• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,165 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

  • ...

Gaiden-Decretum: A Magical Girl, Believing In Justice

A/N: Special thanks to Starlight Nova, the other sans, EquinoxLiege, and InsanityStreak for your comments last chapter, and I hope to continue hearing your thoughts as this little arc continues!

Today's song shall be, Credens Justitiam.

And here is an image from the show's ED that I think deserves noting for its adorableness. (From left to right, Hitomi, Madoka, Sayaka)

I hope you all enjoy, and I hope to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

School passed by faster than Trixie expected it to, especially given that it was her first day and she expected it to be a long and tiresome affair to offset whatever she might discover there. Fortunately this was not the case and Trixie soon found herself walking out of the school's doors along with Sayaka, not truly knowing what to do now that classes were over: just what did normal girls do when they weren't in class? Trixie spent a lot of her time with her family or with her only real friend back home, but she doubted other girls spent all their time essentially hidden from the public eye.

She enjoyed her classes, even if her teacher was...eccentric. It seems that her relationship with some man had broken down that morning and so she was still stewing over it in class, bringing up how men ought to act and how they ought not to towards a hypothetical woman (or rather her).

Trixie hadn't dared trying to talk to the other students in her class after her embarrassing entrance, instead hoping that she might be able to befriend another batch through the school's cafeteria or through other methods of coming into contact with kids who hadn't seen her humiliate herself. If some hadn't laughed she may have felt comfortable still trying things with her own class, but for the moment she only felt safe talking to those she knew through Sayaka: shy but friendly Madoka, and the seeming class genius and popular girl Hitomi. Sayaka was the tomboy one of the trio, balancing out Hitomi's feminine traits from Trixie's observation, while Madoka was just kind of...there. Pretty and wore feminine clothes but wasn't some seeming role model of beauty as Hitomi was billed as being by the other students.

Hitomi being attractive ran contrary to Trixie's understanding of Humanoid attractiveness, given that by simple observation her chest was smaller than Sayaka's and was not noticeably larger than Madoka's. Wasn't that how it was supposed to work? That's the feeling she got from her prior experience with Humans, Asgardians, and also from her time spent in the school that day when she noticed that some boys at lunch had their eyes on her own chest. This didn't offend Trixie, who was used to being an equine and thus not wearing clothes so modesty was not at the top of her priority list, but Sayaka had considered the actions of those boys perverted and they were currently nursing bruises on their heads.

Humans were confusing, but Trixie found interacting with them fascinating all the same.

"So, I ran into Madoka and it seems like she had some sorta weird conversation with that other new kid. You can come with and listen as we discuss our battle plan and figure out how to deal with her!" Sayaka explained to Trixie as they departed the school, excitement creeping into the blue haired girl's voice.

Unlike the other Humans who Trixie found amusing or interesting in one way or another, the other transfer student was not exactly someone she cared to deal with again, "Miss Akemi scares me."

This statement seemed only to amuse Sayaka and further her dramatic narration of what they were going to be doing, "Oh so she's freaking you out too? This calls for immediate planning and action! First she's confused and upset Madoka, and now she's messing with her fellow newbie!"

Did Sayaka see life as if it was all some fantasy story? Trixie wondered. She found the energy a breath of fresh air since normally she was the one who had to lead the charge and decide what to do when she was with Kael, but now, thinking in terms of story narration, she felt comfortable following the lead of another protagonist.

Still, she didn't want Sayaka to suspect Homura too much...particularly because Trixie wanted to observe the other girl and her weirdness more before commenting. Unlike Madoka who seemed instantly put-off by Homura's weirdness and told Sayaka a bit about it, Trixie was going to hold it closer to her chest until she could figure out why Homura had been so threatening towards her, "I don't think she's a bad person...she's just scary."

"Pfft, if she's scaring both you and Madoka then she's a bad enough person for me."

There wasn't much argument to be had there, so Trixie just followed after Sayaka while the other girl headed to where she would meet up with Madoka and Hitomi, Trixie being glad that she was being invited to something like this. Given her near non-existent amount of friends back home she was wholly unused to being invited to just about anything on a personal level, since going to parties and major events with her mother were really just business affairs.

The location was a tall building that housed within it a restaurant Trixie didn't catch the name of as they entered, but which had a large open nature with spaced out tables and enough room for one to lounge without feeling as cramped as Trixie knew other restaurants to be. Holding an upside down palm out to the space afforded, Sayaka introduced Trixie to the location, "So, this is where we hang out sometimes after class. Food's great, they have tea, and it's a really relaxed place, nobody gets up in your business."

While it was by no means heavy for her, Trixie could still feel the weight of her backpack pulling down on her shoulders, so her mind came to think of things relating to it that also tied into this place's calm atmosphere, "Can I do my homework here?"

