• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 9,698 Views, 125 Comments

Tales of Fate: A new Future - Navanastra

This is a story about a lonely, depressed rich youn man named Julius who lost his parents at a young age and was forced to endure everything on his own without any friends or family but on one night he will find something that will change his life

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Chapter 14: Camping and emerging danger (part 2)

/Chapter 14: The trip and first danger (part 2)/

“Ugh are we almost there sis?” I whined after a whole hour of running and chasing behind my big sister.

Racing all the way over to our campsite was really not one of my best ideas because now I was completely drained and exhausted because of it.

“Actually we’re already here Lulu,” my big sis answered.
In fact she was completely right with her claim as I finally spotted our camping location, a small cozy hut at the middle of a clearing with an amazing view of a big and beautiful lake and a range of massive snow covered mountains in the distance.

I actually remember from last year that me, big sis, Lukas and dad constructed this small looking wooden house together simply as a fun project and also because our friend Lukas used to be part of the carpenter club back in school. He had the idea back then to try out some of the lessons in how to build a wooden shack which in the end turned out to be a basic looking small hut.

We visited this place a lot after it was done as our personal quiet hangout spot during school breaks and weekends, but never ever tried to stay in it overnight as we have planned to do today with just the two of us.

I just hope that it isn’t going to be too cold tonight since our small hut isn’t exactly very well isolated to start with.
Not very far off was a massive clear lake with a glorious view of the surrounding forest and the mountains in the distance, a view that was always awe striking to me every time we went here, and it still is.

“Come on Lulu, I think it would be easier for you to run around without those heavy bags on your back,” my sister called from the entrance of the hut, snapping me out from my thoughts. Taking my gaze off from the lake I immediately trotted over towards my sister and entered the hut after her.

The place was still pretty much clean and intact by the looks of it with some of our cushions and blankets still nicely tucked away in one of the corners of our small hut.

After placing my bags down beside my sisters I was finally free from all of that extra weight and immediately began to stretch both my legs and wings to remove some of the stiffness in them after a whole hour of trotting and carrying them.

“Hey Lulu check it out. I brought our camera with us so that we can take pictures to remember this,” my big sis suddenly announced while

I was still arranging our stuff.

“Wait. I have an idea,” sis quickly added after that.

“What idea?” I asked her curiously after turning my gaze to her.

“How to get Lukas to notice you more without you having to say or do anything,” she answered me with a smile.
I was completely confused by her statement and taken a bit by surprise.

“What does she mean by that?” I thought to myself in confusion.

But before I could even question her about it she began to trot over to me while still holding her trademark smile on her muzzle.

“Let’s arrange these pillows and blankets over there. You don’t want to lay down on a cold wooden floor now would you?” she told me with a small wink.

“…O.K,” was my only response.

I was still very much clueless about what my sister had intended as I just helped her to unwrap the blankets and neatly laid down the pillows on top of them, laying everything nicely onto the wooden floor.

“O.K then, Luna you just lay yourself down on your sides facing the door while I go and take a photo of you,” big sis instructed me.

Still not very sure what my sister had in her mind I simply decided to just follow her instruction and to discover myself what she had intended.

“Well if she thinks that this is going to help me with my interest for Lukas then I guess it would be ok to just follow her instructions,” I thought as I laid myself onto the blanket and cushion covered floor.
“Ok now let’s see here,” she said to herself as she was observing me with the camera around her neck.

Watching her fiddling around with the camera with her hoofs really gave me more time to think about Lukas again while she was busy with it.

Whenever he is not around me or somewhere close by I just can’t help but think about him constantly when I have nothing better to do or to think about, sometimes even awakening some very blush inducing fantasies, things I should definitely keep for myself.

“Ok now could you please move your tail to the side a little bit?” big sis asked me with a smile.

“But…but that would completely reveal my flank,” I told her back in surprise.

“That’s the idea,” she said back, still smiling.

I slowly started to emit a very visible blush of embarrassment on my cheeks. I did as my sister asked me to do before quickly grabbing my tail with my hoof and re-covering my flank again right after I saw my sister getting ready to take the photo.
The response I got for it was raised eyebrow and a look from my sister.

“Lulu how am I supposed to take a nice photo of you for Lukas if you are being too embarrassed and shy to work with me?” my sister asked me with a neutral look.
“Well, you can take all the pictures of me as much as you want, but without me totally exposing of my flank,” I told her back, clearly uncomfortable and slightly annoyed.
This time the response I got from her was amused giggle as she placed the camera onto a nearby chair.

