• Published 11th May 2013
  • 9,318 Views, 1,082 Comments

Denuo Fortuna - Firecaller

She was a unicorn on the run. She needed somewhere to hide, somewhere quiet and boring. The tourist pamphlet was out of date but the place sounded ideal... Ponyville

  • ...

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Chapter 8 - Settling In - Redone

Chapter 8 - Settling In - Redone

Sunbeam blinked in confusion as she looked up at the unfamiliar ceiling.

A slow smile spread. ‘Oh yeah, -my- ceiling.’

The smile lasted for a second before she winced. “Ow, my head hurts. Okay, I admit it, Pinkie... you throw one heck of a house warming party. And once we got rid of the little ones… Ahem, I mean once the little ones were gone and Applejack’s special reserve cider came out... Ooowweee. That's some rocket juice right there girl.’

Sunbeam smiled again, then winced again. ‘Actually my head is starting to hurt quite a lot now. How much -did- I drink? I was trying not to drink too…’

Sunbeam belched and the taste of cider filled her mouth.

A second later she was dashing for the bathroom.

* * *

Sunbeam took a mouthful of water and swirled it around before spitting it out.

“Blegh! Okay, clean my teeth first, then find the painkillers.”

Opening the bathroom cabinet, she started moving things around inside it. “Where did I put the painkillers...?”

Sunbeam slumped, letting her hoof fall. “Horseapples. They're in the kitchen. Why the buck did I leave them in the kitchen?”

Weaving slightly, she made her way along the corridor and, carefully, down the stairs.

Walking past the living room, she stopped and took a hesitant step backwards, looking in with blurry eyes.

‘Okay, something is wrong with my couch. It’s the wrong colour for a start.’

Taking a few steps in, and rubbing her eyes, she was slowly able to make out some features of the ‘blue blob’ laying on her couch. A few more blinks, plus some more eye rubs, and the blur resolved itself into the vague outline of a pegasus, a pegasus with a rainbow coloured mane, laying sprawled out in a most ‘unlady-like’ manner over her couch.

Sunbeam, very gently, shook her head, feeling proud of her level of deduction. ‘And how much did -you- drink... Rainbow Dash? A bit more than me I seem to recall.” A smirk formed. “I think the academy might have some unofficial lessons going on. I do remember you not being able to walk straight, or even sing straight.’ Sunbeam’s head lowered as the smirk grew to a full smile. ‘Oh yeah. Seeing -your- hangover is gonna make mine feel so much better.’

Sunbeam raised an eyebrow and frowned. ‘Which brings us to the next question: why -are- you still here Rainbow?’ She looked up in thought for a second. ‘Oh yeah, I said you should crash here. I suppose it -is- for the best if an intoxicated pegasus doesn’t fly.’’ She gave Rainbow one last glance as she walked out of the living room. ‘Because who knows what damage a high-speed impact from a drunk pegasus could cause... and I’ve heard stories about you Rainbow. As I’ve just paid for this house, I’d prefer if it wasn’t demolished by you within the first week, thankyouverymuch. As they say: ‘friends don’t let pegasi fly drunk’. She sniggered. ‘Also called: ‘enlightened self-interest’ and...’

Sunbeam stopped, head coming up. ‘Friends?’ Her head tilted to one side as she considered the word. ‘I hardly know you Rainbow, not to mention you’re a guard, why would I say that? Okay I admit you’re likeable, and so is Applejack, Rarity seems okay, if a little over the top at times and Pinkie is…’ Sitting back on her haunches, Sunbeam rubbed her temples with both hooves. ‘...Is too much to think about right now. It’s way too early, and I’m way too hungover, to think about Pinkie right now.’

Standing up, and carrying on walking, Sunbeam snorted. ‘Or… this could be the best time to think about her. I wonder...’

Sunbeam’s train of thought was disrupted when she caught her uninjured shoulder on the doorframe which sent her careening off into the kitchen, just missing the kitchen table as she staggered around just trying to stay on her hooves before coming to a stop.

Even with all four legs spread wide, Sunbeam stood there swaying.

“Okay next time, I’ll definitely drink less.”

There was a pause before Sunbeam threw back her head. “Hah!”


As she pressed a hoof hard down on the top of her head.

“Coffee. I need some coffee to deal with this... and painkillers. And maybe some pancakes, gotta craving for pancakes right now...”

* * *

Sunbeam watched Rainbow polish off her third helping of pancakes with an open mouth as they sat at the kitchen table.

‘I’ve seen timberwolves eat with more grace.’ She glanced at the nearly empty syrup bottle. ‘And I’m glad I had some syrup -before- Rainbow decided she needed something to dip her pancakes in.’

Rainbow paused her remorseless attack on the pancakes to down some coffee.

Sunbeam shook her head, gently. “You must be a guard Rainbow. Sound asleep... yet the smell of breakfast and coffee wakes you up in an instant.”

Rainbow looked up at her and opened her mouth to say something.

