• Published 11th Jun 2013
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We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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The Part That Hurts The Most

A/N: Special thanks to D48, evowizard25, thewaffler, and ketvirtas in particular for your more in-depth reviews last chapter, but thanks to everyone who let me know how much they enjoyed it! I hope that you continue to do so and let me know what you think about it, as the more you let me know about what you enjoy the more I can make the story fit that!

Inside Celestia’s room calmly sat one royal sister who was about to pass off her duty to her junior sibling who was there with a scowl and tense body. Celestia had been reading some reports and drinking tea when Luna had slammed the door open, but she had her back turned and as such did not see the reason the door had been slammed.

It had not been out of excitement.

“How was your trip to Ponyville?”

Luna’s eyes narrowed to a thin glare, staring not at her sister’s back but the open balcony in the room where the day’s fading light poured in from and assaulted her eyes, “The festival and its games were fun, but I am still displeased with how we were stood up.”

Celestia placed down her parchment and turned to face Luna, instantly noticing the completely angry expression on Luna’s face.

It had been quite some time since she had seen her sister completely seethe.

“Stood up?” Celestia asked cautiously, not wanting to provoke the topic.

Luna stomped both hooves in aggravation as she thought back to how ridiculous she had looked standing around most the day waiting for somepony who just was not coming, “Loki did not bother to show up the entire day despite his word that he would-”

Her sister cut her tirade off with a calm statement, “Luna, take a breath.”

Luna, realizing how she had let her emotions take hold of her, quickly inhaled a large breath before letting it out very slowly. Celestia had taught a certain Crystal Empire ruler to handle stress in a similar fashion after she had been forced to learn how to handle stress in a very long one thousand years.

After the breath Celestia turned around to fully face Luna and gave her a smile, “Better?”

The next breath was an indignant huff, Luna’s eyes closing angrily. A moment later they softened and Luna’s shoulders sagged, her hindquarters finding a place on the floor as she spoke solemnly, “No.”

Celestia approached her sad sister slowly, a sad look growing on her own face as she observed the distraught face before her, “Have you tried talking to him about his absence? Perhaps he had good reason to not attend.”

Luna looked her sister in the eye and felt the hurt she was feeling carry across they shared sight, “I visited his residence and he was nowhere to be found. No note, no anything.”

To be truthful, if it had been Twilight Sparkle or one of the other element bearers Luna knew she would not be so furious. But Loki, who she trusted more than even her own sister, abandoning her like that caused a pang in her she did not want to identify.

“Sounds to me like a dear friend is angry her boyfriend did not come to the date she arranged.”

Both Luna and Celestia twisted around to face the chimera known as Discord, who had let himself in through the room’s open balcony. Celestia glared while Luna seethed at his intrusion, furious that her talk with her sister had been wrongfully interrupted by the arrogant trickster.

“I have no time for your mockery, Discord!” Luna yelled as she brought light to her horn, charging up energy in it but not fully intending to wound the intruder. Only sting or lightly maim.

Celestia glanced over to her sister as her annoyance at Discord’s appearance grew, “Luna, calm yourself.”

Discord, true to form, just laughed it off and floated over to Luna who he quickly lent an elbow on, “Yeah, listen to the old granny here.”

“What business do you have here, Discord?” Celestia questioned as her eyes continued to glare at him, the normally calm princess actually more agitated than her younger sibling. She only was better at restraining that anger, having had much practice and remembering the lessons her mother taught so many years prior.

Discord shrugged and disappeared, reappearing right beside Celestia with an alcoholic beverage in hand that he took to swirling around. After he wrapped an arm around Celestia, that is, “I only wished to say hello. Fluttershy has not been the best of company the past few days. Something about a sea monstrosity.”

Celestia rolled her eyes and sighed, accepting that she would be losing some sleep over this as the day drew to a close, “I will entertain you later, Discord, if it will mean you depart. May Luna and I speak in both peace and privacy for now?”

Discord groaned as he relented, knowing that angering Celestia was not about to lead to a happy ending, “Oh fine, I guess I can find a way to keep myself entertained,” the sight of an orange guard with blue hair passing by in the hallway gave the trickster all he needed to have fun though, and Discord departed in a puff of smoke, “Ooh, perfect! Toodaloo!”


