• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 9,698 Views, 125 Comments

Tales of Fate: A new Future - Navanastra

This is a story about a lonely, depressed rich youn man named Julius who lost his parents at a young age and was forced to endure everything on his own without any friends or family but on one night he will find something that will change his life

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Chapter 10: Welcome to school (part 2)

/Chapter 10 Welcome to school (part2)/

“Sister….sister wake up…big sis.” I heard as I slowly started to open my eyes.

“What is it Luna I’m trying to sleep here.” I protested.

“You overslept sis. Dad told me to wake you up and tell you to get ready for the first day of school.” Luna told me in an instant.

This quickly managed to get my attention as I started to remember that today was supposed to be my first ever day in school.

I quickly started to mangle myself out of bed and onto the floor but accidentally managed to get one of my hoof stuck onto one of the blankets and instate of simply jumping down onto the floor as I had intended too, I simply lost my balance and actually fell down from the bed with my nose hitting the hard floor first.

“Darn you stupid %$#@&*@# blanket.” I cursed while lying on the ground and holding my nose.

I immediately covered my mouth in utter shock after I realized on what just came out of my and slapping myself mentally for even using such foul words.

Luna of course was having the time of her life, laughing and rolling around the ground like a mad man, at my expense.

I simply decided to ignored her sense I was more occupied with the thought of getting myself ready as quickly as I can before finally heading out, until I realized the fact that I haven’t seen dad sense I woke up.

“Wait Lulu where is dad?” I asked her as she was still laughing her flank out.

“Ha-ha hi-hi….dad is already in the kitchen waiting for you to get ready.” Luna told me between giggles.

“Wait does that mean I’m the only one not yet ready?” I asked her with a shocked tone.

“Yeah, I already woke up for like an hour ago I think.” Luna answered me.

At that I immediately got myself up from the floor and quickly dashed over to the bathroom for a quick shower and to get myself ready as quickly as possible.

While being in the shower and simply relishing at the feeling of warm water flowing over my head and body I began to think and imagine about all the events that could possible happen today.

How would school be like, how will I fit in and most importantly how are the other kids going to be and how are the teachers and other grownups going to react to me.

The two last thoughts alone actually made me a bit nervous to think about and for a moment there I actually froze for a few second as the hot water of the shower continued to pure down on me.

“Why am I suddenly so nervous?” I asked myself.

I normally should be happy and excited to finally have a change to learn and to possibly make new friends but instate I am just standing here being all nervous and even a bit scared with the idea of going to a place filled with allot of strangers and peoples I don’t know.

I quickly shacked myself out from those thoughts and began to focus more on cleaning myself up and getting myself ready for the day.

After being done and making sure that my fur was completely dry and brushed I quickly left the bathroom and quickly went back into my room to see if I should wear something for today.

I wasn’t really sure if I should wear anything for my first day of school or not and it was a bit of a difficult choice for me to make until I began remembered that I still had that one hairclip I have found in the forest yesterday.

“I could maybe wear this.” I thought with a bit of hope.

After putting it on and making sure that it fits perfectly on where I wanted it too be I quickly went over to the mirror to view myself and see how it actually looked on me.

“Looks really cute I just hope it would be enough to empress all of the kids there.” I thought to myself as my worries from earlier slowly started to come back to me.

I only sighted as sat there in front of the mirror looking at my reflection with a very nervous expression on my face, simply just being unsure and feeling worried.

“Celly brake fast is ready are you done in there.” I heard my dad calling from the other side of the door.

That snapped me out from my thoughts.

“I done dad I’m coming.” I called to him as I began to move over to the door.

“Hi dad, I’m ready.” I told him with a fake smile as I opened the door.

“Are you ok?” Dad asked me with a curious look.

“I’m great.” I answered him with the best possible fake smile I can muster.

Can’t really tell him that I am actually pretty nervous because of school especially sense I pestered him about it for almost a whole week and telling him now that I am scared and nervous would be very embarrassing for me.

