• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,148 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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Like A Bird In The Sky

A/N: Special thanks to Kojivsleo, King of Kings, Evilhumour, Killabyte, ABitterPill, hs0003, The Last Cold Fang, SilentMech, Cadmium, Pacman_The_Peach, ChaoticLightning, Ketvirtas, and Drgnwolf for your comments last chapter. Hearing from you all really means a lot to me and I hope to continue to hear from you all!

Chapter's title comes from Hitomi's "If I Were a Bird"

Anyways, without further adieu, the chapter! Your thoughts mean everything to me and I would love to hear from you in the comments below! Comments are :heart: after all, and I could not get by without them from you all!

Weeks passed by quickly as Loki, Luna, and Trixie all buried themselves in various projects. Luna was doing her best to take care of herself due to her gravid state, while Loki spent his days bringing to order a new reign in Asgard. Replacing old advisors, instating new guards who would be loyal, and handling the disputes and minor quibbles that plagued any country. When able however, he returned to Equestria to try and make his presence there not so irregular or wrong, but this did not instantly win over the hearts and minds of the ponies who lived there.

“Take this!”

While walking through the halls and making small chat with Princess Celestia, Loki found himself taking a step to the side to avoid the quick blur of blue that rushed his way. His avoided attacker crashed into the ground where he previously stood only to then tumble forward from their momentum caused from their aerial strike. Celestia gaped while Loki sighed, the latter raising an eyebrow at his would be attacker.

“Perhaps you shouldn’t announce your attacks?”

On the ground rubbing a hurt limb, Rainbow Dash looked back towards the prince with a snarl, “Oh yeah…”

Celestia was not at all pleased to see such barbaric tendencies in her castle, “Miss Dash, what is the meaning of this?”

Rainbow flapped her wings and lifted herself into the air so she could turn and start yelling towards Loki, “This creep attacked Equestria! Am I the only one who remembers that?”

Not fazed by the pony’s yelling, Loki glanced at Celestia with apologetic eyes, “Go on. I will speak things over with her.”

Celestia frowned but gave in to his plan. As she turned to leave in the hallways of Canterlot Castle, Rainbow Dash put some distance between herself and Loki.

“Oh no you don’t, I’m not going to let you mind control me again!”

Loki sighed as he placed a hand on his hip and the other on his head, “No one is mind controlling anyone here. Now calm down. I just want to talk.”

Rainbow snorted angrily, preparing to leap at Loki again, “Yeah, right. You know, I thought you were a pretty cool guy, but of course you had to be evil.”

Loki groaned as he found himself having to explain himself again. He felt he would have to do this quite a few more times before he was forgiven of his crimes, “Not evil. Controlled by a man who is evil and who would kill my family if I disobeyed him. In addition, he was controlling me the same way I turned you against your friends.”

“So…” Rainbow’s face became one of befuddlement, “You’re not evil.”

Loki could see that he was finally getting through to the Pegasus, as anger was fading and turning to the more malleable confusion, “Precisely.”

“That is exactly what someone who is evil would say though!” Rainbow countered, seguing back into anger as she growled at him.

That made Loki decide to play his trump card, “I, along with your friend Twilight, recently just helped save all known worlds from a race of monsters who sought to plunge everything into eternal darkness. Would I do that if I was evil?”

“You would if you were hoping to take over the galaxy yourself!” Rainbow once again countered, her face still showing signs of anger but also showing some more uncertainty.

At this point Loki found himself at a loss for words. Would she just doubt everything he said? He did not blame her, but it made this more difficult certainly, “What do I have to do to convince you that I am no longer a foe to your people? I am married to one of your princesses, we are expecting foals, and—”

He was cut off by Rainbow gasping, “Woah, you and Princess Luna are married?!”

Loki could see that he had his way in finally, “The official announcement has not been made here yet, but yes, we have. I would have thought your friend Twilight would have mentioned it.”

“She said she has a lot of news she wants to tell us, but that she has to wait first…Hmmm…” Rainbow crossed her front hooves before jabbing one in Loki’s direction, “Okay, you got to help me out with two things if you want to make up for all that bad stuff.”

If Loki could convince one more the more argent opponent’s to his return that he was not so bad, he could use her to assist him in convincing others of his sincerity. Whatever terms she had would ultimately be easier than confronting others without her support.

“What are they?”

Rainbow landed down on the ground and approached Loki so that she could jab him with a hoof, “One, you have to apologize to Scootaloo for getting her hurt. Even if it was an accident, you need to say sorry.”

