• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 9,698 Views, 125 Comments

Tales of Fate: A new Future - Navanastra

This is a story about a lonely, depressed rich youn man named Julius who lost his parents at a young age and was forced to endure everything on his own without any friends or family but on one night he will find something that will change his life

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Chapter 5: First Winter

/Chapter 5: First Winter/

“IM SO BOARD.” I mentally screamed as I was sitting in the middle of a very large room with a lot of peoples around me.

I was once again in a conference room with a bunch of my “Executives” discussing about stuff like increase production, buying and selling and all that goody, goody stuff, and it’s so BORING, seriously why are these jokers working for me anyway why did my parents even hired them in the first place all they talk about are about really dumb decisions after dumb decisions and in the end I’m just going to take direct control of all of this anyway and change all there idea into something much more manageable.

From time to time I would risk a glance at a nearby window next to me and would watch as the outside world is slowly being covered into a pure white blanket of snow and ice.

It is the middle of December and it already had been two months sense Celestia had told me that she and her sister loved me as their father and to be honest it still makes me very happy thinking back at that very special moment.

I was forced to wake up extremely early this morning for this meeting making sure not to wake up the two fillies and had to drive over here myself(which I actually really like doing) to the meeting and I had been here ever sense the beginning day.

Looking out the window and seeing this wonderful snowy wonderland outside actually gives me an urges to just go outside and to enjoy this nice snowy weather.

I always loved the winter with all its snowy glory and beauty, playing around in the snow go skiing, have a snowball fight or doing something completely else with the help of my imagination, the winter was always a wonderful thing for me not just for the holydays but mostly because of all the snow that would mostly fallow.

In my younger days I would always play and enjoying the nice white cold wonderland, building snowman’s or snow castle and go sliding down snow covered hills with my Sledge, and now thinking about all of this makes me feel even more dreadful with the fact that I would be stuck here for maybe a couple more hours instead of being outside was really grinding my mood in whole new low, I might be 18 but I still very much enjoy the idea to go speed down a large snow covered hill with a pair of skies and feeling the nice cold wind rushing past my face.

At one point I actually started to think back at Luna and Celestia from the past 2 months, Celestia actually managed in getting better and better in reading and writing while sadly Luna had still some problems to use words and proper speech but luckily for the both of us I noticed some actual progress with her and instead of still calling me dada she finally started to calling me daddy.

Another thing I remembered was that yesterday when Celestia was going to go outside like she normally would everyday to go and to explore the all this white crisp stuff as she calls it and to see what it is.

Back then I was going to tell her that it was mighty cold out there and that her idea of going out there wouldn’t be the smartest thing to do, but before I could even warn her Celestia was already gone and out but only for a few seconds until she came speeding back inside with lightning speeds while in the same time shivering more violently than a 9.0 earthquake, I could only laugh at her expression and silliness and promised her and Luna that I would go out to town and buy something for them so that they could go outside and have fun without them worrying of turning into an solid ice statue.

Of course when I told her that Celestia’s freezing expression suddenly changed to over excitement and she began to ask me random questions like what is it or when can we get it and so on.

“12:45 Am I’m already over 2 hours late.” I thought.

The Conference has already taking much longer than I anticipated, my only thoughts in that moment were how my little Celly and Lulu were doing probably pestering poor old John again with questions like when is dad finally going to come back home and why is dad taking so long.

I could only chuckle to myself at the image, but in reality I do hope that this boring come together can finally stop so I can quickly buy the things I promised them and get back home as soon as possible to my two eagerly waiting daughters, but all of my daydreaming was interrupted as the guy in front suddenly started talking again trashing any hope of this being finally over so I can FINALLY GO HOME.

“Oh you got to be kidding me.”Where my last thought as I silently began to hit my head against the table.


(Celestia’s POV)

“IM SO BOARD.” I literally screamed in frustration.

Luna and I have been waiting for dad to finally come back home for most of the morning with me just laying here on a nice warm comfy carped and my little sister laying just a few feet away from me with a pieces of paper and a box of crayons.

