• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,164 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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Some Things Won't Fade

A/N: Special thanks to chaos5367, King Sombrony, Killabyte, Ketvirtas, New Spark, Mutie Genic, Arcane Visions, FleetlordAvatar, PhantomPhoenix, White Dragon, Drgnwolf, MoonSparkle The Vampony, Evowizard25, The Batmane of equestria, gakuseiakira, and KillerCookie123 for your comments last chapter! It is great comments like those that keep me writing at such a fast pace! Thank you, and I hope to continue hearing from you all!

Chapter title now brought to you by Stephanie's "Friends"

Who here is ready for something I bet you all have been waiting for quite awhile? I'd love to hear what you have to think afterwards in the comments, and remember, comments are :heart:!

“My fur is back?”

When Luna woke in the early afternoon the following day she was met by a curious sight. The damage incurred on her fur coat had disappeared, with no noticeable pieces or tufts of fur missing.

Her question roused Loki, who was drifting the line between sleep and consciousness. He had gotten up before she woke to dismiss the guards who were there to watch him carefully, and after humiliating them he found that he was left without their ever so vigilant gaze.

Loki yawned while gaining his bearings, “A simple trick I have practiced over the years. Lady Sif’s current head of raven hair is my doing after all.”

So now even her cosmetic damage was fixed. Luna brought her comparatively large head over to Loki and rubbed it on his chest, “Thank you.”

Loki grinned as he brought his arms around her black head, bringing one through her ethereal blue hair. He always had been intrigued by the mane with its odd consistency, something she shared seemingly exclusively with her elder sibling.

After stroking her head and hair for some time he paused, remembering why she was actually there at the moment. She had not been in any actual danger when she arrived, but the other one she brought with her was not in quite as good shape, “You should see your student.”

The mention of Trixie roused Luna completely from the fatigue associated with waking up. She had rested enough and needed to see her student, “I shall. Will you be okay wasting away in your room?”

With Loki only being allowed there to see Luna, he knew he would have to depart after she got up. However, he had one last thing to impart with Luna before doing so, “I am better now that I know you are fine.”

Out of his pockets Loki drew a silver necklace of the same style Luna would wear. His taking of her necklace before had proven useful, even if he had misplaced it somewhere and could not find it.

Luna brought her head back to observe what he was trying to show her. Her eyes narrowed as she observed the craftsmanship of it, though they were soon drawn to the blue gem that sat in the center. It was carved into the shape of a snowflake, though the color of it was blue more akin to her student’s blue coat than the common white.

“What is this, Loki?”

Loki had made sure the metal used for the necklace was susceptible to magic, and thus amorphous and prone to be manipulated by its bearer. It was not a chain necklace like those one could find at any regular jewelry store, but rather a solid and thick band that not only took influence from Luna’s regular jewelry, but that of her Nightmare Moon form that she now was trapped in.

Loki placed the necklace over Luna’s head as she continued to observe it, “This is my gift to you. I have one of my own.”

Reaching into his shirt, Loki pulled out a chain that had a similar trinket of his own. Pitch black instead of his usual gold, matching Luna’s regular color choice, with the same blue gem at the front though that was carved into a crescent moon like what one could find on Luna’s body

As realization of the meaning behind the different shapes struck Luna, Loki gave a nervous cough, “A trinket I had retrieved from our vaults and had shaped.”

Luna observed Loki’s before looking down to her own. They were matching gems, likely cut from the same rock, though each held a symbol that held meaning to them both. Loki held Luna’s own mark, though Luna held a snowflake…

Was Loki coming to terms with his true parentage? Luna had little doubt he would have not even dared write that he was a Frost Giant when they first met, no less made an emblem that displayed it completely.

Not about to assume, Luna cleared her throat, “Does it hold a certain meaning?”

Loki dodged her question by answering it in another way, “The color it shows you is the condition of the other wearer. This blue means I am fine and not in any sort of real pain at the moment. It should also give an emotional response from the other bearer, telling you how they are feeling.”

