• Published 30th Jan 2015
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The Slumber of Gaia - Khenlos

Gaia, an alicorn from another world, is convinced to take a break and go to Equestria so she can relax in that peacful land. But what can she do after seeing an entire planet grow from the very beginning?

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To the Northern North

I thought that we were already at the arctic, but it seems that other creatures live further north. How is that possible?

Most creatures have an easier life on warmer climates and most of reptiles, dinosaurs and insects just die before reaching freezing temperatures, and that’s not even delving into plants…

Are mammals so well adapted to the different environments that are capable of surviving in the freezing cold? I’ve been told that they are not ponies but they are quadruped herbivores like them.

I can’t wait to see them!

This morning Luna and Cadance were very attentive to me, and passed by me if the travel plan was for my liking. I was embarrassed about all of this to be honest. If I wasn’t such a sentimental mare none of this would’ve happened! But I would be lying if I didn’t like this kind of attention. In the end I decided to go for the nearest interesting place, disregarding going back to Canterlot.

The air was turned colder as we marched on, most of the ponies getting warm clothes on them because of it. They were wearing the cutest little scarves and boots! It was like seeing a live-doll show, really. Absolutely adorable to watch.

I on the other hoof was pretty much impervious to the weather… and pretty much any temperature change to be honest. I was born when the planet was forged from stellar dust, and while I was unconscious at that time I think that given the circumstances a light freezing breeze was pretty much nothing to me. Believe me, I’ve got medical tests to prove it.

It was kind of funny to see Twilight still fretting regarding her little world, afraid that the extreme temperatures of the frozen north may affect the planetoid. I had to assure her that it was going to be fine, but that didn’t make her relax in the slightest.

At least I tried, I suppose. You cannot win them all!

It was a surprise when the pink one appeared out of nowhere, and I mean it when I say no one aboard saw her before we decided to visit the Yaks. I was pretty sure that the rest of young Twilight’s friends went back to their homes since they had their jobs and families… so how did this one come here at all? I can’t remember hearing any train arrivals at all…

They told me to not question it. I agreed with them, and didn’t bother to think of any more. Sometimes life just gives you curve balls like this, and you better be ready to dodge them!

I had still some questions of the not-pink kind.

“So Pinkie… How come you are so excited to see the yaks? By the guards’ accounts they seem like a rowdy bunch, unlike you ponies,” I asked, curious about the motives of this pile of sugar rush made pony.

“Well what is not to like!? They like loud music, loud games and they like to party hard!” the pink pony said, almost yelling in excitement.

“I would not put it that way, Pinkie. While they are good at heart they are not used to control their strength, and given their size and muscle mass it ends in a lot of property damage after one of their parties. In fact, some of their traditions consist of breaking things for fun,” the little princess explained in a tutoring tone, “It is remarkable though that their sense of pride and honor is shown as paramount on their society, but it is rather fragile and they are easily offended. Probably the reason they didn’t come to the summit a few days ago. They are probably not interested in another pony princess.”

“That’s so sad, since they missed the after party!” Pinkie stated, throwing confetti everywhere, promptly blown away by the cold winds.

“Well that’s a shame, but I suppose I can’t fault them. I respect honesty. I don’t wish for anyone to feel obligated to meet me in any way. That’s why I’m more than happy to be the one to move to meet them! The best way to meet new species of fauna and flora is right on their natural habitat, not inside some boring zoo… “ I said, getting some questioning looks from them,” I like those little pieces of nature for what they are, don’t think I hate them or anything… But they can’t compare to the real deal, you know?” I elaborated, getting a happy nod from them.

“They are just a taste test, but after that you need to go for the gran feast. Sounds good to me!” Pinkie said, pronking around with a wide smile on her face. Twilight just giggled at her antics and I couldn’t help but chuckle as well.

“Leave Pinkie to compare animals to pastries,” she simply stated. I nodded as if I understood the reference.

“Not all animals are sweet and cute of course, but I can see how many species of mammals can be cute as a button, with all that fur and hair… It’s hard to pet a lizard or a dinosaur,” I chuckled, “And don’t even get me started on the equivalent of cats for the trichordians. It’s not easy to tell if they really appreciate the affection when they creep around with their unusual body shape.”

“I thought that it would be more natural since the sapients on your planer are the trichordians…” Twilight said, thinking hard about what I just said, but I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Even I can see patterns when they are evident enough, dear. Most animals evolve in a symmetrical fashion, with two lobes that are mostly identical and complement each other, except the brain that usually is more complex than that,” I explained, getting Twilight to levitate a notepad and take notes. This girl sure is thorough with her research… “As far as I’ve seen, and I’ve seen many things young Twilight, the most efficient pattern is two lobes, not three and not one. And best to not talk about those Cambrian revolutionaries with extravagant numbers of lobes, fingers and limbs…”

I think I managed to get even the pink one interested in biology! Aw such little faces full of curiosity! Even Luna came out of her nap and was moving her ears towards me.

“Since I’ve already got all your attention gather around and sit tight. I’ll tell you about the mystical times that were what my son calls the Cambrian Explosion.”