Both Luna and I had woken up in the morning finding that dad was somehow missing from his room, for a moment there I was completely puzzled at were dad could have possibly gone to and that puzzling feeling suddenly turned into a small full on panic as I started to call out for Dad but didn’t receive any answer, Luna in the other hand(or hoof) was already crying and it was really hard for me to calm her down, thankfully for the two of us John immediately came in after probably hearing us screaming for dad and quickly told us that he left early this morning for a very important conference meeting or something like that.

After John had told us that I felt absolutely relived to hear that dad was ok and just out there doing his job whatever it is and would soon later come back right around 10 am.

While Luna and I were waiting for dad to come back I decided to use the time to practice my reading skills by reading some of dad’s old diaries and found out that before Luna and me came into his life that dad was a very lonely and depressed person.

“Oh poor dad” I thought sadly as I was reading some chapters of dads old diary.

It really made me feel sad and sorry for him in how lonely his life was right after his parents or our grandparents died when he was still very young, the mere thought of something like this happening to us and for dad to suddenly leave us would...No, no I don’t even want to think about it.

I quickly closed the book while a few sad tears were rolling down my cheeks.

I first found out about Dad’s past just around a few days ago when I first began to use Dad’s old diary as a learning tool with his permission, the first time I read it I was so sad and sorry for him that I even once ask him if there is anything I could do to help him in which he answered me that the two of us being here with him is already more help than he could possible ask for.

I could only smile at his answer and immediately hugged him for it and told him that I will try my best to make him happy as long as possible.

“I will try my best to be supportive and helpful to you dad this I promise.” I mentally vowed as I slowly place the book onto a nearby table and began turn my gaze over to my sister.

She was like most of her time drawing on a piece of paper, I really have to agree with dad that her drawing for her age are actually pretty good even better them mine to be honest.

I decided to join her and to see what she was drawing and laid myself right next to her and peered over to get a better look at her artwork.

“Hey little sis what are you drawing” I ask her sweetly

“Ships.” She simply answered me.

I could only smile at her, both for actually using words that dad had taught her and for actually drawing a cute looking ship swimming in the middle of the sea with a beautiful colourful sun in the background.

“Wow lulu your drawing looks amazing.” I happily commented her in which she simply smiled at me in and of course me returning the gesture.

While I watched my little sister practicing her drawing talents my mind suddenly went over to the promise dad made yesterday about buying something for us so that we don’t have to worry about catching a cold when we go outside.

All of the other thoughts I had earlier were immediately shoved aside as I began to think excitedly on “what is dad going to buy for us.”

“It would be really nice to finally go outside and play with snow without to worry of catching a cold.” I happily thought to myself as I began to imagine all the different thinks I could do outside maybe even together with Luna and dad.

The more I think about it the harder it was for me to hold myself from jumping up and down from pure excitement but I managed to restrain myself from doing so and to not look completely silly affront Luna.

Dad was always commenting on how much he loved snow and how many thinks you could do with it and if dad has a really strong like for snow than I believe that I will too.

While sitting beside my sister watching her draw and me thinking of all the fun things I could maybe do later I began to notice something at the corner of my eye, right next to me and Luna is what my dad calls a huge panoramic window pretty much covering the entire right part of the living room giving anyone in here a very amazing view of a massive city far in the distance but that was not what got my attention, what got my attention is that the main gate that leads to our home was slowly closing itself right after I turned my head but that was also not what interested me because what I saw coming up towards our house was a very familiar looking black car slowly making its way up the road and parking itself right next to the front door of our home.

I didn’t needed to be told who this car could possible belong too as I quickly got to my hoofs with pure excitement and happiness as I began to hoop around in joy.

“DADDY IS BACK.” I yelled with pure excitement as I quickly began to gallop out of the living room, down the long massive corridors and towards the front doors with a feeling of pure joy that I only get every time when dad finally come back home after being gone for such a long time.

(Julius POV)

“Finally back home that conference took much longer than I would have liked.” I muttered exhaustedly as I am making the final turns toward my parents mansion.

After parking the car in front of the main entrance and stepping out I was greeted with the familiar crunching sounds of snow under my shoes as I made my why toward the front door of my home holding shopping backs in both my hand from the quick trip to the mall I took before driving back home.

