• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 9,696 Views, 125 Comments

Tales of Fate: A new Future - Navanastra

This is a story about a lonely, depressed rich youn man named Julius who lost his parents at a young age and was forced to endure everything on his own without any friends or family but on one night he will find something that will change his life

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Chapter 4: Eventful morning

/ Chapter 4: Eventful morning/

It was raining, raining nonstop and the wind was chilly and blowing with instance furry and power, and there in the middle was me standing inside a very dark grim looking forest with no indication on why am i here and how.

I don’t even remember anything I’m just here in the middle of a dark forest and a rainstorm raging over my head.

“Well there is no point anymore for me to go to a nearby tree to take cover from this rain because I’m already drenched all the way to my skin anyway” I muttered to myself.

Sense I had no clue where I am or were I am supposed to go i simply decided to pick a random direction and just go with it.

The forest was extremely dark and easily reminded me of one of those forests from an old horror movie with allot of dead looking trees and branches that looked more like claws than anything else.

While I was walking through this creepy, empty forest I began to notice flashes and very loud boom noises coming from above me.

“Great now there is lightning too.” I bitterly muttered to myself.

I was really starting to feel very uncomfortable with every step I took, the cold rain and heavy winds were really starting to drain my energy and trying to push myself further was beginning to get harder and harder.

But then the forest started to open up more and more making me believe that i was closing in to a clearing which was a good thing because I could finally get out this god forsaking forest and maybe see where I am.

As I was making way out of this creepy place I began to hear distant sounds coming from the direction I was going.

“What the heck are those weird noises, they sound like very soft whispers.” I thought to myself as I was getting closer and closer to the edge of the forest, but when I finally reached the clearing and saw a very large open expanse of open fields and lands it really didn’t look anything better compared to the dark creepy forest that I just came from.

I was standing at the edge of the forest only to view a dead barren landscape in front of me i could see ruins of a decayed settlement in the distance, dead trees and in a distance what looked to be a very old forgotten castle hanging at the side of a mountain. (which reminds me of Castle Neuschwanstein in Germany)

Now I was really clueless I was hoping to maybe find out where I was after I would exit the forest but this looks even more unfamiliar then before.

Now millions of questions were racing through my mind only to be stopped by a gigantic brick wall causing all of these question to shatter into a billion pieces and making my head feel incredible dizzy.

I immediately collapsed to my knees after that and started gripping my head with both my hands in hopes that this dizziness would stop but it didn’t with every passing second the dizziness slowly transformed into a full blown headache making my discomfort feeling from earlier even worst.

While I was sitting on the ground trying desperately to ease my head pain I finally began to notice that the whispers had suddenly gotten louder around me.

“What the hell are these whispering sounds?” I thought as I was trying to make out were these whispers were coming from even with my headache but in the end I could figure it out that the sounds were coming directly from behind me immediately giving me a very creepy feeling and giving me the urge to just stand up and run as far away as possible but at the same time it gave me this very deep curiosity forcing me to turn my body and facing back into the direction were I came out from and what I saw really wanted to make me run away

The forest that was just there a few moment ago was no completely gone and in this place was this deep infinite black void slowly consuming the world around me and swallowing me as well for a moment or two there was nothing but then the whispers returned but darker and more sinister then the one before.

I turned my head again to its direction but I quickly wished that I didn’t.

Right in front were two sets of big blood red glowing eyes staring right down at me, I wanted to move and run but my body was not responding at all forcing me to look into these evil looking eyes without any hopes of escape.

But then it got even worst, this dark entity suddenly began to speed right towards me revelling for the first time a huge deformed mouth with dagger sized teeth’s and an endless dark abyss behind them, I could only watch in horror as this dark entity began to get closer and closer opening its jaws wide and then finally devouring me, the last think I could feel was falling forever into the darkness of an endless void.


“Daddy wake up daddy please wake up”

I suddenly opened my eyes after this dreadful nightmare and the first sight I saw was the ceiling of my room, the first thing I felt was that something was pulling my left arm, when I turned my head to look at who was pulling me so desperately and was greeted with a very worried looking Celestia.

My squirming and turning during my nightmare must have woken up Celestia and she was probably trying to wake me up.

It already has been a whole year sense I found Celestia and Luna in my garden during the time i actually managed to figured it out that there species were called Alicorn which was just the short cut name of winged unicorn.

