• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 9,697 Views, 125 Comments

Tales of Fate: A new Future - Navanastra

This is a story about a lonely, depressed rich youn man named Julius who lost his parents at a young age and was forced to endure everything on his own without any friends or family but on one night he will find something that will change his life

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Chapter 14: Camping and emerging danger (part 1)

/Chapter 14: Camping and emerging danger/ (Part 1)

(Authors Note: Sorry that it took so long for this chapter to see the light of day, but I had allot of problems with my old editor of him being far busy to continue working with me, so a very long process took place of finding a new editor, and after a long back and forth I managed to find one :D so yeah here it is than. Also I might change the title of the chapter when I can think of a better one :p)

Story: Lolmaster

Editor: Fillyphil

Around me was nothing but a massive expanse of white, empty space that spilled into a layer fog or mist covering the ground below me.

“Hello, is anyone there? Hello!” I called out into the white void.

I was both confused and slightly scared to be honest, especially with the feeling of not knowing how I got here, where I am and why.

“Daddy…Daddy, where are you? Daddy, please help me,” I called into the white nothingness, hoping for a response.

I felt scared, being all alone without my dad to comfort me.

“Dad! Little sis! Where are you?” I whispered to myself as tears began to form in my eyes.

But before I could even start to fall down and cry, I began to notice something appearing in the distance behind the wall of fog.

At first it was very hard for me to make out the entity at a distance but as soon as the fog began to dissolve in front of it, I was immediately both surprised and happy to see who it truly was.

“DADDY!” I shouted.

His back might have been turned from me but I can always recognize my lovely father from any angle or distance.

“Daddy over here!” I shouted as I began to gallop over to him.

I galloped and galloped as quickly as I could to bridge the distance between me and my dad, but as I drew closer, I began to notice something strange happening around me.

For whatever reason, I wasn’t getting any closer to Dad, and the harder and faster I ran the more and more distance was being made between me and my destination.

“Daddy wait; please wait! Daddy!” I called out as he slowly started to disappear into the distance.

I put all of my energy into my hind legs trying my best to catch up to him, but the space around me just continued to stretch and bend further and faster making the distance between me and Dad even greater with every passing second.

“Dad, please wait for me,” I began to beg, tears running down my cheeks as I galloped.

But alas, all of my attempts to reach him or make him notice me were soon torn and crushed as he finally disappeared somewhere within the white nothingness.

The mist began to creep back in to once again surrounded me, trapping me in a cold encasement.

I was all alone now. No one to help me, nor to comfort me, and no one to…hold me.

I just collapsed down onto the cold hard floor and just let my emotions completely loose as I began to cry and weep.

“Your time is running out; you will never see your precious daddy ever again when the time comes,” a voice whispered around me.

I immediately lifted my head and scanned my surroundings in hope of spotting who just said that.

“Who are you? What are you talking about?” I called out into the mist while wiping my tears away.

“Your beloved Father will one day leave and abandon you, and you will never see him ever again,” the voice manically whispered to me.

“I don’t believe you. Why are you saying such things?” I demanded.
“It will soon be time. Your time with him will soon be over and you will never see him again,” the voice repeated itself.

I was very confused with all of this and not really sure what exactly this strange voice was trying to tell me. All I knew was that my nostrils flared as I seethed at what I heard. I knew without a doubt that my dad would never do such a thing to me, not even in the worst possible circumstances.

“Stop it! Stop telling such lies! My Dad would never leave me, ever!” I shouted into the mist with clear anger inside my tone and tears.

“It is not your choice. Time is running out for you and your sister and when it happens you will never see him again,” the voice whispered back.

“What time? What are you talking about?” I called back in confusion.

“Only time will tell you,” was the only response I got after a few moments.

Suddenly everything around me began to blur away and fall apart, causing me to lose my balance as I collapse onto the cold, hard floor as everything slowly started to turn dark.

“The time will be soon and you’ll be forced to leave your father and never see him again,” I heard the voice tell me one final time until everything went still and quiet.

“NO! DAD!” I shouted as I shot up from my bed.

My coat was covered in sweat and my breathing was completely out of rhythm. I spent a few more moments trying to calm myself as I looked around myself to be very relieved to see that it had just been a dream.

Luckily for me, Lulu didn’t wake up after my sudden outburst, for she was still sleeping quietly on her bed besides me. I quickly turned on my bed lamp and just sat there on my bed still trying to calm myself down and to clear my mind.

