• Published 11th May 2013
  • 9,318 Views, 1,082 Comments

Denuo Fortuna - Firecaller

She was a unicorn on the run. She needed somewhere to hide, somewhere quiet and boring. The tourist pamphlet was out of date but the place sounded ideal... Ponyville

  • ...

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Chapter 31- Sowing the Seeds

Chapter 31 - Sowing the Seeds

Brother Speaker calmly watched as the last set of test subjects was dragged out of the chamber. Looking over the notes on the clipboard, he did some quick mental arithmetic.

“I think we have enough data to make an accurate projection now.” He studied the notes a bit longer. “All remaining assets are to be shunted over to the conversion staff. Even without number-crunching, I can clearly see the results." He looked up at the Brother Constellation. "The extra input from standard assets in no way compensates for the downtime incurred to the high-level assets.”

He looked up at the high-level asset opposite him, it's once alabaster coat was now stained with vomit and dirt, its mascara had run with tears and it’s purple mane hung dull and limp.

He smiled. “How wonderfully productive these new assets are.” He looked back down at the clipboard.

- - - - - - - - -

The unicorn guard watched the sleeping mare intently as she lay on the stone floor of the cell. Even though the mare was asleep the guard kept the field up, pinning her to the ground. Another unicorn was seated a little bit behind her, her horn also charged and ready to intervene if need be. Two armoured earth pony guards also shared the cell with them. Outside the locked door, another two ponies stood guard.

Word of Sister Knot and Brother Shine’s fates had spread.

The mare on the floor grunted and stirred.

“Get Brother Adeptus.”

- - - - - - - - -

Walking around the chamber, Brother Adeptus studied the input figures of Brother Speaker’s report. Stopping in front of Fluttershy, he turned to look at Brother Speaker.

“Why is that one wearing a blindfold?”

Brother Speaker stepped forward. “The asset appears to have some mind-control ability, focused through the eyes. Fortunately, I was outside when it tried." He took a breath. "I was able to create a feedback pulse to all alcoves, thus breaking its concentration and freeing our brothers and sisters from its foul grip. Afterwards, while it was passed out from the pain, I was able to affix the blindfold. Normally I would have resolved the issue in a more permanent manner… But you said no damage was to come to them.”

Brother Adeptus rubbed his chin. “Indeed I did.” He looked up at the ceiling in thought. “We cannot take any chances in disrupting their magical output. We do not know how stable it is, so we will do nothing to upset it. Besides, once the crystal is charged, we can convert them. I’m sure that ability would come in useful somewhere.”

A breathless pony rushed in and bowed his head before approaching Brother Adeptus. “Brother... She’s awake.”

He nodded before pointing to Brother Speaker. “Remember, no damage. But well done on the report, I approve of your recommendations, carry on. Come Bastions.”

Brother Adeptus turned and left, the three hooded ponies following behind him moments later.

Brother Speaker turned to the other ponies in the room. “Commence securing the chamber for nighttime operations.”

- - - - - - - - -

Brother Speaker looked over to Brother Constellation. “As soon as the last ponies leave the chamber you can activate the crystal for night mode. You can stop supporting the silencing spell now as well. Oh, and make sure you get somepony to check on the assets in a couple of hours.”

The blue robed unicorn nodded, privately deciding to keep the silencing spell powered until after he had actually left.

Brother Speaker left the chamber, leaving Brother Constellation alone. He looked around at the assets.

‘It would be so much easier if we could simply rip all their magic out in one go. Keeping them alive like this, in situ, is already causing problems. We’ve already had to set up some sort of bucket arrangement.’ His nose wrinkled at the memory. ‘And we’ve got to feed them by hoof.’ He walked towards the door. ‘And I still say that removing their vocal chords wouldn’t damage their magical output. Ugh! Assets trying to talk to us.’ He shuddered at the thought. ‘Letting assets talk to staff could undo so much of their conditioning.’

As he walked out, he activated the crystal before closing the door. He let his horn empty of stored magic as he walked down the corridor and towards the communal dormitory.