“You sure?” Dad asked me again.

“Well…I uhm.” I began being very unsure.

I really hate it when I’m forcing myself to lie to my dad.

Plus my Dad always senses when I’m laying for some reason so I wouldn’t have been able to keep up my act like this for too much long anyway.

“Well Dad to be honest I’m…a bit….nervous.” I slowly told him with being a bit ashamed with myself.

Dad only respond was to laugh a bit and kneeling down towards me to give me a little scratch behind the ear which immediately calmed me down and erasing all of my nervousness and fears that had just a few moments ago.

No matter what the circumstances or problem when dad scratches me behind my ears is always a world safer for me, I always feel so much better whenever he does that.

“It’s normal for you to be nervous Celly it’s your first time ever to go to a place full of strangers and kids you don’t know. I was also a bit nervous at the first day school so you’re not just the only one feeling this way.” Dad told me.

I don’t know why but him telling me that really calmed my fears.

The only thing my instincts were telling me to do was to jump up onto his chest, wrapping my fore hoof around his waist and hugging and nuzzling him as thanks for calming me and being always there for me in tough life situation.

“Thanks Dad for always raising my spirits whenever I need it.” I told him while still clinging onto him and resting my head against his chest.

“No problem at all.” Dad responded.

After a few more seconds of snuggling I decided that it was time for me to jump back down to give him some space and for me to rest my arms a bit sense holding onto him isn’t exactly easy when you only have hoofs.

“Breakfast is ready as I said so you better eat first before we go otherwise you will get hungry.” Dad told me.

I only nodded and smiled at him as we finally made our way over to the kitchen to get ourselves some breakfast.

(Julius POV)

“How far away is it?” Luna asked while I was driving.

“Not very far from Matts home if you want to know.” I answered her.

The ride was pretty much quiet and uneventful for most part with only Celly and Luna talking or harassing each other at the back sits form time to time.

We quickly made it over to the town after a few minutes’ drive.

As I was driving through the streets of the town I began to notice a very familiar looking kid walking along the sidewalks of the streets on where I was driving along and quickly realized that it was Matt’s little brother strolling around the sidewalks and probably going to school judging from his back bag.

“Hey Lukas behind you.” Celly called out after opening the door and stepping out to greet her friend.

How she got out so fast was a bit baffling to me to say the least.

“Hi Lukas are you going to your school?” I asked him out the car window.

“Yes I am, why?” He asked me.

“Need a ride?” I asked him in return.

“Well I can walk but sure why not.” He responded as he entered the back sits with Luna and Celly.

“Where are you two going anyway?” I heard Lukas ask from behind as I began to dirve.

“To your school.” Celly immediately replayed.

“Really? That’s so cool those that mean you are going as well?” I heard Lukas ask.

“Yup.” Was Celly’s only response.

“It would be nice if we could be in the same class.” I heard Celestia say.

A few minutes later we finally arrived at the school as both Luna and Celly said there goodbye’s to their friend as he was taking off into the school yard.

Me and my two fillies didn’t made our way to the yard but instate went straight into the main building to go and talk with the school director.

As we went in I could see on my side that Celly was just spinning her head at every direction and just being in aw with everything around her sense this is her very first time she ever entered a school.

Luna on the other hand was just smiling along with her plush duck on her back and her favourite teddy bear in her mouth not really paying attention to anything.

As we went to the second floor and right through the hall towards the director’s office I began to notice that Celestia was no longer at my side for some reason and by taking a look behind me I saw that she was standing on top a table leaning against a window and looking out into the school yard below.

Looking over as well I could see allot of children’s playing and running around the school yard including Lukas far over at the distance by a bunch of swings.

Seeing Celly’s expression I could easily tell that she really had this inner desire to be able to go down there as well and to have fun like all the other kids.

“Celly we have to go see the director.” I told her after poking her.

“Yeah.” Was her only response.

