• Published 11th Jun 2013
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We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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Make You Forget

A/N: Extremely sorry for the REALLY long delay…a long list of reasons are behind it, ranging from real life circumstances to internet related ones, but I do bring tidings of good news: new chapters will be very rapid as a result of the upcoming Thor movie. The more I hear from readers the more I'll update though, so please take the time after reading to let me know what you think!

Thank you to those who reviewed last chapter: Thewaffler, shyheart, Nethalar, moonsparklethevampony, Vaalintine, whitedorumon, D48, Skywish, and D-Bence35! Your support really means a lot to me, and I hope to hear from you again in the future!

Loki shot upright as he awoke the next morning, his mind racing as it traced back to the night before. His reflection on the night was cut short the moment he realized that he was not where he had fallen asleep, but rather some unfamiliar hut.

Across this hut sat a black and white striped creature with random pieces of jewelry adorning them, but their presence was deemed non-threatening by Loki as he continued to observe them. He knew this species of animal, and of how little a threat it was for a being such as him.

“A Zebra,” Loki scoffed as he began to observe the hut in more detail, noting what appeared to be many potions and tribal-esque objects that gave him a witch-doctor vibe, “Let me guess, you can speak too?”

Realizing that the large, green pony was awake brought the attention of the Zebra away from her work and to her guest, “In fact I can,” noticing Loki’s attention on the hut rather than her, the Zebra decided to explain the situation, “I found you just as the night began. You were passed out in front of a statue, my alicorn who came out of the blue.”

Loki found that nothing in the nearby vicinity was of great interest, just many odd brews obviously created by this crazy relative of horses, “If not hyperactive or reckless, they must have a speech disorder it seems,” another thought crossed the trickster’s mind and he quickly began checking his body over, “Why did you take me in, witch doctor? I will be severely disappointed if I find anything missing.”

His tone caught the previously warm smiling Zebra off guard. She tried only to help him, and he was acting suspicious and now accusing her of removing his body parts. Not a foreigner to mistrust, the Zebra decided it best to let this go and just address his question.

“I only wished to lend a helping hand, but I am afraid your rudeness will not stand,” she regained her warm smile, “I have some food to help your recovery, for a wounded and sick pony was my discovery.”

The recently awoken prince smirked smugly as he stood up, “Tell me, does the rhyming come naturally or do you think about a sentence before you say it?”

The Zebra played this one off with a laugh while gesturing towards her table, “Your rude curiosity is most intriguing, but my patience for it is indeed fatiguing. Come and sit my guest, for being made to leave would not be for the best.”

As Loki tried stretching out his limbs, new wings included, he felt something prevent him from doing so with the two new appendages. Another glance at his body revealed that while not missing entirely, there were familiar things wrapped around his entire mid-abdomen that constricted his wing-movement.

These objects reminded him too much of Thor, who usually had them wrapped around his forehead after a particularly brutal fight.

Loki grunted as he rubbed a hoof over the covered area, “Bandages. Another stranger believing they know what’s best for me.”

“My my, I believe one as grumpy as you may need to meet Pinkie Pie. A little positive energy would not kill you, so come, relax, there is no need to stew.”

Noticing the exit to the hut right nearby where he had been placed in the hut, Loki took off towards it and abruptly ended their conversation.

“I am most apologetic, rhyming zebra, but I honestly do not feel like conversing. Farewell.”

Inside the hut the Zebra sighed, left alone in her home by the curious stranger she had been hoping to learn more from. But if he did not wish to talk, she would not make him.

She only wished she had not made enough stew for two.

Loki had no exact plan after leaving the Zebra behind, only knowing that he did not wish to deal with yet another one of this land’s residents. They all felt so surreal to him, as if they belonged in some work of fiction rather than the reality he was accustomed to.

Besides that however...he needed to collect himself after his last rest. It all was beginning to come back to him be it his grieving over his lost family, his pouring of his emotions out on the pony named Luna, and even remembering how she had recounted her own experiences of being second fiddle to another sibling.

For the first time since his fall, Loki felt...safe. Not just physically, given the challenges he faced in the woods, but mentally. Her story had brought about a safe harbor in his mind by revealing that he was not alone in society’s mistreatment, that there just so happened to be someone who understood his situation.

...and to the distrustful man (now pony), having someone who understood him scared him more than many of the other things he was faced with. What good is a spirit of chaos if they can be read like a book? And how dare this mare shatter his already weak state of being...he had never cried that much he was quite sure, and the wet fur on his face gave him the idea that he had done so extensively during his sleep.