Luna glanced down at her own and then looked at Loki again. She cold feel that he was nervous in a way more than just reading his body expressions. She was feeling his feelings, just as he likely would be feeling hers.

She wanted to cry. This was quite possibly one of the nicest gifts she had ever received.

Loki went on as Luna continued to observe the stones, “Furthermore, so long as nothing interferes with the stones they will allow us to speak telepathically. A useful tool for coordinating visits. You only need channel your magic into the stone.”

“Thank you Loki,” a scary thought crossed her mind about the way these stones supposedly functioned, “What happens if someone else puts it on, other than I? Would you know?”

“You can feel my well being, yes? From what I have learned of these stones, there would be a shift if someone else were to wear it. You would know, as would I.”

Luna leaned in again to bring her lips to his. She would express gratitude to him more later, but this was not the place for that, “Thank you Loki.”

Loki turned his head away from her, but she could actually feel how flustered he was, “Consider it an engagement gift. Now, if I am not wrong, you have someone else to see.”

Luna ruffled his hair playfully while rising from her makeshift bed, “I will see you later, my prince.”

Without any further words the two lovers parted ways. They would have time together later, and talking would seemingly no longer be an issue with the gift Loki had granted her.

Luna was easily able to find Trixie in one of the other medical rooms in the castle subsection. Her apprentice was laying on a table with an aura of sorts surrounding her. Trixie was making no movements and her eyes remained shut, seemingly still caught in her comatose state.


Luna sighed as she approached the sleeping student. Seeing her in such a state was tearing at Luna’s heart due to her own guilt in the matter. Luna had no idea what the full context behind Trixie’s mindset was, but whatever had happened to her in the past put her on the brink of breaking down. And Luna pushed her off that edge.

The only doctor in the room, Eir, went on her way at seeing Luna enter. She could tell when two beings needed a moment alone, even if one was not conscious for it.

As Eir left, Luna sat down next to Trixie’s resting place. She had done everything she could to help Trixie, yet despite her control over dreams she could not wake Trixie. To not be able to help her student in her time of need was hurting Luna inside as much as causing her to be in this situation.

Luna brought a hoof up to touch Trixie’s face, but cringed back before actually doing so, “When I took you in I did so with selfish reasons. But you…”

She looked down to her new necklace and stroked it with the hoof she meant to touch Trixie with, “You helped me realize something about myself. I cannot continue to give in to my darker tendencies, no matter the effect my form is having on me. You would not be in this position if I had not pushed you so hard. Had not spurned you in such a petty manner.”

Luna lowered the hoof and instead lowered her head onto the table Trixie rested on. The light aura around it all felt soothing to enter, but Luna ignored it entirely as she brought her face to Trixie’s side. Once touching, she rubbed her head on the soft fur there. It was no longer scraggly and unkempt like it had been when Trixie was first taken in by Luna, and it appeared Loki had done more than fix just Luna’s own coat.

While resting her head there Luna sighed guiltily, “I wanted to have you in reserve should I ever need a replacement in Equestria. I will not have a foal capable of that for many years, so taking a pre-made ambitious soul seemed to be the simple solution. Now though…”

Luna retreated her head and winced at the sight of her student’s nearly motionless body, the only movement at all coming from the small rise and fall of her chest, “Just wake up. I need you just as I need Loki. Just as I need my sister.”

Luna brought her lips down to Trixie’s cheek to give her an affectionate peck, “Please come back to me.”

On her way to visit Loki in a more private manner, Luna decided to first take some time and appreciate the setting she found herself in. The castle was quite beautiful, as were the various courtyards to be found both in and around it. She could appreciate it, unlike her own home, even if she was forced to assume a humanoid form to avoid weird looks.

In her short wander someone sought her out though, and Luna soon found her peaceful walk interrupted by a man with a scowl on his face.

“I have heard word that you and your student have come across a beast that nearly slew you both. Is this true?”

