• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 23,977 Views, 1,842 Comments

The Slumber of Gaia - Khenlos

Gaia, an alicorn from another world, is convinced to take a break and go to Equestria so she can relax in that peacful land. But what can she do after seeing an entire planet grow from the very beginning?

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Vacation Schedule

Well, what do you know? Apparently they didn't start to study the deepest geological records on this planet and the evolution theory its pretty new for them. They must be a younger civilization than I thought. Hm... that would explain the castles for sure... at least we were talking about something I actually know! Yes!

It was a fun evening for me as we spent the rest of the time before dinner just talking about eras long time past. Young Twilight was fascinated by the idea of dinosaurs. It seemed that my son also had a fine evening for what I heard. What's with boys and beating each other with sticks anyway? Oh well, at least seems that all the young ones had a good time, but for all the pleasures and relaxing atmosphere this castle has, I think I'll truly start my vacation tomorrow. Ah, those volcanoes at the southern hemisphere looked like they were active from orbit and even with that they were filled with lifeforms. I wonder who-

"Everything alright, Gaia?" asked Celestia... Celestia? Oh! It seems that we are in the dining room again!

"Oh, sorry. My mind was elsewhere. What were you saying?" I politely asked her as I took a seat next to her. Oh dear, sometimes I'm worse than my son, I swear...

"We were just getting a bit worried about you. Twilight told us that you went silent after talking with some guards while walking here and you didn't seem to react to anything" Celestia explained to me. I love the politeness of this one. I wish I had a daughter like her... Well, there's an interesting thought... Oh, right! Don't get too distracted again!

"Ah well, I was just thinking about actually starting my vacation and where to go. Its a whole new world after all" I told them with a small smile while looking around the food served to us. Ah, this smells strong and salty. What is it? ...Cheese? From what animal is this made...? Goats? I need to know how they make this wonderful thing.

"Don't you like it here? I didn't do something wrong, right?" asked a sad Twilight while putting a very adorable pout on her face. Aww, I could just hug her right now!

"Don't worry, young Twilight. I've been having a great time here, but I want to experience all what I can from the wildest places on your world. I can't experience them from the comfort of a luxurious bed, right? I want to feel the breeze and blades of grass on my fur again... or the rocks of a mountain..." I told them while picking some of that delightful 'cheese' "...or just swimming down to the ocean floor. You know... those things"

"While it would be amusing to watch, I don't think a big mare like yourself should be doing such activities. Its most unbecoming of royalty" said Luna from her corner, getting a nasty look from my son. Did something happen after the play battle I was told about?

"Well its my time, so I will spend it as I see fit" I told her while munching on the crunchy slice of... Wait, the cheese wasn't... Oh dear... Don't look guilty now...

"Auntie, I think everypony needs to enjoy what they like most and you can't apply the same rules to somepony as... special as Gaia" told Cadance with a smile on her face. Luna didn't seem to agree with her though...

"Mother can do as she pleases. She is an adult capable of making sensible decisions by herself... usually" my son said while trying to look all innocent. That cheeky boy. One uprooted forest and no one lets you live it up. It's not like I didn't make grow one later...

"You should agree with me. You should know that-" Luna started to explain, but she lost me when the bouncy Pinkie tried to catch my attention. Suffice to say, she managed to do so.

"Psst... Not a princess Gaia..." She said as I giggled. This one... really...

"What, pink pinky Pinkie?" I told her. Ha! She giggled! Who is the silly mare now?

... both of us?

"Want to see something funny?"

"Of course. What is it?"

"Watch this" she said while pulling something blue from her mane... wait... is that?

"Party away!" she yelled as she fired her small cannon, projecting confetti and what looked like cake batter on everyone. I couldn't help but laugh loudly at that.

"Pinkie! Honestly, would it kill you to be serious just once?" asked Twilight while everyone was silent. Well everyone except me.

"But Gaia was starting to make frowny faces and this was supposed to be a dinner for her!" she explained to her purple friend, while Celestia started to giggle.

"That is true. We were turning this meal into something more suitable for the throne room" she said while cleaning herself with a calm smile "We should enjoy ourselves, rest and tomorrow we will see what happens"

"But Celly-"

"Luna, please"

"Urgh, fine!"

Oh, that pout is killing me! By the stars, how can these ponies be so cute?

"HA!" said Prometheus, enjoying a small victory... before I threw him a ball of cheese that stuck on his horn. Score!

"Be a good boy and don't disrespect the ones who magnanimously offered their house and food" I told him sternly with a small smirk on my face. Not that he could see me from the cheese stuck on his horn anyway.

"Yes, mother. It will not happen again" That's right. I hope so. For your own good, young one.

...Is Luna making faces at him? And now silently mocking him? Yes she is!

"That goes for you as well, girl! Would you mind to have some manners? Its most uncouth to mock others so openly. At least try to hide it!" I told her. HA! That face! And on both of them! Where is a camera when you need it? Oh, here is one. ...and... Click!

