• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,165 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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Under Our Spell

A/N: Special thanks to Amethyst Blade, Drgnwolf, SilentMech, Ikiostar, Ketvirtas, hs0003, The Last Cold Fang, ChaoticLightning, Evilhumour, jonnyo98, FleetlordAvatar, Cadmium, Schroedingers_Katze, King of Kings, and Killabyte for your comments last chapter. Hearing from you all really means a lot to me and I hope to continue to hear from you all!

Suggest actually checking this video out first if you haven't seen Rainbow Rocks. :rainbowlaugh: After all, the title is from the Rainbow Rocks song "Under Our Spell" and is by the Dazzlings. Since they are "performing" this chapter, I'd just suggest it to get in the mood.

Anyways, without further adieu, the chapter! Your thoughts mean everything to me and I would love to hear from you in the comments below! Comments are :heart: after all, and I could not get by without them from you all!

Some might focus on the soft, soothing voices. Some may be drawn to focus on the lyrics of the song. Others may be interested with the magic that acted as the instruments to the band’s vocal ensemble. The faint green smoke coming off of the stage might also make some bat an eyelash, but none seemed to notice it.

For Trixie, what her eyes were following were the back and forth motion of the singers as they moved on stage. Her stomach was feeling uneasy as her mind computed just what they were doing.

“That makes me uncomfortable.”

Also in the crowd to the daily performance of the Dazzlings was Kael, who sat beside Trixie in a much more enraptured manner. He turned to face Trixie with a small frown after first tearing his eyes away from exactly what was making Trixie feel awkward.

“What makes you uncomfortable?”

Trixie brought a hoof up to point at them, having to point over a few fellow crowd members to do so, “The sway they…” Trixie realized her slip of the tongue and paused before waving her hoof around a little before looking away entirely, “The hips.”

Looking back, Kael could see what Trixie was referring to. With seemingly every word and beat there was a shift of Adagio, Aria, and Sonata’s hips in a semi-seductive manner. This was helped by how their hips were actually quite large for their lithe bodies, making the movement appear all the more exaggerated. The swinging of the hips was only one part of their alluring display, but it was undoubtedly something the trio picked up from their time away from Equestria.

Kael nudged Trixie jokingly, his voice cheerful, “Oh, I see. You don’t find it alluring, you find it repulsing.”

“Precisely. But you do,” Trixie pouted as she continued to avert her eyes from him and the three now popular singers. They seemed to be drawing in a larger and larger crowd each day, and it had been months since they arrived. They had not seemingly spread in popularity to the upper class of Canterlot, with the more street going ponies all having been drawn into the crowds that now formed around the so called “Dazzlings”.

As if he did not understand the reason for her discomfort, Kael brought a hand down to Trixie’s mane and ruffled it a little, “What can I say, I appreciate beauty wherever I find it?”

Trixie formed a snarl and glanced over at her companion, whose reassurance was less than reassuring, “Kael, could you do me one favor?”

“What is it?”

Shut up.

Once the performance finished and the crowds began to mill out from the outdoor stage. Adagio brought a hand to her chest and withdrew from it a necklace from her shirt, a red gem on the jewelry’s golden center. The gem glowed briefly before the woman sighed and placed it back in it’s hidden compartment.

“Pfft, I thought this city had strong magic,” Aria complained from behind Adagio. As she moved to stand next to her leader, Adagio smacked Aria’s hand away before grabbing the hand and pointing it towards the third member of their group, who was spinning in circles behind them and laughing giddily about nothing.

Adagio scanned the now empty crowd for the one pony she had hoped would stay, and she was glad to find them there, “Aria, take care of Sonata. I want to speak with our dear Princess.”

Trixie was still in the crowd, her face scrunched up as she idly sat beside her Elven friend who was sitting still. Neither appeared to be going anywhere or talking, so Adagio saw a perfect opportunity to talk to their admirers.

Aria, true to form, did not appear to be a fan of Adagio’s plan, “Ugh, why do I have to take care of her. Can’t I talk to her and you take Sonata? You two can have fun or whatever without me.”

Adagio grew a wicked grin while observing the still present Trixie, who did not seem to be paying them much mind, “No, no, no. You see, word is that Princess Trixie might be willing to play for our team, but as things are…” she glanced over to Aria before squeezing her fellow singer’s hand, “You are too rough.”

“You certainly don’t care,” Aria snorted with a smirk of her own.

