• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 24,010 Views, 1,842 Comments

The Slumber of Gaia - Khenlos

Gaia, an alicorn from another world, is convinced to take a break and go to Equestria so she can relax in that peacful land. But what can she do after seeing an entire planet grow from the very beginning?

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The Voyage North

The machines that the little ones can come up with are truly a sight to behold, in my world and here too!

One would think that after so many years I had grown accustomed to it, but they always find ways to build the most amazing things. It’s one of the things I’ll never have that... drive to create things from basic elements like minerals, or from other life forms like woods and bones. I can create sure, but it’s not the same. They put their imagination and after trial and error they succeed. I, on the other hoof, just give it a push and life spawns itself. For example, I cannot even imagine the many hours they have spent designing this… this airship. The ingenuity! The creativity! Ah, that’s why I love them all. They can show me wonders that nature is unable to show without their help.

And talking about help too, young Twilight has been pretty excited after we took off towards that crystal place or something. Apparently, the lovely pink princess rules over there and, hear this… they have crystal-based life forms! Well, not completely crystal but they have some kind of crystalline properties. I wanted to go to the volcanic lands but… this! I’ve never heard of such a thing!

Thankfully my son decided to go back to his place and leave me to my devices once again… even if young Luna is making a good impression of a shadow, always not too far from me.

“You know I’m an adult, right? I don’t need a babysitter more than you do, Luna,” I said with a small smile as she was resting out of the sunlight that was bathing the deck of the airship. No wonder she’s all grumpy and moody, without getting some sun on her skin…

“Be as it may, your son made very clear that he was trusting us to keep you safe. Besides, while an adult he also revealed to us that you usually jump to action when something grabs your attention,” she explained as she stretched her wings, “and it will be beneficial to everypony if a capable pony is always ready to help if necessary.”

“You mean to have someone keep an eye on me because no one wants the crazy old mare to cause a ruckus?” I said with a smile, making her look at me with a horrified expression on her face, “Don’t look at me like that, child. There are many things I don’t understand but I’ve lived enough to have seen this happen to me time and time again,” I explained with a chuckle, “But don’t worry your little head about it. I’ll try to be on my best behavior.”

I was being honest too. While I love to mess with the youngsters, I don’t want them to stress over me… too much at least. I’ve also heard that stress can stunt growth in young creatures and except Celestia all seem to be still on their way to their prime. I mean Twilight will probably have quite the scare when her experiment ends… I’m not looking forward to that.

“I appreciate that, Gaia. I know that I can be a little… strict, but I want to make amends and try to know you better,” she said, looking down and pensive, “I know we didn’t start in the best of terms because of my stubbornness… even if I still feel that you need to improve your manners and behavior, I mean honestly Gaia…” she finished with a huff. Aw, and she was so close to be cute! Now she was cute and grumpy! I couldn’t help but laugh as I got up and sat besides her, squishing her against me with my wing.

“I can’t help but be who I am, young Luna. No more than you can’t help but be yourself at least. For what is worth, I am sorry if I embarrass you in the future, but please… don’t think as I do it with malicious intent, alright? The last thing I want to is to cause trouble by my actions,” I said to her with a maternal smile, “While I can be harsh with my lessons when I’m forced to, I really dislike to do it. I like to enjoy the little things in life better, and well… just live in this crazy universe of ours, I guess,” I said, hugging her tightly. This time she even leaned a bit into it! Success! No one can resist my hugs for long!

“Y-yes. Well… I would like to use this opportunity to really know you, not because my sister said so but because I truly want to,” she explained, moving a bit under my wing, “While we alicorns are so long lived that we don’t know one that has died of old age we never encountered one as ancient as you and… maybe we learn from your experiences. You can teach us so many things from what you have seen and experienced in your life, Gaia,” she said with conviction.

Well, that is a serious declaration if I ever heard one. I was not really angry because of her earlier attitude, I really understand her, I do! I think she overthinks a lot, but I suppose I cannot blame her for that. I don’t trouble myself with the problems and things that happen on a country after all.