He felt like a mess and needed to clear his head. Loki’s stomach growled as if to throw in its two cents, but he ignored it as he had gone much longer on much less food. What he did require was water. That he could clean himself with, both his wound and his muddied fur not to mention his mind. He had always enjoyed meditating after a good bath in the past and was quite sure it would be the same now even in this alternate form he could not abolish.

It took him a good part of the day to wind through the woods and come across what appeared to be a safe to drink river, having first come across marshes and ponds that were brown and green in color. This river, however, was clear blue and looked as pure as it could be. In all of the travels with Thor, Sif and the Warriors Three he had certainly been subjected to worse, so Loki indulged himself.

First he removed the obstructive bandages, ignoring the pang in the injured one as he did so. The wound had begun to heal but was doing so nowhere as fast as the healing chambers he would have access to back home. The wound appeared to have also been tended to, undoubtedly by the Zebra, but new blood had cropped up from when he tried to move it. Loki cleaned it off before using what magic he could to refresh the bandages and make them like new again.

Next Loki moved to go into the water fully, but stopped when he caught his reflection in the lake. A large, green equine with the long horn of a unicorn and the wings of a Pegasus. How he detested being unable to return to his regular body, but there was little he could do. His attempts to do so had failed, so he had best just not fight it at this point. He was too emotionally drained then to really care anyways.

After all, the form he wanted was still not his true one.

Continuing to look into the river, Loki frowned at the sight of his green eyes. They really ought to be red, but Loki could not blame them for being his favorite color. Like his fur. How had his fur come to be such a ridiculous color anyways? His hair had remained its same black coloration, so this light green fur felt very off to him.

Another thing caught his eye in the reflection, and that was that he was still stark naked. Being naked as an animal had long since stopped being embarrassing to Loki, for he had transformed many times across hundreds of years, but after seeing this princess who visited him and the Zebra wear traces of clothing he could not help but long for his old clothing.

What he’d give for that ‘cow’ or ‘reindeer’ helmet Thor would always jibe him for. At least then he would maintain some level of royal appearance in his perspective, the gold shimmering and displaying its greatness upon his head.

Loki tried to conjure up clothes like he had before in his travels…

Only to find that, like transforming, it was not going to be happening. Nothing appeared and Loki was left naked as the forest around him began to shake.

Loki jumped back from the lake just in time to avoid a giant head crash down into where he had been standing. Loki observed it and the long neck it craned from to see that this giant head belonged to a giant body that so happened to be standing in the area behind him.

Loki chastised himself for not being more alert, and noted that he must remain so if he were to survive this place.

Further inspection revealed that the head was one of many, all of which were on the end of their own hideously long neck all coming from the same body. Four to be exact. Three of which were now lunging at him as well.

Loki placed a double where he was standing then and left to the side, the three heads and the body they all were attached to crashing into the fake him. Loki snorted at the beast’s foolishness, “A Hydra? Here? Thor would quite love this world I presume.”

The monster had little chance to react before the ground beneath it turned to ice and it slid into the river, which too soon began to freeze at a rapid pace from the cold emanating from Loki’s body. The former prince was in no mood to deal with this monster and could care less about tapping into his Frost Giant gifts if it meant his swift safety. Complexity and cunning were for less occupied minds, and only called for on a needed occasion.

The Hydra thrashed in the water as it tried to get out, but the ice encasing its body began to stop that thrashing as it began to succumb to the frigid cold, “Hard to move? It must be hard to break free when you can’t twitch a muscle.”

Only the heads remained above water with a small portion of their necks, all of which smashed against the icy river recklessly and wildly as they tried in vain to save themselves from their fate. From the side of the river Loki smiled grimly at the display, “It’s not particularly a warm day, and I doubt this will defrost anytime soon. I daresay that you may just freeze to death with the chilling temperatures.”

The Hydra let out a shrill shriek from each head and Loki just shook his head, “Oh, you want to be free? It is you who attacked me, monster. I have no sympathy for you. I would likely cook you for dinner if I was not stuck in a vegetarian form.”

With that, Loki left and decided he had best look to setting up a more permanent residence. One where he could leave the bones of this creature to ward off any other such animals who foolishly thought themselves a match for him.

“Anyone home? No? Good.”

Loki had found a most peculiar ruins as the day began to wane, his travel having been hampered by some more now deceased beasts that he had dispatched emotionlessly. The ruins found reminded Loki of a castle, albeit a broken one, and they had drawn his eye instantly as he drew closer to them.

Something about it being a castle felt...comforting to the lost prince.