Though by no means a poor student, Sayaka was the least focused on her studies out of her group of friends and so she took this question as a joke. Laughing shortly, she had no idea that Trixie was dead serious, "I mean someone could, but come on, who'd do homework anywhere but home?" this changed as soon as she noticed Trixie's confused look to her, with Sayaka backpedaling quickly, "Oh, you weren't kidding. Uhh, so yeah, I think you can."

This pleased Trixie, for it gave her an excuse to hang out with friends while also doing work: she didn't know how to really not try hard in her studies stemming from it being one of the only aspects to her life so far, so it was of a high priority to her. However Trixie wasn't worried about doing poorly, she just wanted to be able to do what she knew she would be doing while also being in a place she could spend time with her friends. Sleep Near had their monetary needs all taken care of, so Trixie could spend as much as she wanted at a place like this without even worrying.

"So what do you eat? I don't even know where you're from, so I can't really guess."

They found a table that could seat all four of them even though Madoka and Hitomi hadn't arrived just yet, and when Sayaka ordered some tea she realized that she should probably make sure there was something for her friend to actually consume here.

Fortunately, Trixie was easy to appease and so she shrugged while offering a simple answer, "I like bread."

Sayaka grinned at Trixie's simple tastes, "Pretty sure everyone does, but at least that's a start. Anything with the bread?"

"Butter preferably, though it's not necessary so long as the bread is warm."

Now determined to expand the new girl's taste in food, Sayaka tried to keep a straight face as she rose an eyebrow at Trixie, "You ever tried a hamburger? It has bread, sort of."

"Hamburger? Is that the thing with buns?"

"Yeah, you got the right idea. Meat between two buns, makes for a tasty snack!"

Having dined in Asgard, Trixie wasn't wholly unfamiliar with the concept of eating meat, and having watched some television shows from Earth she had heard of hamburgers before, though she admittedly wasn't too familiar with them, "I haven't really eaten meat before, but my family does all the time. Do they have hamburgers here?"

This question would go unanswered as two other girls joined them at the table, Madoka and Hitomi finding their seats across from Sayaka and Trixie. Madoka realized that their arrival was an interruption to some kind of conversation, so she apologized for their tardiness that caused said interruption.

"Sorry we're late."

The other girls had only been there a few moments themselves, so neither took offense to only beating Madoka and Hitomi there by such a small sliver of time. Sayaka even verbalized her lack of concern as she shrugged her shoulders flippantly, "Hey, no problem. Now, Madoka, give us the scoop!"

"Give me a moment, Sayaka," Madoka commented, appearing out of breath. She knew that her old friend Sayaka was fast and since they hadn't come over together she still had to try to keep pace with her without Sayaka slowing down for her on occasion. As Madoka took a breath to recover she came to fully notice Trixie's spot across from herself, and so she smiled to the new girl, "Miss Lokidóttir, I didn't know you'd be joining us. How was your first day?"

Having been trained to be formal in this hypothetical scenario, Trixie accepted the warm greeting politely, "Thank you for asking. It was a good start I believe, even if it started out a bit...poorly."

Sayaka brandished an arm and flexed it in an exaggerated fashion, "Yeah, if anybody but me laughs at you in the future let me know and I'll straighten them out."

Both Hitomi and Madoka appeared amused by this while also sounding embarrassed by their friend's exuberant nature, with them both saying the same thing as they watched her, "Oh Sayaka."

Trixie smiled at the vow to protect her from bullies, but truth be told she could put someone's face through a wall if she wanted to, so it wasn't really necessary...though she did suppose that if she did that she would draw even more ire from her classmates. That, and Trixie was aware at least of the fact that Humans weren't strong enough to put someone's head through a foot of concrete on their own.

"Come on Madoka, you can't just tease me with juicy info about the transfer girl being a weirdo to you and then not tell me about it. What'd she do?"


"She said what?!"

Apparently, according to Madoka, the other transfer girl Homura had spoken to her about if Madoka was happy with her life. If she wanted to keep her friends, her family, and her life the way things were. She had ended up basically levying a veiled threat that if Madoka wanted to remain happy as she was, she ought not do anything to change her life.

Having finished telling the others, Madoka seemed concerned about this development, "It doesn't make any sense, does it?"

Sayaka raised one hand palm up as her fingers tightened and contorted in a way to show her aggravation, soon lowering it while mimicking the hand gesture with her other hand as well while she chastised the absent Homura, "Ah! I hope she doesn't think acting like a weird transfer student is cool. That's so MOE, it makes me sick!"

Trixie crossed her arms and frowned at her new friend's seemingly careless statement, "I'm a transfer student too..."

"Yeah but you're the good kind of weird. This girl's a total psycho!" Sayaka clarified, feeling ready to punch Homura the next time she saw her, or at the very least throw something at her.

Opposite of Sayaka at the table and in temperament, Hitomi was taking this all in calmly and did not mimic her friend's exaggerated anger, "This has to be a misunderstanding. Are you positive you've never met her before?"

This brought Madoka to contemplate something, with the pink haired girl pausing to think before responding to Hitomi's query, "Hmm... I guess the sensible answer would be 'yes'..."

