• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 9,697 Views, 125 Comments

Tales of Fate: A new Future - Navanastra

This is a story about a lonely, depressed rich youn man named Julius who lost his parents at a young age and was forced to endure everything on his own without any friends or family but on one night he will find something that will change his life

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Chapter 13: Birthday and Secrets

/Chapter 13: Birthday and Secrets/

Story by: Lolmaster

Edited by: Magistrix

“BIG SIS!” I heard someone scream.

“BIG SIS, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UUUUUUP!” I heard someone shout while jumping onto my bed, making everything bounce and shake around me.

That definitely woke me up instantly. I quickly shot up from my bed with wide, open eyes and a whole bunch of shock and slight panic from the sudden, loud and rough awakening.

I thought my alarm clock was bad, but this was just plain ridiculous.

After quickly sitting up from my bed and rapidly scanning my surroundings for the source of the sudden noise and disturbance, I was quickly met with the sight of an over-hyped Luna bouncing on my bed in front of me with an over excited look on her face.

I simply sat there for a few more moments, processing everything that just happened in a span of just a few seconds until I quickly shook my head clear from my confusion and began to face my sister with a very annoyed look.

“Lulu, what the heck? It’s 6:30 in the morning! How is it possible for you to be up so early and so energetic?” I asked her with both of my annoyance and surprise showing clearly.

Seeing Lulu awake before me and even so very early in the morning was something I was definitely not used to seeing: only during special occasions does she actually do that.

Still feeling drowsy and still facing my sister, I quickly calmed down after seeing her still completely over excited smile on her and decided to ask what the fuss was all about.

“Lulu, it’s extremely early in the morning, and it's Saturday. Why on earth are you up so early and begging me to get up as well?” I asked her while rubbing my eyes with my hoof.

“Silly big sister, did you forget? Today is our birthday! Which means a party, presents, cake and more,” she happily explained while still using my bed as a trampoline.

That immediately opened my eyes and senses, as I just sat there with a shocked expression after hearing her say that.

“Today is our birthday? How could I possibly miss my own birthday?” I thought to myself in utter shock.

I was so busy and occupied with my last week’s school projects and tests that I must have completely overlooked the fact that in a few days was my and Lulu’s birthday.

“Well that at least explains why Lulu is up so early,” I thought to myself.

“Thanks for reminding me, Lulu. I completely forgot about today,” I sheepishly told her before yawning, “But could you please let me sleep for a while longer? It’s a bit too early for me to actually get up.”

I was about to lay myself back down and close my eyes again, but my idea didn’t really get far as I felt something pulling at my mane furiously, which actually hurt.

“Come on, big sis. Get up. It’s our birthday and you know we can’t start without you being there as well; that’s what Dad said,” Luna said with my mane in her mouth.

Now I was really awake after all the commotion, now adding the painful feeling of getting my mane pulled by my sister.

“OK, ok, ok. I’m up, I’m up. Stop pulling on my mane ,Lulu,” I desperately pleaded to her after just giving up.

Luna gave away a very victorious smile as she let go of my mane and hopped down from my bed while disappearing somewhere around the corner and out of sight.

I gave away a sigh of relief after she was gone, slowly crawling my way out of my bed and onto the carpeted floor.

At this point, I was starting to be pretty excited as well for today’s events and with the fact that my best friend Lukas and his family would probably be coming as well.

“Oh, this is going to be a very fun and exciting day. I can see now why Lulu is so happy and excited; or probably because of her birthday presents,” I thought to myself with a small giggle at the end.

Entering the bathroom first, like almost every other morning, I got myself ready for this special day by first doing some nature business and then taking a shower to make sure that I was clean and looking my best for my and Lulu’s birthday.

After exiting the shower and viewing myself in the mirror, I was pretty surprised to see how much my body has changed in the span of just a few years.

My wings have grown larger and stronger, my muzzle has slightly become longer as well, and basically my whole body too.

I remember a time when it was actually pretty difficult for me to even get to eye level with our bathroom mirror, even with the chair. Nowadays it is no problem at all for me or even Luna to position ourselves in front of it.

“Alot has happened in a couple of years, and today would be my twelfth birthday. I can’t wait to see what Dad has in store for us,” I thought to myself while smiling at my own image.

“Sis, are you still in there? Can you please come out of there? I really need to pee,” my sister whined from the other side of the bathroom door.

I rolled my eyes, and to my utter surprise, discovered from a glance at the bathroom clock that I had spent almost a whole hour in this room just getting myself ready and cleaned up for today’s special event.

How much time flew past one by just standing around and thinking was very astonishing to me.

I decided that I had already wasted enough time in here and, as I went to open the door, to give my sister her fair turn in the bathroom.

“I’m sorry that I was blocking the bathroom for you for so long, Lulu. I was just...” I tried to explain but got myself cut off by Lulu who was squeezing her hind legs together while she had a very uncomfortable look on her face.

“Can you please move out of the way, Sis? I really, really, REALLY have to go SO BADLY,” Luna pleaded while trying her best to hold it in.

I only blinked for a couple of seconds before stepping aside to allow my sister entry into the bathroom.

She immediately zipped right past me with unbelievable speed and closed the door behind her.

