• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,148 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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Gaiden-Decretum: As If I Met Her Before

A/N: Special thanks to the other sans, EquinoxLiege, InsanityStreak, and Emperor of Jurai for your comments last chapter! I hope you all continue to enjoy and that I will continue to hear from you as we continue on!

Been awhile since I've done a really song related chapter, so here we are, "Decretum". The song is actually more of one for this coming arc as a whole rather than this particular chapter, but it's a beautiful song so I thought I should share it anyways.

For any curious what a humanoid Trixie will look like, as I mentioned previously my mental image is of the teenage Franziska von Karma.

I hope you all enjoy, and I hope to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

"Big brother! Big brother!"

Sleep Near had just been about to depart their castle on Asgard when he was tackle-hugged by his young sister Trixie, who was just entering her teen years and was still full of the energy that childhood was known for. She was already growing to fully resemble their absent eldest sister of the same name, a bitter yet sweet realization her family came to terms with years before.

"Oh, hey Trixie. How are you today?"

Once Sleep Near returned her hug, albeit without the running start, Trixie decided to press onward with what had been her reason for chasing after him: she was curious where her brother was going off to today.

"What are you up to?"

"How to explain..." Sleep Near had not fully explained his role and duty to his young sister yet, so he thought about how to best convey his current mission to her in simple terms, "As a supervisor of sorts to Valhalla, it is my duty to make sure those worthy souls are taken care of. You understand that, right?"

"Uh huh," Trixie nodded, waiting for him to continue.

"Well, some of those who come to me, or some otherwise worthy souls who for some reason come by Hela, are the way they are not from personal sin or because of things truly within their own control. Someone who thought they were doing the best thing they could, but it turned out to hurt a lot of people for example, could end up in Helheim as an accounting error of sort."

Trixie thought she understood, so she tried explaining a bit of it her own way, "So Hela gives you them back?"

"Yes, she and I have have an arrangement for such individuals. We even have it agreed that those tortured anti-heroes and anti-villains who may have deserved better than what life gave them should be able to be freed of their pain should they have earned such a chance in life," Sleep Near smirked as he thought of when his twin sister came to him and broached the subject, "Hela was actually quite insistent on this."

Curiosity still not sated, Trixie continued to press her brother for information, "How do you fix them?"

Sleep Near used all of his arms to gesture as he spoke, something that always annoyed his little sister since it was so distracting to see so many hands moving at once. He was ignorant to this fact though since she didn't want to be mean to her brother and his extra-limb condition, but it did almost make her dizzy as he spoke, "Well, it really varies on a case by case basis you see. Not everything would break the same person the same way to the point they would be unable to actually revel in the gift awarded to them through Valhalla. At the end of some lives those lost are in such despair that eternal bliss would rather be eternal torment, so in order to actually reward them for who they are or what they did, Hela and I have to actually change the way their lives ended."

Someone else approaching them turned Sleep Near's attention away from his sister and to the new arrival, with Trixie following suit and looking away from her brother up to their now present mother.

"Am I interrupting?"


Trixie was indeed as incorrigible as Luna had noted before on many an occasion and spent no time rushing up to her mother to hug her like she had her brother, earning a wry smile from Luna.

"It sounds like you two are having quite the interesting conversation."

This earned an excited nod from Trixie, who had to be careful not to impale her mother with her horn, "Sleep Near has a cool job! Can I have a cool job when I'm a grow up like him?"

"Perhaps. We'll have to see," Luna stroked the top of her daughter's head, running a hand through Trixie's soft hair, "Are you done with Ms. Franziska's lessons today?"

"Uh huh. Can I go to a real school now?"

Luna frowned, having hoped that Trixie would have either forgotten or given up on this topic...unfortunately her daughter had been so persistent that she caught Luna at a bad time once and got Luna to agree that if she kept up with all her lessons with her various home-school teachers that she could go out and experience what an actual school was, "Well, I did promise to let you see what it's like..."

This caused a renewal of the energy Trixie was expending into their hug, with Luna blushing as her daughter hugged her so tightly and embarrassingly in public, "Thank you mommy."