The silencing spell, no longer powered, collapsed a few minutes later. The sounds of sobbing in the chamber the only indication that it had failed.

- - - - - - - - -

The earth pony guard staggered back, blood pouring from his nose, before diving back into the fray.

Brother Adeptus looked at the guards with exasperation. “You five are among the biggest and strongest members of the guard we have, yet you seem to be having trouble holding down one little mare.”

He shook his head as two more guards rushed in. With them tipping the balance, calm was soon restored to the room.

Brother Adeptus sighed. “Finally! And yes Brother Moonshine, I am quite aware that she has broken some of your ribs and Sister Charge… I do realize that she did take quite a chunk out of your rear leg with that bite, but we must finish this before we tend to our injuries. Now will you all please hold her still! I know magic would be easier, but we are not using it around this potion, so hold her tight brethren.”

Using his hooves, he lifted up a jug filled with red liquid.

“Sister Flowers, hold her head. Sister Charge, hold her mouth open.”

Brother Adeptus walked up close and started to tilt her jug.

“Sister Charge, cover her nose and… Hold her still!” He waited for a second. “Thank you.”

Brother Adeptus started to pour the liquid out.

“Now the trick is a nice steady pour… Ahh no. No, you can’t spit it all out. I just need to keep a steady pour going. Soon enough, you’ll have to ingest it.”

Brother Adeptus kept pouring.

And pouring...

He smiled at her expression.

“You can’t last much longer can you… Annnnd there we go! Now you’re swallowing.”

He kept pouring.

“Trying to make sure of the right amount is troublesome. Ponies always try to spit some out, so there is some guesswork as to how much I have actually given you.”

A few more seconds passed before Brother Adeptus nodded to himself and righted the jug.

“Brothers, Sisters. You can let go now, she won’t be able to get up for... Gently Sister Charge!”

Giving Sister Charge a glare, he leaned down before smiling beneficially.

“Shhh, my child, You can feel it happening can’t you?”

He gently stroked her fetlock.

“I can see it in your eyes that you do. No, don’t try to fight it. Let your thoughts dim, let your corrupt mind turn in on itself and fade. Rejoice, for soon you will be perfect. No thoughts, no morals, no memories. Nothing will be left of your old, impure life, not your friends, not your family, not your old self… All will be swept away by the light.” He placed a hoof on his chest. “Your new, exultant form will exist only to obey him. You’ll be willing… Nay, you’ll be craving to carry out his every whim and desire.”

He looked up at the gathered brethren.

“Brothers, Sisters, you may leave us and attend your duties, or the infirmary as the case may be.” He looked back down again. “Your help here has of great help and…”

Brother Adeptus blinked. Slowly, he reached out and brushed her face with a hoof before bringing it up to his eye to examine it.

Proudly, he showed off the moisture on it.

“Look Brethren… She weeps in joy at her coming perfection.”

- - - - - - - - -

Twilight became aware of Applejack calling her name. “Twi! Twi! C’mon partner, say something.”

Twilight looked up, Applejack was staring directly at her. “Twi!”

“I-I’m fine.”

Applejack tilted her head.

Twilight closed her eyes. “Okay, I’m not. H-how could ponies to that? T-they were ripping all… all the magic from those poor unicorns, in one go… Why? Why do that?”

“I’m sorry sugar, I know it is bad but I don’t…”

Rarity’s voice was flat. “Applejack, a unicorn can only process so much magic in one go… Ripping it out like that, those barbarians not only burn out the unicorns’ ability to cast magic but cause untold damage in the process.”

Twilight nodded. “One of my old teachers described it as ‘pushing a hoof through a pinprick hole in paper’. Vulgar, not quite accurate, but gets the point over.” Twilight swallowed, her voice went up an octave. “The paper represents the mind…” Twilight fought off the urge to retch again.

