• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,165 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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Do Something Right For Once

A/N: Special thanks to JaceArveduin, Mutie Genic, ArcaneVisions, hs0003, Killabyte, Evowizard25, New Spark, Cadmium, MoonSparkle The Vampony, and The Batmane of equestria for your comments last chapter! They certainly have helped me, so I'm really grateful for your support.

In other news, cutest chapter so far? Cutest chapter so far. Pretty sure. Love to hear your thoughts about it in the comments after you see my proof!

Luna hummed to herself contently as she walked through Canterlot Castle, feeling very good that night as she became reacquainted with the place. Having finished her current business in Asgard she had returned to see how her student was doing since she had last seen her.

Before going to see Trixie Luna first checked her office though for anything of great importance, knowing that her sister would complain if she did not tend to anything that needed attention. Surely enough, there were some new papers that Trixie had organized for her to look at. The top of the pile was a report on Ursa attacks on a rural pony town that had no way of defending itself, the Ursas reportedly having come from the Everfree Forest.

Luna sighed as she looked it over. This was not the sole case of monsters leaving the Everfree Forest since the forest had been cleansed of Discord’s influence at the cost of the Elements of Harmony.

There were dozens of these events that could be handled, but Luna was hesitant about touching the matter at all. Defending a place from an attack would be no issue, but to enter the now chaotic Everfree Forest was to ask for trouble. Luna knew herself able to best any Ursa or Manticore, but some reports even included dragons and other fearsome beasts roaming about. To confront the whole lot of them in their own territory could spell death, especially since any one encounter could lead to others.

Given the volatile nature of these beasts who now are out of place in the cleansed forest, they would likely confront one another and wipe eachother out in short time. Luna only hoped the ponies around the area could bide their time until then and stop stupidly entering the woods when it was perfectly possible to go around.

Besides the new influx of monster requests, Luna also found a letter on her desk from her sister. Her first thought was just to ignore it and whatever critical advice lay inside, but Luna knew she really ought to hear it out. She still bit her lip while opening it and taking to the seat that was formerly meant solely for her but now had traces of blue fur.

“Dear Sister,

During your absence it has come to my attention that our “esteemed” guest Blueblood was put through a wall by your student. I spoke with her on the matter and it seems that he was harassing her through indirect methods to try and get around the punishment you levied at him through your decree.”

Luna found herself cackling at the idea that her dear, loyal student put Blueblood through a wall much like she had recently. Perhaps she was being quite the good influence on Trixie? After all, her student should learn not to tolerate fools with entitlement issues. One must earn or deserve their title and position after all.

Stifling her laughter, Luna steeled herself for whatever Celestia had done to punish Trixie.

“As befitting of your decree, I had its order carried out fully. Blueblood will likely be missing until his fur grows back, having supposedly fled the country. Preliminary polls have revealed that the entirety of Canterlot is pleased at this news, and your approval ratings here have bumped up from 1% to 17%.”

Luna snorted at the thought of how ponies now liked her for the exact behavior they originally disliked her for. Violence and showing ponies their place.

“To be honest, the foal had been getting on my nerves as it was and I am glad to not have him pestering me for favors anymore. I hope this is the end of this for now, and I hope your medical visit went well. You having yours made me remember for the first time in years that I should have one myself, so I suppose I should thank you. Please stop by and see me when you can, but there is certainly no rush. Love, Celestia.”

The pseudo Nightmare Moon smiled at the paper, glad for once about how her sister handled an issue with Blueblood. Luna only regretted not seeing how embarrassed the arrogant foal must have been.


The apprentice’s ears perked up and she quickly dropped the boulder she was working with to turn and see the cheerful voice of her teacher and princess. Even if Luna was a bit serious and not dripping with high praise, Trixie was still greatly pleased to see her again.

“Princess Luna!” the student exuberantly called back as she rushed up to the tall and slender black furred mare across the courtyard. Trixie found herself about to tackle-hug one of Luna’s legs before she caught herself and stopped right in front of her with a blush.

A simple hoof pat on the top of her head was how Luna returned the affection as she smiled down at her flustered student, “Did you miss me?”