Over the course of a few months Celestia managed to get better and better in speaking I even help her with it by showing her some few books from my library and teaching her how each word should be pronounced and what the meanings of these words are, Luna in the other hand was a completely different case she still can’t really speak at all yet easily confirming my suspicion that she is actually younger than Celestia which also means that Luna still has the same problem that most babies in her age have, she peed in my bed right after the first night which of course forced me to tell John to go buy dippers so that such a awkward situation can be avoided in the future.

Over the course of just a year both Luna and Celestia really started to warm up to me and I was also able to find some inner strength and confidence back into me making my life and responsibility as a company leader much more easier than it ever had been.

But Today I was sitting on my bed still breathing heavily after a dreadful nightmare with a very concerned Celestia looking at me.

“Daddy are you alright you were moving and talking in your sleep” Celestia ask me with much concern.

The strange nightmare was still playing in my head making me think and wonder what that place was but my thinking process was quickly interrupted by Celestia still pulling my left hand with her hoofs.

I reached over to her with my right hand and began to stoke her pink mane showing her that I was alright and nothing was wrong with me.

“It’s o.k Celly it was just a simple nightmare, nothing to be worry about” I insured her

She seemed a bit unsure for a few moments but eventual nodded and smiled slightly at me knowing that everything was ok and began to move back at her little sisters side on the other end of my emperor size bed.

“Seriously why is my bed so freaking huge.” I ask myself in my head as I was watching Celestia curl back besides her little sister.

Both of them looked incredibly cute when they were sleeping together like that especially Luna with her little pacifier in her mouth, Celestia gave me one final smile before she eventually placed her head back onto her cushion and slowly went back to sleep leaving me alone on the other side of the bed.

I immediately began to think back at the strange nightmare I had and wasn’t even sure what it was, it sure was completely different compared to all the other nightmares I had during my lifetime, I just couldn’t really point my finger on it what was so different about it.

I spend a little bit more time thinking about it until I took a glance at the clock that was right beside my bed.

“2 am in the morning far too early to be braking my head over it.” I thought to myself as I simply decided to dismiss it as just a normal dream and laid myself back onto my pillow and replaced the blanket over me and closed my eyes waiting for the sensation of sleep to take me back and pretty soon I was back into a deep peaceful sleep.


Celestia’s POV.

I woke up with a very warm sensation washing itself over my face removing any traces of sleepiness I had just a few seconds go.

I slowly opened my eyes to see were this disturbance was coming from and was immediately greeted with the rays of the morning sun peeking through the blinds of my dad’s window.

I simply greeted the morning in my mind and smiled at the nice bright sun and its warm comforting light illuminating my dad’s room.

“Good morning, morning.” I whispered to no one particular and immediately started to giggle at my own silliness.

After greeting the new day I turned my head to look at Luna and saw that she was still sleeping peacefully at my side giving out very soft breathing sounds urging me to nuzzle her in her sleep and making me feel even more happier then I was just a few moments ago.

I looked over to my dad and saw that he was comically sprawled out all over the bed forcing me to giggle at his silly looking position.

Even though he was sprawled out like this there was still allot of space in the middle, my dad was always commenting in how ridiculously huge his bed is which I never really understood sense I don’t even know how big a normal sized bed is.

After stretching my legs and wings a bit I decided that it would be best to get out of bed and to get myself ready for this new beautiful day, I made sure not to wake

Luna up after jumping down from the bed and landing softly onto the soft carped floor but my plans in letting her sleep were broken when I heard movement coming from behind me.

I looked behind me and saw that Luna had just woken up and she was rubbing her eyes with her front hooves.

“Ops sorry little sis I guess I accidently woke you up when I was stretching.” I apologised to her and watched her slowly sitting up and looking at me with a very dopy look on her face which by the way looks very cute on her.

Luna was about to go to the other side of the bed to probably jump on dad’s belly just like that one time and waking him but I quickly and quietly told Luna not to.

“Wait Luna don’t wake dad up.” I whispered to her.

“Dad had a very busy day yesterday so just let him sleep Lulu.” I told her and she immediately turned around and jumped of the bed herself, the first think she did was nuzzling me on my neck as to saying good morning and I gladly returned the favour by nuzzling her back.

“Today is going to be a very nice day.” I thought to myself excitedly as I took a look at the clock that was hanging directly above the bathroom door and viewed what the time was.

“7:10 in the morning maybe a bit too early to actually get up.” I muttered to myself but it really didn’t matter do me anyway because I was already up and awake and was definitely not going back to sleep.