“Lulu, the best way to get a boy you like to notice you is to show him how pretty and cute you look. Of course character and personality are important too but as a starter cute looks are definitely the key factor,” big sis explained.

“And what better way to show Lukas how cute you really are by showing him all of your pretty looks, which of course also includes your behinds,” my sis quickly added with a small wink.

I was still a bit unsure with all of this and had no real idea if I should really go through with this or not.

But before I could even get my mind around this idea I was suddenly interrupted by a hoof touching my shoulder and the face of my sister looking straight at me with her usual encouraging and calming smile.

“You know if you want to I could also be in the photo with you doing the same thing as you, that way you won’t feel so embarrassed anymore,” she offered to me as she laid herself down beside me.
I laid there deep in thought about what my sister had offered.

After all this time I had either miserably failed or just chickened out completely from just telling him straight on how I really felt about him, and over that time managed to either embarrass myself or just make myself look really stupid either in front of him or even my classmates .

I know that I am still a young filly and have plenty of time to get myself ready for a possible relationship with someone I really like, but still getting Lukas to like me in the same why I like him would be a very nice fantasy indeed, and at this point after all of my horribly failed attempts I am pretty much ready to just go and take any advice, both from my dad or my sister.

“Eh… Luna, hello?” I heard my sis say as she tried to get my attention by waving a hoof in front of me.

I immediately snapped back as I turned my attention back towards my sister.

“Oh yeah…sorry big sis. I was just in deep thought back there,” I apologized to her while rubbing the back of my neck.

“Well you definitely looked like it,” she told me back with a smile.

“Well, if you think that this could help me get his attention then I guess

I could just try it, if you are with me on the photo of course,” I told her after that.

Big sis only nodded as she got herself up, moved a small box in front of us and placed the camera on it. I watched her fiddling around with it for a few more moments until she trotted back and laid herself back down beside me while inching her way closer to me and holding me near with her hoofs.

“Uh…” was all I managed to get out as I began to blush.

“I set the camera on auto which means it will snap a shot for us in few more seconds,” she explained to me.

The light suddenly changed from green to red as the camera indicated that it was ready to take the shot.

“Ok, three, two, one smile,” Sis warned right before the camera began to flash as it finally took a picture of us with me and big sis cuddled up together while fully revealing our flanks.

(Authors Note: Basically is the front cover art but without the background of the hut.)

After all was done, sis quickly got back up and grabbed the camera from its box and began to press a few bottoms on it with the tip of her nose.

“Hey Lulu come check out the picture,” big sis called out to me.

Standing up and quickly trotting over to her she showed me the photo of us on the cameras LCD screen.

To be completely honest I do look rather cute in that picture with sis and I holding each other.

I even managed to see a slight blush on my face -something I didn’t realize I had when the picture was taken.

“Well what do you think Lulu; aren’t we both cute in this picture?” big sis asked with an amused tone.

“Well…” I began while trying to think of the right words first before saying anything. “Cute isn’t really the word I would be calling this,” I told her honestly. “More like sexy,” I quickly added with a small blush and a giggle.

Big sis’s reaction to that was a small giggle as well until both of our giggles suddenly turned into full blown laughter.

After a while both of us managed to calm ourselves down a bit as we began to take in some needed air after laughing our flanks off.

“Wow Lulu, this is really the first time ever I heard you say that. Aren’t you still a bit too young to be saying stuff like that?” big sis asked me between breaths.

“Aren’t you as well?” I asked her back while breathing heavily.

“Not really, I am beginning puberty after all so thoughts like those are pretty normal for me. I know this because I looked it up on the internet and even asked dad once,” she explained to me.

After a while we managed to fully calm ourselves down and sat ourselves back onto floor where we placed all of our blankets and cushions.

“It is starting to get late, how about we get ourselves ready for the night?” big sis suddenly asked.

Looking out the nearest window of our hut I could clearly see that the sun was already slowly disappearing behind the mountains and turning the once brightly lit forest into a dark and gloomy place.

“Definitely don’t want to be hanging out outside when it’s dark with all the possible predators and other animals roaming around,” I thought to myself with a bit of nervousness and fear.

“Come on Lulu, let’s get a campfire going on outside so that we can have some light for the night and also to keep the night monsters away from us",” my sis told me with a small giggle after she realized her little rhyme she did with light and night.

I agreed as I quickly got myself back up onto all fours and helped her with the preparation of a nice and cozy campfire by collecting some pieces of wood and branches from the surrounding forest while also getting myself a nice and painful splinter into one of my hoofs for my efforts.

