• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 24,013 Views, 1,842 Comments

The Slumber of Gaia - Khenlos

Gaia, an alicorn from another world, is convinced to take a break and go to Equestria so she can relax in that peacful land. But what can she do after seeing an entire planet grow from the very beginning?

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The Imperial City

I can’t say that this place was falsely advertised.

I mean when I heard about ‘Crystal Empire’ I thought that yes, some things would be made of crystal, sure… but the whole thing?

The soil seems like some sort of crystalline mineral formation that can’t be natural in any way. I paw at it with my hoof and it doesn’t budge an inch.

And why is it called empire if it’s a city?

“Why Gaia, already enjoying yourself? It’s a nice view, isn’t it?” Luna said as she appeared at my side.

“This is truly a breathtaking view. The trees, the buildings and even the ground is crystal! Not see-through crystals thankfully. My gosh I can see it… not seeing them! Can you imagine? Completely transparent everything!” I said with enthusiasm. How could I not? The mere thought of almost invisible creatures it’s just too funny!

“Yes… ah… I see. Well, I would like to present our guide for the empire. This is Mrs. Quartz of-“

“How could you be so squishy? You are a crystal pony, right? You look very crystal-y to me…” I said as I grabbed with my hooves this little piece of mineral cuteness. At least she is giggling.

“Oh my, when we were told to expect an overly affectionate tourist, I didn’t expect this!” she said as she blushed. Oh right… not picking up ponies…

“I’m so sorry, child. It’s just that I’ve never seen a crystal anything! I mean I’ve seen crystals but not moving like you!” I explained, making her giggling again. Luna exhaled in exasperation. I think I’m not managing my stress objectives very well.

“It’s alright. We are no changelings but we sure love to share affection with one another. The entire empire is fueled by love and hope, you know?” the shiny pony said.

“No, I didn’t know! How can you do that?” I asked with curiosity. That’s the second time I’ve heard creatures using non-physical things as energy or food. Emotions sure are powerful but… Could I eat love too? How could I do that anyway?

“Ah, that’s a complex and long story, but I will try to explain our history. You see, many millennia ago…”

And boy did she told a long story. At least I think so… I admit that I managed to grasp important things but just the food alone kept all my attention. Berries, berry sandwiches, leafy greens… you name it, you got it in crystal… and it tastes like food too! Let me explain.

By what I’ve been told, creatures here have different palates for their different diets. The perfect example are the dragons. They can taste rocks and minerals and make a connection to more organic dishes. If a pony tries to savor a rock, well… it will be just a rock, with no flavor at all. That’s a problem I have. It seems that even not knowing about mammals and ponies I truly was built like one and have the same taste buds as them.

So, can you imagine my astonishment when these crystal berries don’t taste like crystal at all! And let me tell you I know a thing or two regarding the taste or rocks.

“Dish doeshn’t tashte like cryshtalsh” I obviously said while stuffing myself with the tasty fruit.

“Gaia! By the stars… Don’t talk with your mouth full of food, please,” Luna pleaded.

“Ah, well… You see princess, most of the produce from the empire has the same crystalline properties. We don’t really comprehend how it came to be, but while they do have more minerals in them, they are perfectly edible,” Mrs. Quartz said, showing me different vegetables and fruits.

“And are the rocks edible food as well?” I asked, absolutely perplexed at how evolution here created such life forms. Our guide just laughed.

“Oh goodness, no! They are shinier than other rocks in Equestria, but that’s it, really. Not very interesting outside jewelry.”

“Fascinating…” I said while tasting more of the things presented to me.

“Gaia, please …” Luna said after I eyed some shiny minerals around. I mean they are all around the place besides the buildings.

“I was not going to eat the rock to see if that was true, don’t worry,” I said.

I totally was, though.

“We should be going anyway. My niece is waiting for us and while we still have time there is still much to see.”

“We can make a stop at the spa. It’s a pretty famous business and we can get ready for the lunch with the crystal princess,” the guide proposed, gushing at her own idea, “You two will be just divine after a session with them.”