“Why am I having such dreams lately? All the same dream with the same message and feeling of loneliness,” I whispered to myself.

Since my 14th birthday a few months back I’ve been having the same dream time and time again, always with the same scenario, always about time running out soon and that I would eventually lose my dad and never see him again.

“But I don’t want to leave; I want to stay with Daddy,” I whispered to myself as tears started to flow down my cheeks.
Luna sometimes had such dreams as well, as far as she has told me, and just like me, whenever she has such dreams she always comes crying to me and I have to try my best to calm her down.

Both her and I always feel the same way about our dreams and share the same (even if Luna is hiding it for most of the time) love and passion for our beloved father and the thought that we will be forced to leave him behind is just something we can’t possibly imagine.

We want to stay with him, together as a family.

I nor Lulu have ever told him about our dreams simply because we don’t want him to worry about us too much. lately he has been very preoccupied with managing his parents’ business empire and having him worry about us and adding it to his stress is something Lulu and I are trying our best to avoid.

“I just hope these dreams we are having are just dreams,” I thought to myself.

Looking over at the clock and seeing that it was only 2:40 in the morning, I decided to just forget about my dream and go back to sleep.

But unfortunately I didn’t feel very sleepy at all and had immediate trouble even closing my eyes as the thoughts and memories of that dream and all the others before it began to pile up inside my mind, robbing me of my sleep. Rolling and changing position for about 10 minutes and trying to force myself back to sleep, I eventually gave up and sat back up again.

I started to think again about everything these dreams were about and trying to make more sense of them than what they have shown us.

The more I thought about it, the more confused and irritated I got, and trying to get frustrated would definitely never give me the answers I was looking for.

“Big Sis, why are you awake?” Luna suddenly asked while sitting up and rubbing her eyes with her hoof.

Immediately being cut off from my thoughts and concentration, I turned my gaze over to her with a very tired and worried look on my face.

“Remember the dreams we sometimes get during the night when we are asleep?” I asked her.

“Yeah?” Was her only answer.

“Well I had one again recently,” I told her while hanging my head.

Her eyes immediately went wide for a moment before changing into a look of pure understanding and worry.

“I…I had…the same dream too,” She quickly told me with a sad tone.

“What, you too? In the same night as me?” I asked her in shock to which she nodded.

I could see her letting loose some tears from her eyes as she hung her head with the saddest look in her I have ever seen.

Acting without thinking, I moved over to her and embraced my sister into a caring and comfortable hug as she silently began to cry into my chest.

I too had to let go of a few tears myself as I tried my best to calm my sister with nice gentle strokes on the back of her neck.

After a while I managed to calm her down. My chest was soaked from her tears but that wasn’t really my concern at the moment, the only concern for me was my sister and the situation we have managed to get ourselves into.

“Are you better now, Lulu,” I asked her with a sad smile after she was done crying.

“A bit,” she answered returning the smile.

I gave her a soft kiss onto her forehead just below the horn simply for good measure and to help her feel a bit calmer and relaxed. She had a slight blush on her cheeks after I did that, which looked really cute on her and made me giggle in amusement.

“Huh, guess I am giving myself the calming treatment as well without realizing it,” I thought to myself.

But what happened afterwards was completely surprising to me as I suddenly felt something warm and soft touching the right part of my face. Then I realized that it was Luna giving me a small peck as well on my cheek.

It is really rare to see my sister kissing someone other than Dad, so feeling her kiss me was truly something I was not used to at all.

In fact the last time I remember she ever kissed me was years ago when both me and Lulu were still in elementary when I helped her study for a very important semester test after failing it horribly.

She managed to get a second shot on that test but only had limited time to prepare. She was really panicked and fearful of failing the test again which would have possibly caused her to repeat the whole year. She immediately came over to me, literally begging me to help her prepare for the test simply because A, I pass that test like an ace and B, because

I am so much better in school than her anyway. I of course agreed to help her in the best and most possible way I could and after a whole week of grinding she eventually managed to pass her year’s final test and was allowed to advance to the next year. She was so happy, overjoyed and grateful that she literally run over to me and gave me a kiss of thankfulness right in front of our classmates and friends.

I will never forget that very special day.

“Well, thanks for the kiss, Lulu. I really appreciated it,” I thanked her with a kind smile.