He soon found himself inspecting its innards, having nothing better to truly do. Upon entering (what appeared to be) the throne room Loki found he was no longer alone.

Standing and looking around inside the same room was the mare of his dreams, quite literally. The princess of this land was sitting and reflecting on the room, her calm demeanor making it seem as if she had been waiting there, for just how long Loki could not discern.

The blue coated mare nodded minutely to the green stallion, “A good day to thou, Loki. It was most difficult to locate you.”

Loki felt himself grow defensive at how this horse inserted herself into his life once more, even if they did have a heart-to-heart the night previously. Who did she think she was after all?

“I would appreciate not being the subjecting of a good stalking.”

That earned a nervous chuckle from the princess, who stood up and approached Loki, “We apologize. You entered a different sleep cycle last night and we did not get to finish our talk.”

His face contorted in exasperation, as if to say ‘fine’, “What is it that troubles that Equine mind of yours?”

Now in front of Loki, Luna averts her eyes down quickly before closing them, “I would pay you back for what I intruded on this past night, if thou so wish.”

Consternated but willing to deal with this one, and only this one, pony for some period of time, Loki shrugged, “If it’ll remove you from my space once more, show me whatever you please. Mind you, I would much prefer an abridged version though.”

“Of course,” Luna was pleased that this Loki was willing to have her share her own experiences, having felt guilty at spying on his the night before. This would make them even in her mind, at which point she could leave him to his own devices.

The broken throne room quickly faded from view and found itself replaced with a prim and proper one, as if the very same room was just made new. The marble and stone were not strewn about, cobwebs did not litter the area and the windows were not missing but rather beautiful stained glass.

Loki approved of the change.

With this change in setting came a change in what populated the room, as now other ponies appeared where previously there were none. Atop a throne sat a tall, regal looking mare with the same unicorn-pegasus features Loki recognized on himself and Luna. Only the coloration was different. White fur and a dark red mane were the most notable features Loki could make out beside the scroll she was levitating before her and reading.

On the throne with the obvious queen of this land was a small, indigo horse that looked as if it was a toddler. Given the nature of this memory, Loki presumed this blue baby was the mare who now stood beside him.

“Your mother, I presume?”

Luna nodded wordlessly as she watched another pony come into focus, this one a filly of white fur and pink hair at the foot of the throne. Her face looked as pleased as Loki’s had in recent times, looking quite annoyed.

The ruler looks down from her throne and pats the white filly on the head, a smile upon the majestic mare’s face, “Celestia, what do thou think of having a sister?”

The filly huffs and turns away fully from her mother, “Luna irks us with her crying. When is she going back?”

“Oh Celestia, Luna is here to stay. Isn’t that right, honey?” the ruler cooed to the child beside her, the young Luna giggling in response and nuzzling with her mother.

The vision began to fade and be replaced with another, giving Loki the time to comment solemnly.

“She loved you,” it hit close to home for him. Even at that time he considered his mother the only person he had attachment to. She had done him no wrong beyond hiding his origins, and had only done so with the best of intentions.

She hadn’t betrayed him. Not like Thor. Not like Odin. She always was there to love him when no-one else would.

Luna responded wistfully, noticing that Loki’s cheek fur had become wet once more, “I was always her little girl, even after I began to mature.”

The scene morphed itself to have an older Celestia leaping forth and crashing into a similarly older Luna, knocking the younger sibling off her feet and resulting in both of them tumbling to the ground.

“Celestia, release thy sister!” a commanding voice yelled across the room, which Loki came to realize was a dining hall of sorts now.

“But she ate my cake!” Celestia complained loudly as she removed herself from Luna, who childishly stuck a tongue out. Present Luna blushed at the display, but laughed at it despite her embarrassment.

Sitting at the head of a table, where Loki was accustomed to seeing his father, was the mother of Luna, “That is no reason to pounce on her. Now, Luna, as amusing as this is I expect thou to go get your sister another slice. Understood?”

“But I didn’t eat it,” Luna whined in a pitiful tone, quite obviously trying to mess with her mother.

Loki could tell a half-truth when he heard one, and the young princess was being quite naughty.

He approved of this as well.

The queen narrowed her eyes at her younger daughter, “Woona, lying to your mother is not a habit you should start.”

Loki mouthed ‘Woona’ to the mare beside him in an attempt to chide her, but she ignored him as she continued to replay her memory.

“But it’s true!” mini-Luna declared...before promptly laughing and pointing to her sister’s mane, “We stuffed it in her mane.”

