• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 9,698 Views, 125 Comments

Tales of Fate: A new Future - Navanastra

This is a story about a lonely, depressed rich youn man named Julius who lost his parents at a young age and was forced to endure everything on his own without any friends or family but on one night he will find something that will change his life

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Chapter 8: Memorable visit

/Chapter 8 Memorable visit/

“Morning Dad” I heard Celestia greed me as she walked into the kitchen.

I woke up this morning with a bit of a sore feeling from yesterday’s activity.

Luna and Celestia thought that it was a very good idea to go and experiment with the ventilation shafts a little bit by placing pieces of paper and cardboard into them and to see if there pieces would actually get sucked in by the inside draft.

Unfortunately for me one of their gene pigs were in fact my car keys and just like the cardboard and paper pieces my keys were somehow also sucked into the ventilation shaft with them.
After for maybe like an hour of desperately searching for my suddenly missing keys I meant both Luna and Celly in the middle of the hallway and immediately told me that they accidentally thrown the keys into the shaft.

I was a bit shocked to know that my little fillies have actually thrown my keys deep within the ventilation shaft just because of some silly experiment and I was forced to climb into the dark and narrow thing to try to fish them back out.

It took me maybe one and a half hour to get the keys back out and after most of my body pretty much hurt for bending myself in ways I have never done before.

Of course both Luna and Celestia once again said that there were extremely sorry for accidentally throwing the car key into air shafts in the first place but sense I couldn’t possibly be ever really mad at them simply by being curios and just like always I was being very understanding and forgiving about it and just told them to be just more careful in the future.

For the rest of the day thanks to the gymnastic sessions I had to do to in order to get my keys back most of my bones and muscle were feeling extremely sore and achy and I was forced to just cancel any planned meetings and expectations for the day and simple spend the rest of the day trying to get rid of my pain.

And now I’m sitting here in my kitchen with a cup of coffee after waking up early this morning with a bit of bad and soar feeling.

Sense I woke up this morning I have been thinking about things that happened so far in the last three years, Luna and Celestia have slight grown over that time and also have been getting smarter and cleverer with each day.

Sense Celly and Luna declared their friendship with Lukas one year ago thinks have gotten allot better for my two little fillies by being able to play and explore the outside world instate of being trap all day inside my property.

Even though Luna was still a bit more solo going when it came to Lukas, Celestia and Lukas have become really great friends during that time and have been mostly playing around and having adventures together almost every day.

“Hello Dad I’m here too you know.” Celestia said while nuzzling my face with hers.

That completely removed me from my state of mind as I looked over at her and saw that she was surprisingly directly in eye level with me.

Somehow without me noticing it she managed to build herself a makeshift platform form some kitchen chairs and also from some few empty boxes to get herself at a much higher position so that she was at direct eye level with me while at the same time holding a very warm and happy smile on her muzzle.

“Oh sorry there sweetie I was busy thinking as always.” I apologized.

She only smiled at me while giving me a small peck on the cheek.

“Your thinking too much dad.” Celestia said with a giggle.

“Oh and sorry again for what happened yesterday I...I still feel a little bit guilty because of it.” Celestia quickly added.

I simply smile at her and began to stroke the back of her neck gently for being so sweet and caring for me.

“It’s fine, you two are just little fillies after all, it’s pretty normal for your age.” I assured her.

“Yeah but still I really hate it when I make things harder for you accidentally even though I promised myself to be more of a help to you.” Celestia said with a bit of a sad tone.

I find it always so sweet from her whenever she directly shows it to me how much she actually loves me as her father, It always warms my own hearth whenever she does that and to be really honest it’s something I could never ever get tired off.

She began to nuzzle my cheeks softly after that and just basically enjoying the feeling that she could cuddle with me very early in the morning and I happily accepted it sense her affections were like the absolute perfect medicine for my still aching bones and muscles.

All of that ended quickly though as I noticed that a third member entering the kitchen with a messy mane and a grumpy look on her face and my suspicious were confirmed as I saw that it was my little Luna.

Truth be told she never really was a morning type person and would sometimes completely oversleep the day or just straight out look like a absolute and total mess when she had to wake up early.

“Morning Dad, morning sis.” Where Luna’s only words as she clumsily walks past the two of us and making her way towards the Fridge on the other side of the kitchen.

I could only contain myself barely from laughing out loud in how silly and ridiculous Luna can actually look during the early mornings while Celestia on the other hand couldn’t possible restrain herself any longer as she started to giggle madly at her own little sister looks.

“Oh Lulu you look so ridiculous, you could have at least asked me to maybe remove that really bad bed heir of yours.”Celestia giggled.

To my utter surprise Luna didn’t even react or flinched at that and simply picked out a juice box out of the Fridge and started sipping on it relaxingly.

In the same time John came into the kitchen as well completely cleaned up and ready for duty as always.