“I hope that I can finally tell her about my little secret today. This is one the reasons why I even agreed to do this in the first place so that I can finally privately tell her about something that has been bothering me for a few months now,” I whispered to myself as I began to make my way back towards our little hut while also trying to remove the painful splinter on my hoof with my teeth.

“Ouch…%&@#!!!” I cursed as it came out.


(Celestia’s POV)

“Hey Luna, look at that constellation. I think it is the one with the lion if I am not mistaken,” I told my little sister while pointing at the direction with my hoof.

“Silly big sis, that is the Virgo not the Lion,” Luna told me back while stifling a giggle.

When it comes to stars and constellation there is no other with more interest in them or knowledge than my little sister Luna.

Her fascination with that subject and eagerness to learn more about has always been her absolute favorite thing to do, besides gaming.

About two years back, dad even bought her a telescope so that she could have a much better view of the stars and also a much easier way for her to study them.

Since then she was pretty much outside every night (when she wasn’t playing online with her friends) to look at the magnificent night sky when the stars were showing.

I always watched her from the windows when I was busy doing my assignments or projects and it always was very pleasing to see her fiddling around with that telescope of hers while also trying to make notes on the location of the constellations and their names.

She even once came running back into our home telling me and dad that she had discovered our families star in the night sky, a star she called was the symbol of our love and extremely close relationship as a family.

It really made me giggle back then after hearing that from her but also very happy and excited to know that our family had our own star as a symbol of our close bond.

“Hey Lulu, I think that is our star over there,” I announced as I pointed my hoof at the general direction up in the night sky.
Lulu follow my gaze and smiled as she managed to spot at what I was pointing at.

“Yup that’s the one, our family star,” she happily said as she was looking at it as well.

Luna and I continued to happily gaze at this wonderful scene in front of us simply enjoying each other’s company as the sound of crickets surrounded us, making this moment even more peaceful and beautiful than it already was.

Luna suddenly began to huddle over to me, smiling at me as she did while I gave a smile to her in return.
I took her by her hoof and pulled her over to me as I quickly wrapped my hoof around her and embraced her into a warm and caring hug as both of us began to nuzzle and cuddle with each other while lying on the grass and gazing up at the beautiful night sky above us, with the light of the full moon reflecting itself of the lake making everything glimmer and shimmer around us.

A truly beautiful sight to behold.

“A really beautiful night for the two of us to spend some sisterly time together, don’t you agree Lulu?” I asked her as I began to stroke her mane with my hoof.

“Mhmmm,” She hummed as a response as she simply rested her head onto my chest while closing her eyes.
I simply giggled at her cuteness as I continued to gently pet her and watching her ears slowly flop down in enjoyment.

“I really wish right now that dad would be here, enjoying this wonderful moment with us,” I thought with a longing sigh.

I too began to close my eyes as the sounds of crickets and the splashing of water from the lake played like a lullaby for me. I felt incredibly relaxed and at peace as I continued to gently stroke my little sister’s mane.

Taking full advantage of this peace I began to reminisce all of our wonderful memories we had together.

I still very much remember the first time where I managed to say my first true words to dad and also remembering how both surprised and happy he was because of it.

I also still remember the time where little Lulu had what I like to call

“an accident” on our fathers bed when me and Lulu were still sleeping with him. It was also the first time ever where I laughed so hard that my tummy would start to hurt after seeing the reaction on poor dads face when he smelled it.

A small giggle forced itself out after replaying that particular memory within my mind and didn’t realize that I accidentally disturbed my little sister from her little nap. She stirred and looked up at me with half open eyes.

“Mmm, sis what are you giggling about?” she asked me as she rubbed her eyes adorably.

“Nothing much, just re-visiting some old memories,” I answered her with a kind smile.

“Oh, which ones?” she asked me curiously.

“Well, about the time when you…” I began but stopped as I suddenly felt my stomach suddenly rumbling and causing me to blush a bit in embarrassment.

Luna’s response was loud and cute as a giggle but stopped as her tummy began to protest, causing her to blush as well and me to giggle.

“Want to go and eat some dinner?” I asked her while still giggling.

“…Sure,” she quickly responded while still being a bit embarrassed.

Luna got off of me to give me some space to get myself back up and immediately the two of us began to trot over back towards our hut.

After entering I quickly began to search around my backpack and pulled out a batch of sandwiches of many different styles and ingredients.

