• Published 11th Jun 2013
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We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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I'd Refuse To Let Things Go

A/N: Special thanks to ZeroInfinity, King Sombrony, Ketvirtas, Sir Derps A Lot, ArcaneVisions, Fear the Dark, KillerCookie123, New Spark, airkiller100, Killabyte, Evilhumour, Drgnwolf, and The Batmane of Equestria for your comments last chapter! It is great comments like those that keep me writing despite! Thank you, and I hope to continue hearing from you all!

Chapter title now brought to you by Hammerfall's "Last Man Standing"

I'd love to hear what you have to think afterwards in the comments, and remember, comments are :heart:!

Upon meeting with various Jotunheim officials and discovering no new information Thor and his warriors joined back up with Luna, whose downtrodden and irritated appearance clued them in on her success.

“Learn anything?” Thor questioned more out of formality than out of actual curiosity. She would not be standing before him with sunken shoulders if she had actually found something she could use, she would be rushing to whomever else she needed to ‘persuade’ to speak.

Luna cast her gaze aside and snarled at no-one in particular, “Nothing other than Laufey was indeed conspiring with Thanos at some point. I am sorry, but that fool truly knew nothing.”

Still, Thor placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, “It is okay. We have more to search. Let us do so with speed.”

Luna could only nod as her anger began to segue into despair.

After the incident with Lady Death things had settled down. Loki could not tell the passing of time, but it seemed to drag as he resided within the cave. The world itself seemed to hold no value for the idea given the appearance of the young Lady Death versus her elder self who appeared before.

Laufey had slipped away into the shadows upon awakening, not a single word given to Loki as the father departed. Soon after the Betrayer had decided it best to go out and hunt them a dinner, and though Loki had no feeling of hunger he did not stop his seeming ally.

Loki was pleased to find that the Betrayer’s title was not befitting of the man himself, for he could have simply stood aside and allowed for Laufey to have his way with Loki. Laufey was in better condition at the time and likely would have been grateful for being given the chance to slay Loki...but the supposed ‘Betrayer’ had instead acted as a protector.

Not that it helped at all by the time Lady Death showed up. Her powers combined had overwhelmed both Loki and the Betrayer, and that was when she was restraining herself and as a mere teenager...Loki found himself dreading encountering the other forms she may possess, particularly her hypothetical adult self.

If they were to survive the land and survive her deranged sense of punishment they would need to stay strong and stay on their toes. One single encounter with her that they could not escape from could mean death, and that was not something Loki desired. Not anymore at least.

Though, Lady Death had come for Trixie and not Loki the last time...Why was unknown, but Loki could only hypothesize that some future sleight caused the reaper’s visit. Seeing the unconscious blue mare made Loki grunt though, as the fact that she was dead weight was becoming more and more apparent. Dead weight that also was bait for a dangerous catch.

From his position beside Trixie Loki prodded her limp head with a finger, “Whatever did she see in you anyways.”

She did not stir from her seemingly endless sleep and Loki was left to his own thoughts as she made no reaction to his annoyed gesture.

He retreated his hand and leaned back against the cavern wall, “You were destitute. Weak.”

His one sided conversation was in no interrupted by the mare who continued to lay there with closed eyes and a closed mouth. Looking down at her made Loki snort as another adjective pushed againt his lips.


His gaze shifted down to his own hand. Loki could not feel contempt for her place in Luna’s life if he did not first accept that he had come from a very similar place. In fact, that connection itself made him smirk and smirk down at her.

“You know, maybe I see the connection now.”

It was just Ikol, Trixie, and Loki in the cave...that semi-isolation was enough for Loki to make a decision he otherwise would not have. In company he would not go about venting his thoughts out loud, but there was no-one who could use that information against him so he indulged himself slightly.

He partially directed his voice at Trixie even if she could not hear him, “Luna used to be the more mature, moral one between the two of us. Now she is rash...emotional. Her transformation has not done her any favors mentally,” Loki brought a hand down to the back of Trixie’s blue head, “If you are any indication though, she is not too far gone.”

He brought his hand down her mane and neck slowly to pet her gently, “Wake up, horse. It might just help Luna for you to come back alive. I will not be the one bringing her the news of your death.”

While bringing his hand through her coat Loki could feel the dampness of this swamp on her, as well as some dried remnants of it that had bonded with the fur there. Nothing too major, and she was by no means soaked in dirt and grime, but Loki had never reveled in that side of adventuring and found himself disgusted nonetheless.