“Sir Julius should I prepare breakfast for today?” John asked me with his trademark British accent.

“Oh oh oh Sir John?” Celestia began excitedly.

“Can you maybe make some waffles for us please?” Celestia asked John with her trademark smile.

In that moment Luna’s attitude comically did a total 180 and she was now less grumpy looking and more happy and exited sense the start of the day.

“Oh my gosh WAFFLES!!” Luna shouted with excitement.

Me and John could only laugh at her sudden change in behaviour, John Immediately got to work in making breakfast for us while Luna simply climbed up to a nearby chair while Celestia decided to just stay close to simply because she decided to snuggle with me some more while we were all waiting for John to finish those waffles.

While Luna was mostly occupied by her toys (which I have just realized were still on the kitchen table from a few days before) Celestia in the on there hand was as touching and caring as always still keeping herself close to me and using this moment to just use me as a big overstuffed teddy bear.

“Dad?” Celestia began while resting her head onto my stomach.

“Yes Celly.” I answered.

“Can I go over to my friend’s house today?”Celestia asked me with a kind smile.

I still remember the first day when Celestia came to me a few weeks past with the idea that she wanted to go visit Lukas at his home in state of him always coming over to her, normally I would have totally agreed with her request to let her go if there wasn’t the possible risk of someone seeing her sense his home was directly located at the edge of a town with a very heavily populated neighbourhood around it.

I told her almost every time when she asked me the reasons why she couldn’t go over to his place and with every time I told her she would just drop her head in disappointment and then slowly turn around with a very sad look on her face.

It always breaks my heart to see her like that but the priorities in keeping my little fillies safe from harm is my number one concern.

But even though I told her every time the reasons why she couldn’t go she would never give up on asking me every single day in hopes to maybe have a chance to go visit her best friend.

And now she is asking me again but this time I decided that it is time to just let her go and to ease my fears a little bit.

I can’t have her or Luna spend the rest of there youth locked up inside my home sooner or later the world would know the existence of my two little fillies the only question is when, might as well start at Matt’s neighbourhood and see how it goes from there.

After making up my mind and snapping back to reality I started to turn my attention back over to my little Celestia who was still waiting patiently for my answer.

She looked at me a bit worriedly before I opened my mouth to give her my answer.
“Sure Celly, I can easily drive you over to his place today, if you want too that is?” I asked her with a smile.

Instantly right after I told her those exact words her worried face quickly turned into a surprised one until it suddenly changed into a face that even the sun couldn’t match during its sunniest days.

“Really dad?” She asked me hopefully.

I just nod with a smile of my own.

She instantly got onto her hind legs to get herself on eye level with me and began to tightly hug my neck and nuzzle her cheeks with mine.

“OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, THANK YOU DAD, THANK YOU SO MUCH.” Celestia shouted with great happiness.

I could only feel happiness myself for seeing her being as joyful as ever.

“When can we go dad, maybe after breakfast?” She asked with a kind and sunny smile that could even bring sunshine in the most darkest of days.

In that moment both John and especially Luna were now looking and listening at us with John just waiting patiently while cooking those waffles for us and Luna looking at me with almost the same excited look on her face as her sister.

“Sure after breakfast sounds nice.” I answered her.

Celestia just continued to smile at me while giving me another small kiss on my right cheek.

“Man I could never get tiered of her nuzzles and kisses.” I thought to myself.

“Dad?” Luna suddenly began.

I immediately switch my attention over to her and saw she was looking at me with a shy smile on her face.

“Can I bring one of my animal friends with me?” she asked me shyly.

Of course I knew exactly that she meant her animal toys instate of real animals and I simply decided to let her bring some of her favourite ones if she wanted to.

“Sure you can Luna, just take some of your favourite ones with you.” I told her.

Luna only gave me a very kind and thankful smile all until John finally came around from behind me with a try full of waffles and cherry jam on his hands and began to lay the tray, plates and other kitchen utilities onto the table.

“Sir Julius if you may, you can think about all of your today’s plans and activities AFTER breakfast is over.” John said with a fatherly attitude.

“YAY WAFFLES.” Both Luna and Celestia shouted with great joy.

I could only smile at the sight presented to me as both Luna and Celestia began to quickly place HUGE mountains of Waffles and cherry jam onto their plates and then immediately digging into them like a bunch of hungry lions.

“Hey you two slow down remember what I teaches you about table manners” I told them with a slight laugh as John and me also began to sit down on our places and to enjoy a nice little family breakfast together.

(Celestia’s POV)

“Oh my gosh we are going over to my friends house I can’t wait to see how his home looks like.” I thought with great excitement as me, dad and my sis are making our way towards his car after getting our self ready for the visit.