We quickly went for the door and opened it and was immediately greeted by the school director who was and old senior named miss Catherine Belfort a British immigrant who is a very nice and motherly type lady from judging the first time we meant like a few days when I first visited the school to talk to her about the enrolment of my daughters and even showed her some pictures of me with both Celestia and Luna on them.

Of course the first thing she thought was that the picture I was showing where nothing but a big, fat, silly Joke, but after a bit of talking and trying to convince her of the idea of the existence of my two little fillies she eventually agreed to believe me if she I would actually show them to her in which I of course agreed.

But now it’s the moment of truth and to see how this could possible turn out, because I really think having both of them go to school and letting them learn and befriend some of those kids here would be a really good start to introduce them to the world and the world to them.

I softly knocked on the door and waited for a few moments until I got a reply form the other side of the door.

“Please come in the door is open.” I heard a very old but cheerful voice from the other side.

I opened the door and entered the office and was greeted with the school director in question.

“Ah Mister Julius your back I’ve been wondering when I will see you again.” She greeted me with her kind attitude.

“Well you wanted to see if I was telling the truth, well, here it is.” I told her after saying hello myself.

Luna of course being far more sensitive to strangers was once again hiding behind my legs with only one half of her head sticking out while her big sister Celly was pretty much the more braver and confident one as she moved forward affront of me towards the desk with her usual kind and happy smile on her muzzle.

“Hi there.” Was her quick and only response.

I could see that Miss Catherine was very surprised with the fact that I was actually telling her the truth about the existence of my two little fillies after all, but quickly went back to her normal cheerful old self after having a good look at my two little daughters.

“Well aren’t you the most adorable thing ever.” Was her initial response.

Celly only giggled to that simply because she likes it when someone is calling her adorable.

Luna on the other part was still very shy to even directly look at her as she continued to hold my leg tightly with both of her arms and keeping herself hidden behind her long mane.

While Celestia on the other hand immediately began to try and to poke her head over the desk table by standing on her hind legs and grabbing the edge of the table with her front hooves.

“Hi my name is Celestia and I’m a winged unicorn or Alicorn for short as far as dad told me though.” Celestia told her in a very happy and cheerful voice.

“Well hello there Celestia I am Miss Catharine Belfort school director of this…well school here, how can I help you little lady?” Catherine asked my little Celly.

Celly again only giggled in response and I was actually very surprised to see how well both of them are going along with each other, with her not being utterly surprised or shocked at Celly’s appearance and Celly not being intimidated by the fact that she is talking to a complete stranger.

Luna was pretty much acting how I expected her to be shy very shy and cautions in front of her.

“Come on sis she is not going to bite, introduce yourself.” Celestia called over to her sister with a smile.

Luna only response was a very silent but cute sounding growl while at the same time showing off her nonthreatening milk teeth’s as well trying to look as intimidating as possible which only ended in her looking even more cuter than she did before.

“Luna don’t be rude introduce yourself, it’s easy.” I told her.

Luna only wined in annoyance as she started to rub her fore legs together nervously, and began to move forward a little bit with a very shy expression on her face.

“H…Hi…I’m Luna…Celly’s little sister.” She shyly introduced herself.

“Well nice to meet you little miss Luna.” Catherine said with a kind voice.

She only gave away a very weak little smile before going back in hiding her face behind her mane.

“Well I really hope that if she gets older that maybe she can build for herself a little bit more confidents in the future so that she won’t be so incredible shy anymore towards strangers.” I thought as she began to move back a little bit to use me as hiding cover again.

“Well than onto the topic. How can I help you young ones?” Catherine asked with her grandmother like voice.

“Can we enrol to your school?” Celly asked with happy look.

“Well let’s see what I can do here first.” Was her reply.

My immediate thoughts where the kids, how would they react with having such two unique creatures as their classmates and also how would this experience impact my little fillies in their life.

But Misses Catherine seemed to notice my exact thoughts and worry as she managed to get my attention.

