• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,148 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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Gaiden: That Is The Promise Of Our Future

A/N: This is the first of the "Gaiden" chapters of this story, the side-story and bonus stuff that don't really fit into the main story and as such are of dubious canon. You can think of them however you will, much like "Equestria Was Merely a Setback", however I do hope you enjoy! They will often be lighter fare, since things in-story have improved and lives are better, so I hope you can enjoy the fluff.

Thank you greatly to ErekLich, NightdancerMoonblossom, Gleaming, InsanityStreak, SadisticNerd, Thelykenking, Amethyst Blade, Basadre, The Batmane of equestria, refferee, Carnelian-Quaser, and Spah for your thoughts on the story's epilogue, and I hope that you may now enjoy the future that the epilogue set forth for us.

Chapter title from "Fields of Hope" from Gundam Seed, and there is also a reference to Telltale Game's "Game of Thrones" visual novel. What it references has been out a few months now, so I'm not exactly being that spoiler-y!

I would love to hear from you all in the comments below, and I am wondering if I should create an epilogue story in addition to the gaiden chapters I just have to finish up...basically a fluffy thing about Hela and Sleep Near that focuses on their group mainly. Please let me know what you think concerning the matter in addition to your other thoughts, as I have so many scraps and ideas from the two years I wrote this story!

The sun was shining down on Canterlot Castle as the day hit its apex and began to dip into the beginning of the night’s reign. Celestia’s provided illumination was helpful for Loki and Luna who were searching together for their missing twins: Hela and Sleep Near were both obedient to their parents and quite respectful to their elders, however they were prone to occasionally get carried away with their own shared antics and would leave behind their caretakers if it meant carrying on their chase to punish the other for poking them or other such particular minutiae to everyday life.

The search was indeed aided by sunlight, but it was hampered by Luna’s own slow pace caused by her distended stomach. The last time she had carried a child it had been in her equine body, but now she was carrying in her anthropomorphic form that held the traits she preferred of each body. As such the process was more draining for her as she was not balancing the extra weight on four feet but rather two, though she was able to use her arms and hands to alleviate her discomfort just the slightest amount.

As he kept pace with her Loki found himself observing the new curve to her body. She had her youth restored to her years back when the others were all restored to life, yet it had taken her some time to conceive for unknown reasons to them. He had been unsure at first if she would even be able to go through with having another child, but Luna’s beaming face told him that she was recovering even after everything they had been through these many years.

“A near mute, eight legs…what next? A giant? A snake maybe?”

Luna rolled her eyes at Loki’s playful joke about their record for children: thought to be a result of Algrim’s savage beating of Luna while pregnant, Hela had been born without a penchant for speaking while Sleep Near had his own problems they reasoned were a result of the healing of the two in the womb. He had extra limbs, while it is possible Hela may have been revived yet still harmed.

It was hard to tell though as the two ran across a yard while playing with swords, each brutally hacking away at the other as if it was just a game…which for many it would most certainly not be, as they were using true swords of the highest quality as they fought back and forth.

While previously amused by Loki’s words, Luna was quickly set off by what they had suddenly caught their twins doing, “Sleep Near! Hela! Knock it off!”

Sleep Near quickly knelt down and placed his sword on the ground as his older twin’s last strike sailed over his head. This done, Hela sighed and tossed her own blade to the ground before averting her eyes entirely from her mother.

“Yes mother…” Sleep Near murmured as he finished kneeling, his personality the more bashful of the two siblings.

Hela refused to show the same guilt as her brother, as she knew fully that they had not been doing anything dangerous: an accident years before had shown that Sleep Near was capable of regenerating limbs and healing from wounds nearly instantly if he chose to, and just being around his soothing aura of magic led others to display similar feats albeit at a reduced rate.

Hela, on the other hand, knew she wasn’t going to die to her brother’s blade, so he could swing it as much as he wanted and she would not fear it.

Loki let Luna take the offensive as he stood by her side, not personally concerned about anything bad happening given how often he and Thor once fought when they were younger, but he knew that it was important to instill a sense of respect for authority and the rules placed before them if they were to shape these two into future rulers, so he let Luna chastise them and he would silently support her despite knowing no true foul had been done.

“What have I told you about doing that?”