Celestia was cut off as another puff of smoke brought Discord back into the room, the chaos lord chuckling as he interrupted once again, “Oh, forgot to ask, who’s the lucky stallion?” Luna’s silence only caused him to probe further, “Mare?” her horn lit in anger once again, “Rock?”

“Discord,” Luna growled through gritted teeth, thoroughly fed up with anything aggravating that day.

The glowing horn of both sisters caused Discord to laugh abruptly before leaving again, “I will take that as my exit cue!”

As the room quieted in his absence, the sisters looked back to one another. Upon their eyes meeting, Luna quickly averted her own to the balcony while Celestia kept her own focused on her obviously hurt sister.

“Luna, you are quite agitated. Do you wish to talk about it?”

“What is there to talk about?” Luna complained, not really knowing the reason for her intense anger. While Discord was surely an annoyance, she had done well ignoring him before. Now she felt completely unchecked rage at him for what was not even his worst offense.

Celestia lowered herself to Luna’s level and gave her a reassuring look, “Sometimes ponies you care about can do ill-advised and inconsiderate things. I know, having done it myself. Part of a good relationship is accepting somepony despite their flaws and mistakes, but also knowing that not everypony out there can be a part of a true, lasting friendship.”

Luna’s tone was sardonic as an annoyed smirk grew on her face, “Like Discord?”

The elder sibling turned her gaze towards the hallway where yelps of terror could be heard, “That remains to be seen. I do try to keep him content with his current way of life, lest he lapse back into the king of chaos we both knew so well.”

Luna tried thinking back over recent times and realized with a blush that she rarely spent any of her free time other than with Loki. The blush only grew when she realized that she had also been spending the free time she did have outside of him thinking about him.

This would range from thinking about what he has revealed about himself to theorizing just what went on inside his arrogant green head, and the more Luna became aware of this the more she felt embarrassed. Not to even mention how she also was practicing her own abilities to impress him, given his critical nature, and even was looking into learning some new spells just so she could show off.

All of the above led Luna to the conclusion that maybe she was just a bit too close to her friend, “Well, Loki has put up with me a lot...I may have been a bit clingy. Perhaps he needed his space?”

Celestia smiled as she realized her sister actually was willing to share the blame, not putting it all upon her friend. Luna’s frequent absences would seem to support the idea she put forth, and so Celestia nodded while using a gentle tone, “A wise observation. Now, when you next see him, how about you talk to him about the matter?”

Luna felt herself grow ashamed partly at how angry she had grown. Loki would not just leave her like that for no reason. He had not specifically said so, but she knew he cared more than that about her to just do something so mean. After all, he always seemed to enjoy their little meetings and had even seemed to grow expectant of them.

She too was quite fond of seeing him on a regular basis...he was fun. Like Discord, only not destructive or malicious.

Luna felt a small, but genuine, smile grow on her muzzle, “That sounds like a good idea, Tia. Thank you.”

She turned to leave, content on going about her duties of the night, but her sister’s voice stopped her.

“Luna, before you go, there is one more thing I would like to discuss.”

Luna craned her neck back to face Celestia, who looked concerned, “Yes?”

“With the way your friend got under your skin, and how Discord similarly angered you on the issue…” Celestia’s voice trailed off and her face morphed into a more happy one, “You know, never mind. Just a fleeting thought.”

Luna was able to pick up on what Celestia had been going to say. It linked back to when they first spoke of Loki...and Luna realized something changed between the two conversations.

She could not picture her life now without her fellow pariah.

Luna turned around to face Celestia now in full. She took a deep breath and tried to prepare herself to what she would actually say.

“I...am thinking I am beginning to have the romantic kind of feelings for Loki.”

Celestia found herself not entirely shocked while also a bit surprised to actually hear her sister say this. She knew that Luna would not likely just leave things like that, so she merely nodded to allow her to continue.

“I invited him to come with me to the festival so we could do things together,” Luna sighed as she thought back to her day, “I suppose that is why I was so infuriated despite the fun I did have.”

In a swift movement Celestia approached Luna and wrapped a hoof around her, lowering her head down and bringing it in to touch Luna’s fur, “I may know little about your friend, but I will be the first to say that you should follow your heart. You deserve somepony to care for you, Luna.”

Luna returned the hug and brought her head into Celestia’s chest, “I am grateful there already is,” the smaller sister felt tears streak down her face, “I almost lost you.”