“I know the kids in this school very well and most of them wouldn’t be too surprised to see a real life unicorn in front of them especially sense there all just young kids and are more accepting towards them than grownups of for instance.” She explained.

Her explanation was actually pretty good to say the least which helped me to ease my mind quiet allot about leaving my two fillies her alone in school for 5 days in week.

“Also I can especially keep an eye for them for you and help them if there is any sort of problem or trouble, and of course call you as well.” She added.

“Well ok I guess you totally convince me now.” I finally said.

“Well than enrolment is a little bit late, normally you have to maybe wait for the next semester for a proper enrolment, but I can easily make an exception for this and simply pretend that your two daughters are just transfer students in state of new comers.” She said as she began to prepare the papers and requirements for the enrolling process.

“Uhm…” Celly began.

“Do you know a kid with the name Lukas? If yes is it may be possible that I could be in the same classroom with him?” Celly asked.

“Well yes I know of a Student with the name Lukas, Lukas Kaiser. Do you know him?” She asked.

“Yes he is my best friend and we know each other for over a year now.” Celly replied with a smile.

“Well let me see here than if you can be placed at the group where your friend is.” She announced.

“Ah yes here we go. Yes, I can easily place you at the same class where your friend is.” She said.

“Awesome.” Was Celestia’s only reply.

“I’m also going to inform the rest of the teachers and stuff about you just to make sure that they don’t get the shock of their life time when they see you.” Catherine said.

After doing some signing and some quick crash course on what the rules are, the weekly schedules and location on the school property we were finally pretty much done with the enrolment and quickly said our thanks and goodbyes Miss Catherine for helping us.

Celestia was the new student of this school and by the looks of it I could easily tell that Celly was completely overjoyed to know that, as she was pretty much skipping around happily the entire time as were making our way back towards the car.

“Why are we going back to the car in state to my class room Dad?” Celly asked me curiously.

“It’s because I have bought something for you secretly 2 days ago when you and Luna were having fun around the back gardens.” I said.

I opened the back trunk of my car and pulled out a small white bag pack with blue clouds and a Sun stitched at the centre with the words on top saying happy summer.

I bought this particular bag for her simple because of her incredible love for the summer seasons, she love winter too but summer as I learned was her absolute favourite time of the year.

I could tell that Celly was first ferly surprised at first but quickly changed to pure happiness as she began to hop around and trotting over to me with her usual exited smile she always holds for almost every time.

“Is that my school bag?” She asked me in excited.

“Yes it is with already everything in it, especially all the school books you need for your classes.” I told her.

“But when did you get all of that?” Celly asked me as she expected her new bag.

“Well this isn’t the first time that I ever have been to this school if you want to know that celly? I already first came here a few says ago to plan and talk about your possible enrolment with the director that you just meant earlier and to also to go ahead and buy some needed stuff too IF you were going to this school, which you are of course.” I told her with a smile.

“Thanks Dad.” Was her only reply as she hugged my leg with her hoofs.

“Do you want to start today or maybe…..” I began but was cut off by Celly immediately.

“I like to try and start today, if it’s ok?” She asked me.

Looking at the time on my cell phones I could see that it was already 7:30 am which is basically the normal time line when most of these schools would start there day.

I was about to ask her if she wanted me to maybe accompany her to her classroom and properly show her the way to it but quickly scratch that idea as I noticed Lukas coming up towards us from behind the school yard.

“Hey Celly classes are about to start what class are you? Maybe I can help you find your room.” Lukas announced.

“I’m in your class Lukas isn’t that great?” Celly happily announced.

“That is great, now we can hang out some more and even help each others during school”. Lukas said.

“Well I guess than the two of you go ahead to you classroom, I will pick you up around 1 pm Celly. Take care on you first day of school.” I told her as I gave her a goodbye hug.

