• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 9,697 Views, 125 Comments

Tales of Fate: A new Future - Navanastra

This is a story about a lonely, depressed rich youn man named Julius who lost his parents at a young age and was forced to endure everything on his own without any friends or family but on one night he will find something that will change his life

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Chapter 1: A wish coming true

Tales of Fate: A New Future

:By Lolmaster

/Chapter 1: A wish coming true/

It continued to rain heavily for most of the day, a perfect event for the mood I was in: depressed, lonely and just downright in bad spirit.
My name is Julius Corness, head of the Corness Corporation, one of the most influential economic empires in the world. I am one of the richest and most famous men on the entire planet, and for starters I’m only 17 years old.

People always think of me to be a strong and talented leader, but in reality I'm not. I have artistic talent for sure but I really am not the type of leader this company and most people wanted me to be and it’s getting harder and harder every day for me to hide this inner weakness of mine from the public. It would completely tarnish my family’s and company’s good reputation and will ruin this massive empire that my parents had spent all their life building and shaping.
Ahh yes, my parents. It has been almost 10 years since I have last seen them. 10 long years.

I remember seeing them for the last time on that one fateful morning when I was still very young. I still remember the moment I hugged them for the last time before letting go and see them going off to their business trip over the Atlantic to America.

They had promised that they would call us after their arrival in America to tell me that they have arrived safe and sound and would come back as soon after their meeting was over , but that call never came and, for a moment, we all thought that they were just late or maybe just forgot to call after the landing. But after a few days of waiting the first call came but not from my parents, but from an air crash investigator and what he told us was just too shocking for all of us.
Back then it was all over the news, the private plane that my parents were always using for long faraway trips had crashed somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic halfway to its destination to Boston. The plane was just literally torn into pieces during the impact. When they found all the scattered parts of the plane just floating around the crash site area, none of them believed that anyone had survived the accident.

There were even rumors back then that the crash was actual planned by some rival organizations or enemies against my parents in hopes to maybe break their empire and to claim everything that my parents owned. But that speculation had never been proven and over time it was just forgotten.

Back then I was a little bit too young to fully understand the sad and tragic death of my parents. Only with the upcoming months and years was I able to fully understand my loss and from there it only began to sting more and more with every passing day of my life.

After that I inherited my parents company and every thing that they owned and left for me. Of course back then I was way too young to even manage and lead one of the world largest companies but luckily for me I had my butler, father figure and my parents closest friend Sir John McJames to help me through these problems and also helped me to really inherit the company fully right after I came of age at 16.

Sir John was really the only friend and family I had after that event, taking care of me while I was a boy and just literally being a new father to me, helping me with my problems wherever he could. And now I’m just sitting here in my room looking out a very large window just watching the storms fury sweep by and leaving nothing but heavy rain and loud thunders behind.
As I am sitting there in my room, alone with only my own thoughts to keep me company I began to think back at that one particular event that happened to me last year when I finally took full control of my parents vast company. Many people after the interviews were asking me a lot of random questions and wanted to know how the company is going to be managed or what the future will hold for me. One particular question really stuck out to me when my butler John and I were about to enter our car and drive off back to my parents mansion on the edge of the city. One guy, maybe the same age as me back then, came up to me and began saying that it must be awesome to be one of the richest men on the planet and that I was able to get whatever I want. And well no, it’s not awesome. Of course I didn’t say that directly to him but it is true, it’s not awesome. And I’m not happy at all, being the head of my parents economic empire in this young age was and is a real stress train of problems and other crazy crap. And having so much money to do whatever you want with it only will get you so far. Money can’t buy you happiness or get rid these depressing and empty feelings I’ve had for years.

As I am sitting in my room, staring at my ceiling and just thinking about my life, I did not notice the fact that it had already stopped raining and that I could clearly see the full moon and the beautiful night sky that was hidden under a blanket of storm clouds for most of the evening. Everything was so peaceful and quiet all of the sudden. Just looking at the beautiful night sky with the big bright moon and the enchanting sea of stars really raised my spirits a bit and I automatically started to put my mind to ease and simply enjoyed the relaxing silence and the wonderful scenery before me.