“Are you distraught over the Changeling invasion after all this time?” a sob was all Celestia needed to feel tears threaten to run down her own face. This was the emotional side of Luna she had neglected for so long, and she was not about to make that grievous mistake again, “Oh Luna, you need not worry. I may have been defeated, but everything worked out in the end did it not? You were on important business at the time. There is nothing wrong with that.”

The princess of night cared not that she was wetting her sister’s chest fur as she thought back to the events that nearly leveled Canterlot. She had not been there. She had let it happen.

Her faith in her sister having been restored in the past weeks, Luna realized just how glad she was the Chrysalis had bumbled the opportunity to slay Celestia that she herself would have taken not all too far back.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Luna.”

A scream in the hallway cut the moment off, and the laughter that followed cackling down the hallway made both sisters groan. Some royal guardsman was likely going to need therapy, and Discord would need disciplinary action.

“I think I should tend to that. I do not know when I will manage to rid our castle of him, so have a good night Luna,” the one they agreed before should handle Discord chuckled a bit as another scream echoed down the hallway, this being the same voice but with a different pitch. Like it was a mare’s now.

Luna nodded back to Celestia as her sister left the her own room, left to think alone about what she had just realized about herself.

She loved an egotistical prince from a foreign land who she still knew only bits and pieces about. But the journey into his mystery was quite an enjoyable one for her, and she intended to see it through.

If it was any consolation, she thought, at least Loki was not Discord. Her sister’s authoritative tone down the hallway and the laughs thrown at her (quite possibly in a literal fashion) made Luna envy her just a little less.

Loki also happened to not be a rock, which she too was grateful for.

After she had tended to the night’s most urgent matters, Luna decided a small peek into whatever dream Loki may be having that night wouldn’t hurt.

He had appeared quite exhausted earlier that week, so there was the question of whether he was even sleeping to face too. If not, a look would reveal that, and if so then she would confront him about that too.

While not furious still, Luna fully intended to speak to him of how he abandoned her that day.

After a short while Luna realized she could not locate him, so she decided to pay his normal resting place a quick visit. Was he simply idling before actually sleeping, or was he still missing?

Her wings brought her to the site of her ancient defeat at the hooves of Celestia. The ruins that Loki had so claimed to be his temporary home were still and quiet as Luna landed down. It took her no time at all to reach the long-forgotten throne room, and the sight inside surprised her more than she had thought it would.

Loki was at the throne he normally sat at like normal, but his eyes were staring off into nothingness. It was as if he was completely vacated mentally. His exhausted and gaunt appearance scared her, as he obviously was not in good health.

“Loki?” Luna called out from across the room, hoping to stir him from his stupor.

She approached him slowly, growing increasingly worried as he remained completely still.

“Loki!” she yelled as she rushed to his side, her apprehension about the complete silence on his part reaching its boiling point. Her voice did not rip him from his condition, nor did her hoof touching his blank face.

Channeling her magic, Luna had an idea cross her mind. While not as used to it as her regular dreamwalking, she could try to enter his awake mind and attempt to see what was wrong that way.

With a breath, Luna recast her magic in a different way this time and soon found herself having an out of body experience. As if Luna had been torn from her body she found herself looking around in a completely different setting. A desolate one not all too unfamiliar to the moon.

Only, this place was populated by two bipedal beings. One was Loki in his full dress, his features appearing completely normal unlike his now weakened equine form, while the other was a shrouded being Luna had no knowledge of. Neither seemed to take notice of her as she looked on, the mare a good distance away from either of them and just watching at first to try and make sense of what was happening.

Loki’s figure grimaced as the other figure paced around him in an impatient manner, “Why waste time on this isolated rock with no knowledge of the world beyond itself?”

The other being held a hand out in a gesture, “You may have not noticed this, Laufeyson, but this is where you are stranded for now. A land of untold magical power and ability, with artifacts powerful enough to rival your own abilities I would imagine. If only the populace wasn’t so weak, they might be able to use them.”

Loki shook his head, grimace staying plastered on his face, “They are not weak. Not all of them.”

The other nodded to Loki and approached him threateningly with a a finger jabbed at the pale skinned prince, “Oh yes, there is that witch we have observed. A possible ally who you have squandered through your own emotions.”

Feeling that she should not intervene, as the situation was out of her comprehension, Luna just held back and watched on. She could not really make out their words, but their tones told her all she needed to. This being had to be something from back home come to harangue him about something, and whatever it was it was not a good thing.