I was about to break off and get myself back up after hugging her but really didn’t got far with my Idea to do so, because right after I even tried too I suddenly got myself stopped by Celly jumping back up onto my chest and locking me into a second which was slight more passionate than the first one.

“Thanks again for doing this for me Dad. I know that it must be hard for you to make all of those choices and decision just to keep us happy and for that I love you Daddy.” She whispered into my ear.

I once again could only smile to myself like a silly idiot after she said those exact words to me while in the same time raffle her mane for good measures.

“Dad please stop messing up my hair It took me 5 min to get it this way.” She said between giggles.

“Wait what about Luna?” Celly suddenly asked.

I looked over where Luna is standing and simply saw her hanging out right next to Lukas with her teddy bear and duck perfectly sitting upright on top her back in which I have to totally agree with Celly and her acclaim that it does looks really cute on her.

But regarding Celestia’s question about her younger sister is not a bad one at all.

This school as far as Miss Catherine had told me also possesses a kindergarten for very young children’s which would easily be perfect for Luna sense she is just 5 year old.

But considering in how shy Luna can be towards strangers and newcomers, I couldn’t really imagine in how awkward it would be for her to be surrounded by a whole bunch of children’s that she has never meant before, so with this problem I would think that it really should be a much better idea to just keep her at home with me, until she gets older of course and to build up some more self-confidence for herself.

“Maybe next year Celly. Luna is a bit too young for school right now.” I answered her.

Luna was really relieved to hear this seeing on how she gave away a very noticeable sight.

“We’ll have fun on your first day in school Celly.” I told her as I got myself up.

Luna and I got ourselves into my car and started the engine.

As I was preparing to finally drive I once more called out for Celly from my side window.

“I will be back at around 1 in the afternoon to pick you up.” I repeated myself.

“See you later big sis.” Luna called put from the back seat.

“I hope everything will go well for her.” I thought as I quickly drove off and leaving my precious little filly behind to her first ever day in school.

(Celestia POV)

I simply stood there with my new school bag on my back and waving both Luna and my Dad goodbye as I watched car drove off from the parking lot and disappearing somewhere around the corners of the streets.

“Well better get going Celly we are already a bit late as it is.” Lukas announced.

“Oh right.” Was my only answer.

“Well this is it Celestia first day of school just keep it together and things will go jelly.” I rapidly told myself in my mind as me and Lukas made our way into the school building.

With Dad and Luna no longer here with me to give me courage and confident for my first school day ever, my nervous levels from earlier were already slowly starting to return into my mind.

I know Lukas is her to support me and help me when thinks would get a bit problematic for me but it really doesn’t give me this massive level of confident or courage that my dad always gives me, not even close.

“Oh why am I so nervous again?” I screamed in my mind as Lukas and I where making our way towards our class room by going through a collection of slightly small hallways with either many doors or windows on either side.

Looking around this particular hallway compared with to the other one me and my Dad just went through was that this one was way more colourful and cheerful, with allot of drawings hanging all over the walls and in some places with even streamers dangling from the ceilings like the ones you can see in birthday parties, everything was just nice and colourful which actually helped to calm me a bit.

Luckily the hallway was empty and avoid of anybody which made me guess that all of the kids are probably already in their classrooms.

“Her we are Celly this is our classroom with the blue door, classroom A4. Ok?” Lukas gestured with his hand.

From out here I could already hear allot of commotion and noise happening from within the room which only raised my nervousness even more than it should have.

“Well let’s go in than Celly.” Lukas announced as he was about to open the door.

“Wait.” I stopped him.

“What is it Celly?” Lukas asked me.

“I’m….I’m… Really nervous to go in. I weakly told him.

But why? You were very happy and excited just a moment ago.” Lukas asked me.

“Well….I guess having Dad around always gives me allot of strength and confident, but with him not being here with me at the moment is really making me fell nervous and uncomfortable with the idea of going into a room filled with a whole bunch of kids and children’s I have never meant yet.” I told him with a sad tone.