In another deflection attempt, Luna decided to try and stall things out by actually telling the truth, "I still haven't decided which one to bring you to if I am to be honest."

Sleep Near either did not pick up on his mother's reluctance or outright defied it when he spoke up next, "I believe I can relieve you of that burden, mother. The person I am passing judgment on next actually is a school student around Trixie's age, so I can just bring her with me and let her go to the school."

If Sleep Near was going to be there perhaps things would be better than just letting Trixie loose in a regular school where others could and likely would bully her...Luna still was hesitant on the issue however due to another factor, that being that it was not a location she had scouted and was knowledgeable of concerning the student culture, "Oh? Where is it?"

"It is a school on Earth, so Trixie might have to play the part of Human to not draw attention to herself," Sleep Near shrugged as if it was a simple matter, which in some ways it was for their family despite it being high level magic, "This alternate Earth is not apart of our Empire yet, so they would not know how to handle a speaking horse like yourself."

The idea of visiting a foreign Earth with her brother pleased Trixie, who pumped a hoof up into the air as she separated from her mother, "Road trip!"

Now feeling like she had no choice, Luna finally relented and decided to find out the specifics, "How long will you be gone?"

"A few minutes of the time here I suppose," Trixie had nearly skipped out of the building towards the Bifrost, where they would depart from, leaving her brother to finish dealing with their mother, "I will keep her safe, mother. Compared to us, there is little that truly poses a threat in the world I am travelling to."

"I know you will look after her, I am just worried how she will do with making friends...that is why she wants this after all..."

"She couldn't only have the one friend forever, could she? She will be fine."

Arriving at the island nation of Japan with her brother was a moment of both excitement and of apprehension for Trixie, who had donned a humanoid appearance that was much like the Elven form of her predecessor albeit tailored to represent a Human instead. Not only was she nervous about actually meeting others her age, she was not used to taking a form like this yet and so it took a lot of her concentration to maintain the transformation, concentration that was constantly disturbed by her tripping over things because of her lack of experience walking on only two legs.

Sleep Near arranged for them to have a house to live at in their time there, and it was here one early morning in Japan that he helped her put on her backpack full of school supplies. The dark blue of the backpack contrasted well with the light beige uniform she had to wear, with her black and plaid skirt finishing her full outfit for the classes she was about to take.

"So, I took care of things and you're going to be going to school with the eighth graders, okay?"

"Okay," Trixie said back in a meek voice, her nervousness creeping out and showing itself on her face.

To reassure her Sleep Near knelt down from his massive height, having kept some of his size even if he was pretending to be a Human, to look at her at eye-level. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he smiled warmly, "If you ever need anything, meet me back here. I can't follow you in the school, but I will be keeping an eye on you with my powers."

"I love you big brother."

"I love you too Trixie. Now, you had best be going. I would not want you to be late your first day and get in trouble."

After only a few feet of movement Trixie began to pout when she nearly tripped over her own foot after a misplaced step, "Walking on two legs is weird."

"You'll get used to it," Sleep Near laughed, having grown used to walking on two legs long ago. Unlike his sister, he alternated between forms as it suited him, while Trixie heavily favored her equine body.

"I wish Kael were here to help me..."

"He and Father are away studying or else I may have considered bringing him too. But here I was thinking you were doing this because you wanted new friends."

"I do, I just..."

"It's okay Trixie. Just be yourself and be as nice to your class as you are to everyone else, okay?"

The school was gigantic and held an architecture that was quite abnormal in that it looked nothing like how one might expect a school to, at least not in Trixie's experience of looking in at them without getting to partake in them. The interior was also quite unique to Trixie, with it possessing see-through walls that allowed one to peer into classrooms as they walked through the hallways. Just as Trixie was beginning to question who would design a school like this, she arrived at her assigned classroom. She had been informed that she would be introduced to the students inside after role-call, though to her surprise there seemed to be another new-girl outside as well waiting to be brought in.

