• Published 11th Jun 2013
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We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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Gaiden: Wanna Join Me, Come and Play?

A/N: Special thanks to Amethyst Blade, refferee, and InsanityStreak for your comments last chapter. Hope to hear from you all more this chapter!

This chapter originates from a picture I saw and wanted to write about but given the point this story was at I couldn't fit a more comedic part in as far as tone goes.

Chapter title comes from the League of Legends song "Get Jinxed". This chapter takes place during the Thanos arc of the main story.

Hope you enjoy some Gamer Luna, and hope to hear from you in the comments below! I wonder if any salt shall be shed...

Enemy slain.


Double kill.

“That wasn’t even fair! Why’d we even do instant respawns?!”

Triple kill!

“Oh come on!”


“Stop or I’ll—”


“That is not even a word! I would know, I read the dictionary!”


The game ended as Luna turned her scornful gaze upon the mare sitting next to her.

“I hate you.”

The peach colored mare next to Luna only stretched out as she placed her controller down. Next to her was a similarly agitated man in a business suit befitting of a billionaire, for Tony Stark was the one to gift Luna with her impressive collection of video games as a symbol of friendship as he continued to serve as an ambassador of sorts between their races.

Luna liked video games, but the player they had tried to face together still managed to defeat each of them with ease…despite being a Human transformed into a pony, and thus having the handicap of using hooves instead of hands.

Needless to say, they were both humiliated.

“It’s not my fault you’re just a filthy casual.”

Luna huffed indignantly. She had found this player “online”, whatever that meant in Stark’s own form of magic, and after playing with her a few times she invited the Human over to play in person after an event in said mare’s life made Luna want to reach out. Not many other Equestrians did not yet understand the novelty of such technology, so Luna was left to meet other players outside of her own people.

Of course she had forgotten to mention that crossing over between worlds could result in changing forms, but Stark was savvy enough to come through the Bifrost rather than a portal so he was not so affected.

Luna’s face flushed red as she thought about the thorough beating she just took in-game. By somebody without opposable thumbs or magic to accomplish the same task. This humiliation led her to scoff at her guest, who was so blunt it put the princess off-guard.

“I have things to do other than play video games at least!”

For a relatively new horse, Luna’s guest got the motion of snorting down well.

“Doesn’t make your K/D ratio any less sad.”

“Shut up Vivian.”

The pony shrugged as she shifted on the couch Luna set up for her and Stark. The way things were going Luna would never win, nor Stark, not that either was incompetent. They just were facing someone with thousands more hours logged in gaming than them, and so such plebeians were beneath her level in this sort of game.

Every gamer had a different kind of game they were good at though, everyone had a type, so that gave Vivian an idea about how to make Luna feel less bad about losing so badly at Halo.

“Maybe you should try another genre, because I don’t think we’re making any progress here.”

Luna crossed her furred arms over her stomach, indignantly responding to the blunt manner of discussing the recent failure.


Vivian rolled her head to the side and caught sight of a computer that appeared extremely new. She had no idea how it or any of Luna’s consoles for that matter were connected to the internet, but if anyone could manage such a thing it was Stark.

“Your husband is good at Starcraft. Wanna try that?”

Luna balked at this revelation. Surely this was said in jest? A jape of sorts? For surely her blue ears had heard wrong.

“Wait, what? Loki’s been playing?”

Vivian’s tired eyes shut and she yawned. It seemed she had uncovered someone’s secret without trying, but she didn’t really care given that it wasn’t her business, “Well, yeah. He didn’t tell you?”

Stark was snickering across from Luna as the princess grumbled, “He usually tells me how much he thinks my games are childish. Hypocrite!”

Vivian sighed. Luna was quite hormonal given her pregnancy, and it was making her overreact to silly things.

“Well he seemed pretty good to me. How about we invite him over and do the 4v4 mode in it? You can learn by copying what he and I do.”

The strategy video game was quite difficult compared to many others, but Luna was smart and Vivian was sure she could manage if she focused instead of letting her anger get to her.

Of course, Luna would accept the game switching suggestion…to a degree.

“No! I refuse! I will learn this game and become far better at it than that insufferable prince who would dare tell me to go outside now and again.”