“Oh don’t worry Celly it isn’t that bad. I’m super positive that everything will go A ok. I know all of my classmates and I’m pretty sure that they will like you just the way I do, especially the girls.” Lukas said with a confident look.

I always really appreciate it whenever Lukas is trying to cheer me up either when I’m sad, Nervous or even scared. I can always count on him to be there for me and just generally being an awesome friend to me whenever I needed it and for that I will always be thankful to him.

“Well Lukas I….” I began but stopped myself after the class door in front of me suddenly swung open and reviling a very old but friendly and familiar looking face.

It’s the school director Miss Catherine Belfort, saying that I was surprise was pretty much an understatement.

“Uhh?” Was all that came out.

“Well hello there you two, a little bit late but that doesn’t matter, we are just about to start anyways.” She said in her motherly voice.

“Wait are you the teacher? I thought you were the school director or something?” I asked her.

“Well I’m the school director and a teacher in the same time.” She told me.

“Sorry where late Miss Belfort I was just accompanying my friend here to show her the way to our classroom.” Lukas said.

“Well then you better come in than, we are about to start.” She announced.

Lukas quickly went in and leaving me still standing there alone in the hallway.

“What is it Celestia, please come in, most of these kids are eager to meet there new and unique classmate.” She said.

I was still a bit hesitant in actually going in there with all the noise and talking of kids happening with inside the room but in the same I was also very eager to fallow my friend Lukas in there as well and seeing him standing there inside the classroom behind Miss Belfort with a very encouraging smile on his face which for some reason really gave allot of confidents and willpower.

I really have to thank him later.

“Ok class you are all about to meet our newest student and classmate please give her a nice warm welcome.” Miss Belfort announced.

I could easily hear allot of talking and commotion happening within the room after Miss Belfort announced that.

I could even hear some kids asking like “who could it be?” Is it really a girl? “I heard it’s not human” and many more.

“Ok Celestia this is what you wanted right, so don’t you chicken out of this.” I told myself as I took a deep breath and began to move forward, passing Miss Belfort and into the room.

There was absolute silence after I entered the room with everybody just looking and staring down at me in either utter shock surprise or wonder.

Saying that the silence was a bit awkward was a bit of an understatement to say the list.

“H….hi.” Was all that I could muster to say.

“Oh my god it’s a unicorn and it’s so cute.” Some random girls shouted.

After that the whole commotion began anew as kids in front of me began to say or whisper things to one another.

“Wow I thought unicorns are only in fantasies.” Some other kid said.

“This is so cool, my big brother will never believe this.” Another kid said.

“She is so adorable and beautiful.” I heard another one shout.

From that moment on all of my worries and fears have utterly and completely evaporated into thin air and I was absolutely relived and happy to know than that everything turned out A ok after all.

“Well young miss would you be so kind and to introduce yourself to the class?” Miss Belfort asked me.

I only happily nodded as I began to collect my thought and to properly introduce myself to the rest of the kids.

“Hi there, my name is Celestia Corness I am 7 years old and I hope that we can all be great friends with one another.” I happily announced.

“This is so cute, she can even talk.” A girl in the front shouted in which I quickly gave her a little wink in return for calling me cute.

“Wow Celly where did all of your confidents suddenly come from?” I asked myself in my mind.

“Are you’re really a Unicorn like in one of my fairy tale books?” A kid asked from the background.

“Well…yes, I guess am, but instate of being from some fantasy book I’m real as you can see.” I happily answered the kid with a smile while in the same time spinning my body around to illustrate my point.

“Where are you from?” Another one asked.

“Uhm..well.” Began in thought.

“I from my dad’s place Hill View Manor, but from where I’m truly from I don’t really know. But its fine I don’t really care either anyway.” I answered him in a happy tone.

“Can you do magic or fly with your wing?” Some random girl asked form with in the class.