The other girl had raven hair and dull eyes one would expect of someone to whom happiness was a foreign concept. Looking over at the other girl actually unnerved Trixie, who felt like she was being studied by this other girl whose pale skin contrasted her dark hair. Inside the room Trixie could hear the teacher ranting about something inconsequential, so she did not even feel comfort from the fact that she ought to be called inside soon since it appeared that the one who would introduce her was sidetracked.

"You shouldn't be here."

Trixie's attention focused back on the other girl in the hallway and she gasped when she realized that the girl had closed the gap between them faster than any person ought to be able, appearing as if she did not move at all as she came up too close for Trixie's personal comfort.


Trixie backed up a step only for the girl to take that step forward and continue her intimidating glare right at Trixie, who may have been taller but was also far skinnier than this other girl who was by no means anything but athletic in build, "Who are you and why have you appeared from out of nowhere? You did not exist until just now, so answer me."

Unfortunately, Trixie had not expected this line of questioning and so she was caught flat-footed by the sudden inquisition, "Uh..."

Her teacher, a woman by the name of Kazuko, continued her rant in the classroom as this happened outside, "And you boys, better make sure you don't grow up to be men who complain about how the darn eggs are cooked, understand?!"

After a pause, the teacher served as accidental savior to the awkward girl joining her class, "Ahem. Well, now that that's out of the way, let's give a big warm welcome to our new classmates!"

The girl cornering Trixie suddenly gave her room and adopted a look of indifference, as if the altercation had never happened. Now that the attention was going to be on them she seemingly did not want to make a scene, something Trixie was quite grateful for.

Inside the classroom a girl with blue hair complained, "Uh, maybe that should've come first?"

The teacher ignored this heckler and introduced the first of their new students, "Come in first, Miss Akemi. Don't be shy!

Ignoring Trixie still, the black haired girl strode into the classroom and introduced herself to the class. Trixie did not bother to try and engage her further, having been unnerved by this girl whose manner was severe beyond their age. What was up with this other new student, and why was she so suspicious of Trixie?

Perhaps it would not have made as big an impact if not for the fact that Trixie really ought not to have been there and really was just now joining this world of people and appearing as if from out of nowhere.

Inside the teacher began the formalities related to introducing a new student, though it was a new experience for Trixie and so she tried listening in as best as she could from the hall, "Why don't you tell the class a little bit about yourself?"

The scary girl, whose blank expression remained without interference from an event that might be terrifying for many children, stood before the class and introduced herself, "I'm Homura Akemi. It's nice to meet you."

A plain greeting, but it did its part and she was soon absorbed into the classroom as the various students talked about things like her beauty and other remarkable features that went over Trixie's head. Trixie had no idea what passed for beautiful or whatnot in the Human race, she just hoped she didn't look too out of place while in this Asgardian body that would pass off for a Human one. While by most standards there would be no noticeable difference, if one were to compare her physical capabilities with those she would be taking classes with inside she would be notably inhuman.

That is, if she could stop tripping every few moments. For the moment she would just appear to be a clumsy fool, and she was beginning to feel it as she tried to enter the classroom at the teacher's introduction.

"Now let us welcome our other transfer student, Miss...Lokidóttir? Is that a Nordic name?"

Her teacher's question was interrupted by Trixie falling face first onto the floor, not yet understanding how shoelaces work or that they could interfere with how one walks.

It was in this way that Trixie was introduced to her class full of teenage children, who true to form became amused by her complete failure at entering the classroom. Hearing their laughter caused the swelling of nervous emotions within Trixie to burst and she found herself crying into the floor. As some peers were busy laughing, others kept quiet out of pity, while their teacher instead chastised those who were snickering at the display.

The matter was over by the next few seconds as Trixie pulled herself back up to her feet indignantly, making an effort to look tough to hide her obvious weakness. The tears still in her eyes defeated her purpose, but she tried to mimic Homura by looking tough and emotionless otherwise, "I am Trixie. It's nice to meet you all."

Kazuko held a hand out to show Trixie to her seat across the room, "We're glad to have you with us, Trixie. Now, class, today we will be focusing on math..."