I simply continued to sit there for a few more minutes until it was really starting to get boring for me to just sit here and do nothing at all.

I decided to get out of this ridiculously large room and go outside for some nice, cool air and to gaze at the beautiful midnight sky.

I got up from my front window couch and made my way to the front door of my very large room and began to enter my almost endless, huge and, for visitors, completely confusing hallway all the way to the central staircase that leads directly to the ground floor. On the way I managed to bump into my trusted butler and only friend, Sir John.

“Ahh young master Julius, I see that you have finally decided to leave your quarters for the day. I can only hope that you are feeling better right now?”, asked the aged butler.

“Well I feel a little bit better John but not by a whole lot to be honest.”, I replied.

“You should really not be in such grief all the time sir Julius. It will only make things worse for you and I would think that your parents would not have wanted you to be like this day after day.”, said Sir John, with a stern look upon his face.

I knew that he was right. Being so depressed most of the time is probably going to drive me down a bad road in the future. But having no friends or a real family anymore is really not helping me with my problems. I was about to say something but in the last moment I thought better of it and simply decided to just drop it.

“I know John, I know, but it’s fine. I can handle it, alright.” I said to him. For a moment he just looked at me but very soon after a few seconds he began to talk again.

“Julius, I have been taking care of you and watching over you since you were born. I can easily tell if there is something else bothering you.”

Well I knew from the beginning that he could tell that something else was up with my mind but for the most part I decided to keep most of my problems to myself because for firstly I'm old enough to handle them on my own and secondly he has been doing most of the work here for me and I really didn’t want him to have more by dealing with my personal problems as well.

I simply sighed.

“Well you should know what my problems are John but it’s ok, I can handle myself.”, I said

Again a moment of silence took it’s presence right after I said that with me just looking straight into space and John just looking at me with a neutral look like most of the time.

Finally after a while the silence was broken right after I felt a hand being placed right onto my right shoulder and the appearance of a very calm and fatherly voice I had gotten used to for a very long time.

“Sir Julius, you need to have more faith and self confidence or all the self pity and discouragements would one day completely hold you back. I know that you had a pretty hard life especially after you parents’ passing but you need to let it all go and focus on the future ahead. Your parents would not have wanted you to live the rest of your life in self doubt.”

I said nothing at this point and continued to gaze into empty space while more thoughts were going through my mind.

“Focus on your future?” I thought to myself as I was thinking what the future could possible hold for me since most of my life was nothing less than pure stress and empty feeling for the most part but deep down I knew that somehow, someday, something extraordinary would happen to me that could change my life forever and maybe, hopefully, for the better as well.

I just stood there in this massive hallway, standing in front of my trusted butler John, with a deep frown on my expression.

Sir John simply looked at me and sighed.

“Maybe what you need is some fresh air. You have been closing yourself in your room for days non-stop. Maybe a nice walk through the back garden will help you calm your fears and worries for a bit.”, suggested John.

I finally I raised my head to look at him.

“Maybe you’re right John. Maybe I do need some fresh air. I was planning to go out into the garden anyway...so yeah.”, I told him.

He nodded and went off to do whatever he was going to do and left me be by myself. I turned around and began to go down the stairs to the ground floor and went left towards a massive glass door that will lead me directly into the back garden of the mansion.

As I stepped outside I was immediately greeted with the chilling cool air of the night and for a second or two it was actually freezing. But I soon got used to the colder temperature and simply continued my way outside.

The grass, flowers and other plant life were still very moist from the rain , reflecting the light of the moon and giving the garden an almost magical look of sparkles and glimmers. It was a really beautiful sight indeed and almost looked like the garden was actual covered by a layer of stardust.

I walked around for a few minutes, passing flowers, bushes, trees and some few water fountains and fish pounds.

“Maybe this really was a good idea.” I thought to myself.