Luna cared not how Thor came across the information. She was only glad that his rage was not directed at her, nor was the dangerous hammer Mjolnir that was held in his hand, “Yes, it is. My student is recovering at the moment, but I have already recovered with my greater constitution.”

Thor was clenching his weapon with protective anger, having grown furious after hearing that such harm had befallen one of his family and one of his friends, “May I inquire as to where this beast is? I care to have words with it.”

Luna rolled her eyes as she paced around the courtyard Thor had found her in. It was the one she had defeated the Warriors Three on their own terms of combat, much similar to how Trixie had slain both Ursas on their own turf, “My student slew both it and the beast’s kin.”

Thor’s anger drained almost completely at Luna’s words. His face was instead flushed with confusion, the warrior bewildered by the statement just made. He had to make sense of it, “How large did you say these bears were?”

Luna glanced around while shrugging, not actually knowing the precise sizes of the Ursas other than knowing they were far larger than even her, “The smaller one was larger than this courtyard I would estimate.”

Thor nodded blankly. Having seen the small size of Luna’s apprentice, the idea that she could be so powerful was not clicking. Furthermore, the fact that this was an apprentice and not the master blew his mind away even more, “And you are more powerful than this apprentice of yours?”

Having seen Trixie’s ineffective blasts of magic, followed up by her own utter annihilation of the Manticore, Luna laughed with some pride, “By multiple magnitudes, yes.”

There was one last piece of this puzzle Thor had to solve. He honestly was becoming more and more impressed with Loki’s significant other, “And Loki is fine with you being this much more powerful than he?”

While physically and magically stronger than her precious Loki, there was some concessions of strength she could make to Loki, “He is more crafty than I, I suppose, so he makes up for it in other ways.”

Thor clenched his fist on the hammer he had once been forced to use against his own brother, “He did outsmart us both.”

Luna did not like the turn in the conversation, so she purposefully turned it back to a more lighthearted route, “That leaves the question, warrior, of who may win if we were to come to blows. I may be a leader, but rumor has it that ruling has not made your father any less of a warrior.”

“It is no rumor,” Thor assured as his grip loosened, “If we are to see who is the strongest between us, I will propose a wager.”

The mention of a bet piqued Luna’s interest. She was not too fond of gambling, rather preferring direct things, but there could be exceptions made especially in cases where she could not lose.


Thor pointed his hammer at Luna’s humanoid form with a broad grin, “If you defeat me in combat I will permit you to accompany my warriors and I on our expeditions. Loki has recommended your assistance, but I desire to test your abilities first.”

Simple enough, though Luna knew she had already proven herself superior to his warriors so there was no real need to prove herself superior to him, “And if you win?”

“I will permit you to accompany my warriors and I on our expeditions, only I will ride you into battle.”

The serious look on Thor’s face told Luna that he was completely serious, even if he was smirking like an idiot.

Luna was not afraid of losing to him, and so the humiliating prospect of what losing meant did not even factor into her decision, “Loki will kill you. So when do we start?”

“Young woman, I would have a word with you before you engage in this activity.”

Both Luna and Thor turned to the side where Frigga had called to Luna. Frigga did not have a negative expression despite her words, and instead she was smiling. Luna had a feeling Frigga had spoken to Loki, but she would keep that suspicion to herself for the moment.

Luna parted ways with Thor to approach Frigga by the side of the small courtyard, “Yes milady?”

Frigga’s smile waned as she replied, “My sons both have had the idea that you can assist Thor in his travels, though I must say I am hesitant to allow this.”

Luna rolled her eyes. She was an intelligent adult, not some child, “I assume you have spoken with Loki. Are you afraid that I am being as foolish as my sister?”

“Correct on both counts.”

Luna scoffed, keeping her voice down low enough to keep the conversation between them, “I will be fine, trust me. I believe Loki and I will be dialing those activities down with my busier schedule these nights.”

Frigga felt she could trust Luna’s judgment, more than either of her sons at least, so she ceded to her, “Very well then. Do your best to defeat Thor, for his sake. I do not want his drinks to end up poisoned.”