“You know… I sense a pattern around here regarding naming conventions…” I said out loud, narrowing my eyes at several vendors around the marketplace. Seriously, they really need a PR expert or something… The only thing without ‘crystal’ in its name is the playground. At least the young ones can enjoy a non-mineral-based name for their park… Aw, they look so cute… They are even waving at me and coming here too! I made a silent gesture with my wing to keep the noise to a minimum. I mean I don’t really want to annoy my guides while they are talking… I need to do something to keep them busy… but what?

“I’m… inclined to agree. It’s been stressful and a chance to relax is appreciated. Please guide us there if you could, Mrs. Quartz.” Luna said with a small smile, “Besides, I’ve been hearing nothing but praises about it from both my niece and princess Twilight. My niece will sure forgive us if we arrive a little late,” the moon princess continued before looking away with a blush on her face, “I also would like to try the crystal treatment and see how do I look with those reflective look you crystal ponies always have.”

“Of course, your highness! Please follow me!” she said with aplomb, a spring in her step as she marched towards the spa… or that’s what I think she did. I was pretty busy trying to keep these giggling foals from discover my master pla-

“Gaia… why are you laying on the ground and covered in foals? They are even hiding in your mane!” Luna said with a tired tone. The foals started to laugh at her expressions… I think. One of them is trying to get comfy over my snout.

“I, for once, am not to blame for this.” I said with complete seriousness. The foals laughed loudly while Luna put a hoof over her face as she shook her head, a small smile gracing her muzzle.

“So… captain, status report,” Prince Shining Armor commanded while his wife just smirked.

“Princess Gaia has been following the planned route with just a couple of hiccups. They are coming to the palace after a complete session at the spa,” he reported with a very professional air.

“Good, good… If that’s all you can return to your post. Thank you for your work,” Shining said with a smile as he nodded towards the captain.

“I’ll be on my way. Good day, your majesties,” he formally replied as he marched through the throne room towards the main hall. Shining sighed in contentment before looking at his loving wife.

“I think we did good, right Cadance? It’s been a peaceful visit for a unpredictable alicorn so far,” he stated, closing his eyes and nodding to himself. Cadance just chuckled, making him quickly look at her with a confused expression.

“That’s not what I’ve heard, darling~” she said in a sing-song voice, teasing her husband.

“Something happened that my guards didn’t catch on?”

“Oh no, they saw it alright, but I suppose a bunch of foals causing a ruckus at the market square is hardly something worth noting. The castle maids on the other hoof…” she said with a sly smile on her face. Shining just blinked at her dumbfounded.


“It’s true! Apparently, she became pretty popular with the foals there and they started a tantrum because their new friend was going away,” she explained, giggling a bit, “but she defused the situation quickly. I suppose that she has the abilities of a mother perfected in her own, unique way,” she finished, making her husband laugh at the tale.

“I can’t hardly blame my guards then. They are military ponies, not teachers,” he said as he shook his head.

“Maybe we should get some of them just in case we have a foal riot if we have a sweet shortage at some point,” the pink princess said, now laughing by the absurdity of the idea.

“I hope not! Can you imagine that?” the prince replied as he laughed as well.

As they enjoyed their banter one of the guards came towards them.

“Sorry to interrupt your majesties. The royal guests are waiting for you at the dining hall,” she stated. Cadance and Shining quickly got their laugh under control and nodded to the guard, giving her their thanks before happily trotting towards their destination.

A few minutes later they were able to hear some chatting going on the hall, and not the arguing kind of chat either so they smiled to themselves. They thought that Luna and Mrs. Quartz were successful in their endeavors and managed to show Gaia a good time… and she was able to keep her natural bubbliness to an acceptable level to the usually grumpy lunar princess. Not that they would ever admit that they called their aunt a grump, of course.

“… and then I put the whole thing on the ocean. I mean… the wood floats so it should’ve float too, right? It made perfect sense at the time. It still does to be honest…” the unmistakable voice of Gaia said as they opened the door of the dining hall. Luna was in hysterics when they managed to get a glimpse of them.