"Thanks, young Pinkie" I told her while giving her the camera.

"I'll give you a copy. Or twenty" she happily said.

"I want a big one too"

"Give me that camera!" both Prometheus and Luna yelled as they jumped towards the pink fluffy pony. It was a futile effort.

"You have to catch me first!" she replied while giggling and somehow quickly pronking away.

"Run, run like the wind!" I cheered her as they all got lost in the hallways.

I bet the pink one wins.

After the dinner shenanigans everyone called it a day and went to their bedchambers, but not all with a restful sleep in mind.

Celestia looked out of her window, getting a nice view of the first lights blooming in Canterlot as Luna's moon slowly took its place in the sky. She sat on the floor while sighing, drinking in the views of the city to relax herself after the long day.

"Celestia... Is everything alright?" asked the voice of the youngest princess. Celestia turned around, seeing her former student entering her bedroom. "I'm sorry, you weren't replying to my calls and since you gave me permission to enter even if-"

"Don't worry, Twilight Sparkle. It's alright, and I'm fine. Its just that it seems that Gaia is going to complicate things for us sooner than I thought"

"How so?" asked Twilight while sitting next to Celestia.

"While she doesn't see herself as a princess, everypony in the world is very... traditional about an alicorn and its status within society. Taking that into account we must assume that there will be... let's say a little bit of chaos where she goes, even with the best of her intentions"

"I understand" replied Twilight before musing silently. "Maybe we should give her a tour, then?" Twilight said with a wide smile, making Celestia smile too.

"Sounds like you have an idea. What did you have in mind?"

"We can schedule a grand tour to show her the natural wonders of the world, with some space of course. For what I see Gaia has her own ideas already and we must act thinking that she has a route of her own. We can mix both, and even discover some places that we've never been before! Isn't that exciting?"

"It sounds wonderful, Twilight. I'm glad to have you as a fellow princess" Celestia said before nuzzling Twilight in a motherly fashion.

"Just trying my best. The ponies that will be on the expedition will need to take shots for possible illnesses that we can get during it. We don't want anypony to catch the griffon variant of the feather flu, right?" asked Twilight as she took notes just after pulling out a scroll and an inked quill from somewhere.

"That's a good point, Twilight. Is Gaia immunized to our viruses and bacteria?" asked Celestia out loud, making Twilight drop her quill.

"Oh gosh, that is so true! We must make a full medical exam to have a baseline and check that she's alright before leaving... not that I don't trust Prince Prometheus' technology but..."

"I think I feel the same. I'll sleep better knowing that my own physician makes a check-up on everypony before leaving"

"You are not coming?"

"Ah, I think Luna will enjoy more to know more about the world. She never traveled outside Equestria after her banishment and I think it will do her great good to... dirty her hooves a bit and be with the populace" Celestia said with a mysterious smile on her face.

"Oh, that's true! We can strengthen our friendship with this trip! Oh, I should invite Pinkie Pie too, since she seems to be friends with Gaia already. Maybe Cadance and Shining? Oh, there are so many ponies I want to come but..." Twilight said before stopping suddenly in mid-rant "How will we travel around? I didn't think of that!"

"Relax, my little pony. I'm sure you can use one of the airships that we use in diplomatic travels. Now breathe, just like Cadance told you" Celestia said and Twilight did so, her stress level getting again into acceptable levels.

"You're right, I didn't think about that. Maybe..."

"Maybe you should finish this first checklist and then go to bed and work on it tomorrow" suggested Celestia. Twilight tried to retort but a yawn escaped her before even muttering a word.

"I guess I'm more tired than I thought. Between managing my little planet and trying to make our guests comfortable I forgot my own comfort. Good night, Celestia" said Twilight before nuzzling her former teacher.

"Sweet dreams, my little pony" replied the princess while nuzzling the small princess back.

Celestia looked back to the city, now the night well settled and the light of the moon shining upon the land. She wore a small and relaxed smile on her face.

"Maybe it will be easier than I thought. Bless the little things in life, I suppose..."

She was going to sleep herself when she saw some shadows running around the gardens. With her curiosity sparked, she pulled out some binoculars she used for the opera and focused on the shadowy figures. She laughed to herself silly when she spotted two tired alicorns almost dragging themselves while following a peppy pink pony that was still as fresh as if it was morning.

Author's Note:

And here is the next one! I'll try to write the next one sooner, but I've been in a training course that's about installing solar panels (thermal and photovoltaic ones) on buildings and stuff, these last months (I'm finishing the training in a bit more than a month) so I've been tired lately for writing or drawing. I'll try to do a bit every day though! :twilightsmile:

I hope you like it, and if you spot any typos please let me know! I edit this on my own and as many of you know I'm not native and many things slip through my radar. I hope there aren't many of those around this time :derpytongue2: