• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 9,697 Views, 125 Comments

Tales of Fate: A new Future - Navanastra

This is a story about a lonely, depressed rich youn man named Julius who lost his parents at a young age and was forced to endure everything on his own without any friends or family but on one night he will find something that will change his life

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Chapter 9: Welcome to school (part 1)

/Chapter 9 Welcome to school (part 1)/

“Hey Lukas wait up.” I called as I tried to catch up with him.

It was really hard for me to try and keep up with him sense the whole day even though I have compared to him I have 2 extra legs which would normally mean that I should be able to catch up with him easily but for some reason he was for the most part so much quicker on his feet than I was on my hoofs which of course was very exhausting.

Me and Lukas have been playing and exploring around the forest sense the start of the day, playing jungle adventures together, with Lukas being the explorer and me his trusted assistance as we imagining that we were navigating through an unexplored jungle in the search of ancient ruins, treasures, and lost civilisations.

Luna was sadly not with us on this fun adventure today, she was now at home busy having fun with her own game console that dad bought her after she had continently pleaded our dad to get one for herself after truly discovering her love and skills for videogames, and in the end Dad simply gave in and got her a Playstation 2 as well and also a Nintendo GameCube just to sweeten it up a bit after almost a week sense our first visit at my friends home.

But it didn’t mattered at the moment sense as long my sister is happy I’m happy and I know that Dad is just trying his best to keep it that way which is one of the many reasons why I just love him so much.

As me and Lukas were simply scouting out the under grove of the forest for any possible treasures or hidden secrets, In the search for something valuable I came across a very lonely looking bush on the edge of a clearing and decided to crawl myself under it in hopes to maybe find something interesting underneath it all until I noticed something from the other end of the bush.

“Wow Lukas come over here quickly and see what I have found here.” I quietly whispered to him.

“What is it?” Lukas whispered back to me as he came up over to where I was crouching.

As Lukas came closer over to me and crouched down at the same bush were I was hiding I quickly pointed out to Lukas on what exactly I was talking about.

Right in front of us laying in the centre of an forest opening was a single but beautiful deer mother with her two little babies fawns simple rolled up against her and simple sleeping while there mother gently nuzzles them in their sleep.

My heart just literally melted at this site as it pretty much reminded me when I and my sister are cuddling up like that towards dad during stormy or gloomy days.

The thought alone almost made me wish that I was actually cuddling with my dad right about now resting my head against his belly while being gently scratch behind my ears in a very lovingly why all until I got snap back by my friend Lukas as he began to rapidly poke me on the back of my head.

“Uhm Celly I think we better leave.” Lukas suddenly whispered to me as he pointed out something affront of us.

When I took a look at where he was pointing I began to notice a very big and buff looking male deer with very intimidating looking antlers on its head watching us from where we were hiding.

First of all I wasn’t even aware that there was another deer nearby nor would I have thought that we would get our self-spotted so easily in the first place sense we were hidden inside our bush pretty dam well, all until I realized that my own horn was somehow sticking out slightly form beyond the top part of our hiding spot and could have easily exposed or location towards the very intimidating looking deer.

“Ops.” Was the only words coming out my mouth.

“My stupid horn again!” I thought to myself with annoyance.

Almost every time when me, Luna or even Lukas would play a game of hide and seek or any other game and activity that involves allot of hiding or stealth my own horn would sometimes stick out from various places and simple expose me and giving away my position.

Sometimes I just really wished I didn’t had my horn in the first place because for me personally it doesn’t seem to do anything besides getting me stuck in narrow places or just out right destroy the fun for me.

“Come on Celly I think it’s better that we leave now.” Lukas quickly told me as he was crawling out from our bush.

I only nodded in agreement sense I didn’t wanted to get that male deer thinking that we might be a duo of predators stalking around these bushes for those little baby deer’s and starting to attack us defensively because of that.

Me and Lukas quickly made our way through the forest and back towards our favourite spot in the whole wide area the same place where we first played together when we first meant each other a little over a year ago.

The little and beautiful pound at the edge of the forest were we always go first to simply relax and to decide what to do for the day.

We even go sometimes swimming here during hot summer days to use it to cool our self from the hot scorching sun and just literally having fun splashing around inside these sallow and crystal clear waters.

We finally arrived at our special meeting location as we began to sort out all of our thinks and items that we have discovered in our little exploration game and simply began to empty some of our bags that we have brought with us and began to examine all the stuff we have found so far.

Laying in front of us were allot of stuff most of them simple thinks that you might expect to find in a forest such as acorns, very beautiful colourful tree leafs and some neat looking feathers.

But throughout our exploration we also found some very unique things like some very old looking coins, some lost toys and even a very unique and beautiful silver hair clip that I found somewhere deep within the forest under a moss covered bark.

The hair clip was the one interesting me the most and by taking a closer look at it I could see that it actually had little fake gems on it in the shapes of a sun and a moon circling each other while being surrounded by a group of tiny yellow looking stars encircling both the sun and the moon into a perfect ringed formation.

I was completely mesmerized by this beautiful little hair clip and could easily decide that it was THE best treasure we have discovered inside the forest today, for me at least.

“Who would throw such a wonderful looking hair clip away?” I thought to myself as I began to take the little hair clip onto my hoofs to examine it even further.

“If wash this hairclip and remove it from all of its dirt, moss and twigs I could easily wear this myself, I bet it will look really good on me too.” I thought with great amusement.

Me and Lukas spent a few more minutes examining all of our findings and deciding what we can keep and what was just useless junk, I pretty much told him that he could keep everything else for himself sense I was only really interested into my new cute looking hair clip.

The day was steadily coming to a halt as I saw from the distance that the sun was already slowly retreating into the horizon.

“I think we better get back it’s getting late and staying in a forest after dark is never one of my favourite activities.” Lukas announced as he was packing his bags.

I could only agree on his superstitions sense I too was pretty uncomfortable with the idea of running around the wilderness after dawn, especially with the thought on how worried dad would be if I didn’t get back home in time.

I hate making my dad worried.

After packing my own thinks and making sure that everything was there that I have brought with me, Lukas and I finally began to make our way towards the roads and downhill towards our homes.

“Hey Lukas?” I started to get his attention.

“Mhmm.” Lukas responded.

“Want to do something like this again tomorrow?” I asked him innocently as we continued our walk together down the road.

After asking that Lukas took a few more seconds to actually think about my question until he quickly looked back at me with a bit of a sorry expression.

“Uhm sorry Celly but I have school tomorrow so I can’t” Lukas answered me with a bit of a sad tone.

“Oh.” Was my only response as I felt a bit put down by his answer.

Recently Lukas really didn’t had much free time to do or play with simply because he was now too busy with school.

I asked Lukas right at the first day of his new school year what it is like too go to school, what you can do there and how many other kids and children’s actually went to school in the first place.

As far he had told me school seems to be a very fun place to be, having fun, learning new things, and most importantly making new friends and meeting new friendly faces.

The idea of going to school myself and having my best friend Lukas as my possible classmate was a really fun and exciting idea if there wasn’t the fact that I am a winged unicorn and not a normal human.

I already once asked my dad about that subject thou but just as expected he wasn’t really sure of letting me go to school would be such a good idea especially sense I am pretty much very unique and different compare to the other kids.

Having Lukas go to school, to learn many new things and having fun without me was a really heavy thought for me to endure sense I am pretty much forced to just sit at home and wait for him to get himself some free time from his school works so that we can have some more fun adventure and exploration together was a real drag for me.

“Were here Celly.” Lukas suddenly announced.

I was immediately removed from my train of thoughts after that and was immediately surprise to see that we were already at the front gate of my home.

“How long was I zoned out.” I thought to myself in utter surprise.

“Well I see you next weekend I guess.....nice hanging out with you today bye.” Lukas excused himself as he began to turn around and started to continue his own why back home.

