• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,164 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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And Sometimes I Think That I'm Not Any Good At All

A/N: Special thanks to ArcaneVisions, Invisible Blade, Mutie Genic, leo0074, hs0003, jjking, King Sombrony, New Spark, Cadmium, Ketvirtas, D48, Killabyte, and MoonSparkle The Vampony for your comments last chapter! Your support means everything to me, and I do so enjoy hearing from you all! It seriously makes my day when I get a comment from you guys, and I could use a few of those given my past week...

Chapter title brought to you by by the great Reliant K's "More Than Useless"

I hope you enjoy the chapter, and please let me know what you thought in the comments below!

It was one night two full weeks later when Luna was interrupted one night by the Royal Guard. The nervous guardsmen had come to report how a pony appeared in a flash of light in the middle of Canterlot and was there to see her on some business regarding a place known as “Asgard”.

Luna made haste to confront the newcomer at once, only to be surprised that there were indeed two new ponies in Canterlot waiting for her. One was the large and stout Volstagg, ever recognizable because of his large ginger beard and girth, while the other had the blonde trimmed facial hair of Fandral, his slighter frame apparently unnoticed by whatever guard was surprised by the large Volstagg.

“Volstagg, are we wearing clothes?”

“No Fandral, no we are not. Not that you normally would at this hour.”

“I apologize, which of us has the brood of children-”

Their little squabble about their transformation halted as Luna embraced them both suddenly, having teleported after seeing where they were. The two masculine men quickly returned the hug joyfully, glad to reunite with their new companion who was recognizable due to her size and her blue hair.

Fandral laughed as the hug ended and they all pulled back, genuinely impressed by how massive Luna was in this form, “It seems Loki prefers thin and tall. How have you been, Princess?”

Luna grinned back at the smarmy man, “I am well. I take it that I will be able to visit Asgard at will now?”

“Of course! We could use a tough lady like yourself around. Maybe give Sif some friendly competition!” Volstagg chortled before falling backwards onto his flank, not knowing how to handle being on all fours.

Fandral, busy chuckling at his friend’s mistake, managed to fall onto his side. Not everyone was used to being in an equine form, Luna realized, and she was thankful she had some practice with Loki as an Asgardian before taking off to their realms. Things would have been much more difficult without knowing how to walk or keep upright.

After sorting out the details of her trip with the two boisterous men, Luna took off to the castle to make preparations for her leave. Canterlot could survive a few days without her now that it was on its feet, and Trixie had been taught the necessary paperwork procedures to make sure there would not be a pile waiting for Luna upon her return.

One thing that Luna made sure to do though was stop by the courtyard where Trixie would be practicing her magic. Not only was it about time her student eat something, but the Princess would be remiss if she did not inform her dear student of the turn of events.

“Trixie?” Luna called out as she approached the courtyard from its adjoining hallway.

The response took a moment, almost long enough for Luna to enter the courtyard, but Trixie did respond with a tired, “Yes, Princess Luna?”

As Luna arrived at the training ground she had a smile force itself on her face. Trixie had moved up in size on the rocks, and the exhausted look on her student’s face gave her all the proof she needed that Trixie was taking this seriously still even after the initial thrill wore off.

Luna placed down the customary plate of food she would bring at this time every day Trixie practiced, but Trixie’s caught sight of other things hovering by Luna’s side. Scrolls of paper to be precise, the moon’s light giving her all the student needed to recognize the objects.

Trixie sluggishly approached the food brought for her while her teacher spoke, “I will be gone for a few days, but when I return we will begin your more advanced training. Be ready and rested by then.”

Instantly inhaled was the roll of buttered bread. After swallowing and clearing her throat Trixie bowed her head to the princess, “Yes, of course.”

Luna placed the variety of scrolls down beside Trixie as she continued to eat. Noticing the bow given, Luna beckoned her to raise her head. She would leave the bowing to other ponies, “I have the details of my journey on this scroll, as well as supplementary scrolls concerning your training to make up for my absence. Read them all, as one of them is quite important for you to have with you at all times.”