Twilight stiffened as realisation dawned on her. “Is everypony okay… I should have asked first, I mean, obviously not okay, I mean…”

Rarity spoke up. “It’s okay dear, we understand. Personally, I could really do with a month at the spa right now. After shaving all my fur off first.” There was a pause before she added under her breath. “And a very good therapist for the rest of my life.”

Applejack just gave Twilight a nod with a steely gaze.

A few seconds passed.

“Fluttershy? Pinkie? Rainbow? Please, say something!”

Pinkie was first to answer, her tone cold. “Those meanies are not be getting any more parties, in this world... or the next.”

Fluttershy sounded close to tears. “I’m sorry girls, I’m such a bad pony. It’s terrible of me, but I’m so glad that nopony I knew was out there. I kept expecting to see Sunbeam being brought in. I’m such a bad pony for thinking that. I shouldn’t...”

Twilight could hear Applejack trying to console Fluttershy, as her mind had gone elsewhere. ‘I hadn’t even thought of...And I’m so glad that I didn’t...’ She could suddenly see Vinyl, Lyra, Sunbeam, Shining Armour, her parents... All strapped down… The crystal rising from the floor...

“Twilight!” Applejack’s shout penetrated the image, shattering it. She blinked a few times, before looking over to a concerned looking Applejack. Applejack visibly relaxed when she looked over at her. “Sugar, you were… going somewhere you didn’t want to go. I could see that from over here.”

“Thank you Applejack… I couldn’t help myself…” Twilight shook her head. “Fluttershy! Listen you are not a bad pony for thinking that. You’re a normal pony.”


“No buts, sugar.” Applejack cut in “Twi is right, we’ve all just seen bad things, it’s only natural to be relieved it’s not somepony we know. However unpleasant it makes us sound.”

“Indeed darling.” Rarity called out. “I’m afraid I must add myself to that list. Every time they brought new ponies, I was so glad that it wasn’t Swee...” A strangled sound finished the sentence.

Pinkie sounded a lot like her normal self. “When we get out of here, I promise to throw the biggest, bestest… private party ever.” A sour note entered her voice “A party to replace these memories. Just us, Greywing and Sunbeam… We’ll all have the bestest time ever… you’ll see. ”

Twilight shifted nervously on the bench. ‘I hope Greywing and Sunbeam are okay... What did Fluttershy just say?’

Applejack spoke for her. “Can you say that again Flutters.”

Twilight had to focus to hear Fluttershy's voice, it had gotten almost too quiet to hear. “B-but I feel so bad. Watching bad things happening to ponies makes me feel so sad, but I feel so relieved at the same time. B-because I don’t know them. I’m a bad pony...”

“Fluttershy darling, you simply cannot allow yourself to think you are a bad pony for reacting how any pony, any of us, would react. These are extreme circumstances. The fact you even think you are a bad pony for thinking such things makes you a better pony than most.” Rarity whispered in a tight voice to herself. “Certainly better than me.” Before loudly adding “Right girls.”

“You can bet your wagon on that.”


Twilight smiled, before remembering Fluttershy couldn’t see her. “Fluttershy, you are the most caring, considerate pony I know. Trust me Fluttershy. You have nothing to be ashamed about. You are aware of what you are feeling when most ponies wouldn’t give a second thought to feeling like that in this situation.”

Twilight couldn’t help but mentally add. ‘Or a first.’

“I-I suppose so if you all say so.”

“Sugar, I know so.”

Twilight smiled, Fluttershy sounded a bit better but… A thought struck Twilight.

Rainbow still hadn’t said anything.


Looking over, Twilight could see Rainbow had her eyes shut. A strange mix of determination and pain on her face as her whole body strained against the straps holding her down.


Still no response.

Nodding to Applejack they both chorused “Rainbow!”

Rainbow’s eyes snapped open before she relaxed, falling back down onto the bench, panting for a few seconds.

“Oh hi Twi. Sorry, were you guys saying something? I kinda zoned out there.”

“What are you up to? These straps are magically reinforced. You’re going to hurt yourself like that.”