Sunbeam threw her foreleg up in front of her eyes. “Close your mouth if you’re still eating!” She glanced over the leg, to make Rainbow had, before continuing. “That was just gross Rainbow! Okay, let me amend my previous statement: the smell of somepony else, cooking breakfast wakes you up in an instant.”

Rainbow smiled and dived back into her breakfast. Sunbeam picked up her coffee with both hooves and sipped it, still untrusting of her magic at this point with something so valuable.

She watched Rainbow eat. ‘Seriously, weaponize that appetite and empires would surrender. I’m gonna need to go shopping again for mix and syrup. Let’s see, I moved in, what… three days ago?’

Rainbow pushed the plate away from her.

Sunbeam watched her. ‘Don’t belch, don’t belch, please don’t… Ewwww.’

Rainbow picked up her coffee. “Thanks for breakfast Sunbeam. Mmmmm good coffee.”

Sunbeam nodded, looking into her coffee as she waited for the painkillers to kick in. “Thank you. I spent out on the coffee machine and paraphernalia. I only buy the good quality beans as well. Good coffee is a kinda a hobby of mine.”

Rainbow took another mouthful of coffee. “Oh yeah, that’s good wake-up juice. Another one of these and I’ll be ready for my morning exercise routine. Right as rain.”

Sunbeam glanced up over her coffee and pointed an accusing hoof at Rainbow. “Aren’t you hungover? You drank way more than me.”

Rainbow waved a hoof. “Nah, I don’t get hangovers.”

Sunbeam put her coffee down with a click, cradling it with both hooves. “On behalf of all those ponies that do get hangovers Rainbow... I have to officially hate you. I sorry, but It’s in the rulebook.

Rainbow waved a hoof at her as she grinned. “You're a hoot Sunbeam.” Rainbow glanced outside. “C’mon AJ would have been up for hours by now.”

“You want me to go outside this early in the… Wait! AJ would have been up for hours?” Sunbeam looked out the window. “But it’s still morning!” Sunbeam sank her face into her hooves and whimpered. “Oh no. Please don’t tell me Applejack’s a.. a… morning pony. Oh Rainbow, that’s even worse than your no-hangover thing. I had such high opinions of you all.”

Rainbow leaned back and laughed uproariously as Sunbeam shook her head, slowly, with her face in her hooves.

Rainbow eventually calmed down and slapped Sunbeam’s back, not noticing the whimper and jolt that ran through her as she did so.

“C’mon, if we hurry we can see Fluttershy first, then catch AJ as she’s sitting down to lunch. We can turn up ‘just in time’ for lunch, by accident of course. They have to offer if they have guests, it’s a point of pride to the Apple family.” Rainbow beamed at Sunbeam.

Sunbeam didn’t look up, just glad the painkillers were taking the edge off her headache, as well as the recent assault on her back.

Subtlety isn’t one of your strong points, is it Rainbow? And considering that’s coming from me...’

* * *

Rainbow flew around Sunbeam as she limped towards Fluttershy’s house, with Sunbeam silently cursing the bright daylight, and her shoulder, most of the time.

She glanced up at Rainbow.

‘Yep still talking.’

“...And apart from Fluttershy and Twilight, that’s the entire gang you’ve met. Flutters would have been at the party, but she had to stay away to look after a sick pet. I saw the note she sent to Pinkie asking to be excused from attending the party so she could look after it.”

Sunbeam raised an eyebrow. ‘I think Pinkie may take her parties a little -too- seriously.’

As they approached the door, Sunbeam looked up at Rainbow. “And Twilight?”

Rainbow blew a raspberry. “Oh she’s still up in Canterlot on ‘Princess Duties’. Lame. Oh, you better let me knock. Flutters can be a little shy.”

* * *

Sunbeam was seated on Fluttershy’s couch, with an empty cup of what had been a surprisingly tasty herbal tea in her hooves.

She was watching the bear, watching her, through the window.

‘A bear! Seriously? A bucking pet bear and -she’s- frightened of strangers?’

Whenever both Rainbow and Fluttershy looked away, it would pull its lips back and bare its fangs at her.

‘Oh I hate animals. But I’m reasonable. I’d hate them less if they hated -me- less.’

Sunbeam looked back over at Fluttershy as she came back in from her back garden, still looking quite annoyed.

She gave Sunbeam an apologetic smile. “I’m so sorry about what happened out in the garden Sunbeam. I’ve never seen them act like that before to a guest. I am most upset at them and have given them all quite a stern talking to, Angel especially. I’m sorry, but his throwing is quite accurate these days.”

Sunbeam rubbed her forehead where the nut had hit.

Rainbow muttered something under her breath.

‘Now that didn’t sound complimentary about the little furball, so I gonna have to agree with it.’

She looked back to a concerned looking Fluttershy. “Don’t worry, I’ve had much worse.” Sunbeam nodded towards her injuries.

