by showing the more merciful face of Nature, providing when they are left in want,” I continued, caressing a small leave from a bush, looking into the new life as even the plants seemed to move in joy by being near me, “Another times I need to be the stern mother that shows the hardest truths of life, and push them into a world that is hostile towards them and competing for the same resources as them. When they grow complacent it’s my duty to show them that not all work is done… and when they hurt I try to be there and mend them… when it’s possible.”

“I understand. One of the tenets of equestrian society lies upon the concept of Kindness, and how you must help when you can… but sometimes in order to help you must apply ‘tough love’ as the ponies call it nowadays,” young Luna told me as we continued our walk, making me chuckle.

“I like the sound of that. ‘Tough love’…” I said, looking around and hearing in the distance the distinctive noise of a small mob in the making, “Still, this time they needed not a heavy hoof, but a tender touch. I see in these creatures the hardships that shaped them, always fighting for their survival. I can feel it too. Their numbers so low for a civilized species…”

“…I’m afraid to ask, but if it can put your mind at ease, the griffons have been maintaining the same population since ponies discovered them, never deviating too much from the first census ever done,” Luna explained me, barely draping one of her wings on me.

Knowing my numbers regarding sapients, it didn’t put my mind at ease at all.

Griffonstone was at the verge of a full-blown riot-party, much to everyone’s confusion. They just knew they had to do something loud right there and right now, but they weren’t sure if they should feel outraged, relieved or both.

Most of them were absolutely terrorized by the wave of wind and magic that bathed the area, but all that fear turned into confused joy when the once barren lands of the ancient Griffon Kingdom were turned into the lushest forest they ever laid their avian eyes upon.

To be honest and not cynical for once in their collective lives, the griffons thought it was a small slice of paradise for creatures like them. Trees big enough to support several nests, game now running freely under the foliage… what was not to like?

Soon the center of the settlement, now decorated with some trees and flowers, was packed to the brim with griffons and then some. Groups of them that lived near the dilapidated city flew into the old capital wanting to know about this portentous event and soon joined the not-a-party-but-somewhat-a-party that was going on, as described by one griffon baker to one of the ponies visiting with the royal delegation.

The ponies were also both terrified and happy. The elation of seeing some prospective friends receiving such a blessing was a joy for them unto itself, but the sheer and incomprehensible power that they felt over them as Gaia’s spell bathed the lands was putting many things into perspective. And as soon as the talks started some of the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle began to fall in place.

The respectful treatment from the local princesses, the devotion to her needs… soon some of the equestrians began to fear what could be under the coat of the strangely amicable alicorn, and their natural xenophobia quickly took hold of them. Some rumors of having the princesses bend to her will began to run around, not taking root with any strength whatsoever, but managing to put some doubt on the listeners. So far all they were all shut down quickly by phrases like ‘She is an alicorn, it’s natural that she has that kind of power’ or ‘she is a princess, of course the can do these things’, but the ones with the weakest will began to feel wariness of the alien alicorn.

In the meantime and back into the griffon settlement, they were celebrating the recovery of the lost relic of their people: The idol of Boreas.

Apparently the griffons that were in front of Gaia as she explained her works connected the dots quickly and flew as fast as they could, finding the resting place of the treasure quickly and bringing it back to the main plaza.

Once they arrived back to the city, Gaia and Luna were pushed in the middle of an improvised parade in Gaia’s honor, as the griffons ate and drank without worry for once and praised her work as ‘something the ponies did right for once’. Gaia quickly found herself in the middle of it while Luna managed to sneak away and gather information about the idol itself and what happened when they were away.

“… and so we got the ponies calmed again, but still we could have used some warning, your highness. I think that even the night ponies felt her magic during their sleep,” one of the day guards reported, making the lunar princess think for a second as she filed all the information away.

“I see. We were not informed as well, my loyal subject, so we could not provide any warning whatsoever. I’m afraid Gaia lives in the moment and just goes with the flow. We can’t predict what is she going to do next, but as far as we know we cannot classify this as a blunder from her part. I’m sure she will be worried that she caused such distress, but looking around I can’t argue with the results,” Luna explained as they looked how a flock of birds flew past them towards the forest.

“I understand and agree with your assessment, your highness. Seeing as the griffons became friendlier towards us once the initial chaos ran its course and the griffons that were with you came back almost yelling while explaining what Gaia did... I can’t say that this didn’t had a positive outcome. That’s not even counting the recovery of the Idol of Boreas…”

“Yes, I’ve heard. It seems that we can expect drastic changes in the political sphere of the griffons. This will bring back their lost desire to improve and given the bountiful land they are on now, well…” the night princess said as she smirked towards her guard. He nodded to her, comprehending the unsaid conclusions of Gaia’s actions. Surely Equestria will gain a lot from this new development, and they both knew it.

Meanwhile, Gaia was almost pushing against everyone as she tried to get out of the partying griffons, laughing as some of the openly hugged her as she passed by and hugged them back with her wings. After fighting a tide of gratitude she managed to find Luna, now alone as her guard went to perform his duties before the green alicorn arrived to her. She was still giggling to herself when she sat beside the dark mare.

“You have become a popular mare around town, Gaia,” Luna playfully stated, getting a nudge from the bigger alicorn.

“You do know that some of them told me they were indebted to me and will follow me because some strange honor code? That’s not being popular, and almost felt bad when I refused… but it was a gift, so I didn’t require any payment,” the green alicorn explained, playing with her mane a bit, “…the attention was nice, though…”

“Sounds like griffonian traditions are getting back in fashion as quick as they managed to get back their legendary idol. I guess we ponies can’t criticize them about that since we almost pray towards the Elements of Harmony themselves…” Luna said, pondering about the symbolism of a race being tied to the destiny of some artifacts or beliefs. Gaia laughed at that.