The actual lesson was not of particular interest to Trixie, who had been force fed math textbooks by her mother as she grew up. Luna wanted her to have the best education she could, so Trixie had a small army of mentors who knew every subject she could possibly need to know. Be it Twilight and literature or Franziska and law, Trixie was well taken care of and so was actually well ahead of her age.

She didn't want to go to school for school though. That would be silly. No, she wanted to go to school to meet people her own age for once since Luna had her keep a sheltered life. Unfortunately though she worried that her foolish introduction would tar her chances at befriending others, since they would now know her as the clumsy girl whereas Homura would be known as that beautiful girl.

Thinking about that, Trixie looked over at Homura, who seemed to draw the attention of most of the other girls in the classroom. Mysterious ill girl comes to a new school after getting better was the vibe Trixie was getting, and it was a character type she was familiar with from reading novels tying in to school...if she couldn't experience it herself, she had wanted to try and do so with her imagination previously.

During the lessons the other new student showed herself to be quite intelligent, answering every question posed with ease when Trixie did not do so herself: Trixie tackled more universal questions she could apply her Equestrian-Asgardian learning towards, while she left ones that were more specific to Earth up to Homura to answer. The fact that someone could rival her own intelligence rankled Trixie's pride, since while she was fine with having gaps in her knowledge thanks to her unfamiliarity with Earth actually having someone on her intellect level who did not have these gaps made her feel inferior.

In a break between lessons the class seemed to swarm around the other new girl, Homura, for her supposed beauty Trixie was still confused by. Was she pretty too? She had always felt less beautiful than her sister Hela thanks to Hela resembling their mother so greatly, as if she were a mirror image replica in fact, but Trixie really couldn't compare herself to peers back home thanks to almost never seeing them outside of those with some relation to her family, and she could not really understand the comparisons here since she never had to judge what made regular Humans pretty before.

As she grappled with this, someone tapped on her shoulder to get her attention. Trixie turned around in her seat to look at the one trying to flag down her notice, finding herself now facing the blue haired girl she heard speak before. It appeared that on this Earth possessing abnormal hair colors was something mundane, as someone else had pink hair and yet another had green hair, though Trixie found the green to be an icky color one should be embarrassed to possess as their own.

"Hi, I'm Sayaka," the blue haired girl introduced herself. Like the other girls she had the same uniform, but her hair was cut in a way that implied that she was a tomboy. Trixie's own hair was long and feminine, its silver-blue sheen something she was actually proud of, and in this instance it made her naturally disposed towards liking this girl who may not have the same type of blue hair but still was within the same color.

Looking at her, Trixie felt something...familiar. She couldn't explain it, but she most certainly felt like this was not actually their first encounter, even though she knew it had to be.

Because of this it took Trixie a moment to stammer out a basic reply, "I'm Trixie. I...I'm new here."

Sayaka placed her hands on her hips and laughed in a good natured manner, "Haha, well no duh. You and that other girl are both new students, so of course you're new around here."

Trixie realized that she had indeed been redundant in her statement given that she had been introduced to the entire class, "I mean I...I've never gone to school before. I was homeschooled, so this..."

"Huh, really? So what type of stuff did you learn at home? You seemed super smart in class, so you must have learned a lot."

"Oh, I just learned whatever my teachers thought was necessary. I..."

Mathematics, history, writing, reading, arcane magic, effective governance, military tactics...some she expected to see repeats of here, but some which even the oblivious Trixie realized would confuse people if she were to mention. She wasn't a princess here, just a regular person...a both exciting and frightening state to be in, since now people weren't obligated to like her.

Sayaka gave a comforting smile as she sat back against one of the desks, "You're pretty shy, new girl. It really is your first time to the rodeo, huh?"

Already grateful that someone was speaking to her after her incident earlier, Trixie thought of something: when she had been getting up from the floor this girl was one of the ones not laughing at her, instead having been one of those like the pink haired girl who was now joining them to look like they were going to come help her up until Trixie rose on her own.

Meekly, Trixie nodded to Sayaka's approximation of her personality. In truth Trixie was perfectly comfortable speaking with and acting like herself around people she knew, but with all these new people...well, she felt like a fish out of water and she kind of wanted to hide like a clam in its shell.