The response she received was near hysterical laughter, “Oh do not worry. I have a feeling he will not even touch me with that hammer of his,” Luna calmed herself to continue on, “Practicing with Loki and my apprentice has granted me insight on how to use my own talents more wisely.”

Frigga could sense the pain associated with the mention of Luna’s student, “Your apprentice is doing fine. Do not worry, she is in the best care she could hope to have.”

Despite the failure of their last operation, Luna pondered the possibility of having Frigga help Trixie with her access to archaic texts and their magic, “I am worried about how she has not awakened yet. Can you do what you can for her with your texts?”

Frigga felt that she should bring up her own feelings of guilt to help alleviate Luna’s feelings of sorrow and self blame, “Of course. I must apologize that your procedure helped lead to this. It is my fault that I could not come up with some better solution”

Luna brought a hand to Frigga’s shoulder and smiled sadly down at the shorter woman, “Do not blame yourself, milady. There were many forces that brought us to this point.”

She received a sad smile in return, Frigga not feeling fully absolved of her own guilt but accepting that she had done what she could, “I will continue looking for a cure to your form. However, I will also see if there is any way I can help your student.”

Luna felt a piece of the weight on her shoulders disappear with Frigga’s words. Her future mother in-law speaking about Trixie brought back memories of when Frigga first saw Trixie, leading Luna to laugh despite her own tension, “You know, when you mistook her for my child, you were wrong. You would be correct now.”

Frigga rose an eyebrow, prodding Luna to go on. With a long breath Luna looked back to Thor, who was standing around patiently for them to finish talking, and took Frigga’s silent inquiry.

“Nearly dying made me realize how much she meant to me. It also gave her the motivation to tell me that…”

This time it was Frigga to bring a hand to Luna’s shoulder, all the while giving her a supportive glance, “Taking one in as your own is not an easy or simple task. It requires you to open your heart more than you may be comfortable with. Do you consider yourself ready for that burden?”

Luna paused momentarily, unsure how to respond. The pendant on her chest was emitting feelings of concern, undoubtedly Loki’s response to whatever vibes of sorrow she was feeling at the moment. Frigga had taken him in and cared for him like her own son despite his belonging to an entire other race, one that was their racial enemy no less. She had loved Loki and gave him the support few others would.

Luna could do that for Trixie, the mare believed, since Trixie so desperately needed it. Furthermore, Luna felt as if Trixie brought out the best in her much like Loki would and how Celestia could on occasion. She could at least repay that.

“I do,” Luna affirmed with a determined countenance. Frigga gently smiling at her softened her resolve though, and Luna let slip an insecurity she held, “In this one particular way, at least.”

Frigga did not press the issue, instead taking a step back, “Well I will keep you no longer. I wish you well, and good luck in your contest with my son.”

Luna gave the queen a bow farewell, “Good day, milady. Though I must say a contest would be a battle between two equals, with a chance of winning on each side.”

The absolute, overwhelming pride Luna was radiating made Frigga both roll her eyes as well as be amused, “I can see how Loki adores you so.”

With that final note she departed, leaving Luna behind with Thor for their playful match. Luna approached Thor with a confident smirk to mask her inner turmoil, something Thor was unable to see through as he returned the smile.

Luna stretched out her arms as she summoned the same protective gear that she wore in her previous battle, “So, will there be any limitations on my magic?”

Thor held his arms out and shook his head, his hammer still in one hand, “None at all. I only ask that you do nothing dangerous, permanent, or fatal.”

“Oh what’s the fun in that?” Luna joked with a small laugh. Thor may be a bit boisterous, but there were worse things in the world. She was not known for being the least audacious pony after all.

“We begin on the count of three,” Thor noted, to which Luna nodded.


Luna wondered if she should finish it instantly or let him play around a bit.


His feelings might be hurt if he was defeated too easily…


But, then again, it might send a nice message to show that brute force could not overcome her powerful magic.