Loki could remember there being some kind of bond between Rainbow and the poor foal who had been harmed during his invasion of Canterlot, and Loki felt sick upon remembering his part in that harm, “Of course. What else?”

“Prove you’re the cool guy I thought you were. I’m going to be pulling a prank on a friend and I may need help from someone who can do magic. Not sure egghead—I mean Twilight—will be in on it.”

That was a more light hearted request, so Loki nodded and smiled, “I think I can assist.”

Rainbow took flight again, “Meet me in Ponyville whenever you’re able. I’ve got obligations and stuff to handle there so I can’t be away from home for long. Need to be ready for the Wonderbolt Reserve training I’m doing soon.”

Loki bowed to her, “I will see you there.”

Down the hallway, another voice could be heard that Loki had grown to both love and fear.

“Oh Loki!”

He flashed a smile to Rainbow Dash before turning towards the voice calling his name.

“My wife is calling. Farewell Miss Dash. I look forward to the coming prank spree.”

“You better not let me down!”

Trixie had stayed in Jotunheim after her meeting with Laufey, sending reports home to soothe Luna’s worries. Something had come to mind that she had wanted to take care of there and so she had stayed to tend to the idea.

Upon finally returning to Equestria, Trixie stopped by the place she had been told the Dazzlings were staying. Or rather, where the Sirens were staying.

Their residence was none other than Blueblood’s house, the owner not anywhere in sight to Trixie’s relief. They had seemingly put the idiot under their spell as well or at least whomever was looking after the house for him. Trixie did not really care so long as she did not come face to face with the insufferable pseudo-prince.

The large suite that the “prince” lived in was largely empty, and surprisingly dimly lit when Trixie visited it that night. She heard the voices of the three inside, so she knew they were home, but she did not take them for the sort to go to bed early.

Taking a look around, Trixie found that one of them was upstairs and leaning against a door. Her ear was pressed against it as if she was listening in on what was going on inside, and after a moment Trixie could tell even in the dark that this one was Sonata given her giggling.

Clearing her throat, Trixie tried lighting up her horn only to remember that she had taken to using her Elf body in Jotunheim after a few days. While the Pony body was warmer, she was better able to work with her magic in the arcane-attuned body of an Elf. Instead she was forced to create light from her hands, lighting up the hallway with its glow.

Having a specific purpose behind the visit, Trixie addressed Sonata directly since the air headed girl had not noticed either the vocal throat clearing or the new light in the hallway.

“Sonata, where is Adagio?”

Sonata turned towards Trixie, her face astonished as she quickly moved to block the door with her body, “Oh, Tricksy! Uhhhh, she’s…kinda busy with Aria in there. You can totally be with me until she’s ready though! Wanna go in my room?”

Trixie tilted her head confusedly, not getting what Sonata meant by ‘be with’ but also not caring, “I do not understand,” Trixie shook her head and approached the door that Sonata was now using her body to protect, “And I must speak with our dear leader. It is important.”

As Trixie moved to grab the door handle, Sonata moved in her way and gave a sheepish smile, “Adagio’s getting…is…whatever, she’s busy with Aria! Come back in like…” her smile became more of an amused one as Sonata giggled, “I dunno, they can go at it for awhile, so…maybe tomorrow morning? You can sleep with me in my room if you want though. It was kind of lonely out here anyways!”

Trixie opened her mouth to say that she was not interested, but the sound of Adagio screaming made her pause.


Trixie began to see what she thought Sonata was trying to get across: Adagio and Aria must be arguing. What nonsense. Trixie grunted as she pushed Sonata out of the way, “I am not going to wait that long.”

“Fuck! You!” she could hear Aria yelling at Adagio.

Trixie moved a hand to the handle, only to feel that it was locked with a slight touch. Not about to be stopped when her business was so important, Trixie prepared to teleport inside, “Before they yell any more, I will interrupt and hopefully stop this argument.”

Sonata reached a hand towards her worriedly, “I wouldn’t do that—”

The warning was not heeded, and Trixie teleported inside of the room that she quickly learned was a bedroom. The light coming from Trixie lit it all up and allowed Trixie full sight of the intertwined bodies of Adagio and Aria.

Intertwined, naked, hip thrusting bodies.

Trixie felt herself freeze and gape as Adagio, the one on top, paused and turned back to where the light was coming from. Aria, on bottom, growled weakly as she looked across the room at Trixie.