Surprised that she hadn’t noticed, Celestia ran a hoof through her hair and yelled, “You what!?”

The two fillies quickly found themselves in another tumble which reminded Loki of his time with Thor quite well, especially the days when Thor would be doing something dim and Loki found it fitting to play a prank on him. So every day in their youth and many of the days after to be precise.

The scene cut once more, now being replaced with what Loki could only assume was the private quarters of Luna given how a copy of the one standing beside him now stood in the dimly lit place, looking outside a window with sadness in her eyes.

While looking the same as the mare beside him, Loki had no doubt there was a good one thousand year difference between them. For some reason her banishment hadn’t aged her it seems.

A knock on the room’s door followed by it opening revealed a noticeably older Queen, wrinkles in her face where there had been none previously. A good deal of time had passed, but how much Loki was not quite sure of.

“Mother,” the past Luna greeted quietly, not even turning to face her.

The elderly mare looked as troubled as the younger one, sadness quite apparent on her face, “How are you faring, dear?”

The old Luna huffed indignantly, “Just perfect, locked away in this tower.”

“Nopony prevents thou from visiting the streets, Luna.”

It was an angry mare who turned to face the mother, who in turn stepped back once in shock, “Is that so? Then why is it that the ungrateful welps run and hide when I try to do so? Oh, yes, the princess of the night must be such a terror. Not at all like thine own sister, who is just perfect in every way and adored by all.”

Loki winced as he felt nostalgia hit.

The present Luna, meanwhile, lowered her gaze. She was obviously not proud of this moment.

Luna’s mother tried to console her daughter with a hoof, “They may favor Celestia, but know that thou are both the same in my heart. We are all family, and it is our love towards one another that truly matters. We are all that we have, after all.”

With a long breath the previously seething mare calmed, her facial expression quite similar to the ashamed one of her present self, “You are right mother…We do not wish to be jealous, but there is no pony who is as beloved as she. In her own words no less. She knows of how they mistreat us and she does nothing to prevent it, even if she ought as our own blood.”

With a glance to the window, where lights of a town could be seen, Luna added, “She would bask in their love rather than fully acknowledge our sorrow.”

“You ought best to speak with her. She is your sister, now and forever, even if her eyes are blinded by the very light she gives off and is given in return.”

Luna’s mother lent forward to wrap a hoof around her daughter.

“We love you.”

As this scene faded, nothing came to replace it but the original weathered and broken ruins of a castle Loki had stumbled across. Silence hung in the air a moment before Loki broke it.

“Have things changed since your return?”

Luna blinked to clear her eyes before asking in return, “What?”

Loki took in a breath before speaking again, his inner contemplations causing his speech to be slow, “Do your subjects fear you as much now as they did before? Is the mistrust there even after these years?”

Luna sat on her hindquarters, not caring to stand anymore, “Yes, it remains, if not more so. It is hard to be in public without warranting screams and mass panics. We let sister deal with the entirety of public appearances as such.”

That was exactly what Loki expected, but not what he wished for, “So, even in a land as sugar coated as this forgiveness does make itself easy to acquire.”

Sensing his tone, Luna tried to rectify the path of their conversation, “It begins with those who care for you. Your mother, your father, your bro-”

“Do not mention them to me,” at first venomous, Loki quickly altered his tone to be more neutral, although it could barely hide his raw emotion, “Do you think I have not already been through how my next meeting with them will be. ‘Sorry for attempting to kill you brother. Father, please do not banish me like you did him for far less of a crime.’ I’m sure that’ll just go over great!”

Luna reached a hoof out to touch his shoulder, “There must be others who care.”

Loki did not resist the touch, but made no effort to return the gesture.

“None. There are none who would weep in my name outside of my mother.”

This statement shocked the princess, who rose a brow at just how much more similar his story became to her own with one word, “Loki, how many friends have you had?”

Loki snorted derisively, glancing over to the sitting mare, “I once considered myself a friend, if a marginal one at that, to four warriors who followed my brother,” his eyes avert, his tone growing cold and poisonous once more, “But they betrayed me. They left me for my foolish brother without a second thought.”

Luna brought herself to her full height and made herself directly beside “Loki Odinson, you are a moody, insufferable being,” the hoof previously on his shoulder moved to be around the brooding stallion, pulling him tightly into the princess with unexpected strength, “But if thou ever need somepony to speak with, I will lend my ear, for I stood in your place once.”

Not sure if he was unable or unwilling to remove himself from the physical contact he had not truly been on the receiving end of in quite some time, mental projections and fighting aside, “You ponies are so maudlin.”