“You’re pregnant, right? Wouldn’t it be good to get some fresh air or something?” Vivian straightened out her green and purple hoodie as she got up and went over to inspect the computer she had seen, “Or are you all just fat? I don’t seem to have such a big stomach…”

“Quiet, mortal, and set the game up.”

Vivian snorted again. Luna was child’s play compared to the vitriol third person shooters would breed, so if she was meaning to sound intimidating she was talking down the wrong person. Of course, most twelve year olds trying to sound tough did not also have the power to change the time of day and cast magic, but Vivian was pretty sure Luna wouldn’t go that far over nothing.

The pony ran a hoof over her headband with an infinity loop on it as she finished checking out the specs of the computer before her. It was top of the line and no expenses seem to have been spared by Stark, which impressed Vivian, but she doubted Luna really understood the more intricate side of things.

Of further note, there were two keyboards: one meant for Human sized hands, and a custom made one for hooves to use with far larger keys equaling a massive keyboard.

Still, Starcraft was one person per computer, so Vivian continued to look around the room to find another. Surely enough, Luna had multiple set up though the others did not appear well used, “Well, since we can’t play on the same computer I’m gonna have to turn your other one on. Stark really gave you some sweet stuff to play with.”

“Yes, and it was quite nice of him to give me all of these games as well. They are quite enjoyable diversions.”

Tony blinked, his ego bruised by the way they were talking about him despite it being in a flattering light, “I’m right here.”

Before either could acknowledge their third player though, another voice interrupted them from the doorway.

“Mother, who is this?”

The three looked over to see Trixie standing in the doorway with Kael behind her. Trixie had a quizzical look on her face, though minimized by a look of exhaustion. It seemed like she was using Kael as a crutch to stand up.

Luna gestured to her guest, though she did not look in their direction, as she was still cross with how thoroughly she had been trampled in their last game, “This is Vivian. I met her online while playing some game or another.”

“I called her out over referring to herself as a pony, thinking she was just some special snowflake horsekin from Tumblr,” Vivian explained before growing a wry smile, her freckled cheeks raising as she shot a glance at Luna, “Then I shot her character. She didn’t like that very much.”

Once again Luna saw fit to complain, seeing the in-game maneuver as poor etiquette, “It is unfair to shoot someone while they are focused on speaking.”

“Actually that’s the best time, casual.”

Trixie raised her eyebrows at the childish fight going on, but said nothing. She knew her mother had taken to playing such games, but she had not paid much attention to the hobby. She had even assumed it was a phase until it lasted entire months.

Luna got up to give Trixie a hug before moving over to join Vivian by one of the computers, while Stark went about setting up yet another, “But, yes, she was having some fun with her friends and then someone threatened to bomb her house, so she’s playing here. It’s easier to face her anyways while she’s here, because there is no lag. I need every advantage I can get to face such a skilled player.”

Trixie smiled at Luna and then sighed. If it kept Luna happy and diverted, that was good enough for her. Her only problem was that Luna seemed to get stressed out while playing, but then again every hobby could be in its own way…

“I…see. Well, I have some work in Jotunheim to do, so I will see you in a few days, Mother. Take it easy and relax.”

Luna smiled back and waved as Trixie and Kael moved to leave. She felt embarrassed to have her adopted daughter looking after her instead of the other way around.

“I will, I will…”

Vivian rubbed a hoof against her chin as she watched Kael disappear from sight. After a moment she shrugged and went back to setting up the computer.

“He looked familiar.”

Luna couldn’t fathom why that would be, but she also did not particularly care, “Meh, whatever. You ready yet?”

Vivian grunted as she finished the setup, “I can’t even imagine how difficult it would be to type as a pony without this special keyboard…”

She glanced over to Luna and then back at her own body. Things were indeed harder without hands, not that she’d up and admit that.

“So was there a reason you had me turn into a pony, or is this just to get back at me for saying ponies probably suck at games?”

To not dispel the belief that Luna herself had caused the transformation, when in fact it was an accident, Luna dodged the question to make herself appear more powerful than she really was.

“I still do not understand how you can play well with hooves.”

“Determination I guess. Now, if I carry hard enough, can I have my normal body back? It’s kind of weird having fur and everything.”

Luna chuckled, amused by the almost flustered look the mare whose flat affect was so deadpan she could pass for Pinkie Pie’s sister Maud, “Maybe. You make a good pony.”