The vague answer puzzled Sayaka, "Okay, what do you mean by sensible? Either you met her or you didn't."

"Well, it's like..." Madoka's normally cute expression was contorted into one of deep embarrassment, "You're gonna think I'm weird, but I first met her in a dream or something."

This answer was more suitable for Sayaka's purposes, and so she laughed and went with the far-fetched idea, "That's awesome! The anime character in you's popping out, too!"

"Come on, that's mean! This is really bugging me!"

Calming down marginally, Sayaka took on a thoughtful expression, "I got it all figured out. You guys knew each other in the past life, and the fate has reached across time and space to bring you back together again."

"Past lives? That's just silly. When you die you just go to Valhalla or Hel, that's all there is to it."

Sayaka laughed as she continued the line of joking, now pointing to Trixie, "And in your past life you didn't go to either, which is why you're here talking about it!"

Trixie couldn't try to speak from her personal knowledge of Sleep Near and Hela, so she silenced herself with a small huff while Hitomi tried to get them back on track, "In your dream, what happened when you met her?

"That's the thing. I can't really remember what happened in it. All I know is that it was really strange and spooky," Madoka explained, again being sparse on the details since she didn't have much to give. This all seemed very odd to Trixie, who was beginning to suspect highly that this Homura was indeed some kind of entity separate from a normal Human being. The fact that she seemed to instantly pick up on how Trixie shouldn't exist there, that she moved in an inhuman fashion, possessed a demeanor different than any Trixie had come across in other Humans, and that she confronted Madoka in such a way, alone and to give her a threatening message seemingly speaking from some kind of knowledge beyond Madoka's comprehension, all added up to the conclusion that something was most certainly off about this other transfer student.

On the one hand, this was a good thing for Trixie since it drew suspicion away from her own weirdness, but on the other it meant she had to deal with someone she still suspected was like herself: a powerful being masquerading as a normal school girl. It would explain how Homura aced everything in class and broke so many records at school during their physical education.

Of course Trixie could be wrong completely in her conclusion, but she had little to lose by suspecting Homura: if anything, joining in on being suspicious of her was a bonding factor to this group of friends. What could she possibly lose by distrusting Homura? Her friendship? The first thing Homura did was basically try to intimidate Trixie, so she wasn't exactly clamoring for whatever affection the creepy girl Homura could lend. She much rather preferred the three she found herself with now: an energetic tomboy who she could follow behind, an ace student who possessed a femininity Trixie wished she could emulate, and a bubblegum haired girl whose hair matched her bubbly and cute personality.

Hitomi continued forward with her theory, "If you want my opinion, I think it's entirely possibly you met Miss Akemi somewhere before."

Met her before? The thought of actually having met Homura before but not remembering such an oddball confused Madoka, "Huh?!"

Hitomi's voice was like a supportive teacher as she explained to Madoka what she was trying to get at, "You might not remember meeting her, but your subconscious certainly took note of it. When you were having that dream, your subconscious simply brought up the image of her."

The one most doubtful of this was Sayaka, who thought the chances of dreaming of someone the day before seeing them again after a hypothetical long absence were too small, "Seriously? That's a heck of a coincidence, don't you think?"

Given her intelligence, Hitomi too could see that her idea was far-fetched, "Hehe, perhaps," right after she admitted as much, she realized that the short time she had that day to spend with her friends was up, "Uh-oh, look how late it's gotten. Excuse me, but I really should be going now."

"Is it piano today or classical dance?" Sayaka inquired, seemingly knowledgeable about where Hitomi was off to. Trixie on the other hand was confused as to why Hitomi was having to anywhere.

"Tea Ceremony lessons today. Even though our exams are coming up, my mother still wants me to continue taking them."

As Hitomi departed, Sayaka gave a wry grin to the others, "Yeah, there's another reason to be glad I wasn't born a rich girl."

"Being rich really isn't as great as some make it sound at times..." Trixie noted softly. She could empathize with having to do all sorts of obligations and learn all sorts of extra skills just because of who she was, which was specifically why she saw this chance at experiencing a 'normal' life as such a boon. She didn't think by any means that her life was terrible, but she still did feel pressures and pains that others might not be privy to, "It's nicer than being poor, but they both bring their own problems."

Sayaka looked over their new friend with curiosity, "You rich too?"

Not wanting to explain the whole 'princess of multiple kingdoms' thing, Trixie just shrugged and tried to downplay it, "Kinda."

"No wonder you could be homeschooled and know all that stuff I didn't!"

Madoka giggled, "Sayaka, maybe you should pay more attention in class..."

"Hey, you're not that much better than me in school Madoka. Imagine if I was actually awake half the time!"

"That's my point..." thinking about how she too ought to go home by a certain hour to meet her curfew, Madoka decided they ought to depart and so she stood up like Hitomi had moments before, "Anyways, we should get going too."