Sleep Near murmured a soft statement about not fighting alone and the dangers that doing this posed, while Hela continued to avert her eyes from Luna…instead staring at Sleep Near and nearly wincing as an image flashed before her eyes and her eyes alone.

“How many trainers do we have for you two, and you fight without them. Who’s day is it today?”

“Mister Asher,” Sleep Near spoke, his words becoming less of a whisper as he felt the danger fade from the situation. Their mother was worried, but she wasn’t going to punish them if that was the direction she was taking the conversation. He was the meek one of the twins, but he also was the more empathetic and perceptive of them.

He still was scared of his mother’s fury though, so he dared not do anything more than answer her question now that they had been caught getting carried away while they were off in their own world, ignoring all others.

The mention of the trainer made Luna’s eyes light up as she thought about something she had yet to bring up with Loki, “Speaking of the devil, how are the new guards?”

Loki shrugged. By Asgardian standards the soldiers were skilled but abysmally weak given their Human origins, but it was merely the first set of many hopefully lent by the Sleep Near of Valhalla, “Fine enough. The more powerful they are, the harder it is for him to return them, so for now I must make due with skilled Humans to bolster our roster.”

Luna nodded to her husband and then spoke softly to him so as to keep the children from hearing her, “It was kind of the elder Sleep Near to pay us back interest for his failure.”

The future incarnation of Sleep Near from another timeline had failed to keep his Hela from wreaking havoc in this world, and that had led to future events that he was forever disgraced by, at least in his own mind. So he was trying to make up for the unnecessary pain and destruction by gifting them soldiers, assistants, and other such souls as a form of interest.

“It is,” Loki noted, however he was not exactly happy with how the elder Sleep Near was handling the negotiations concerning the once deceased souls, “Now if only he could bring them back without making deals on their behalf. I will need to each our own son how to bargain better.”

Sleep Near looked up to his sister as Luna snickered at how Loki was admonishing the other Sleep Near for promising to certain souls that Loki’s group would pay for their aid by helping their families and friends in their own conflicts using the combined powers of Asgard, Equestria and Jotunheim. The younger Sleep Near noticed that Hela had shut her eyes and was trembling the slightest amount, and so without any further thought he took her hand in his own.

Hela looked down at him, at which point she winced suddenly, but once this was done she gave him a weak smile to try and tell him she was okay.

Luna’s attention was focused on Loki and so she didn’t notice the display, but Loki caught a quick moment of it as his wife gave him a playful shove, “Oh come now, you could single handedly end the conflict he’s asked of you. It will not be that difficult.”

Pressing between them and putting an arm around each of them was a Human man with dirty blonde hair and an ever-present grin, “Aye, she’s right my lord. I promised to bring an army, but you’d do just fine.”

Loki ignored the physical contact as he coldly looked down at the shorter man, “So long as you fulfill your duties I will uphold my end of the bargain, Asher,” he nodded over to Sleep Near and Hela, “Now go and do your job. Are they really that hard to keep track of?”

Realizing that his boss was not happy, Asher slipped past the two of them and started to head over to the children, though not without one last quip, “Last I checked, they can teleport, fly, and all other sorts of crazy stuff…and I can’t.”

Luna smirked at her husband as he tried to not reveal how uncomfortable the sudden physical contact had made him, though his words betrayed his icey exterior, “Normally I would punish such impudence, but I only have to handle it so long as Sleep Near bargains with Hela over changing the outcome of a conflict. Apparently where he’s from everyone tends to die, so ending a war decisively will alter the flow of life and death.”

Out in the yard Asher had the two siblings take their weapons back from where they had been placed down and they began to resume the combat lessons they had been learning earlier in the day before a prank by Hela had set the two off across the castle in a grand chase that led to the situation at hand.


Hela had to dodge to the side as a sword strike nearly cleaved her across the face, its tip nearly slashing the pointed hat she wore even while sparring. Asher knew that he was facing beings stronger than even superhumans so anything he could throw at them would not cause actual harm, so he used every advantage he could and did not hold back at all to teach them the brutal, cutthroat fashion of combat he had learned in his own land.

Of course, while Hela dodged his slash, she still tripped over the leg he shot out at the same moment as his yell.

Sleep Near scoffed in the same manner his father might as he watched his sister fall despite having been seemingly warned beforehand.