Trixie nervously raised her head, still not used to even looking her princess in the eye after weeks of being with her, “Of course. Do you need anything specific for me to do, Princess?”

While hardly unbiased, Luna could only accept this kind of devotion as proof that she had chosen well, “Let my sister know of this trip when you come across her. I do not intend on waking her, and so I will leave after lowering the moon.”

Luna stepped forward and brought a hoof to Trixie’s face. Trixie’s face flushed red from embarrassment at the action, while Luna just kept smiling down at her.

“Good luck, my student. I expect great things from you,” Luna lowered her hoof and nodded to the now empty plate, “Remember to eat and keep your strength up.”

Trixie nodded silently. Nothing else needing be said or done, Luna turned and departed. She had a rebellious boyfriend to tend to.

With her back turned Luna missed the tears being shed by her very appreciative student. While not exploding with praise, Luna was still there to support Trixie.

After all, the bread was delicious.

Loki had no intention of going to sleep the night of the Bifrost’s completion. A feast would be held in the following days to celebrate the occasion, but he was not looking forward to being hailed for his work. He was expecting someone.

“Miss me?”

He yawned from the chair stationed by his now sealed off balcony. If he could not appreciate the outside air, he could at least appreciate the view it lent.

“To some degree,” he tiredly called to the woman who suddenly embraced him from behind, pulling his head to her shoulder and chest. Luna had had to bend over to do so, and her head hung beside his as she whispered to him.

“You do want this to continue…right?” she questioned. A part of her had been afraid for some time that the foreign prince might lose interest in their little relationship now that he was not tied to her world. Not tied to her.

Loki closed his eyes. It was a simple question, one that deserved a simple answer. Not that he truly had one, ever doomed to a mind as chaotic as his morality and allegiances.

Still, only a small whisper came out.


Luna opened her mouth to speak, but unbeknownst to her she had the opposite kind of tears grace her face as her student that night. Her voice choked as she tried to think of a way to respond to that, but no rational one came to mind. The Two letter word hurt too much.

Loki could tell, and had anticipated, that she would be hurt by the response. After all, she would not be a good lover if it did not on some level. Like her, however, he did not know how to continue the conversation, “Luna…”

“You feel guilty,” Luna finally managed to state, having cleared her throat and let the first set of tears drip from her eyes onto his garb.

His eyes opened to that last word. Yes, he did. He felt no guilt for letting down his father Odin. Of letting down Asgard, Midgard, or any other realm. He would not feel guilt towards what let him down first.

But the woman who was behind him? His mother who would stop by and try to make him more comfortable with books and food? Even the idiot brother who, even after everything, cared for him like the blood brothers he had always believed them to be? To these he could feel guilt. To these he did.

Having had all the time in the world to think to himself, Loki had grown only more miserable. He wanted to just blame everyone else around him for everything, but he could not. Doing such a thing would be easy if he was still wracked by madness, but Luna had taken him from that edge before.

He knew he was in the wrong, not the others were in the right. Everyone had guilt on their shoulders, and he could not misplace his own sins, however reactionary they had been in all of his life’s recent turmoils.

Not about to let things devolve into plain silence, Luna shifted her hug slightly before bringing her lips to Loki’s cheek, “How can I possibly blame you for what you have been through when I have been where you stand right now?”

Loki’s only response was to raise a hand to her face and cup it gently as she returned to just hanging over his shoulder. She made a good point. Few had walked the same path as he. What it felt like to live this life of disappointment, betrayal and of pain. The pariah’s path.

“Don’t forget that I too gave into darkness,” Luna sighed into him. She had paid a very long penance for her actions, and she would not allow Loki’s lighter sentence get to him, “I would be lying if I claimed it to be truly gone either, my transformation notwithstanding.”

Loki frowned and shook his head, “There is potential in you for good…”

Luna gripped her lover tightly before giving a gentle squeeze, as well as a peck on the cheek, “Listen, Loki. I have waited my entire life for someone who understands me. As mad as I can get at the stupid things you’ve done, it’s because of those mistakes that I love you in the first place. We’re both flawed, and we both need to work on ourselves a bit.”