“Societies being societies after all.”

“I guess I can’t argue with that logic,” the night mare stated, chuckling alongside Gaia, “I guess that the visit will be longer this time. I think several of our ponies wanted to explore the forest and the fruits that bear. They sure looked tantalizing from a distance.”

“Oh sure! It will be nice to be around nature once more, and I also want to know how well my magic did its work. Last time was kind of a quick biome job, but now I took some time to craft the desired effect, even if it was boosted by the natural magic of this world,” the motherly mare explained before tapping her chin in though as Luna nodded to her words while eating one of the strange fruits that were all around them.

“Oh, also I’ve been titled matron of their country or something, apparently,” Gaia said while munching on a fruit as well.

Suddenly she was pelted with fruit mush as Luna spitted on her, coughing and looking at her with surprise, bits of fruit still present on her mouth.

“Oh dear, and I just got cleaned up…” Gaia lamented, ignoring the now catatonic lunar princess.

Author's Note:

Sorry for making you all wait. I had half of this chapter done two weeks ago but some minor health issues and other life stuff got in the way.

I also noticed we reached +1900 upvotes! :pinkiegasp:

Thank you all for your continued support! As a little celebratory event I'll open a journal soon in the style of "AMA" posts, and you will be able to ask anything about Gaia that you may want to know! That way we can avoid cluttering the comment section with questions that can be easily answered (and also we can avoid spoilers to new readers as well).

It's not much but I want to save a bigger event for the 2k milestone :twilightsmile:.

Again, thank you so much for your support.

Comments ( 44 )

Congrats on all the upvotes! This is definitely a fun story, and deserves it :twilightsmile:

This was a good chapter. I'm interested to see where they go next. Maybe Zebrica, I hear it's nice this time of year.

Wow, it’s been a while since I read this story. Haven’t kept read any chapter since 2017... :rainbowderp:

Anywho, what is Matron?

(Checks Internet)

Oh Celestia!!! :pinkiegasp: :twilightblush:

So many trees. Anyone would think they were going to get infested by Kirin next. :pinkiehappy:

Zebrica would be intresting, given the research that shows all you need to make water in the desert is a big enough pile of rocks. Not an assemblage of perfectly cut and fitted stone masonary, but rough rocks that just happens to form a pyramidal mountain shape, which due to the coolness of the core, non perfectly dry air filtering in through all the gaps cools down and drops water ther, leading it to drip, pool and run out. Each 100 metre plus pile of rocks becomes a magic spring in the dryest desert. :yay:

I'm afraid to ask which definition you found :rainbowlaugh:

Gaia queen of the gryphons

1a would be the one I was aiming for. It's an old term for sure, but one I find most fitting for her, just not without the "married" part :twilightsmile:. For a moment I was afraid that you found something strange :rainbowlaugh:

“Oh, also I’ve been titled matron of their country or something, apparently,” Gaia said while munching on a fruit as well.

Well congrats on the promotion Gaia! Chief Nurse on your first day? You work fast indeed!

Suddenly she was pelted with fruit mush as Luna spitted on her, coughing and looking at her with surprise, bits of fruit still present on her mouth.

:trollestia: Sister... that's not how the princess should act. We, princesses, prefer tea for time like this. (summon her tea cup and do a spit take.)

I am glad you weren't talking about 2

I’m curious what percentage of the Equestrian nobility will flip their lids over this.

Ah, sorry about the health issues; glad that they were minor and seem to have cleared up. :)


That’s good for a moment I thought it would be 2... :rainbowderp:

This is a very good story, it deserves the thumbs up. Gaia is really an interesting OC and I like her because she really dances to a different drummer.

Glad to see that you have reached a ton of upvotes. :heart:

o shit i cant w8 to she how she reacts to the storm king

“A stick? How cute!”

Aw, there were so cute!


don’t like when change is especially nasty

think you want "chance"

Another times I need to be

At other

of course the can do these things


some of the openly hugged


this chapter was quite amusing, and I look forward to the next. :twilightsmile:

A cute story that I have enjoyed reading. I look forward to the next chapter and have an upvote and a :moustache:

I do not like how you are having twilight gain nature magic because the truth is she is the personification of ponies need to micromanage the world.

Another one bites the damn dust. Bets on next update?

Such a good story! We love Gaia!

If you are referring to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza shortened name look at the official merchandise e.g.:rukminim1.flixcart.com/image/704/704/jfikknk0/doll-doll-house/r/j/9/princess-cadance-my-little-pony-original-imaf3ys5zyhfbmwm.jpeg?q=70
So it is Cadance

Me encantó cuando el próximo capitulo

“Oh dear, and I just got cleaned up…” Gaia lamented, ignoring the now catatonic lunar princess.

I get the feeling this will happen a few more times before Luna stops sweating the small stuff :pinkiecrazy:

This was fun, thank you.

Hopefull boop.

“I like the sound of that. ‘Tough love’…” I said, looking around and hearing in the distance the distinctive noise of a small mob in the making, “Still, this time they needed not a heavy hoof, but a tender touch. I see in these creatures the hardships that shaped them, always fighting for their survival. I can feel it too. Their numbers so low for a civilized species…”

Honestly, that seems to be the case for every species on this world with the possible exception of ponies :trixieshiftleft:

I am just loving the story... and Gaia is so much fun to read... when can I see more?

Whens the next update comrade?

Are there any more updates on this

any chance of an update?


:trollestia: “animal marked to be breed”



Is this story going to continue?

I hope this continues, this story has been enjoyable all the way through!

I loved this story and I still love it

*Pokes the sleeping Alicorn with a stick.*

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