As I slowly unlocked the door I could hear very faint clopping sounds coming from the other side of it, when I opened and finally stepped in I was immediately greeted by an overjoyed Celestia running towards me in speeds I didn’t believe she was capable of.

I only had a fraction of a second to react before Celestia jumped up towards my chest and hug tackled me forcing the air out of me and almost making me fall to my knees and dropping my shopping backs.

“Daddy daddy daddy your finally back both Luna and I were so anxious waiting for you.” Celestia shouted in a very cute, high pitched and the most happiest voice I had ever heard in my life.

I could only smile as Celestia was holding onto my chest with both her front and back legs wrapped around me and nuzzling my chest with her muzzle in a very caring and cute way.

“I missed you daddy without you here everything is just so lonely and boring.” Celestia told me.

My heart did a summersault after she said that, the fact that she would always miss me so much even though I would mostly come back in just after few hours was always heath warming, it was not the first time she said that but every time she does I could always sense how much she loves me as a Father.

I simply ruffled her mane in a very Fatherly like fashion and making her giggle in the process, I told her that she can let go now in which she simply said no and kept her grip around my waist while still nuzzling me.

“Well if you don’t let go I guess that you are not interested to see what I bought for you and Luna.” I teased her and right after I told her that and seeing the bags that I was holding her eyes immediately began to sparkle and a very huge smile started to spread across her muzzle.

She finally realised me form her hug and began to hop around wildly like some kind of exited little girl which she actually is.


I could only laugh at her reaction and had a hard time trying to calm her down as she was so overly exited it was almost contagious.

I told her that we can look at the things I bought for them only if Luna is here too.

I almost laughed as she looked very disappointed but eventually nodded and the both of us began to make our why to find her little sister, we found her almost half why towards the living room were Celestia told me she is and when we did I saw that Luna was holding piece of paper in her mouth.

The moment she saw us especially me Luna began to smile and doubled her trot towards us.

She stopped right in front of me and was showing off her drawing to me which I could see was a beautiful drawing of a classic looking sail ship swimming across an ocean with birds and a beautiful colourful sun in the background.

I am really amazed in how good her drawings looked for her age which almost looked the same as mine when I used to be her age.

I bend down to my knees and took the drawing from her mouth to have a better look at it, Luna was smiling and happily waiting for my thoughts about her artwork in which I did.

Luna of course was completely overjoyed to hear me say this and hugged me afterwards, after all of this me and both fillies continued our why towards my room, I placed the bags onto my bed and of course the first one to start pestering me was miss very exited Celestia.

“Oh dad please tell us what you bought for us I want to know it so badly please please please please please.” Celestia begged me.

“Of course Celly.” I simply replied as I began to open the first bag and started to lay out all of its content onto my bed.

The items I bought for Celly were a Aqua blue coloured winter jacket, a white and blue pattered scarf a few colourful sweaters, shirts and even some few socks for her all exactly for her size and body structure.

For Luna I pretty much bought her the exact same things as I did for Celly only that her jacket was in beautiful pure white and all her other cloths were in complete different style size and colour.

Both Luna and Celestia were looking at their new (and first) cloths with great interest and excitement especially Celestia who couldn’t even leave her eyes from her new beautiful jacket and scarf.

I could only watch as both fillies were happily examining their new cloths with pure interest and wonder, I even saw Celestia trying to put on her winter jacket until she realized that she had no idea how to actually put it on properly sense this is her first time to actually start wearing any form of clothes in her entire life and managed to get herself tangled up a petty bad in an attempted to put it on herself.

I could only chuckle at this funny display while Luna once again was just laughing her ass out and rolling around on the floor from left to right in a very cartoony fashion.

Celestia in the other hand was again very embarrassed as she was just laying there on the floor with her head touching one of her hind legs and her front legs completely tied up by the jackets arm sleeves.

Again she glared at her sister for making fun of her and then focused her gaze to me with a very embarrassing smile on her face.

“Uhm...ehehehe I...uhm...I could use some little help over here maybe.” Celly ask me with a sad smile and of course I helped get herself out of her bonds and showed her how to properly put on her new aqua blue jacket and also her new white blue scarf as well.