“Uhm, about my wing, well, its possible for me to fly I have been practicing allot lately and it seem like that I can actually glide with my wings for a limited of time, but for the magic part…well, I don’t really know. ” I answered her.

Over all, a few minutes were spend in asking and answering questions and basically learning more about one another, I think that during that course I probably even managed to gain some new friends as well.

“Ok enough for now class you can all ask her more questions later at recess, it’s time that we start our lessons for today.” Miss Belfort announced which was accompanied by very long groans by some of the other students.

“Celestia go ahead and pick a seat, there are plenty of opens chairs here.” She told me.

I immediately scanned the room for any possible sitting places and saw that there were actually allot of empty sits mostly located at the front tables, but none of those really interested me as I began to spot Lukas sitting there alone in the back end of the room with and open seat right next to him.

He saw me too and wave over to me while I only smiled at him as I began to make my way over to the back rows of the seats to meet up with my number one friend.

“Hey there.” Lukas greets me while I only smiled at him.

“Is this seat taken?” I asked him innocently.

“Nope, you can seat here if you want.” He answered back.

I happily accepted his offer as I carefully placed my back bag on the side of the table and quickly jumped up onto the chair to join my best friend as his seatmate.

“Wow I would have never thought that I would ever end up in school or even having Lukas and myself as classmates together.” I thought with great joy as I looked over to my side and smiled over to him.

“Ok Class take out your math books and let’s get started shall we.” My teacher announced.

“Well let’s do this.” I thought as I pulled out a book from my bag that Sais simple mathematics.

“You can ask me for help if you have any problems, I’m really good at math.” Lukas told me with a kind look.

“Thanks.” I thanked him with a smile.

Me and Lukas began to focus more on the words of our teacher and the lessons of today class and really having fun with helping one another during parts when either of us had difficulties with some problems and questions.

After 2 hours of class there was as far as I know, recess where me and my friend spend most of our break and time to properly show me around the school with all of its different areas such as the library the gym and also the cantina, with the kids fallowing me and asking me again a tone of questions which I of course happily answer with the best of my abilities.

During that time I also got to meet some of the other teachers and school stuff as well.

As I had imagined the first reaction for them towards me was either utter surprise or total wonder but luckily not overly shocked thanks to my Dads and Miss Belfort’s effort of informing them about me to avoid any problems or awkward moments.

The time at my first day of school went by for me rather quickly, which was sad for me to know as I was having allot of fun with my day in learning new thing, making new friends and finally being like all the other, to be just view as another normal kid in state of being just fantasy animal.

Right now the last lesson for today was science class and me and Lukas had both pretty much no idea on what was going on here or what our teacher was trying to teach us, basically saying, Science class was difficult for us to understand.

Sense the two of us had a hard time understanding what was being written on the board anyway Lukas decided to doodle a bit to pass some time.

I of course told Lukas that it would be wiser if we would try and pay more attention towards our teacher lessons but quickly forget myself as I saw what he was drawing in his notebook.

It was a drawing about the deer and her fawns that we encountered yesterday playing in the woods which quickly reminded me of just how cute and hearth warming that scene was and also how good his drawing of them actually looked.

I don’t really know if Luna’s drawings are better or his but there is no question about it that both of them are really great drawers for their ages but of course not coming even close to Dad’s paintings and sketches, I believe it would take both of them years to get that good.

I pretty much spent most of the science class just watching Lukas doodle around with neither of us paying attention what so ever.

Until I almost fell from my chair from utter surprise as the school bell rang and signalling the end of the school day.

“Well ok class, seems like school is over for today see you all tomorrow. And don’t forget to do your homework alright.” Our teacher said.

All of the kids around me started shuffling, collecting there things and running out of the room like immediately after they were done, some of the boys where even shouting in happiness as they were running out the door.

I too started to pack away my stuff while Lukas was doing the same.

After saying my goodbyes to some of my other classmates and teacher, me and Lukas made our why trough the hallways of the school and were both heading to the front exit out towards the school yard.