It isn’t the first time for me to ride inside Dad’s car sense sometimes when me and Lukas are having adventures out into the woods together me and my friend sometimes had the need of a quick pickup from my Dad to bring us back home quickly and safely.

Back than when I first had to be picked up by Dad I was to be honest a bit scared of getting inside Dads car not knowing how it will be like to take a ride inside one of those machines, but both Lukas and Dad assured me that it was completely fine and safe and in the end I slowly started to actually like the feeling of being driven around inside a car instate of having to walk the whole distant myself.

I decided to simply wear a blue shirt with a logo of a bird on it for my first visit to my friends home while Luna on the other hand (hoof) was taking some of her favourite toys and animal friends with her to the trip.

I always found it really cute by my sister seeing how some of her toys were sometimes perfectly placed and balanced onto her back giving them the expression as if there were taking a raid on her like if she was some sort of horse or something, but as long as nobody is laughing at her or she get bothered by it its absolutely ok with me.

Luna was the first one to enter Dads car and right after that it was my turn to carefully climb in as well.

Both me and lulu were making our self comfortable on the back seats while Dad at the same time was getting himself ready to drive off onto the roads.

Even though I wished that I could just sit onto dad lap while driving over to my friend’s home I was still pretty comfortable sitting right next to my little sister with her big friends of animal toys and plushies .

Every time me and dad would be driving around in his car I would always lean my head right next to the closes window and simply enjoy the view of the outside world sipping past me.

The Trees, the Buildings, the other Cars passing by us and even some Mountain Bikers from time to time.

As I was once again looking out the window and simply admiring the view of everything the outside world had to offer to me I was suddenly disrupted by my little sister who started to pull around on my tail with her tiny little hoof in hopes to get my attention.

When I turned my head to look at her I saw that she quickly began remove her hoof from my tail as she began to look at me with a very sheepish smile on her face.

I simply smiled at her as I slowly began to turn my whole body to give my full attention to her.

“Uhmm.” Luna began.

“How do you think Lukas and Matt’s granduncle is like?” Luna simply asked me while hugging her oversized teddy bear.

It took me a few moments of careful thinking and pondering regarding Luna’s question.

I never really thought about it in how my friends granduncle could possibly be like if he is a kind and friendly person like our dad or my friend Lukas or if he is a angry and mean kind a person who shouts allot, but regardless in how his uncle represents himself I will not let that ruin my first ever visit over to my friends home EVER.

Lukas is still my best friend and I really don’t care if his uncle is a mean and bad spirited person, all that matters is that I can finally visit my best friend’s home for the very first time and to finally meet the rest of his family.

After making up my mind and decision on how to answer Luna’s question I immediately focused my attention back towards my little sister to give her my honest thoughts and ideas on what I think.

“I would imagine that he is a kind and gentle person just like Matt and Lukas.” I simply answered her with a kind smile.

“Why would you asked?” I quickly added with curiosity

“Well.” Lulu began.

“I...I’m just a bit nervous that’s all” Luna answered shyly.

I could only feel the same way sense I was always a bit nervous myself of meeting new peoples.

I never really had the chance to properly asked Lukas about the personality of his granduncle but I knew from my inner feelings and predictions that his uncle could possibly be a very fun, kind, and happy person in the way my friend always talks about him and I wasn’t going to let my paranoid ideas ruin my happiness of just being able to finally visit my best friend’s home for the very first time after trying to ask my dad for almost a month of letting me go over to him.

I simply decided to move myself a little bit closer to my sister and to wrap one of my arms around her to give her a nice little hug in hopes to make her feel relaxed a bit.

“Don’t worry lulu I will be by your side and I’m 100% sure he will be a very fun guy.” I told my sister.

“Right dad?” I asked my Dad with a hopeful smile.

“Actually he is a very kind guy with allot of stories to tell from his youth just like John, I’m pretty sure you two will like him very much.” Dad answered while keeping his focus ahead.

I was really happy to hear that and by looking over to my sister I could see that she also looked a little bit more relaxed than she did before.

I wrapped my hoof around my little sister again but this time rubbing my face gently with hers and trying to ease away some leftover worries that she might still have and by judging the fact that she was nuzzling me back was easily the sign for me to know that it had worked.

The rest of the ride was pretty quiet and uneventful with me just staring out the window and with my sister just playing around beside me with her toys.

But after a few more minutes of going further down the roads and passing a couple more incoming cars on the way we finally managed to reach the edge of the town and I saw the first few houses at the edges of streets.

For me and lulu this was the very first time to ever be directly around a heavily populated area with allot of peoples around us walking around the streets.

Luckily for us the windows of Dads care were specially tainted so no one from outside could see us.

Both me and Luna could only marvel at our surroundings all the houses and buildings lining up the streets, the huge numbers of peoples, all the other cars sipping by and not even knowing that so many people’s could even exist here in the first place.

For us it was like entering the whole different world all together.

