• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 9,698 Views, 125 Comments

Tales of Fate: A new Future - Navanastra

This is a story about a lonely, depressed rich youn man named Julius who lost his parents at a young age and was forced to endure everything on his own without any friends or family but on one night he will find something that will change his life

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Chapter 3: A final decision

/Chapter 3: A Final Decision/

Well, it really was a crazy day. First, I was depressed as usual, then made a wish on a shooting star, got my wish granted (I think?), found two unique creatures in my garden, brought them inside, and now one of them is calling me ‘Daddy’.

I didn’t know that they already had the ability to speak or say anything; The only thing I knew was that sitting on my bed, right before me, was two creatures right from a children's fantasy book.

I was simply sitting there on my carpeted floor, facing my bed with Celestia’s hoof pressed against my chest, looking at me with a confused look on her face, probably wondering if she did something wrong after my sudden change of expression. Luna, on the other hand, was looking at me as well, but with sad, teary eyes.

After seeing her like this, my utterly surprised look quickly faded and was replaced with a pained expression of sudden guilt.

I had just shouted at them for believing that I’m their father, their ‘Daddy’. I, the one who was going to take care of them, yelled at them out loud just because of that. They probably didn’t even have any real parents. As far as I know, they just appeared in my garden from seemingly nowhere! The more I thought about it, the more I started to believe that it was because of me that they even came into existence in the first place, making the idea that I AM in fact their father more plausible.

While my mind was, once again, working in overdrive mode (like it had been since the morning), I noticed that Luna was slowly making her way towards me, still with tears in her eyes and a sad face on her features. She joined her sister at her side and also began to stand on her hind legs and pressed her front hooves against my chest for balance and looked up at me with her big, sad, blue eyes with tears now clearly visible running down her cheeks.

“Dadda?” sobbed Luna.

I could only watch as Luna was trying to pull at my jacket with her hoofs and flattering her tiny wings trying to get up to me while still calling to me and crying at the same time.

That moment reminded me of the time when I was just a kid; the time when the tragic deaths of my parents happened. My parents, the people I had always looked up to for inspiration; my parents who had always loved me for who I was, especially my father.

I can still remember the days when I was little; that I always wanted to be like my father: brave, smart and full of life. In his youth, my father used to be a traveller, going far away and to exotic places with his friends or even with his own father. His father was an archaeologist and he would sometimes follow his father on his expedition as an assistant.

But most of all he was a great father. In a few years after he married my mother, who already was the owner of her own small company, I was born. For the most part, it was my mother who would go on those trips while my father stayed home with me, and spent time with me. He always played with me, taught me about stuff and was just a great, almost perfect, father.

But when the day of the accident happened I was a little bit too young to fully understand that tragic event and for sometime I would go to John and ask him if Mom and Dad would ever come back home again ,to which he simply would say that “They are now in a better place” and over time, when weeks became months and months became years, I finally began to understand, and with day after day I simply began to feel lost and abandoned. The feeling of loss and abandonment; having no friends or family. Just no one.

My little flashback ended when I heard tiny whimpering sounds and a feeling I haven’t experienced in a very long time. When I turned my head to look down, I saw the most heart crushing scene in my life. Both Luna and Celestia were trying to hug me while quietly whimpering and sobbing into my white shirt, their tears slowly dampening it.

I did the only thing I could do: I reached down to them with my hands to slowly stroke their manes, to try and calm them down, but before I could even move my arms, both Luna and Celestia suddenly looked up at me and what I saw was even worse than before. Their eyes! Their big, colourful eyes that had so much joy and happiness in them a few minutes ago were now filled with deep sadness and pain; they were pleading to me. Pleading me not to abandon them and not be mad at them. Abandonment: the same feeling I had to endure for most of my life.

At that moment something snapped inside me. These two fillies were alone, and they feared that they would be left alone, abandoned. These two are afraid that I would not accept them. That I would just leave them behind. They are afraid that they would have to grow up alone, without anyone to care for them, to teach them, to...love.They were afraid to be rejected by their own father, which they believe is me.

Then it hits me a second time: I am their father. I brought them into this world through a wish. Through my heart’s desires. I wished for something that would bring me happiness. Something that would drown my empty feelings and stress. And I got my wish. Somehow, maybe God has seen my sorrow and has decided to grant me that wish giving me these two fantastic creatures that could perhaps change my life for a better.

At that point I wasn’t going to let these two endure the same crap I had to go through myself. If I am going to be a real father to them then I’m going to try my best to be just like the type of father as my dad was.

After making my decision of being their father, I began to gently pick them both up into my arms and gently cooed at them, to help calm them down.

“Shhh, don’t worry. Daddy is here with you and as long as I am here, nothing bad will ever happen to the both of you. I promise,” I whispered to them.