I stood there blinking for a few more seconds after witnessing her surprising record breaking speed until I simply freed myself from my utter surprised state by shaking my head a little bit and heading out of our room and towards the kitchen, where I just hoped Dad would be.

After walking along the well-known hallway of our home and greeting John, after passing him by, I eventually made it over to the kitchen.

I was about to greet Dad a wonderful and happy morning as well, but quickly discovered that the whole room was empty and void of the one person I wanted to see the most today.

I felt a bit down and disappointed, and was about to go and maybe try to find him in his room, but before I had even the chance to I was suddenly picked up from the ground which caused me to yelp in surprise and even panic.

But I quickly calmed down after realizing who was picking me up.

“Morning, Daddy,” I greeted him with a smile while being in his arms.

“Morning to you too, birthday girl,” my dad greeted me.

“You are really starting to grow, which also means you are starting to get heavier as well. It’s already a bit more difficult for me to carry you like this Celly,” Dad quickly added.

“Well then, I guess I should make the most of it and enjoy it while I still can,” I told him with a smile while as always snuggling my face close to his chest.

“Say, is Luna already up as well? Because I have a nice little surprise for her,” my dad asked me after a few moments later.

“Up? SHE woke me up at 6:30. I have no idea when she actually woke up this morning Dad,” I told him with a giggle.

“Definitely sounds like Luna. She always is the first one running around the house, shouting that it’s her birthday,” Dad added with a smile.

“Yeah,” was my quick reply.

After a few more moments of snuggling, Dad set me back down onto the floor and the two of us made our way over to the main dining room (which we actually rarely use). I was immediately shocked at the scenery presented in front of me.

The entire massive room was already decorated in colourful ribbons, streamers, balloons and a whole bunch of other party decorations with a large banner hanging in the centre of the room saying ‘Happy Birthday to Celestia and Luna’.

I was in absolute awe at the wonderful colours and happy scenery around me, but the biggest attraction in this room was the massive birthday cake in the centre of the table.

This just has to be the biggest birthday cake, or even the biggest cake in general, l I have ever seen in my entire life.

Words could not describe how in both wonder and in awe I was.

“Dad, did you organise all this?” I thought to myself as I slowly rotated my head to get a much better look at the room.

In the distance I could see my sister happily hopping and jumping around the room, playing with the streamers and even flying up towards the balloons and playing with them as well. She was having the time of her life.

“Dad, how did you manage to get all of this done so quickly?” I asked him after turning my gaze to him.

“Well, do you want to know why I specifically told the two of you to go to bed early yesterday?” Dad asked me while looking at me.

I nodded.

“Well, now you know,” he answered me with a smile.

I only blinked at this for a few more seconds until I finally smiled at him in understanding while nodding.

“Me, John and Matt spent most of the evening trying to gett everything ready for today and I think we pretty much succeeded with that. Don’t you think?” Dad added.

“Wait, Matt was here as well yesterday? Since when?” I asked him surprised.

“Since right after the two of you went to bed,” Dad answered.

Again looking around the room I was just impressed at the sheer amount of colour and detail this place had, even without mentioning the huge birthday cake at the centre this room. It was just absolutely astonishing.
This has to be the biggest, most organized birthday party Lulu and I had ever had.

“Dad, why are you organizing such a big party for us this year?” I asked him a bit confused.

Sure we had birthday parties before in our previous years but definitely not on a scale where we had to use the massive dining room of our home for it, which at this point had been converted into the dancing floor with the tables and chairs all moved to the sides (except the table with the cake on it).

“Well, why not? You are turning twelve, and your sister ten. So why not increase the celebration,” my Dad answered with a smile.

I honestly felt very happy and honoured that he would go out of his way this year to give us a much bigger and better party than previous years. Again just one of the many reasons why he is just the best Dad ever.

But one thing stood out to me: why would he organize such a large party if there are probably just going to be us and my friends family?

“I guess I could just ask him later,” I thought.

I simply decided to give Dad a nice, thankful hug by wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his chest.

Since I have grown a lot in last couple of years, getting up towards Dad’s chest by standing on my hind legs was no real biggie to me, something I have been looking forward to when it comes to situations like this.

“You really didn’t have to do something like this for us, Dad, but still thank you for even organizing something like this for us. It is really nice of you, Daddy, and for that I’m thankful,” I honestly thanked him while hugging him.

“But still, why something so big and special Dad?” I asked him while looking up at him.

“Well, that’s not all of it to be honest. We're still going to get some big music and mixing set’s for…well…the music and even a bounce house for the kids out in the front garden,” my dad told me.

“Wait, what? There is more?” I asked him in disbelief.

“How many will be coming over here today? As far as I remember, the previous years it was only me, my sis, Dad, John and the Kaiser family whenever we celebrated our birthdays,” I thought to myself.

I was about to ask Dad why he is making this party so huge, but got beaten by him before I could even open my mouth.

“Luna invited all of her classmates and also yours to the party and asked me if it would be ok to do so, to which I of course agreed.John and I were forced to prepare a big party for the both of you and the huge amount of visitors that we are getting today,” my dad quickly explained.

“Well, that definitely explains why Lulu is so over-hyped today,” I thought with a small giggle.

Watching my little sister being so happy and excited while flying circles all over the room just makes my heart smile as well.

On days like this, you just can’t help but to be happy and joyful—no matter what.