Allot of kids where here either directly going home or still playing around on the swings or sandboxes.

“Want to come over at my place for some games?” Lukas suddenly asked as we were walking around the schoolyard.

“Well I wish I could but I have to wait for dad to pick me up and also have to go home and do the assignment Miss Belfort has given us.” I answered him.

“Well we can do that together in my place too, to help each other with problems.” He told me.

“Hey that’s actually a great Idea, I’m going to ask dad if I could when he is here.” I answered him.

“Hey Lukas, Celly, wane help us build the biggest sand castle in ever?” Someone called.

It was one of the kids in my class who were one of Lukas new friends who I got the pleasure to finally meet, he is a real silly one from what I learned from him and also pretty energetic, he somewhat reminds me of my little sister’s silliness but of course in his own special compered to Luna.

“Well I might as well while I am waiting for dad.” I thought to myself.

“Sure me and Luky would love too.” I shouted over to him.

“Luky???” Lukas Questioned in a confused tone.

“Yeah that your new pet name.” I told him while sticking out my tongue at him in a friendly way as I went over to the sandboxes.

(Julius POV)

“You where cheating dad, your always cheating in burnout, it’s not fair.” Luna wined in the back seat while crossing her fore hoof.

Me and Luna had once again played some Burnout Revenge together in her hopes that this time she could finally beat me, in which she horrible failed embarrassingly and she has been whining and complaining about it through the entire drive.

“Didn’t know that she could be such a sore loser.” I thought to myself.

I am now driver over to Celestia’s school to pick her up while wondering the entire time sense we left in how her first day of school actually turned out for her, was it fun for her, did the other kids treat her well, is she ok and so on.

I was finally closing in towards the school and already saw allot of children’s either running strait home or still hanging out around the school campus.

From here I already could see my little Celly in the distance building what looks like a sandcastle in a sandbox with Lukas and some few other kids as well.

It’s really nice to see her having new friends and playing with them just at her first day is really, really nice to see.

“Hey is that big Sis and who are those other guys? “ Luna asked while looking out the window.

“Probably some of her new friends.” I answered her.

“Oh.” Was she got out.

At one point she must have probably notice me as and my car I saw her suddenly galloping towards me with a happy smile while I was parking my car directly at front the entrance.

“DADDY!” She shouted with great joy as I was about to open the car door and exit it.

But Before I could even set my second foot onto the asphalt I was hugged tackled by Celly, immediately forcing me to sit back down onto my seat.

She began to nuzzle me as always while I only started to scratch her behind her ears and electing a quiet but cute giggle out of her.

“So how was your first day of school?” I casually asked her.

“AMAZING.” Was her quick response.

“It was so much FUN. I really had a great time, everybody immediately liked me and I even managed to make some new friends as well too.” She quickly added.

It was really nice to hear her say that sense I for most of the day I was bit worried that things might not go well for her in her first day, but now I know that every I hoped would go right actually did went right was a real reliever and to know that my fillies have a change for a free and normal life after all.

“That’s really great Celly.” I told her.

“Dad?” Celly began.

“Can I go over to Lukas? Me and him were planning to do our assignments together.” Celly asked me.

“And to stay there longer and play some videogames with him?” I asked her back.

“Yup, if its ok to you?” She asked me shyly.

“Sure I have no problems with that.” I answered her quickly.

“Thanks Daddy.” Celestia thanked me while hugging me again.

I told Lukas who was standing nearby to come over and hop into the car for a lift back to his home.

On the short ride Celly told me everything what happened in school today and judging by her voice and her energy I could easily tell that she really had a fantastic time, in the way how she always smiles when she talks and how happy and excited her voice sounds like.

Pretty much everything went out well and all of my problems I once had about my little fillies future seemed to have finally resolved itself which is a real reliever for me.

“Things can finally move forward.” I thought to myself in glee as I parked right in front of Matt’s home to let both Lukas, Celly and even Luna out of the car.