After a quick trip to the bathroom and checking Luna’s dipper for any sign of...well you know, I decided to maybe go outside to enjoy this crystal clear day and to play around in the garden a little.

I made my way to the door that would lead me into the huge hallway, luckily my dad had this idea to tie a piece of thick string onto the handle of the door sense I was a bit too small to actually reach the handles myself but with the help of my dad’s idea I could easily open the doors now myself without any help from him or John.

I was about to exit the room and make my way through the long and confusing corridors before Luna stopped me by pulling me on my tail, I stopped and turned around.

“Sorry Lulu but you have to stay here and wait for dad to wake up o.k.” I told her.

After I told her that she immediately drops her head and ears and had a very sad look on her face.

I sighted and began to gently nuzzle my little sister in hopes to cheer her up a bit.

“Dad is much better in keeping an eye on you then me lulu so it’s best for you to wait for him to wake up o.k sis.” I gently told her.

I still remember the incidence that happened just a few weeks ago, Luna and I were just playing around outside during a nice sunny day and where just hiding inside flower bushes or just playing around with the fishes inside my dad’s fish pounds.

Back then dad told us that he had forgotten something and told me to keep an eye on my little sister before he eventually left back inside the our massive house.

Of course I happily accepted this because I wanted to show dad that I could be responsible by keeping my little sister from harm’s way but that feeling of being responsible didn’t really hold on for too long.

In just a matter of minutes somehow I managed to lose sight of my little sister and began to panic and desperately tried to call out for here on hopes that see would pop up again, it was only when dad returned and helped me with the search that we eventually found her crawling around under a flower bush after she had tried to fallow a wild Bunny wandering around the garden.

Right after we found her hiding inside that bush dad immediately crawled underneath and scooped Luna back up into his arms and stroked her mane while my little sister was giving him a very happy smile in return.

I told dad that I was really sorry for disappointing him and was preparing myself for the possible scowling and shouting for not keeping an eye on my little sister but surprisingly it never came.

The only thing he told me was that it wasn’t really my fault and that we should be glad that Luna was o.k and happy.

The only thing I could do was to jump up to dad’s chest and hugging him for being so forgiving and understanding towards me.

After all that the day went by as normal with me practicing a bit with my supposed flying skills and Luna getting a new dipper (gross).

Before I continued my trot towards the hallway I told Luna that she could maybe draw a little bit before dad will wake up , she simply nodded and went back into dads room leaving me alone next to the doorway.

I started my trot down the hallway while humming a nice happy tune I once heard on my dad’s laptop, on my why I accidentally bumped into something and it took me a while to regain my senses while rubbing the tip of my nose to fully see on what I bumped into.

“Oh miss Celestia I am very sorry, I was pushing this food cart towards Sir Julius room and didn’t saw you in time.”

“No it’s alright sir John I wasn’t paying much attention ether.” I assured John while giving him an apologetic smile.

I was about to tell him that my Dad was still sleeping but I was immediately interrupted by John asking me a question.

“I would believe that sir Julius is still in bed from last night’s meetings?” John had asked me in which I simply nodded.

“Well that is o.k then, I will just leave the cart outside his room then” John said before saying his goodbye and leaving for the same direction I just came from.

I just shrugged and continued my way toward the stairs and down to the first floor, I turned left and went straight towards the door that would lead me directly outside and into a beautiful sunny day.

The first thing I could smell were the beautiful flower patches that were literally all around me there wonderful sent and aroma giving me a calm and relaxing feeling, but that was soon over when a cute little blue Butterfly landed right on the tip of my nose tickling it and making me sneeze afterwards

“Stupid Butterfly.” I thought as i watched the thing fly off and landing on a nearby flower right next to a bunch of bushes.

A very wicket smile started to form on my face as a very sinister idea made itself known in my head.

“I’m going to pounce it just like a predator would do to his pray” I whispered to myself as I slowly and stealthy crawled to the other side and quietly positioned myself behind my unsuspecting target.

I lied low on the grass from behind the bush and kept a watchful eye on my pray waiting for the right moment to strike, just like a cat I started to wiggle my tail and flatten my ears and keeping myself low as I awaited for the perfect moment of surprise.

“YOU ARE MINE NOW!” I shouted as I jumped out of my hiding position and began to pounce on my little nemesis for making me sneeze and ruining my good day start but instead of catching the Butterfly I was only greeted with a face full of grass and dirt.