“Here we are.” Dad suddenly said as he started to turn of the engine of his car and snapping us out from our wondrous state.

When me and lulu came back from our trance like state the first sight greeting us was a very white but beautiful looking house with a small but cosy looking front garden and a small garage at the right side.

Luckily for both me and Luna there weren’t many people’s at this part of the street at the moment when me and my sister slowly started to climb out off of dads car.

After getting out of dads car and waiting for dad to lock the doors we than finally made our way towards the front entrance ringed the bell and then waited for someone to open the door.

Again taking another look over to my little sister I could only giggle to myself a bit seeing again how her plushies are perfectly balanced directly onto her back and once again giving me the idea that she is taking them onto a ride on her which always looked so incredible cute one her.

“You two behave while we are here ok?” Dad told us while we were waiting for someone to open the door.

“Yes daddy.” Both me and Luna said at the same time while smiling up to him.

In that moment the door finally opened and in an instant we could see that it was Mr. Matt greeting us.

“Oh hi Julius, hi you two, you are a bit earlier then planed you know” Matt greeted us.

“Earlier?” I questioned dad with a confused look.

Dad only shrugged but then smirked at me while giving me the answer.

“While the two of you were busy preparing yourself for the visit I was using that time to inform Matt over here of our visit today by calling him on my phone.” Dad told us.

I only nodded in understanding and smiled up to him for actually doing that.

“Well anyway welcome to Keiser’s manor please come in.” Matt gestured with his hands for us to come inside.

Of course we obliged and happily fallowed Matt and dad inside his home.

The first room we entered was the main hallway with a stairway on our right leading directly to the second floor, a double doorway on our left leading into the living room and straight ahead on the other end of the hall I could easily see that it leads directly to the kitchen and the backyard.

The decoration was very nice too mostly wood furniture’s and rugs covering almost every inch of the floor giving this place a very cosy and welcoming look to it.

“Uhm excuse me Mr. Matt sir...Is your little brother here somewhere? I asked Matt with a smile while he was giving us a tour through his house.

“You mean Lukas? He is upstairs in his room first door on the right.” Matt answered me.

“Thanks sir Matt.” I thanked him as I made my way upstairs.

“Luna are you coming?” I asked my sister as I realized that she wasn’t fallowing me.

“Uhm....Ok.” Luna quickly responded and then fallowed me with her animal plushies still on her back.

We made our way up the stairs and into another but slightly smaller hallway on the second floor and turned towards to the first door on the right as Matt had told us.

I gently began to knock on the door and called out for my friend that it was me and Luna.

“Lukas it’s me and Luna.” I called out.

I started to hear some faint shuffling coming from the other side of the door until finally the door opened revealing a very surprised but happy looking Lukas.

“Hi Celly and Lulu.” Lukas simply greeted us with a happy smile.

But I had a much better idea in my mind in how to greet him.

I simply moved a bit forward towards him and quickly embraced my best friend into a gentle and warm hug as a “hello” from me.

“It’s nice to finally meet you inside your own home Lukas, I always wanted to come over here you know.” I told him while still holding him close inside my arms.

“You sure like hugs don’t you Celly?” Lukas asked me with a slight embarrassing blush which by the way I find extremely cute on him.

“I always like to hug peoples that I really like especially those who are my friends.” I told him as I slowly started to break away from him.

“You already told me that a hundred times Celly.” Lukas said with a smile while I only giggled at his statement.

“Well can we come in?” I asked him with a smile.

“Of course.” Lukas only responded as he led us inside his room.

The look of his room was pretty interesting to me because everywhere I looked I could easily see posters of video games or cartoon characters hanging almost everywhere around the walls of his room some of which I could even recognize as Mario and Luigi or characters from Duck tales, I could even see some hand maid drawing here and there.

“Wow...your room is very nice Lukas, I really like some of your drawing here, there are almost as good as the one Luna can draw.” I happily commented him while admiring the scenery around me at the same time.

“Thanks Celly you are the first one to ever say that there like my drawings” My friend responded after my comments.

Me and Lukas simply started a conversation with each other and making jokes about some few things and laughing our butts out after that.

All until I noticed my little sister leaving my side and slowly trotting over to a small T.V at the other end of l Lukas’es room that I haven’t recognized until now.

I actually didn’t noticed that T.V in his room before, neither did I noticed that there was even game console attached to it, but before I could even asked my friend here what kind of game system it is I was already beaten to it by Luna.

“Hey Lukas what kind of a game is this?” Luna asked Lukas with great curiosity.

“That’s my Playstation 2 got it during my birthday last year.” Lukas answered with a proud smile.

“Oh and the game I was playing before you two came here is Jak X which is a very fun racing game” He quickly added.

“Does it have two players?” Luna asked with a hopeful smile.

“Yes.” Lukas quickly answered.

