• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 24,010 Views, 1,842 Comments

The Slumber of Gaia - Khenlos

Gaia, an alicorn from another world, is convinced to take a break and go to Equestria so she can relax in that peacful land. But what can she do after seeing an entire planet grow from the very beginning?

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Puckish Princess

That was a tasty meal! Certainly better than those packed things in plastic that I've been eating at my son's ship. Eugh! Well, better to think about anything but those disgusting things.

When I looked where the lavender one with the lizard went I spotted a couple of creatures that were even more surprising than the lavender one and her friends. They were way bigger than these small creatures and more like me. The white one was talking to the lavender one, both smiling while talking. They were probably mother and daughter, it was clear as a day. How exciting! The blue one was looking at me with a frown though, analyzing me with her gaze.

"Look dear, it's not very polite to stare, even less so if you are using that ugly little frown. You need to smile!" I said to her while smiling. The others were looking at me surprised and the blue one was speechless. The white one approached me with a calm and serene smile. Ah... there it is a motherly smile if I ever saw one. I knew it!

She made some of those sounds that were their language and looked at me expectantly. "Sorry, I can't understand you" I replied, and I decided to take a peek at her mane. It was a thing that defied logic! It was waving at a no-existent wind and it looked like a rainbow made hair! I had the need... no... the urge to touch it!

This time she tried some cackling sounds, but again I didn't get what she was saying. I poked her mane and it was warm to the touch, as if it was always being bathed in sunlight. The blue one yelled something to me but I ignored her. This mane was so fascinating! It moved on its own and now that I was close to it I sensed some kind of energy inside the mane strands.

Again, the white one talked in a different language. This was pretty near in sound at mine, but the syntax and words were completly different. And yet again I used this to look at her body with curiosity. She was a couple of heads smaller than me, and that impressed me. She was even taller than my son! She was also more on the plump side, it was clear that rump of hers betrayed her figure. I poked her in the side and I could see with my acute eyes the smallest of ripples, confiming my suspicions. She giggled and looked at me with that smile of hers, and I smiled back.

"You need to move more, dear. You need to move more" I said, booping her in the snout marking my point and confusing everyone around me. The blue one approached me almost yelling again, so I was ready to ignore her again... but then I saw her mane.

Oh gosh, it was just the prettiest thing! It was like the night sky, so full of stars! She didn't like to have my head submerged in her mane though and quickly retreated, looking embarrased. The white one said something to me and went to calm the blue one. So big and being a scaredy cat! For shame!

The white and the blue one started to discuss something heatedly. The blue one looked a bit angry while the white one tried to calm her. They looked pretty close... maybe they were family. Mother and daughter? No, the blue one looked way too big to be her daughter... Sisters perhaps? Yes, that seemed to make sense. The white one approached me and looked apologetically at me while saying something with their strange sounds. How sweet of her, to think about my feelings.

"I don't know what are you saying, but I like you" I said with a motherly smile. She smiled back and went back to talk to her sister.

I still liked the pink one more.

And talking about the pink one, she brought from somewhere some kind of treats! Oh my! It all looked delicious! I gave her a big hug and started to eat, not before offering a bit to her too. She eagerly accepted and we ate quickly, making a competition out of the meal. The rainbow one tried to steal some but I caught her with my wing, and cocooned her against my side to the amusement of everyone. She tried to push out of her feathery prison, but I was stronger. When you have a rowdy and playful son you learn how to get him to be still. It was a useful skill to have after all. They never expect the wing!

Once we ate the treats I opened my wing to let the rainbow one free. She rolled out and grumbled a bit but soon she smiled and poked me in the side, saying something in her tongue. I showed her a treat that I was hiding with my leg and gave it to her. She looked at me, confused.

"Next time learn to not prank someone older than you. I've had to deal with a moody son, I can take a sneaky creature like you any day" I said to her. Even if she didn't understand me it felt good to talk to a creature that looked like me. I didn't feel out of place. That... that was a novelty. The rainbow one just nodded with a small smile before getting her treat and fly away.

The white one approached me, talking about something probably important as I looked at her, just smiling silently. She seemed to look pleased with something and pointed towards some kind of contraption. A couple of the winged, smaller creatures were hitched at it... So it was probably some kind of vehicle. It looked pretty flimsy so I decided to not approach it. The white one walked towards it and boarded it, the vehicle not creaking by her weight at all. When she noticed my hesitation she made a gesture to me to go and board the thing. The blue one got in as well, so I walked and carefully stepped into it.

The little ones then went on a sprint while flapping their wings and, surprisingly, we started to ascend! How?

I looked to the sides but I didn't see any kind of anti-gravity device, nor rockets... it was as bare as a rock! But... that should't be possible.