After helping her putting on her winter cloths I instructed her to go see herself in a mirror and also tell me if she feels comfortable, luckily for us there right next to my bed was a very large mirror were she could easily look at herself.

I watched her for a few moments admire ring herself in front of the mirror until Celestia came running back at me and once again for the second time of the day tackled me and embracing me into a very comfy little hug with her tiny little hoofs.

“I would guess you like it then?” I ask innocently.

“Like it? I absolutely LOVE IT!” Celestia practically shouted.

“Thank you so much dad, does this means that I can finally go outside and play with the snow?” Celestia ask me in a very sweet tone.

“Well yes, yes it does.” I simply answered.

In that moment Celestia eyes were glimmering and her smile that she had the entire time somehow managed to get even larger almost forcing me to give away the same kind of smile she was giving me.

“Well what are we waiting for lets go.” Celestia announced excitedly as she hoped down from me and began bouncing around madly all over the room.

I laughed at her crazy antics and over excitements but then again she is just a little girl after all.

I told her to wait until I also got her little sister dressed up and after a few minutes of getting her ready and making sure that I was also dressed warmly for this all three of us finally made our way outside and into the nice cold and snowy afternoon day with Luna in my arms and Celestia literally skipping and jumping all the why happily smiling and giggling as she did so.


(Celestia’s POV)

"I’m FINALLY GOING OUT INTO THE SNOW OH MY GOD IM SO HYPER DIPER EXITED!” Those were the only thoughts racing through my mind as me, dad and sis were making our why towards the back door.

“I wonder how dad’s garden now looks like.” I thought as all three of us finally took our first steps outside, but what would actually present itself was really something I would have never expected.

My jaw literally dropped at the sight I was presented with, the beautiful garden, the same garden I always play around in with all of its flower, trees, bushes, fountains, small lakes, green hills and its fun mazes all of it was now covered in snow, there was snow just literally everywhere and combine with the rays of the winter sun the frozen pouter around me was glistening and sparkling given the once beautiful green garden that I know so well a very magical and enchanting appearance.

For me it was just breath taking one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

I took my first steps into this white sparkly Wonderland and found out that with every step I took the snow underneath my hoof would make this weird but satisfying crunching sound electing a very faint giggle from me every time it did that, I also noticed that I wasn’t freezing up like at the first time the jacket that my dad generously bought for me was really keeping me warm and comfy.

Another thing I saw from the corner of my eyes was that Sir John was also here outside with us just standing a few meters away from me shovelling some snow away from the roads and to the sides, I don’t know why sir John is shovelling the snow away like that but his job here as far as he told me is to keep this place clean and organized so I would guess that this is one of his jobs too.

While I was admire ring the scenery around me I forged to notice that both dad and Luna had pretty much continued their walk and were by now pretty far away from me so I decided to snap out of my trance and to quickly catch up with them, as I was fallowing them both and continued to marvel at all this white beauty around me I began to remember something that dad once told me about the many things you could do with snow and one particular one was somehow sticking out of me “a snowball fight.”

A very mischievous grin started to form around my muzzle as I got the idea of how to get dads attention and in how to start something really fun.

I grabbed the nearest pile of snow with my hoofs and tried my best to create a snowball, after I was done I gave away one final giggle from me as I took aim at my first target.....Dad.


(Julius POV)

“Ah it’s nice to finally relax here outside after a long and boring day.” I thought.

I was finally outside with little Luna on my arms and away from all my boring work, meetings and other annoying stuff, just me lulu and whole bunch of frozen sugar all around me.

“Nothing could possible ruin this nice relaxing mo.....”

Before I could even finish my thoughts something very soft and dam cold made contact with the back of my head, spraying snow and ice all over me and Luna.

Luna was happily snuggling my chest and keeping herself warm form the cold outside air, and even though she was wearing her jacket with the hood over her head she still enjoyed pressing her cheeks against my jacket and holding a very dopy smile on her face all until that....object hit me on the back of my head spraying snow all over her face and snapping her out of her relaxing trance.