“Ever heard of, uh,” Adagio moving caused her to gasp, “K-knocking?”

Trixie felt herself blushing as she forced her gaze away. She had not intended to interrupt such an…intimate meeting.

“I…oh. Sorry.”

Her activity spoiled, Adagio climbed off of Aria and onto the rest of the bed. She groaned as she brought a hand up to her forehead, at which point Trixie turned out the light.

“Go outside. I’ll be there in a moment,” Adagio sighed, her voice not angry but having signs of being annoyed.

Trixie gave in to Adagio’s command and teleported out of the room, at which point she found that Sonata had since turned on the actual lights. Sonata flashed her a nervous smile to which Trixie just continued blushing, finally understanding the subtext given to her.

After a minute Adagio opened the door, now wearing a skimpy robe that must have been custom made for her in recent weeks. Trixie tried to ignore the nearly bare outfit to instead focus on Adagio’s face, which was glaring at her intensely.

“What the hell is it?”

Trixie laughed nervously, “I just…” still caught off guard, she paused and tried to gather her scattered thoughts to little avail, “Did you succeed? Is Celestia…”

Adagio crossed her arms over her barely covered chest, her face softening somewhat, “Yes, we did, thanks to the power you granted us. Did you come to take it back?”

Trixie shook her head and smiled to the leader of the group, “Oh no, you can hold on to it for now, mistress.”

Hearing Trixie call her that made Adagio’s confidence rise, and she lowered her arms to bring one over to Trixie’s head so she could pet the top of it, “That’s a good pet. Now, if you do not intend to join us, I would ask that you leave. I am sure Aria would prefer you to Sonata, but she will be moodier than usual if she is left alone too long. You learn these things after a millennium of isolation with someone.”

Trixie swallowed her breath while taking a step back and holding her hands up defensively, “Thank you, but I have matters to attend to…”

“Of course. Now goodnight, my pet,” Adagio turned back to the door and shifted her hip seductively, her eye winking as she looked back towards Trixie, “I have unfinished business of my own.”

Adagio closed the door behind her, at which Aria grunted towards her from the edge of the bed. Her bare arms and legs were crossed to Adagio’s displeasure, and the sour look on the purple skinned girl’s face killed the mood even more for Adagio.

“Why do you even trust that new girl?” Aria complained, her face scrunched up.

Sensing her partner’s displeasure, Adagio strutted over towards her in the dark room while speaking her case, “She is an Alicorn, and so our normal powers do not quite work on her, but now that she’s been so stupid as to grant us her own power I can feel my influence working on her,” when she reached Aria, she softly pushed her down onto the bed and climbed onto it to straddle her, Adagio running a hand across Aria’s cheek, “Soon enough she’ll be completely at our beck and call.”

Aria fought a moan to grab the hand that was touching her face, “I still don’t trust her. She’s the daughter of Princess Luna, whose known for being quite the loose cannon. Don’t you listen to the ponies in this town?”

That made Adagio laugh. She had done quite a lot of research on Trixie before confronting her, and that research painted the picture of a troubled, weak willed girl, “Of course I do, and I’m counting on her family’s selfish tendencies. Our dear little Trixie is currently in a place between love and hatred in the ponies here in Equestria after trying to forcibly take over an entire town. She has since tried to redeem herself, but still has the makings of quite the villain.”

She lowered her face to meet her lips with Aria, the other girl not resisting her, and after the kiss Adagio continued with a disturbing smile, “With the right push and influence…”

Adagio pinned Aria down and began to undo her robe.

Aria was less than pleased concerning Trixie, though she had something else to occupy her mind at the moment, “I won’t buy it until she proves it,” she grunted.

“You’re just worried she’ll take your spot as beta, aren’t you?”

“Shut up.”

From behind the door their other team member’s voice rang out, further interrupting them.

“Can I come in?”

Aria growled and used all her strength to yell, “Fuck off, Sonata!”

“Awww…” came the disappointed voice of Sonata, who had still been listening in.

Adagio moved a hand to cover Aria’s mouth, at which point she looked over to the door with her devilish smirk, “Actually, come in. I’m feeling hungry for blue tonight.”


As Sonata came on in, Aria bit Adagio’s hand to force her to let go, letting her growl, “I said I don’t want her—”

Adagio gripped Aria by the throat as Sonata started to climb on the bed, “I’m in charge. Remember that.”