HIs own body was easier to care for, as some simple and weak magic could clean him. He was unwilling to do the same to Trixie, lest the magic have some detrimental reaction to her recovery for whatever reason. Magic was fickle that way.

“You could use a good washing. Your coat is as dirty as Thor after a battle.”

Loki removed his hand and brought it before himself to inspect. A strand of Trixie’s very light blue mane had stuck to his hand in his brief stroking of it and his eyes focused on it as he continued to muse out loud.

Loki grew a sad smile as he thought back to one of his last conversations with Luna before he was abducted, “Luna is thinking of having you as a daughter. We have already agreed to having one child, though I do not believe you are occupying that position as you are not an heir to me.”

A horse...a reckless, pride shattered equine who had potential but might not reach it given her ardent attempt at proving herself...not exactly Loki’s first choice for an heir of sorts, but he supposed she could work to prove him wrong once she awoke. He would not stop her from doing so, as Luna had obviously sensed some potential within her to harness.


“Still, that defeats the purpose of our agreement. From my rivalry with my brother to Luna’s ancient quarrel with her sister, we did not think having multiple children would be a good idea. Too many issues could arise from that, especially since both Luna and I are the jealous type and it might well be genetic.”

Trixie offered no consolation, leaving Loki to groan as he thought about how ridiculous he had been reduced to being after meeting Luna. It was obviously all her doing. Obviously.

He sighed and took a breath before adding, “So there is you. If Luna and I have a singular child now, they still will have a rival to find in you. Though…”

As much as Loki desired to, he knew he could not lord every every world he and Luna held some claim to. He was unsure he could lord over a realm as foreign as Equestria, as he was far less suited for it than Luna was for Asgard. He similarly was unsure he had the ability to easily lay his claim to the throne of Jotunheim, should he even choose to do so. He still resented his heritage, but the lure of supreme power was quite the seductive one.

That meant three thrones, and he and Luna could only cover two with some extended effort. That meant they needed another in the meantime, a regent of sorts, and the mare before him seemed perfect for the job.

“If you took over Luna’s duties in Equestria, whatever offspring Luna and I have could rule Asgard after Luna and I,” Loki snorted as he mulled over the details, “I would very much like that, seeing as how I still do not trust Thor with leading our land.”

While observing Trixie Loki became aware of her lack of wings that symbolize being a princess. That would be a place to start, he theorized, would it not?

“I suppose Luna would have to make you an Alicorn as well, but how difficult could that be? It is not as if there is an application process and much bureaucracy behind it all. She can likely just do it if she finds the slightest provocation and you will be made to be her equal, so to speak.”

Would Luna leaving Equestria and coming to Asgard negatively impact the land at all? Loki was willing to say no, as it had functioned decently without her for a millenium. Trixie, with the authority and power of an Alicorn, could likely fill in that gap well enough to not cause any true strife or issues while also affording the land a ruler that was less reviled.

That meant that Trixie would be saddled with greater responsibilities though, “You will need that power if you are to move the moon in Luna’s place.”

A brief look over Trixie’s body made the prince laugh. By her hips were the image of a moon and wand both, forming the mark that every pony in Equestria had some version of on their own hindquarters.

“Oh look, how fitting. Your mark even has a moon on it. Now is that a form of irony or fate?”

Trixie’s response, that of silence, was absolutely riveting and Loki paused as if she would actually give it. After affording her the time to speak Loki brought a hand to his chin and resumed his scheming thoughts, “Now, if we could only arrange a marriage for you that would let our little family gain more power.”

Trixie did not sound very much in favor of the idea as she said nothing, thus making Loki explain himself,

“Yes, it may be greedy, but is that so wrong? We all must do our part, and what better way to protect your realm than seeing to it that you hold control over as many others as you can?”

“Still, I do not know of many who would marry a horse. We will need to work on your transformation abilities if we are to make anything of you,” “Not all share my liberated perspective.”

Loki brought his hand down to tussle her hair with a smug smirk growing on his face, “If you play your part, I think I can see myself liking you. You were quite the quick learner, even if you did steal a third of my resting place for a night.”

The other inhabitant of the cave, Ikol, thought it best to offer the honest advice he was bound by magic to give at that moment as his own irritation grew at the sight.

“This prattle serves no purpose. She cannot hear you. She cannot assist you. You should leave this deadweight before long if you desire to survive. You cannot carry her around and risk yourself forever.”