"Madoka, you wanna hit the music store on the way home?"

Music store? They had music stores here on Earth? Equestria and Asgard had musicians, but given their respective technological backwardness compared to Earth Trixie had not actually encountered such a store.

Madoka seemed fine with this idea, "Okay. Something for Kyosuke again?"

Seemingly caught in her intentions, Sayaka rubbed the back of her neck, "Yeah, maybe."

Trixie tilted her head. What was a Kyousuke? A pet? Did pets like music? Trixie heard plants like music, so she supposed a pet could too.

"Stalking children still, brother?"

"You are too, sister, so don't act so smug. I am not one to judge souls by the age, just their deeds."

"Our sister is going to derail the careful scene you're trying to watch."

"If she does I can always try again. I told mother I'd look after her though and let her have some fun, so I will. I have eternity to fix every little thing, so if Trixie messes things up for my observation I will just go through it all again. It's not as if this world isn't used to do-overs."

"Trixie can die here. You realize that."

"She won't, and even if some tragedy were to befall her, what could actually go wrong with both of us here? We control life and death. You, the Hell of the unworthy, and me the eternal dream of those who have proven themselves."

"It all seems so mundane so far..."

"Patience, sister. If it's blood you seek, just give it a moment more."

Trixie had no prior knowledge of this thing known as "Death metal", but she was finding it entertaining even if she did have to turn its volume down quite a bit for the sake of her sensitive ears. Browsing the music shop Sayaka had brought them too was proving interesting to Trixie, who did not get to experience all this music before with so many different genres. She found herself drawn particularly to this band named "Five Finger Death Punch", though she couldn't fathom why this music so different from the friendly songs she heard in Equestria was appealing to her ears.

While Trixie finished immersing herself in listening to a song named 'Remember Everything', Madoka asked Sayaka a question, "What are you looking for?"

"Hopefully I can find some violin performances on CD," Sayaka explained as she fiddled with various CD cases and the headphones she was going to listen to the songs on.

Repeating her question from before, Madoka smiled up at her blue haired friend, "Something for Kyousuke again?"

"Yeah, he really likes rare CDs, particularly classical music."

Pausing a song she was thinking of recommending for Sayaka named 'Forsaken', Trixie decided to finally pipe up about her lack of knowledge concerning this entity she was unaware of, "What's a Kyousuke?"

The inquiry seemed to both catch Sayaka a bit off-guard, as if it mattered a great deal to her, and also wrought a bittersweet smile on her face as she tapped a hand on the CD's she was looking at, "Oh he's a friend of mine. He's a musician, but he can't play right now so I bring him CD's to listen to."

Ohhhhh, so this was what it looked like when Trixie spoke of Kael to someone and they assumed he was her boyfriend. Not about to inflict the inquisition others did upon her concerning her affections, Trixie let the issue drop, though she felt her opinion of this new friend grow: for whatever reason this Kyousuke couldn't do the music himself anymore, but here Sayaka was taking time out of her day to find music for him to enjoy so that he would feel better about it. She was either a really good friend, or a really good friend who had a crush. Trixie would do the same for Kael if he wasn't able to do magic anymore and do what she could to support him...though she didn't allow herself to consider if she was the former or latter example of a friend.

While listening to a song suggested by Sayaka named 'Decretum', Trixie noticed that Madoka was walking off somewhere. Confused as to where Madoka was going without explanation, Trixie decided to see if she had just missed some parting words from the pink girl.

"Uh, Sayaka, where is Madoka going?"

Now realizing this as well, Sayaka called after their classmate hurriedly, "Wait, Madoka! Where are you going?"

Seemingly not hearing them, Madoka continued to leave and soon was gone from site, having left the shop. Still confused by this, Sayaka nodded for Trixie to follow her.

"Hmmm, something's weird...I have no idea where she's wandering off to. Want to see what she's doing?"

"Okay...she's sure acting weird."

While not yet wholly familiar with Madoka's habits and personality, Trixie doubted Madoka was so bubbly as to just plain wander off from her friends without explanation, so something was probably up.

It took a little while to track her down, but with Sayaka's knowledge of the city's area they followed Madoka over to where a part of the mall was under construction. Madoka had gone past the warning signs and had gone in as if she had some purpose, confusing both Sayaka and Trixie who were tailing her. When they finally caught up with her inside the dark building, Madoka was on the ground holding some small white thing that looked like a stuffed animal while Homura stood over them both in what appeared to be some weird outfit not entirely dissimilar to the school outfit but having a look as if it belonged on some anime heroine.

"Hey, that's the transfer girl!" Sayaka exclaimed as Trixie furrowed her own brow in observation of the scene before them: if need be, she could interrupt the scene and fight Homura if she was threatening Madoka's safety, but she didn't know enough about what was happening yet to interfere on impulse.

Less contemplative though was Sayaka, who grabbed a nearby fire extinguisher.

"This should do!"