(Julius POV)

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep

“Ugh I hate that stupid alarm clock.” I muttered as I finally began to slowly open my eyes for the first time of the day but immediately shut them again after something extremely bright and annoying assaulted my eyes forcing me to grind my teeth in slight pain.

“Ugh Stupid morning sun.” I muttered extremely annoyed.

It took my eyes a few second to adjust them self to the light before I could reopen them again but it took me another 10 min before I even had the will to get up.

“I had a very long night, first this boring meeting and then a strange nightmare.” I thought out loud as I was sitting on my bed still trying to shake away my drowsiness.

The first thing that came into my mind was to check if both Luna and Celestia were still asleep and after taking a look at my left I could confirm that they weren’t , gazing down even further I saw Luna laying on the carped floor with a piece of paper and a stack of colourful crayons and was happily drawing something, after I had both Luna and Celestia for only like a few months I had actually found out that Luna was very interested with drawing, when she was not playing around with her sister or doing anything else she was drawing and they looked pretty good for her age too which makes me easily believe that she can become a very great artist one day just like me when she becomes older.

While I was stretching myself to get some of the sourness out of me I accidentally knocked my alarm clock off my bed table. (In which I was not sorry for hehehe)

I was about to pick it up and place it back onto the table but i was stopped by a very happy and high pitched voice before I could even move.


“That could only be Luna.” I thought with a smirk and that easily confirmed my guess when I saw Luna jumping back up the bed and running toward me as fast as her little legs possibly could, when she was in range she immediately jumped and tackled me onto my chest and began to nuzzle me with a very happy smile on her cute little face.

I simply placed and arm around her to hold her closer to me and to give her more comfort as she was rubbing her cheeks against my chest.

We stayed like that for another minute or two before I place her back onto the bed next to me (much too Luna’s protest) and went into the bathroom to get myself ready for the new day, after I finished my morning rituals I went back into my room with Luna eagerly waiting for me on my bed.

She immediately jumps down and runs right for me, she stop affront of my legs and raised her front hoof towards me telling me that she wants to be picked up which I gladly accepted.

With Luna on my arm and nuzzling the side of my neck I began to think of what today’s schedule is but then I realized that today is Saturday which means no stupid meetings, travels and other retarded boring stuff that I in general don’t really care about.

After opening the door finding my Breakfast (which also includes Celestia’s and Luna’s as well) and grabbing some of it for me and Luna I was planning to go outside and try to find Celestia and tell her to get her breakfast as well but when I was about to make my why to her Celestia suddenly came up the stairs with a face and mane full of dirt, grass, leafs, branches and a very annoyed look on her face.

I had to force myself not to burst out in complete laughter at this very amusing sight in front of me but Luna in the other hand was just laughing her wits out right after both Luna and Celestia made eye contacted.

Luna was literally just rolling around on my arm while she was laughing at the ridiculous look that Celestia had with of course her giving Luna a very angry, annoyed glare for making fun of her.

Before this could get any further I decided that I should ask her what happened so that this very awkward moment could end.

“Celly what happened to you out there you look like a total mess.” I ask her while in the same time not to chuckle at her silly looks.

After I ask her that her angry glare quickly turned into embarrassment and she began to change her gaze to me while rubbing her forelegs together.

“Well....ahm.” she began.

“I was trying to chase down a Butterfly for making me sneeze and instead of catching it I manage to get myself a face full of dirt.” Celestia told me with very embarrassing blush on her face.

I just chuckle at her silliness because it was not the first time something like this had happened to her, I remember just a few months ago when Celly was still trying learn how to use full sentences when a tiny little bee was flying around her while she was eating her jelly sandwich on the kitchen table, at some point this bee has managed to actually land right onto the sandwich that she was trying to eat which of course annoyed her and when the bee was landing on a glass bottle full of orange juice she then somehow had gotten the idea to try and catch the bee with her bare hoofs which of course ended in a complete mess with all the food and utilities scattered all over the floor and for poor little Celly bieng completely covered in jelly, coffee and peanut butter.

Back then it was really funny to see her like this but in the end of the day the hard part was trying to get all of that stuff out from her mane and coat which was a real pain for both me and John but a funny thing for Luna.

And now we are here with almost the same situation like the one a few months ago with Celestia getting herself embarrass and messy thanks with the help of her silly antics.