“Can...Can we maybe play a little bit?” Luna asked shyly.

I took him maybe a few seconds of carful thinking after Luna asked him that one particular question, but after a short while he began to smile and started to give my little sister his answer.

“Sure.” Was his only response.

After his answer Lukas began to search around for his second controller and then finally attaching it onto his console, turning my head over to my little sister I could see that she was extremely over exited and hopping around wildly in place just like a rubber ball.

I couldn’t possible resist a giggle at my little sister’s silly display and I was also extremely happy to see that my friend over here would actually allow my sister to play some videogames with him.

I decide to simply sit right behind the two while watching and listening to them as Lukas was explaining to Luna how the game works and what the controls were.

For a moment there I wasn’t even sure if it’s even possible for Luna to operate the many bottoms on the controller with her bare hoofs but in the end I was pretty surprised to see that she actually could and saw that Lukas was already choosing a event, race track, character and vehicle for himself while Luna was also choosing her a character and car as well.

As Lukas pushed the start bottom and the loading screen started to appears Luna suddenly turned over to Lukas with a very determined and competitive look on her face.

“I’m going to win this race.” Luna simply announced with a very cocky smile on her face.

“Nope your not, just because you are a beginner doesn’t mean I have to go easy on you.” Lukas told her back.

“I’m going to make you eat those words.” Luna lastly commented as the race finally began.

I started to watch this spectacle with great interest and anticipation as both Lukas and Luna were now about to start their very first race together.

Somehow right on the very start of the race Luna managed to hit the gas bottom on the exact right timing of the beginning of the race as she started to rapidly sip away from all the other competitors and took the first place at the very start of the game with the help of some bonus boosters that you are suppose to get IF you hit the X bottom at the right time.

I could easily tell from his reaction that Lukas was completely and utterly surprised by this sudden development but he quickly managed to shake himself off of it and started to focus more on the race at hand.

“Beginners luck.” Lukas mumbled to himself.

While Luna was mostly collecting power ups to increase her boost bar and trying to keep herself on first place, Lukas on the other hand was collecting weapon power ups to simply blast his way through the other players and to quickly get himself to the second place position.

After getting himself on the second position and keeping himself far ahead of the other competitors Lukas immediately began to focus in trying to get himself another weapon power up and somehow managed to get himself the rocket launchers ability and started to focus his aim directly on my unsuspected sister.

He quickly pressed the firing bottom to immediately send those nasty looking rockets over to my poor little sister’s player.

The rockets as predicted made direct contact with my sister’s vehicle instantly destroying it completely and keeping her immobile for a few seconds as Lukas took this short time to quickly over pass her and taking the first place position for himself.

“HEY!!” Luna shouted.

“No fair that’s cheating.” Luna complained.

“Nope its part of the game.” Lukas commented with a victories smile on his face.

“Oh it’s on now.” Luna retorted as she began to take this race more seriously.

The rest of the race was an absolute instance match with explosions and crashes happening almost every 15 seconds as both Luna, Lukas and all the other players constantly began to blast them self with weapons, blocked them with shields, overtaking and ramming each other with boosters and constantly sliding on sharp turns and jumping over obstacles and ledges.

“Haha I’m first.” Lukas happily announced as the last few turns were made towards the finish line.

At first it really looked like that Lukas could easily win this race sense most of the other driver including Luna were pretty far away from him to even have a change to fully catch up with him.

Luna was pretty dried up at this point with no weapons, boosters or any other form of power ups, but looking at Luna’s face I could easily tell that she was far from giving up on this race as she managed to grab herself the last possible power up before the end of the race.

At the end Luna quickly received the machine gun power up which was a fun but also the most difficult weapon to use in the game sense it requires to actually precisely aim for the target while most of the other weapons (except the grenade launcher) would automatically take aim on their victims once they have been received.

I could see that Luna was in deep and total concentration as she began to carefully aim at Lukas’es vehicle and simply being one with the game as I like to think it.

“Come one Luna you can still win this.” I rooted for her in my mind as I watched my little sister with great anticipation.

All of a sudden Luna pushed the firing bottom by literally slamming her hoof directly onto the controller.

The weapon began to fire its load with great power and speed as Luna made direct connections with every bullet flying away from her weapon and immediately starting to tear down the health bar of Lukas’es player.

In an instant Lukas health bar completely decreases in almost 2 second and I saw his car blowing up into a millions of pieces crashing his car and giving Luna enough time to by pass him and take the victory for herself after passing the finish line first a few moment later.

“I WON I WON I WON!!!” Were the only words coming from Luna’s mouth as she began to happily jump and dance around after her glories victory.

I could only giggle in amusement as I saw the expression on Lukas face after he realized on what the heck just happened here.

“......wow.” was Lukas only response after just staring blankly on the TV screen for maybe a few minutes.