"It is not my fault. I’m not to blame-” Loki started to speak in a shout of his own, only to be cut off with a growl.

The figure leaned into him and hissed at Loki in a most threatening tone, their tone not rising like before, “Your lies mean nothing. Do not let the witch stay your hand.”

Loki shifted in place and gripped tighter the same scepter Luna had seen in real life, “So you have said in your previous visits. Have you not taken note of my recent feat? You have the army you desire, we only need meet the opportunity to use it.”

“Do not forget your purpose, Loki Laufeyson, for we have not,” the figure paced around him again as it continued to threaten, “And if you do...there will be no realm, no barren moon, no abandoned castle we cannot find you.”

The other reaches a hand out to touch Loki’s face, “You think that you know pain? You will long for something so sweet-”

Upon their skin contacting, Luna felt herself blasted out of Loki’s mind as an intense and searing pain gripped her.

Now in the real world again, she found herself stumbling back a bit before seeing that Loki too had been removed from the trance. He was gasping, having too felt the intense pain, and fell down on his throne.

Luna did her best to compose herself after the very odd event, shaking off the headache she now felt as she approached Loki again. The sight of Loki in pain and knowing that whatever had hurt him had likely been doing this previously made her eyes go soft, “Are you okay? What has happened to you?”

Loki weakly looked up to Luna and, with a grin, choked out, “Sorry...I believe I may have missed something today.”

His body collapsed on the throne, having reached its breaking point.

What Loki did not expect to next see after collapsing was a dark ceiling that was not a part of his normal habitat. He was on his back on a most comfortable surface, with a deep blue blanket on top of him.

His body did not ache and while his stomach rumbled, he did not feel weak like he had the night before.

What he did feel, however, were a pair of hooves wrapped around him and a head resting against his body.

He need not turn to face her to know that the figure beside him was his companion.


“Yes Loki?” she tiredly responded, a noiseless yawn leaving her lips.

He gave her a glance along with his common smirk, “You’re...a bit close,” he nudged her ribs, “Companions don’t get this close.”

Luna returned the smirk and did not budge an inch, instead closing her eyes and enjoying the moment, “But from what I’ve observed other ponies show physical closeness quite often. Is this different from your culture?”

Loki sighed as he recalled a certain incident with a naked woman on his throne not knowing that humanoids wore clothing. It was possible she really was just ignorant, so he tried to bite his tongue and not scold her for this partially embarrassing proximity and position, “No...it is a gender issue. The friends you’ve all observed are female, I do believe.”

“Oh...are you uncomfortable?” her voice was playful as she remained exactly just where she was.

“No, I want you to move away because I am completely comfortable,” he replied with as much sarcasm as he could muster.

Nodding, Luna moved to be even closer to Loki on her bed. Their faces were pressed up closely to one another, Loki cursing his previous exhaustion for not being able to escape. Even though he was feeling spectacularly more fit than the night before.

His excuses to himself did not have to make perfect sense.

“Is this better?” Luna asked innocently with an even larger grin.

Loki could only close his eyes in resignation, “Insufferable.”

“Oh, is poor Loki afraid to be close to a mare?” she taunted jokingly, just glad that he was not reacting poorly to their proximity. Sure, he was uncomfortable, but he was not scrambling to get up. Which, to her, meant that on some level he was enjoying this.

“Yes, actually,” he lazily opened his eyes again to look about the area, “Where are we by any chance?”

“My bedchambers. I brought you back to Canterlot, no easy feat I will inform you, so you could rest better,” she tried not to blush as she thought to the other side of why she brought him to here. Sleeping beside him made her feel...good.

Not that she did anything, she would declare fervently should anypony accuse her. Just being beside the snarky prince was all she needed for a good sleep.

Loki sighed but gave no further response, instead contemplating the ceiling in a way that made Luna sure he was reliving the night’s events.

“Loki, what is the matter? I know something is wrong.”

“If left to my own devices, nothing will be wrong,” he stated in a way that came off like ‘do not ask me about this topic’ to Luna.

Luna was unsure if she should reveal how much she knew, so she just acquiesced to his desire of privacy, “I will not force you to speak your troubles to me, but I hope you know I am here for you should you wish to.”

“Your room is large, quite like your head,” Loki thoughtfully responded to redirect the subject.

“Almost too large,” Luna tried to keep her voice even as she boldly asked, “How is the Everfree Forest treating you?”