Adagio let go of Aria’s hand, instead using the same hand to touch Aria’s cheek gently, “I don’t, but she might,” in a swift move she smacked her insubordinate across the same cheek and started to move towards the stage’s exit, “so be quiet and do as I say.”

Seemingly just tuning in, Sonata rose her hand as if she was in a class, “Do I get a say in this?”

No!” both her band mates yelled, Aria doing so with a growl and gritted teeth caused by the sharp pain in her face, while Adagio’s was more of a hiss. Their response deflated Sonata’s mood, and her head and shoulders sunk.

While Adagio left the stage and began to strut towards Trixie, Kael stood up to leave without another word said. This left just the two of them in the crowd’s area, with Aria and Sonata still on stage.

The singer waved over to Trixie, a soft smile on the yellow skinned, orange haired woman, “Hello there. Did you enjoy the show?”

Trixie returned the smile from her seat on the ground, not getting up but still nodding in greeting to the musician, “I must admit you are quite talented. I am most interested in studying your acts more.”

This seemed to please Adagio, who sat down directly beside Trixie and brought an arm around to Trixie’s far shoulder, “I can go over more…intimate details with you if you so please. Would you do that with me?”

That clammed Trixie right up, the princess laughing nervously before teleporting to the edge of the seats, “Maybe another time. I have some other things I have to handle.”

A little disgruntled by the rejection of sorts, Adagio just nodded to Trixie, “Of course. Shall I stop by later to discuss matters?”

“Sure, I just have to go now. Goodbye!” Trixie called back before vanishing in another flash.

Now alone except for her cohorts, Adagio brought a hand up to her chin as she realized something about Trixie, “Hmmm…interesting…”

“Sonata, get the hell back here!”

Adagio stood up and whipped her head from side to side in a quick attempt to find her fellow singers, only to find herself beyond exasperated to find Sonata chasing after some foals in what appeared to be a game of tag, Aria sitting on the edge of the stage with one palm plastered against her forehead.

Not willing to go to the effort to reign Sonata in, Adagio instead stomped over to Aria’s spot. Staring up at Aria from the ground, Adagio made it known with just a look that she was not pleased whatsoever.

Aria lowered her hand from her head and snarled defensively, “What? I thought letting her talk to foals would distract her.”

“You had one job, Aria. Never let her out of your sight!”

Aria rolled her eyes, not really caring about being reprimanded. Instead of caring, she leaned over and down to look Adagio in the eye while bringing up another subject, “Whatever. How’d talking to the princess go? She with us?”

Adagio placed a hand on her hip and looked over to where Trixie had disappeared from, “I don’t know yet. She isn’t playing for our team, at least not yet.”

“Which team we talking about here?”

Adagio reached up and grabbed her partner by the front of the collar, Aria only letting out a breath of surprise before she found herself being yanked by a strong grip straight off the stage. She crashed onto the ground face first while Adagio began to walk away, something new having caught her eye, “Oh shut up and catch Sonata. I’m going to go see about our living situation. I think I have found us a place to live.”

As Adagio began to wander towards a stallion who was passing by, Aria rose to her hands and knees and let out a heavy grunt.

“I fucking hate you.”

Aria cast her gaze over to the still playing Sonata, who had just tagged a foal so hard that they had faceplanted into the ground and were now crying. Sonata stopped to laugh at the foal’s misery, drawing so much glee from the display of weakness and pain that it gave Aria the perfect chance to tackle her off her feet and bring her to the ground, securing her.

Adagio might do as she pleased to her, but Aria was still going to work out her stress somehow.

Luna had left Loki in Equestria with the hope that he might patch up some old wounds there, while she could try and see how Lady Frigga was doing in his stead as well as handle some administrative duties in the meantime. Trixie was tasked with cleaning up some threats Equestria was facing, as well as the hefty task of bringing the Frost Giants in line. Given Trixie’s power though, Luna had no fear about the situation going well.

However, Luna found it odd that in one doorway on her way to the library, where Frigga had been spending these past months when she was not in the gardens, a soldier stood in her way. They did not move, nor did they react to her at all as she approached. To try and signal that she desired them to do so, Luna cleared her throat while bringing a hand to the small curve of her stomach.

When even this caused no movement, Luna began to take this quite personally.

“Stand aside, soldier.”

“No,” came the terse reply.

His voice jogged Luna’s memory of who this was: the guard with the moustache that did not seem to like her very much. At least there were not multiple of him, Luna was thankful for.