But before he could even get far I decided that he was not going to get away that easily from me as I started to quickly gallop over to him and gave him a friendly goodbye hug.

“Uhm yeah thanks Celly...eehehehe” Lukas said a bit embarrassed.

“Gosh I just find it really cute on him whenever he is blushing like that” I thought with a very faint giggle.

“Thanks for the nice hangout I always enjoy having adventures with you.” I thanked him with a smile as I broke the hug.

“It’s always an enjoyment for me to go and hangout with my first and best friend ever so it’s cool” Lukas told me with a smile of his own.

“But you know It would be really great if you could go to school and be in the same class as me that way we could hangout almost every day.” Lukas began.

“I could than introduce you to some of my new friends I have there.” Lukas quickly added.

That immediately got my attention sky high and I was more surprised than ever to hear that coming from him.

“Wait you have other friends too? I thought I was
your only friend.” I said with a bit of surprise and sadness.

“Wow I wish I could have some new friends as well.” I mumble to myself.

“Well you can if you could ask your dad to sign you up for school too, it’s easy.” Lukas announced with a smile.

“I already did and...well…you know the reasons why don’t you?” I asked him with a sorrow expression.

He only nodded in realization on what I meant.

“Well I’m pretty sure if your dad agrees and lets you go, I would be pretty much positive that everything will be alright. I already told my new friends allot about you to make them know what to expect whenever the time comes for them to finally meet you.” He told me with a confident look.

“And what was there response?” I asked him curiously.

“They thought I was kidding.” He simply responded with sad smile on his face.

I only gave him an encouraging smile and a giggle of thanks for at least trying.

“Well I see you than another time I guess?” I asked.

“Of course, as soon as I have some free time.” He responded with a smile.

Lukas started to walk back home on his own while I just stood there waving him goodbye and watched him slowly disappearing into the distance.

As he was gone and out of sight I decided to maybe stay there a little bit longer to simply admire the amazing sunset far into the distance.

The sky was coloured into a beautiful red and orange mix with the last rays of sun light beaming gracefully form behind some clouds gabs giving this already amazing spectacle and almost magical look to it.

“It would be even more amazing if my sister and Dad would be here as well to see this.” I thought to myself.

The sun was already slowly disappearing into the horizon and signalling the beginning of the night.

At that I decided that it was time for me to finally get myself back inside quickly and to avoid the very cold and chilling night air which was already slowly showing itself in a very surprising and alarming rate.

“How the heck is it possible that it can get so dam cold so freaking fast.” I thought with great surprise as I transformed my normal trot to a full blown gallop after feeling the first effects of the incoming night air.

(Julius POV)

“What the, how the.....WHY!!!!!” Luna began to whine.

Sense the start of the day me and Luna have been playing some games together with her newly bought game consoles, sometimes Playstation sometimes GameCube and trying out all the different games that she (or we) have.

Luna asked me if I wanted to play some games with her sense her older sister was not available for today and out there somewhere having adventures with her best friend leaving me as her so called plan B backup.

It is really astounding to see how good see really is at videogames for someone of her age and how immersed she can be when playing.

As far as I learned from what Celly had told me every time when she or her friend would play some videogames against her little sister it would for the most part never really end in their favour.

Luna would for most of her part always come out utterly victories against them and leaving both of them either completely shocked or baffled as an aftermath.

But personally I really have no idea on what she is yammering about so much simply because I’m really just having a pretty normal game experience with her.

Sometimes I win sometimes she wins buts it’s in the racing game department were I am completely over her with cashing in one win after another and leaving her literally in a trail of dust.

At the moment me and Luna were playing some Burnout revenge on her Playstation 2 for almost a whole hour long and for the most part I am just rocking her in every race we played in either leaving her on second or even third place at every finish.

Luna was pretty baffled to see in how incredibly good I am at racing games in general simply because I never really told her that I once used to play allot of racing types games on my old PS 1, way before Luna and Celestia came into my life to try and keep myself away a bit from my lonely and depression life.

And after a while I actually managed to get myself allot of practice with that which are now the types of skills I using on poor little Luna to embarrassingly beat hear every single time in every race.