Across the darkened area Madoka cowered beneath the looming form of Homura, who seemed intent on harming the thing held by Madoka, "Get away from that creature."

Not willing to let Homura hurt the small white creature that had cried out for help and asked for Madoka to save it, Madoka clung it to her chest as she tried keeping it away from its abuser, "B-But he's really hurt. Leave him alone. Why are you trying to hurt him?!"

"This doesn't concern you."

"But he was calling me! I could hear him calling my name! He was asking me to help him!"

This seemed to surprise Homura slightly, changing her blank expression only the slightest bit, "Really?"

Their little dialogue was cut short by a fire extinguisher dousing Homura and covering the whole area she was in with its contents.

"Over here, Madoka!"

Seeing her friend was a large relief to Madoka, who stood up and rushed over to her savior, "Sayaka!"

With Madoka now with her and Trixie, Sayaka used the last of the fire extinguisher before hurling the heavy object at the menacing transfer student. This done, they began to run away from Homura while she was still distracted.

While they ran through the empty building away from where Homura was Sayaka bombarded Madoka with questions as to what the heck was going on, "Now she's attacking you in cosplay? What's her problem? And what's that thing you're carrying? Looks like a stuffed animal. Is it alive?"

"I don't know. I don't know why this is happening, but we have to save him!"

Less concerned about the white fluffy thing that was bleeding and more concerned with the fact that the space around them was contorting into some magical realm like what her mother could summon, Trixie tried drawing their attention to what had been slowly creeping up and now was center stage as the mall disappeared around them to be replaced by a bizarre area that defied explanation. Things looked like they were only in two dimensions suddenly, with metal fences floating in mid air and with odd decorations such as large 2D floating butterflies flickering about unnaturally, crowns on their head and poles coming out of their lower body as if they were puppets. Windows hung around in the air too, some open and some closed, and there was not even a pattern to their placement. This world seemed to stretch on forever despite these many random obstacles in every direction, with what once were walls fading into a purple void.

Shivers went up Trixie's spine as she pointed to it all, "Uh...is this normal?"

They stopped running when they reached the point they had entered from, with Sayaka realizing that one had been an exit was absent, a sealed structure now in its place, "Where'd the exit go? Where are we?"

"I don't like this place. Everything keeps changing!" Madoka whined as she continued to cling the creature she brought, though the whining was not without cause: all colors under the rainbow were flashing about, odd looking pipes appeared as if from nowhere, the figure of a man with a top hat appeared with a stop sign with a face, the vague outline of a middle aged woman was conjured up without any detail, completely lacking color and just appearing as if a white blob, unrealistic eyes popped up to look around,

"Oh, crap! What the heck's going on?!"

Trixie put herself in front of the other two confidently, her greater size affording them some cover behind her as she stood stoically before the madness now surrounding them. She was preparing to call forth her magic to try and end this when Madoka pointed out something else nearby.

"There's something over there!"

If a cotton ball were given a mustache and a slight body, that would be what was now looking over at them. A few of these odd creatures wiggled and made unnatural noises while the three girls cowered away from them, though their attention was soon caught by indecipherable text floating before them and a kaleidoscope of butterflies swarmed about, scattering as quickly as they had come. Together with the odd cotton ball creatures, the butterflies began a sort of dance, noises one might say came from a child coming from them as they made their movements.

The ground they all stood on became a checkered platform of muted colors, while animated scissors began to fly about in the air while the cotton creatures closed in slowly.

Sayaka and Madoka clutched one another as they stood in fear of this insane scene playing before them, "This is some kind of joke, right? I'm stuck in a bad dream, but I am dreaming, right? Right, Madoka?!"

More familiar with magic, Trixie tried keeping her own cool even as her brain was yelling at her to panic, "Just stay behind me!"

Razor-like chains joined the scissors in floating around, while the cotton creatures grew grotesque green mouths with disgusting teeth. What appeared to be gears twirled in the background while the chains were cut and while the chains and scissors collided.

Then, as if a miracle, the creatures were blasted away in a burst of light.

This confused all of the girls, with Sayaka being the first to speak, "What's happening?"

Madoka whimpered, still confused by this all, "I don't know."

"Magic..." Trixie said to herself, trying to figure out the source of it. Someone had just saved them, but who and why? It wasn't Sleep Near, he didn't fight using explosions like what she just saw, same for Hela...

"That was close, wasn't it?" the three girls spun around to see where the voice of a slightly older girl came from, its source being what they might expect: a girl who did indeed look slightly older than them who had blonde hair and an outfit from their school, "But don't worry, you're safe now."

In her hand was some small gem-like construct shaped like an egg that was glowing, which Trixie quickly ascertained was the source of her power. It continued to glow as she approached them, with this maybe fourteen or fifteen year old girl sounding relieved as she next spoke to the now baffled trio, "Thank goodness. You rescued Kyubey for me. I'm very grateful. He's a dear friend of mine and I was so worried."