Aria should have felt fear, but this was their dynamic. She liked having it rough, since struggling against Adagio was the most fun she had managed to have across a thousand years in an unfamiliar place.

“For now,” Aria smirked right back at her, her voice soft because of her lack of air.

Not with Trixie for weeks on end was Kael, who for the first time since his awakening had been left to his own devices with no-one telling him what to do. He spent days in town performing for the foals and telling tales that painted a better picture of the family that had taken him in, others in the kitchens learning how to cook so that he could provide for himself without requiring others to tend to him as well as cook for Trixie upon her return, and he even had a trip to visit Asgard one day to see a memorial Loki was putting together for the lost Illidan.

Upon returning to Equestria Kael decided to wander the castle he was now living in, and found himself enjoying the peaceful walk quite well until he came across a small courtyard where something he could see stopped him in his tracks.

Instead of simply being content, Kael went into complete enthusiasm.

“My my. A Phoenix!”

Perched on a special stand was a red and golden Phoenix that had bright white eyes with no visible pupil, much like Kael’s own. The bird seemed to notice him as well as it turned to face him while the Prince stopped his wandering and instead approached the courtyard.

As if he had done this before, Kael approached the Phoenix with care and offered his arm gently. He whistled and the bird took flight briefly before perching on his outstretched arm, its body facing him as the bird looked at him with interest, “What is your name?”

The bird squawked at him, and Kael could see that the smart animal was amused at his question.

“Yes, I realize how silly a question that is. I thought it only polite to ask though.”

Kael winced momentarily before raising his other hand to stroke the Phoenix’s head gently, “You would have liked Al’ar, though he is a bit larger than you…” Kael paused to sigh as he remembered the Phoenix he once had what felt like a lifetime ago, “The size of this room at maximum size, actually. He was known as the Phoenix God for a reason.”

The bird nestled against Kael’s face as the Elf winced in pain again, this time the pain so great that he was forced to bring a hand to his head. After it passed for a moment he smiled to the animal and began to thank it for it’s comfort before he lost control of his body and fell to his knees from pain.

“Are you okay?”

Not having spent that much time in the castle itself except when sleeping in Trixie’s vacated room, Kael did not recognize the voice that well. He turned around to find himself facing Celestia, who had managed to get right behind him during his fit of pain. How had he not noticed her, he wondered to himself, but he was grateful for the concern shown.

Kael smiled to her as the Phoenix on his arm squawked happily to Celestia, “Yes, I am fine…” Kael rose to his feet and shook off the pain, “Just a temporary migraine. I am sure you are familiar in your current state.”

Only having met the foreign guest briefly when he first came, Celestia found herself having to fight to remember his difficult name, “You are Prince Kael’Thas, correct? Thank you for giving my Philomena company.”

Celestia had to admit that the Phoenix blended in well with Kael’s clothing, as the Elf had seen about having Twilight’s friend Rarity put together a less ruined version of his clothing after first coming to Equestria. Now he had a red and golden robe that covered his body and legs, a large mantle hanging off his robe’s pointed shoulderguards and back, covering about three quarters of his body in its crimson coloration with golden accents. With Philomena on his robe’s arm, her colors blended perfectly in.

The Phoenix, Philomena, leapt off of Kael’s arm and began to fly around him as Kael took a bow to Celestia, “You are correct, my lady. Prince Kael’Thas Sunstrider of the Blood Elves at your service.”

“It is a pleasure. I see that you are familiar with Phoenixes.”

That brought a smile to Kael’s face, memories flooding his mind. After a moment those same memories caused his smile to fade into a crease, his voice losing some of its cheer, “You know, I used to have one of these myself. His name was Al’ar, and it pains me that he was not only slain but also stolen by the same people who sought to murder me so long ago.”

His words gave Celestia pause, the princess worried about his mention of murder but also growing some sympathy for the poor man having his pet stolen from him, “I do not know what I would do if someone stole my dear Philomena. She once was taken from me, but it was by an animal enthusiast trying to tend to Philomena in a state of sickness,” Philomena landed on a hoof Celestia stretched out while speaking, “Philomena here has been my companion for some time now. I wish I had more time to spend with her, though I suppose I will now.”

Kael found himself feeling bittersweet as he looked at the bond between Celestia and her pet, “Such majestic creatures…” he paused as his head continued to throb, only to continue a moment later as if nothing happened, “The most powerful beings I know of. Beings able to transcend death itself and be born anew after life ends. The perfect companions for a race with elongated lifespans.”