Fluttershy stepping forward to inspect them again. “Yes, your injuries do look like they are healing up quite nicely. Did Zecora give you anything to help? Because I have something that might help if she didn’t.”

“Thanks for the offer but Zecora did give me something, even if it does smell like horseapples.”

Fluttershy smiled and picked up Sunbeam’s empty cup and turned towards the kitchen.

Sunbeam watched Fluttershy. ‘Now, by the way, you didn’t even flinch, I’m gonna guess you’ve seen stuff like this before. Humm, I wonder if you’d be any good as an off-the-record doctor? Hospitals do seem to ask all those unnecessary questions these days, like: ‘how did it happen?’

Fluttershy came back and looked at the clock on her mantelpiece.

"Well Discord should be here soon, you are welcome to stay if you want."

Rainbow groaned. "Oh no, not that creep."

"Rainbow! He's really a nice pony, I mean being, once you get to know him. You really should try and make an effort, all of you should."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "He gives me the heebie-jeebies Flutters. Do you know how long it took for me to get over the whole ‘losing my wings’ thing?" Rainbow made a point of looking at the clock. "Well anyway, look at the time, the Apple family should be sitting down to lunch soon. We really should be going Sunbeam."

Fluttershy just sighed.

Sunbeam stood up. "It was nice meeting you Fluttershy, and all your animals, even if they did run away from me.. or attack.”

Fluttershy mumbled some apology before glaring out towards her back garden.

Standing up, Sunbeam cocked an ear. ‘Did I hear a load of whimpers come from the back?’

As they walked out, the bear stood itself protectively next to Fluttershy.

As Sunbeam passed the bear, she whispered to it. “You know, griffon's like to stuff and mount their prey over their fireplaces. I think I should embrace other cultures more, if you know what I mean.”

* * *

As Fluttershy watched Rainbow fly circles around the limping unicorn there was a small pop from beside her, indicating the arrival of Discord.

"Hello Discord, I hope you've been good today."

Discord pulled a face. "Yes, I have been very dull today." He looked down the track at the backs of the departing ponies.

A smile crept over his face, getting wider and wider until the top of his head fell off.

"Please stop that." Fluttershy turned back into the front room and trotted towards the kitchen. "Would you like some tea Discord? I have some made up."

The top half of Discords head reappeared on his head. "That would be lovely my dear." His eyes remained riveted on the departing pair.

Fluttershy turned to look at him as stood outside the front door.

"I do hope you are not planning on doing anything... chaotic."

"Me? My dear, plan...?' Discord pressed his claws together and a golden ring appeared above his head. “I have no intention of doing anything so boring."

Fluttershy nodded and turned back to the kitchen.

The golden ring popped and two little red horns sprouted from his forehead. He used his talon-tips to push them back down into his forehead.

'Planning is so tedious.’ He smiled. ‘Oh, that unicorn should bring some delicious chaos to around here. And I won't have to lift a talon. How wonderful.'

He tapped the side of his chin.

‘Now, should I make the Amulet around her start working at full power. No! I think watching somepony actually work towards bringing chaos is so much sweeter. But let us expedite matters before I get too bored.'

In Golden Oaks Library, a book appeared on a shelf in the gem section and, more importantly, appeared on the inventory as well.

He rolled his eyes back so far they fell out his ears. ‘Because Twilight is sooo dull.’

"Would you like sugar today Discord?" Fluttershy called from the kitchen.

His eyes reappeared where they should be. "Not today, thank you." Discord replied. ‘Today is sweet enough as is.’

‘Now all I have to do is wait, as much as I hate that. No, if I rushed matters old Celly would get suspicious -before- Sunbeam could work out how to use her Amulet.’ The smile grew. ‘Oh no Sunbeam, Old Celly will not react well to you, not at all. Oh I so want to see her face when she realises you’re 'one of them’.’

He tapped his chin again. ‘Probably from a distance though. Celly doesn’t normally hold a grudge, but where her sister is involved...’

A very thin, very wide, mustache appeared on his face that he commenced twirling.

‘Oh Celly, you tried so very hard to get rid of all them didn’t you?’ Discord looked in the direction of Canterlot. ‘You really did blame them didn’t you, for turning Ol’ Moon-butt against you. After you’d banished her, I could feel the chaos that followed, even as a statue. The fact that some have survived...’

Discord rubbed his talons together. ‘Oh yes some glorious chaos is indeed on the horizon. To make matters even sweeter I’ve had nothing to do with it. Well, almost nothing, aside from the book thing. Now just to sit back and enjoy the show.’

There was a flash and Discord was seated in a hovering recliner-chair. A strange peaked hat sat on his head; it looked like a helmet with two deep cups attached to either side with a straw arrangement down to his mouth. He grasped a bucket of popcorn in with his talon and a small stick, with a triangular flag on it, in his paw.

He waved the flag; on one side it said 'Sunbeam of Ponyville,’, on the other: 'Icefang of the Snake Clan'.

Author's Note:

Redone on 15th January 2015.

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