Loki cast the bird a disgruntled look from across the cavern, not liking the interruption and preferring Trixie’s silence in some ways to the bird’s reminder of the futility of it all, “Very true, but I will take that burden as long as I can.”

“Talking to yourself?”

The voice of the now returned Betrayer caused Loki to turn to the cave’s mouth with a small smirk. He had been caught doing just that and was amused by how it actually was true in a way, even though he was talking to another entity.

“In a way,” Loki’s smirk faded as he observed what was in the arms of the Betrayer, “What is that?”

The Betrayer tossed the dead reptiles he had brought, ones that appeared to be dragonlike beings, on the ground before making his way over to the flickering fire, “Beings of all kinds and races congregate here. Some are more edible than others, and it seems some are native to this realm.”

The Betrayer cast his fire magic on the fire to set the dying flame ablaze, a small inferno erupting until it shaped itself into being a fire perfect for the size of the cave. Seeing this made Loki realize that the magic used was quite unwieldy and just by sensing it he was given a feeling that it was wholly different from his own. Was it possible that different places had different kinds of magic entirely?

The large reptiles brought in soon were brought to sizzle in the fire, being cooked in a most unprofessional fashion by the seemingly blind but still able to see somehow satyr with the glowing eyes.

Given that the place they were in was haunted with lost souls, Loki felt a bit reluctant to devour another being lest its screaming soul become a part of him. He lifted a hand to indicate he did not desire to partake in the feast, and he felt lucky to not be starving, “I am fine. I am not hungry,” Loki smiled over to his pet Ikol though, “The bird can eat if he so chooses though.”

Ikol’s look could only be said to be a glare at Loki’s words, though he made no comment. The Betrayer however gave a bellowing laugh.

“What, afraid that the deceased being’s soul will haunt you?” the satyr continued to laugh as he pondered how best to explain this to Loki, “They are not like us. They originate here, as if this is their natural habitat and we are only invasive species.”

So they were just mere animals...not some otherworldly beings. That was partially soothing to Loki, who otherwise had been worried that they were just some trapped being like those suffering souls he had passed, “Well then.”

Out of a pouch the Betrayer pulled a pile of green grassy like substances that he took no time tossing over towards Trixie, “I gathered some green moss like things for her. I would force feed if I were you, so she does not starve.”

Loki nodded as he caught some of the substance in his hand, “Thank you. I was just looking after her.”

It wasn’t too much of a lie. He would find a way to clean and feed her in time. From what Luna said Trixie was used to going without any form of sustenance, so that might come in handy...maybe not in her recovery, but surely she would not suffer as much as some glutton trapped in this place.

Loki shifted Trixie on the ground so that her head and neck were upright. He would not have her choke to death under his watch. After doing this, he shredded the flora into miniscule pieces and slowly went about placing it down her throat and guiding it to her stomach with some slight magic use. If she died of starvation there was no point to saving her body after all.

While guiding Trixie’s slow ingestion Loki spoke to his companion, Loki’s eyes still focused on his effort to save Trixie, “I still owe you for your assistance with Laufey and Lady Death.”

“I am sure you can pay me in time. For now, I only ask that you do not abuse my hospitality,” the Betrayer noted with a smile in his voice while he continued to prepare his own meal.

Loki returned the same tone of voice as he finished feeding Trixie the gathered flora, “You must teach me the ways of this land when you have the chance.”

The Betrayer stretched his gigantic limbs out while hiding a yawn, “I will make an effort of doing so tomorrow, but all of this fighting is wearing on me. Then again, there is not much to learn except the specifics on what is edible, what is really just a roaming soul that will fight you to the death, and what is best left alone.”

His words only received a nod from Loki, who was finding his way towards the exit as an idea struck him.

“Going somewhere?” the Betrayer questioned, but made no effort to stop Loki. If Loki wanted to wander he was not about to stop him, as Loki had already learned the danger of straying into the mists.

Loki turned to explain himself, “Laufey was here and severely wounded. We let him escape, but upon further inspection his words have interested me. I would speak to him.”

The Betrayer smirked at the mention of Loki’s goal. While normally Laufey could beat Loki if things went his way in a fight, the damage he had sustained recently made him no true foe. The Betrayer had faith that even the recovering Loki could handle the elder Frost Giant.

“Do not wander too far. Even my eyes cannot see too far into the mists, and you getting lost would be quite irritating. I will be preparing my meal in the meantime. If you find Laufey, see if he cares for any,” the satyr said only half-jokingly.

Loki concurred as he took to leaving the cave, “Of course. It would impolite to not offer a guest some.”