Luna let go and moved around the chair so that she could instead sit on top of his lap. Now facing him, Luna could see that he was forcing his eyes shut. Was he attempting to hold back tears or just avoid seeing the sight of his tormentor?

“I forgive you.”

Loki wanted to hate her as she pressed her lips to his own. He wanted to be angry at her for turning him into this miserable wreck who was actually ashamed for what he did in some regards. Combined with his own mother, and his brother, he felt more than he cared to.

Luna pulled back from the kiss after a moment of Loki refusing to cooperate. After she did so, he opened his mouth for another reason, “The scepter can only manipulate what is already there. That monster…”

The blue haired woman brought her hands to Loki’s cheeks and gripped his face in the most gentle, yet firm, manner she could, “Was the same Loki who I fell for in the first place. There’s quite a bit of darkness in your heart and mind, of that there is no doubt. But everyone has some. No-one and no-pony is free from that. There is the ability in all to do wrong.”

That got a snarky rise out of him, for Loki could not resist the chance to comment even while emotional, “Tell my hero-complex brother that.”

His comment only served to further Luna’s point as she seized the opportunity to bring up history, “Was he not capable of bringing your nation to war to sate his own bloodlust but a year or so ago? You attempted the same crime with an actually noble purpose.”

Loki had to admit he had not thought of that in that light. Still, it did not change how he was the one who would be recorded in history as the villain in that situation, as well intentioned as he had been, “Good intentions do not vindicate the crime.”

Luna’s fuse reached it’s end. The princess rolled her eyes before lowering her hands to her lover’s shoulders and shaking him softly, “Loki, keep moping and I am going to find a guest bedroom. I am done with this sad face you keep putting on. No more of it until there is a new reason for it.”

Loki opened his eyes and looked up at her. After a moment of silence he lifted his eyebrows and Luna found herself frowning. How dare he call her on her threat.

“I mean it,” Luna whined as she looked down at him, aqua eyes meeting green.

“Really?” Loki smirked. He was the expert liar, not her. Her face was beginning to crack.

A few moments and a sigh later, Luna folded in with a frown.

“I will admit I am bluffing.”

This time it was Loki who kissed her, and Luna felt relief wash over her as she realized he must have changed his earlier answer.

At least she did not have to force him to remain her lover. Because she would.


Celestia craned her long neck around the now open room to Luna’s office, the last place Luna normally would be before sleeping. To her surprise however, Celestia found a much smaller blue mare than the one she expected atop Luna’s seat.

Trixie looked up to Celestia and quickly bowed herself in the overly large chair she was resting atop, “Princess Celestia. Your sister has left to go visit a place known as Asgard.”

The Princess of the Day rose a skeptical eyebrow, “Really? Does she not have work she could be doing?”

“Apparently it was of some great importance,” Trixie replied with a nervous smile. She did not want to get caught between squabbling royal sisters after all if she could help it.

Celestia rolled her eyes and let out a small laugh, “Of course it is.”

Trixie thought of something that could help support her claim about it being important, then remembered what one of Luna’s scrolls said, “She mentioned it was a health check up related to her transformation.”

That finally earned Celestia’s approval. It was not just a vacation to go sleep with her lover, although Celestia had no doubt that that would occur somewhere along the way as well, “Well I can hardly fault her for that, so long as she does not waste too much time there,” she turned to leave with a drawn out sigh, “Good day, Trixie. Have a good day’s sleep.”

“Thank you, Princess-” was all Trixie could reply before the slightly moody Celestia shut the door to the office. It was her words that brought the time of day to Trixie’s attention, and seeing the light of day peak into the office made her question why she was still awake.

Luna’s chair had a nice cushion on it after all, and it was a long way back to her own bed…

After waking the next afternoon, Luna found herself being escorted to the medical wing by Frigga. Loki only waved as his mother whisked Luna away, a smile on his face at the sight of Luna being so powerless.