“You know Asher, telling us to dodge isn’t all that helpful—”

His moment to explain the flaw was enough for Asher to spin and kick his legs out from underneath him too.

Asher laughed as he helped the two of them up, his sword since stabbed into the ground so that he wasn’t handing it to them along with his hand, “Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Friend I made in Valhalla loved yelling that.”

Luna sighed as she noticed how both of the two twins had blood and now dirt on their clothing thanks to their day spent fighting and being kids. Unfortunately, she thought, it would take the two of them forever to start undoing this because of Sleep Near’s meticulous and prima donna cleaning habits and Hela’s general apathy to doing anything of the sort since she cared not at all for what others thought.

“Sorry to cut things short, but now that Asher has your leash again you had all better clean up. You do not know how hard I have worked to set up this dinner.”

Sleep Near rose an eyebrow and looked between his parents.

“That’s because dad set it up, mom.”

Luna scoffed, knowing that Sleep Near only dare possibly cross her because he was championing Loki and so Sleep Near was protected from punishment by default, “I will have you know I worked very hard on those invitations.”

“Didn’t miss Rarity do them?”

Luna knew that Loki’s children would be sassy and talk back, but she was beginning to wish Sleep Near was like Hela, who at least only gave looks rather than verbally criticized things, “And who do you suppose gave her direction? Supervising advice?”

Loki laughed as he put an arm around Luna to console her, “Now, now, leave your poor mother alone. It is not her fault that I took the reigns from her. I simply cannot be bothered with a four hour event that is more formal than our wedding.”

“This is for our anniversary. It should be proper and nice,” Luna declared.

“Comfortable, small, and informal,” Loki countered with a sweet tone, his face grinning as he watched Luna stew before him.


Knowing he had won since before the argument took place, Loki kept smiling at her, “Luna, reaffirming that statement won’t change how things have been planned in their middle-ground route.”

Having stopped the brief melee, Sleep Near turned his attention back to his playfully arguing parents. He didn’t get why they did this so often, since his mother was so calm and relaxed these days except when someone was pressing her buttons, and his father seemed to do that intentionally, “Why do they argue like that?”

Asher lowered himself to the pre-teen’s level and put a hand on the kid’s shoulder, all the while whispering with a chuckle, “Well, one day when you like girls, I’ll let you know. It’s not so much about the argument, but what follows thereafter.”

What happened after an argument? More fighting? Sleep Near couldn’t wrap his young mind around it, not that he ought to be able to, “I don’t get it.”

Asher laughed as he pushed the kid along towards his parents, “Like I said, you will one day. Now, let’s get freshened up for the company your mother has decided to have over!”

“Do you even have nice clothes?” Sleep Near quipped, though part of him was genuinely curious: the man had come to live with them in worn traveling clothes befitting of a mercenary.

Their fighting teacher flashed a smile at Sleep Near as well as Hela, who trailed behind her brother silently, “I’d like to think all my clothes are nice, in a rough, tough, warrior kind of way.”

“That means no.”

“Think your father will make me wear one of those curly horn things?”

“I hope. You will look ridiculous.”

Hours and a manicure later, Sleep Near found himself seated at a table and he was suddenly the one being made fun of.

“I hope your next sibling is a boy.”

Sleep Near rose a brow at the soft blue Pegasus who had been invited along with her older sister Scootaloo to the formal event. Frost Bolt wanted him to have a brother rather than a sister? Was it because she was a tomcolt rather than a girly girl like Ataxia and Anima?

“Why a boy and not a girl?”

With a snort Rainbow Dash’s daughter playfully shoved him, “Cuz’ you’re the only guy I really hang out with, and you’re a wimp.”

Across the table from him Hela watched the proceedings and narrowed her eyes on her brother, at which point she let out a brief but profound utterance of, “Idiot.”

The four armed child glared at his blue furred friend who had indigo for a mane, aptly being named after winter itself as well as her grandfather Bifrost, “Now my own sister is insulting me because of you.”

As Frost snickered more, Hela turned to her and repeated what she said previously in exactly the same voice and tone, “Idiot.”

Now being on the receiving end of the insulting, Frost scoffed at Hela, “Whose side are you on anyways?”