“Well, not everything is fully ready and decorated, so John and I, and even Matt, who should be here any minute now, will spend a little bit more time getting everything done before the first guests arrive,” Dad explained to me after a while.

“Can I help maybe?” I quickly asked him with a smile.

“Sure, if you want to,” he answered me.

I only nodded.

Luna was still just galloping around having her moment of happiness and joy in which I just happily let her enjoy it and chose not to disturb her by calling her over to maybe help us as well.

Trotting over to some boxes with my dad, I saw that it was full of many party accessories like more balloons, streamers and even…fireworks?

My eyes just went absolutely wide after spotting those rockets within those boxes and, after a few seconds of staring at them, I quickly turned my gaze over to my dad, still with the same expression on my face.

“Why, you don’t like fireworks?” Dad asked me innocently.

“No, no, no, it’s not that Dad. It’s just all of this you are organizing just for us must be very expensive for you to do. I feel like that we are taking advantage of your hospitality and I don’t like that feeling,” I explained to him in honesty.

Dad’s only response was to place his hand onto my head and slowly stroking my mane in a gentle and shoving way, which I of course enjoyed.

“It is totally fine, Celly, and besides, you know that I am filthy, stinking rich , so I can just easily go ahead and spend some extra money on you two’s birthday party,” my dad told me with a smile while ruffling my mane in a playful way.

I quickly gave him a pleasing smile and a giggle as he continued to mess up my nicely combed mane.

I don’t know what it is, but whenever someone else is doing that to me I always get upset since getting my mane as smooth and as straight like that can be a real pain in the flank using my hoofs. However, whenever Dad is doing that to me, I just find it very funny and amusing for some reason.

But I don’t care; he is my dad and I just love him. That’s all I need to know.

“Hey you two, what’s inside those boxes?” Luna suddenly asked after popping up out of nowhere.

“GEEZE LUNA, DON’T DO THAT,” I shouted after she shocked me.

“Sorry,” she quickly apologized with a sad smile.

“Wait, are those fireworks?” she excitedly asked after apologizing to me.

“Well yes, yes they are Luna. We are going to fire them tonight as a highlight to the party,” Dad answered her.

At that moment, I could see that her eyes began to turn into the size of dinner plates as her smile and happy expression suddenly began to get wider and more hyper than it already was.

“Wow, really Dad?” she asked Dad with the largest smile and sparkles in her eyes I have ever seen on her.

“Yup,” was Dad’s only response.

At that Luna suddenly flew up to Dad’s eye level and began to give him a small kiss onto his cheeks while hugging his neck and nuzzling his face afterwards with hers as she rapidly thanked him.

“Oh thanks, Oh thanks, Oh thanks Daddy. This is going to be so awesome,” she happily shouted with glee.

I too felt very happy and excited with the news of some possible fireworks tonight.

I always loved those displays of beautiful and wondrous lights and colours, one of the many reasons why New Year celebrations were always so exciting to me, and having such awing experience happening tonight as well was really pushing my own excitement to the edge.

I really couldn’t wait for tonight, but first things first; I need to help John and Dad with the final touches before the party can start.

“Dad,” I called him trying to get his attention.

“Yes,” he responded.

“Didn’t you agree to let me help with the preparations?” I asked him with a smile.

“Oh yeah, I forgot. You could help to fill in the balloons and, since you can fly, place them somewhere along the sides of the walls and the chandeliers on the ceiling,” Dad instructed me.

“Ok dokey lokey daddioky,” I saluted with a playful giggle.

Luna too was giggling at my choice of words while still holding herself on at Dad’s neck. Grabbing some balloons, I got myself ready to do my part in getting everything prepared for today’s party.

At this point, I really felt excited myself for today’s event and I could guess that this could easily be the best and biggest birthday party my sister and I had ever had.

“This is going to be the best birthday party ever!” I thought to myself in excitement as I hanged some colourful balloons on some chandelier above the room.

(Julius POV)
“Can I try it out, can I try it out, can I try it out, Daddy, please, please, please,” Luna pleaded me.

Right after the bounce house arrived and everything was ready on it for use, Luna immediately approached me and began to rapidly ask me if she could use it, which I of course agreed to let her.

Before I even had a chance to say anything else, I saw Luna already galloping over to her target and immediately jumping into it the moment she was in range.

Watching her bouncing around the entire thing while laughing and holding a huge smile on her face was very amusing to watch indeed.

And besides, she is most likely not going to bounce around with the other kids later on anyway, since I am pretty sure that she would later be mostly occupied with her birthday present that I have for her this year.

“Oh yeah, her gift. I forgot about that,” I thought to myself in realization.

I was planning on giving her gift earlier this morning, but managed to somehow completely forget about it due of getting too busy with the final preparation of both my fillies party.

“Well, I can give it to her when she is done having fun in her bounce house,” I told myself.

“Hi Dad,” I suddenly heard Celly greet me.

Switching my gaze over to her, I saw her standing right beside me with a happy smile aiming up to me.

“She seems to have allot of fun bouncing around like that,” she announced.

“You want to join her, don’t you?” I asked her with a smirk.

For a few moments, all she did after my question was drawing circles with her hoofs shyly until she eventually lifted her head towards me with a bit of a sheepish smile.