More of a listener than a speaker, Celestia let Kael continue as she could see he had more on his mind. Philomena returned to Kael’s arm and began to rub her feathered head against him softly, appearing to like and trust him instinctively.

Kael began to pet her again, amused by her playfulness, “Ironic that I once was associated with these creatures. After all, I have died before only to rise from the ashes. I was slain again, and then brought to life in a realm of infinite torment. It is from there that my association with your family started, as I followed them out of that place when Trixie and Loki escaped it.”

Ever the worry wart, Celestia felt she had to confront the elephant in the room, “Who sought to kill you?”

That vanished any remaining traces of humor on the foreign Prince’s face. He remembered everything now, and that could be its own problem.

The Elf shook his head slowly and ceased his petting, “I am afraid telling you may lower your opinion of me. I have been working out my memories with Trixie, and not all of them are pleasurable. In fact, many are not.”

That would not deter the questioning of Celestia, who had much experience with others who had past misdeeds, “I have grown an acceptance for others who may have once held darkness in their hearts or done bad, so long as they work to redeem themselves.”

Seeing he was not going to get out of this one, Kael’s shoulders sank and his hands moved to his hips while Philomena returned to Celestia, “Well, then I suppose I can tell you. My race, once known as the High Elves, had our homeland destroyed in a war brought by a vicious race known as the Scourge. Undead beings who sought to use our homeland’s power source, known as the Sunwell, to rise one of their own from the dead.”

His tone became hollow, while Celestia became completely quiet, “My people were slaughtered. The survivors scattered. This was when we became known as the Blood Elves. I worked to pick up the pieces, as was my duty as prince, but my people faced a looming threat caused by the destruction of the Sunwell.”

His hand moved up to his chest, where he began to grip at the cloth, “You see, we have thrived so long on arcane energy that flowed through our bodies from the Sunwell that…with it gone we suffered from withdrawal. My people were driven to madness as their starvation of its energies slowly got to them.”

“How did you remedy this addiction? Or…” Celestia trailed off as the possibility of his race being extinct struck her.

“They’re fine…now that I’m out of the picture at least,” Kael said with intentional ambiguity, “I originally had hoped to use the Alliance, a group of the supposedly more refined and noble races, to find a cure to our addiction. However, the Alliance used my people’s weak state to cast us aside, even attempting to finish the job the Scourge began. We escaped those who would betray us in our time of need, and sought refuge with a half-demon known as Illidan who promised us a way of satiating our hunger as well as refuge from those who would persecute us.”

As if he was drained by the discussion of his past, Kael waved a hand and summoned a chair to sit on, “We lived in a land of demons and monsters for some time, yet it somehow was more peaceful than the land we had considered home. We worked to help out our original land when we could, not being heartless beings after all, but we mostly remained in our demonic sanctuary, feeding off the dark energies of the demons around us so that we might survive.”

Demons…dark energy…Celestia could tell where this was going. Feeding off the energy of a dark creature could easily lead to the corruption of the consumer. Dark energy, no matter the source, carried that innate quality. It could take time, it could be instant, it could be maddening, there was no exact science to the corruption that followed it. Both Luna, Loki, and Trixie could attest to their experiences with it. A scepter, the Nightmare, and the Alicorn Amulet Trixie once possessed all stood as examples of what such things could do.

Speaking up again, she became solemn, “The demonic energy corrupted you, I presume.”

Her understanding brought a small curl to Kael’s lip, “It did. Almost overnight I transformed from a well-intentioned leader to a monster who began plotting to destroy everything and everyone, secretly serving a powerful demon lord known as Kil’Jaeden. I worked against Illidan, who had since become a friend, and soon enough began turning against my own kind. Some Blood Elves who had not yet given into the demonic taint managed to confront me.”

He paused as he swallowed nervously, “They slew me, or at least they thought they had…” Kael sighed and shook his head as he looked to the ground, one hand going back up to his chest, “I survived, but required a giant crystal of power embedded in my chest to survive. I continued my plans, and even began using a new Sunwell to summon Kil’Jaeden. I had become little better than those who brought my people to ruin.”

A laugh escaped his lips, “It was then that I was stopped. Weakened by my original setback, I was killed for my evil plans. I do not blame those who came for my head, but I do regret how easily I fell into madness. It was completely out of character for me, as I previously had staved off my addiction quite well.”

“Yet you stand before me now, seemingly sane and in control,” Celestia added, unsure as to how that could be.