As he yelled the last number Thor rose his hammer towards the sky, and soon enough a dark cloud began to form. Loki had spoken of Thor’s elemental affinity with electricity, but she had not had the chance to observe it in action outside the brief glimpse of his usage of it against Stark on Midgard.

Still, summoning dark clouds and the electricity that would follow was something Luna prided herself in. It was something she was good at, as well as something she realized Trixie was capable of doing in retrospect.

“Hey, that is my trick,” she pouted, not moving as Thor continued to channel his attack. She would let him have this even if she didn’t like it, even if only to use it to humiliate him later.

“Forgive me, but it is one of my two,” Thor bellowed over the cackling of the thunder above him. He was honestly surprised Luna was doing nothing to stop him, but that only convinced him that she was up to something nefarious.

Luna took a page out of Loki’s, and now Trixie’s, book and filled the entire courtyard with illusionary clones of herself, “Well, if we are trading tricks, I welcome you to one of your brother’s.”

Finished gathering energy in the sky, Thor called the electricity down to his hammer as a conductor. He would send out a shockwave that would hit all the illusions at once and dispel them, revealing the real Luna, “Too bad for you I have long since learned how to handle this one.”

Or rather, he would have done that if Luna had not tugged his arm and thus hammer out of the way with her telekinesis, much as Trixie would have suggested. His metal armor became the new conductor and Thor shook violently as the power he was about to use surged through him.

“Sorry, what was that?” Luna scoffed as he fell to his knees and hands.

“Tricky. Loki would be proud,” Thor coughed out as he tried to gather himself. His very own technique had been turned on him with the slightest amount of effort, and now he looked quite the fool on his knees.

Despite the pain of the strike, Thor found his way onto his feet. He was strong enough to fell opponents in a single blow, and tough enough to take quite a few of those same hits. His own power would not be the end of him.

Now standing in a sea of Lunas, Thor boldly boasted, “This is but the beginning.”

“Sadly it is also the end,” Luna’s voice called out in a chorus.

Before Thor could react in any way he found his feet slipping from underneath him. The patch of grass he had been standing on had changed to ice, a technique Luna had picked up from Loki without having quite the same affinity. The ice was only the beginning as Luna called forth yet another element, summoning a torrent of rain from the cloud Thor had created.

The water drenched Thor before Luna used her magic to create a multitude of clouds, all of which had one purpose—striking the wet metal that Thor was wearing with as great power as they had been granted.

Luna knew that Thor could survive the strike so she let him sizzle for a moment before calling off the attack and letting him drop to the ground like a complete fool. She was not just going to let somepony one up her on her own domain of magic after all, so lesson learned.

Thor was not even unconscious from the brutal strike, but he had difficulty rising from it nonetheless, “I believe this battle goes to you, milady. I know when I am outmatched.”

Luna offered him a hand to assist him up, which the silver clad man took, “Perhaps you would fare better against my normal powers. However, I still won, so let me know when you require the extra hoof in your battles. I daresay I can contribute.”

“We could leave as soon as this night. I just need to…consult the healers. Nothing more,” Thor lied, his face twitching as another shock rippled through him.

Luna rolled her eyes at his attempt at bravado, knowing he would likely need to sleep this off that night, “Thank you for the offer, but I have a kingdom of my own to return to. My sister is expecting a child now, and so I have more duties to take care of than previously.”

Thor pretended to be disappointed, knowing full well that he was probably burnt underneath the majority of his armor, “Very well then.”

“I am going to say my goodbyes to your family. Then I will depart, though do reach out to me the moment there is any update on my protégé’s health.”

Thor shrugged off another current of electricity before holding a hand out for Luna to shake, hoping to possibly pass it off to her, “Of course. Farewell, milady. It has been quite the pleasure to see just how you keep my brother in line.”

Luna only nodded to him before leaving, not taking his obvious bait, “That is not my only method of persuasion, but it helps.”

In an attempt to surprise him, Luna teleported directly into Loki’s room and onto his bed. She had anticipated him being in his chair by his desk or at the reading table, but instead found herself teleporting directly on top of him.