As I continued my walk deeper into the massive garden, enjoying the peace and serenity of the place, I already started to feel a little bit calmer.
I continued my walk through the heavenly silence when out of the corner of my eye I saw something in the sky. Something I had never the pleasure of witnessing in real life; a shooting star.

A lone shooting star, flying majestically through a sea of stars aimlessly. Flying without a single care in the world or universe. Simply continuing its journey through the night sky leaving a trail of beautiful, glimmering stardust behind.

For a moment I didn’t really think about it, but then my memories of my lonely depressing life came back to me, hitting me hard and destroying the peace I just had a few moments ago.

I was about to sit down on the closest bench and return back to myself pity when I remembered that when you see a shooting star you're supposed to make a wish or something. I didn’t really think that it would even work but what other option did I have at this point? Nothing.
I took a second look at the shooting star and began to think of a wish and pretty soon had one.

“I wish I had something. Anything that could bring me happiness and meaning back to my life. Something to get rid of these lonely feelings and self pity just anything please.”

I watched the shooting star fly by and finally disappearing back into the blackness of the void leaving me alone with my empty thoughts and feelings.

I continued to stand there looking at the same spot where the shooting star used to be and hoping that my wish and pleas got answered. But nothing happened.

“It was all for nothing. Nothing, nothing and nothing! This whole wishing thing really is just a stupid fairy tale.” I muttered. With a heavy sigh and a very disappointed expression, I stood up to make my way back to the mansion when for the second time of the day I noticed something out the corner of my eyes but this time it wasn’t a shooting star. No it was a flash; a very faint flash of light. It was faint but it was there and I could clearly see it even if it was just for a split second.

That was very strange to me because there aren’t any light sources here around the garden or electricity except maybe the pumps for all the water fountains around here but those can’t be it. My curiosity was slowly overtaking me and I decided to investigate this strange phenomenon and began to head into the general direction to where I saw it.

Now I was really deep inside the garden and for the most part everything was completely quiet and normal for the most part. I was about to call it quits when all of the sudden a strange sound entered my ears and it sounded like...crying?

Yes there was actually a very faint sound of crying somewhere in this garden and by focusing my hearing senses to concentrate to the noise I could guess where the cries were coming from.

“Cries here in my garden? Who could possibly be here in this time of the night and why?” I asked myself as I was trying to think and make sense of what was going on here. After a while I decided to try and find the source of these cries because maybe someone could be hurt or injured and are probably in need of some help. After those thoughts I swiftly began to follow the crying sounds and hoped to find something or someone that could need help.
As I was venturing deeper and deeper into this maze of a garden the cry sounds became louder and louder with every step I took. Finally at the end of the path I reached a very big hedge maze. The same one I used to wander around when I was a kid. Precious, joyful memories came back to me from those wonderful times but they were soon interrupted as I shook my head and forced myself back to the reason why I’m even here in the first place.

The cries are definitely coming from inside the maze. I thought as I was just standing there at the entrance that navigating through this maze could take a bit of time that I did not have. So I just decided to simply rip my way through it and not have to worry about getting lost in there. It’s a good thing that the hedge maze was only made from very soft bushes and branches so it was easy for me to just create my own path to the center of the maze.

And that is exactly what I did, ripping and pushing my why into the bushes. Of course sometimes my jacket and other clothes would get stuck on the way but it was nothing of too difficult.

When I arrived at the inner area of the maze I was immediately greeted by a gigantic water fountain with a majestic snow white marble eagle standing at the center with its huge wings open to both sides, casting everything around it in a big imposing shadow of himself against the light of the full moon. But that was not what interested me. Instead what was lying at the edge of the fountain was. Right there lying on the ground were two piles of white, silky blankets neatly folded and wrapped around something.

As I was approaching the two wrap up blankets I was expecting to find two abandoned babies or something close to that but when I got close enough I was absolutely surprised at what I saw. Wrapped up inside these blankets were not human babies as I first thought but two little equine looking foals.