For her part, Luna stuck her tongue out at him as she was led away.

Yes, she had come (in part) to do this check up of sorts that she had skipped out on before, but she had hoped to do other things first.

It did not take long for the two women to reach the medical center of the castle and Luna found herself instantly intrigued with the various structures inside. How did they all work? No sign of electricity or machines like there would be in Equestria after all, so what tan structures were just a part of the wall and which were an instrument? Luna supposed she would learn soon enough.

One of the various workers of the room happened to be nearby the entrance, their back turned as they read from a text.

“Hello,” Luna greeted cheerfully, hoping to get her attention.

The worker, a middle aged woman, did not look up from her text due to the lack of urgency in Luna’s voice. If it was anything immediate the requester would have a very different tone, “Is there something I may help you with?”

Frigga was not about to waste any time. She cleared her throat and gestured politely to Luna to actually get the woman’s attention, “This is Princess Luna of Equestria. While transporting between realms a dangerous being that had temporarily fused with her became a more permanent fixture. It has caused a shift in personality from what I have heard, and we would most like her mind to be returned to what it was. Would you mind looking her over?”

The woman’s attention had snapped up at the sound of Frigga’s voice, “Of course, my queen.”

The medical worker gestured towards a table that was quite large for a normally sized Asgardian to rest on, but that was for an Asgardian. Luna was not so sure that was the form she should be in while being medically examined.

Before sitting Luna inquired, “Should I resume my regular form?”

The doctor and the Queen both nodded to one another. Frigga smiled to Luna, anticipating the coming surprise of her doctor, “That would likely be best.”

In a dark flash Luna resumed her equine form in the middle of the medical room. The eyes of all workers there were drawn to her in surprise. First their attention was caught by the flash, but it was especially drawn and kept by the sight of the gigantic blue horse with an ethereal mane floating behind it.

Frigga smiled at her first true glimpse at Luna’s real body, quite impressed by her obsidian coat and even more impressed by her size and sense of regality. Towering over a regular horse in size, Frigga could see how Luna was royalty among those she came from.

The doctor did her best to not show her own shock at the sight of a giant horse being her new patient, “I am not sure we have a table that can fit you like that,” she cleared her throat as she looked around for a moment, “I will see what I can do.”

“Thank you,” both Luna and Frigga said to her as the doctor went off to look for a bigger table. Their shared expression made the elder woman chuckle as she looked over Luna again.

“You are quite massive.”

Luna was pleased that she was not the only one who enjoyed the size of her Nightmare Moon form, “I quite enjoy being larger than others.”

Before Frigga could respond, the doctor returned and brought the two royal women’s attention to another area of the medical wing where Luna could be treated. They both followed the doctor there, though Luna had a thought come up.

“What is your name?” the equine inquired, ignoring the mystified looks of the other doctors in the room.

The doctor gave a small bow as she introduced herself, “Eir, milady,”

Luna gave her a bright smile. She was sure she could use a good doctor in the coming years. Not everything could be healed through magic after all, and doctors had other purposes as well, “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Eir.”

Eir may have been shocked by her being a horse, but she didn’t appear to care beyond the initial surprise. Luna would take every loyal and accepting Asgardian she could get.

After having a group of doctors observe her with their arcane technologies and magic, Luna was left sitting atop a very large table. Still there was Frigga, who had stayed with her reassuringly and Eir, who was finishing up the readings they got on Luna.

“Anything of particular note, Eir?” Luna asked with a smile.

Eir returned the smile while giving a shake of the head, “You appear completely healthy outside of the anomaly.”

“As for the ‘anomaly’?” Frigga piped in, quite concerned about what exactly was afflicting one of her family.

“It is a foreign power that is coursing throughout the lady’s body, something I am sure you were already aware of,” Eir turned to Luna with a small frown, “Given how it is bonded to you, extraction would be quite difficult.”

Frigga too grew a small frown, but the Queen was not about to let difficulty get the better of her, “I will look into what texts I have to learn of what I can on this matter.”