“What would you like Lulu; I have strawberry jam, blueberry or orange, or do you like a cheese sandwich or a vegetarian one?” I asked her as

I laid all the different choices in front of her.

“Strawberry Jam,” she answered with a smile.

“Easily predictable,” I thought to myself as I handed (hoofed) her the strawberry sandwich while rewarding myself with a cheese one.

The rest of the evening was simply spent with the both of us either stargazing some more or trotting and playing along the shores of the lake, all under the cover the enchanting moon light.

Soon after, me and Lulu laid ourselves back down directly on the shores of the lake while looking out into the distance towards the other side and out to the majestic mountains in the distance.

“Hey big sis!” I suddenly heard her call as I switched my gaze from the lake to her.

“Yes…” I responded with a smile.

“There is something I wanted to tell about for a long while, but…but I was too afraid or unsure to tell you or dad,” she suddenly announced while looking at the sand below her.

The mood of this evening suddenly changed from fun and relaxing to more sad and serious in a blink of an eye, something I was really not expecting to happen anywhere at any point for tonight.

I scooch myself closer to my sister as I began to wrap a wing around her to try and comfort her with whatever was bothering her inside her mind while I nuzzled her cheeks with the tip of my snout.

“You can tell me anything Lulu, I will always listen to you and so will dad. If there is anything that bothers you or even scares you then just share it with me or dad. You don’t have to be afraid, we are always here for you Lulu,” I told her honestly with an encouraging smile and nuzzle.

Luna sighed but eventually gave a small smile to me in return before sighing again.

“Well I never ever told you or dad about it simply because I was too frightened with the experience, plus I had also presumed that if I told you guys about it you would probably think that I was crazy or something,” she started while hanging her head and looking at the sand below her hoofs.

Now I was really curious and worried.
Something that happened to Lulu was too scary and shocking for her to even tell US. Now I really needed to know, not for curiosity's sake, but for her safety, and I needed to know it now so that I can help her with whatever was bothering her and also hopefully calm her.

I simply waited for her to continue on as I watched her draw circles on the sand with her hoof nervously.

“Well It was around a month ago, when it was science week back in our school,” she started while still drawing circles in the sand.

“After doing our science projects together with me and my group, right after classes was done, I told my group partners and teacher that I was going to stay a little bit longer alone in the room after class to fiddle and test with it a bit more,” she continued to explain.

“It was just a simple set up with light bulbs attached to it and I was more or less trying to figure out myself why one of them wasn’t lighting up when I plugged it in and was going to try and fiddle around with, but unfortunately for me back then I forgot to unplug it first, and when I placed my hoof into one of the sockets I got painfully shocked,” she quickly added.

Now I was shocked and worried.

“Wait…you got electrocuted?” I questioned her in shock. “Why haven’t you told us or anyone anything about it, it could easily have been something serious so why didn’t you say anything!” I yelled at her in panic.

“Wait sis, let me finish first!” she yelled back, immediately shutting me up.

“Yes, I got horribly and painfully electrocuted, but it was what happened next that I wanted to tell you guys.” she told me after both of us calmed down a bit.

“Right after my head was cleared and some of the dizziness was gone, I quickly began to inspect myself if everything was ok, which thankfully it was. But as I got myself back up I began to notice a weird glow on the upper corner of my eye. I tried to find its source but wherever I turned and tried to look for it the strange glow above my vision was still constantly there no matter where I turned, all until I turned around and suddenly faced a mirror small mirror that was standing upright onto a table.” she continued while looking at the lake.

I waited with great anticipation for her to continue her story as I watched her collecting her thoughts.

“It…It was my horn sis…My horn was the thing that was glowing,” she finally told me.

At first I was utterly confused by this and also a bit skeptical, but before I could even say a word to about it I got quickly cut off by Lulu.

“The weird bluish light was coming directly from my horn. Back then I didn’t know why and how it was doing that, but back then I was absolutely surprised and shocked out of my skin,” Luna explained to me as she was looking at the full moon above us.

“I tried everything to stop my horn from glowing, from simple things like water or alcohol, too more extreme things like hitting it against a table to even electrocuting it by sticking it inside the socket again, which turned out to be a horrible idea as my horn suddenly began to crackled and glow even brighter.” She quickly added to her explanation.

I simply continued to listen to her story patiently, saving up the questions for later to not interrupt her.

“At this point I was really slowly starting to panic, not only was it glowing even brighter than it was before but it also sounded and looked like that it was going to explode or something.” She continued her story as my jaw slowly hung lower and lower.