Trixie rubbed the back of her head as she continued to be as flustered as the blood in her cheeks would allow, “I, uh…”

Luna lowered her hoof from Trixie’s forehead and nodded towards the rocks back where Trixie was working in the courtyard, “Can I see the progress you have made?”

The student steeled her emotions for a moment so that she could focus, desiring to do her absolute best for her most generous teacher, “Of course, princess.”

With her magic Trixie lifted one of the largest of the boulders provided in the courtyard, although after a brief second of hovering it dropped to the ground with a crash.

Trixie found herself even more embarrassed than she had been before, “Wow, that sucked. Let’s try again.”

Luna craned her neck down so that she could speak softly into Trixie’s ear, “Just relax.”

With a deep breath and closed eyes, Trixie did her best to cool her nerves. She knew she would have to do this test at some point, but she was originally thinking she would have at least the rest of the week to continue expanding her skills.

Still, she had practiced moving these boulders the entire month and she would be damned if she could not lift them on command now. She may not have managed to lift the very biggest boulders left for her, but she knew she could handle the smaller ones with no issue now.

With her purple magic surrounding it, Trixie lifted one of the mid-tier boulders into the air and starting rotating it around the courtyard’s air at a fast pace. Despite its speed, Luna noted how it was completely under control as her student manipulated it.

Trixie gave her mentor a glance to see if she should go on, to which Luna nodded. The rock continued to move under Trixie’s power for entire minutes before the young mare even began to show any signs of exhaustion. Luna found the resolute nature of her apprentice to be most welcome, and after seeing that Trixie had indeed improved from when they started she halted her student.

“Your power is still lacking, but it will steadily grow as you practice more difficult spells and magic. Your endurance is quite spectacular though and I am quite impressed by it.”

Trixie bowed her head slightly at the praise, feeling modest for once given the source of the words. After this acknowledgement Luna continued on.

“I think it is about time that I actually begin teaching you personally. Do you feel ready?”

The simple fact that her skill was acknowledged was enough for Trixie’s ego to rise a bit from the low it had been hanging at since her disgrace. Having Luna give her approval kickstarted her confidence, and so she nodded once with resolution to say yes. She might still have doubts, but they didn’t matter so long as somepony as great as princess Luna believed she was capable.

Luna returned the nod, “Good. I am curious though, what avenue of magic would you care to explore first? I only ask because there is quite the range.”

Being able to choose her course of study? Trixie had not expected that, and so she had no answer. Luna picked up on this and decided it would be best to demonstrate the three schools of magic she was accustomed to herself.

With a black and cobalt flash of light the mare that stood next to Trixie was replaced with a humanoid form that caught the younger mare off guard. In her Asgardian body Luna gave Trixie a bow before turning back to her regular body, “Transformation and illusions.”

Luna turned her horn towards the boulder Trixie had first tried to lift and shot a stream of magic out at it. The boulder shattered upon impact, sending many smaller boulders in every direction. Trixie began to duck for cover before a light blue screen appeared before her and reflected the rocks heading her way. Luna laughed as some bounced off her body harmlessly, being much larger and tougher than her apprentice physically.

Still trying to impress her student in a nonchalant fashion, Luna looked up to the sky and channeled her power again. Trixie watched her mentor’s eyes glow white right before jumping at the boom of thunder. Whereas the early night sky had been clear before, now clouds lined it and lightning was striking down threateningly.

Luna called off the storm while Trixie tried to act as if she hadn’t been scared a moment before, “Combat and elemental.”

The princess groaned as she thought about the least fun of the many skills she had accrued over her long life, not even having an idea about how to demonstrate them given the range of the category, “And finally, common utility.”

The thought of a certain purple coated Alicorn brought to Trixie’s mind how it felt to always be a step behind and never able to catch up.

Trixie scowled as she thought of her rival’s seemingly limitless potential and power, “I want to learn everything Twilight Sparkle knows first. Anything she can do, I want to do better.”

Luna knew that Trixie had no hope of beating Twilight at her own game, but perhaps she could give Trixie the tools she needed to work around that. After all, the act of doing a spell was not all the mattered. How Trixie implemented them was what mattered, and coupled with her impressive endurance Luna would reckon that Trixie could string a series of them together.