“Yes, even though I believe I’m a bit too old for that,” she finally answered , a bit embarrassed.

“You’re never too old to have some fun, especially with your own sister. So there is nothing to be so embarrassed about Celly,” I told her truthfully.

Her embarrassed look quickly changed into a small smile after that and she simply thanked me, quickly dashing off towards her sister to join her in the fun.

"All we have to do now is wait for the guests to arrive, and to start this," I thought to myself as I continued to just watch my two precious fillies laughing and having fun together.

(Luna POV)
"Hey Big Sis, look! More of our friends are coming!” I called to my sister from the closest window.

This really is by far the best birthday party Dad has ever organized for us and, just like my big sister, I just feel very happy and thankful towards him for even organizing such a unique party just us.

My sister and I had already had allot of fun with our friends and other class mates, playing some games with them or even dancing at the centre of the room with some really catchy songs; while some of the grownups (mostly our school teachers) are also having their own ways of passing their time at this party.

But one thing was missing in this party.

It actually took me a while to figure it out, but after a while of thinking I managed to realize that one very important person to both me and Sis was missing...Lukas.

Lukas and his family have not yet arrived to the party for some reason , which was really worrying and saddening to me.

I don’t really know why it makes me particularly sad to know that. Usually that would be my sisters reaction, since both her and Lukas were just such close, and great, friends.

“Hey Lulu, look. Lukas and his family are finally here as well,” my sister shouted in happiness, and scaring the shit out of me.

Oops, sorry for my language there.

I quickly saw my sister completely abandoning me and sprinting towards the front door of our home.

Still being right at the window from where I was standing, I could clearly view how my sister quickly ran up to him and gave her best friend a welcoming hug, while also doing the same with Matt while standing on her hind legs.

I also quickly spotted Dad being outside as well and greeting both Lukas and Matt after my big Sis’s friendly welcomes. But the one thing that interested me the most was Lukas finally being here as well.

I actually began to smile as I viewed him standing there outside and finally being here as well was really giving me some very funny feeling.

I quickly shook my head in utter shock after realizing what was actually going on with me…again.

It really all started 6 months back, when Dad brought me, Sis and Lukas to a video game convention that was happening in the city, with Lukas and I basically play co-op against a whole bunch of other players in just basically kicking ass while doing so.

Sure a lot of people who didn’t know us were just literally looking and staring at me and Big Sis for being…well…so different and unique which was at that point to be expected, but it was also the same time to witness how good Lukas has become and how good of a team we really make with one another; plus it was always him who helped me with my assignments and studies whenever Sis was too busy to help me herself, and I remember that it was also Lukas who protected me from that nasty school bully that one time a few weeks back.

Over time, I slowly started feeling really funny feelings I start to get whenever Lukas is close to me.

I really have no clue why I am recently always feeling this way towards Lukas, and the more I just think about it, the more I get confused. I even had the idea of maybe asking either my Dad or Big Sis about it, but I was always a bit too unsure, and also shy, to openly talk about it.

My train of thought was suddenly put to a halt after realizing that the area that I was observing just a few seconds ago was suddenly void of anybody, which easily made me think that Dad and the rest of them had already made their way back inside.

I quickly decided to head over to the front door and greet both Matt and Lukas.

“What the…Luna stop thinking about Lukas; it’s making you nervous,” I told myself inside my mind after thinking about him again.

I really don’t know what is wrong with me in the last few months, but I am definitely not going to let it ruin this year’s birthday party.

Trotting over to the front entrance of our home, I was immediately greeted by the friendly faces of Dad, Matt, Sis and Lukas.

“Well, hello there, Luna. Happy birthday,” Matt greeted me.

“Hey Lulu, Happy Birthday. I got you something,” Lukas greeted me while handing me something over.

I was immediately nervous when he was standing in front of me, smiling at me with a small package in his hands.

I accepted his package and began to slowly unwrap it with my teeth and was immediately surprised to see what was actually in there.

“A custom made universal game controller!” I gasped after opening the box.

The outside was in the same dark blue colour of my fur with allot of tiny white looking stars all over it, a big massive crescent moon on the back and my internet name on the front which said ‘Gaming Woona’ on it.

I always wanted a custom made controller that I could use on all of my gaming systems, but never had the time to ask Dad to maybe get one for me. But now it doesn’t matter because now I have one of my own and I got it from one of my closest friends and playmate.

“Uhm…thanks Lukas. this is a really awesome gift,” I thanked him with small smile and a hidden blush.

“No problem; what are friends for?” Lukas answered as he gave me a friendly hug.

My blush quickly intensified after that, making my heart pump faster and my mind go wild for a few moments.

“I really hope nobody saw my intense reaction,” I thought to myself, but quickly scratched that wish when I saw my sister looking at me.

I was pretty sure that my sister saw my blush there, with the way she was just looking at me with her neutral expression.

“Oh, oh,” where the only words going through my mind as I gave away a very sheepish smile to her as Lukas and I broke off from the sudden hug.

“Well, I will be off to talk to some of my other friends for a while; if you need me I will be…well you know where. Right there where the music is,” Lukas quickly excused himself as he walked off in the direction of the party.

Dad and Matt did the same thing as I simply watched them walking off towards the main party room as well, leaving me and my sis standing alone in the entrance hall.