Sayaka pointed right to herself with a thumb, her gregarious grin serving as quite the opposite of Trixie's more nervous expression, "Well don't worry, we'll show you the ropes," she moved her thumb to point over to the pink haired girl with pigtails held up by red ribbon, "This is my friend Madoka."

Madoka smiled brightly and gave off an aura of kindness from her warm greeting, one which Trixie came to appreciate, "It's nice to meet you. I—"

Unfortunately she never finished because someone else had approached them and distracted Madoka from her greeting. They all looked over to see the blank facade of Homura staring at Madoka,

"Huh?" questioned the pink haired girl, who was not expecting this other new student to leave the attention they were being fed by the class to come over here.

"Miss Madoka Kaname. You are the Nurse's Aide for this class, are you not?"

It was weird that she already knew this other girl's entire name...but while this oddness stuck out to Trixie, Sayaka, and Madoka, the latter decided to put it aside and so she continued trying to piece together what this transfer student wanted, "Huh? Um, well... I uh..."

"Would you please come with me? To the Nurse's Office."

Since it was Madoka's job in the class to escort people to the nurse in case they were feeling ill, she relented and apologized for not finishing her conversation with Trixie before going her separate way with Homura. This left Trixie behind with Sayaka, who was watching her friend leave with some confusion.

"Huh, that's weird."

Trixie frowned as she began to get the feeling that she was not going to like this other new student, "She's odd."

"You got that right!" Sayaka laughed before growing a devilish grin, "Watch, she's just luring Madoka outside so she can profess her undying love!"

Thinking that her classmate knew something she did not, Trixie gullibly took this jest at face value, "Really?"

Sayaka was actually surprised that Trixie was taking her seriously, getting the feeling that this girl really didn't get out much, "Dunno, maybe, but I mean, come on, they just met. Who falls in love with somebody they just met?"

Without answering her Trixie looked down at the floor, embarrassed by how she thought she had feelings for a certain best friend of hers...and had felt drawn to him since they first met. Surely love at first sight was just for stories, right? Thinking that didn't diminish the way even just thinking of Kael made Trixie's stomach feel funny.


Seeing Trixie blush at her mistake caused Sayaka to laugh giggle, finding the naive-newcomer personality fun.

"You're weird new girl, but weird's cool," she stuck her thumb out again to point to herself proudly, "Stick with Madoka and me and we'll show you the ropes around here, okay?"

Interestingly, if Trixie hadn't humiliated herself before she wouldn't have drawn Sayaka's attention and thus made a friend in her first day of classes. Trixie didn't know the inner workings of the other girl's head yet, but seeing people make fun of Trixie had ticked off Sayaka and so she decided to make an effort to be different from them and be nice to Trixie.

Smiling up at Sayaka, Trixie nodded as she accepted the aid offered to her, "Thank you."

"Haha, you're so clumsy Trixie!"

While Sayaka wasn't fond of others genuinely making fun of someone, she wasn't above playfully poking at Trixie as the latter tried pole-vaulting in their physical education course only to misplace the pole, have it slide a bit across the ground, and then for Trixie's attempted jump to end with her falling on her back.

"I'm sorry..." Trixie apologized as her friend helped her up to her feet.

The two moved over to the side of the athletic field and track away from the other students so Trixie could rest her aching back. She had been falling over the entire time, since she could barely manage basic humanoid movement and thus applying herself to sports was quite difficult for her. As they sat down Sayaka decided to boost the new girl's ego a bit, "Hey, it's alright. You were homeschooled, right? I doubt you had PE class every day, so don't sweat it. You'll get the hang of things."

Nearby where they sat were a series of lifting weights for those who were training for more strength related sports and things, though they didn't appear anything special to Trixie, who grabbed the closest one to her to flex as she waited for her back to feel a bit better.

Seeing this lanky and uncoordinated girl lift a hefty weight got Sayaka worried, thinking that Trixie would drop it at any moment, "Those are the boy weights. You might want to wait to use them if you're still not able to walk straight."