“What in God’s name are these two creatures and how did they get here?” I thought in utter shock.

While I was just standing there in complete shock and disbelief in what and how these two weird looking creatures got here I decided to bend down on the ground to unwrap them a bit and hopefully get a better look at these two strange creatures. The first one I unwrapped had a completely snow white colored coat with a very long pink silky mane and tail. Another thing I noticed is that this white little pony (I think) had a horn right on his or her forehead which would make it easily a unicorn or something but then looking at its back I noticed something that I really didn’t expect to find; two little, stubby looking wings were on its back, clearly way too small to support flight at their size. I could also determine that this unicorn was actually female after checking it between its hind legs and saw the common thing that most females have.

Now this was something I had never heard or seen before in my entire life. A winged unicorn? Well a unicorn was surprising enough but a winged unicorn? After I unwrapped the first one I turned to the second one which was just lying right next to the one I already examined.

The second one also had a horn and a pair of tiny wings like the first one but this one was in a completely different color and slightly smaller than the other unicorn. This equine had a dark bluish coat with a light bluish mane and tail and just like the other one it was female.

I just couldn’t believe it. Two creatures right out of a fairytale book are just lying at the base of a water fountain right in front of me with no explanation whatsoever. This is some really crazy shit right here.

I just stood there completely baffled and watching these two little ‘unicorns’ lying on the ground, still crying and weeping madly.

Then out of nowhere a very strong and chilling wind blew right into my face, snapping me out from my thoughts and sending a huge chill throughout my whole body. At that point I finally realized that it was actually getting really cold really fast. It was the beginning of winter so it was really no surprise for me that it was so damn cold.

I looked back at those two fillies still crying inside there very thin blankets.

“If I leave them out here they would probably freeze to death.” I muttered as I began to bend down on my knees and started to pick them up one by one. As I did so the two fillies all of the sudden stopped crying and began to open there eyes for the first time since I found them and looked up at me. I stared back looking at those big pink and light blue colored eyes for the first time. I could still see the leftovers of those tears at the corner of there eyes and cheeks.

Those eyes were filled with the presence of pure innocence and wonder and also a hint of fear and mistrust. I reached out with my free hand and tried to stroke them on there heads in hopes to calm them down and to comfort them but as soon my hand came into view the two fillies suddenly squirmed away from my attempt to touch them and even one of them was about to cry again.

“Shhhh it’s ok. You two are safe with no need to be afraid anymore. Nothing will happen to you.” I said trying to calm them down and hoping to win their trust. For a while there was nothing. But then the white one slowly turned its head in my direction and for a second time since I found them we made eye contact. She just looked at me with a very questioning expression. I tried to move my hand to her head for a second attempt and this time she didn’t move. I slowly moved some of her hair out of her face and began to gently stroke her mane and cheeks. Again there was nothing but after a few seconds the confused expression on her mouth slowly turned it to a small smile and her ears went flat against her head she also began to gently nuzzle my hand with her nose while I was patting her.

As I was comforting the little filly I began to notice that something was touching me on the left arm. It was the blue one, who must have seen me winning the trust of what I assumed was her sibling. She reached out her tiny hooves in my direction, obviously wanting some care and affection too. And that is exactly what I did, scratching her behind the ears and cheeks. She even started to giggle as I tickled her on her belly.

Both of them were really starting to warm up to me and were giggling and playing around with my fingers until another cold gust of wind hit us from out of nowhere. It really didn’t do much on me but when I focused my attention back to the two fillies on my arm I saw that they were shivering and whimpering against the cold air.

I immediately held them even closer to me and wrapped my jacket around them to keep them warm and protected from the outside winter air and decided it was time to head back inside as soon as possible.

As I was making my way back into my parents’ mansion I noticed some movement on my chest and what I saw really warmed my heart to a whole new level that I have never ever experienced; the two little fillies I was holding close to me were snuggling against my chest and sleeping peacefully with small happy smiles on their muzzles.

“Maybe my wish was fulfilled after all.”, I thought as I was making my way back home.