Luna shrugged and teleported to the other side of him, annoyed but overall not disgruntled by the fact that this was a guard she already knew hated her. Stress was bad for a woman when she was to have a foal Luna had been told, so she really did not want to get worked up the more she thought about how petty this idiot of a man was, “Or don’t I really don’t care since you being rude doesn’t do me any harm. I would suggest cleaning your act up before my husband returns though. I don’t know if you’ve noticed this yet, but he’s the king now, which means—”

The guard cut her off mid-sentence, his voice growing angry as he turned around to face Luna again, “He is no king of mine,” he jabbed a finger into Luna’s back, “And you no queen.”

“Oooooh. Is that insubordination I hear? I think I hear insubordination,” Luna laughed as she turned to face him, not really caring what this fool had to think about her and Loki.

The sound of multiple other guardsmen stepping into the hallway she found herself in made Luna begin to order that this guard be brought to the brig, at least until she realized that all of them had their weapons drawn already.

Realizing the situation she was now in, Luna tried to think of a way to get across to these men that she could wipe the floor with them even while pregnant without even lifting a finger.

“And it seems you have some supporters. Do not tell me this is some poor attempt at a coup? You do remember that I can use magic more powerful than your entire species is capable of, right?”

There were only five in total, and the fact that she was completely surrounded was countered by her teleportation abilities and other various magic. In fact, Luna had already taken a trick out of Trixie’s book and replaced herself with an illusion while teleporting to a nearby area and making herself invisible also through illusions. Luna had to admit that Trixie was quite the genius at meshing together abilities. Even as powerful as she was, Luna was not about to get herself beaten by overconfidence, especially not while pregnant.

Luna had her fake-self duck underneath a punch from the mustached guard, an attempt on his part to shut her up. Luna continued to throw her voice while mocking this pitiful rebellion.

“Here’s a tip, try poison next time. Given that I am pregnant and consuming more food than normal, it would be much easier than otherwise, and you could even get away with it.”

“We won’t need the tip—” were the last words of the Mustached Man, a trio of blades burrowing completely through his body: two swords and a thick axe. His body was yanked back through the doorway quickly as the Warriors Three rushed forward to put themselves in-between Luna and the other guards.

“Stand back, Milady, and I would suggest teleporting to where you are going for now,” Sif stated gruffly, her eyes narrowed menacingly at the other guards still standing with their weapons drawn.

Luna had her illusion nod before just dispelling that one and doing as told, not needing to see this unnecessary bloodshed. As Luna teleported to the library, the Warriors Three found that these malcontent guards were not backing down.

“You have sworn to serve the royalty of Asgard. What is the cause for this treason?” Sif questioned. While herself no fan of Luna, she was a loyal servant of Asgard. She could place her personal opinions aside if need be, unlike these guards they were now standing off with.

One of the guards snarled, “It is not treason if she is not our leader! Lady Frigga still holds the title of Queen, not this foreign harlot. She married a man who not only betrayed our kingdom, but a man who also shares no blood with the royalty to begin with.”

Sif leveled her blade at the warrior directly across from her, “Thor ceded his birthright to Loki. Loki is our king, and you will stay in line or you will be washed away like a stain.”

The other guards rose their weapons, making their intentions clear.

“So be it,” Hogun the grim ended before his axe found its mark in the neck of one rebel, quickly maneuvering to cut down another as Fandral and Sif began their swordplay with the other two.

Once again, Asgard was forced to spill the blood of its own.

Upon reaching the library, Luna was not surprised to find Frigga lounging lazily within. The former Queen was just looking over a tome that Luna could swear was Equestrian in origin, but that detail took second seat to what just happened.

“So, the guards just tried killing me. It was a little pathetic if I am to be honest. I guess that is why they are guards and not assassins though,” Luna said half jokingly to her mother-in-law, “I could have easily handled them, but Lady Sif and her companions decided to intervene anyways.”

This news brought a frown to the already sulking Frigga, but her voice remained even, “We should try to have one of the Warrior Three guarding you at all times until this patch of unrest passes. With how much strife Asgard has faced it is not easy to tell where one’s loyalties rest.”

Luna took a seat beside Frigga and leaned her upper body on the table, glad to have the chance to rest. While by no means weak, even she was a little tired from standing all day while being pregnant, “I agree.”