For a moment I was confused on what it was and where it came from until I turned my head to the direction I thought the snowball was coming from and was only greeted by a snow shovelling John and a very innocent, TO innocent looking Celestia sitting right next to a pile of snow and holding her hoof behind her back in a very suspicious manner, of course I knew exactly who it was but just for the sake of playing nice and the fact that it is her first time I continued to be oblivious.

Somehow I knew that right after I would turn my head Celly would try a second shoot at me and when I did I could actually hear the snow crunching behind me giving me the clue to immediately duck and seeing the snow ball fly over my head and landing somewhere behind some bushes affront of me.
I turned around with a smirk and saw that Celly was already holding another snow ball in her hoof ready to be thrown.

After Celestia noticed that I had caught her in the act she immediately dropped the ball and was looking at me with a very sheepish smile on her face.

I only smiled deviously and saw that Luna was nodding at me having the same idea in her mind as I probably because she knows that it was Celestia,s snowball that destroyed her wonderful snuggle time with me.

I began to grab a handful of the cold white stuff myself and began to form it into a ball.

From the corner of my eye I could see that Celestia’s pupils began to shrink and her eyes going wide in horror as she
watched me creating a snowball much bigger then her own.

Now with the snowball in my hand and me grinning down at her she began to slowly back away but unknown to her escape was futile as I got my arm in throwing position.

I looked over to Luna for her clearance in which she simply nodded, and with that I threw the snowball directly towards poor little Celly.

Celestia didn’t even had time to flinch or react in any way as the snowball managed to hit its target dead centre completely covering the little filly in snow and forcing her to collapse to the ground with her flank first.

Me and Luna were literally laughing at this and even John couldn’t help by producing a smile at this very amusing sight.

For a moment or two I was actually worried that I might have been a little bit too rough on her as she finally poked her head out and had a very dizzy look on her face but thankfully after a few seconds she began to regain her senses and began to puff up her cheeks and she began to happily laugh with us.

After a few minutes of fun and laughter all of us managed to regain our composures and started to calm down.
The first one to smile again was of course Celestia who by now had a very competitive look on her face.

“You know that this means war don’t you dad?” She told me with a wink.

“Oh you wish.” I told her back as I was already making a few new snowballs from a nearby pile.

After all of that the battle began both me and Celestia throwing snowball at each other taking cover behind things and constantly throwing and making more snowballs as the war intensified.

While me and Celly were enjoying our self John was simply standing at the edge of the battlefield holding Luna for me both of them smiling at our friendly battle.

After maybe like a half an hour of us pounding each other mercilessly with frozen projectiles both Celly and I decided a truce and rested our self on a nearby bench were we could regain our breath and dust our self from all this snow still sticking on our bodies.

“That was really fun dad” Celestia told me with a smile as I was helping her getting the snow out of her mane and tail.

“Dad could we maybe do something like this again as long as it is winter?” Celestia asked me.

“Sure sweetie as much as you like.” I answered her with a smile.

“Wait a minute did I just called Celestia sweetie?” I thought to myself in utter surprise, Celestia must have somehow noticed it as I began to feel something pressing itself against my right side and saw that it was Celestia looking up at me giving me a very big smile before nuzzling me and resting her head on my right lap her eyes closed in a very relaxed state.

The only thing I could do was smile back at her and scratching her behind the ears electing a very soft but noticeable giggle from her.

While I was comforting the little filly as we both relaxed on the bench John finally came over with Luna still on his arms, Luna immediately jumped off from John and directly landed on my lap with me being surprised for a bit and for Celestia being cut off from her relaxing moment, Luna lied herself to my left and began to snuggle up against me as I also started to scratch her behind her ears as well.

After comforting both fillies John suddenly began to talk braking my focus from the little Alicorns to him.

“It seems that you are having a good time with your two daughters her Sir Julius, in truth it actually had been quite some time sense I have seen you like this.” Said John.

“Well actual yes sir John, it had been a very long time sense I had the change to relax and enjoy myself like this.” I told him, and in reality I did after all those years I never was really in the mood to do something like this sense the day my parents died, only sense I made that wish and finding these two was I able to steer my life into something better and more worth living for, both Luna and Celestia have given me new strength and confident in my life something I will always be thankful to the two fillies.