Luna brought a hoof out to touch Frigga’s hand while giving her a smile. It meant a good deal to the princess that she cared so much and was willing to help. Frigga was every bit the great mother Loki had described, “Thank you, Lady Frigga.”

Eir sensed that things were wrapping up now that they knew just how little they knew about this, “I would recommend checking in with us again in the future so that we can monitor it and see if there have been any changes.”

“I do not see why I would not,” Luna nodded, “Am I free to go?”

“Yes, milady.”

“Goodbye, Eir. Thank you for your help.”

“How did it go?”

Loki was where Luna expected, his bed, when she returned. Sure he was reading, but subtle it was not. She snickered to herself as she thought of how to answer his question.

“I would say it went well. They have begun their study on the being, and your mother will be assisting them in learning how to extract it. It may take awhile, but I’ll be my regular self before long.”

“It pleases me to hear-”

Luna teleported to the bed and on top of Loki, kneeling over his legs and leaning towards his face so that she could cover his mouth with a hand. Despite having his mouth covered, Loki could have bigger complaints and have worse situations.

“Can I confide something with you?” Luna asked with narrowed eyes.

He nodded, and so she removed her hand so that he could speak.

“Of course.”

Luna closed the door with telekinesis to make sure no-one else could hear what she said next, “I am not entirely sure I want to remove it.”

Loki frowned and narrowed his own eyes. He had a feeling why she did not want to, but it did not change the destructive side to this being, “Despite its drastic change to your regular behavior?”

Luna clenched a hand and looked down to it wistfully, “With it there are few as powerful as me,” she sighed as she opened it and let a few sparks of electricity flare from her palm, “I enjoy having an edge over Celestia.”

Having had his own mind toyed with for quite some time, Loki had enough with this whole distorted judgment and decision making issue. He would not let something distort her like something had him, “I would rather have my own mind and have power than forsake it for what can be gained in other ways.”

Luna lowered her head and let out a long but soft breath. She knew that he had a point, even if it meant subtracting from her own ego a bit.

“I suppose you are right.”

That issue settled, Loki brought a hand to her chin and lifted her face. Once their eyes met he smiled, “Anything else you want to discuss?”

He hoped the answer was no, but of course it would not be.

Luna nodded and laughed at his playfulness, “I have an apprentice now.”

That deflated Loki a bit, “Whatever for?”

“Is it so wrong for me to wish to pass along my knowledge?” Luna laughed as his disappointment showed, not in her having an apprentice but in not being done talking.

Loki sighed as he thought about what this meant. Luna had brought another into the fold. Another who she no doubt cares about or will come to care a great deal for. How much more hurt was Luna going to open herself up to? Had she not just learned but days ago that having too many companions and loved ones would lead to pain in the end?

“Bluntly, yes. You have not expressed prior interest in doing so to my knowledge.”

Luna shrugged, not caring about having everything planned out years ahead like Loki would have it, “I came up with the idea only but recently,” in an obvious attempt to curry favor she leaned forward to kiss him, “I need you to teach her some of your tricks. You see, I will be entering her in a serious competition I intend for her to win.”

“This is sounding more like a pet than a student.”

Luna could not believe how difficult he could be when he wanted to, “Will you help her or not?”

The prince ran a hand through her drifting blue hair all the while rolling his eyes sarcastically, “Fine, it’s not as if I have much else to do around here.”

“Thank you. She is quite the dedicated student, so you should have no worries about that.”

Loki groaned as he realized what he was agreeing to involve himself with, “What have you taught her thus far?”

“Very little. I am having her expand her magical strength and endurance so that she can learn more difficult spells without having issues,” Luna giggled as a thought came to mind about one of the scrolls she left Trixie to look over, “I also taught her a little something before I left about throwing your weight around. She is the student of a princess after all, and I will not have others distracting her from her tasks.”

“Understandable. What of her current skill and power level?” Loki had to know what he was working with before he could begin to expand on her talents. If Luna was serious about this apprentice, he would do everything he could to make sure they were strong enough to not get themselves killed.