That brought a nervous face to Kael, who was worried Celestia might not be all that welcoming if he just flat out said nothing had really changed to his knowledge, “I next awoke in a land that was full of other mad, tortured creatures. Trixie and Loki assisted me in leaving, albeit unwillingly, and I have since sold my allegiance to Trixie who has promised to help me.”

While sympathetic, Celestia did not particularly care for yet another individual who could go off the rails and bring danger to her nation like before with Loki. Still, she decided to say what was on her mind in a roundabout and non-offensive manner, “Do you intend to return to your people? Your own world?”

Kael began to play with his mantle as sadness creeped into his eyes, “I do, yes, but I have a feeling it will not be quite welcome. Once I have regained my strength and found my way, I will return to them and make amends. Some research into the subject shows that perhaps an upgraded Bifrost can bring me home.”

Philomena could understand the sorrow in his voice and face too, so she flitted back to him and landed in his lap. Once there, she rubbed her head and beak against his chest, the sight of which made Celestia sigh sorrowfully. For Philomena to be so enamored with him meant that he was a good person, as Celestia had never known Philomena to misjudge someone’s character, but the fact remained that Luna had now indirectly dragged a second damaged prince into their lives.

“I wonder what it is that draws my sister and her student to such damaged foreign princes,” Celestia pondered out loud.

Not about to let her have the last word, the Blood Elf smirked up at Celestia as he pet Philomena, “Perhaps there is a certain attraction to the downtrodden shared by others who have actually suffered themselves.”

Caught off guard by the boldness displayed by his statement, Celestia was unable to respond by the time Kael whispered to himself, “I wish that perhaps…”

The apprehension in Celestia’s heart faded as she noticed that beneath the green glow of Kael’s eyes there were tears falling. Celestia felt bad for judging him, though her experience blindly trusting Loki put her in a place of uncertainty about it all.

Philomena took flight and began to fly above them both in circles, to which Kael smiled slightly while continuing to cry, “If only I were as free as a wild Phoenix. Sometimes living down here can be too heavy on the heart and the mind,” he paused as his weak voice went on, “I forget sometimes where I end…”

Her pity reaching its high point, Celestia approached the prince and sat down across from him so she could lift a hoof up and place it on his shoulder, “You are not going to go on any villainous campaigns to conquer this land like the last foreign prince to live here did, are you? If not, then I have no issue with you remaining here.”

Kael brought a hand up to touch the hoof, the man appreciating her gesture of goodwill, “Of course not. Everything I do now I do at Mistress Trixie’s pleasure. She only wants the best for your people, so that is what I shall seek too. She already knows all of this…”

His eyes noticed something about Celestia, which made him smile happily, “I see that you are expecting. Congratulations.”

“Thank you. My due date is approaching, and while I have some time before it comes I am not sure how much I am looking forward to that. It is a whole new level of responsibility.”

A flash of purple, black, and red nearby in the courtyard drew the attention of both of them as Trixie made her sudden entrance that star filled night.

With Trixie now there, Kael stood up so that he could greet her but first he decided to say farewell to the others, “I wish you the best, but it appear that I have something to take care of now. Farewell, my lady,” he nodded to Celestia and then turned to Philomena, who had returned to where she had been when he first arrived, “Philomena.”

Trixie ignored Celestia and grabbed Kael with a hand, “Let’s go to our room. I need to work off some stress.”

Just as quickly as she arrived, Trixie departed with Kael in tow. Celestia managed to see that Trixie was blushing red and was completely flustered. What had she just done beforehand that made her so out of it?

Also, more importantly…

“They are sharing a room?”

Philomena squawked in response, to which Celestia sighed. She wished she had an actual companion like Luna and Trixie, as nice as it was to have a pet. Discord was simply not as regular or reliable as their partners as much as Celestia wished he was.

Despite being pregnant, Luna had done her best to continue getting exercise albeit at a reduced rate. So Loki was forced to accompany her as she walked around and hugged him tightly the entire way.

Luna was happy and did not want anything to ruin the feeling of contentment she had.

“Loki,” Luna purred as they made their way through the halls. Loki had been steering them towards the section where their rooms were, since it was getting pretty late to be up and active. Luna needed her rest after all.

“Luna, you are awfully clingy today.”

Luna bumped him with her hip, knowing full well he would and could not retaliate, “Shut up and let me hug you.”

Loki rolled his eyes, “How are you feeling?”

