• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 9,696 Views, 125 Comments

Tales of Fate: A new Future - Navanastra

This is a story about a lonely, depressed rich youn man named Julius who lost his parents at a young age and was forced to endure everything on his own without any friends or family but on one night he will find something that will change his life

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Chapter 2: Wait, wait wait...I'm a father now?

/Chapter 2: Wait, wait wait...I'm a father now?/

“Ugh. Finally back inside. It was seriously getting chilly out there super fast, ” I muttered as I went inside and quickly shut the door behind me and relished the nice, warm cozy atmosphere of the mansion.

The two fillies I found had been asleep for most of the trip and it was really a cute sight to see them suck there own hoof while nicely napping on my left arm.

The plan I had devised in my head during the entire trip was pretty simple: get to my room and lay these two fillies on my bed and then think of a new plan.

Simple right?

After entering, I immediately made my way to the main hall and up the massive stairs to the second floor while making sure not to wake up the two fillies in my arms.

But as luck would have it, on my way upstairs I bumped into my butler, John, for the second time of the day and for once I was not happy to see him since I was carrying a very unusual package with me and had no idea how he would react at the sight of these little ponies in my arms.

I just shrugged and began to approach him, making sure that the ponies were well covered by their blankets.

“Ahh sir Julius, I hope that you are feeling better. Did the fresh air outside help you with your thoughts? “

“Well yes, it did John. That nice calm walk outside really helped me quite a bit. I definitely feel a lot better now. But if you could excuse me, it’s really getting late so, if it is no trouble, I would like to retire back to my quarters for tonight, ” I told him, smiling innocently.

“Of course, sir. Have a nice evening then, ” wished John, smiling.

“You too, John. See you tomorro-”, I started.

Right after I was about to finish my sentence, the little fillies, who were supposed to be asleep, suddenly began to move underneath the blanket and were also making little baby noises, immediately getting Johns attention and ruining my plan to just bring them to my room without incident.

“I know it’s not my position to be curious, but I would think that there might be something alive inside those white pieces of fabric, which I don’t remember seeing you carrying beforehand,. You know it’s strictly against house rules to bring animals in here. You should remember that since it was your dear mother who taught you that, right?”

Well, the cat was out of the bag for me and I knew that John was always very serious when it came to rules and such, but these here were not normal animals at all: these two were… intelligent beings.

The moment I made eye contact with them for the first time, I saw something in them that most animals don’t have a hint of: sentience. They even understood me when I was just trying to calm them down and win their trust; they understood that I was just there to help them. Heck, they even began to play around with my fingers, just like a real baby would.

Well the only thing I could do now is to just show him what I am holding and see what happens.

Sigh, ”Okay, here.”

I began to unwrap the blanket to reveal the two winged unicorns to him.

The moment he first took a look at them he just stared at them with a raised eyebrow but then his expression change back to normal and simply looked at me like he would always do.

“Interesting. I have never seen anything like that before in my whole life, Sir Julius. Where in heaven's name did you find these two?”

I raised an eyebrow at his calm and controlled expression. I was really thinking that he would at least have an expression of complete shock on his face, but then again this is Sir John McJames we are talking about, who used to be one of the best top secret agents during the Cold War and I would imagine that he must have seen more stranger stuff during his missions.

I am the only person who knew about his past since I was the only person who he told. Why only me, I really didn’t know.

I finally recovered from my train of thoughts and focused my attention back to John and told him everything that happened outside and how I found these two fillies.

After that, there was a moment of silence. Obviously John was trying to fully understand all the information I had just given him, but then the silence was once again interrupted by the two little ponies in my arms, now fully awake from their little nap.

The first thing they did was rub their eyes with their tiny little hoofs while also yawning adorably. The first one they saw was of course me, immediately giving me big smiles while trying to reach me with their little hoofs.

The only thing I could do was smile back and reach my hand over to them so that they could play around with my fingers again.

While that was happening, I could see that John was just standing there watching all of this with a hint of pure interest.

“Well, Sir Julius, I have to admit these two little kids you found are indeed adorable,” said John.

My attention went from the two baby fillies to John in an instant, right after he said that and I looked at him with raised eyebrows?

“Wait, wait, wait...did you just said ‘kids’?” I questioned John.

“Well, yes I did, sir Julius. The way these two behave and act is just like how a normal human baby would act...in fact these two remind me very much of you when you were about their age.”

I just looked at him at this point, when I was about to say something I was once again interrupted by the two little fillies in my arms.

As I focused my gaze to the two little fillies, I could only smile once again, for the second time, at the sight I saw. The two were playing happily with each other, giggling cutely and trying to pull each others mane’s with their teeth in a very non harmful, playful way.

After a while, there seemed to have noticed me watching them playing around and they instantly renewed their focus on me, smiling up at me and trying to reach me again with their cute little hoofs probably wanting to play with me too.

“Well, sir Julius, I think the best thing to do first is to get them to your room and then see from there on what to do next.”

Again I was broken away from the two ponies and back to John after that.

“Wait, you're saying I can...” I began.