Luna lowered herself onto Loki and embraced him through the green silk sheets. His being okay with teaching Trixie made her quite happy, “For a pony she is well above average and in fact was a seasoned magician before coming under my wing. Her strength is her ability to use spells effectively and intelligently, whereas her weakness is the relative lack of power she has behind her spells.”

Loki nodded, “So more like me than you. Weak but skilled.”

Luna brought a finger to his forehead playfully, “Precisely, although I am by no means unskilled.”

“And I am by no means weak, though compared to you I am no powerhouse,” Loki returned as he swatted her hand away.

“Is that why I am the dominant one?”

“Oh hush.”

It was nearing nighttime and Trixie was hard at work improving herself through Luna’s training regimen. It may be simple, but doing it over and over again all day was quite tiring and Trixie could feel herself straining at the end of every session. Sometimes even before, especially as a week dragged on.

If she did not take the weekends off she was sure she would collapse and just regress in her training, but luckily Luna understood the necessity of rest. Befitting of a Princess of the Night.

Trixie savored every moment of respite, and was taking to this nocturnal sleeping pattern quite well. It meant she did not have to deal with the majority of ponies, and she would not be surprised if many did not even know of her residence in the castle yet.

Still, for every moment of rest there was one of work, not that she was complaining. Being able to live in Canterlot’s castle under the tutelage of a princess was not at all something Trixie could complain about, especially with her recent history and near destitution. Having lived in poverty, Trixie appreciated every given thing that she was now graced with.

“And what do we have here?”

Speaking of being graced with, Trixie turned her attention to a new arrival at the courtyard. One she had heard everything she needed about in the papers that had also defamed her own name, semi-rightly.

Prince Blueblood himself had decided to stop by to see what the sounds from the courtyard were coming from.

Trixie flipped her hair and turned back to the boulder she was busy lifting. If even an ounce of what she had heard from tabloids and from Luna was true, this stallion was quite the bastard, “Begone, knave. Trixie has no time for you.”

“What are you even doing in our royal gardens, commoner?” Blueblood scoffed, ignoring her request for him to leave.

Trixie continued to not look at the idiot as she continued her work, a more impish part of her mind contemplating batting him with the boulder to remove him from the premises, “I am Princess Luna’s student now, or has the Great and Powerful Trixie’s presence in the castle not sunk into your thick head these past weeks?”

The prince stamped his hooves down in anger and his horn lit up threateningly, as if he would actually use it, “How dare you insult your prince like that!”

The apprentice of Luna guffawed at his display, “Oh please, you’re no prince. You haven’t earned a thing in your life you overweight fool,” she glanced over at him and gave him a demeaning sneer, “Trixie reads the tabloids, and you only have a title because mommy’s family earned it.”

“Speak of my mother again and I will-”

Trixie continued her sneer as she lowered the boulder to the ground, ignoring her gut feeling of wanting to sigh in relief, “Will what? You have no power, and my teacher is the princess. Trixie will continue insulting you until you leave her presence, dimwit.”

Blueblood thought himself clever as he looked around, “Your princess is not here! What could she possibly do to scare me?”

“Make you tomorrow’s target practice?” Trixie yawned as she retrieved one of the scrolls Luna left her from the ground and levitated it over to Blueblood, unraveling it in front of his face so that he could read it if he even could read.

Blueblood narrowed his eyes and observed the scroll, reading it aloud to himself in a slow manner as if he really was having trouble reading it, “I, Princess Luna, hereby decree that if the pseudo prince known as Blueblood, or any of his malcontent Canterlot friends, attempts to interrupt my student Trixie Lulamoon’s training he or they will be punished in the following manner…”

Trixie was laughing from across the courtyard, enjoying this as much now as when she first read it, “Go on.”