Loki had made sure to drag his feet while walking, which had the effect of leaving impressions in the ground as to where he had been before. Furthermore, the prince had been freezing that same ground over with an ice bluer than any other to be found in the area. He did not want to give eye catching directions to where he was going for any to follow and hunt him, only things that he knew to look for in the thick fogs.

He was tracking foot prints in the swamp that were large enough to be Laufey’s, and the accompanying blood seemed to prove that it was indeed Laufey’s as the trail began at the very edge of the cave and came all of these hundreds of steps later.

Loki found himself trying to tune out the various screams surrounding the air around him, though they did help in sending a chill down his spine.

“Father, I don’t know anymore…” a young woman’s voice sobbed to one side. Loki snarled as he pushed it from his mind.

“It’s time to end this!” a man yelled out with confidence and anger both. Loki growled in anger at the fact that these dead souls were having to play out these memories in spite of their passing. Would they be left to the torment for all time, or would Lady Death lose interest in them in time?

They were not alone, however, and the further Loki traveled the more he came across until his search came to a halt at a flowing river where the tracks ended. Once he stopped the voices and their torment continued.

“—even so!”

“Come on in kids, the water's fine...nice and hot, just like the flames in hell!"

“Human with the Betrayer’s scent!”

“Even if only one man gets through…”

Loki managed to sidestep the downward smash of a blurred glaive just in time to save his body from a brutal strike. How an opponent had appeared right next to him without a trace Loki had no idea, but he quickly teleported himself a good few feet to the side to avoid the follow up swing of the weapon.

The only heads up he had been given was the word Betrayer, which after a moment his brain reprocessed the sentence to hear the vengeful scream levied at him.

The being who assaulted him prepared for another attack, though they made no movement as Loki brought himself into a combat ready stance. He had no idea who this person was, but the name they called him amused him greatly.

Loki smirked at his assailant as he began to observe them further, “I must admit I have not taken to being mistaken for such a lesser race. Where are you? Who do I speak to?”

The would be assassin was wearing a tattered green cloak over silver armor, a helmet covering their face and hiding their expression, while in their hands rested a an ornate, ring shaped glaive weapon. Out of the top of their helmet spilled a white ponytail, and the eyes on the helmet glowed a bright green in a manner similar to the glowing of the Betrayer’s eyes without being the same.

This unknown acquaintance of the Betrayer leveled their weapon at Loki while speaking in a seething feminine voice, “I care not what you are, only who you follow.”

And with that, they disappeared completely. Loki twirled around to look to where they may have gone off to, but no opponent was visible anywhere amongst his limited sight range. He continued to look around until a blade suddenly cut across his upper back and rended the flesh there.

Still, Loki was not about to let the wound go unrepaid. He twisted around and swiped at the foe with a hastily formed dagger. The strike passed through thin air before Loki received a strong smash to the jaw from his opponent’s armored arm. In the time it took him to strike they had twisted around him entirely and attacked again, giving Loki a feeling that this was no foe to be trifled with.

Without wasting any further time Loki again put space in between them with use of his teleportation. He needed to gauge their abilities and powers if he was going to find a way to react.

They did not teleport to where he did, instead turning and running straight towards him. Loki was afraid of teleporting out of sight of the enemy since he needed to keep his eyes on them, lest they swoop in for a killing blow he had no way of reacting to. The fact they did not teleport to catch up with him, nor vanish as they had before, intrigued Loki as he finally responded to their statement.

“I am no mere follower, and the one time I so happened to be was not by choice—”

They wasted no time in rushing at him and assaulting him still, not caring for his explanation, “For conspiring and associating with the traitor Stormrage you are hereby sentenced to death!”

Loki narrowly avoided the strike, noting with fear that this woman possessed the same speed as the satyr had though they lacked the size that made him a large and inviting target. They still stood at a few inches taller than Loki, possessing a lithe body, and their armor and cloak shifted at close range to reveal that indeed it was a woman within it all.

This information did not help Loki as he continued to jump, bob and weave in and out of her strikes as they grew closer to hitting each time. Her seeming rage was impacting her accuracy to Loki’s favor, though her sheer speed negated it by making her actually accurate strikes impossible for Loki to avoid.

Loki scoffed at her as he did his best to parry attack after attack, only for each to leave a small gash here or there on him as he continued his avoidance tactics, “Death? In this place? You must be joking—”

Her next strike instead took place from behind him and was a sweep against his legs with her blade as a roar escaped her. Loki, having had his legs taken out from under him recently, reacted reflexively and teleported away as the blade finished tearing through his flesh.