Her voice was weighed down by the fact that the nation she had hoped would like her just tried, and failed, at killing her. Not only did they fail to meet her expectations, they also failed to at least be competent about it.

Sensing Luna’s emotions on the matter, Frigga brought an arm around her and began to stroke the fur on Luna’s arm, “Do not be so disheartened because of the actions of a disgraceful few. You are hailed as a hero and savior among our people.”

That perked Luna back up, “I am?”

“Of course you are. Not only did you return and help redeem their prince, you ended the threat of Lorelei and the Dark Elves,” Frigga gave a weak smile as memories of the two of them being defeated by the Dark Elves came to mind, “Or, at least, helped.”

“At least I am not universally hated…” Luna snorted, “Spare some guards, that emotion is harbored then only by my own nation’s ignorant ponies.”

As Luna’s words trailed off, her eyes looked down to the pile of books that Trixie had left there the other day and had insisted be left there as they were. Luna smirked at the sight of her student’s hard work, and Frigga smiled too at that.

“She has been reading quite a lot in her free time it would seem,” Frigga noted, to which Luna nodded happily.

“These books are from my own castle’s library…” she paused at the thought of Trixie is a tiara and princess regalia, “I am proud that she is taking her new duty so seriously.”

Luna looked down at the collection of books, listing a few of their names as she pondered about how dedicated Trixie must be, “Historical Threats of Equestria…Notes on the Bifrost’s recreation…” that made Luna smile, since it meant Trixie was considering Asgard important too, “The Infinity Gems…” whatever those were.

Frigga passed over the book she had in her own hand, one that was actually a notebook of Trixie’s, “I must say, she is quite the intelligent reader it would seem from her notes. As if she has an almost uncanny understanding of these difficult tomes.”

“Oh how I love her. I could not think of a greater daughter.”

As soon as she said it, Luna felt a little guilty, but she felt comfortable in the fact that she would love her unborn daughter just as much.

Frigga chuckled while glancing down at Luna’s stomach, “Sometimes I wish I had one myself,” she paused before winking at Luna, “I suppose Loki was as close to a daughter as I could get.”

“I wish he was here to hear that.”

“I wish not. Even as his mother I do not think he could forgive me for saying such a thing.”

A polite knock on Trixie’s door made Trixie pause from getting ready for bed, a long day being ahead of her with her task of getting the Frost Giants to play nice with everyone despite hating Asgardians and disregarding humans. She cleared her throat before opening the door’s lock with her magic and calling out.

“Come in!”

The door opened to Adagio, who glanced around the room for a moment before entering and closing the door behind her. She smiled at Trixie, who in turn pointed at a chair by the bed for her to sit.

“Thank you for being so welcoming,” Adagio graciously said to her host, who was happy to have a guest. Adagio took the chair politely and sat facing Trixie, who was sitting on the bed’s edge and facing her in turn.

Despite being happy to have Adagio over, Trixie found it odd that her tagalong companions were not there too, “Where are your…” she paused before trying to come up with the right word, “Friends?”

Adagio laughed at the last word, “Oh they’re screwing around in our new apartment I assume.”

“Oh, so you’ve found a place to live?” Trixie questioned as her eyes traveled over to the corner of the room, only to come back to Adagio.

“Why yes, we have. We convinced this arrogant stallion with the most foppish of looks and a stupid bowtie to let us crash at his place,” Adagio snorted, a smile slowly growing on her face.

Trixie fought to keep herself from cringing at the mention of a pony she assumed to be Blueblood, returned from his self-imposed exile, “And where will he be sleeping?”

“The street for all I care,” Adagio got up from the chair and her smile become infinitely more devilish as she closed any and all space in-between her and Trixie, even placing an index finger on Trixie’s chest and making the mare feel very uncomfortable, “Now, enough with the games. My magic may still be recovering, but you were able to resist falling under my spell earlier. The same goes for your little boy-toy of an Elf.”

Trixie let out a nervous laugh, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Are these spells made to make your singing sound good, or to get crowds to pay you money? I’m a little confused.”

“Oh come now, you could feel it. As we sang we were entrancing the entire crowd, which you were a part of. So long as someone can hear us they should fall under our spell, they have to do as we say, yet you rejected my suggestion,” Adagio moved back so she could look down at where Trixie ought to have wings, “The only time this was not the case was with an Alicorn. Humans, even humans with special properties, fall easily, same goes for ponies. Those Asgardian friends of yours are much more difficult, but still manageable, but in my experience only beings of the same power level or greater than an Alicorn can resist us.”