“Well there are still a few more hours before sundown maybe you should continue to show Miss Luna and Celestia some more fun activities before the day ends.” John suggested.

And I couldn’t agree more even though Luna didn’t had the chance to participate with me and celly’s snow war simply because she is still a bit too young for that kind of stuff but all the other thinks I already had plan out are easily suited for her age.
After John had said those exact words Celestia’s head suddenly perked up at me with glistening eyes and smile.

“Can we really do more fun things together with you dad?” Celestia asked me with allot of hope and a hint of pleading.

For Celestia being able to play with me is actually a pretty rare thing sense the day I found these two, I could only remember just a few moment were I had literally the time to play with them, sense these two had given me so much confident and strength in my life I was sadly busier than ever before , of course I kept my promised that I made two months ago that I would spend more time with them instead of being away so much but that time was never really spend by playing with them and just having pure fun with their daddy which makes it really understandable that today is a very special day for her because Celestia finally had the chance again to just have Fun with me, to be able to play with the very person she looked up so much, and now here she is again hoping that she could have more fun with me ,just me, her and Luna.

I didn’t know how long I was just sitting there, once again trapped in my own mind and thoughts but when I regain my grasp of reality I saw that Celestia was looking at her hoofs with a very sad expression on her face.
All she wanted was some more fun time with her father and now for not answering her earlier simply because I was again busy with my own mind she thinks now that I don’t want to anymore; I could tell that she had so much Fun having a snowball fight with me, the way she was laughing and smiling throughout our entire game was something I rarely saw on her, she wanted more than just spend more time with me, she wanted to play with me, have fun and just share a good laugh with me and her sister.

At that moment I knew that there were still some more uncharted territories I still had to improve if I wanted to just the type of Father like how my own dad was.

“If she wants to have more playtime with me than I will grand her that wish.” I thought with determination as I began to place one of my hands onto her mane and began to gently stroke it.

Celestia finally looked up at me and I spoke.

“If you really want Celly we can go and try to make a snowman next this time with you sister of course.” I told her with a smile.

Celestia just looks at me for a few minutes until her frown turned into a happy smile and she began to stand on her hind legs resting her font hooves on my shoulder until we were at eye level.

“Really dad?” Celestia asked me with hope.

I simply smiled at her and nodded, but before I could even say something I was forced into a fairly strong hug for her size and was nuzzling my neck wildly.

“Well Sir I think I take my leave them, I still have allot of work to do here.” Said John as he dismissed himself and went off to clear more snow somewhere in the distance, after he was out of sight both Luna and Celestia were looking at me eagerly awaiting me to tell them what I had planned for today.

“You two want to go make a snowman, this time Luna and can help too.” I ask them and before I could even flinch both of them immediately shouted YES into both my ears which to be honest was a bit painful for a few seconds, what really surprised me was that Luna also said yes instate of just mumbling cute sounds or simply nuzzling me.

But before I could even react to any of this Celestia suddenly jumps down from the bench and was just standing in front of me with a very eager expression of her face.

“Come on you two lets go lets go lets go.” Celestia excitedly shouts before she suddenly galloped away ahead of us until she suddenly stopped and turned around with a very sheepish look on her face.

“Wait....how do you make a snowman?” Celestia asked me with a very sheepish smile on her muzzle.

I felt like face palming at that moment but I managed to restrain myself from doing so and just focus what’s at hand here.

Celestia might be a very intelligent girl for her age but sometimes she can get ridiculously clueless without warning.

We simply laugh at her silliness and continued our way to a much more open area where we could do more fun things together.

The rest of the day was really Fun for the two Alicorns as I planned the first thing we did was trying to build a snowman.

The first few minutes of even trying to pile up enough snow for the body was just nothing but a huge mess, every time when Celly and I were almost finished with the body Luna would simply jumped right out the blue and land right at the middle completely collapsing the whole pile of snow and forcing us to do it all over again and again, over time I could easily notice that Celestia was starting to get annoyed by her sister and was at the end telling her to stop doing that but for me to be honest it was just so adorable, I could clearly see that Luna had allot of fun to just simply jumping into a huge pile of snow just like how a kid would love to jump into a pile of leaves during fall session.