I was still blushing a bit from that one particular moment with Lukas, his amazing gift still firmly on my hoof.

I slowly began to smile again after looking down onto my amazing new universal custom-made controller, but it didn’t last very long as I quickly heard my sister trotting over to me, immediately giving me some really good ideas what she wanted from me.

At this point, I was really getting nervous again.

I simply gulped as I slowly turned myself around to face my sister and her possible accusation that was surely to follow.

For a few moments, nothing really happened between the two of us. Me just standing being all nervous and still a slight blush on my face, and my sister simply looking at me with her still unreadable, neutral look.

All of a sudden she began to move her head closer to mine, forcing to inch away a little bit to prevent our noses from touching each other until she was literally just millimetres away from me, still holding the same neutral and curious look on her face.

All until she suddenly smiled at me happily with realization as she slowly started to inch away from me again.

“Look who has a little crush on Lukas,” my sister sung to herself in a very cheerful tone.

“So, that’s what all those feelings where the entire time? I have actually got a crush on Lukas this entire time?” I shouted in my mind in utter realization and shock.

The idea that I might have some special feelings for him was in fact in my mind a few weeks back already, but back then I just wasn’t really sure of it and also a bit in denial that I actual began to view one of our closest friends as more than just a friend and possibly someone I would literally love to spend more time with besides my Dad or sis.

But in the end, I was still very afraid and nervous to admit the fact that I already had a crush on someone who is technically two years older than me, so I began to think of words and ideas on how I could possibly destroy my big sister’s claims and belief in the idea that I was having feelings towards our first friend ever.

“Me? A crush on Lukas? Don’t be silly, Sis. Of course I don’t have a crush on him; that’s just ridiculous. You know I have no possible interest in boys or something like that. I mean he is like twelve and I am ten, so how is it possible for someone like me to even have an interest in someone like him. I mean it’s just…it’s just…” I rambled on rapidly with a sheepish smile on my face.

“Way to go Luna, now you also made yourself look silly and stupid in front of your sister as well,” I mentally scolded myself.

Big Sis of course was just giggling at my pathetic attempt to lead her off from her ideas and simply continued to stand there in front of me while holding her usual well known smile of hers.

“Come on, Lulu. Just admit it. You have special feelings for Lukas,” she cheerfully told me in a sing song voice.

I was seriously going red now. Not because of Lukas himself, but because with the fact that I was really starting to get embarrassed with this situation.

“N, n, no…I…I don’t have a, a crush,” I pathetically stuttered.

But what happened next really took me by surprise as I felt myself being hugged by my big sister softly.

If she wanted to calm my nerves a little bit then she really has done the job because I actually felt a little bit better than before.

“Come on, Lulu. Just tell the truth; there is nothing to be afraid or embarrassed about. You can easily tell me. I promise I won’t tell anybody, it will just be between the two of us ok,” my sister tried to insure me.

“Well…ok, if you really promise me,” I answered her with a small smile.

She only gave an encouraging nod.

I collected my thoughts and began to exhale before answering her.

“…Yes,” I answered her a bit shyly.

She simply continued to hold her peaceful and understandable smile at me as I simply rubbed my forelegs in embarrassment and awaited her possible response.

After a while, she began to just giggle, which then turned into a small laugh.

I was actually a bit offended by her sudden burst of laughter, but didn’t manage to contain that feeling for too long as I also began to laugh after getting into the spirit as well.

After a few minutes of laughing and basically having a good time with one another, we eventually started to calm ourselves down as we began to get back on our hooves.

“Come on, Lulu. Let’s get with all of our friends and continue to enjoy the party,” my sister suggested after calming herself down.

I quickly nodded as the both of us made our way back towards our friends and family.

“Hey Sis,” I called out to get her attention.

“Mhmm,” was her response as we trotted along.

“I actually feel a lot better now after finally telling my secret to someone. So I guess, thanks for listening, Sis. It really helped me,” I thanked her with a smile.

“No problem, Lulu. That’s what big sisters are for,” she happily told me back.

“Remember, you promised me to not tell anyone about it, especially Lukas himself, ok Sis,” I reminded her of her promise.

“Gotcha,” was her quick response.

Finally arriving at the dance floor converted dining room, we were met with the sight of still partying guests and friends with some other kids playing along or dancing to the music with some of the grownups joining as well.

My Sis quickly spotted some of her other friends and classmates over at a corner and quickly excused herself from me as she trotted along towards them.

Now I was all by myself, in a room full of partying guests and friends.

At the moment I was pretty much not really in the mood to go and dance around or do any other party activities with them, especially after all of that ordeal earlier.

Quickly spotting my Dad alone at a corner of the room, I decided to go over there and hang out with him for a while to calm my head for a little bit.

“Hi Daddy,” I greeted him happily while approaching him.

“Hello there, Lulu. How’s it hanging,” my Dad greeted me back.

“Nothing much...oh yeah, can you maybe hold onto my new custom controller?” I asked him after realizing that I was still carrying Lukas gift with me.

At that moment I saw the expression from Dad change to his happy smile to a look of realization as he began to facepalm on the left side of his face.

“Oh yeah, your’s and your sister’s gifts. I completely forgot again,” Dad announced in realization.

I was a bit confused about his statement until I realized that Dad hasn’t even given us his birthday present to us yet.