“Well I told you didn’t I?” Luna said in a smug tone.

“That’s enough Luna I think you made your point” I told Luna between giggles.

“Well...I guess I underestimated you than Lulu.” Lukas announced with finally a smile after his shocked expression.

“Wanne try a different event?” Lukas immediately asked.

“Really we can play some more?” Luna asked with great excitement.

“Of course as long as you like, actually I have nothing much better to do anyway.” Lukas told my sister.

“Can I maybe join too?” I asked him with a shy smile.

“Sure just let me try and beat you sister in the next game mode than you can try it.” Lukas assured me with a smile that I could only return in favour.

I quickly started to switch my sitting position to sit right beside him and to also get myself a much better viewpoint of the incoming action.

“This is the death match mode, the goal here is pretty simple just eliminate as many players as you can in a span of 10 min, for every player you destroy you will receive one point and the one who gets the most points in the end of 10 minutes will be the winner.” Lukas explained to us as he ones again selected the event, map and player while Luna did the same.

After the game finished loading and the announcer did his ridiculously long speech I could see that this time it was a much more free and open styled map instate of the normal race track one from earlier.

“This time I will win sense I had allot of practice with this mode.” Lukas announced with great confidant.

“Ha will see that.” Luna called back with a competitive look on her face.

This time the game was much more explosive as I like to call it sense the goal now was just basically blowing things up as fast as you possibly could.

Both Luna and Lukas were pretty much tow to tow in terms of score mostly destroying the other competitions and mostly staying away from each other.

There were driving into tunnels, jumping over ledges, going over platforms and collecting as many power ups, boosters and repair Icons to keep them self ready for any encounter or challenges.

“Ha the timer is almost up and I’m in the lead by almost 3 points your never going to catch up now Lulu.” Said Lukas with a very cocky expression as the game slowly started to come to an end after almost 10 minutes of playing.

“I’m not giving up so easily.” Luna announced with great determination.

I was a bit sceptic on the Idea that my sister could actually turn this match around with that kind of a set back and with the fact that there were only 15 seconds left of the game.

I saw my sister simply driving around the open grassland map looking for possible targets with her grenade launcher that she just picked up.

She drove over a hill and trying to spot anybody from up there when out of nowhere right at the base of the hill were three enemy players driving around the bottom of the valley with low health and trying to hit each other with their own sets weapons.

Luna of course saw this opportunity and immediately drove down the hill with one hoof on the trigger bottom.

She quickly pressed the fire bottom and immediately sends the first set of grenades down the unsuspected drivers and somehow managed to get two of the drivers at the same time with one solid hit while simply ramming the last one into a pile of scrap metal with her own vehicle.

Thanks to a bit of luck and Luna’s quick thinking the scores where once again even, but there where now still only 8 more second to go until the match ends and sense Lukas was the first one with highest score in this game the victory will still automatically go over to him because of that.

“Well I guess this time Luna bit off her own tail on this one.” I thought with a bit of sorrow.

I could already see that my friend next to me was already smiling victoriously, but my sister in the other hand (hoof) had to my surprise a very strong determined smile on her face which wasn’t anything new to me sense I already pretty much know in how thick headed she could be in situation like this when me and lulu would play some videogame on my laptop together.

“Ah hahah I found you.” Luna suddenly shouted into the room taking me and Lukas completely by surprise as we were forced to flinch at her sudden outburst.

When I could adjust myself back to normality and turn my gaze back at the TV screen I could finally see the reason of Luna’s sudden outburst.

Somehow out of pure luck and randomness Luna managed to find Lukas’es player on literally the other side of the hill were she had just accomplished the amazing triple score kill just a few seconds ago.

“Where did she suddenly come from?” Lukas asked me in complete surprise while I just shrugged.

“Only 4 seconds left.” I thought with great suspense as I continued to watch the spectacle.

Luna Immediately began to speed down the hill using her booster to pick up some incredible speeds as she began to once again to focus and getting herself ready in using her last set of grenades on her last victim.

3 seconds.

Lukas tried desperately to maybe move or run away from this very tight situation but found out that there really wasn’t enough time or space for him to successfully get out of the way sense Luna was already speeding down the hill towards him in almost amazing speeds.

2 seconds.

“Almost there.” Luna said in deep concentration.

1 second.

“Oh oh.” Was Lukas last word as I saw my little sister ramming her opponents vehicle with great force taking a huge chunk of his health away while fallowing it up my realising her last sets of grenades towards him and instantly one shooting him taking him out of the game and receiving her last possible point of the match.

0 second.

“YES ANOTHER VICTORY FOR ME!!!” My sister shouted with glee as she began to happily jump and skip around the room.

Both me and Lukas had pretty much our jaws hanging at this point not really believing on what just happened here.

“Wow I knew Luna was good at videogames judging by the few times we played some games together on my laptop but I would have never guessed she was THAT good” I thought with amazement.