“I would think that you would have learned from this the last time?” I ask her with slight amusement

“Well....yeah.” She said while rubbing the back of her head and sprouting a very embarrassed and sad expression on her face.

I have to say that little Celestia always looks so dam adorable when she gets embarrassed.

I was about to say something when all of a sudden a very low grumbling sound could be heard coming from somewhere, for a second there I thought that there could be thunder clouds coming from somewhere in the distance when I finally saw that it was Celestia looking at the floor with an even more crimson coloured face.

It was at that point that I remembered that she probably has not yet eaten anything today sense she woke up.

Now I couldn’t help it to generate a full blown laugh of my own over Celestia’s silliness first she get dirty because she was once again in Cat mode and then she completely forgets her breakfast too, well she is still very young so being how she is now is completely understandable.

Before she could start to cry because of her own father laughing at her as well I quickly got to knees so that Celestia is in much better reach for me and with a free hand I slowly started to tickle her behind her neck without paying any attention to the dirt.

As I had planned it slowly started to lift her spirits and she began to giggle again

Right after I was done caressing and calming her down she suddenly did something that took me totally by surprise as she run up to me and locked me in a very tight embrace, but that was nothing compared to what she says to me next.

“No matter where you are, what you do or whatever is happening....i will always love you dad both me and Luna, we will always love you.”

Saying I was stunned was a complete undertaking, this was the first time ever sense that one fateful day I found these two that Celestia has ever told me that she loves me, that she loves me as her father no matter what and even though Luna still doesn’t have the ability to speak I can tell that she does too in how much she likes to nuzzle my chest whenever I am carrying her on my arms.

“They actually love me, love me as there father even though we are all completely different they still love me no matter what?” I thought.

It was still a bit surprising for me to accept this, it had been so long sense anybody told me that they love me, the last time anyone told me this was when my parents were still here and of course that was YEARS ago.

As I was trying to accept the fact that after all those lonely years someone for the first time told me that they love me I began to feel something inside me something that I thought was lost from me sense the day my parents vanished from this world, it was the feeling of being wanted a feeling of being belonged, those two fillies wanted me as there father they feel that they belong here that this is there home there family and most important they love me as there Father.

Those are is the exact same feeling I have now that I once again have something to live for a brand new family.

I felt so happy really happy for my little Celly to finally say those words to me and it also made me feel happy to realize that I have a family of my own.

“I love you too both of you as my lovely daughters.” I gently told them

I didn’t know if it was possible but there smiles at that point have gotten even bigger right after I said those words , I could even see that there were tiny tears starting forming in Celestia’s eyes probably tears of pure joy.

They were probably waiting for me to say those words to them that I as there Father would love and care about them just as much as they do.

But all of those thought were interrupted when suddenly both Luna and Celestia tackled me forcing my back against the hard marble floor of the hallway with Celestia hugging me and crying into my chest of pure joy and Luna just using this opportunity as an excuse to use my stomach as a living trampoline (silly Luna)

We stayed like this for a few minutes with both fillies on my chest and with me wrapping my right arm on both of them until I decided to stop with the cuddling (of course with both Luna and Celestia disappointment) and to finally relive myself from my back pain for hitting the floor so hard.

After I was back on a sitting position both Luna and Celestia were eagerly looking at me waiting for me to maybe say or do something, in the end I WAS going to say something but a very ominous sound made itself know for a second time as I was remembered that Celly still has not yet eaten anything and eventually she did too as her cheeks ones again turned into a nice reddish colour as her tummy made it very obvious that it needed food.

Again I could only chuckle at her antics and decided to finally say something.

“Well I guess the first thing we could do is to get you something to eat but first you need a bath young lady, we don’t want you to look like this while during breakfast now do we?” I pointed out to her.

For a second or two she looked a bit embarrass sense I unintentionally reminded her of her little action but then she eventually smiled at me and nodded her head in approval.

We were about to make our way towards the bathroom before I was stopped by John calling me from the other side of the hallway.

“Sir Julius I have been waiting for you to wake up all this morning, you have received a very important call from one of your partners.”

I raised a curious eyebrow at this and thought who could possible call me during the weekends.

I simply grasp the phone to see who it could possibly be calling me so early in the morning on a weekend no less which was suppose to be my free day.

After a few minutes of talking it turned out that there was supposed to be a important meeting with one of my partners back in Arabia about a very unique and one of a kind deal that could easily shoot me and my worldwide company into the top in an instant possibly breaking any known records and making me the most riches man that ever existed in history.