“How… How could? I mean…” the lunar diarch said, almost wheezing and gasping for air, “By my Moon… How could you even?” she tried to continue, but was again gasping for air.

“It’s not that funny…” Gaia mumbled. That’s when the crystal monarchs truly saw their guests.

Luna’s coat was as brilliant as her mane, sparkling with hues that made her shine like her own night sky. Said mane and tail were done in the tradition Empire style and adorned with gemstones that gave the impressions of glittering colorful stars. The absolute regal visage was a bit broken by the tearful laughter of the moon princess, but that didn’t detract from her very attractive looks.

Gaia was also showing her pretty side after the spa session. Her mane, as they came to expect, was done in a way it still evoked her nature, done in a stunning braid that thanks to the crystal effect looked like water on a clear beach, giving the illusion of flowing even without the gemstones that Luna sported on hers. Her coat was groomed and cleaned to a fluffiness that made them think of fresh blades of grass slightly wet from the morning dew. Her tail was also done in a braid, flowing like a clear river towards the floor. She was pouting at Luna, but they were able to sense that she was far from troubled by her reaction.

“I’m sorry but it’s just hilarious. No pony was harmed and they were mistakes so… so innocent that I can’t help but find it funny,” the night mistress said, clearing her eyes from tears, “The more I learn the more different sides of you I find, Gaia.”

“It happens… Oh there is the couple I wanted to see! How are you two doing? You came directly to the castle after we arrived. Some troubles at home?” Gaia asked politely. Shining armor coughed a bit after receiving a small bump from Cadance, who looked at him with a smirk on her face.

“Nothing to worry about, Gaia. We just needed to tend to some daily duties since we were called to Canterlot in a hurry to meet you and the other world leaders… the ones that heard the call anyways,” Cadance said as both monarchs sat at the table with their guests, “We can see that you both enjoyed the services of the spa…”

“It was a delightful experience, dear niece. This finish by their special oils is not unappreciated either,” Luna said with a small smile and a relaxed posture.

“I thought we turned to crystal too, but it’s all like pretty makeup. One that I can get use too since it’s pretty unique and made from natural products! I just hope my planet didn’t get the same treatment or many creatures are going to be extremely confused!” Gaia said as she laughed, “But alas, it will not come to that. The ponies at the spa reassured me that this is a temporary beauty treatment and it will not take hold in any way. At least we have photos!” she happily said, showing a group photo of both princesses and a group of crystal foals, all smiling.

“That’s just adorable. I want several copies,” Cadance stated. Shining just shook his head with a smile.

“Sure, here you go…”

“So, how was the tour?” Cadance asked her aunt.

“Incomplete comes to mind I’m afraid, but rather nice what we were able to see. We are going to visit the rest of the city after lunch and we have been promised some shows at the Heart plaza for the night. I think they want us to see the power of the Crystal heart as it creates the auroras. I can’t wait to see them,” the lunar princess said as they were brought meals dutifully served by the castle service.

“Ah, they want to strike first with the main events. Let’s hope that the rest of the Empire doesn’t fall short after this evening,” Cadance mused as she played with her food.

“I’ve heard there is a petting zoo. Can we go later and see the animals there?” Gaia asked as she was devouring the edible food in front of her.

“No, we will go tomorrow,” said Luna with finality, ignoring the table manners of her fellow alicorn.

“Please? I’ll be good...” Gaia asked with puppy eyes.

“No, and that’s a final. Tomorrow we will have the time, I promise. There is so much to do but little time I’m afraid.”

“Oh well, I tried,” Gaia said, returning to her food and leaving the rulers of the empire a bit confused for the mood swing. Luna just shrugged at them.

“You get used to it,” she simply stated.

The rest of the lunch was a rather standard affair as they chatted away for a couple of hours, the relaxed atmosphere chipping the rest of the tension of the last days away and just enjoying some family time.

And with Gaia at their table, herding instincts ingrained in them started to unconsciously classify her as a estranged and lost member of their extended family already.

Author's Note:

Since I've got a buffer of chapters already done and you all have been patient with this lazy oaf, here's a small token of my appreciation to all of you.

Thank you for your support.