“Uh yeah…heheh,” she responded with a blush while rubbing the back of her head.
I giggled at her reaction in which she smiled as well.

“Hey, I guess I feel much better now after all of that. What about you, Lulu?” I asked her being much calmer and collected.

“Same here, sis,” she answered with a smile.

Both of us giggled to one another as we both gave ourselves another sisterly hug and nuzzle.

“Should we maybe finally tell Dad about our dreams?” Luna suddenly asked as we broke off from one another.

“Well, telling Dad about it would definitely be a good idea right about now, but he is still very busy with his job and I really don’t want to add some worries with all of his stress and exhaustions. I guess we will tell him when everything has calmed down for him and I hope that it will be soon,” I thought.

Snapping back into reality, I saw that Lulu was looking straight at me with a very questionable look on her face.
“You know you look weird whenever you are deep in thought ,sis,” she told me in a neutral voice.

I rolled my eyes at her statement which for some reason caused Luna to giggle.

“Maybe. Not now, Lulu. Dad is still too busy with his work and I don’t want him to have more problems than he already has. I guess we can tell him after all of his hassles are over,” I explained to her honestly.

She was still a bit sceptical about my decision at first but eventually nodded in agreement after putting some thought into it.

“Well, let’s get back to bed then. After all of that I am actually feeling very sleepy again. We can maybe continue this in the morning,” I announced after releasing a nice big yawn.

Luna quickly agreed after giving away a very big yawn of her own. She immediately crawled back into her planets and began to make herself comfortable.

I was about to hop off of her bed and make my way over to my bed as well but suddenly was stopped as I felt something grabbing and pulling me by my tail.

Turning my head around I saw that it was Luna, holding onto my tail with her teeth while giving me a bit of a sheepish expression.

“Can…can you maybe sleep here with me? Just…just in case of anymore nightmares,” Luna asked me with my tail still in her mouth.

I only smiled down on her as I gave her my response.

“Sure, Lulu,” I answered her with a smile.

She gave me a smile in return to mine .
I quickly trotted over to my bed to grab my pillow and immediately made my way back over to her. Luna already had made some space for me to lay down beside her and was just patiently waiting for me to hop on as well. I placed my pillow down, crawling onto her bed and quickly grabbed the other half of Luna’s blanket while making myself comfortable besides her. I gave her one final smile while she gave me a small giggle in return.

“Well, good night now, Lulu, and sweet dreams,” I wished for her.

“You too, big sis,” she wished me back.
Turning off the night light and making sure that my pillow was in the right position, both me and Lulu finally laid ourselves down and began to close our eyes as the sensation of sleep quickly made its presence within us, dragging us back into the dream world as we held each other close with a feeling of security and comfort.
(Luna’s POV)

Waking up with the sounds of singing birds in the morning always kicks up my mood no matter what the situation.

Rubbing my eyes and giving away one final yawn I climbed down from bed and immediately made my way over to our bathroom.

Immediately after reaching the door I could hear the sounds of water running and splashing about which helped me easily guess that sis was already in there taking her usual shower to keep herself clean and nice smelling.

And I do have to admit she really does smell good whenever she comes out from the shower, I could literally bury my nose into her mane and just inhale the wonderful aroma that she has going for her after her showers.

“I should really start asking her what type of shampoo she is using, maybe it will help me with Lukas,” I thought to myself with a slight blush and giggle at the end.

I really don’t care anymore for the two-year age difference between us, all I know and need to know is that I have a crush on him and that is all that really matters for me.

The only problem is that I am far too scared and shy to outright tell or show him. Even the extra little nudges from my sister are not really helping out either.

“I guess I just have to wait for the proper time to show him,” I thought to myself as I was still standing right in front of the bathroom door.

Shaking my head and coming back to reality.

I knocked on the door a couple of times to get my sisters attention.

“Sis, is it going to take long? I really need to go in there as well,” I shouted through the door while crossing my hind legs.

“It’s ok to come in, Luna, I am inside the shower anyway,” I heard my sister shout back within the bathroom.

I took that as a cue to come in as I slowly opened the door and began to step in.

I was immediately greeted with the warm steamy air which was present within the room. I sat down onto the toilet and began to do what all little fillies have to do sometimes.

Looking over to my left I could see my sister’s outline from behind the curtains as steam was flowing out from above them. I could even clearly hear my sister humming something very familiar, and as I listened a little more, I was able to remember exactly what she was humming. It was our old lullaby, the very one Dad used to hum to us when we were just little foals.

