• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 9,697 Views, 125 Comments

Tales of Fate: A new Future - Navanastra

This is a story about a lonely, depressed rich youn man named Julius who lost his parents at a young age and was forced to endure everything on his own without any friends or family but on one night he will find something that will change his life

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Chapter 6: Family bonding

/Chapter 6: Family bonding/

“Big sis are you asleep.......sis are you still sleeping?” Where the first words I heard as I slowly and lazily began to wake up.

“Mhmm...What is it Luna I’m sleeping here.” I lazily answered the voice that I thought belongs to Luna as I slowly began to open my eyes.

The first sight greeting me was a very unfamiliar looking ceiling which was a bit concerning to me for a few second until I realize that I was in my own room or to be honest our room.

We been here with dad now for 2 years and yesterday we celebrated our birthday with dad and Sir John, dad had decided to mark the day he found us as our birthday which of course makes sense, dad also found out that we are actually much older than we first thought and according to dad it turns out judging by our behaviour and body size that I am actually around 6 years old and my sister Luna about 4.

I really don’t know how exactly dad managed to figure it out but in the end it really didn’t matter so much anymore sense we were already celebrating our birthday anyway.

For our birthday dad actually got me my very own laptop, I don’t know exactly why dad would give me such a high tech device but I was still really happy and thankful for actually getting one for me.

He told me that I could use the internet as a learning tool sense I pretty much always stick my nose into books anyway.

Dad had shown me how to use and operate it, showing me sites I can visit for knowledge or Entertainment and told me of sites that I should not visit simply for reason that there are bad for me to even take a look at.

In all it very much took me a while to figure it out but in the end I pretty much managed to understand it and had allot of fun watching silly video of silly guys on a site called youtube.

For my Sister Luna dad bought her an entire army of plushies made from different animals and creatures including ones called angry birds or something like that.

I found it to be absolutely adorable when I saw her jumping deep into the pile and then popping her head out on completely different places.

All in all it was a very fun day for all of us Luna was having fun with her personal Zoo and daddy showed me how to properly use and operate my new personal computer.

But that was yesterday and now I’m am her sleeping or trying to sleep after Luna woke me up.

I finally turned my head to the direction over where I thought my little sister is and the annoyed expression I had just a few moment ago quickly vanished as I first looked at her and had no choice but to feel sympathy for her even though she waked me in the middle of the night.

“Sis what’s wrong.” I ask with great worry.

Looking at my little sister I could easily tell that she was crying and shaking and looking at me with one of the most hearth braking expressions I had ever seen on her precious face.

She looks so afraid, so shocked and scared, something I have never seen on my little sister, I had this urges to move over to her and in brace her into a protective hug but decided not to simply because in the state she was in I would guess that my sudden move towards her would scare her even more and I didn’t wanted to make her feel even worse than she already feels.

“Sis....I..I..had a terrible....nightmare.” Luna finally answered me with soaps between every word.

“Nightmares? What kind of nightmare would make Lulu look so frightened.” I thought with great concern.

She was about to cry again until I finally decided that it was time to act, I wrapped my arms around her and embraced her in a caring and comfortable hug, she immediately began to cry into my shoulder while I was holding her close to me in my protective embrace.

We stayed like this for a few more minutes until I felt that she had finally stopped crying, I continued to comfort her by gently stroking her mane just like our father does it and humming a nice sweet song that our dad used to play for us when we were still very young .

After a while I could feel that Luna had completely calm down and that it was ok to let her go but I quickly reclined that idea and simply continued to hold her a little bit longer just to make sure she was really ok.

“Are you ok now sis.” I asked her softly in which Luna only slightly nodded.

“I want to go back and sleep with dad.” Luna told me in a quiet whisper and I could totally understand her, sense for a few weeks dad thought that it was ok now that the two of us could go and get our own room to use and to sleep in.

Back then I thought it was a really great idea for us to have our own room, it would just be me an Lulu in one room and have the possibility to do whatever we want in there, dad of course gave me the responsibility to watch over my sister sense we are no longer sleeping with him and of course I happily accepted that sense I wanted to show that I can finally be more responsible than I was in the past.

In the first few night Luna was actually pretty scared with the idea to sleep alone without dad beside her and to be honest I was also feeling a bit uneasy with the idea as well but dad had reassured us that there was nothing to be scared at and that our room was just right next to his.