“Well, it’s obvious that these two babies you found are not going to survive alone out there. In addition, I can see that these two are very drawn to you, so separating them from you now would just be cruel, and besides maybe having these two unique creatures to take care of could be the answer to all of your problems, ” stated John.

I simply nodded and smiled at him for being so understanding so quickly. Usually he always lectures me with all those annoying rules and such, but now he completely forgets them for the sake of my own happiness.

I wasted no time in getting to my room and placed the two fillies on my bed, and finally free my arm from holding them the entire time.

After placing the little unicorns down onto my massive bed, they immediately began to hop down and explore their new environment, hopping around, crawling and climbing on objects for the need of curiosity.

As I watched them explore around my room and eventually finding and playing with a few items, I began to enter my own thoughts again; like how am I going to take care of them and what is there diet composed of and so on.

While I was standing at the entrance of my room watching the fillies explore and play around, I didn’t notice my butler John coming from behind and was standing right next to me also looking at the two having their fun inside my very large room.

“Well, Sir Julius, what would be the names of your two little kids, if I may ask, of course?”

My train of thought was interrupted right after that.

Names? I haven’t thought about that really.

“How to think of a good name for these two?” I ask out loud and right after that my butler gave me an answer to that question.

“Why don’t we just observe them to see if we could come up with a name by specifically looking at what they are doing and how they are behaving.”

I nodded on his idea and we simply began to observe to see if we could decide on some good names for these two.

The first one I was looking at was the dark blue one with the light blue mane and tail.

She somehow managed to get up on a Victorian style table that was standing right next to my window, by looking at her I could tell that she was staring at the clear, star filled night sky, especially at the full moon. She seemed completely mesmerized by it, simply staring at it with her big, blue eyes, smiling widely as she did so.

“Mhmmm she seems to like the moon very much, I can easily tell,” I thought to myself as I continued to watch her at the table gazing at the full moon outside.

Then I suddenly remembered reading something I in a book once and quickly tried to remember what it was again.

“What was the Italian Latin word for’ moon again’?” I asked myself and it really took me for like maybe a minute or two before I could remember what the Latin word for Moon was.

“Oh wait I got it, it’s Luna,” I said out loud as I manage to get the answer I was looking for. Of course, John noticed this and turned his head to me.

“I got the perfect name for her,” I announced as I pointed at the dark-bluish winged unicorn sitting on the table.”

“Luna. Her name will be Luna,” I announced to John.

“Well, that sure is an interesting name, Sir Julius. I totally agree that it fits her nicely.”

Well now if only I could think of a name for her white sibling. Should not be too difficult, I guess.

And after that I began to focus my gaze at the white filly, who was just sitting on the carpeted floor on the other side of the room.

As I did, I could see that she had also somehow managed to get up on a table, and was playing around with my miniature model of the solar system, trying desperately to move the rings with the planets on them with her hoofs trying to pull or push it and even using her teeth to do so. She also seemed to enjoy the big yellow golden Sun at the center of the model trying to rotate it as well with the rest of the planets. Too bad for her that the Sun is fixated onto the model so it will never move like how the others planets can.

As I watched her playing around with the model, a very strange idea began to hit my mind.

“Wait, what was the professional term for planets and other space objects again?” I thought to myself.

Just like earlier it took me a while to think before I finally got the answer I was looking for, but in the end I got it and I probably also got the idea on how to name her.

“Wait I remember. The term is celestial bodies or something close to that and if I simply remove the ‘L’ from ‘celestial’ it would become Celestia,” I happily thought to myself.

Now with a name for her in my head, I turned my attention to John to tell him.

“I think I got a name for her as well,” I told John.

“Oh really?” questioned John.

“Yes. Celestia,” I announced.

For a moment or two, John was just standing deep in thought about my name choice for the white, winged unicorn, but then he looked back at me and nodded in approval.

“That sounds perfect for her, sir Julius.”

I nodded and focused my gaze back to the two siblings playing around my room, giggling and hopping around on my bed and couches and just literally touching everything.

I walked up to them, picked them up and carefully placed them back on my bed while they were still laughing and giggling cutely.

For a few seconds, they just looked at me with there big, colorful eyes and huge smiles , waiting for me to do or say something.

I got down to my knees, so it would be easier for these two to look at me and decided to give them their new names.

“It’s time for the two of you to get names. If I'm going to take care of you two,” I announced to the two siblings while stroking there soft manes and cheeks, both of them giggling and smiling at me for doing so.

I looked at the little blue fur ball and told her that her name will be Luna.

Luna only looked at me smiling and giggling.

Then I focused my attention to her white counterpart and gave her the name, Celestia.

Just like her smaller sibling, she just smiled at me and giggled giving me her approval that she loved her new name but unlike her sibling she did something no one in this room would have expected to see or hear. Little Celestia suddenly managed to get up on her hind legs and pressed her fore legs against my chest for balance. She looked at me with her big pink eyes and said her first real words since I found her.


A moment of confused silence permeated the room.

“Dada Dada Dada,” intoned Celestia.

“Wait...Dada as in Daddy... she thinks I'm her daddy, her father...WHAT?”, I thought, my mind in complete confusion.