Hearing that wonderful melody after all these years was really making my heart smile in delight and also awakening some very special moments and old memories from our earlier days with him.
Actually now that I managed to recognize that melody again, I could now clearly remember that sis was humming that same tune over and over again whenever she had the time too.

“Lulu are you still there?” Big sis suddenly asked after I heard that the flow of water had suddenly stopped.

Realizing that I was still sitting on the toilet even though I was already finished with my business for a minute was really making me feel a bit red as I quickly flushed the toilet, hopped off and began to wash my hoofs above the sink.

After having done that, I saw my sister opening up the shower curtains and stepping onto the bathroom floor completely wet and dripping all over from her mane and coat.

My cheeks were a little bit red after seeing that and I was already thinking of ways to apologize to my sister.

“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, I was on my way out,” I quickly apologized to her as she looked at me with a bit confused as she was drying herself off with a towel.

The only response I got from her was a very amused but kind smile which for a moment really confused me.

“What are you babbling about Lulu ? Are you thinking that it is bad to be in the same room with someone when they are taking a shower? You are my little sister, It’s not like you’re some stranger,” big sis explained to me.

“Well I was thinking that back in school during swimming or at gym classes it was always very inappropriate to peek at someone when they were taking a shower within the changing rooms. So I thought that it would also apply here back at home,” I explained to her.

Her only response was small giggle before focusing her gaze back at me.

“Silly little sister, that only applies at school or any public place, but not here at home,” big sis told me with an amused smile.

“Right, I knew that,” I said feeling really dumb.

As big sis was drying herself off, she suddenly began to sniff the air before directing her nose in my direction. I was feeling quite awkward with the situation as I simply watched her sniffing and smelling my coat and mane. But what happened next really surprised me to such a point that I had no other choice to give away a very loud and embarrassing high pitched yelp.

Big sis suddenly grabbed me with both of her hoofs, pushed me across the tiles, and placed me right into the bathtub as I was both utterly surprised and confused while it was happening.

“You smell really bad Lulu. When was the last time you took a shower?” Big sis asked me while holding her nose with her hoof.

“Uh…a week maybe?” I simply answered.

“Well, then you are not leaving this bathroom until you take a bath first,”
She announced in a commanding tone.

“You’re not my mother?” I retorted with annoyance.

“Nope, but almost, given the fact of how much I have to literally babysit you when dad isn’t around,” She told me back with a smirk.

“But seriously, Lulu, you really need a shower today, especially with the plans we have for today,” she quickly added in a more serious tone.

“Alright, alright I will take a shower then,” I told her in defeat.

Normally I really don’t like the idea of taking a shower and getting my coat all wet which is one of the reasons why I am not part of the swimming programs back at school, but also because I really don’t like the smell of chlorine.

It is usually my dad who can easily convince me to just take a shower or bath so that I would stay clean and squeaky as he always says it. But I guess I really do need a bath. Now that my sis has mentioned it, I really do smell a little bit and I would like to be clean for today’s event that big sis and me had planned a week ago.

I was about to turn on the water and close the curtains until I realised that sis was still here looking at me with a very amused smile while still drying herself off.

“Do you mind?” I asked her with a neutral tone.

“No, not at all,” Big sis simply answered.

I waited for a few more moments for my sis to catch on, hoping that she would just leave, but after realizing that she wasn’t going to get moving anytime soon I started to get annoyed.

“Get out of here sis. You might be ok with me being in the same room while you are taking a shower but for me it’s just awkward and uncomfortable,” I told her in a loudly.

Her response was only a small smirk as she turned around and cantered out of the room with the towel still on her back.

“There is some of my shampoo over there on the shelf right next to you.

You are always commenting on how delicious I always smell when I come out of the shower so now it’s your chance to smell like me for once,” she told me with a cocky smile before exiting the room.

This was certainly not the first times sis has acted this way in front of me, since after her 13th birthday she has been a bit sillier as I like to call it, being a bit more open about herself and her looks. Dad said that it was just her hormones kicking in, which is apparently pretty normal for any one at that age.

Dad also told me that at that point she would be a lot more interested into boys than she was before which was slightly worrying for dad for some reason.

“Ah, I should really stop trapping myself within my thoughts and just start cleaning myself,” I thought to myself after realizing that I was still inside the bathtub.