Given that Hela was not going to speak in response, only sit there occasionally wincing for seemingly no reason, Frost decided to recruit Celestia’s daughter for aid, “Xia, can you tell your friend to not insult us when we’re just having some fun?”

Ataxia nodded to the Pegasus before taking a bite out of some cake and then proceeding to talk with her mouth full, “I can, but I don’t want to. I have cake to attend to.”

Much like her mother and mother’s pupil, Ataxia had a fondness for cake and had the occasional narcissism of her father, though it did not outweigh her mother’s kind nature when push came to shove and it was necessary. A petty squabble did not rise to such an occasion however, and so she was going to summon and eat as much cake as possible while her mother had her attention distracted elsewhere.

Hela smirked at Ataxia, or rather her neck specifically as the chimera ate at a rapid pace, “Choking would be an unfortunate outcome.”

Sleep Near glared at his morbid sister who he could tell was wondering how horrifically the cake could get lodged in the wrong part of the neck and lead to agonizing death. Hela had…different interests, and the magic to make them come true if not for her sense of right and wrong. Still, it sounded vaguely like a threat and so he spoke up to keep her in check.

“Hela, not at the dinner table.”

“It’s embarrassing that they give us this kids table anyways,” Frost commented as she poked at her plate. Unlike the more casual and celebratory plates belonging to the others with every kind of delicious treat they could imagine, her own was full of foods that were healthy and proven to be beneficial to training athletes.

The only humanoid at the table other than Sleep Near and his twin spoke up as she glanced at the other table in the room where all the adults sat, including both of her parents, “I dunno, I don’t like sitting with mom and dad when they get all kissy-face.”

“Aren’t they always like that?” Frost snickered as she too glanced over to find a teal Siren leaning against a man’s blonde beard.

The girl blushed as she saw embarrassing her parents were being in front of everyone, “Yeah, but it gets worse when they have vine.”

“Wine,” Sleep Near corrected his dim friend. She was a near carbon copy of her mother, except far shyer seemingly as an inverse of how gregarious her parents tended to be.

“Yes, that,” Anima whispered as she felt the embarrassment of being dumb in front of a crowd set in. Fortunately for her none of the others cared, having long known and prescribed her as the dumb one of their crowd while Sleep Near was the intelligent one. Hela was seemingly as bright as her brother, but she did far less to show it, and so Anima was left to blush at Hela’s brother correcting her.

The subject of wine made Ataxia’s eyes sparkle, “That’s a good idea!”

Before Sleep Near could protest or Hela could smack Ataxia across the back of the head, the chimera had summoned a bottle of fine wine seemingly from thin air. Whether she had taken it from somewhere else or created it was only known by her, for she was a reality bender much like her father and either was quite possible.

“One sip for everyone. That way they won’t notice.”

She levitated it over to Anima first, who didn’t even bother for whatever reason to pour it and instead took it and began to chug it. Sleep Near massaged his brow as his sister watched in curiosity and Ataxia tried to take it back from the half-Siren.

“That was more than a sip.”

Her cheeks flushed a shade of purple, Anima laughed as she said the most intelligent thing of perhaps her life before and yet to come, “You never said how big it could be.”

Ataxia shrugged as she took it back, and as she began to drink Sleep Near finally verbalized his objection, “Uh, guys, shouldn’t we…not drink that? It’s for adults. It has negative side effects for still developing people like us.”

Frost Bolt nodded in agreement, only to not then notice that she was moving her chair a little closer to his while she spoke, “Octopus has a point. I don’t think our parents would like if we drank that…”

Ataxia scoffed as she handed the bottle over to Hela, who poured it into her empty cup and drank, “Oh come on Sleepy-head, don’t be a stick in the mud like your marefriend. You’ve lost limbs in practice before, a little liquid poison won’t do anything. Even your sister is in on it—!”

The smash of a cup cut off any further conversation, as the table looked down to where Hela had smashed her cup as was Asgardian custom.

Despite the dramatic action her voice did little to match it, “Another.”

A silver haired butler in the room moved to clean the mess up, only to stop when Frost signaled him and smiled to the waiting staff member.

“Don’t worry All Thread, Hela will pick it up,” she politely and nicely stated all the while glaring at Hela’s action. If Hela wanted to make a mess, she would clean it up.