The princess thought about Twilight’s skillset and what she could actually teach Trixie from it, “Twilight’s knowledge is quite utility based…” after a moment the most important spell Celestia’s student could do popped in Luna’s head, “Let’s start with her most useful skill, teleportation.”

Trixie’s eyes lit up at the chance to show off. She powered up her horn and disappeared in a flash only reappear where she had been when Luna arrived. Upon reappearing she flashed Luna a toothy smile, “Like that?”

Luna fought the urge to snort at Trixie’s attempt to show off. Teleportation wasn’t actually all that high level for magic…it was taking it to the next level that was nigh impossible for magic users, “So you already have some practice. It is a useful skill to have, and when expertly applied can be an invaluable tool.”

“Stand still,” Luna ordered her student, who quickly complied in anticipation of something happening. Luna grinned at her and Trixie waited for something to happen. When nothing did, Trixie glanced around to see if her teacher was actually doing anything. Luna was still just grinning at her…

…from where Trixie had been. Trixie looked down at her hooves and then around her to find that she had swapped places entirely with her teacher. Luna was still looking at her smugly, having simultaneously teleported Trixie and herself to their opposing places. Not the hardest trick she could do, but it would no doubt leave an impression.

Now that Trixie had realized the swap Luna spoke, “When I am done with you, you’ll be able to teleport through walls and across great distances. But it will take some time to learn everything there is to it, and so for now we will focus on succession and repetition of teleportation.”

Trixie’s laugh was nervous and forced as she teleported to Luna’s side again, “I can barely teleport twice in a row without a headache…”

Luna noticed Trixie wobble a bit upon arriving at her side, and took this moment to roll her own eyes playfully, “And that is why we practice. Your endurance should help once you grow more used to the act as a whole.”

Luna quickly teleported on top of one of the boulders so she could look down at her student from a distance, “Now, your goal is to catch me. I will make no movements except teleportation. Are you ready?”

Trixie nodded and prepared herself to teleport at the first signal that she could. She had no doubt she would be unable to catch her teacher, but she would do her best before throwing in the inevitable towel.

At the sight of Trixie’s horn glowing Luna gave the command, “Go.”

Trixie charged towards the rock before teleporting on top, not magically powerful enough to jump the same distance Luna had. Upon reaching the top she found herself alone. She started looking around for Luna before her teacher’s voice called out to her from the place Trixie has started.

“Over here,” Luna called lazily as Trixie hopped off the large boulder and to the ground, at which point the increasingly tired student teleported forward as fast and far as she could.

Luna smirked at Trixie as the apprentice reappeared, her student having come up short of where Luna had been. Not that she was still there, now being on the roof of the building where she took a seat while speaking to Trixie from her new perch, “Missed.”

Trixie could tell just how much she was being played with, but that did not stop the now stumbling mare from teleporting the twelve feet up in the air she needed to get to Luna’s spot.

Only, she was too late once again. Luna was sitting on the lawn beneath as Trixie struggled to keep herself upright from how tired and dizzy she felt, “Too slow.”

Trixie moved to teleport again, but Luna could see that her student did not have it in her to do so. She was too busy keeping her stomach in line, and it was a losing battle.

“Oh dear,” Luna whispered to herself.

The training session promptly ended when Trixie lost her lunch on top of the roof right before slipping and falling down. Luna utilized her teleportation to go underneath where Trixie was falling, catching her student on her back.

Luna shifted Trixie on her back so that she was more secure. There was little chance her student was feeling up to walking at that point, so Luna planned to carry her, “Plan on not eating before these sessions, okay?”

“But…I…gotcha…” Trixie mumbled directly before she fainted from her magical exertion. Despite the strain even this medium level spell put Trixie under, Luna had to give credit where it was due. Trixie had teleported about a half dozen times when she mentioned that two used to be an issue. For one month of work her student was shaping up quite well.

Luna could not help also but be amused by Trixie’s fake ‘victory’, although she did have to admit if Trixie was not completely wrecked physically after her exercise she would have indeed won right then by tricking her mentor. Instead it was Luna who had caught Trixie.