The princess could not help but laugh at his snarky statement that she could also not help but agree with, “And you Asgardians are too uptight. But what’s better, to live in bliss or to live in sadness?”

Loki only shook his head, unable to hide the genuine smirk growing on his muzzle. Something about how completely honest and unabashed she was grew on him, those features reminding him much of the Lady Sif at her best, while her capability for softness…

Well, it reminded him much of a certain family member.

“You should smile more.”

The Prince remained silent as the so called smile grew larger. Luna, sensing things had gone quite well and that she had indeed made a new friend, decided it best to take her leave.

“Farewell, Loki. We have our nightly duties to be attending shortly. Please do your best to stay safe.”

“I make no promises.”

It was Luna’s turn to give a snort.

It was a rare occasion for the Princess of the Night to be awake much earlier than her time to reign over the land, and it was rarer for her to be out and about at that time. Luna was quite fond of her sleep, manipulating her own dreams to be however she wished, and quite nervous about confronting the regular population still.

It is for this reason, when Luna touched down from flight at Canterlot Castle, that Celestia was very surprised that this had happened twice now in a short time period. Was something the matter with her younger sister?

“Luna?” Celestia questioned, not sure just what to say or ask.

Luna noticed her sister in their courtyard and greeted her with a bright smile Celestia rarely saw on her anymore, “Yes, sister?”

This made Celestia’s suspicion about something being wrong vanish, instead being replaced with a curiosity of just what could have roused such a good mood from her blue coated sibling. This was quite the improvement over the downtrodden Luna she was growing oh so accustomed to.

“You seem like you are in quite the good mood. Has something happened?”

Luna trotted over to Celestia and looked up to the elder sister with her own eyes glowing quite happily, “Oh, we just found a new friend today.”

Celestia prevented her jaw from dropping too much, quite shocked by this development, “A new friend? Are you finally meeting and befriending other ponies?”

This...well, this was wonderful in Celestia’s perspective. The idea that her sister was finally finding ponies outside their own little circle to speak with...she just might not end up treading down the path she had one thousand years before. The culture was beginning to accept her and now individual ponies too were opening up to Luna...

The not-distraught countenance on Luna made Celestia’s heart feel warm as her sister replied, “You could say that.”

Celestia bent down enough to nuzzle the top of Luna’s head, “I am so happy for you Luna. Now, what is this pony’s name? Do I know them?”

“I do not believe so. His name is Loki. He is quite the intelligent and interesting stallion-”

The warm feeling in Celestia’s chest melted and became something heavier at the admiration within her sibling’s voice, “Luna...”

Luna retracted a bit at the tone of her sister, confusion entering her mind, “What is the matter, Tia?”

“Nothing,” at least I hope, she wanted to add, “but, Luna, you speak of this Loki quite fondly.”

That made the princess of the night tilt her head and laugh, amused by how her sister jumped to conclusions, “You are worried I have the romantic kind of feelings for him? He is nothing but a friend, I assure you, Tia. We only have just met after all.”

“I am pleased to hear that Luna, for your own sake. It is a sad but true fact that our lifespans greatly eclipse those of our fellow pony.”

Luna chuckled again, her head shaking at the notion that she would have feelings for a stuck-up and moody pony like Loki. She didn’t even know what that felt like, so how would she possibly fall for a foreign prince who just so happened to share a strikingly similar history to her?

Luna stopped laughing at that thought before quickly dismissing it, as well as the thoughts of her sister.

“Do not worry about me. I will be quite fine.”

Her fears disapitated and the idea of her sister making friends still in mind, Celestia felt her mouth turn into a small smile, “Well then, I am off to rest. Have a good night, sister.”

“Goodnight, Tia.”

For a lack of better term, Luna was looking forward to whatever…”fun” her new acquaintance and friend would bring.

As dusk began to set over the landscape of the land of equines and monsters both, Loki found himself growing weary. Something felt off to him as he watched the forest in its twilight, the god of mischief feeling something creep down his spine.

He was not alone in the ruins he had decided to call home for the time being.

Expecting to once again be faced with Luna, Loki looked around himself to see who had graced him with their presence.

He spoke even as no figure made itself readily apparent.

“Visiting so soon, are we? I did not know my company was that pleasant.”

Loki went from snarky to alert as the voice spoke and the ruins faded from around him.

“You are mistaken, for we have not met...Loki Odinson.”

A/N: Thank you for reading, and I hope to hear from you about what you thought! Getting back in the swing of things with this story, but updates will be quick and even quicker if you drop a comment below! Thanks again!

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