He tumbled onto the ground nearby and had to hold in a growl of pain as the wound on his legs sent his brain the full message of its agony. He still forced himself to his knees as he tried to find where the woman had suddenly disappeared to.

“Mind your manners. I do not believe we have been introduced,” Loki tried to keep the pain from his voice as he rose up further, and in an attempt to intimidate he decided to inflate his exact title, “I am Loki, prince of Asgard, Jotunheim and Equestria. You are?”

This time the blade tore across his chest as it suddenly reappeared and Loki gasped in pain. The blurred followup strike was a punch straight to the gut with the weapon hand, after which she growled.

“Your judge,” she brought a knee up into his chest before swinging both arms down into his exposed head to send him slamming into the ground, “Jury,” she raised her weapon up and quickly swung it down at Loki’s now vulnerable neck, “And executioner, fiend!”

Using his more reliable teleportation, Loki narrowly avoided the execution strike by moving so he was just out of her assumed sight range. He began to crawl to his feet as he heard her weapon come into contact with the swamp, and by the time Loki got up he decided to use his silver tongue to try and defuse the situation.

“How original,” he muttered first under his breath at her attempt at being dramatic, “Now, fair lady, may you please explain this aggressiveness as I do not understand why there need be a fight at all.”

She gave no verbal response, but now that he was focusing he could hear her footsteps in the swamp as each let out a wet noise in the mud. Having little faith that he could reliably defeat her, even with his untapped magics, Loki decided to continue his attempt at diplomacy.

“You see, I have no idea who this Stormrage you speak of is,” suddenly the noise stopped and Loki’s stomach dropped in anticipation of another attempt, “Unless of course you are referring to a tall, purple elf demon satyr who holds the title of Betrayer. You said that name as well. Are they the same?”

“He must pay for what he has done. To our people. To my sisters,” Her voice told him that she was straight ahead of him, but for all he knew she could teleport suddenly and strike from any angle.

Loki prepared another dagger in his palm and also channeled his magic to let out a shockwave to stun her if she drew close enough…

“His minions must suffer for their support! Justice be done!”

The sudden emergence of around two dozen knives from the mist straight at Loki caught the prince off guard, and he quickly tried to rechannel his magic in time to stop them.

Right behind the volley of knives came the rushing green blur of the vengeful woman, her voice howling as she lunged to strike.


Inside her mind Trixie felt trapped. Everything was dark and quiet. She was dreaming, at least she thought she was, though she was not finding herself able at the moment to control the dream at all like she could when Luna brought her attention to the dream.

So if she was conscious in the dream, why would it not change from the black void it had been in since Luna left? How long had that been? Trixie had no answers, and she could not ask.

“Princess Luna?”

Still, she called out in hope. She did not want to live the rest of her life in this eternal darkness. It was driving her crazy being unable to do anything, unable to even talk to somepony...unable to see her princess who had made her a promise.

“You said you would visit…”

Trixie was crying in a curled up ball amongst the utter darkness of her mindscape. She wanted this to end, no matter how, but there was not a thing she could do about it.

“I can’t tell how long it’s been…” her sniffling cut her off before she managed to regain enough of a voice to go on, “Has she left me for a day because of important business? A week because of a trip?”

No response came for her, and Trixie cried silently into her own imaginary fur for what felt like an hour. After pitying herself more, Trixie allowed herself to feel some indignation at the situation, though she was hurt more than anything.

“Has she left me…was I not good enough?” she sucked in the tears streaming down her face, “Please...I can’t stand being alone anymore…”

Even though none of it was real, Trixie felt the sudden shift in her environment. The area around her went from being a temperature impossible to feel to being frigidly cold. The darkness remained, and Trixie shivered as she tried to rise to her mental projection’s hooves.


Turning around, Trixie was greeted with the reason of the change.

“W-who are you?”

Author's Note:

If anyone not familiar with Warcraft wants a little taste of our newest person trying to kill Loki, you might want to go to this link: www.sullivanet.com/misc/warcraft/no-one-ever-could.htm Quite a few stories on that site that might help ya'll, but they aren't necessary. Just gifts I found to assist you!

Please leave your thoughts in the comments below, as they are seriously what helps me write so much! Liking and favoriting the story help too, as does following me. Morale support of the highest fashion! Comments, likes and follows are :heart: after all, so please let me know what you think!

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