Trixie didn't bother to listen, instead finding the weight too light. She placed it down carefully before grabbing the heaviest one available and began to curl it like she had seen others exercising do in the past, her face not displaying an ounce of strain as she lazily lifted this training device. She did not know what the limits on the human body were just yet, only knowing that they were weaker though she was unaware of the complete gap between them...she was thinking they were maybe a step below her kind, when in truth they were entire multitudes behind them.

Sayaka gaped as she watched her new friend lift the weight without a sweat, instantly reforming some of her opinion of the weird new girl who was smart but clumsy, "Woah! How did you do that?"

Not about to explain that she was a shapeshifting horse who was half Asgardian, Trixie shrugged and gave a simple answer that wasn't exactly a lie, "My mom and dad are strong, so I'm strong too."

Sayaka was going to question Trixie further until her attention was pulled by their classmates cheering on the other new girl, who had been exhibiting near superhuman athletic feats ever since the class started. Trixie too was curious about this, and began to think of how this girl could possibly be outdoing all the others so handily, "That girl..."

"She's breaking all the records. It'd be pretty cool if it wasn't so weird. How's she so good at everything?" Sayaka complained, a bit put off by whoever this new girl thought she was being literally the best at everything...except perhaps weight lifting, though at the rate she was going Sayaka wouldn't be surprised if Homura proved to be a prodigy at that too.

"Maybe she's a time traveler?"

It was a simple observation for Trixie, who couldn't think of too many other explanations as to why someone their age would both understand why Trixie shouldn't be there as if it were a fact as well as demonstrate abilities beyond those people of their own age seemed capable of. Someone who could travel through time could bypass those limitations Trixie theorized, and also could tell if someone wasn't a part of the normal timeline.

It helped that her brother and sister time traveled for their work, so the concept wasn't wholly unfamiliar to Trixie.

Still, it was a far-fetched concept to Sayaka who laughed it off like it was a joke, "Time travel? Hah, that's a good one. You watch a lot of anime, don't you?"

"Maybe," Trixie defensively shot back.

"Hey I'm not one to judge. I like plenty myself, particularly ones where there's some awesome hero who fights for justice and saves the day!" Sayaka exclaimed as she cleared up Trixie's misconception.

"My mother won't let me watch some. She says they're too sad, but we still have them for some reason."

"Is your mom one of those 'moral' guardians who complains about whatever kids like these days? I can't stand lame people like that."

"Well she is always telling my sister Hela what not to do..."

Trixie knew this was because Hela was mischievous and prone to doing things that would anger any parent, but it still was an act of laying down the law that she was familiar with seeing. In comparison, having Franziska whip Trixie into proper manners and shape was almost kind compared to all the times Luna had to punish Hela for various misdeeds.

"Woah, your sister's named Hela? Isn't that like Norse mythology or something?"

So they were only myths here...interesting. Trixie nodded to Sayaka and smiled as she got the chance to think and talk about her family, "Uh huh. My father's Loki, and my brother is Sleep Near. I think people call it Sleipnir or something like that here."

Sayaka threw her hands up in the air in an exaggerated manner to emphasize her words, "Your family's a lot cooler than I thought then! Like seriously, you've got to have awesome parents and grandparents if they name their kids stuff like that."

"My grandparents are Odin and Frigga on my dad's side, and my other grandmother is named Faust. Does that mean anything?"

"I dunno," Sayaka thought for a moment, bringing her index finger up to her chin as she tried to recall anything related to the name Faust, "I think I've heard something about some guy named Goethe having a book called Faust, but I could be wrong."

The class ended and it was time to leave the field, so Sayaka and Trixie went about getting up and leaving it when the former came up with an idea concerning this newbie.

"Hey, after school you want to come hang with Madoka and me? We usually get together after school with our other friend Hitomi."

Trixie held up her hands as if in protest, "I wouldn't want to impose..."

Not seeing how it'd be an imposition, Sayaka shook her head, "Don't worry, Madoka's cool, she won't mind and Hitomi's always so busy with her tea lessons and piano stuff that it gets lonely with just with Madoka and me. You're new here, so I'm guessing you don't have anybody else to hang out with or anything to do, right?"