All in all the first few night were in truth pretty scary for both me and Lulu but in the end I managed to quickly get used to it and quickly adapted to the feeling on not having dad close to us but Luna in the other hand is still not feeling quiet well not having dad close to her to cuddle with during the night and to tell the truth I can pretty much understand her.

When we sleep Luna would always use me as her cuddling object and of course I would always gladly accept it, warping my hoofs around her and holding her close in a caring and loving embrace telling her that there is nothing for her to be afraid off.

“I wanna go back to daddy.” Luna repeated.

I just decided to let her go and told her to fallow me, after exiting our room and slowly opening dads own door me and Luna carefully stepped inside, I wasn’t sure if dad would be mad at us for waking him up in the middle of the night but I knew that only dad could bring her back to sleep after a nightmare so I really had no choice too, I told Luna to wait and went to the other side of the bed were dad is and slowly began to poke his face to try and wake him up.

“Dad....daddy could you...ehm..please wake up.” I quietly whisper into his ears.

I was actually quiet hesitant to wake him up in the middle of the night sense I have never ever done something like ever before (except that one night last year) and I wasn’t sure how dad will react but before I could even try again dad suddenly began to stir taking me completely by surprise and forcing me to hit the ground with a small yelp.

Dad suddenly opened his eyes and began to look at me.

“Celly why are you here?” Dad asked me in a gorgy voice.

I simply looked at him with a sheepish smile on my muzzle before it was time for me to say something.

“I’m so sorry for waking you dad but I just... “But before I could even continue with whatever I was going to say dad suddenly sits up from his bed and began to look at me with a very sleepy expression.

“Luna had a nightmare doesn’t she?” Dad asked me.

“How did you know that Dad?” I asked dad with a surprised expression

“She is standing right behind you.” Dad answered me.

And in truth Luna was actually really standing behind me with a very pleading look on her face, I didn’t even recognize that she was behind me in the first place how she managed to get from the other side of the bed over were I’m standing is unknown to me, but now she was here so I guessed that it was ok now.

I was once again trying to say something but this time I was beaten by Luna.

“Dad....I had a...terrible nightmare...can...can I sleep her with you for tonight?” Luna asked in both a sad and pleading tone.

“Sure you can sweetie.” Dad answered with a smile.

And I had no choice but to smile too, right after dad said those words Luna sad expression quickly changed into a big happy smile, she didn’t hesitated and quickly jump up onto dads bed and immediately snuggle herself close to him.

“Great, everything went well and I didn’t had to do or say much.” I thought with a happy smile.

I told both dad and Luna good night and was about to go and leave the room until I was stopped by dad calling for me.

“You know Celly you can also sleep here tonight if you want, being all alone there in your room could easily turn into a lonely and scary experience for your age.” Dad suggested me.

I was really happy for him to say that and of course I immediately accepted.
I didn’t waste any time and quickly galloped over to him and jumping onto his bed right next to Luna and made myself comfortable by snuggling close to dad as well.

“Thanks dad.” I said with a happy smile.

“Thanks for what?” Dad asked confused which I find quiet cute on him.

“For letting us spend the night with you.” I answered him with a smile, dad always acts a bit funny when he his sleepy and I could only slightly giggle at his funny behaviour.

“Good night dad I love you.” I sweetly tell him as I began to make myself comfortable between my dad and sis.

For a moment there I was a bit confused in why dad didn’t answered me until I heard a very faint but noticeable snoring sound coming from behind me and when I turned my head to its direction I saw that dad was already somehow pretty much asleep and surprisingly so was Luna, I could only chuckle at this funny event and decided that I should also try and get some shut eye as well.

It didn’t took long for me to finally drift off to sleep as only wishing that Luna and generally all of us would have pleasant dreams for the rest of the night.

(Next morning)

I once again woke up with a warm feeling invading my face and instantly forcing me to cover my head with my blankets and giving away a very annoyed groan at the sudden disturbance until I realized that it was the morning sun at which I was annoyed at.

“Wait did I just groaned during morning.” I thought surprised, usually I would always happily greet the morning at the first moment I would wake up.

“I guess there is always a first.” I muttered.

I started to rub my eyes and stretch my arms and was about to climb down from bed when suddenly something very big and soft hit me on the side of my head causing me to tumble down to side of the bed instate of simply jumping down as I had in mind.