Turning on the hot water valve and grabbing the shampoo that sis has recommended me, I began the tedious, but actually pretty relaxing process of getting myself clean and ready for today’s possibly fun and long day.
(Celestia’s POV)

“Oh yeah, today is going to be very special. It’s going to be just me and my little sister. I really wish that dad could join us as well, but then it would just defeat the purpose of being just a me and Lulu day,” I thought with great excitement as I trotted along the halls of our home.

Today me and Lulu have planned to camp out into our self-made hovel deep within the woods behind our home, just me and Lulu together as sisters and nobody else.

I always wanted to spend some total alone time with just Lulu and me for quite some time now, but was always torn apart with the ideas of always either inviting Daddy along it or our friends in state of just being us without anybody else.

I really do like and love my friends very, very much, but when it comes to my sister and my dad, my love and passion almost knows no boundaries. They are truly the ones who are always in my mind and heart, making it extremely difficult for me to invite my sister into something and not also include dad in it as well, and is why this day got postponed for so long.
But now both me and Lulu can finally have some sisterly alone time with one another, only me and her.

Trotting along the hallway and admiring how the morning light shone through the massive glass windows, I spotted dad standing on the other end looking at something on the wall.

“Hi Dad,” I greeted plainly as I trotted towards him.

“Morning Celly,” he greeted back without breaking his gaze with whatever he was staring at.

Curious as to what dad was looking at, I turned around to look at what occupied him to find a beautiful painting hanging above me.

A beautiful and magnificent painting of a mountainous landscape made up the painting with a green lush forest covering the valley and a blue crystal-clear lake at the centre.
The amount of detail and precision of this particular painting was absolutely breath taking, almost creating the illusion of actually looking out a window and seeing the amazing landscape.

“Wow, that is an absolutely amazing painting,” I said out loud in awe.

“Well yeah, I have to say it is, took me a month to finish it,” Dad responded.

“Wait, you made that?” I exclaimed in disbelief to which he nodded.

I always knew that Dad was an amazing artist, but I never thought he was capable of creating such an amazing and breathtaking painting.

I was more than just surprised, I was in complete and utter amazement and awe at his work, a true masterpiece I would never of expected from my dad, even as good as he was.

“Wow, dad, this looks absolutely amazing. You have really outdone yourself with this one, dad,” I told him in amazement.
“Well, it was a bit of a hassle to get it done, as I said, it took me a month to finish it,” he told me.

“Well it is still a good thing that you did it, because now we get to see to see it every time we walk by here,” I told him with a smile.

We spend a few more moments together admiring his painting until I suddenly remembered why I was trotting along the hall in the first place.

“Oh yeah, I have to go and gather some supplies and other stuff for our trip,” I said out loud accidentally.

That seemed of gotten Dad’s attention, for he turned his gaze over to me with a realizing look on his face.

“Oh yeah, I forgot today you and your sister are going to spend the night in the woods,” he recalled aloud.

“Yup, something the both of us wanted to do for a long time. Just the two of us,” I told him with a smile.

“Well then, what do you need for your little adventure? Maybe I can help you with it?” Dad asked me gingerly.

I only looked up with a thankful smile. I quickly told him everything I needed for our trip as me and Dad made our way over to the kitchen.

“Dad?” I called out after stopping before entering the kitchen with him.
He stopped as well and turned his body to face me with a curious look on his face.

“I really feel bad for not inviting you on the trip. It really makes me think that it is unfair of me not to let you join us as well. But at the same time I really wanted to have a moment like this, just with me and my little sister,” I explained to him truthfully, “I feel a bit conflicted at the moment because of that so I don’t know what to decide on,” I quickly added afterwards.

Dad’s only response was a smile as he placed a hand onto my head.

I have been with him for so many years and I still don’t understand how he always manages to do it, but whenever I see him smile at me, pet me or scratch me behind my ears, all of my troubles, worries and problems just seem to completely disappear from my mind and immediately be replaced by a feeling of calmness and peace.

I knew that everything would be ok and alright.

Again, just one of the many, many reasons why I feel so incredibly attached to him, and also one of the many reasons why I feel so incredibly scared with the thought of leaving him and never seeing him again.

Shaking off those dreadful thoughts relating to those stupid dreams, I began to redirect my focus back to the one person I knew who could easily make the darkest and gloomiest days bright and happy.