“Let’s go get you cleaned up before dinner,” Luna whispered to her now snoring student.

“Got you!”

Luna had been about to taunt Trixie playfully again when her student psyched her out by teleporting twice in rapid succession, once towards where Luna had been and a second time to where she actually was. Trixie beamed at her teacher happily, proud of herself for succeeding finally in the task.

For her part, Luna was surprised. She did not expect Trixie to pick the spell up so easily, although her prior knowledge likely had something to do with it. The texts she had lent Trixie likely had something to do with it as well, but her student had improved quite greatly regardless. Improvement was improvement, no matter the reason or source.

“I am impressed. It only took you two weeks to improve enough to catch up to me.”

As Trixie continued to smile proudly, Luna took note of how heavily her student was breathing. Now that the spell was not too hard for her, Trixie was able to use it as often as she would like. With her large pool of endurance this was not much of an issue so long as she remembered not to overtax herself. Overexertion was possible for a unicorn to do, and it could even be deadly if they pushed themselves too far.

Luna kneeled down to Trixie’s level and gave her a reassuring smile, wanting her student to know that she was indeed proud of her, “Always remember your limits, but be sure to push them in order to make progress.”

Trixie took in a deep breath. She had to teleport fourteen times to catch Luna that day, and the effort had left her completely winded. The range of the teleportation had increased as did the speed, for Luna had increased the test’s difficulty the more they did it. The fourteen she did were far more difficult than the ones she had originally done, and yet she found them easier to do as a whole.

After expelling her breath Trixie gave her teacher an affirmative nod, “Right.”

Luna stood up to her full height and turned around to leave the courtyard, motioning with a yank of the head for Trixie to follow, “I think you have mastered this skill well enough for now. It is time we expand your powers in another way.”

“Where are we going, princess?” Trixie questioned as she fell into step beside Luna.

“I will be taking you to a master of illusions and tricks,” Luna chuckled as she tried thinking what an Asgardian Trixie would look like, “Luckily for you, going through the Bifrost does not transform you.”

Trixie rose a single brow in confusion, not knowing of any great pony illusionist, “Who are we seeing?”

“My lover, Loki. He can be an insufferable child at times, but I have a feeling you two will get along regardless.”

The prospect of meeting her princess’s lover who was rumored to have been the one who let the Changelings into Canterlot a second time…worried Trixie to say the slightest.

Luna could sense Trixie’s apprehension and thought of something that the two shared in common. It took only moments for the princess to come up with one such thing, “If it gives you any comfort, he hates Blueblood as well. While Loki was here he and I had quite the time pranking the arrogant foal.”

Despite the prospect of working more that day while being tired in addition to meeting someone new, Trixie found herself kind of looking forward to the trip and smiling at the prospect.

“I like him already.”

Loki was not surprised to hear hooves trotting towards his door. After all, Luna was under no obligation to transform every time she visited. What surprised him was that the trotting was quieter and also accompanied by footsteps that he recognized as Luna’s.

Because of this confusion Loki was sitting upright and prepared for whatever would walk through his door when Luna and Trixie arrived. Luna was in her Asgardian body while Trixie was still in her equine form, feeling very self conscious around so many unfamiliar beings who were even riding horses around.

Because of this nervousness Trixie partially hid behind Luna as her mentor opened and entered Loki’s room. Luna was not about to let Trixie be sheepish around Loki of all people, so she stepped out of the way and introduced the pony was in full sight.

“Loki, this is my student, Trixie Lulamoon.”

Loki looked at the blue horse blankly, revealing no thought or emotion as he observed the pony who stood in his doorway.

Trixie gave Loki an awkward smile and a bow to show respect to what Luna had explained was a foreign prince, as well as her lover, “It is a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

So this small thing was what was occupying Luna’s time these days?

Still, Luna would not have taken anything less than useful as an apprentice, so Loki could fathom that despite appearances that this mare could have some potential.

Loki brought out his own smile with all the joking facetiousness that it entailed.

“Oh, don’t say that just yet. I could be wicked for all you know.”