Lukas on the other part was even more baffled at this outcome and was just staring at the TV screen.

“How is a 5 year old girl who never really played this game before so DAM good at it?” Lukas asked to no one in particular.

“Natural skill I guess.” I answered him with a shrug.

“She always beats me too when we play games on my laptop.” I quickly added.

While me and Lukas were just exchange looks with each other, Luna on the other side was still busy dancing and skipping around wildly like as if today was the luckiest day of her life which it probably is.

“Can we go again can we go again please, this is the greatest fun I ever had can we please go again pretty please?” Luna suddenly rambled right in front of us.

“Well...I...uhm.” Lukas began but I quickly cut him off before he could even continue.

“I will challenge you Luna if you want me too?” I asked Luna with a smile.

“Sure why not big sis.” Luna answered with her own sets of smiles.

I slowly began to move closer towards Lukas and placed my muzzle close to his ear so I can secretly tell him something.

“Let’s team up on her and see if the both of us can actually beat her.” I whispered into his ears.

Lukas of course accepted the idea immediately and gave me a smile in which I only gave him a friendly wink in return.

“Ok let’s do this.” I announced into the room as I took the first player controller from Lukas and got myself ready to do some gaming.

I already knew how the controls worked and what the rules of the game and each of these different events were so there weren’t many questions for me to asked Lukas about.

We probably must have played the game for another two more hours with me and Lukas switching the controllers between us at the end of every match and for the most part just failing miserably in trying to beat my little sister in every different event and game mode.

In the end me and Lukas somehow managed to beat her just a few times over the course of that time but for almost every race or game mode we played against her she pretty much managed to always come out on top leaving us with either the second or even the third place on the lists.

“Do you have any other games maybe Lukas?” I asked him after starting to get a bit tired of playing Jak X the entire time.

“Well yes I do what would you......” Lukas began but stopped himself from continuing after hearing the doorbell coming from downstairs and immediately got himself off from the floor with a very happy and exited look on her face.

“That must be my uncle his finally back from the bakery.” He suddenly shouted with great excitement.

Both me and Luna were a bit hesitant to actually go downstairs with him to meet his uncle but before we could even react or say anything Lukas suddenly began to turn around back to us with a very happy look on his face.

“You know he was the one who made all of those cookies and treats you two love so much, its possible he might have some with him.” Lukas told us with a very sly smile on his face.

This immediately got me and Luna’s attention in an instant as the both of us rashly got our self off the floor to fallow Lukas out of his room and downstairs.

“Time to meet his uncle.” I thought to myself with a bit of nervousness as all three of us carefully made our why back downstairs to meet up with the grownups.

As we finally made it downstairs and entered the living room I saw that both Matt and Dad were sitting on a set of brown leather couches and were watching something on TV while laughing and talking to each other.

I of course immediately focused all of my attention directly over to Dad as I quickly started to gallop over to him happily and excitedly.

“DADDY.” I shouted joyfully as I jumped onto his lap happily and started to nuzzle his chest gleefully.

Dad of course was a bit surprised at my sudden advancement in which I really didn’t paid any attention or interest too sense at that moment the only thing I craved for was the warm and loving care of my Dad after being away from him for over 2 hours.

“Well you two what have you done the past few hours up there mhmm?” Dad asked me while my face was still buried into his shirt.

“Playing some Videogames.” I simply answered him while looking up to him.

I stayed like this for awhile being on dads lap while still nuzzling him happily until I realized that there actually was a third grownup inside the living room.

“UNCLE!!” I heard Lukas shout as I saw him run over to this new stranger and receiving a hug from him.

In that moment I saw that my sister finally made it over to us and we both began to stare nervously over to this new guy on the other side of the room.

“Lukas my boy how are you?” I heard the old man say.

“Great Uncle did you maybe brought some treats for us?” Lukas asked his uncle.

“Of course my boy.” He answered as I saw him reviling a paper bag out from his jacket.

Lukas suddenly turned to us with a smile as he began to point a finger at our direction.

“Uncle I want you to meet some of my unique friends, the ones I’m always talking about.” Lukas told his uncle.

Immediately his uncle attention switched from Lukas over to us in an instant.

“.....Hi.” was my only response as I nervously wave my hoof at his direction.

Luna on the other hand (hoof) was basically hiding behind dad legs while keeping half of her face hidden by her long blue mane.

To my utter surprise the reaction on Lukas’es uncle was very calm and simple as he only gave us a very friendly smile instate of the surprise or shocked expression that I was expecting.

“Well hello there little ones it’s nice to finally meet one another, I see that my little nephews description was right when he said his new friends were the cutest things ever.” Lukas’es Uncle told us with a very fatherly smile that could easily match Johns.

I actually blushed a bit by his very nice comments as all of my fear and nervousness from earlier began to disappear completely.