Sitting on his chest and looking towards his feet, Luna giggled, “Loki.”

“Dear,” he whispered through his crushed lungs. He had not expected her sudden appearance, nor the way she would just arrive on top of him.

Luna turned herself around and moved herself from his chest to his lap, “We should speak more concerning last night’s subject.”

Loki grunted as she made him even more uncomfortable, “Is this anything to do with the stray you have taken under your wing?”

Luna gave him a small smile while using her magic to make sure the door was closed, “Trixie needs me. I have begun to prime her to take my place in Equestria should I take court here. That was the purpose of taking her in, at least at first.”

As Luna removed her armor with the same magic Loki felt his discomfort shift, “Now you care for her. The pony who you desired to manipulate as your tool.”

Luna leaned down to peck him on the lips before craning back up, “Yes. I could not leave Equestria in Celestia’s hooves, especially with the two inexperienced princesses she has instated in my thousand year absence. Though, now I suppose I want what is best for Trixie, and I can think of no greater success than going from destitution to royalty.”

Loki closed his eyes and moved his hands to wrap around Luna’s back as best as he could, “You and my father have something in common.”

“As a stray yourself, do you have any hypocritical objections?” Luna half-joked and half-threatened as she placed her own palms on his green clothed chest.

There were a million things that could go wrong with Luna bringing a pony this close to them, but Loki knew it was not a fight he would win and not one he should even fight given his own upbringing, “Luna, try as you might, she is no foal. You may shape her, but be careful. There may always be a demon laying within the past that could derail your intentions, as good as they may be now.”

Luna shifted herself back and then a little forward while a contemplative look crept upon her face, “Do you think me vile for manipulating her, despite only wishing the best for her?”

“Perhaps before, not that I am one to judge, but most certainly not now. I cannot tell if you are taking after me, or if your transformation is what has made you so controlling,” Loki admitted with a strained voice.

Luna ran a hand down her body slowly to toy with him, “You think ill of this form?”

Loki closed his eyes to spare himself of the torment, “I am fine with the physical form itself. Your mental state is what I am worried for. Do remember that you were the kinder, gentler one not too long ago.”

“I remember,” Luna whispered through clenched teeth, “Please believe me when I say I am trying to cure this sickness. My last attempt nearly ended with me dying while only curing a fraction of it.”

There was no simple response Loki could think of to that, so he left Luna to continue doing her thing.

Luna laughed weakly as she did just that, “Weirdly enough, even with my powers having returned, I feel the loss I have suffered. That minimal part missing from me is aching, and I have this urge to fill it now that I can notice it.”

Loki was the second that day to raise a brow at her, “Addicted to your power, are you?”

“That could be it…I do not know. I have no true experience with the addiction outside of these dark powers, which I craved for a great while when they were removed. Even then though it felt…different.”

Loki moved a hand to touch her gently, “Addictions have ruined the strongest of individuals. I will speak with mother about tending to your own should it persist throughout your treatment.”

“You are really sweet when you care to be Loki,” Luna purred playfully.

“I feel that we have been sidetracked.”

Luna snickered as she shifted again on top of him, “Accept your praise when I give it, my prince.”

He stared blankly at her in anticipation of the previous topic. Seeing that she could not get a verbal rise out of him, Luna gave in, “So, if I officially take Trixie in, will you join me in supporting her?”

Loki closed his eyes again to try and think despite Luna’s teasing. He was still unsure about this whole matter, but he knew where Luna stood on it and he intended to support her despite whatever reservations he might hold. Nothing he said or did would change her mind after all, not without making her hate him at least.

“I cannot promise that she will be a daughter to me. I know her only from our brief experience together,” he breathed before conceding more, “If my mother could, though, I suppose I could try my own hand at letting a stranger into my world.”

Having gotten the answer she sought, Luna was ready to move on.

“Thank you Loki.”

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading, and I hope to hear what you thought in the comments below! Remember, comments are :heart: and help updates be faster!

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