Adagio reached into her shirt and retrieved her necklace, showing Trixie the gem, “Even then, resisting is different from successfully holding out. I can feel it. You are not under our control,” Adagio replaced the item back in her chest before bringing a hand to touch Trixie’s face, “So I have a proposition for you.”

“A proposition?” Trixie asked, her voice confused.

Adagio began to run her hand and a single finger over Trixie’s body in a slow motion, “Join us. After all, we could use someone as powerful as you, with your intelligence, your connections…”

“You have some nefarious plot to take over Equestria, don’t you?” Trixie laughed joyfully, her voice actually quite excited despite the circumstances.

“Of course we do,” Adagio laughed while taking in all of Trixie’s Unicorn body with her eyes, “But you still haven’t moved a finger to stop me.”

“I don’t have fingers,” Trixie responded innocently. She could have fingers, the ever useful contraptions, but for now she wanted to mess with Adagio how she could.

“A figure of speech,” Adagio began to feel a splitting headache come on, “Please don’t go all Sonata on me.”

“Fine, fine. How do you know I’ll just play along though?”

Adagio leaned in on Trixie again, “You do want to be stronger, right?” she backed off to pull her necklace out again and swing it about briefly before placing it back, “I am offering you limitless power. The power to do whatever you please, whenever you please, because you will both be able to and no-one will be able to tell you otherwise. And I hear you have experience in this line of work, one way or another.”

“So then, tell me what you’re up to. I mean, I’d hate to join a treasonous plot without having any knowledge about it beforehand,” Trixie responded with a smile, her eyes once again darting to the corner of the room.

“Of course…” Adagio purred, all the while not noticing the invisible Elf standing and listening to every word. Trixie had a few reasons to be amused, but the fact that Kael was there as a witness to the whole thing made her all the more amused.

She knew there was something peculiar about those three after all.

With a little effort, Trixie managed to move up her timetable so that Jotunheim was to fall to her that same night. When she arrived she was positively exhausted, but she still had a job to do.

For sheer audacity’s sake, she had the Bifrost land her right in front of the main stronghold of the Frost Giant’s kingdom. What this meant was that Trixie had no problem walking straight up to the entrance except for how every single guard rushed to surround her. Trixie just teleported past them all with a yawn and into the very front of the castle, where she stopped to talk to one of the guards there.

“Hello. My name is Trixie Lulamoon, heir to Princess Luna, and thus royalty to the lands of Equestria, Asgard,” Trixie looked around smugly before looking back to the guard, “And, if I am not mistaken, this one, so if you would not mind I will meet with my dear grandfather Laufey.”

The guard formed a blade of ice and prepared to strike her with it, only pausing to speak, “You think that you, an adopted equine with no biological claim to her own throne, can ask to meet with our King?”

That actually surprised Trixie, just enough for the guard to bring the blade to rest against her throat threateningly and continue speaking.

“Oh yes, we know who you are. We have agents of our own—”

No longer yawning or seemingly bored with this all, Trixie looked at him with determined eyes to the point that it would be glaring if it held any malice, “That is nice, and I would let you finish, but I honestly do not care. Bring me to meet with Laufey this instant, or else I will dispose of you and ask someone else to.”

“You arrogant—”

The guard was pinned against the wall with sharp, tapered spikes originating from the ground impaling him to it on every limb, each shoulder, and the gut. Only his head was left alone, and that was too busy gasping from pain to do much of anything else.

The other nearby guards just stood as they witnessed Trixie cast magic so fast that they could not even see it. In fact, they backed up as Trixie began to mock the man who had placed a blade to her throat, “Did that hurt? Because that appears as if it hurt.”

This done, Trixie had the ice recede and exit his body, allowing the man to fall to the ground limply. Just as quickly as he had been impaled, his wounds also disappeared and he was left with a perfectly healthy appearance minus his state of unconsciousness.

Her example made, Trixie turned to the others and gave the all a fake smile, “He will live, but I ask that we do not repeat this. My mother wrecked you all when you attempted to engage her in combat. I am more powerful than even she is now. Do not try my patience.”

The others looked between themselves before snarling and turning towards the inner gateway, “This way.”

After a slow, quiet tour complete with many death glares, Trixie found herself standing before Laufey in his throne room. The head of his usurper brother that Luna confronted before was mounted on a pole, and Trixie found herself disgusted by the display. One of the first things she would have to change and tidy up.