I have just once again score another flawless and quick victory with my very awesome looking car and just made it to the finish line WAY before anybody else and simple decided to wait for all the other driver including Luna to finish their final lap while happily sipping on my ice tea.

“How are you always doing that dad?” Luna asked me with a whiny tone.

“Skills” I simply answered.

“Well I’m starting to get a bit tired now. I like to take a break now if it is ok?” Luna said as she began to stretch her legs and even her tiny little wings which is always absolutely adorable to look at.

I also started to stretch myself a little as well and found out on just how long I have been sitting here and playing videogames with my little filly by the very distinguish popping and cracking sounds my angles made.

“Dad could we maybe get something to eat I’m starving.” Luna said as she began to get up from her flank and up on her hoofs as she began to stretch herself a little bit more.

I could easily agree with her request sense I too began to realized the fact that both of us haven’t really eaten that much to begin with sense the start of the day, being more so immersed with the games and completely forgetting the fact in how really hungry we ware.

I could maybe go and call john to make something for us but going to the kitchen and making food for our self would be the perfect thing for my now very sore angles after sitting on my ass for almost the whole day.

I was about to open the door and making my way towards the kitchen until I got stopped by Luna who was nudging me with her muzzle to get my attention.

I turned around to look at her and to see what she wanted from me and saw her standing there with a very sheepish look on her muzzle.

“Can you carry me maybe? I fell a bit stiff on my hoofs.” Luna asked me with a sheepish smile.

“Sure lulu.” I quickly replied as I carefully picked her up onto my arms.

She began to immediately snuggle her head onto my chest as I was walking us towards the kitchen and dining areas which were located literally on the other side of the mansion opposite from where our rooms are.

“You know I really like it when you call me Lulu Dad.” Luna suddenly said as we were already half why towards our destination.

“You sure do.” I simply teased her in which she only gave me a cute little giggle in response.

We continued our journey over towards the kitchen areas by passing through the main hall entrance of the mansion, but as me and Luna were passing by the main hall I began to notice something different from the edge of my vision and by turning my gaze over towards the direction I could see that it was my little Celly just coming back home after her long day of venturing off with her best friend.

She looked pretty tired from the look of it which I can easily understand sense from what Celestia always tells me her and Lukas are always having some very energetic adventures and activities together which in the end leaves her always looking the way she does now for most of the time.

I was about to greet her but was beaten by it by Luna who started to call out to her after she realized that her sister was finally back home after being gone for almost a whole day.

“Hey big sis your finally back.” Luna simply greeted while waving and smiling at her direction.

Celestia of course noticed Luna’s call immediately and quickly wiped her hanging head up to look at our direction, in an instant when she saw me her mood and expression did a complete 180 degrees as her tired and exhausted expression turn into a happy and excited one faster than I could say anything to stop her incoming outburst.

“DADDY!!” Celestia shouted with great glee.

“Yup too slow to stop her.” I thought as I saw my little Celly galloping over to me as fast as she possible could.

“I thought she was totally tired and exhausted.” I thought quickly as Celly finally made it over to us and began to hug and nuzzle my legs very lovingly and softly.

I have been together with Luna and Celestia for over 4 years now and it still always surprises me when Celestia always does that.

Luna on the other hand (or hoof) was just not giving much mind or attention on what her bigger sister is doing and simply continued to dose of a little bit on my arms while resting her head onto my chest as always.

“Why are you always doing that whenever you see me Celly?” I asked her simply for fun reason sense I already pretty know what her answer will be.

Celly only stopped after I asked her that and simply turned her head up to look at me while giving me once again one of her trade mark smile I have come to love over the past 4 years.

“It’s because I love you daddy, I just want to be close to you as much as I can because you make me feel so safe and happy whenever I’m with you.” Celestia answered with a big smile.

Once again my heart could only melt by those words and always remembering me how lucky I was finding those two 4 years ago and helping me to completely change my life into a much happier and brighter future.