Luna approached Loki while laughing at his attitude, “He jests,” she eyed him carefully before giving him a peck on the check, “Partially.”

Trixie’s nervousness continued through a laugh, still not sure if she should be worried about this man. The only thing keeping her from freaking out completely was her teacher’s reassurance, and even that was a bit shaky.

Luna could sense Trixie’s nerves, but her apprentice would have to learn to have a bit of a backbone if she was ever to move up in the world. Luna turned from Loki and walked up to Trixie, giving her a pat on the head before heading out the door.

“Now, you two have fun and do your best to learn something Trixie, since you will need his tricks in the coming months.”

Luna closed the door behind herself, leaving the two to work alone in privacy. She had cleared this with Loki a bit back and so he knew what to do, although he was not used to teaching magic much like Luna was not. It would be a learning experience for both him and Trixie.

Still seated on his bed, Loki gestured for Trixie to approach him, “Tell me, what do you know of illusions?”

Trixie took a couple steps forward, but mostly kept her distance from across the room, “Not much, really. I haven’t done any before…at least correctly.”

Loki nodded and nonchalantly cast an illusion of himself getting up and walking over to her while masking his real body so that it was invisible, “It is good she brought you here in your equine form. It would be even more difficult to learn in a transformed state.”

To her credit, Trixie was wary of the illusion and gave it a poke with a hoof as it reached her. Loki nodded at her perception, glad that she was circumspect of him given what knowledge she had of his skills.

Loki dispelled the illusory him and stood up for real, “I think a better demonstration is in order to begin.”

The large but empty room became filled with copies of Loki, none of which appeared different in any way. Loki was breaking out the big guns with this one, intent on both showing his prowess to his temporary student and also showing that she has a long way to go to get on his level.

“Tell me, which of these is the real me?”

Trixie bit her lip as she looked around the room, completely unsure which actually was Loki. She only knew that it was not the one who was where he had originally been. While doing his illusion there had been a brief flash Trixie recognized as Luna’s method of teleportation, only with a green flicker rather than a black and blue one.

“It could be any of them. You teleported when you cast the spell because it would be pointless to cast if you did not also move.”

Loki, despite himself, found himself grinning. The mare was indeed competent.

Maybe he wouldn’t be contemplating suicide after an hour of this.

Luna decided after having a nice tea table conversation with Lady Frigga to come back and see how Trixie was handling Loki. She had not wanted to be a third wheel for them, especially since her own illusion skills were paltry compared to Loki’s. He had a greater aptitude for them than her, but she was okay with that knowing that she had him beat in many other ways.

That’s one thing she liked about their partnership. They complemented each other in some ways, while they shared strengths in others.

Luna did not bother knocking on Loki’s door before entering, which may not have been the best plan as it caused Trixie to jump a bit at the sudden entrance and interrupt her current spell. Loki was unfazed by the entrance, although he was amused by the mare who had fallen on her face.

Luna peered around the door at Trixie and had trouble keeping herself from laughing, “Making progress?”

Loki shrugged, not wanting to reveal just how much he was admiring his lover’s student’s knack for this, “Seemingly. Watch.”

He looked to Trixie again before laughing at her as she finally managed to get up from her fall. Her face was bright red underneath her blue fur as she pouted at Loki.

“Don’t look at me like that! That door was merely a setback!”

Loki stifled his laughter as Luna gave him a look, but he was still laughing on the inside. Trixie ignored him and began channeling her magic again.

After a few moments a blue and blurry illusion appeared next to Trixie, but it quickly disappeared as her spell failed. She was still flustered and her attention was scattered, especially since she was now demonstrating her new spell to Luna.

Loki knelt down and put an arm around Trixie, “Oh come now, you were doing it just fine a moment ago. Don’t be nervous now that she’s back.”

Luna smiled over to Trixie in an attempt to help soothe her nerves and it did have some effect, for Trixie managed to gather her concentration and use her remaining strength to create a second, albeit fake, Trixie in the room.

Luna continued to smile as her student proved that her special talent was indeed magic, “Very good, Trixie. I have to say I was not expecting you to have learned the technique in a single afternoon.”