After getting rid of my dizziness and getting back on my hoof I quickly grabbed whatever hit me and saw that it was one of Luna’s plushies I quickly turned my head to the direction I think it came from and this time I got another one of Luna’s stuff toys right on my face once again forcing me to hit the carped floor with and audible thump.

“Take that you monster me and my army loyal animals will stop you right here and now.” Luna shouted.

When I regained myself for a second time I began to glare at my little sister.

“Lulu stop throwing your toys at me.” I shouted back and only got a 3rd plush thrown at me as an answer.

This time I managed to swiftly doge it and poked my head back out from behind my cover and sticking my tongue out at her.

“Nanananana missed me.” I mocked only to get another one right on my horn.

I looked back at her with a fierce glare and saw that my sis was standing there on the other side of the room with literally a whole army of her stuffed toys and plushies.

I looked to the side of me and saw a whole bunch of different size pillows laying all over across dads emperor size bed, a very wicked smile started to form on my very sinister face as a Idea popped into my head in how I can get me little sister back.

I grabbed a nearby pillow and took aim at my target throwing it with all I got and hitting it with almost pin point accuracy.

I could only laugh as my poor sister fell backwards and disappeared into her pile of stuffed animals.

She popped her head back out after a few seconds with a very annoyed glare on her face and me just simply sticking my tongue out in a very playful fashion.

“The enemy is strong after all, we shall not go down so easily.” Luna shouted

“You have underestimated me, I will gain victory.” I shouted back with a competitive grin on my face.

We stared each other for one last time until the battle for Honour, glory and who can throw the most stuff to one another began.

(Julius POV)

I came back inside after having a nice and relaxing stroll outside and taking in some very much needed fresh air to start the day.

I was the first to wake up this morning while the two fillies next to me were still peacefully slumbering on.

After doing my morning rituals like as always and exiting my bathroom I saw that my bed was missing someone and only Celly was still curled up inside my blankets while her sister was nowhere in sight.

I was about to call her name but then Luna suddenly came back with a bunch of her stuff toys in her toll, she saw me and immediately dropped everything and quickly runs to me and asking me to pick her up in which I of course comply.

After nuzzling me a bit and saying her good mornings she jumped down from me and continued to bring toy after toy from there room to my room why she would do that I had no idea but I just simply decided to let her and made my why outside to get my senses awake and to stretch out a bit before breakfast and now I’m going back passing through countless doors and hallways towards my room.

After finally reaching the door of room I started to hear some sort of ruckus behind it making me wonder on “what the heck is going on in there.”

When I slowly opened the door to my room and stepped inside the only thing greeting me was a complete and total chaos of stuff toys and pillow covering the floor of my room at every corner, other things like vase decoration, expensive figurines or old collections from the days of my Fathers travels were either knocked down from their shelf’s and tables or just simply shattered into tiny pieces I could even see that one of the curtains of my window have been completely ripped down from their positions and that my miniature model of the solar system was totally unrecognisably broken.

When Luna and Celestia saw me entering the room and me looking at them with a shocked expression both Luna and Celly immediately dropped whatever they were holding and began to look at the floor in shame.

Celly took a look around my room and probably saw it for the first time in how much damage they have cost by turning my room into a disaster zone.

After seeing in how chaotic my room looked and how many things were either scattered around the floor or just downright broken into pieces Celestia then slowly turned her head to me with a very scared and pleading expression.

“Dad....I...I can explain.” Celestia began with a hint of fear behind her voice.

I couldn’t even answer her sense I was too occupied with the look of my room and the thoughts of how long it would take me to clean this up.

I was scratching my eyebrows in how these two fillies could cause so much chaos and damage in just a 30 minutes was actually more astonishing to me instate of shocking.

“Dad...I...well...uhmm...Dad please don’t be mad at Luna it was all my idea and she had nothing to do with any of this, if someone is going to be punished it should be me.” Celestia told me in with a very sad look.

At that moment I was snapped back from my thinking and back to reality and was surprised that she would lie and take all the blame to herself in hopes to spare her little sister from the possible scolding and shouting she thinks that might happen.

For ones I knew that it was in fact Luna who started this sense she is “in a lack of a better word” the wild one from the two while Celestia was mostly always calm and behaving and would never do such rush or crazy thinks like her sister would.