“Just go and have fun with your little sister and don’t worry about me. And besides, I have to do a lot of paper work later anyway,” He told me kindly.

I quickly returned the smile of his by standing on my hind legs and embracing his thigh in a snuggly hug.
After a while, I broke off and stood back on all fours while still smiling up at him.

“Well what was it you needed from the kitchen again?” Dad asked me afterwards.

“Oh yeah,” was my only response.

“Oh man I feel so dumb right for actually forgetting why I was here in just a few seconds,” I thought to myself while mentally face hoofing.

Getting myself back on track and quickly telling dad what I needed, me and dad finally got moving in preparation for our trip.

Having everything with me, I thanked dad for his help and quickly made my way back towards our room to pack everything and make myself ready for the trip.

After re-entering my room, the first thing I saw was my little sister packing her back bag with things like a flash light, her 3DS and even her favourite teddy bear which she named mister Paddles.

Moving closer to her, I immediately recognized the scent oozing out of her as my shampoo.

“Well now she can smell just as good as me, and maybe because of it she might actually have a better chance now getting Lukas’s attention,” I thought to myself happily.

It already has been two years since Luna opened up to me (and only me) about her true secret feeling towards my best friend Lukas, and since then, she has pretty much made no progress with her attempts to get him to see her as more than just a friend.

I have even tried to help her with some nudges in the right direction and tips, but sadly, most of the time she has either completely rejected my help, completely screw it up, or just didn’t have the courage to even act.

Whenever she fails, she always looks so discouraged, but incredibly, also very determined to never give up, believing that maybe someday at the right time at the right moment, everything will go right and both her and Lukas can finally be together and be far more than just good friends.

And I believe her too. I don’t know why, but I just have this instinct feeling that both her and him will one day be together, I don’t know how but I just do.

“Hey Lulu are you excited as I am about our little camping trip?” I asked her after setting down all of the things I gathered with the help of dad.

“Of course I am, it’s just going to be you and me as sisters, right?” She answered me with a smile.
I nodded.

The rest of our packing went pretty quietly without any interruptions and before we knew it, both of us were finally done preparing for our trip and were ready to head out.

Slinging our bags on our backs and making one last check to see if everything was there that we wanted to bring with us, me and Lulu finally made our way out our room and towards the front door leading outside.

Dad was already waiting for us outside in front of the main gate as we began to approach him.

“Are you two ready to go?” He asked us.

“Yup,” both of us answered at the same time.

“Well you two run along and be safe, and don’t forge…” Dad began but suddenly stopped himself after seeing something in the distance.

Following his gaze, I was quick to discover that it was a black car parked in the distance down beside the road. I do remember seeing that car a few times, standing there at the same spot a few months ago, but it never really bothered me, and I never really wondered why it was just parked there. I never even have seen anybody exiting or entering it the few moments I saw it which was also a bit strange.

But again for me, especially now, that wasn’t really my problem or issue.
All that was going through my mind at the moment was nothing but the amazing fun trip both me and Lulu were finally going to have after a whole week of planning.

Both me and Lulu have always wanted such a moment like this with only me and her together as sisters doing something together with nobody else.

“Come on, sis. What are you standing around for? Let’s go,” Luna whined impatiently while tugging on my mane.

“Alright, alright Lulu calm down,” I responded with a giggle.

I quickly switch my attention back towards my dad for one last time and gave him a quick hug and smile before both me and Luna began to dash off into the distance and towards our destination deep within the forest.
(POV Julius)

“Have fun you two and stay safe,” were the only thoughts running through my mind as I watched my two fillies run off into the woods.

“A good thing that their camping spot isn’t that far away. If there is any sort of problem I could easily get there with my car in just 30 min,” I quickly thought as well.

And a problem seems to be slowly overcoming my little fillies pretty soon by remembering that one particular black Cadillac that is still parked far down the road.

I have no idea why that one particular car is sometimes there and sometimes not, but whenever I see it just sitting there all alone without anything ever coming out of it or in always makes me feel very uneasy and very suspicious.

For whatever reason, I have never gotten the nerves to go over there and find out why they were constantly here outside my property.

I always have a very uneasy feeling about it, but never could pinpoint from where and how -I just did- and now that feeling is stronger than ever before, making me feel even more unnerved than ever.

“I just hope that my fillies will stay safe,” were my only thoughts as I closed the gate and made my way back inside.