Again her story seems very farfetched and unbelievable but knowing my sister and seeing the expression on her face while she was talking on was easily the indicator that she wasn’t lying about it at all and could possibly be telling me the truth about it.

“So…what happened to you after that, did it go back to normal after a while or something?” I finally asked her after a long while of listening.

The only response I got from her after asking that was a very nervous look and a bit of shuffling with her hoof before looking back at me.

“Well…it did…thankfully but…but not after -well…” she began but was by the sound of her voice too nervous to finish.

I simply decided to let her take her time and to not pressure her.

“Well not after my…uh…my horn suddenly began crackling even more violently, and when it seemed it couldn’t get any bigger and louder, it finally exploded in a massive ball of light which immediately caused me to fly backwards and hit the closest wall. Thankfully back then I really didn’t hit the wall too hard so everything with me was pretty much ok, but sadly I couldn’t say the same for the classroom though,” Luna continued after her pause.

I was immediately shocked to hear this.

“Wait…that happened? Seriously Luna if what you said really happen to you then why didn’t you tell me or dad straight away,” I immediately shouted to her, clearly not very fond with the fact that she had never ever told me or anybody about this in the first place it happened.

Luna expression after my outburst was first shock and slight fear before quickly turning into a sorry and regretful look.

“I…I know sis…I…I really should have told you and dad about it. But that is way I felt so unnerved for the past month simple because I didn’t tell you and dad any of that while in the same time I just couldn’t. It was really slowly eating mind away because of it. I am sorry big sis,” Luna explained and apologized with a very sorry look on her muzzle as she was looking at the sand under her.

That immediately managed to calm me down as I could only feel sympathy for her as I scotch myself closer to her and laid my head against hers in a caring manner.

“It’s ok Luna. At least nothing really dangerous has happened to you and that is really the only thing that counts right now,” I told her with a kind and caring smile while nuzzling her gently.

After a while my little sister finally managed to calm down as she lifted her head again to look at me with slight a small smile of her own.

“Thanks big sis. I…I real needed that.” Luna thanked me with a smile.

“That is what big sisters are for, Lulu,” I told her back happily.

“Well…” Luna began again.

“Well long story short I was pretty dizzy and also scared out of my skin after that experience, I quickly began to clean the classroom up as best I could and while doing so managed to calm myself a little bit and immediately made my way back home as quickly as I could after that.

My horn was still faintly glowing but it was a good that I had my winter hut with me that day and put that on me to cover my glowing horn even though it wasn’t even cold outside.” Luna continued to explain to me while again looking at the lake.
“You do remember that day do you? You where the one who opened the door for me when I finally came back home late that evening,”

Luna asked me in the end and turning her gaze towards me.

Luna mentioning that part actually made me remember that particular day, one of those rare days when I am back home from school first instead of her.

I simply nodded.

“Well now you know what I was trying to hide the rest of the evening when I insisted that I would keep it one me for the rest of the day,”

Luna told me with a sheepish smile.

I simply nodded again, remembering that particular evening when I was constantly harassing her about the reasoning of keeping her hat on indoors.

"Well that is really all I wanted to tell you sis. In the next morning, though, my horn suddenly had stopped glowing, which was a massive relief for me back then, and over time I actually managed to completely forget about it even though it was the weirdest, strangest and also frightening thing I have ever experienced," Luna finally finished with a sad smile while looking into the distance again.

Everything Lulu told me so far was still very weird and confusing to me, but also a bit interesting as well for the idea that our horns have the ability to glow and had such interesting abilities was very intriguing to me to say the least.

“Wow, I never thought that our horns could do that, and here I thought our horns where just annoying and useless stubs of bone,” I thought to myself in interest.

“Wait…how could I know that MY horn would be able to do the same thing as hers in the first place. It is also possible that only Lulu would be able to do that and not me,” I continued the train of thought.

I was always a bit of a believer of magic and other such fairy tales simply because in my younger days my daddy used to read a lot of them to me which I then continued on by myself when I finally learned how to read.

Lulu on the other hand was just like me when she was still very young herself, but all of that quickly began to die down with her when she started to play video games, read comics and improve her artistic skills in drawing and painting.

“Hey…uh, big sis?” I suddenly heard my sister say as she nudged me and snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Oh yeah, sorry Lulu I…uh…I was lost in thought,” I answered her with a small smile.

“About what?” she simply asked me with a tilted head.
“Well about your whole glowing horn story. The idea that our horns are capable of doing something like that is actually very interesting -for me at least,” I explained to her honestly while thinking about it.