“I think that we can say for sure that we will learn much from each other, Luna” I simply said, looking towards the sky and the clouds that slowly passed by. Flying on a machine is not the same as being on your own power, but it was calming all the same for me. I took a deep breath, enjoying the cleanest air that I’ve breathed in many years.

“I can teach you about the delicate and complex cycles of life… at least outside your peculiar little planet of course. I’ve started teaching young Twilight regarding the life force that surrounds every planet with life and she even saw it. It’s... it's been hard to explain some of the things that I do and see, you know? Not even my son was able to use my abilities, even with the same blessing I gave Twilight. But she just did it… and maybe you all can teach me this magic of yours as well, even things regarding ponies on this world. I know I’m not smart but I am willing to try at least, I promise.”

Luna chuckled and shook her head as a wry smile was clearly making way on her face, “She is the princess of Magic after all. If anypony is able to understand the mysteries of the universe, it will be her,” she said with confidence. I nodded at her, completely believing her, “And I believe that you are correct. We can learn from each other in many topics and areas. In fact, and since it will take some time to reach the Empire, why not getting started in some magical basics? You clearly have the power but you lack the finesse,” she continued, frowning a bit, “I suppose that your duties don’t require such precision… but I think I can guide you for the time being.”

I can’t argue with that logic! Who can say that they learned magic from a magical pony princess! if I learned how to use a microwave, I think this magic thing can be a walk in the park!

… Somehow, I don’t feel that magical pony princess is an acceptable expression, but I can’t figure out why…

Luna observed the path of the airship with no real interest in the dark landscape. The moon was already up and most of the ponies on board were peacefully resting, and she was getting refreshed thanks to the powers granted by the Moon. While not the same as sleeping properly she could at least be vigilant as long as she didn’t expend much magic patrolling the dream realm. The small and distant rumbling of the magical engines below the deck also gave a slow but peaceful rhythm to the otherwise silent night, making this one of the most relaxing times Luna had in a long time since her return.

“Something troubling you, your highness?” asked one of the night guards as he approached the ruler of the night. Luna just shook her head as she kept her eyes towards the frozen wastes between Equestria and the Crystal Empire.

“Just many things on my mind, sergeant. I’m afraid that magic lessons with our alicorn guest can even take a toll on me,” she elaborated before sighing, “It’s not that Gaia doesn’t want to learn, and even by what she told us she made tremendous progress. I’m inclined to believe her stories of moving entire forests with her telekinesis after what we have seen from her, so I shouldn’t be disappointed that the best she can do now is to not implode a pot on itself by sheer telekinetic power, but…”

“If you forgive my boldness princess, but I think you feel as she can do better, right?”

“You are forgiven, my guard. And yes… it’s just…” she hesitated, before closing her eyes in contemplation. “I just want to do something for her. I can see it now… she is so alienated from everypony around her since no pony can understand her… at least not until now,” she explained, a frown developing on her face, “Maybe it can seem a small thing for other ponies, but for unicorns the ability to interact with others with our magic is a whole way to communicate feelings and actions. I think I can give her that if I teach her to perform telekinesis like we do we can bring her close to ponykind… she feels like a pony lost without herd, forced to live from her fellow ponies.”

“The thought of being on my own for years even strikes fear on me, your highness. We ponies are social creatures.”

“Exactly, sergeant. And we can develop strong feelings of protectiveness when one of us is harmed, even when it’s a pony we don’t get along with, and nurture our hurt and lost members to integrate them back into the herd. That’s how harmony works,” she explained, pausing for a moment, as if pondering on how to proceed with the conversation, “ I think that since you belong to the retinue assigned to Gaia, you should know something,” she finally proceeded, with a hard seriousness clear on her voice, “She may look healthy and preppy, but our medical experts found that she is recovering from a extremely severe case of poisoning,” she explained, making the guard tense and frown, “And apparently both herself and her son know the cause but act as they can ignore it. I cannot help but try to make her comfortable after knowing that even with all that fortitude she has suffered so much… but even with my wisdom and guesswork I cannot fathom the kind of catastrophe that happened on her world for her to be so scarred. Do you know that she was malnourished for a long time as well? Her, a being that can eat even rocks?” she said, making the guard angrier by the second, “I know what you feel, and I trust that you and your companions will do your work diligently and assist Gaia in any way you can.”