I started to walk over to the both of them and passing by Luna I saw that she was looking at her sister in complete disbelieve for aiming the blame all to herself, than she looked at me and her expression quickly changed into a guilty one probably trying to tell me that it was her and not her sister who started this but quickly closed her mouth before she could even say anything probably out of fear and simply watched me go past her and towards her big sister.

As I reached Celestia on the other side of the room and meet her gaze up close she immediately looked away from me with her ears dropped to the side of her head and her eyes shut tight in fear probably waiting for me to shouting at her for turning my room into a battlefield.

But of course I’m not that type a guy and I could never be mad at them no matter what they do.

I simply kneeled down towards her and placed my hand on her on her head, for a second there she flinched but then she began to turn her head back at me and I could finally see her teary face, I didn’t even know that she had started to cry but she did and I always hated to see her like this, it would always break my hearth to see her cry or just being simply unhappy.

I simply continued to stroke her mane affectingly also making sure to scratch her behind the ears.

Celestia simply stares at me with wide open but sad eyes while still dripping tears down her cheeks and not saying or doing anything.

“Dad...your...you’re not mad at me?” she asked in a shaky voice.

I simply shacked my head to tell her that I wasn’t mad in the slightest.

“But...but we completely ruined your room...we broke allot of valuable thinks...all of your stuff?” She told me again with a look of disbelieve.

While still stroking her mane and scratching her behind her ears I answered her.

“No matter what you or Luna do I can never be mad at either of you.” I told her with a caring smile.

Celestia was still looking at me in complete disbelieve and I could tell that Luna was doing the same thing behind me in how silent she is.

For a few seconds there was nothing, nothing at all just absolute silence until out of nowhere Celestia tackled me into a hug, but not a happy hug as I could tell as she began to cry into my chest.

“No dad no....please you have to punish me please.” I heard Celestia pleading me while crying into my chest.

To say that I was shocked is pronouncing it the easy why.

“Celestia begging me to be mad at her?” Were the only thoughts running through my head but those were quickly broken when my poor little Celly started to talk again.

“I made a promise to myself that I would be the best I can be to you, to be helpful to you and try to be supportive.....but all I have ever done so far is to make things harder for you for most of the time....and now I even managed to completely destroy your room because of my stupid antics...I’m so sorry dad...so sorry.” Celestia cried into my chest.

There was only one thing in that moment my instincts told me to do, I gave her a slight kiss on her head above her eyes (avoiding the horn of course) and gently continued to stoke her mane softly.

That one action of me seemed to have broken Celestia from her misery as she slowly began to raise her head to meet my gaze.

“It’s all right Celly there is no reason for you to apologize your just young a filly with allot to learn and to understand, It’s mostly normal for your age to be so hyper and I know that you are trying your best to be helpful to me and for that I can only be thankful to you.” I told her with a smile and making my point that I wasn’t mad at her for the slightest.

Once again Celestia was looking at me in utter shock and disbelieve and not really sure of what to say or do.

“B..but Dad your...”She began but I quickly hushed her by placing my finger on her muzzle.

“Well yes you two destroy allot of thinks here in my room and mostly managed to completely trash this place, but there is one thing you seem to forget here.” I told her.

Celestia just tilted her head to the side with a questionable look on her face after I said that and that was my signal to continue.

“I’m filthy stinking rich so whatever you possible break or destroy here I can easily replace them without even trying.” I answered her.

“I just hope that you two will learn from these mistakes and avoid them in the future.” I added.

For a few second there was silence until out of nowhere Luna suddenly jumped onto my back and began to hug the back of my neck with great enthusiasm.

I was about to tell her to maybe lessen her grip on my neck a bit until I felt something hit my chest again.

When I looked down I saw that it was Celestia again but this time she was hugging me from happiness instate of sorrow or guilt judging by the smile on her face.

All I could do again was stroke her and placing Luna from my back next to her sister so I could better pet her as well, Celestia suddenly stopped nuzzling me and began to speak with her face still buried into my chest.

“Dad no matter how hard we make it for you sometimes or how many mistakes we do I just want to say that we will always be sorry for our mistake.” Celestia told me in sweet gently voice.

“And thank you for being so kind and forgiving to us.”Celestia quietly added.

I was once again stunned by Celestia’s words, the fact that she cares so much for me even thought we are completely different beings is always so hearth warming to me and I can tell that Luna was thinking the same thing even thought she was mostly too shy to fully admit it herself.