“Interesting? I was happy when it finally stopped, the whole thing was just so weird and creepy for me back then and is still now,” Lulu told me back with a not so amused look on her face.

“Well…The reason why it sounds so interesting to me is because…uhm…well, it sound very magical to me,” I answered her sheepishly knowing very well the reaction I would get from her.

Luna first looked at me funny before finally snorting in disagreement.

“Don’t be silly big Sis, magic isn’t real. Everybody knows it, and the magic you do see are just tricks and illusions,” she told me while chuckling a bit in amusement.

“Yeah…yeah I know that Lulu but…you know…it can’t hurt to just believe,” I told her back while rubbing the back of my head and smiling.

“Besides, if it’s not magic then how do you explain the sudden glow of your horn?” I quickly asked her after that.

Luna was about to answer but stopped as she realized that she didn’t have the answer to my question.

I could clearly see how she began to think and converse with herself in hoping to find some sense and logic for what had happened to her and also with the idea I suggested, but after a few minutes of silence she suddenly aimed her attention back towards me with a slightly defeated look on her face.

“Ok…I guess it could be something like magic or something,” she said unsurely.

I smiled, finally having found possible proof to one of my earliest and most secret fillyhood dreams: magic.

“But still, it can be anything else as well. Maybe my horn works like the butts of firefly’s, they are not magic but still glow anyway,” Luna quickly explained after getting an idea.

“Well there goes my only possible proof of magic” I thought to myself in slight disappointment after realizing that her idea could also be easily possible.

I saw my little sister yawn after that thought, reminding me as well that it really was a long and tiresome day and already about time for us to finally hit the pillows.

“Want to call it a day and head back to the hut? We can discuss it and have more fun together in the morning. What do you think Lulu?” I suggested with a yawn.

She nodded simply with half lidded eyes.

We eventually made our way back to our hut and quickly closed the door behind us to keep nature's surprises outside.

We helped each other prepare our blankets and pillows and eventually made ourselves comfortable after everything was done and laid out neatly.

“Wait sis…what about the campfire outside? It’s still burning,” Luna asked after she laid herself beside me.

“What about it Lulu? It is neatly isolated with rocks and pebbles with nothing flammable near or around it. It will slowly burn itself out over night while also keeping the wildlife away from us,” I explain to her while yawning again.

She understood with a nod as I watched her curling herself up beside me and covering herself with our shared blanket and quickly beginning to doze off the moment she laid her head down onto her pillow.

I continued to look at her and quickly realized that the moon light from outside that was coming from one of the windows was somehow making her fur and mane sparkle and glitter a little bit almost as if like there were tiny firefly’s hovering around her, which was something I have never seen before, especially on her.

“Could magic be really real?” I questioned myself within my mind as I began switching my gaze over from my sister towards the moonlight bathed window in front of me.

I grinned to myself as I viewed the stars and the moon from my position.

Laying right next to sister, being surrounded by cozy pillows and tucked inside a warm and soft blanket while observing the beautiful night sky outside our little hut was really warming my heart and relaxing my mind, removing all sorts of problems and unrest within me in an instance.

“No wonder Lulu likes the night so much. Having such a beautiful and enchanting scene in front of you only after dawn is really something you should never ever miss. It really is no mystery to why she loves the night,” I thought to myself happily as I looked back over to my sister with a big smile on my muzzle.

Watching her sleeping soundly next to me while being illuminated by the Moon gave an enchanting look on her, but also very cute and beautiful, more so than she already was.

Almost to the point where I began to envy her a bit because of her incredible cuteness, something she definitely has far more on her than me sadly.

“Oh Luna, my little sister, you have no idea how much I love and care for you. You and dad are the most important and most precious individuals in the whole wide world,” I whispered to myself with a heart filled smile.

After that thought, I began to feel the symptoms of sleepiness, as my body started to feel very tired and heavy, telling me that I was up and awake for today long enough and that it was about time for me to hit the hay and catch some well needed Z’s.

I curled myself up right beside my sister as I protectively and caringly warped my fore arms around and accidentally electing a small sleepy groan from her.

I simply couldn’t resist to smile and giggle at her cute reaction and give her a small and gentle kiss on her cheek before laying down.

“Goodnight Luna and sweet dreams,” I quietly whispered to her as I also began to slowly close my eyes with my little sister firmly in my caring and protective embrace, and it wasn’t long before sleep finally overtook me as well.