Kyubey must be the name of the white little creature that had a red symbol on its back, and weirdly had ears growing out of its ears. It seemed peaceful and not in pain now that it was safe, with its wounds seemingly having faded away in the meantime as if from some magical regenerative property.

"He called out to me. I could hear his voice inside my head," Madoka explained.

"Ahh, I see. I can tell by your uniforms that you all go to Mitakihara Middle School. Are you eighth graders?"

Still having no idea who this other girl was, Sayaka decided it best to actually determine that before blindly trusting her, "W-Who are you?"

"Oh, that's right. Maybe I should introduce myself," looking back she seemed to notice that things were beginning to get crazy again in this distorted realm, and so she paused her would be introduction, "Actually, it's going to have to wait a bit."

With a small dance, the girl brandished the small egg gem in front of herself and it glowed bright yellow once again, "Please excuse me. I have to wrap this up first."

The area around this older student was illuminated by a flash of bright light, with the clothes on her shifting from a school outfit to a custom one that in some ways resembled the one Homura had been wearing before. If Trixie were to liken it to anything, it would be a Magical Girl outfit like from an anime...which suddenly made sense to her since it now seemed that this world was one where such magic was possible rather than one of the alternate Earths without magic she had been told about.

The transformation was done with such power that it actually let out a shockwave that nearly blew Sayaka and Madoka back, while Trixie stood still, completely unfazed by it. She looked and observed this blonde girl's new figure, a hat now resting atop the girl's head as she stood before the monsters in her white and yellow custom outfit. In a flash the girl summoned forth an arsenal of giant rifles that hovered around her, rifles which wasted no time firing down at the monsters helpless against the sudden and powerful bombardment wrought upon them. Explosions ripped throughout the area, and as fast as she had begun her battle this girl had ended it.

"Wow, amazing!" Madoka commented, awed by the sheer magnificence of what she had seen. As she stated this the world around them became normal once again, something which Sayaka noticed and was quite pleased by.

"We're back!"

The only one not giddy with excitement was Trixie, who was familiar with magic. While impressed by the power displayed by this new girl, Trixie had witnessed even more powerful magic by her parents and so it was not enough to make her stand in the same awe as Madoka...but she was still grateful for being saved.

Now in the real world again, the blonde savior turned away from the three girls and looked over with a polite smile to where a lurking Homura stood, "The witch managed to escape. If you wanna finish it off, you'd better go after it. I won't mind if you take it this time."

"But I still have work to do here," came Homura's blunt reply, her intention to harm Kyubey still obvious to them all.

While still smiling, the blonde girl's tone carried a weight to it that turned her polite voice into a threat, "You don't understand, do you? I'm telling you I'm willing to overlook this. Honestly, don't you think it would be best if we didn't do this right now?"

Seeing that she was now outnumbered and things no longer were in her favor, Homura departed without another word. Sayaka resumed a normal position, having taken up standing in front of Madoka, while Trixie too resumed a normal stance from her position protecting them both. Now free from danger, they all let out a sigh of relief together.

The group reconvened on a stray tarp they could sit down on, where this new girl went about using the magic gem to seemingly heal Kyubey from what remained of his wounds. The small creature's friendly telepathic voice spoke inside their heads as it rose from its seeming slumber to thank her, its red eyes looking up at her as it sat like a well trained cat, "Thank you, Mami! You're a lifesaver."

'Mami' passed along the credit for saving him modestly, "I'm not the one you should be thanking. They saved you. I was just passing by."

Now turning its attention to the others, Kyubey spoke in its same cutesy voice to them, "Thank you very much! My name's Kyubey."

"Were you the one who was calling for help?" Madoka asked, recognizing the telepathic voice. Meanwhile, Sayaka was freaking out that this thing could talk at all.

"That's right, Madoka Kaname," it turned slightly to face the next one, "And Sayaka Miki," then it turned again and paused slightly before continuing, "And Trixie Lulamoon."

That was enough for Sayaka to balk, confused as to how some animal could talk as well as know who they were, "Whoa, hang on a sec. How do you know our names?"

"I came here because I have a favor to ask of you all."

"What are you talking about?" Trixie asked, curious as well now too.

Still chipper, Kyubey announced his intentions boldly.

"I want you to make contracts with me and become magical girls!"

Author's Note:

Say hello to Mami! For those unfamiliar with her, she has some similarities with Celestia (down to drinking tea and eating cake) in that she is an older, motherly figure who has experience and uses it to aid others. Only, she's a bit more proactive than Celestia in the show, as demonstrated above. For any wondering, the video linked above is her and her theme.

You may also begin to be noticing differences between Sayaka and her friend Madoka: Madoka stood still as she was menaced over, Sayaka shot Homura with a fire extinguisher and then chucked it at her.