The only thing my senses told me to do was kneel down (with Luna still on my Arm) and to give her a nice and soft scratch behind her ears.

Celestia responded by dropping her cute little ears onto the sides of her head in pure enjoyment and closing her eyes while leaning her head into my hand.

I did that for maybe a few more moments until I thought it was enough and simply got myself back up.

“Do you want some too?” I asked Luna on my arms after being done patting Celestia.

“Nope I’m good.” Luna simply responded while shaking her head and immediately going back in pressing her face and muzzle back into my chest.

“We are going to get our self some dinner want to come with us?” I asked Celestia who was still holding one of my legs with her hoofs.

Right after I asked her that both me and Luna suddenly heard a very low and almost unnoticeable grumbling sound coming from somewhere within this room the first thought that went through my mind was maybe some distant thunderclouds forming somewhere outside until I realized that the grumbling sounds seriously came from within THIS room and noticed that Celestia was just sitting on her flank on front of me with a very embarrassing look on her face.

“I guess I was much hungrier than I thought I was.” Celestia said in a very while rubbing the back of her head and holding a very embarrassing blush on her face.

Luna of course began to laugh and snicker very loudly after that and moving and rolling around on my arms a bit which made it a bit difficult for me to hold her properly and not letting her fall but even for me the fact that Celestia’s little belly just made itself known so loudly was also a very funny thing for me to witness and I too couldn’t hold a short laugh of my own.

“Ok enough let’s just go get some dinner.” I quickly announced.

After I said that Luna and Celestia finally started to calm down and nodded their heads at my idea and we quickly made our way to the kitchen.

At the kitchen I placed Luna back on the ground to get my hands free for me to grab and collect everything we need to make our self a simple but decent dinner of simple bread with all kinds of cheese salads and jam as dressings to use and of course orange juice and other form of beverages as well to choose for us.

Luna and Celestia were already seated on their favourite chairs and waiting for me to finish everything up and for me to get seated as well.

I place everything on the table and all of us began to style up our own sandwiches.

Luna made herself a normal strawberry jam sandwich with chocolate cream and port herself a class of chocolate milk so basically a dinner made of pure sugar.

“So that how she gets all of her energy.” I thought to myself.

Celestia on the other side made herself a very simple looking sandwich with salad tomatoes and cheese (no ham of course sense I’m pretty sure both my fillies are herbivores) and a glass full of orange juice.

I on the other hand made myself a normal cheese sandwich with basically three different kinds of cheese in them and as a drink I chose a delicious green tea with some sugar in it.

All three of us simply started to eat our self-made sandwiches and basically enjoying our dinner together as a family.

As we were almost done eating and enjoying our dinner together Celestia suddenly had this very nervous look on her face as she was chewing.

It was really bothering me to see her with that kind of an expression so I decided in my mind to go ahead and ask her what is on her mind sense that’s what father do when their kids seemed bothered by something.

“Hey is something wrong Celly.” I asked her with a bit of worry.

Celly only rubbed the sides of her arms nervously probably thinking of how to exactly answer my question.

“Well..uhm” She began nervously.

“Do you remember the day when I asked you about…uhm well school.” She instantly added.

“Oh yes I remember.” I answered as I knew where she was trying to go with this.

A few weeks ago I remember Celly asking me about school for the very first time, back than was the start of a new school semester and she began to complain about her friend Lukas not being able to play with her anymore as much as she is used too.

She even tried to asked me some few times if she could go to school too especially the same one were her friend was going too, but I was really a bit sceptic of actually letting her go simply because of her looks and species right from a children’s fairy tale book and without any idea on what could possibly happen to her if a whole bunch of children and full grown teachers would see her.

But on the other prospective I didn’t want to keep my little fillies hidden and enclosed forever, I want them to be free just like everyone else, to go wherever there want to go and to see the world with their own two eyes and not just behind some TV screens and or book pages.

I also did planned for like a year ago that I would try and to reveal both Luna and Celestia step by step into the outside world to make both my fillies more used and comfortable being on public and also for the public not to completely freak out at the sight of these Alicorn’s by just showing up out of nowhere.