Hela returned the glare for a half minute before slowly flicking a hand and removing any trace that there had been a broken glass there. This done, Frost Bolt smiled to her and then turned her attention back to the others, who were all impressed that the only “normal” one of them had managed to get Hela to do anything.

Sleep Near was the only one brave enough to speak up about his sister, “Wow, not many people can stare her down.”

Frost laughed and pretended to punch him with a hoof as she glanced back at Hela, “I beat her up when she was too young to really use magic. She has a good memory.”

Hela, who had partially smashed the cup to distract from Sleep Near’s soon-to-be embarrassment about having a certain mare being called his marefriend, felt irritated that the same mare now was revealing to the others about the first time they fought…which, truth be told, had not worked in the favor of Hela because she could not fly at the time or use magic, while Frost had been able to fly since before either her or Sleep Near.

So, irritated by being called out and then immediately embarrassed, Hela rolled up a sleep and flung her purple cape behind her as she prepared to punch the horse sitting across the table. The only thing keeping her from pouncing her was another sudden image and then the pain that followed, and so Anima had time to grab Hela’s arm.

“Hey, hey, no fighting at dinner!”

Another voice then intervened which further managed to tone down the situation given how its sudden entrance surprised them all.

“Yeah, that’s right! Don’t be getting me in any more trouble, you got that?”

The kids all looked up to see Asher rushing over to them, the adult bodyguard of them arriving late to the proceedings because of how long it had taken him to remember how to do certain dressing up related things. Now clad in a fine suit and not a single ounce of dirt on him, he had arrived and had been banished to sit with the children for his tardiness and to carry out his duty.

Hela crossed her arms and looked up at him from her seat, “No.”

Anima looked over the guard with interest, ignoring how Hela was now poking him in his beard as he sat down in a chair obviously not meant for someone of his size, “You have such a pretty dress mister Fortnest. Did miss Rareskitty make it for you?”

Asher did not expect his last name or the name of another to be butchered so terribly, so he was somewhat caught off guard as he turned to the young girl, “Uh, yes, she did in fact,” he struck a pose and resumed his grinning to try and look cool, “Where I come from, I am a noble, so I can dress up if the occasion calls for it.”

“Loser,” Hela continued to poke his beard just to try and be annoying, but he had grown immune to her need to find random ways to mess with others. Loki had told him that Hela was like he had been at that age in regards to messing with others, so the best way to deal with it was to ignore it rather than feed into it by acknowledging it.

“Ooh, are you going to marry a princess and live happily ever after?” Anima cheerfully asked, ignoring Hela while glancing at a member of royalty at the table.

Asher gave the girl a look of confusion, “Uh…I don’t think so?”

Ataxia looked away from the table for a moment and smirked at the idiocy of her younger friend, “Annie, not everything is a fairy tale. This is real life.”

“But I like fairy tails! Mommy always sings me songs before bed, and daddy and his friends always tell stories of their adventures!” Anima complained, ending with a pouting lip.

“Well, if its stories you want, how about I tell you about the time I fought members of the Lost Legion with my big sister?”

As Asher began to speak about his past life to the interest of the others, Sleep Near glanced at his sister and noticed that she had her eyes closed again.


Upon hearing her name she left her reverie and looked to her twin, who she could see was very concerned about her. Part of her wanted to talk to him, but she also knew he was too nice and innocent to really understand.

“I’m fine.”

It was a lie, and he knew that, but he also knew she would only talk about it when she felt ready to.


The night had slipped by in the blink of an eye with the good cheer of the anniversary event, and after it everyone had gone their separate ways and headed to bed…except Hela, who was sitting across from a statue with the same cape and hat on it that she now wore.

Loki had heard from a worried Sleep Near that Hela was not feeling okay and was not in her room, and since this matched what Loki had caught a glimpse of earlier he had gone looking for her in the one spot he would expect her to be.

When Hela heard him say her name she turned and got up to rush over to Loki and embrace him instantly. While she was somewhat distant with her mother, Hela was closer to Loki than any other family member. Perhaps she would share as much with her twin when he got older and could understand, but for now she felt like Loki was the only one who understood her…

Or, well, the only one alive who understood her.


Loki stroked her hair softly as she buried herself in his abdomen and tears began to wet his shirt, “Having trouble drifting to sleep?”