“Thank you sir and it’s nice to meet you too.” I thanked him with a smile.

“Uncle did you brought the cookies? “ Lukas suddenly asked his uncle.

“COOKIES!?” Luna suddenly screamed with excitement and actually making me almost jump at her sudden outburst.

“Yes I have the cookies too Lukas.” His uncle answered.

Luna who just was hiding shyly behind dads legs just a second ago was now suddenly bouncing around Lukas’es uncle with great excitement as she repeatedly began to sing the word cookies over and over again.

I could only giggle at her silliness as always.

In the end the rest of the evening was really fun and eventful for all of us as we began to quickly warm up towards Lukas and Matt’s uncle and began to listening to all of his life stories and tales while in the same time enjoying those heavenly and delicious cookies of his.

We learned that my friend’s uncle once was once a Marine soldier in his youth during an era called the cold war as he began to tell us stories about all of his travels and experiences throughout his voyages, missions and occupations when he was station on an aircraft carrier and began to tell us all about the different countries, cities and places he visited in his military carrier.

He mostly started to tell us about all of his mishaps and funny moments when he and his old marine buddies had the free time to do whatever their wanted to do after their carrier had landed into another port or country and most of the time me and Luna were mostly giggling and laughing at how many stupid and crazy thinks he and his friends did when their weren’t on duty.

I especially found the story of him and his friends Camel race the funniest when he and his friends were travelling the sands of the Sahara Desert he and his buddies where having a very competitive Camel race when suddenly a sand dune under them quickly began to collapse after a few round forcing him and some of his friends to actually fall of their camels tumbling down the dune and receiving a whole mouth full of sand and later a heavy scold from his officers for being late that day afterwards.

He even showed us some of his old photo albums with him and his marine comrades on then on different parts of the world and also some of his medals and ribbons he had earn throughout his duties.
It was really interesting and fun to for us to learn more about his old missions in how epic, action packed and suspenseful there somtimes were involving allot of either actual combat or stealth. (of course keeping out some of the more violent and dark moments away from us)

Over time I began to wonder why he was suddenly working in a bakery when he once used to be a veteran marine and I learned from him that he inherited the bakery from his own parents right after their passing and also told me that it was also the same day when he finally decided to retire from his long years of service and duty as a Marine and to simply work and maintain his old family business.

All in all we pretty much spend almost over an houre of asking him questions about almost everything and him of course giving us the answers and also telling us some funny jokes in between them making us either giggle or just out right laugh at them in great amusment.

In the end we really started to fully warm up to him and even considered him as a friend as well or even as an uncle figure just like John.

Sadly for me and my sister the wonderful story telling moment with him slowly came to a halt as he simply stated that he was tired for the day and promised us that he would tell us more of his experiences and adventures at another time.

“I go take a nap it was a really hard day for me, so if you all please excuse me.” He told everyone in the room as he began to slowly get himself of the couches and probably upstairs towards his room to take his rest.

“Well what do you two think of my uncle?” Lukas suddenly asked me from behind the couch.

“His really fun guy I really like him.” I simply answered him.

“See I told you he is a very nice guy didn’t I?” My Dad asked me from the other side of the couch.

“Yup.” Was my only response as I moved over to his side and once again started to rest my head onto his lap.

After his uncle left there was this present of boredom around the air as either me or Lulu had no clue on what to do know, I would have happily stayed here onto dads lap and simply enjoying the feeling of just being so close to him But for Luna I would have the Idea that she just wanted something more exiting and action packed after our long story time.

God I just love to snuggle up with my Dad if anyone would asked me what would be my favourite past time activity ever it would probably be this one, I could easily do that for hours without getting tired or bored with it.

“Hey we could maybe play some more videogames upstairs if you two want too.” Lukas suddenly came up.

At the mention of Videogames Luna’s head immediately perked up and she quickly began to jump off from Dads lap and just started to skip and jump around excitedly in place.

“YAY more games, more games, come on lets go.” Luna excitedly shouted as she simple began to run out of the living room and back upstairs on her own.
Lukas immediately began to fallow her as well leaving me Dad and Matt alone in the room.

“Dad can I go too?” I asked my Dad with a kind smile.

“Why are you asking me that of course you can celly.” Dad answered me with slight laugh.

I only gave him a very quick kiss on the cheek as I quickly jumped down and dashed out the room to quickly join both my sister and my friend Lukas upstairs for another fun and exciting play together for the rest of the evening.

Authors Note: please tell me if there are any mistakes or story plot holes in my chapters because it would really help me if any of you could maybe point that out to me, It could also help me if some of you guys had any ideas for any future chapters it could maybe help me with my imagination of creating new chapters and I would maybe fallow you guys suggestions if I feel like it that there would be a great addition to put into my story, that is all see ye all next time :D