“Well, been thinking…”

Applejack cut in with a hollow chuckle. “Now we are all doomed.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Ha ha, hayseed. But, I remember one of them saying that they usually only have unicorns in here. So these extra straps I have around my wings, well I figured they had to go dig them out…So I reckon that they might have used normal straps for my wings.” Rainbow’s trademark smirk appeared. “And my wings are way too awesome for normal straps.”

Rainbow closed her eyes again and began straining against the wing straps once more.

Twilight lowered her head, closing her eyes. ‘Oh Rainbow... I hope you are right.’ She smiled to herself. ‘Wings that can handle the acceleration to Rainboom speeds, wings that can withstand the g-forces associated with acute angle turns at Rainboom speeds. Wings, that are most definitely -not- normal pegasus wings… in a good way of course. No, I don’t think normal straps could hold them. Plans, I need to plan.’

- - - - - - - -

Brother Adeptus walked down the corridors. The bells had just finished ringing, indicating it was now night time in the complex. With the complex being entirely underground, the bells were the only reference to the passage of time to those inside. The cave system he’d found had been quite small, to begin with. It had since been expanded as the Master’s army had grown.

He wistfully thought about how far they had all come. From such humble beginnings. He’d been a simple traveller, going all over the world by himself. Not even realizing he was lost until the Master had found him. Shown him the light.

‘And soon all will bow to the light.’ He smiled to himself before looking behind.

Four hooded ponies stood quietly behind him.

- - - - - - - - -

A snapping sound resonated in the chamber. Twilight didn’t look up but just smiled into the bench.

- - - - - - - - - -

Inside his private quarters, Brother Adeptus turned to the four Bastions and pointed a hoof. “You, come with me. The rest of you guard, let no pony through.”

Turning, he walked through the door into the other room. The hooded pony he’d pointed at followed him as the rest stood still.

Making sure he closed the door after the Bastion, he turned to survey the empty room before addressing the stone plinth in the middle of the room.

“Master. I have a new Bastion of Light for you.”

He smiled.

“Thank you Master. I live to serve you. This is her. Pure of mind and body, she will be ready for you after we have completed the ritual. She will be your tool and your plaything.”

He tilted his head.

“Yes master, the new assets are putting us years ahead of schedule. The crystal will be fully charged with magic in mere months now. The assets also enable us to convert all captures to initiates now. Your army will be strong and fearless when the time comes.”

Brother Adeptus bowed his head.

“As you wish master, I shall double their combat training at once. Come Bastion.”

He left the room, the hooded pony following him a moment later.

In his private quarters, he patted her before turning to his sleeping pallet. “Oh yes, you are one our most devoted of subjects now. Aren't you, my good little filly.”

The robe hid the solitary twitch in the hooded ponies tail.

- - - - - - - -

Rarity’s disembodied voice called out. “So, your wings are free Rainbow? That’s wonderful darling. So if I may inquire, what is the plan now?”

Rainbow’s wide grin turned to a wince.

“Of course, I can’t actually undo my straps with them. I was kinda hoping Twi could come up with a plan right about now.”

Twilight looked up at her. ‘I can think of lots of plans, none of them will work unless…’ Her heart felt heavy at what she knew she was about to ask Rainbow to do.

“Rainbow, you remember the private lessons from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. The ones about what being an Element Bearer might entail us having to…” Her mouth felt so very dry suddenly. “...Do. For the safety of Equestria.” Her words came out as a squeak.

Rainbow closed her eyes and nodded. “I kinda suspected.”

“I’m so sorry Rainbow, but you’re going to have to... persuade a pony to undo those straps, by persuade I mean...”

Rainbow didn’t look up. “I know Twi, I know... I don’t want to have to hurt anypony.”

Rainbow looked up. Even from across the room, Twilight could see the glint in Rainbow’s eyes.

“Then again Twi… These ain’t ponies”

Author's Note:

As always, a big thank you to Greynoise for editing.

See anything I missed, let me know and I'll try to correct it.

'The Master' is reference to a title, this is not a Dr Hooves fic ;)

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