Not that he needed to but still he usually gives us our presents early during the day, so that we can enjoy them for the rest of our birthday.

But a birthday present from my Dad is still a birthday present from my Dad , and from all of the previous years, his gifts to us are always amazing to say the least.

“Well now, you are here, so if you want I can give you your present right now, or if you want to wait then…” Dad began but I cut him off by jumping up and down in excitement and basically showing him that I really would like to receive my present right now instead of later.

“Oh, what is it, what is it, what is it? Can I have it now, can I, can I, can I?” I excitedly asked him while hopping around him.

“Well ok then, but first we need to get your sister. Would be unfair if I gave you your gift and left her out,” Dad told me.

I nodded as I quickly galloped off into the dance floor to look for Big Sis and give her the news.

After finding her and telling her about what Dad told me, my sister and I quickly made our way back to Dad to finally receive our special presents from him.

Quickly excusing ourselves from our classmates and guests; Dad, Sis, and I snuck our way over to Dad’s room where he told us our presents were being kept.

I was really excited at this point to see what kind of awesome gift Dad had got us this year, and the more I imagined it the happier I got.

My sister next to me was far more calmer and in control than me ,which was easily predictable since compared to me she is always the more calmer and mature one.

“You know Dad, you're giving us presents and gifts every year during either our birthday or at Christmas, even though we haven’t asked for anything. All we really need is you, Daddy,” my Sis told him truthfully with a smile.

I’m not really sure if she is 100% right with her statement. I like gifts, but I know that she is right about the last part.

If it wasn’t for him, we probably would not even exist in the first place, and besides, Dad made us feel at home and loved for in a world where the two of us shouldn’t even exist.

“Ok, wait here for a moment; the presents are inside my closet,” Dad told us as I snapped out from my train of thought.

I was really excited to see what he could have possibly brought us, as my Sister and waited anxiously for our presents.

“Luna, you first,” Dad signalled me to come closer to him.

I quickly trotted over to him in excitement.

Many ideas were racing through my mind on what it could possibly be, but I quickly discarded those thoughts as I knew that I will find it out soon enough.

“Remember when you asked me last year if I could get you a new PS3 and Xbox 360? And I told you that I couldn’t at the time?” Dad asked me in which I nodded.

“Well, this time I have bought both of them, so that you wouldn’t feel so left out anymore compared to your other classmates,” Dad told me as he opened the closet door and revealing two boxes with the images of the two new consoles.

Saying that I was excited is a complete understatement, I was absolutely and totally over-hyped to finally have my own PS3 and Xbox 360, just like some of my friends and classmates back in school.

Actually, now I am the only one who has both these gaming systems in their possession while all of the others only have either one of them and not both.

Oh, I can’t wait to go back to school and rub it into some certain kid faces , and I also wonder if my new universal controller will work on these two new consoles as well.

A whole bunch of new games were part of the present package as well, games that I have been dying to play but didn’t have the pleasure to back then.

But now I do.

“Oh, I wonder if Lukas would like to play a few games with me, maybe even online,” I asked myself as I quickly zipped out from the room ,leaving Dad and Sis behind.

( Julius POV)
Watching Luna run off while holding the biggest smile on her face after receiving her presents was really an enjoyable sight to see, leaving me and Celly alone in the room.

Celly was still waiting patiently on the entrance of my room, never seizing that smile of hers the entire time.

I signalled her to come in as well as I was searching for her gift in my closet.

For her I actually got her something very special, something I am pretty sure she will love.

Finding her gift in a form of a black leather case and turning round to face her after she trotted over to me, I finally presented her gift as well after a long day of constantly forgetting it.

She carefully eyed the black case with great interest and curiosity as I was holding it in front of her, all until she eventually began to say something after being silent for at least a few minutes.

“What is it, Dad?” she simply asked me.

“Well, your birthday present of course,” I answered her like a troll.

“I know that,” she added with a giggle.

Not letting the suspense kill her, I decided to just give it to her to discover the content of her present on her own.

She simply grasps it gently with her hoofs and was slowly opening it after closely inspecting it.

The moment she opened it and finally saw its contents her eyes quickly grew to the size of saucers, as she just stared at it in utter shock and disbelief.

What she was holding now in her hoof was a beautiful, pure golden and gem-encrusted tiara.

The same tiara I always saw in one of my bizarre dreams whenever I see Celly there as a full grown mare.

“D…d…Dad. Is…is that really for me,” she asked me in disbelief.

“Yes, Celly, it is for you; my birthday present for you,” I answered her with a smile.

She was still looking at her tiara in complete and utter disbelief, still not very sure if this gift of mine was real or not.

But after a few moments, the look in her eyes quickly started to change as she slowly began to lose herself with the sheer beauty and style of this magnificent piece of gold and jewellery, her shocked expression slowly changing into a small, but sparkly, smile.

“It’s…its beautiful,” Celly happily whispered as she was looking at it.

I could immediately tell from just looking at her expression that this gift of mine must have meant a lot to her for some reason, but the biggest surprise for me was the discovery of tears and tiny droplets forming in her eyes as she was still happily examining the tiara in front of her.

“Is this really for me?” she asked me again with her happy tears quite visible this time.

“Yes, sweetie; it is yours. I specially let a goldsmith craft and shape it for you,” I answered her again happily.