If you're in a real anime mood, here's the ending theme to Madoka. (Couldn't find a good youtube version, so excuse the alternate site)

Thank you for reading, and I hope to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Comments ( 23 )


if her family leaves anything left after they're done with you of course.

had broken down that morning

1. Extra spacing here.

Hmm... I'd like to actually ask a few questions, one of them being how Mami didn't address Trixie when she was also standing together with Madoka and Sayaka. Another thing noticable was Kyubey knowing Trixie's other name rather than they one she was introduced with though that could probably be dismissed as a 'translation' of sorts for those that didn't know the language. Also, kudos to the author for convincing me to watch the show, I can say you wont regret it.

Nice to see Trixie's schooling to keep calm under pressure worked here to her advantage so far but let's wait until she gets thrust into more action shall we? Because we all know she's going to get more action, probably more than she bargained for.

Oh and I'm also surprised that Kyubey offered Trixie to become a magical girl since, y'know, she's already an aforementioned one albeit originally a talking high level magic using on a casual scale unicorn. Let's see what Trixie decides in this outcome shall we?

Very passive approach for the daughter of Loki and Luna to let someone else fight the monster.

Mind how she'll react since she's already technically an uber magical girl will be entertaining

7688633 But Kyubey is just a cute little cat thing. :rainbowlaugh:


What Trixie's got to watch out for are those witches. :twilightsmile:

7689301 Mami does address Trixie, she just doesn't get much time with her to single her out. :twilightsmile:

Kyubey calling Trixie by her other name was deliberate but I'm not gonna explain it :rainbowlaugh: That's up for you to decide the implications of. I'd also like to use this moment to say that, like in canon, Sayaka is pretty much always spot on when talking about things. :twilightsmile: (Like how she talked about Madoka being an anime character, or that Homura wasn't too good a person)

And thank you for the kudos, I am glad you got to see it. Now everyone else must view it and my master plan shall be complete.

Trixie's never really been in a life or death situation here, so she's basically trained for danger without actually having experienced it. Expect her further down the road to be a bit more proactive as she reconciles her inexperience fighting (real battles) with having to.

Kyubey just knows that he senses a lot of potential behind Trixie like he does Madoka, so Kyubey thinks he's getting a two for one deal. He hasn't seen her actually use magic yet, he just knows that she's weirdly powerful since he can sense such things. So Kyubey's going to try to get Trixie to be a magical girl with quite some interest, and it'll be interesting to see just what Trixie ends up doing.

7690044 Do remember that Trixie hasn't been in a true fight yet, so she was first concerned with just looking out for the other two girls, and before they actually were attacked Mami interrupted things in a sudden bombardment that wiped out the immediate threat, then took care of the next and final wave all on her own. So Trixie hesitated briefly and that was all Mami needed to win. However, even then Trixie 1.0 actually let other people fight her targets for her so she could fare better against them, pitting Tirek against the Sirens for example, so if it had been on purpose it'd have been an interesting callback. In truth though it's just that she had no idea what the hell was going on and in seconds she was saved from it all.

But yes, since she's already a super powerful magical girl it'll be fun seeing how she deals with things. At the moment she wants to be living a "normal" life so she'll probably keep mum on the whole "I am a magical talking horse" thing until necessary.

7690288 Deliberate name calling? The only question here now is, how does he know that name:trixieshiftright: I'd also like to say that Homura is a good person albeit mainly to one person and is very protective of them.

Oh I'm definitely expecting Trixie's moment to shine come up later, the questions I have would be in what fashion and how she'll apply her knowledge to those battles. Oh god, now I'm picturing the scenario as WH40K:DoW2 style, Trixie could be a combination of Thule, Avitus and Cyrus all in one.

I'm still very curious on how Kyubey can sense such things so easily though probably no scouter like in Dragon Ball.

7691056 Deliberate on my part, didn't say it was deliberate on Kyubey's just to clarify. I even put a small bit in there where Kyubey pauses before addressing Trixie, since unlike the other two he hadn't been intending already to contract with her (since she didn't exist before that day) and thus had to think just for a brief second who the hell she was. Think, how does Kyubey figure out who Sayaka and Madoka are? He's telepathic, so he likely just gleamed it from Trixie's head. Now why that name was in her head is the true question.

You haven't seen Rebellion, so I'll just say Homura is in no ways a good person. She's literally selfish to the point that Rebellion's entire plot is because she is so in love with Madoka that not having Madoka has driven her insane and she's fucking everything up for everyone as a result of it. If Madoka's the goddess of their universe, the yin to her yang ironically is Homura who is willing to ruin what Madoka did and thus cause untold harm to so many others just to satiate her own affections. She's Chaotic Neutral at best, and in practice is really just a Yandere for Madoka who, while tragic, goes way too far for such a selfish purpose.