Trixie blushed as she thought of her only other friend again, "Yeah...I only have one other friend, and he doesn't live near here."

"Then it's settled! You'll tag along with us after school, okay?" Sayaka went from pumping a fist in the air to curiously looking over Trixie as a possible complication came to mind, "Your mom won't worry about you being out, will she?"

Trixie smiled as she thought now of her mother, who she was sure would say no, that she couldn't stay out, but who also happened to not be there, "She's away right now, so my brother's looking after me. He won't mind since he's busy."

"Busy, huh? Is he a grown up or something?"

"Yeah, though I don't know really what he does for a living. When I grow up though I want to be like him though. He's so cool and he always is there looking out for me, so "

"Always looking out for you, huh?" Sayaka nudged Trixie and grinned impishly as she used a hand as a visor to begin looking around the area for any adults lingering there, "So is he somewhere around here lurking, watching all of us kids like some creep?"

"My brother's not a creep!"

"Haha, stop taking everything so seriously, I was kidding."

Trixie felt embarrassment flood her again as she realized she really needed to learn just when others were kidding...she wasn't used to others joking around with her, since her only other friend was basically her yes-man and was not prone to making such remarks, "Ohhh...my bad. Sorry Sayaka..."

"No problem. If he's so cool though you should let me meet him. How many siblings you have anyways?"

"I see that you have already found the target."

Sleep Near had felt his twin arrive even before she spoke and before she sat down on the cloud he was using as his spy perch to observe the person he intended to meddle with this time around.

He grinned over at his sister, who was lounging on the cloud in a bored manner, "You know, I was a bit surprised when you brought this case to my attention."

Hela looked away from him as she thought back to the event that sparked this journey, "I found the soul while searching for our sister. They were so similar..."

"You don't need to worry, I'll keep an eye on things. I want to see how things might play out with our dear little sister meddling, but I do intend to change things so that when they come to pass it will not be with the regrets and pain they suffered in the life we saw. What use is a Heaven if one is too broken to enjoy it?" Sleep Near explained to her before sighing, "Unfortunately fixing it one person at a time is a bit time consuming, but necessary."

"Trixie won't be the only one who meddles."

That was certainly true...Luna had a knack for intervening in her children's business, though they could hardly fault her for caring for them enough to try and help in her own ways. This would be far more likely than other times since Trixie was involved in this mission to some degree, and Luna loved her young daughter dearly, "Mother will certainly come to check on her, but we have a little while before that. For now let's just let Trixie have this 'normal' life...at least, until the path to despair reveals itself and we find our way to avert this story's ending."

"Playing god," Hela snarked.

"We are gods, and so we must play our parts," Sleep Near's voice grew serious as he looked down again at the school field where Trixie was leaving, "Besides, no-one should have to suffer like our sister once did. If I have to go to each dimension, each timeline in-person and fix everything by hand I will do so."

Watching Trixie's new friend put an arm around his sister's shoulders and playfully joke around with her made Sleep Near grin for just a moment before a grimace fell upon his face as he realized his mistake in not arranging more directly for Trixie to be in a different class.

"Hopefully by seeing the downfall and demise of this Sayaka Miki, Trixie will learn how to not follow in those footsteps."

Author's Note:

I just binged all twelve episodes of Madoka Magica, a show I had first seen about two months after completing "We Remember Everything" and in which I saw them pull the same fallen-hero/downfall arc I did in this story. So I've been meaning to do this Gaiden bit for awhile but haven't found the inspiration to do so, but having just rewatched the show I feel that I can write this finally. I'll probably be doing other drabbles and whatnot too in-between chapters tied in to this, but this will be the first real "arc" within the Gaiden chapters in that it's not just a chapter or two, but rather quite a few.

In many ways, this story's Trixie (the first one) IS Sayaka from Madoka, so that is the inspiration for this all...expect future chapters to delve into this and the whole Magical Girl genre. For now I just wanted to set the stage for things down the road.

I hope you enjoyed, and I hope to hear your thoughts in the comments below! Thank you for reading!

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