“Like I weigh far more than I should. If I were a horse at least the weight would be equally distributed. Now my back hurts,” Luna pouted. As the months went on the bulge of her stomach had grown at an almost exponential rate. In fact, she was so large that most would assume she was at the end of her term instead of only partway through like she was. Celestia was far farther along and about the same size, though unlike Luna Celestia only had one child.

“Well do not blame me. You are at as much fault as me.”

Luna groaned at the truth in his words, “More, actually, since I instigated the majority of our…exchanges.”

“At least we have the hardest part, that of naming, done.”

“Yeah, hardest for you,” Luna pouted again as she brought a hand to rub against her distended stomach, “Sleep Near and Hela,” Luna paused as she thought about their future daughter, “You…you don’t think our daughter will become that…”

Loki brought her into an embrace quickly but softly, silencing her as he spoke, “We can try our best to keep her from that path, but we will see.”

Luna returned the hug and lowered her face into Loki’s chest, feeling a bit silly with how they were separated by a large stomach and her extended chest, “You know, I look like I should be at full term right now, but I feel like I’m nowhere close.”

“You are carrying twins after all, and you are decently along. In addition, I hypothesize that Sleep Near is going to be born as a foal and Hela an Asgardian.”

The thought of how that would fit made Luna’s face grow pale beneath its blue fur, “What makes you say that?”

“I can sense magic better than I used to after my time in Hela’s world, in addition to a resistance to darker magics,” Loki paused so he could run a hand over the blue dress that covered Luna’s taut stomach, “And the two beings inside of you are giving off different power levels, even though they should be about the same if they are of the same race.”

“Oh great…” Luna grunted as she thought about how to handle this development, “At least my shapeshifting should help with the birth, but I am still not looking forward to the effort.”

“I was not sure whether I should mention it before, but they appeared to be shifting forms inside of you before. Changes in shape and power in instant spikes either way. They have settled down now though the past month or so.”

“I thought it was early for them to be kicking…” In revenge for not saying so sooner, Luna found a perfect punishment for her dear lover, “It is reasonably late, Loki, and I am on leave from my duties so I think we should turn in for the night. Carry me.”

Loki could understand why she was doing this to him in addition to the romantic aspect of it, but he was not actually looking forward to it that much because understanding did not mean it would be easier on his poor arms and his own back, “You weigh a massive amount, Luna.”

Luna brought a hand up to her chest and stuck her tongue out at Loki, “And some of that added weight you have been enjoying previously, since pregnancy apparently comes with natural enhancements in your species, so be quiet and carry me.”

Not being able to argue against that, Loki swept Luna up into his arms despite her shape and weight because of his increased strength from the changes Hela made to him over his time in Hel.

They were close to the rooms already though, and the two were content with silence for the few moments before some muffled voices coming from Trixie’s room interrupted that.

“Wow that sucked…let’s try again.”

Luna looked at Loki with a raised eyebrow. That sounded like Kael, which wasn’t suspicious by itself, but it sounded like he was talking to someone.

As the two reached Trixie’s door and began to pass it, Luna pulled on his shirt, “Wait Loki.”

“I’ll…your…upside down.”

Luna helped herself down from Loki’s arms and began staring at the door.

“Perhaps I underestimated you…”

That was Trixie.

“Do not get too comfortable.”


“Obey me…”

“Bow to my…”

At that point Luna spoke up with aggravation, “Okay, this is driving me insane, just what are they doing?”

“Are you sure you want to go in there?”

Loki stepped out of the way as Luna approached the door and opened it. What was inside gave both Luna and Loki pause and confused them both.

“Just what is going on here?” Luna questioned as she looked inside with extreme confusion. The room was scattered, books and other objects were strewn about the room’s floor, other’s hung in the air as if gravity was not working on them, and in the middle of it all was Trixie on top of Kael.

Trixie, who had Kael’s shirt and only his shirt on her pony body, looked up to Luna while biting her lower lip, “Kael and I are…practicing magic…while also reliving some of his memories…” Trixie swallowed heavily before continuing, “Particularly, those when he was at his strongest…”

Luna nodded slowly, “I see.”

Trixie glanced down at the shirtless Kael, who was laying on top of his tattered cloak in what appeared to be fear of Luna. After glancing down at him, Trixie looked back up to Luna with embarrassment and climbed off of the Elf, “It isn’t what it looks like.”

Kael sat up now that he did not have a pony pinning him to the floor, his hands brushing off the dust now on his exquisite mantle, “I must admit however that this does look quite suspect. My only concern is to why your daughter feels entitled to my shirt after defeating me. I was using it.”