Luckily I do know exactly what type of school Lukas is going to and by asking about it Matt and by visiting the school myself I know that it is a very small and less active school directly on the edge of town which could make things less complicated and problematic in future if I would actually plan to in role Celestia or even Luna in it.

“I do want my fillies to be free and have normal lives so maybe sending Celestia to the school where Lukas is going wouldn’t be such a bad start to get her introduced to the world.” I thought on the top of my mind.

“Uh…Dad…is everything ok?” Celestia asked with worry.

That snapped me out from my train of thoughts and back into the present as I was looking back at Celestia and saw that she was still pretty nervous from whatever she was trying to tell me.

I decided that it is time to make a final decision in regarding to let her go or not and to hope that my decisions will not backfire on me.

“I know exactly what you are trying to ask me Celly and it’s very hard for me to give you a proper answer for that.” I told her.

She immediately was a bit shocked after I said that but she quickly went back in being nervous and a bit unsure of herself, Luna of course was just sitting there on the other side of the table with no idea on what is going on here and was just looking back and forth between me and her big sister while still sipping on her chocolate milk.

You’re going to ask me again if you could maybe go to school too, just like you friend, but you know that there are some very serious problems regarding your wish” I told her with a very neutral tone on my voice.

Celestia immediately dropped her head after I said that with a very sorrow look on her face.

I always hated it when my little Celly has that hearth breaking look on her cute and beautiful face but I knew on what I am about to tell her will fix that faster than Luna can finish her cookie jar.

“But I think your friend’s school would be the perfect place for you to start and try out if you really want to that is?” I asked her.

After I asked her that Celestia’s immediately began to turn her head back at my direction with a very surprised expression on her face until it quickly change into a very exited and hopeful smile.

“Wait, you mean it and I can go to the same one Lukas is going?” Celestia asked me with a very exited tone on her voice.

“Sure, let’s see what we can do.” I answered her with a smile of my own.

I could easily tell that she must be screaming and jumping around in her mind with absolute and pure joy even though she wasn’t showing it though.

Luna on the other side was still very much sipping on her drink with allot of curiosity on her look and simply just listening to the both of us.

“Wait what is school again.” Luna finally asked after finishing her drink.

I was about to answer her question but got stolen from it by Celly who was looking at her sister direction with still the all happy and exciting smile on her face.

“School is a place where you can learn things, have fun and make new friends.” Celestia simply answered her.

“I like the fun part.” Luna said getting a bit more interested as well.

“Well I believe Lukas’es school also has a kindergarten for you as well If you want to join your sister that is?” I asked Luna.

“What’s a kindergarten?” Luna asked again while tilting her head.

“You will see when we get there.” I simply told her.

“Wait what do you mean by get there? Celly asked me surprised.

“Well to give the two of you and introduction to you possible future school of course.” I told her while sipping on my tea.

“Are we going now?” Celly asked me again but this time with bit of excitement in her tone.

“What? Of course not it’s already way too late see.” I told her very quickly while pointing out the nearest window showing her that it was already dark.

“Oh” was her only response.

“Well ok makes sense.” Celestia finally said with a smile.

After finishing up our dinner and cleaning up all the dishes with Celestia happily assisting me, we decided to spend the rest of the evening together in the living room.

When we got to the living I saw that John was surprisingly there as well cleaning and dusting out some of the vases and figurines on the shelves.

“Good afternoon Sir Julius, if you want some privacy with your little daughters I could easily just leave.” Julius said as the three of us entered the living room.

“No, no it’s fine John actually I think it would be better if you could keep us company here as well, the more the better.” I told him while acting philosophically.

“Yeah please stay with us Uncle John.” Both Luna and Celestia said in the same time which made both of them giggle after realizing that.

Me and my two little fillies made our self-comfortable affront of the living rooms fireplace as John as his job brought us some snacks and refreshments for us to enjoy while simple warming our self-up in front of the fireplace.