After I whispered that to the two little fillies, they suddenly stopped crying and began to look back up into my direction, gazing upon me with there big colourful eyes. I just smiled down at them, hoping that my smile would ease their minds.

A few seconds passed and, for a while, there was nothing. But then both Luna and Celestia finally began to smile again, I reached out with my hand to their cheeks to remove some of the tears that were still sticking onto their fur, while both fillies giggled at my touch and tried to grab my fingers with their mouths, nibbling them playfully with there tiny little teeth.

I could only smile and chuckle at this cute display in front of me. But then Celestia suddenly stopped and tried to stand up on her hind legs again, which was a bit difficult for me to not let her fall down because now I was carrying her and her sister on my left arm but somehow she managed it and placed her front hooves on my left shoulder for support. She was now, for the first time, at eye level with me and she just simply looked at me with those big pink eyes and with a joyful smile on her face. And then she began to talk again.


There was only one way I could possibly respond to that since I have officially decided to be their father.

“Yes, I’m your Dada, Celly. Both you and Luna,” I said to her with a smile.

At that moment her eyes lit up and I could see that she was filled with so much joy that words could not even begin describe it.

She pressed her cheek against mine and began to nuzzle me while fluttering her tiny wings and crying out the word ‘Dada’, over and over again in a very cute, high pitch voice.

“Dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada,”

While she was nuzzling me and calling me daddy, I did not notice that Luna somehow had managed to get on her hind legs as well and was nuzzling me from the other side, also calling me daddy in the same speed as her sister.

Again the only thing I could do was smile a truly happy smile, something I did not do for a very long time, but this exciting and joyful moment was suddenly interrupted by a very suspicious growling coming from the two fillies on my arm.

“Well, look who’s hungry,” I cooed to them as I gently placed them down on my bed.

The two fillies on my bed giggled in response, and I was going to go ask John to get them something to eat, but when I was about to ask him he was already standing there with a tray full of salads and vegetables.

“Wait, John, how did you...” I began, but I was immediately interrupted by John.

“Well Sir, while you were busy having a touching moment with your two little daughters, I decided to go into the kitchen to make something to eat for these two here, ”

“But how did you know if they were hungry or not, “ I ask.

“Well, you just found them today; alone in your parents garden, so it would be obvious that these two would get hungry, ”

“Well, that’s a good point there,” I thought, why didn’t I think of that before, stupid me.

John simply placed the silver tray on my bed, and we just watched if Luna and Celestia would eat them. For a moment, they were simply sniffing the salad but as Luna took a carrot and took her first bite her eyes suddenly lit up and she quickly devoured the rest of the carrot in an instant. Celestia, being encouraged by her sibling, also began to eat her food and, just like Luna, the expression on her face told me she really liked it too.

Surprisingly for both John and I, the whole bowl had been emptied in just over a minute, which was both astonishing and awkward.

“Wow, for little baby unicorns, they can really eat,” I thought to myself.

After their first meal, both Luna and Celestia began to yawn and I knew immediately that they were sleepy.

“Well Sir Julius, if it’s ok with you, I think it is time for all of us to go to bed: it’s long past midnight and I pretty sure we all have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow, especially you and your two little daughters here,“

I nodded, and to be honest I was also feeling really tired as well, so it was really the best to call it a day.

John dismissed himself and let me and both Luna and Celestia alone in my room.

I looked back at the two siblings and saw that they were still sitting on my bed while giving away cute little yawns.

I decided that it would be best if the two would sleep with me on my bed for tonight because one: they are obviously too young and small to be sleeping alone on a bed somewhere and two: my bed was a huge specimen anyway - you could easily fit four fully grown humans into it.

I simply walked up to them and gently placed both Luna and Celestia on a more comfortable spot on the bed before placing a smaller blanket I got from my drawer that was next to my bed over them and carefully tucked them both in and, in just a few seconds, both Celestia and Luna closed their eyes and began to enter their dream world.

I just stood there for a few moments and admired these two sleeping peacefully on my bed, until I was reminded by myself that it was also time for me to finally get some sleep.

After entering my bathroom, washing up and getting myself ready, I walked back into my room and made my way to the other side of my bed and carefully lay down, pulling my own blanket over me. I took one final glance at the two sleeping fillies beside me before turning of the lights.

As I lay there on my bed, thinking about what the future could possible hold for me now, I was interrupted by something fuzzy pressing itself on my sides.

When I took a look to my left my heart immediately melted at the sight I was seeing: both Luna and Celestia were laying right next to me, with their heads resting on the left side of my stomach, using it as a warm, soft pillow. I reached out my hand and scratched them behind their ears, both smiling in there sleep at my action.

“I guess we can just wait and see what the future has in store for us, ” I thought, before even I finally closed my eyes and fell into a deep, relaxing slumber.