The dream realm was a tranquil place tonight, and after skipping duties for too long Princess Luna had to make her rounds, even if she was still not refreshed from her fluctuating circadian rhythm of late.

The Crystal Empire was especially calm today, and after the biggest party in decades it wasn’t hard to guess why. She was also pretty sure that many couples were formed that night, a thing that would bring joy to her dear niece for sure.

It was during her dream patrolling that she was able to spot the distinctive dream of Gaia, but thankfully this time it wasn’t a nightmare. In fact it gave a pretty lively and pleasant aura, and the night princess was more than eager to see and know more about the ancient alicorn.

Once inside she was hit with the sensation of an oddly energized air with strange odors and fumes, that while not unpleasant was quite jarring. There was no grass around but many bushes and small plants… and some unique and tall trees that were not unlike palm trees but with wider trunks and rough bark. Many creatures alien and colorful run around the place and the water of the river nearby was filled with peculiar fish as well. It all felt… peaceful, in a way. Alien, but peaceful.

Suddenly some creature impacted with her and they went tumbling down a small slope.

“Oh my… Is it you, Luna? How are you here?” said a young but known voice.

There she was, the dreamer herself, but she was radically different.

For starters, she was the same size as Luna and her coat was light brown with deep green splotches like a strange pinto pony. Her mane was a deeper blue, and shorter than she was used to, but her eyes were still the same brilliant orange as ever, like the ever burning embers of the core of her planet.

“Where are we?” Luna simply asked, getting up and also helping Gaia up as the now youthful alicorn giggled at her.

“Silly Luna, you are in my dream!” she simply said, laughing out loud and making Luna sigh with a small smile.

“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

“You are not fun. Alright. I admit that after talking so much about the Cambrian I just had a teensy weensy nostalgia trip down memory lane just before going to sleep so… Here we are!”

“I see. Your world sure changed a lot for you to look like this” Luna said, moving her foreleg to basically point to all of Gaia, making her chuckle.

“Of course, I’m sure that you all will also change physically, given due time. But I know what you mean,” Gaia said before starting to happily trot towards a random direction, followed quickly by Luna, “For example, I forgot to tell you earlier but grass was a recent development in my world. That’s why I lack my lustrous green coat.”

“Truly? I can’t imagine a world without grass.”

“Thankfully you don’t have to. You just need to look around.”

And Luna did so, much to both her befuddlement and Gaia’s amusement.

There was a lot of ground visible and without any plant covering it, but unlike in a wasteland there were many trees hiding the Sun. The ground was filled with bushes with strange leaves and fungi of enormous size. At the same time lots of insects and small reptiles - some of them really weird for the lunar ruler - just were there, living their lives in this bizarre but mystifying forest.

“Beautiful, right?” Gaia simply asked, getting a slow nod from the princess, “These were my daily sights for millions of years. These trees were kind of stupid if you ask me. Didn’t have a strong trunk so they piled bark again and again, competing with other trees for sunlight. They grew like modern weeds, and absorbed a lot of bad gases, but at the same time many of them fell off because they were pretty weak on their cores. That’s why the ground is so brown. Almost all the humus come from these. It was kind of hard to walk too because decomposing bacteria weren’t really a thing back then.”

“You are joking! So the trunks just fell and…”

“…and stayed that way. Animals were consumed, same as leaves, but bark and wood… No creature ate that. And the forest fires were spectacular. Whole countries worth of area burning in a matter of days… but then they grew again almost just as fast. It was a strange cycle to be honest,” the for now pinto alicorn said, looking at some reptile that was walking over her hoof.

“Sounds wasteful, but I suppose that no one capable of conversation about proper forest maintenance lived back then…”

“Correct! Also, it helped create coal after millions of years, so it wasn’t wasted after all!” Gaia happily explained, picking up a piece of wood and compressing it between her hooves, showing Luna a lump of anthracite, much to the younger’s alicorn amazement.

“Is that how it is created? I never put much thought on how coal was formed to be honest… Just another peculiar thing that the Earth Ponies did, like rock farming…”

“Oh, but there are some marvelous processes that helped make the world you see. You don’t even have a name for them yet, but they help shape continents and oceans! This is just one of them! One of the most affected by biological beings of course. Coal cannot exist without plant matter…” Gaia rambled on as Luna observed with renewed fascination the world that surrounded her. It was all so unknown to Luna... but she knew how to quench that thirst for knowledge.

“Would you show me how your world works?” Luna asked her, feeling somewhat strange seeing Gaia eye to eye. The older mare just extended her wings, a sudden wind moving away the trees and the ground trembling as it rose slowly under Gaia and Luna.

“My dear and young Luna, there is so much I can teach you, but for now let’s start with one of my favorites!” Gaia said as she and Luna were propelled up by the ground leaving them afloat as it suddenly sunk deeply into the planet’s crust, the magic of the dream realm leaving them suspended over the new cliff, “Come with me, and I’ll show you with conviction the marvels of tectonic convection!”