Laufey snorted at the sight of Trixie, the whole matter appearing more amusing to him than anything else, “Trixie. It has been some time. To what do I owe the occasion?”

“Laufey,” Trixie bowed politely, “I am here on behalf of my parents, who wish to extend an olive branch and make peace with your kind.”

Laufey stood up from his throne and snarled down at Trixie, who took it all in stride, “After everything, all of the death, the utter humiliation those two have wrought upon everyone of Jotunheim, they dare ask for peace?”

Trixie held a hoof up to signal for him to calm down, “Look, I know what they have done is wrong. I agree with you completely. Loki, in trying to kill you all, and Luna, in not respecting you.”

Trixie paused and took in a deep breath before pointing her hoof at her own chest, her eyes closing as she spoke very slowly.

“But I am not them. I want you and your people to be happy, safe, and secure. I feel it is a duty that comes from the ties I now have to it, in addition to despising the conflict that exists between all of our races.”

Her words made Laufey calm enough to sit down, but he still scoffed at them nonetheless, “Then what do you propose as a solution? My son’s head?”

Trixie gave a nervous laugh to that, not wanting anything like that to be the case, “Preferably something less bloody,” she cleared her throat as she summoned a screen to project images onto. The screen appeared and began to play images from the Equestria Games, at which point she continued, “You see, there are these competitions on my world that act as a place for our people to compete and make peace simultaneously. Where we can send the best of our kind to compete and prove their worth.”

“So you want to expand this event to include my people and those of Asgard?” Laufey said with his intuition, being smart despite what one might think at the word “Giant”.

Trixie smiled, since they were on the same page. Bonding through competition, “Precisely. Now, I will lay you the terms of the competition, allow you to propose ideas and amendments that will allow your kind to compete in some ways and prove their worth, and you will then propose the idea to your people and publically support it.”

The king of Jotunheim remained skeptical, “And why would I do that, if I so happen to be opposed to this notion of making peace and competing in good spirit with those we despise so greatly?”

Trixie’s serious gaze returned, not delving into a death glare but also carrying the point that she was completely serious with what she was saying, “Because I would much rather there be no further conflicts, and I will continue to eliminate the problems in my way until that end is achieved. Currently, you all are a problem, and I do not want you all to be a problem. I want us all to play along nicely.”

The obvious threat in her words gave Laufey pause. Her words were true, but they went against his pride and that of his race. To bow down and listen to a horse’s orders was disgraceful, but Laufey also did not want to see his race wiped out now that their enemy had the capability of doing so in a multitude of ways.

With his silence hanging in the room and none of his guardsmen daring to speak, Trixie took it upon herself to prod him, “Now, Laufey, I know you are intelligent. You have heard by now that I killed a monster who was able to defeat every last warrior in Asgard and even my goddess of a mother. I have in me a power that was said to be able to destroy the nine realms. Do not try me.”

It took another minute of silence, but in the end Laufey waved a hand at her.

“Very well. Speak.”

Pride swelled in Trixie as she felt herself win a war without a single person dying, doing something that her predecessors were unable.

It felt great, as sad as it was that she had to force this peace upon the Frost Giants.

“I apologize for the coercion, but if that is what it takes I will use it. Now, this competition I mentioned…”

Celestia was finishing some paperwork in her room when her door was opened by a guard without any announcement prior, the orange coated guard instead entering first and then proclaiming that:

“Princess Celestia, you have guests.”

Celestia rose up in protest, not having sanctioned this matter at all. Even if it was someone as important as Cadance the proper protocol would be to announce it all and inform her about everything prior, and surely not just barge in.

“Guests? I did not approve of any visitors.”

The sound of singing reached Celestia’s ears just as wisps of green smoke entered the room. Celestia leapt to the back corner of her room to avoid it as the soft voices grew louder. Behind the guard entered three women, each of whom was letting out varying “ah’s” with their voice.

Celestia prepared to use her horn and blast away the intruders, but found that she was feeling more relaxed…like she couldn’t.

The one at the head of the pack, Adagio, laughed as she stopped singing, “Celestia, darling, tell me you did not forget our little promise?”

The other two continued their noise while Celestia snarled at this unknown woman, “Who are you? How did my guards let you in?”