Celestia must have noticed my silenced as she began to slowly get up on her hind legs and placed her front hoof against my shoulder for support and what happened next was literally something I would have never excepted.

Celestia softly kissed me on my right cheek staying like that for a few seconds and then slowly backing up while smiling at me all the way.

I was just sitting there on the floor with a complete dumfounded face my mind completely blank from any thought or actions.

This was the first time ever Celly kissed me and by looking at her sister at the left I saw that she was also looking at her sister with wide eyes.

Celestia only giggle at my expression and began to say something.

“Why are you so surprised dad isn’t that what good daughters do to their daddies, I saw it in TV once I thought I might give it a try.” Celestia told me with a big smile and a little wink.

She suddenly kissed me again this time on the left cheek which immediately released me from my surprised state.

She smiled when I finally look at her again for the first time sense she kissed me.

I didn’t knew how to feel my mind was a complete cluster fuck of different emotions and other thinks that were arguing how to react or to respond, the only thing I knew was the look Celestia was giving me.

The whole time as I was just sitting there Celestia was just patiently waiting for me her smile never vanishing from her cute little face even Luna at this point was just smiling at me with the same energy as her sister.

That was all I needed to know, I quickly grabbed both fillies into my arms and began to hug them like I have never hug them before, both fillies were doing the same thing while nuzzling me and giggling happily into my arms.

After a few moment of emotional bonding Luna suddenly began to remind us about something that we somehow managed to forgot in all of this.

“Ahm...Dad what about your room and all the stuff we broke here.” Luna suddenly pointed out.

I took another all around look at my room and was once again struck by a sudden feeling of dread sense John wasn’t here today which easily means that I have to clean this mess up all by myself which could easily take a whole freaking day.

Celestia must have seen my frown expression and began to nudge one of my arms with her muzzle to try to get my attention, I looked over at her and saw her giving me a sad smile.

“Well...we could help you clean this up if you want us too, we were the ones who did this in the first place anyways.” Celestia suggested while rubbing her hoof sheepishly.

I was about to think if the idea to let them help me or not was a good one but before I could even get far with my thoughts I was nudged by Celestia once again.

“Please Dad we want to help, we were the ones who completely trashed your room in the first place and we want to at least help you clean up our own mistakes.” Celestia Added.

“Are you two sure you want to help me with this you don’t have to if you don’t want too.” I asked them.

Without saying anything both Luna and Celestia suddenly got up on their hoof formed a line and began to salute me with a very determined look on their faces.

I only found it absolutely adorable to see these two in military stance affront of me and it was then that I made my decision to let them help me because I knew that with thinks like these Luna and especially Celly can get very much thick-headed and would never stop asking me until I let them.

“Well if you two are so determined to help me clean up your mess than I guess its ok.” I told them.

“The first thing you two can do is to for you Luna to pick up your stuffed army and just bring them back to your room and for you Celly to simply pick up the mountain of pillows and put them back from where you got them.” I instructed them.

“Aye aye Captain.” Both Luna and Celly Shouted with great enthusiasm.”

And so the rest of the day was spend trying to clean out my completely trashed room and putting things that were not broken back to their original places.

At one point after awhile Celly had told me that she had found something that looked like a broken marble figurine of beautiful dolphin, I told her that it used to be my mothers and was the only piece in here that was actually irreplaceable.

Celestia of course told me that she is extremely sorry for breaking it and me telling her that it was ok sense I was way too much attached to it anyway and that it was finally time for me to just move on.

It only took us a few hours to get my room back to normal (mostly normal) and without the help of both my lovely fillies (daughters) it might have actually may have took a whole day.

In the end both me and the two fillies were pretty much exhausted and spend the rest of the evening together in the living room watching a nice little movie on the TV (kid friendly of course) with Luna and Celly like most of the time snuggling close to me as there watched with me.

“You know Dad we actual had a pretty fun time cleaning up with you today.” Celestia suddenly says.

“You had fun for cleaning up my room?” I asked surprised.

Celestia of course smiled at me and nodded before placing her head back onto my lap.

“Everything we do together is always fun.” Celestia added before for some reason falling asleep right after that.

It really warms my hearth to hear her say that to me making me fully understand in how truly lucky I am to have these two wonderful fillies with me.

“I guess with today’s event we actually managed to grow even closer as a family than ever before.” I thought happily as I simply continued to watch for the rest of the evening with two little adorable fillies sleeping peacefully on my lap.