Now, simply put, compared to the other girls (for the most part), Trixie's going to be a little overpowered. As in, she has teleportation, illusions, darkness magic, ice magic, sleep related magic, electricity magic, some fire magic (thanks to learning alongside a fire user), and the strength, toughness, and durability of an Asgardian-Alicorn. If Sayaka hadn't attacked Homura and Homura had continued to be threatening, Homura would not have been a happy camper with what Trixie would have been capable of doing to her. A part of why I didn't, from a narrative perspective, have Trixie instantly jump into the fray (other than her personality) was specifically that she is likely going to be multiple tiers above the others and it would diminish the establishment of what a Magical Girl could do if I had Trixie do so much more before that was shown. Now we have seen the power of a Magical Girl through Mami, and so now my hands aren't as tied narratively.

Out of the Space Marines you listed, she'll be most like Avitus and Thule fused given that she's a tank whose ranged firepower will shred everything in sight...and can still crush you physically even though that's not her primary focus. Like I said, she's kind of broken, but funnily enough she's broken in mundane ways as compared to Hela and Sleep Near's control over life and death thing which brings them into literal godhood tier.

Kyubey can sense things as shown in the show itself: he can tell the relative potentials and powers of people, which is why he focuses on getting some to become Magical Girls and not others. They never explain it in the show except that he can, so I'm not going to get into it much myself: he just can apparently, so I'm not going to make it so he can't just because I can't explain it.

7717671 As someone who plays chess, 1 single oversight can knock down the whole house of cards. And more often that not, they don't all land in you hat.

And it's all good. Im currently saving my coins to get one Knight in Karahzan. The demo was fun, and i want more of Medivh.

7717717 Well, in any case, the end is approaching. You're almost caught up now. The end is nigh. :twilightsmile:

7722521 Haha, yeah, I am quite committed to my stories even in cases such as this when it's "complete". Keep getting ideas, so why not give the readers still around something to chew on? We're at about 550,000 words at the moment, which is about 4-5 books worth of writing I think. Not bad for no pay and being done as a hobby!

Aaaaand im caught up. That took... A month? Not my best...
Anyhow, im completely lost, but that's okay! I'm curious to see where this goes, gives me a Persona-ish feel.

Also, in regards to what I remember you saying Alpharius would be in this story, how the hel would you implement that? 40k is the bane of all crossovers because everyone is a Xenophobic twat or think they are above all. The sad part, they contain Psuedo-gods in their ranks, and I don't see any universe standing a true long lasting chance.

7722903 It's kind of understated, but Luna and Loki are abusing the fact that their children control life and death to basically recruit the strongest and most useful people out there to serve them to the point that they have a dimension spanning empire, so the Warhammer 40K bit that has yet to be released is just the result of them having access to multiple realities, so they're bumping up against one of the more...formidable ones.

This said, via their children they are basically cheating, and while I won't likely be covering it the Chaos Gods (probably Khorne and Tzeentch especially) would be pissed when all of a sudden their enemies are no longer capable of being killed and their followers all just die because the personification of death itself says so.

Basically it'll be a clusterfuck and I don't care to be the one to says what gods beat what gods, but when one works with the premise of controlling life and death...well there's not really any way that's not broken as hell, particularly when one factors in their penchant for doing whatever they please in regards to time as well.

But yeah, expect Alpharius (or Omegon...or a normal Alpha Legionnaire trying to be cool) to cameo in a mostly finished but not yet done chapter of WRE. Thing is with the Gaiden chapters that they're not really in order, just whatever order I get around to doing them.

Trixie:...Um. I'm already magical.:trixieshiftright:

7728243 Shhhhhhh, don't tell Kyubey :rainbowlaugh:

Also, this is the 5000th comment on this story. Yay! :rainbowlaugh:

7747725 more please

Why did you reply to a year old comment...? Not that it's not a valid point or anything. Just odd.

Because I tend to do that while catching up on a story.


Flipping back and forth shouldn't produce that specific set of mistakes... especially if Early Modern English was what she spoke originally. It's very clearly the set of mistakes you'd expect from someone who speaks Modern English natively and is trying to add Early Modern English (ie. like the author), rather than the other way around.

i was just getting into the newest arch i hope this story is not dead

I haven't read this story, I'm just popping in to say that every single time I see the title my mind immediately goes to Woody's creepy 'We see everything!' line from Toy Story.

Just have to say, I first read this back in 2015 up until the final chapters, personal stuff got in the way and I never finished it, and I forgot about it...

But I was recently reminded it, and all the memories of it came flooding back. This was the first story I ever read on Fimfiction, and it introduced me to all the beauty of fanfiction, and my memories of this are very dear, even pushing me to tears sometimes... I just want to say thanks, for telling such a good story that I still get goosebumps to this day.

Well, since I didn't finish it last time, I guess I get to go through it all once more! Ta ta!

A couple paragraphs into chapter 2 and I realized I was just torturing myself to read this. This story has far too many errors that make this story sound a little too childish. I just skipped the cringy and weird parts in the first chapter but I had to take a step back and stop reading. I realized after reading those paragraphs in the second chapter, I already skipped 80% of what I read of the chapter because removing most of the story made it sound a little better.

Anyways, this was a bust, on to the next.

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