She nodded into him, but said nothing more. Loki never wanted either of them to ever be upset, and so he lowered himself down to his knees and brought her into another hug, this time with each of them on the same level.

“What is it?”

He felt the tears falling on his shoulder now, but he let her speak because he knew she would if he asked her to. She could talk, she only chose not to unlike what many thought about the silent princess.

“S—Sleep Near will live at least five thousand years without prolonging his life.”

Loki blinked for a moment before realizing the implications of what Hela just said. Was she speaking of their normal lifespans, or…

“Frost will live to age seventy-four. She dies earlier than she ought to because she worked herself so hard to live up to her mother’s reputation…”

Loki closed his eyes as he realized why she was so upset, just as he had begun to think right before she confirmed it. The Hela he had met before could show visions of the future, of what might be…and now his own daughter, this Hela, was beginning to grasp the same powers, only she was not seemingly in control of them given how much they frightened her.

“I knew this day would come,” Loki kissed his daughter softly on the forehead before moving back so he could wipe her tears away and look her in the eye, “Hela, I think you know this, but you and your brother have powers concerning life and death. But you must not fret over or fear them. Your mother and I will do everything we can to help you when the time comes for you to use them.”

Hela began to nod, but she did not lose her distraught appearance.


She, like many others, had noticed how much Sleep Near had taken to the young Pegasus who he had met as an infant thanks to Scootaloo needing to sometimes look after each of them. While barely anyone would vocalize or act upon their feelings, many were put off by Sleep Near’s unusual appearance…but not his lifelong friend, who while occasionally brash and prone to poking fun at him was always by his side.

Hela didn’t want her to die and leave Sleep Near alone. She was worried not only because she could see their deaths, but that she could see that they were not intertwined, together, as of now.

Loki grinned and decided to crack a joke to try and cheer Hela up.

“Your brother would love to hear that you care so much for his emotions,” Hela blushed as the last of her tears fell, “So, you can tell when and why someone dies now?”

“Not on purpose. It just happens,” Hela confirmed for him before moving in for another hug. Never before had Loki seen her tremble like she was now, but he was not about to let her stay unhappy.

“You know, I once was shown a path I could walk down, a path to my death.”

His words hit their mark, and Hela’s attention moved from her pain to his words. Seeing that it was working, Loki continued to speak to try and explain why she should not fear the prophetic visions she was seeing.

After all, he had changed how the story ended once…she could too.

“Upon seeing this possibility I changed my ways and I went on to marry your mother and we now have you and your brother.”

Hela gave a rare smile as she thought about her mother’s swelling stomach, which she knew was not going to end up the way Frost wanted it to, “And sister.”

Seeing that she was calming down, Loki smiled back warmly, “Yes, and your sister.”

With both arms Loki scooped her up and brought her up. It was time she went to sleep, and he could see the dreariness in her eyes behind her fading sadness. In his arms he held her close and moved a hand to tussle her hair.

“So don’t worry, my dear princess. We wouldn’t want your kind brother to wallow in sadness over losing his best friend, would we? Let’s have her over more. I’m sure they won’t mind.”

Hela nodded as she buried herself into Loki’s chest, her purple hat poking up over his shoulder as she made herself comfortable.

“Come on, let’s get you to bed. I’m sure your mother and brother will make sure you sleep well and forget all about your visions. They both care about you as much as anyone.”

Hela smiled as she thought of her family, even as she took one glance back at the statue they were leaving behind, and then closed her eyes again to try and get started on the rest she so dearly wanted.

“I love you…”

Loki nearly stopped when he heard her say it, but he managed to not melt right then and there because of how she was only just barely awake. He did not want her to make fun of him at some later point for being overly sentimental, so he instead just whispered.

“I love you too.”

Sleep Near stayed awake until dawn to make sure she slept without the nightmares Loki warned him that she might have, taking over for his mother since she needed to rest too in her condition.

He didn’t get why when he did wake up later he was able to have his friend over despite it being a studying day, and he didn’t know why Hela let him play alone, but he was happy all the same…

And so she was too.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading, and I hope to hear your thoughts in the comments below! I have all sorts of ideas and scraps to use, so these will be all over the place in terms of subject and tone, but I do hope you'll enjoy them nonetheless.

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