Loki sighed and tilted his head so that he was facing her, “I know where this conversation is going, and I’m saying no.”

“But Loki-”

Luna’s protest was quickly cut off by Loki speaking in a soft, caring tone, “I value your companionship greatly...I truly do, Luna,” he removed himself from her hooves and got up out of the bed, which he found to be a circular structure with dark blue sheets and a black frame, “But I’m not moving in with you.”

Now Luna was on the defensive in a way, although she was glad to have at least copped a statement of caring from Loki, “I just want to offer you a place in our large home. I’m sure there is a room-”

“No,” Loki responded curtly as he sat on the bed, his expression nigh unreadable as he tried to mull things over in his mind.

Luna relented meekly, not wanting to push the issue any further, “Fine.”

A minute of silence passed before Luna tried to broach another topic, not wanting to remain in the awkward silence.

“What is your realm like?”

Loki’s response was instant, as if he had already thought it out before, “It is a bloody, destructive place not fit for any of the inhabitants of this place, not to mention yourself.”

“It is that terrible?” Luna was quite worried to hear his opinion of the place, and the dour look upon his face only helped her unease. What had he had to face before coming to Equestria to make him think that way?

Loki sighed as he thought. He did not abhor his world...he only did not wish to have it collide with this one, “Yes and no. There are some good things, but not nearly enough to account for the terrible side. Never go there. That would be a terrible thing more likely than not, and especially never send a more innocent creature there. They would forever rue your name.”

“Do you want to go back?” it seemed like a dumb question given what he had said, but Luna asked it nonetheless. Loki had revealed he still loved his family dearly, even if those feelings were muddled with resentment she could sympathize with all too much.

He turned to face her with a grim countenance followed by a sneer, “What do you think, Luna?”

“You did not answer me,” Luna noted, knowing that he could skirt around the topic if she let him.

“Your question assumes a difference in my opinion on going home. Seeing as nothing has changed in regards to my own realm, I do not see how-”

Luna jumped up out of her covers and jabbed Loki in the side with a hoof, “Enough with your dancing around the subject. Loki, prince of Asgard and prince of Jotunheim, I, princess Luna of Equestria, command thou to answer our simple question.”

He rolled his eyes as he swatted down her hoof, “Well, if you insist,” Loki took a breath in before answering her, “At some point, yes, I suppose I do wish to confront the demons that lay back home. But I am in no hurry to go back there.”

The fact that he wanted resolution, but not immediately, made Luna quite pleased. It gave her more time to have him to herself after all, “Good.”

Her response surprised and amused Loki, who twisted on the bed to face the princess, “Good? You wish me to stay here and eternally annoy you and your subjects?”

Luna stuck her tongue out at him once again, having grown fond of doing so, “I can handle your trickery. Worst comes to worst, we have rock hard ways of coercing your good behavior.”

“If I do say so myself, I don’t believe a face as delicate as mine could stand being turned to granite.”

“We could always make...other arrangements,” Luna stated in a suggestive manner.

Loki rose a brow, enticed by the prospect of not being turned to stone, “And what would those curtail?”

Luna leant in close to his ear and whispered, “If you do anything bad I’ll be mad at you.”

The god of mischief could only roll his eyes at that, “Ooh, so threatening,” he could not, however, roll his eyes at being socked in the shoulder by a strong hoof, “Ow!”

“Do not test me, Loki Odinson. I am not known for my even temper,” Luna warned jokingly as she retracted her hoof.

Loki decided to joke back, albeit in a more mocking manner, “Of course not, because you are not known. Your own people do not have a clue about the real you, and not many others would I can imagine.”

Luna ignored the mockery and instead moved so that she was once again leaning on him, “You do.”

Their position only made Loki snark more, “Luna, we are lucky no-one is here to witness this display, for some may actually think you fancy me.”

“Do not leave me, Loki Odinson.”

He silently wrapped a hoof around her, not sure how to respond to her.

Luna had no idea how much that simple request hurt him.

A/N: Fun fact, I am on break now and have a great chance to write now. If I hear from enough people I can update as soon as later today (as it is early morning here), so please leave your thoughts in the comments section below! If not, I'll work on one of my other stories later today and get to finishing the next chapter of this right afterwards.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! If you did please let me know what you liked in the comment boxes below! Seriously, every bit I hear from you helps this college student get motivated both in life and in writing!

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