How could this be?

"She looks pretty impressed by our little ponies, don't you agree Luna?" Asked Celestia while observing amused how their guest were looking at the sides of the chariot, absolute and pure curiosity shimmering in her eyes.

"I think she needs to learn proper social etiquette. Nopony dares to touch the royal mane! And she just put her entire head inside mine!" huffed Luna, scowling towards the apparently new alicorn of the realm.

"Clearly she is not accustomed to other ponies. She looks at us in wonder, exploring and looking at everything as if it was for the first time. The poor dear is just confused" explained Celestia

"Well she can explore elsewhere" replied Luna, looking away

"Don't be like that sister. We were just as curious as her once" said Celestia in a placating tone

"Perhaps, but then again we were little fillies back then, her on the other hoof..." Luna replied, looking at their guest again "She is a BIG, grown mare. I think that is all I must say about that, sister"

Luna tried to think about anything but the new alicorn, but it was not to be as said alicorn decided that she was just too grumpy and decided to hug her completely with wings and legs. Luna looked in panic around just to see that Celestia was looking as perplexed as she was. The big mare just made some clicking sounds and hugged her tightly.

"Unhoof me this instant! I am the Princess of the Night! I will not tolerate this, even from a fellow princess! Unhoof me I say!" yelled Luna, trying to escape from the strong grip of the alicorn, but it was futile. "Celestia! Help us! She is trying to asphyxiate us!" exclaimed Luna falling into a mindless panic.

The alicorn just cooed while petting Luna's mane, making soft clicking sounds from time to time. Luna fidgeted in place trying with all of her might to free herself, failing in the process. Celestia was snickering while watching the scene before her.

"Well Luna, it seems that she thinks of you as a dear friend and she is trying her best to help you. You did look upset after all" Celestia said with a small smirk.

"We were not upset! And if you don't want to help us at least don't laugh at us! Have you no shame?" said Luna, not screaming but talking loudly this time. Celestia couldn't help herself but laughed out loudly at her sister.

"This is just rich! Too bad that I don't have a camera with me. You look so cute right now!" said Celestia, and the laughed more loudly "Yes! Because that pouty face! Oh by the sun this is hilarious! Wait until I tell Cade-Whoa!" said Celestia before a humongous wing cut her off, covered her and pulled towards a green mass of warm fur. Between the green fur and feathers she could see the smug face of her sister.

"Not so high and mighty now, do not you agree dearest sister of mine?" said Luna with a fake sweet voice. Celestia struggled a bit and sighed.

"I probably deserved this, sorry for laughing at you Luna. You just looked like a small filly" said Celestia, chuckling a bit. "Our new princess has quite the wingspan"

"Indeed. She also has a fibrous body. You should take example of her sister. I heard that some of our subjects have started to compare your backside with our moon" said Luna with a smirk.

"Luna, you are talking old ponish again. And what if they say so? I'm a healthy mare in my prime after all" replied Celestia, looking as regal as one can sandwiched in a wing hug. The green alicorn decided to make some clicking noises and rested her head over Celestia's while slumping a bit on the chariot. Luna would have found this comical if wasn't for the fact that she was dragged along, making a pony pile on the chariot.

"Well this is quite the development... It seems that our guest is tired and decided it was nap time" observed Celestia while she and her sister were moved carefully to fit comfortably on the reduced space of the chariot. The alicorn made more strange noises before sighing and closing her eyes.

"Tell me dear sister... How much a chariot takes to fly from Ponyville to Canterlot?" asked Luna fearfully

"I hope you are tired, because it seems that we are going to rest for this trip, dear sister" replied Celestia "Besides, for being as fibrous as you claimed she makes quite the pillow" said Celestia while making herself comfortable.

"Surely you jest sister! This is no time for jokes!" said Luna, trying again to free herself from the grip of the green mare.

"Luna... there are times when you just have to shrug it off and just go with it. We are not in danger and I am sure that she is not going to throw us out of the carriage, so..." said Celestia while slowly closing her eyes "I must admit that this feels pleasant... if a bit nostalgic for some reason..."

"Fine, but if I hear about this from our niece you will know the wrath of the night!" exclaimed Luna.

"Alright, whatever you say Luna..." mumbled Celestia. Luna just pouted and crossed her front legs while fidgeting to be in a comfortable position. She tried to deny it but she also felt some kind of nostalgia about this situation. She thought about older times... peaceful times in which both sisters played without care in the world. Luna shook her head, clearing her thoughts and looking at the peacefully sleeping mare that was embracing her and her sister.

"I shall make you pay for this insolence, you oaf..." said Luna, just to be cut off by a sudden yawn. "I will just take revenge later... but there will be revenge... yes..."