Loki excused himself at that, not being able to keep a smirk off his face and barely keeping himself from laughing at the whole display. Luna however just looked in utter confusion at her student who had been so bold to take his shirt off and wear it herself, “It just came off and it felt and smells nice. Is it not customary to loot your defeated foes of their valuables?”

Kael and Trixie began to bicker about the rightness and wrongness of taking someone’s clothing, at which point Luna stepped in and stood between them.

“Okay, I need to have a talk with Trixie. Kael, would you mind leaving us?”

The Elf stood up and pointed at the red cloth now worn by Trixie, “I—”

“Leave the shirt. I’m sure you will get it back later,” Luna grunted, not wanting him there any longer so she could have this important talk.


“Now, Kael.”

At that he stepped out and quietly closed the door behind him, understanding that Luna wanted this mother-daughter talk. Once alone, Luna smiled at Trixie.

“His shirt? Really Trixie?”

Trixie turned her head away as she sat down and grew an embarrassed appearance, “I…” she glanced up at Luna, “So? It does feel nice. I think he had it made of silk.”

Luna held her hands up in surrender, “Fine, whatever you say Trixie. So long as you promise me one thing I won’t say another word on the matter.”

“What is it?” Trixie eagerly asked, not wanting to be teased any longer.

Luna stepped to the door, opened it, and once she was halfway out Luna turned around with a cheeky smile, “Go on a date.”

Trixie guffawed, “D-date?” Luna’s smile staying as it was made Trixie realize that Luna was serious, but she did not want her to be, “You must be joking!”

That brought only laughter to Luna, who began to leave, “I expect at least one grandchild. Your work begins now.”

Trixie’s jaw dropped, “Work?” the door shut behind Luna and Trixie called after her, “Mother, I—”

Now alone, Trixie stomped her hoof down, “Hmmph! As if I would subject myself to those hormonal imbalances. I have enough on my plate as it is.”

A polite knock on the door came before Kael opened the door and poked his head in, “So, about my shirt—”

“I’m keeping it until you can beat me and take it back.”

Kael stepped in fully, his hands pulling his large cloak around his bare abdomen to cover what he could with it, “That is unfair. All of my magic comes from you, there’s no way I can win!”

Trixie tilted her head up snootily, “I recommend looking into alternative clothing then. My magic letting you be powerful again and feeding your addiction, my rules.”

Realizing there was little he could do, Kael gave in to her, “At least I still have my cloak…”

That made Trixie laugh, since why would she want to take something so large that she would be tripping in? At least, in this particular body and not her real body or her Elven one, “And you may keep it. That silly thing is too large and would only get in the way.”

Feeling his sense of fashion insulted, Kael turned his head away, “Hmmph. What was your mother talking to you about anyways?”

Trixie decided to not lie but also not get into the actual subject, “Something about children. Probably because she is about to have a pair herself.”

Kael wandered over to Trixie so he could pat her on the head, making her feel embarrassed and exacting some revenge on her, “You will make a most interesting aunt.”

Trixie snorted, “One of those kids is going to grow up and imprison the two of us in Hel. I am not exactly looking forward to seeing the living incarnation of death no matter how young and adorable she may be.”

“Perhaps she can grow up to be better than the one we had the misfortune of meeting?” Kael offered, not particularly fond of the previous one who had him linger on in torment in his most degraded form.

“I hope. I don’t want to go back,” Trixie whispered.

“Of course we don’t,” Kael laughed as he patted Trixie on the back, “Now, I hate to bother you again about the issue, but the cold is quite uncomfortable. My chest is quite chilled right now.”

“Use a blanket if you want to stay warm. But stay on your specified half of the bed. No touching.”

“Would it not just be easier for me to have my own room?”

“Shut up and take the blanket. I got it because it is red, your favorite color.”

“Actually, my favorite colors are blue and purple. Red is the color of my people.”


“You thinking about her.”

“I think I am going to go and see her soon…”

“Do you want me to come?”

No…I’m fine.

Author's Note:

Your thoughts and comments are appreciated and are helpful to me, so please leave your comments below! They really keep me motivated, and without your guys support this all wouldn't be possible! Remember, comments are :heart:

Also, big news in case you guys haven't seen my blog post about the matter! I will be doing a spin off of sorts for this story concerning Trixie and Kael in his own setting, so if you want more details check it out here! Blog post

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