Loki smiled proudly down to Trixie as he stood up, “She requires practice, but the foundation is there for you to continue this path of study.”

Trixie poked her hoof at the floor and mumbled her thanks to Loki. Luna too wanted to show her appreciation for his effort, and so she crossed the room to embrace him.

“Thank you.”

Loki returned it just in time to catch her lips on his own. Meanwhile, Trixie uncast her illusion and continued to sit where she had been, not sure what to do as the two older adults did their making out session right next to her.

“I can, um, leave if you want…”

Luna pulled back from Loki and laughed to herself, having momentarily forgotten about the whole Trixie sitting right there thing, “Oh don’t be silly. You’ll be staying here and practicing for the rest of the day while I go out. I was just checking in.”

To Loki’s dismay Luna waved goodbye and left the two to get back to work.

As hot and cold as Luna could be, Loki wouldn’t have it any other way. He snorted as his lover shut the door behind herself and he looked down to Trixie with a smirk, “She’s something, isn’t she?”

Trixie went back to poking the ground with a hoof and looking at it as well, not wanting to risk the chance of her teacher possibly overhearing her.

Loki rolled his eyes and scoffed, “Oh you’re no fun. Where did we leave off?”

After having what had to have been gallons of alcohol for how much her head hurt after the feast Volstagg and Fandral dragged her off to, Luna was sure of two things. One, she would be sticking to fine wine from there on out and only on special occasions. And two, she needed to lay down and sleep as soon as possible.

Luna stumbled into Loki’s room in the early hours of the morning with the intention of the latter. First though, even drunk, Luna had her regular priorities as well.

“Wheress is Trixie?” she slurred to Loki, who was seated at his reading table in the now dark room.

Loki sighed as he pointed to his bed, where Luna soon noticed that someone was sleeping. Or rather, somepony. On top of his sheets was a ball of blue curled up fur.

Luna had no way of filtering her mind at seeing Trixie like that, “Oh how adowable. Did you put her there when she got sleepy?”

Loki could smell the alcohol off of Luna, and he honestly wish he had some himself. It would help with explaining how he let a small equine steal his bed.

The prince gripped his temple as he thought back only a few minutes, “She was so tired while mixing illusions and teleporting that she ended up on the bed by accident. Of course, after feeling the soft sheets, she decided to get more comfortable and what you see before you happened.”

Luna stumbled over to the bed, at which point she drunkenly fell on it and began laughing softly.

The princess crawled over her passed out pupil and took refuge on the far side of the bed, glad to be able to lay down at last as she yawned, “If you don’t want her there why, hic, don’t you kicka her off?”

Loki suddenly realized that he was now faced with two females who were stealing his bed. Luna would be enough of an issue given her alcohol, but her student as well...

“I thought I’d make you do it. Your student after all.”

To his further dismay Luna only laughed at him while pulling his silk sheets over Trixie and wrapping her arms around the still sleeping student, “She’s too precious to move though.”

“You coming?”

Loki’s face went to his palms. He would never let her go out and get this drunk again, “You can not be serious.”

“Of coursh I am.”

Looking first at the sleeping horse and then at the transformed drunk horse, Loki weighed his options.

He could stay up the rest of the night, but it was not like he could just leave the two of them. He was confined to his room after all. Furthermore, Luna probably needed someone to watch over her given just how drunk she was…

He got up and approached the bed while groaning. He would hate himself in the morning for this if he did not hate himself for this instantly.

He crawled on the bed, making sure to be as far from the blue fur ball as he could and not fall off, “The things I do for love.”

Drunk Luna was loving every moment of it though, “Oh come on, it’sh just one night.”

Loki tugged a blanket off Trixie, “When you said you were getting a student I did not know you had signed adoption papers.”

Luna stuck her tongue out at him from across the bed, “Oh ha-ha.”

“She couldn’t have taken your side?”

“Stahp complaining and go to sleep.”

Author's Note:

So, let me know what you think in the comments below! I'm going to start my work on rewriting the earlier chapters tomorrow, so next update will be a little slow.

(Comments are :heart:)

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