After a while of just sitting there and keeping myself and my fillies warm I had the idea to maybe go ahead and watch a movie on TV to pass the time a little bit quicker but that idea quickly left my mind after asking the two Alicorn sister who were sitting beside me told me that they didn’t feel like watching some TV and instate just wanted to enjoy the peace and quiet with me while resting their heads onto my sides.

“Thank you dad.” Celly suddenly said after a while.

“Thanks for what?” I asked her a bit confused.

“For letting me go to school, I know that it must be really hard for you to do all of those decision simple because of all these different problems you have because of us and I just really appreciated that Daddy.” Celestia said while looking up at me with her ever adorable and beautiful trademark smile.

“It’s ok Celly my job is to just keep you two safe and happy nothing more.” I told her with a smile of my own.

After telling her those exact words Celestia once again got herself onto her hind legs and rested her fore hoof onto my shoulders to balance herself and placed another soft kiss onto my cheek while smiling joyfully at me after she started to pull from me.

“I know that’s way for me you are the best daddy in the whole wide universe.” Celestia told me with kind smile.

“Not just the world but the whole universe?” I asked her with a snicker.

“Yup the whole universe.” Celly responded with a wink.

We simply spent the rest of the evening watching some television after getting really board of just sitting there and simply enjoying some really good cartoon show for the fillies to watch and kept on watching until late into the night.

“Can I sleep with you tonight dad?” Luna asked while still resting her head on my lap.

“Why is something wrong with your room or is you big sister snoring at night.” I asked with troll smile.

“Hey I don’t snore.” Celestia immediately protests which made me and Luna laugh out in her reaction.

“But really why do you want to stay in my room?” I asked her again.

“I just like too, it makes me feel safe against nightmares and other scary things in the night.” Luna told me while also giving me a pleading look.

She only smiled back at me while giving away a very cute but faint yawn of herself and rested her head back onto my lap and dosing off for a little.

Looking over at the nearest clock confirms my suspicion that it was already pretty much late the perfect time to call it a day and hit the hay so to speak especially for my two little fillies.

I quickly told Celestia that it is time to go to bed in which she only agreed by giving up some few yaws of her own.

I didn’t really needed to tell Luna that it was already bed time sense she was pretty much already fast asleep on my lap.

I quickly told John (who was still in the room) that I was going to call it a quits for today as I gently began to place Luna onto my arms and carrying her out of the living room and into the all so massive hallway with Celestia on the toe.

“Dad is it ok If I could join as well because…well….I don’t like to be all alone in my room during the night.” Celestia asked me while we were still walking through the hallway.

“Of course you can Celly I was about to ask you anyway if you want to join us or not.” I answered her.

“Thanks Dad.” Was her only and quick response with a happy smile on her little snout.

We quickly made it over to bedroom areas of the mansion which of course includes both my room and the two sister’s room.

After entering my room and carefully placing the sleeping form of Luna onto my bed and making sure that she was nicely tucked in.

Celestia used that time to quickly run back over to her room to get herself ready and to bring her favourite pillow and blanket with her.

After getting myself ready as well, changing myself into my pyjamas and getting back into my bedroom I saw that Celly was already cosily nested on her sister’s side and patiently waiting for me to come over as well.

After carefully laying down onto my side of the bed and making myself comfortable within my pillows and blankets I noticed that Celestia had suddenly switch her position with her sister carefully so that now she was now at the centre of the bed and right next to me making herself cosy on my left side while resting her head onto between my arm and chest while looking up at me with a very sleepy looking smile on her little and adorable muzzle.

“Good night daddy and thank you for being so caring for us I can’t wait to see the school tomorrow.” Celestia told me before finally closing her eyes and slowly drifting off to sleep.

I could only smile with joy and happiness after Celly had said that but before I could even start to doze of myself I heard Celly something mumbling in her sleep.

“I love you daddy.” I heard her quietly whisper in her sleep before finally falling into a deep and peaceful sleep as well and dreaming about a happy and wonderful day with Celly’s introduction to her new and first day in a school.