But overall all of the three us had allot fun and Celestia was more focused on putting on the details on the snowman after the base was done like giving it arms button and other things you could expect on a snowman, both Luna and Celly were smiling and laughing all the way which even forced me to smile throughout the entire time.

In the end though me and Celly had decided to give Luna the honour to put the last and final piece of our well made snowman by lifting her up onto my arms and for her to place the top hut onto the snowman’s head.

After we were done with the snowman I just stayed there for a few moments admired the work we had done and watching the two fillies happily running circles around our snowman.

There was still a little bit of day light left so I decided to show them the Fun of sliding down a snow covered hill, luckily for us I had a really big one at the other end of my property, I quickly went back to my parents mansion and quickly snatch my old sledge and went back to the two eagerly waiting fillies.

The rest of the day was spend by showing them how to slide across the snow with my old sledge and I could tell that this was Luna favourite part.

Every time when all three of us would slide down the slopes Luna would always laugh and shout the loudest and would always be begging me for more with her cute little eyes and smile, at some point I even let those two fillies use the slide without me in which Celestia was a bit sceptic and also afraid to do but Luna in the other hand was not even worried the slightest the only thing that was going through her mind was ”Just want to slide some more” judging by how she was hoping up and down around my old sledge.

But after a few tries Celestia managed to get rid of her slight fear and began to enjoy herself with her sister sliding down the slopes while I was standing at the base happily watching as these two fillies are having the time of their life.

But eventually the day ended and we were forced to head back inside after the air outside got even more coldly and uncomfortable.

On our way back Luna was once again resting on my arms and nuzzling her head close to my chest in hopes of keeping herself warm from the outside air, half the way through Celestia who was walking beside me turned her head to me and began to ask me something.

“Dad, could we maybe do something like this again tomorrow?” Celestia asked me innocently.

“Of course we can Celly.” I answered her with a smile.

After hearing this she began to skip around and bounce the rest of the way and almost tripping when we arrived to the back entrance

The rest of the evening was spend in affront the fireplace at the living room, John had brought some tea and both fillies were playing tag all around the living room slipping through tables couches and other form of furniture’s.

It was once again snowing outside making the atmosphere inside our home even more comfy and welcoming, while I was sitting there alone on my couch enjoying my tea and slowly dozing off I started feel something nudging me on my legs and saw that it was both Lulu and Celly standing there affront of me with Celeatia holding a book in her mouth both smiling up at me.

“Dad, could you maybe read this book for us?” Celestia ask in a very sweet tone.

I took the book from her and was pretty surprised after I read the front title.

“The Hobbit by j.r.r tolkien.” I thought as I was looking back at the two fillies and saw that they were still smiling at me waiting for me to answer their request.

“Well why not.” I told myself in my mind as I nodded for the two fillies to sit beside me.

Of course both Celly and Lulu were overjoyed to hear that I would read them a story and immediately hoped up onto the couch and cuddled them self close to me.

And thats how the rest of the evening was spend with me reading for them while enjoying a cup of nice hot chocolate that John had brought.

It didn’t took long before both Celly and Lulu started to get a bit drowsy until both of them started to slowly close their eyes and rest their heads onto my lap.

Seeing this I decided to close the book and to call it a day and began to slowly stroke both fillies to help them drift into sleep much easier, both began to smile cutely in their sleep forcing me to sprout a small smile of my own.

I was going to carry both fillies to bed right after they would fall asleep but seeing them already sleeping so peacefully and happily right beside me made me cancel my idea.

“I guess it doesn’t hurt to sleep here in the living room for once.” I thought plus I can also remember that this couch can be expanded almost turning into an actual bed.

After doing that I carefully made myself comfortable without disturbing the two sleeping fillies, the fire was still burning giving the room a nice warm and relaxing atmosphere easily lulling me into a relax state and the feeling of getting sleepy.

I finally began to close my eyes and with the combination of the cracking sounds coming from the fireplace and the soft sound of wind blowing outside it didn’t took long before I was being dragged into a deep peaceful sleep after a long, exhausting and interesting day.