“Of course, princess! I just… I can’t even imagine…”

“I know. I hope that one day she can tell us... We all wish to know more about our otherworldly guest but we can only be the best hosts we can and build our trust step by step for now,” the night princess said as she stretched her wings in a regal manner, “As a princess of Equestria I must follow the example of the Elements of Harmony themselves and be the best mare I can be, for myself and for her too. We must show Gaia the best our world can offer and bring her back to health, don’t you agree my loyal subject?”

“Of course, I agree completely princess.,” the sergeant said, saluting with one of his leathery wings to Luna, “We will be the best royal guards she has ever seen!” he fiercely declared, making Luna nod in appreciation.

“I expect nothing less. We are also touring around the world with her, so we will be representing Equestria wherever she goes. While it’s been a long time since we established direct relations with many realms far from our borders, we can use this opportunity to strengthen our ties with them,” she explained, looking towards the guard, “What do you make of it, sergeant?”

“Can’t say I disagree with that plan, princess. Ponies have forgotten many of our neighbors of old, even the hippogriffs, and they are brethren to us,” the guard stated as he looked towards one of the patrolling guards around the ship.

“They even forgot your kind, sergeant, and you were always next door as it were. Night pony colonies are not a secret after all,” she said with clear pain in her voice, “I believe that Gaia can make a bridge between our forgotten brothers and sisters and us since she is not really attached to anypony in a political fashion, and maybe…” she explained with a tired tone, her voice wavering at the end, “But enough of that. I estimate that we will arrive to the Empire at dawn. Have the troops ready and debriefed regarding Gaia’s status and my orders. They are also not to divulge any health reports or any kind of information regarding Gaia unless commanded to, understood?”

“Understood, your highness. It shall be done.”

“Excellent. Proceed with your duties, guard. And… thank you for lending me your ear,” she said with a small smile. The guard saluted with a proud smile on his face.

“It was a pleasure, princess. We are here to serve and help in any way we can after all.”

“That you do, my loyal subject. Carry on,” the night princess said with finality.

The guard swiftly got to work and went downstairs towards the barracks, leaving the dark princess to her devices.

Looking up to her Moon, the lunar princess wondered if there were other ponies living alone as Gaia out there, wandering the surfaces of other worlds just waiting to be discovered.

Suddenly, the night sky didn’t seem so empty to the night princess, and her world didn’t feel so huge in the grand scale of things.

Author's Note:

Hello there! Long time no see, eh? :twilightblush:

I have no excuse... At least not one specially important by itself.
I was looking for a job for a long time; found a job, moved to another house, then didn't have the time to do anything for months... Life, in a word, happened. I'm sorry it took this long, but I'm not sorry I had to take a long absence on creating any work of fiction or art. I had to get a hold of my life and get things in order... and now I feel I can get back to it again.

Don't expect daily updates like at the very start of the story, but they will not take years this time. This I promise.

Now on to the story stuff! This chapter it's not much, the usual Gaia fare, but we are getting somewhere new at last! The vacation time has officially started!

This was the first stop and the most logical from a Equestria-driven airship, but you can make suggestions for the next destination! Since we are going to be from closest to farthest you can suggest any canon place you want, movies and comics included.

In case of a draw or just trusting me with the wheel it will be chosen at random. You time to think about your choice though! There will be at least a couple of chapters in each place before moving on (not all places have many interesting features. I mean, the dragonlands are just a volcanic wasteland but very interesting to Gaia nevertheless) and maybe some small stops along the way.

And that's all for today. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and please note me if you spot some misspelling errors since I'm doing the proofreading myself and I know I'm not the best.