To once again try and gain some attention Tony spoke up, “I still don’t see why we’re playing this instead of Super Smash Bros.”

Luna scoffed, “You just want to play as Samus.”

“She’s a badass bounty hunter warrior who has a powered suit of armor! Not as great as a hero millionaire philanthropist playboy with a power suit, but almost as good,” Stark defended himself while also flattering himself.

Vivian snorted, “And she has boobs in a skintight outfit.”

Tony nodded without missing a beat, “And she has boobs. Huge boobs in fact. Melons the world could aspire to.”

Luna shrugged at the mention of the female anatomy she did not grow up possessing in the same form the other two were used to. It was fine if Stark enjoyed that kind of thing, but she had no personal attachment to the issue, “Still don’t understand that fascination.”

Once again Tony fired right back all the while smiling smugly, “I fail to see how you fail to see that they are great.”

“A study has shown that players of fighting video games have their reaction times noticeably slowed when they are distracted by the attractiveness of the characters on screen,” Vivian added, adding in her own relevant information to the discussion.

Stark, with his genius intellect and great repository of information, continued on his roll as he pointed a finger to Vivian, “But the same study says that guys have better reaction times on average.”

“Good thing I’m not average, since you still can’t beat me,” Vivian taunted him. This done, she turned to Luna, “There anyone but your husband who can play? Because this will be way too easy. I could beat four by myself, and with you two it’ll be super easy. Might as well make it four and do something fun.”

Luna paused for a moment as she got set up at her desk. Who else would play?

A devilish thought crossed her mind, and not a moment later she was yelling out so that all could hear her down the hallway.

“Tia! We need you! It is very important!”

As Luna’s voice carried down the building, Vivian noticed something on the game’s friend list and she clicked a button with her hoof, “Oh, Milo is on. I’ll invite him to our group.”

It did not take long for the requested Alicorn to arrive, having had an afternoon second lunch interrupted by her sister’s loud voice. Celestia stood in the doorway in some confusion as she saw Luna sitting before her new computer along with a pony Celestia did not know and also Stark, who Celestia did not know was visiting.

“Luna, what are you doing?”

“Thanks to Stark, we have electronics now, and they are very fun. Come join us.”

Celestia paused to mull over the invitation before realizing that she had only planned to eat cake and ice cream this afternoon anyways, so some quality time with her also-pregnant sister would not be too terrible.

“I was going to fill out paperwork, but I suppose it can wait,” Celestia lied as she approached Luna’s side and tussled her mane, “Anything to spend time with my dear, younger sister.”

“Tia, quit mocking me in front of my friends,” Luna whined as Vivian snickered along with Stark, the former running a hoof through her ginger mane unconsciously at the sight of Celestia touching Luna’s hair.

“I don’t see the resemblance,” Vivian observed as she watched the two sisters begin to bicker playfully. They looked wholly different outside of their species, but none of these talking horses made much sense to the expert of vidya games.

“You hush Vivian and let’s get started. I’m building Stalkers because teleportation is amazing, so you all build something else.”

“Luna, what buttons do I press?”

“Keep pressing until something works, Tia, I am not our mother.”

“I’ll build Reapers. They remind me of my Iron Man suit.”

“Didn’t you hear? They got nerfed.”

“I’ll change that when I get back home. I’ll buy their company and make them strong again.”

“Less talking, more playing!”

Luna enjoyed gaming, and while Loki would only do so in secret, the two managed to use it as a way to spend time together in the future, sometimes even including Celestia among others.

It took Luna awhile to think back to the memory though, given that Trixie subtly pushed it along with many others out of the way without deleting them entirely. So when she did remember she was saddened at first, but this faded quickly as her youngest daughter grew an interest in games and they too managed to bond over them.

To Luna in video games it didn’t matter what you are, if you were a pony or a Human, for the fun they provide could unite people of all kinds.

And, after a bet made on bad impulse, Vivian was crowned Princess of Video Games in Equestria after Luna lost to her twenty-seven games in a row.

Yes, Celestia was not pleased.

Author's Note:

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed a bit more of gamer Luna, who I wanted to do more of in the main story but it wouldn't have fit in with the plot with where we went. Still, that's what this is for! Just random bits of extra fluff and stuff.

Please leave your thoughts in the comments below! I missed hearing from you guys last time.

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