At that moment, all resistance within her mind must have completely and utterly shattered as she simply placed her gift onto the ground and practically jumped up on me, wrapping her hooves around my neck while pressing her face close to mine.

She was just nuzzling me, being very passionate as she was hugging me very happily and thankfully.

I was still a bit surprised after witnessing her reaction towards my gift to her.

She always does get excited and happy whenever I give her something as a present, even though she always tells me that it really isn’t necessary for me to do so, but still this was the first time ever I have seen her react like this, with just sheer joy and passion, over a gift which was still very surprising for me to see.

But as always with my gut and all the years of knowing her I was pretty sure that I would get all of my answers pretty soon without even needing to ask her.

“Thanks for your gift, Daddy. I always secretly wanted something like this for a long time,” she told me truthfully as her muzzle was buried inside my neck.

“Wait, you have?” I asked her in surprise. “Well, if you did then why didn’t you ask me? I surely would have managed to get it made for you much, much sooner, if you had just asked,” I told her afterwards.

The only response I got from her was a bit of a sad looking expression as she quickly began to turn her head away from me.

“I didn’t ask you because I didn’t want to take advantage of you or give you any trouble of getting something like that for me,” she told me while looking slightly sad and sorry.

Again, as always, I could just marvel at her innocent and kind character that is just so rare to see nowadays, and with the fact that almost all of it is basically just aimed at me makes me feel very happy indeed.

But first things first, I need to cheer her up a bit. It’s her birthday after all.

Scratching her behind her ears again and helping her to ease her feelings , I could feel her leaning herself happily against my hand while closing her eyes and holding a happy smile on her muzzle.

After a while I finally stopped as I retracted my hand from her ears, funny enough with her protests.

“Why did you stop?” she asked me with a sad look.

“Because I thought it was enough,” I answered her.

“Can you do more?” she asked me with a smile.

“I would love too but you are really starting to get heavy. Plus my neck is starting to feel stiff,” I explained.

“Oh, sorry Dad, hehe,” she responded with a sheepish smile.

She quickly let go of my neck after that and let herself drop back onto the floor in front of me.

She quickly picked her present back up from the floor and was holding it again in her hooves.

At that moment, one question suddenly appeared on my mind; something that wasn’t such a big deal a moment ago but for whatever reason, right now, it is.

“Hey, Celly, since when?” I asked her.

“Since when what?” she asked me back, a bit confused.

“About you wanting a tiara,” I answered her.

She had a look of realization on her face after that as she began to scratch her head with her free hoof.

“It was all about a year ago, on one night when I had this strange but very interesting dream about me being inside a massive white and empty space surrounded by fog and massive white columns. Besides the fog and the columns around me there was something else: at the centre between the column ring was a small pond. As far as I can remember, it was filled with crystal clear water, so clear in fact that the water inside was just glistening and sparkling in such a magical way that I was just automatically drawn to it as I slowly trotted over to it while being both curious and very cautious as well,” she told me in a long explanation.

Her story was actually pretty interesting to say the least, and I was also wondering if her dreams are just as common and at the same time as mine.

But that is just absolutely farfetched and impossible. There could never ever be such a huge coincidence and besides, I should really focus more on my little Celly’s story first and then think about it later.

“So, what happened next then?” I asked her after my quick mind debacle.

Celly took a few seconds to think until she suddenly looked back at me.

“Well, when I reached the pond at the centre of the…where ever I was, and looked into it, I began to see something that I was not very much expecting at all. I saw myself…well not really myself but a much older , more adult version of me. My normal pink mane was suddenly all multi-coloured and flowing around like water and my muzzle was definitely much longer than it is now. But the biggest eye catcher for me in that dream was this beautiful golden tiara that sat right on top of my head. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen and immediately forgot about everything around me as I just focused my gaze on that one tiara sitting on top of my multi-coloured head,” she continued her story.

“But when I was about to reach up and maybe grab the tiara with me hoof , everything around me suddenly began to blur away and before I knew it I woke up in the middle of the night with no clue what actually happened, ” she quickly added and finishing her story.

This end part of her story really sealed the deal for me.

She, in her own dream described herself in the same way and detail I sometimes see her in my own bizarre dreams from time to time.

“Were these dreams really just dreams or maybe visions of something? The future? The past? are they linked with one another? I really don’t know now,” I thought to myself in utter confusion.

After a while of trying to piece everything together from what Celly just told me and everything I have experienced so far in my own dreams, I began to feel a slight nudge on my upper right leg and immediately snapping me out from my train of thoughts.

It was Celly standing right in front of me with a very concerned look on her face as she was nudging me with her hoof to try get my attention.

“Dad, is everything ok? You were so silent for quite some time while just standing there frozen. It was really worrying for me,” she told me with a concerned look.

“Nothing, Celly. I was just in deep thought, that’s all,” I answered her neutrally.

“About what?” she asked me back with a curious look.

I was about to tell her exactly everything that was on my mind a few moments ago with all about her dreams having some absolutely stunning similarities to mine, but decided in the last second to just keep it for myself and not bother her with it.

“Really nothing much. It wasn’t anything important,” I simply answered her.

She only looked at me for a few more seconds until she finally nodded and returned to her usual cheerfulness.