The pseudo prince swallowed his breath as he continued, his face growing more anxious with each word, “…the offender will be shaved completely, coat and mane both, and have a bull’s-eye tattooed permanently on their barrel. They will then be forced to act as the target for the following day’s practice and every day there forth until my return, at which time their punishment will be increased or decreased according to my judgment.”

The mare he had come to mock was too busy cackling from where she stood to give any other verbal response, so Blueblood growled to himself as the scroll rolled back up and returned to where Trixie had it originally.

“This is ridiculous! She can’t possibly have this done!” he complained as loudly as he could, not caring that it was getting late and there would be some who were likely sleeping in the castle.

Trixie narrowed her eyes and grinned smugly, “You want to try her? Word is she hates you in a most wonderful way,” she looked away from the disgrace again so that she could give an insulting yawn, “Though, if you want to stay, the Great and Powerful Trixie could always use a good target.”

“I will not stand for this!”

His new tormentor shrugged, “Then take a seat, Trixie doesn’t care. Go be self important somewhere else. Nopony cares about you, and nopony ever will so long as you act like such a foal.”

Blueblood tried to reverse the tables on Trixie with the little he knew about her, “Says the disgraced magician! Tell me, however did you manage to beat that Ursa Minor?”

Trixie scoffed again, knowing his words to be true but able to ignore them for the moment given their source, “A worthy insult, if it wasn’t being levied by such a fool.”

“Is the gross and pitiful Trixie sad that she was bested by Celestia’s student, Twilight?” he mocked, only for Trixie to roll her eyes and return fire.

“Are you sad that she is actual royalty now, unlike yourself?” Trixie commented pointedly to his chagrin. She brought a hoof to her chin to continue her derisive commentary, “Come to think of it, what happened the last time a princess took a pony under her wing? Taught them magic?”

The idea brought up a painful realization in Blueblood, but he laughed it off all the same to appear as if it did not worry him at all, “Hah! As if you could ever be a princess!”

Trixie could accept that. She did not sign on to do this with that in mind, nor did she expect her stern but caring teacher to be that level of generous. Still, there was the possibility. And the possibility meant everything at that moment as she tried to intimidate this lowlife, “Maybe, but are you really willing to piss me off in case I do?”

Trixie teleported right in front of Blueblood to catch him off guard right as he tried to respond. He leaned close to him with narrow and eyes as threatening as she could manage. She was done putting up with disrespect, especially coming from uptight nobodies here in Canterlot.

“Get out of here. If you return I will have your punishment carried out. If anypony comes here to heckle me they will suffer the same fate. Know this, I am here to stay, and if anypony tries to ruin this for me I will do everything in my power to make them regret the day they crossed me.”

“Understood?” he cowered back and gave a meek nod, allowing Trixie to continue, “Good. I am done with you, wretch.”

Blueblood scurried off, actually fearing the multitude of threats levied at him. Now alone again, Trixie found herself smiling at how he ran off.

“You’re right, princess. This does feel good!”

After a moment of self righteous pride in her success of driving him off, Trixie realized something about what he had said.

She was a failure.

Trixie lowered her head and brought one hoof to rub her other leg, “If only that fool wasn’t right…I’m a washed up magician with nothing else.”

She did not have the selflessness of her rival, nor had she saved Equestria on multiple occasions. She had no great friends whom with she could use powerful artifacts, and she had nopony to rely on at all.

Trixie knew she was not cut out to be a public icon like Twilight, and would never be able to ascend to her level. But that did not mean that she could not be happy being the student of Equestria’s most powerful pony. That she could not find happiness in what she could achieve.

Thinking to her missing teacher, Trixie let out a long breath.

“Please…come back soon.”

Author's Note:

You may commence with the Trixie feels below. I mean, the chapter title is useful twofold because of Loki's self worth issues, but Trixie is cuter and deserves her hate less.

Anyways, I hope you all are doing well (unlike me) and enjoyed the chapter, as well as that you'll help a guy out and leave a comment below! And yes, there might be typos, but I'll be getting to those soon. Please don't have that be the entirety of a commend because that will do the opposite of what comments normally do for me!

Thanks for reading!

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