But all of that was suddenly interrupted when I felt something touch me on my right leg, it was Celestia looking at me with very sad eyes the same sad eyes I had come to dislike on her young, pure and innocent face I only wanted to see both Luna and Celestia happy at all times, seeing them sad automatically makes me sad too and it didn’t help that Luna also had the same look in her face as her older sister.

“Dad are you going to live again?” Celestia ask me with a very sad tone.

After Celestia had ask me this I instantly began to remember what John had told me just a few days ago when I came back from one of my many trips.

John had once told me that when I was always away on my travels Celestia would always continually ask him questions about “when is daddy going to come back home” and “why does he always have to go away so often” and other such related questions.

I really had no idea in how much they would miss me every time I was gone, they were always so overjoyed every time I would get back home after a long and tiresome business trip.

And now seeing it by myself in how sad it would always be for them I truly started to understand how sad there always were when I had to leave.

But then my thoughts went back to the phone call and my chance of a one time opportunity something that would have made my parents if they would have been still alive very proud of me to even take this legendary opportunity myself.

But then I remember Celly telling me just a few minutes ago that both of them loved me as there father and family.

I took a few more glances at John and both fillies until I also remembered that my parents would have be even more prouder with me by making a much more wiser decision and choosing my family first which to them was even more importantly than anything else in the whole wide world.

“Well the choice is clear” I told myself silently as I replaced the phone back at my ear to give this man on the other side of the line my honest answer.

“Sorry but I am not interested, you can go take your offers to someone else who cares, I’m out.” I simply said into the cell phone and opened up a nearby window and carelessly tossed the phone out into a nearby water pound.

“Dad those this mean that your not going to leave again?” Celestia asked me hopefully.

“Nope I’m not.” I replayed with a smile

“And from now on I’m going to try my best to spend more time with the two of you so you two don’t have miss me so much all the time” I added.

Both Luna and Celestia were overjoyed to hear me say that and I immediately picked them both into my arm.

Both Luna and Celly were happily nuzzling me on both my chest and neck while I was holding them in my arms, I could only smile at there affection for me in just under a year of being here with me.

I could see John holding a small smirk on his old face approving of my decision to be a better father for both Luna and Celestia, but my gaze to John was interrupted by Celestia poking me under my chin.

“Dad didn’t you said that I needed a bath...I’m still dirt as you can see.” Celestia told me with an embarrassing smile on her face.

I only chuckled at this sense I actually did forged the fact that she is dirty and needed a cleanup badly before any of that dirt gets and deeper into her mane and coat.

“O.k then let’s get you to the bathtub and if Luna wants to join you that’s o.k as sense the last bath she had was like a few days ago anyway.” I told her in which she only smiled and nodded.

“I’m gone race you to the bathroom dad.” Celestia replied to me as she boldly jumped down from my arm and quickly galloped to her destination while giggling to herself.

For a moment there I panicked a bit as she suddenly jumped down from my arms but luckily she managed to land on all fours and was now running ahead of us to the direction to the bathroom.

“Well Dad aren’t you coming.” She called to me with a very happy expression on her face.

I could only smile at her childish but very smart attitude.

I told to John my thanks and began to fallow Celestia to the place where I could clean her with her sister still on my arms happily nuzzling me on my chest.

After successfully cleaning Celestia and enjoying a nice breakfast together (yes my second one so Celestia’s wasn’t alone) the rest of the day was spend with both Luna and her older sister playing happily outside and in the rest of the day me teaching Luna again how to speak(which isn’t easy) and for Celestia how to read and write.

The day ended luckily with no incidences or awkward or sad moments and night soon fallowed, but the second biggest event of the day happened when I prepared both Luna and Celestia for bed and tugged them both in making sure that they were close and comfortable, as I was about to leave them I was stopped by Celestia calling for me and what she said afterwards almost made my hearth melt.

“Goodnight dad we love you.” Celestia sleepily told me.

There was of course only one thing I could do at that moment, I kneeled down to the two of them and planted two very soft goodnight kisses on both there heads and after that they quickly fell asleep with very happy smiles on there sleeping faces.

The rest of the night was spend by me simply taking care of some boring paper work and calls but in time I decided that it was also time for me to get to bed and after getting myself ready and gently sliding into my soft bed warm bed I finally succumbed into the beautiful and peaceful call of sleep after a very successful and eventful day.