She quickly shifted her attention back towards her present as she opened it again and began to carefully take the tiara out of its case.

She carefully began to turn the tiara in all possible directions to get an all-round view of it before she finally began to slowly place the tiara onto her head to try it out.

Surprisingly for me it actually fit her pretty good, as the tiara I bought for her was sitting nice and perfectly on her head.

“How do I look, Dad?” she asked me happily as she began to spin around to show me every possible angle with her tiara on.

“Like a little princess,” I answered her happily.

In fact she really does looked like a little princess, all that would be missing would be a little cute dress and she is done; a little alicorn princess.

“You really mean it?” she asked me with sparkling eyes.

“Yes, Princess Celestia,” I answered her with a small bow.

She only giggled at my response as I saw her bowing down to me as well with the same grace as a true princess.

I definitely didn’t teach her that.

Before I could even properly get myself back from my bowing position I was suddenly, once again, hug tackled by Celly as she was once again wrapping her arms around my neck and began to nuzzle her face with mine for the second time of the day.

“Thanks for this gift, Dad. It’s the best birthday gift ever,” she thanked me as she gave me a soft kiss onto my right cheek.

“Not a problem, Celly,” I answered her while bopping her nose with my finger.

She simply continued to nuzzle me while holding herself onto me for a few more moments until she suddenly stopped and looked at me with a questionable look in her eyes.

“What time is it?” she simply asked me.

“Uh…I think it’s 7:32 PM,” I answered her after checking on my watch.

But then it suddenly clicked in me.

“Wait, aren’t we supposed to launch the fireworks at this time?” I asked Celly, who was still holding on to me.

“I guess so,” she answered me with a happy smile.

“Well then, I guess we go find John and get this started,” I told her in which she nodded.

She quickly jumped off of me to give me some needed space as Celly and I made our way out of my room and back into the hallway outside.

“You go and search for your little sister and tell her that we are about to use the fireworks. We don’t want her to miss out, do we,” I told her after we were out of my room.

“Aye, aye Captain,” she responded with a salute after she run off to go find her little sister.

Watching her running off with her new tiara on her head was really something new to witness, as the head accessory on her mane was sparkling and shimmering in the ceiling lights.

“Well, let’s get things started then,” I told myself as I went over to the other direction to search for John and get everything set up.

(Celestia’s POV)

“What is Dad doing for so long! I want to see some fireworks!” my sister impatiently whined right next to me.

Everybody, both kids and grownups, who attended the party were all now sitting and waiting around outside in the cold night air, and damn it really is cold outside.

Everybody was wearing jackets, including me and Lulu.

It is the start of winter after all, which also means it will be Christmas again in just a few months, which immediately makes me happy just thinking about it.

Now both Sis and I are sitting on a bench together with Lukas beside me facing the direction where the fireworks will take place with my beautiful pink jacket and, of course, my new shiny and amazingly crafted tiara as well.

Lukas was immediately amazed after he saw me with my new tiara on, but Lulu on the other hand was slightly less impressed than I like her to be ,simply because she was far more engrossed with her new consoles and games, which is completely for her.

“Celly, Lulu, look it’s starting,” Lukas announced and breaking me out of my train of thought.

I quickly saw a whole bunch of fireworks flying up into the air all at once, leaving streaks of red and yellow light behind them, but it is what happened afterwards that really just opened my eyes in utter amazement and absolute wonder.

The sky was suddenly a blaze of beautiful and amazing colours.

Colourful explosions were happening all over our heads turning the dark and empty night sky as bright as day.

I was just absolutely amazed and in awe with this spectacle in front of me, just watching all of those wonderful lights and colours above me and just being completely in utter amazement at them.

Looking over to my left, I could see Luna on the other side trying her best to inconspicuously rest her head onto Lukas shoulder, but quickly pulled back in slight panic before Lukas began to move a bit.

“Oh Lulu, don’t worry, one day you and Lukas may possibly be together. I can tell, so no need for you to rush it,” I thought to myself with an amused giggle.

“Well you two, what do you think of this,” Dad suddenly asked us, appearing seemingly out of nowhere.

“What the…I thought you were over there managing the fireworks, Dad?” I asked him after being shocked to see him here instead of over there.

“Matt and John are doing that for me so that I have time to spend some time with my two fillies,” he explained to me.

I gave him a soft smile as I steadily scooted myself over to the left to give him room to sit with us, especially with me.

“So, how do you like the show?” Dad asked us again after sitting down with us.

“Absolutely awesome, best birthday ever,” Luna shouted with absolute glee.

“Really great, mister Julius,” Lukas added.

“Perfect, thanks for this amazing birthday Dad,” I softly thanked him as I rested my head on his sides.

Dad immediately began to scratch me again behind the ears which quickly made me sigh in delight at this wonderful feeling as I leaned myself closer to him and slowly nuzzling his sides in return.

“Again, thanks for this wonderful day Dad, and most importantly thanks for the tiara; it’s beautiful,” I quietly whisper to him.

“I love you, Daddy,” I quickly added quietly.

I can feel him removing my tiara and ruffling my mane playfully before placing it back gently onto my head.

“Again, happy birthday to you two,” Dad congratulated us for the last time of the day as we spent the rest of the evening watching the fireworks in the sky and continuing to party for the rest of the night.