Adagio snapped her fingers before bringing a hand to her hip and another to her chest, her face quite suggestive as she wagged her eyebrows at Celestia, “Oh, you must not recognize us in these bodies. My apology, the whole purpose of using these bodies was to not show our true forms,” she snapped her fingers and the guard started to leave, only for Aria to kick the door shut and force him out quicker, “Not that we have enough power to turn back anyways. Still, we have enough for just you thanks to a friendly donor.”

Celestia realized too late that a threat she thought she left behind a thousand years prior was back, her voice just whispering “Sirens” as she lost all control of her body.

Adagio sauntered up to Celestia and beckoned the princess to crane her head down, to which Celestia obliged mindlessly, “How insightful of you. You see, your dear guards just could not help but do as we say now that we have a small piece of our magic back. The fact that I’m borrowing some premium Alicorn magic as well means you really had no chance this time, not to mention those buffoons you still pay as if they actually guard you.”

Aria and Sonata stopped singing, the former approaching behind Adagio while the latter noticed that the door wasn’t closed fully yet and that a leg was in the way. She quickly remedied this by slamming it on the guard’s leg, breaking it before pushing the entranced guard out of the room completely and shutting the door.

With seemingly no sense of personal space once again, Adagio began to stroke Celestia’s face and run a hand through her flowing mane, “Now, you’re not going to call for help, are you?”

“No…” Celestia responded like a zombie, her eyes hollow and glowing the same green as the necklaces the trio of singers had.

Adagio patted the princess on the forehead before stepping back and smirking to her cohorts, “That’s a good girl. Don’t worry. We’re not here to do things like last time. We are too weak to handle power like yours yet, at least in the long term. We’ve been starved of magic for close to a thousand years now so we’ll need to sap it from you over a longer period of time. Humans have so little of it after all, and we have had nothing else of note to eat for oh so long.”

Aria groaned and jabbed a thumb back at the door, “Enough with the monologuing, Adagio. She’s already under our spell.”

This elicited a groan from Adagio herself, as if she just had her moment ruined, “There goes my fun for the night.”

“Wait, I thought we were still gonna—”

“Shut up Aria,” Adagio looked to Celestia again and spoke in a demeaning manner, “Now, you are going to help us and listen to our every whim. It’ll be harder to get your sister and the others, but we have time and I have waited so long for this. I can wait a little more.”

“That power that mare gave us really came in handy!” Sonata laughed as she spun around with a swirl of purple, black, red, and green magic around her, “Too bad we’re giving it back. Least we have a new bestie though!”

“Yes,” Adagio snorted as she turned around and began to strut towards the door, “Yes it did. Now girls, what would you say about celebrating this first step in our plan?”

Sonata jumped with joy, “I don’t even know what the plan is, but sure! Can we use tacos tonight?”

Aria rolled up her short, ripped sleeve before growling, “Tacos. To celebrate. Are you out of your damn mind?”

Adagio found herself agreeing with Aria for once, though the thought of mixing food and pleasure was resonating a little with her, “Sonata, dear, mention tacos one more time and I will just give your necklace to New Girl.”

“Awww…” Sonata pouted, though she said no more under threat of having her necklace taken from her.

“I am hungry though,” Adagio added, to which Sonata pumped her fists up in the air.

The three opened the door, Sonata and Aria going first while Adagio stayed behind for a moment to blow a kiss goodbye to Celestia, “Be good for us, Tia. Only you and your little books know anything about us, and as soon as we wipe those out this will be our little secret. So no telling, and remember, you will listen to us when we need to call on you.”

“Yes mistress…” came the droning response from Celestia, who would be a complete zombie so long as she was around them.

“That’s a good servant,” just to cover their bases, Adagio added another stipulation to her orders, “Also, act as if we have not met the next time we see eachother, and continue to act blasé about our presence here in Canterlot until it’s time to unveil our plan.”

Aria grabbed the back of Adagio’s pants and tugged her, “Adagio, come on already! Been waiting too long as it is.”

As Sonata made funny faces at the silently crying guard, Adagio growled in frustration on her way out and slammed the door.

“Ugh, fine! Just ruin it for me, joykill.”

No-one knew what happened in the castle that night, nor did anyone seem to think that anything was out of place. Things would carry on without incident, though Celestia would soon publically sponsor the three, though she could not exactly say why.

Author's Note:

Your thoughts and comments are appreciated and are helpful to me, so please leave your comments below! They really keep me motivated, and without your guys support this all wouldn't be possible! Remember, comments are :heart:

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